HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-18, Page 8$ THE SIGN AL : GODERIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Heal Crews Bluer" .1 Pitems P. 1 Moe1O.w dale-6Rrsuw t ProadtSel Servant Waste.. Mrs deck 1Mu•dere 4 Medi.N Card -Dew. Whitely It Hunter t Keep Year ieet Der- 1L Dowels.. .... ,. ) K. D. U. -I. Jordan A.tem. Novelties W. Ashessa t ion...... 7 The Park House Mrs. W. D. Illaaaen ... 4 Fares. for Sale IL C. Hays ...., 1 M to heel Mn. Bank Floosies. . 1 H erm Central Fair -A. H. Meer. S Mew (foods for Fall John .teh.sal i Floe Tailoring H. Macl'ormae ........ d Autuvu Millinery Mies asienlt Yeats' rurnubleee A. L. FrWkem atom Hartel* John Reheessan 5 BORN. HOW 4. Tender:rr. on Tuesday, Mk met., the wife of Rota. Hogg. of ■ daughter. DOHRANI'K In M,Killop, on the 5th toed.. the wife of Joseph Ikorouw. of a daueli ter. Me0OWAN In Tuakarenntb, o. the he of Baptember. the wife of Held. McUowau. of • daughter. MOLEX In o.aforib. a Wpt rite. the wife of Frederick lender. of twin sons. NOKTHCOTr In Hay. os the tib inst.. to Mr. sad Mn. Rower Nonboott. • ton. DIED ATKIN, At her home. Port Bruce. on Tues - do}, sept. Itch. Minnie. wife of lidward N. Atkins. and daughter of the late Bober' Blair. of Uoderi.•h. The funeral will take place from the esti demos of her soother, corner of V ictoriast. and ✓ ritseni• Road. on Friday. September Itgh. at 1o'clock r M . to Maitland oemeterl. Friends ..d arawintau,es will please accept this in Utast We. WWRY-tar littrnhrrry. oo Thursday. 3rd hest.. James Lowry. ruled Fl rears. IIORE In Wingi.am, ea Sunda,. rdh Mato, Mee. daughter of Wm. Bore. aged 3 years and t months. (001J('AN At Syracuse. N. y., on August UM. of Bright's of: seam. Michael Francis Coo. es.. aged( 3i yeses and 7 months. M.•TA'FISH In Tackerwmith. on Sunda). Oh, Margaret McTavish. elde dast ughter of James McTavish. aged 42 lean and 10 nioitha. PARAMOUNT. [mom ore. ow. .'"wur.•.W..t.r..NT.] Mea Mary Anti Beaton left on Tuesday for Ilrtn,lt. Mia Khra M. Kenrie arrnvd home last Wednesday es ening. Mus .dant Tithn, of the Nile, 41 visiting her sinter, Mrs. Joseph Taylor. Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and Mrs.IMvid Agnew are visiting the Queen I'ty this week. Mea K4.a Held has returned fnnn a two weeks' visit with friends in Manchester. Mr, .u,,I Mrs. Robinson, of \ban •pester, spent sundry with friends to this ne:g)ils,r hoed. A number of droves of cattle and sheep peened through here last we••. to Lurknow fon ahipptug. The far weather during the peat week hat enabled' many of the farmers to finial' seeding and harvesting. H Hud••u, te.seher, attended the union tesseh.•rs colIVention held to 4,'hnton ,n Thursday and Friday of -last week. A gn• d example of the effects of aleuliol upon huuunrty was illustrated finely here on the eight of the Patrons' conoerL Mrs. Alexander McKenzie. front Alguna, n ow ..f 11 t. tc. March. arrived in Paranocut $..tunday evening, whereshe will visit i fnruds "r a tow week.. (poor * her ..f .our citizens purr Me atten,ln.1 the Industrial Exhibition in Tor 0,4484 44111 M.o•k. s It. . Akx. Murdoch, Peter M.Krune. Peter McNay, John Pickering, .l.du. M Irr..4 and John McKenzie. t\'hili .I os. -ph Taylor was uuloading gram 1n ter scaffold in his brother'. darn one day, last week iyasene-mishap he fell through to the floor. hut damped anything worse time • few brn.ise. and .. 1a.I shaking up. Hr in now the companion of crutches, but expect. to Ito around as usual son. Our local sports are "muting the woods it starch of gane,and foxes, partridge* and " Willi eats u share a like fate at the hands of " Dan,- our e.p.enrn.•r i gunnist. The latter aurnal,however, generally e0C*ppoel by Ude akin of Its teeth. It a said that Dan to also be. - g an expert Fisher. May seems. attend hu efforts. The 'nitrous here .t ill continue to benutn mows and their lodge a row iu very geed sale Its this time of Tann Titan. hank rupt.•L't• would- it riot 1s' a goo.i Idea for our Patrons to start a store In Paramount on the font at. ek system ! They would then have a chance to Invest, would get their goads at then own pru.vss and would have any profit there 'nada he in It. 'There .rem t.. ie. thieves in Para .Mount, as well as in tlttaws. and not 'infrequently d0 we hear of cel- lae being ran.a.•ked and " boodle of • certain kind carried ,,it by th.oe innocent's, who imagine that everybody I. sleeping Imt then..elve. The won] "ham" should sound very unpleasant in then ears, as well as canny whet words of an equally signiticebt ' nature It .night 1.• well to make an example ef some of them by sending then, to Kings- ton for a tern,. While aIle •rt Tnwle ora on hes way to Locknow Saturday evening the colt he was dr.eing being unaccuetome.l to being drtvrn singly took fright at the buggy and ran away, upsetting Albert out of the Indggggyy, which was t,rnel completely over. Albert !sicked himself up arid after the animal 1..I been se urrd made the hest of Ina wiry h.nne. Albert escaped es he always does without any serious injuries, but complains tains of feeling somewhat shaken up. A serious a.1 what might have prove.' a fatal accident happenr.l to Mn. Ilamel Pnteher nue day recently. It appears that while in search of eggs she mused lier foot ing and fell from the scaffolding to the torn floor beneath, breaking three of her ribs and • collar hose in the fall. She war afterwan- ' found in en unconscious state. Ile 4SRrni.r, of I.ucknow. woo summoned(, and .et the fractures The patient is now doing well, and her many friends in Para mount will ler gla.l to hear of her full re, a.tls•er g ZURICH. [ Mina 04'R OWN r0Ritint OND1NT. ] ATHI.rr,. The athletic contest be tween .Innes, 0f l'arkhitl, and Intr. of %aneh. which took place at Zurich on Tuesday afternoon, resulted in a victory for clone's, he miming the moat events all •mond The following Is the score 100 Fdie rare. Jones . patting the 14 ih. shot, rits, 40 ft.: standing lump, dome, 10 ft. 2 s•. ; conning jump, 1.nts, 19 ft. 9 is. ; Mewling high pump, .moos, 4 41. 2 in. vaulting with poi, donna, A ft 6 in. run sing hop step, and jump. Frits, 37 ft. A piker perobl m 0f a very denims ashore is trembling the people al Brasil. The m- oans esnasoips.lsw of the .laves has min �{eyly .100100'%14.111 the s4ricahsral and iewestic labor of the mew reptrblic it i• vary difficult to got .mildest Ili d labor to esltivate the .•rope, std r4 rallies are .mttre1y minae /.names clad an owsbk to tai .*Y S1.. 'O es -dame positively re fens t* were for Ise. er es/a.y. 1 HURON TRACT • DUNOANNON. (mom Ora uw. "O0* ?ONa14T. ] TINLBsesiat frees sew was Jae. 1, lilt tor as. if• boo ie the ammo sad Teta dine at is the beet. Take • trial trip. Ila Tuesday woratog constable Davis, of Myth, iaid an oflktal visit to our hamlet The result will appear in our nest. Apple ptektng, garden socias, fall plow tog, threshing, potat.. raising, harvest home festivals, etc.,wtll now and fur some time be in order. On Saturday last our young ntou who left here for St. Thwnas to drill returned home, much pleased with their trip, 1f nut with the 'serene. Our school was close.( oo Thursday and Friday of laat week tieing to our pedes gugues having attended the teachers' con- ventiuu which woe held at t'linton un the above .lays. They report having spent • profitable time. A great many of our cinema are taking in the In.lu•trtal at Toronto and also the Northwestern at our county town, and, no doubt, all of therm are looking forward fur the Dungannon show, which us to be held October 14 and 15. tbur school is now looking better, having added to it* furniture an excellent new globe of the most recent style &MI other iru- pn,veuenta. Now, boss and girls, put in your beat for geography, as also other (.ranches of education. A. your celebrated or great exhibition takes place this week you will probably be very busy. We will therefore not indict on you a lenghthy ludga•t this week. Suffice It to say that Tit►. Si...i. retains its popularity, with an increasing demand for It here- abouts. Now is the time for plundering orchanl., which some have aro hesitancy in doing. It is at the least very duseri stitable and dcsreputal,Ie conduct on the pert of three who indulge in it. A terns in the i'enetan guuhene establishment would probably be a benefit to the despoilers. The principal of our school, A. McKay, when at the couventiob took a trip to To- ronto, Bluthlp the exblletron. He repor(a, from what he tow and heard, that theyin- dustrial is a great success thus far. He is delighted with his trap t.. the metropolis, It being I.ts first visit t.. that city. Dunn; three day, of last work we were favored with ex'rilent weather for harvest- ing, when all concerned were very diligent in storing the Spring; crop.. However,those who had the mifortune not to have com- pleted gathering in were on Saturday after- odon hind -rel 0r se•uring the remainder of their crops by a heavy downpour of rain, and from that time up to the time of wanting weather has been unfavorable. Ito T111. s. t,. Ben has not found his slip- pers. our "i1.0 1111 tonsorial apparatus, and Mrs. Mallouvh, our landlady, part of her chamber set, an.i other things which die. from their respective owners &WHI on the memorable evening of the last ootball- game lwtwren I.ucknow and I)un g0nnon teams. which ea* played at Ihin• ganonu. Now, boys. be manly and gentle- manly and return them all in goal order, aid your acting thus will redouud to your credit. PORT ALBERT. [FK"M tit -K Ow-. IVKKE.MNDt.T.] Tina Su.N.r. from now until Jan. 1, 180.'. for .'.r. The nor is the cheapest and Tim 81uN.L is the best. Take a trial trip. The *teazel large Spay, as mentioned in The Si.bN %I.'• navigation voter* Put week,got straideol on a lar outside the piers here and is fast becoming a total wreck. Mr. std Mrs. McL.naghir, of Tucker- smith, uckersouth, have been the guests of .l*. \lahaffy durtag the week. Ileo. Oliver and wife, of Stade, Porth Co., spent a' portion of the pest week visiting the forner's brother Janie*. S. n.s.l. issrt.-ri... 1'. S. 1. Toni paid his customary official vtan to our 0 4804.) dur- ing the past week and expressed himself as pxceesiingly well pleased with the progress match by the puplb slime his last .sit. As the *serape attendance since the term con,- nience.l h* hero about 65 \li.s Iturr,ws Is to l,e congratulated upon such a showing. The young hely should certainty have an *- sis taut. :mit . a iii 1'.a. Tilt SH.N.ti. t• sober and we don't wonder that it is so. l'ut fist tibiNA1. 10 any other to.4u in Western I In• tang and it's dollar* to doughnuts that it would get off its lune oo.xlyusally * well as the rest of the crowd. Slut it's all owing to the Ioeality, we haven't a doubt of it. Take our 0.4n experience for Instance. We hal some tette tridin; business at the Assi- zes last week *merely as a witness ono cam about which we knew 00(1.4 g- -and in • " moment of weakness " were induced to make the a.lutt••i}nntante of the 'ilea*. We hese taatf.l the waters of Hayfield and Ktntail, we have moistened our eso.h.gus with the "mountain dew of Toledo, have ....resented pleseantly with t level/m.1 usquelagh, but the rankest com- bination '.1 unfore.crn circumstances we have yet encountered we gut at the O:oolerich Arises tat week, and don't yon make any iniatake about it. And we didn't attempt to carry any unusually hoary load, either. Why, no; just a mere jag. Itut It proved too heavy, too heavy by half, or perhaps one and a half. %Ve got usqua.t ed about 9 est mei Male adieu to Bacchus about 10.30. but whither we strayed or what pranks we played until 3.15 o'clock the next day. when our landlord very kindly showed us upstairs, we haven't the slightest idea of. We hare, indeed, some faint recollection about spending • good half hour in vainly endeavonng to pulp a Scotch gentleman from Seaforth out of one of the fountains on the S.uare, who, .n his tended knees and with both annus tightly embrse.,I around one of " Ituder's babies," was singing in stentorian tones " Scots wha ha' w, l'allace pled. This gentleman must also hese had an introduc- tion ' By the way, we spoke about Irving a wit - nes", and It was, unfortunately for us, the very next morning that we were called( upon to tell the truth, the whole truth and nth ing hut the truth,etc. Now, from our very earheet infancy we have been exceedingly anxious to he placed in the witness Ins and to be kept then day in and day nut for a good ended month sad hare some twenty or thirty of the most eminent come' in the laud endeavor to confuse us if they could 'Vhy, up till last week we hal the audacity to declare that the great J. R Arnoldi was a mere amateur on that lane in onewianaoa with ns Rah ' we're worse than twofer ; any Ohl washerwee am is • red flannel petticoat and moat scuttle bonnet could leave us heap, cold sad weary' iteide d twenty mints, we homeetly b•Irm'e. We boatel been is the Ms more *Lae fire minutes when we knew It wea all up with me Aa we and he fore we knew nothing or little or nothing shout the car in vocation Any sex-as.s4. - old baby one crying with its teeth could tell all we had to toll In a half dams syllables if he had the gift of speech (tat whew we ware told, as we waw told in mem ex•tm- il*1MIs., "tied you're stet piwsdi g this amu, air ; • Wit what yes suppose, sir, nor what yea hair., air, ear what you suspect sir, kit what you hoaw, sir," it was thou that ~great premise of sshwl took wings to thrall and flal,kaviag is. to the mercy of our examiner, who did with a about as he Aad We verily believe flet if he assn tit to deal hardly with us is rr- viewingour teslin,oy he would have had but little difficulty in oeoyim:tog his Lordship that if • more wilful and deliberate liar the. ourselves lived in thus broad Dominic he must either be . Tory member of Parka - met or in sone way connected with the civil service. Messrs.Owen 1:. Murphy and limas Dog Arnuldi shall heaodurth haveour deepest respect and admiration. LEEBUHN. (Roll sir K Ow .. x,ttttl.rl.. DINT. ] Torr Seen a. trwlu sow aet4l Ja.. I. 1141, for 10. The best le the cheapest and THa 8.ca.,. Is the hast. Take a trial trip. 'ltaeehler's steam thresher gave our burg a transient vet last week, threhi.g at John ('hishulm's. 'I'M peas threshed turned out 33 bushels to the acre. George Culvert, of She pennon, is out again fur this year with his threahiug mac -bine. His staff of hazels are Wm. Stewart and W. Ms -1'.11. In our item last week in reference to the proposed increase of salary to • coming pastor we were In error ill saying that all those who took part in the .lisvesion iu tended to double their yearly subscription. 13'e should Imre said they will nuke an in- crease to the present aInuunt they are giv- ing. The I:npel temperance meeting Sunday last M'ea addressed by H. I. Strang, and sax a good attendance. The speaker gave a plain and effective address with which all present were well pleased. 1 he concluding portion of the address dealing with the social 1nest nn wait part lcularly effec- ilVe. Having had experience for many' years .s . teacher he spoke on the benefit ..f dealing a mural and temperate life. J. G. Clutton ably tilled the chair. Next Sunday Rev. A. :McMillan, of Carlow, will be the speaker. Proceedings to open at 7 P. M. A farewell tee meeting will be held at the Presbyterian chureh here on the 24th inst. to say goo.( -bye to Rev. .l. Ncilly, who h* been in charge for the past six months. Addresses will be given by the Revs. Dr. ('re and .I. A. Anderson, of I :dderich, and Rev. E. A. Fear, of the Nile, and others. 1'ea will be served in the Sunday school mom from 6 to 7.30 r. is. Afterwards addresses and a program of music will be given in the church. At the close the auto- graph quilt will he disposed of ; terns of sale will be then male known. Admisslot., 25 eta. for adults ; children under 14, single 15e. ; two from one family, 25 cta. BAYFIELO. (num ot')4 UW' .'OKRErIPONDENT. ) Tits ne..at, from :ow until Jas, 1, INK for :Se. The beet le the cheapest said Tux Sius.L is the best. Take • total trip. Miss Rachel Wild left on Wednesday for Chicago. 4. H. Hewson is spending this week at Toronto. El. Routledge was in London a few .lays this week. Mn. Smith, daughter of James Whitten, has returned to her hotne in Jackson, Mich. Rev. Mr. Sarin n and Mn. Sermon, of Hesmall. were the guests of Ker. Mr. New, ton last week. H. *.ollod•y and Fred. (faker, who have been fishing at Goslerich, are home for a short time. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton, and Rev. Mr. Henderson, (leytield, excha;ge.l pulpits on smoky last. Miss I,nmma Erwin returned last week from Pt. Edward, aceosuipanttd by her .1e - ter. \Its. Maggie Erwin. 1iur brave volnntee e, 1'. Logan, J. Geu,einhart anti'. Elliott, greatly enjoy- ed their stay at St. Thomas. kir. and :Mrs. Arch. Galbraith, of Stanley township, and Mrs. Anderson, .f Blyyth, were visiting Mrs. l/r. Sunbury on Mon- day. Very few from this vicinity look in the Zurich show. Everybody is waiting for the great Itaytield show on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, Oct. 6 and 7. During the past three weeks the )lines Hall have been conducting revival services at the Methodist church, where large num- bers have been attending. It is probable this will be their last week here, and they will be Frailly missed. Remember the Harvest Home service on Sunday morning )text at the English church, commencing at 11 o'clock. It was thought better to have a service of this kind than the usual garden pain!, and the expense each would have may he given et the special collection which will lie taken and devoted) to church imp roeements. OARBRAIO. [mow ot•R ow. rnKRr'n,.DE.T.] THs SIGNA1. from now notal Jim. 1, 1001, for Lk. Th. best is eke abaape.t and The 4io.Na1. 1t this best. Take • trial trip. A M %item Toonoon... Friday of last week Burrows steamer from 'heppanitrn threshed for H. 1 Attrill, of Ridgewood Fano, one thousand bushels of gran in ten hours. The long arms of the feeders, Joe Thun.ttnon and F:. Mae('onnell, alternately pushed the rye and pea straw into the mouth 01 the machine, and kept a totutant " go," although the feedere worked with- out gimlet The forking staff were kept mighty busy taking it away. Aa the ,'los. ing hours were drawing near fatigue seemed to come Upon the operators and tired *tare craved for a eesatn of the arduous work, but John Varooe appeared on the scene and his presence and aid acted upon the threshers as did that of !timber on Wellington at Wates!e0. New spirit was infused into the flagging energies, and as the shale" of evening were falling the shrill whistle of Burrows' engine rang out that the work was done, and • .tack from forty- five acres of grain, from Airing wheat, rye and peas, anti 1,000 of grain in the bin to testify to the fart. The hands, .hall 'Meet' in number, say it was shout the hardest and biggest day's threshing ever taken pert is by them. The t nantity of grain wee the larrm threshed by *;,n Burrows to as experience of twenty-four years, twelve of which he hea run the steamer. Mary" Toting, of Ridgewood, gavel complete aatiad.ctian all around BELFAST. [rem otra trove Oemanernen*NT. ] �Toeetha,a. beim trow�usSfI J reel ION ter Il the Mm. 71p a h=at kap teismat Mrs. Lasa, sen., is vMs).g at Mn. Jams Altos'. Meat of the taxmen in this district Nonskid media( Inst week. A regular geld fight took plow* .t • threshing south of here last week. Five or as pnesas were in it, but only nee or two were y injured. it was • feetlejt ,er.t.y,.,R. CORRESP (ram sou E.tttlab rr... 1.4.T.) Tr esus•Lhl•es new mail Jan. 1, l0ol, for tem 3b. Thahaat. beet 'Aha 1 the a trW ebeaeeettrip and Tim Stun Ai. V No Poet this week. Juo. Hallways"' is taking his holiday s this weak. Flrusaela Is boo g with bcyeles Just O 41.4. Starlet fewer IS raging here just now. N"1n Yate., of Wingha,u, Sund ay.d in town. K Downing .nd Hate a. visiting re- latives at (Moorish. The new Anerttan will be ready for moving into Tuesday. Mr. Downing *made a hummer trip to l;oderick this week. flus lassie Wilson was un the sick list for a few Olays the week. Clinton cricketers played our boy. Wed- seslay. It resulted in a draw. Smith, our traveller, took a flying top to N'ittgham Monday. He is a hustler. Our volunteers tame home Last Saturday on the 11.45 train. They speak of having a tine time at camp. "Mousi." has left for Kansas Pity. Hu departure will be .noun.ed here by some of his lady friends. A. W. *Width made • short vuut hone. He is looking tine. Travelling apparently agrees with hint. C. J. McFadden left Wedaeslay for Sault Ste. Marie to take a situation with bus brother, Moses :McFadden, barrister, etc. Uriah has captured a second -clams certificate and his matriculation exam. We wish hum every success. A. Currie is go10g to occupy port of the 'egg emporium " as a butcher shop. The exosvatiun has begun for the new store be- tween Flet,cher's Jewellery store anti the egg emporium. Brussels will be right " in the push " when all her streets are built up. BLYTH. [FROM til' R owKRIDleoN DINT. ] Tu. Stumm. fro 25e. The bee to is tee best. Take a tri F:. N'ataon shipped wo load, of lambs .. Saturday last. Our obliging postal clerk ,\Ire. Natio 1,I.a returned to her duties. Jnu. Denholm is doing a rushing business in the apple trade this rill. 1Jr. Campbell, of Detroit, was vetting at Win. Shaw s on Tuesday. Miss Annie Kelly has returned from an extended visit with friends to Lambton. .1. McMillan and Gray, Young & spar - ling havee been shipping lumber this week. Rev. J. F. Parke, fornierly incumbent of Trinity church, here, is in this town this week. Duncan McKellar left 11'edneaday evening for \lanitob.. He takes the boat from Owen bund. The posters are out for our fair, which takes place on the 8th and 9th and primaries to be a great success. 1' Kelly It Son have engaged a new miller and guarantee the best of satisfaction to t herr customers. One of oar prominent business men and one of our roost popular young lakes were married on Wednesday. R. Barracks and Thos. McElroy, scrum - panted by their fair ones, were visiting in Se•forth on Sunday last. Gee. It. Phillips amve.l here Wednesday to make arrangements for the burial of his mother, who resided here for a number of years Wm. Bell has purchases the livery ben- ne* of .Ion Clark, .,nd hereafter we shall have only one livery in town, which is suN•- ctent for this place. Dr. Milne's new residence is rapidly ap- proaching completion, enol when finiahe 1 will be tine of the finest houses in town. query -who willoreupy u! Constable Davis hal a number of juvenile offender" from Auburn before the magiatl.te here on Wednesday. Their trial was 11.41 finished at time of writing. tjufte a number of our citizens are taking in the sights at Toronto's great fair this week. batt. went also; he may lay ott at Guelph and he Mightn't. ntil Jas. 1, Itai72. for 4 and Ti,* yw..1I. p UUNLOP. triton Orli owN t•UKR11a'ONb6Ne.] T.I. SIUNAL from now until Jan. 1. 1842• for Mc. The hest is the cheapest and Tut: 8W..1. to the beet. Take a trial trip. K. t, teal attended( the Assizes in *;o.lench last wrek as a Juryman. The recent teachers' convention was at- tended at 1'hnton by Mor Halle,the scholars having Thursday and Friday of last weed a respite from study. 51. 4. Tobin an.l R. Videan have returned frosti the recent military tamp at St. Thonr- *,where they were present a. volunteers in *.00lerich 1'r, Roth are full of anecdotes of thrilling adventures of camp life, each of then, liking his stay down there. 36 Bu -.Here r. Tit 0. A. Rr -ebur Leeburn oousins won't feel happy to think they are a little behind in the yield to the acre as they have been the past with Dunlop. last Saturday the much-talkal-of crop of Lans- downe Farm Fall wheat was thrashed out by *oro. I1urrows''teenier. ie Spring wheat the yield counted 22 busheh to the acre. The laird hal hit, old colleague the York- shireman down, who measured the ground. The Fall wheat was grown on 101 acre., while the bushels counted up in the boxes 3671. This yield leaves Mr. Cook's record somewhat behind. We always admire the goon) farming 1n Leehurn, but when it comes to the test with Dunlop, it is always a wee ho behind sure with us. fanadowne Fart* is ever ahead. GREY. (mom or* ow t l'0RRE.Po! mos' ] THR 8i.,ai. Irem sow uatll Jan. 1, VIN. for Me. Tim Wm is ties cheapest and THs DION • t. is the best. Tate • trial tree. The root crop has an excellent appear- ante. ppearante. quite • number are away at the big show in Toronto thus week. Mrs. 1). McKenzie, from Michigan, is visiting relater,* ken. Fall work, including the proper tillage 01 the soil, is now receiving due attention. Gelb. Forrest and wife are away in the •r Amity of Woodstock this w,ak, attending the wedding of their nephew leas O ],Idler, daughter of T t'shier, has gees to Tomato, where she ism eecnrel a good position as masa.* maker Now that the hermits us precticolly over, sad most of the Fall wheat sown, threshttg is is full swing .ad the relents are such se will gladden the hearteof every hnsandmaa, 1a some ieretaaose a high as 45 bushels per son of plass have boas threshed, and oats ne Vii: to.RB Sw.waa.lia g ew "wee, awl maim on ONDENCE Maass which wei o•a vaush for ewe aur of gave • yield of A0 bushel. d IMF r ons gpriag wheat. This is certainly away ahstd 01 pawiaas years. Apples .s very seams thee year, but pain acid plums are ple.isfuL Many of the old U. apple paring bees will not take Hitt piss this year. This will be regretted by rear. 1'.11 tato are now being talked up at a lively rate, and all will no du.bi he well at- tended. Thp.au to right. F v�efy�'� .hould attend the local shows, hi . *54 all who sil4y' taushould shld briag alias saw. of their products. This is oats way of add- ing pra.psrtty to prosperity. JAMAS Davidson ha. bought all tine tools, ti klieg, etc., belusgtng to Thos. Newsome, framer, and intends carrying un the heal nem a.uther season. lint has worked with Mr. Newsome for several years and is a good mechanic. T. Newsome, who, the - way, is • number -one house and barnbuild- er, and worked in this section for a goal maty years, empluvtug • large gamic of nen each seae00, u going le British l calumba shortly. ETHEL. (nod 0411 Ow..1tmours UN D1.T.] Tota 1*WN1L tram now until Jan. 1. Ink. for L5.•. Th. best is the cheapest and THR fir N • 1. ts the best. Taken trial trip. \lies Della Sherlock is visiting friend. at Tara. "1'. P. Simeon a expected w irk. Miss A. Imlay returned last week from a vet to Watford and vicinity. We are pleased to state that Mn. C. Stubbs is Improving from her retest ness. The Toronto Industrial Kxhihttio atrec- tot a large crowd fent thus vicinity this week. Alex. McKay has been engaged as assistant clerk w H. F. MtAlllister'* store. Mise Young of 1YIngham, spent • few .lays . to week * the guest of ]miss .Maud Peebles. Joel Ianaiaker, formerly) of this plater, is spending a few days with his many friends m this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. McAllister. who have spent the past few months vislt.ug friend" In the States, arrived house last week. Postmaster Spence anti .Ioe Hemsworth arrived home from the West bat week. They spent a few weeks 1n \Ianitolr and Dakota and stem to be very favorably im- pressed with those plates. T4e.Meehanice' limonite is now in good working order. I'atd-up subscribers may receive looks every Tuesday evening. The reading room will he open to the public m the Connie d a few weeks. MORRIS. [/n.M OCR OWN r.KKE.N,. DENT.] Tx• StuN.r. from now until Jan. 1. 1842. for :.5c. The test is t ne ebeapret and TH. Sur..,. is the [feet. Teas • trial trip. \Ir. and Mrs. Kuns.n are visiting at \Ir. Robb's at present. Wm. Fraser and John Ashton started for \lichigan on Monday. The voluuteen are home again. 'Ther speak well of St. Thomas. Mrs. A. Shaw has gone to 'Toronto title week to get her son's eye cured tf possible. Harvesting is pretty well done for iu this section. `some late oats are still in the field. Samuel Wellw000 tilled the pulpit on the IiIuev'aIe circuit last Sunday in the absence of the pastor, 1. 11. Wallet Miss Robinson, teacher a: school section No. 8, Morris, has been unable to tench the past week on account of sickness. .\ grand land ooneer: was held at Fid. liosnah's on the se.oud Iasi Tuesday, but we have not heard full particulars Edward Johnston started for Mauitoln on Thursday, 10th Inst., 1u help his brother Hugh with the harvest, as hands are rather ware there. Jake Amer has taken to him • wife in Lie person of Miss Lizzie Ramsay. They were married( at the manse and started off to Toronto exhibition. Eddie Robb, son of Wm. Robb, got lather badly scalded one day last week. He was lilting the teapot when It tipped anti spilled the tea down the side of his leg. Robt. Shaw s now batching it in Mrs. Robt. Johnston's house, opposite his place. Mr. ('rot., who has the place rented, does not need to vacate it tall Spring. Perhaps Rob, will not batch it long. A mare belonging to Geo. Mather" fell backwards into a well oma day Dot long stn0*. A team of horses and a rope were neceemery to pull her out, but she seems little the worse for her adventure or coil bath whichever you may choose to call it One day recently, while Edgar Johnston wee drn•tng a three-year-old colt to a home - rake with a broken shaft, the shaft poked the horse, frightened It, and it started) to run. As he is only • small boy about eight or nine yeah old he was unable to hold it and it ran away. He and his mother, who was also on the rake, were thrown off, but were not much hurt. The rake was utterly demolished. Any men should have more sense than to trust a colt with so small a boy. hanr thus HAY. [T.., 1.eTr. n.R LAN. w►.EE.] THE RK,N.r. from .ow until Jas. 1.1112. for 23e. the bete is the cheapest and Tine 51011.1 Is the beet. Take a trial trop. Mr. and \1n. (.0uh1, of Henson, are visiting relatives here. Miss \Icllonad, of London, a visiting friends in this neighborhood. \lies Mr4.regor and cousin have gone t0 spend their holidays'nn the lake shore at I )ryedale. The little visitor who came to Roger Northc+tt's to stay fiada • wel- come. \Mn. William Rumen, who has hese visiting her sister in Michigan, has returned home, and Mr. Roswell similes as usual. Willie Murray is going to try village til. for • time. He has engaged as clerk with J. P. Roes, general merchant, of Exeter. Thomas Murray, of Northern Michigan, after spending s few weeks at the home stead here, has returned. The late Mies' Bella Eaerett, who tarns home ill from 1►etmit a short time age, h* since died at the residence of her enter, Mn. Peter Munn. Her remaias were tuned in the family plot in Hill. (;res. renetery. Her friends have the sympathy 0f the n.tghh whood. Oa the 4th Mat. 11'illie Northcott, sem of William Northcott, mot with • painful accident. H. was twenty-eight feet .hove the Soon, clunking ander the upper peril.. platei,wh.n • brace he had hold of gimp way and he fell to the floor. His thigh hese wee broken, and but for • load of which he struck in his descoat he t have bees more sonoaah islarsd lila i. t repetrefwg rr waft s4' Mittl11 W MUM 1 Y THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFF$ AND PROVISION , Wderesb Prises. Oosionear• awl. It ma. fastest •1•Ney "%test _ .,.. .. 1'n•ist` M 611141 • • teai It tigs M Gays. i tea t.n.- i ase. i boob Peas. •i i.It.k Hy, r Merl Hideo Lab .d Hein., i.wt 42*4 j M • li Mats Hates Nistaa q re '. ak awes MMus aa-hM.ak. �k.ar iMP• tit wet, Iall 1t' i_ fit, eek ad aha .. M a1 to0 • iaat.r Wbwt tt tee •M.Or • Mteael .,s to tel 31 view). Pse •Mtorg d Mao 0 • *moos •Ntoe eltstleq Cordwood .............leto ............, t Beef ............ Mlii •Osteo» Tori Pool.......... •Lewes SM4Sf Miaow. Il..aem. 8ep(.44. IML /lour, per M4 a . ,, . 11 ale to t it Wheat. Fall .... ........... . u t0 to e: " Series 0 a`i to a Peas Horley i 1°4• to e a Oats .. •144.0)♦ Potatoes teem) 5 35 le 0 M Wool, per ib, a 1: to 0 a H41e. 3 Se tel y Hal, per boa ten mien %pp. per dap 0 11 toll Il PK Batter. pIb o 13 to • 4 ..... S s0 to S fa Wood. err Nd . 1 std to 4 7$ EAST WAWANOSH. ['ROM ut'.t ON , 1,KREx1•u. 1.t.T Teti slu4aL from sow until Ian. I. i, . for Mc The beet a the cheapest and Tilt ..i,,441. is the beet. Take • trial trip. Mrs. A. Morton is vtsiong lrnrn.l• ••u tit ninth. 1. Mel :U1 w* in Ielgrave .•n •,,.. day. M1.. Bella Sellers .pent Sunday w4ti, Mui Morton. D Sc+.tt is in Tomato combining bump. with pleasure. Mice .Jennie O. Scott w* visiting at Mar- noch lest week. Miss H. .1. Rowland, of Guelph, is vet- ing at \Ins. .1. 1'yokes'. \Ir and Mums ('loaker. .ft Mort., 1e.. daom' with fnends on the sixth. Mess Minnie Littleton-, of Reims'', was the guest ..t Mrs. S. Tells Wt week. Mt-. Walter Nicol is un the sick kir. We hope to hear of her speedy re- tvvery. Mr. aril Mn. 1l'. J. Fenw,ck ha.e take advantage of the cheap rates to snot tier Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Taykx lave;; on. to Toronto, and will visit friends at I.uelph k fore they return. Charlie Wighunan'i new house as nor ing oompletion. Charlie thinks it weeder. field how it appears from the ode - lice. A•. ti,tNT. 'When returning from charm Sunley evening a vicious horse grabbed s prominent ninth line holy by the shoal der and shook her till unconscious Leine the owner could get it under control. The young lady did not receive ear daogews wounds, but she thinks she hal an exceed- ingly narrow escape from mortal is. jury. RIPLEY. [mom ova ..w..1,R hertiNDINT.] Tun 810..1 from now until Jas. 1, Haft •:c. The best is the cheapest sad Tn1 Shiest la the beet. Take • trial tel,. Mea Annie M, -Kay is home foes be trait. A lot of our townspeople are tag in the Western Fair at Loudon. .1. E. Mulholland says he will be to ahsps to take five hundred tintypes on .km day - There were shipped from Ripley kat Thursday six carloads of cattle for Te nano. Jas. Kay bought a driver the other My for *90. The pony is a nice one, but • G slow for the money. Still they go to the Stars and Stripa Miss M Mcleod ..d Barbers McNair left for heti Jacket last Saturday. .John McMann, of !..forth, is b.ytsg horses her. thio week. Mac. knows arbor' to come when ht w$ats good hose& Some of our young people attended • dance In Kincardine townahrp on Wildr. Clay night. They report having • gad time. D. M. McDonald and family rotund from Nova Scotia after spending the den - mer mer with friends and relatives. The rip has improved Mac. 's health a gees deal. The Ripley correspondent for The Kiser dine Review has invited Berrie over tidal with us. We would like to know wheedle would put it, or what benefit it would MY our town. We w ant that Paramount (tea te anile Mand that we do not want to kasak mp One cwt, as he puts it. We are here le w port all worth mentioning Mow owa d and it that s attended to rightly (bio be no •pa0e for other town's sew& HOLMESVILLS. (r.ost ova owe Oowiirr ostairel Mot Gordon, from (4.derf.h, is the rill of Mrs. 1'. 1)I .,y. Miss Florian kirks, from Parkhill. it visiting in .ad •mesad our village. We are informed that Rtellwil P1ip� has leased what is hareem a the �pj� farm for • terra of year& Rev. M. RwmbsJ1, • Presbyterian tali tar from Manitoba, ooe.pisd the Fell* d the Methodist church ham en 9.bbath Ire' He will retain to his charge lU • ito days. We ler. that Samoa Walt rod W H*' oo Road hoe lewd the Mars owned Ivy ted kale S. 11e1... far •s yeses at si rooted 0/ 0160 per annum. Mr. Walter . eke a goad matt. ABNFIELD. (num owe owe owasa•rosses*• ] Rt•w,nc4a Ortatnon.--Dr. Gems. >f Clinton, sad i». RIh.4t. d Leologw. w Th kit removed • leap slaw frtM the d R 4- +44 ti.f .f i i Hatr'a,ldth ow, Who had blew sil. tee short . paw. I)r. M.Ds.0 4. d >tiad, .ad IWe tasdlesl st54.nb wee dear •---- The ehW Y � w111. wo had.. Ye 7ors VOL. X" OVER THE A NewlY Coir the C ITEMS OF INTI j ell) wheat sonata 'Aerie pod sed roast -tae s reads 1 taws., re Join w.1 Jam abtp- Int bat w'e sete1,. 1t'. Hoehn i ,4.4(1(4 ion, ' rry- T4ac'psse Ardoci (h.1aq 0u Freda Tis yclann ;M of a brlc eke Int ' lately pe. o, lliMaa K. yea. .lenses 4a.••'.1W. 1'hY/W u0.nf, returned yon I'•xt lluro 4,10414. Hr eras so pin•e eke boa Thr repnlrs u aro, Sraturth, 1 1: kis hien res atllat ' , urne, s Yr' H•r4:'tn•, w 501 ,,rt*W4 :kat tori. .lames McFall L.,tpr „n tit wiutkrr h1 11t04 se Crlbii ltl stallion that s Tie0..ep,weres kttai..a n. 011(1 11.1.,•*. o'F:weh (1(•a prr'ts re to spar 4'4'.rd, r ...,4.Id1or soca 1441.' 11,011 m i,uah. • . that a „eats. :..linwtng ..alto, slue Mr Peter .. 14h1. • no' ,:'.t, aril wt limo Anna Kegs No .171 Mohawk ...rate time friends. Among those s .ke Tun.ntu F:xh seek were : Ak years uhf ; 1'.4154 B.; .lohn r+.tor ; s. 1; lbda. 11'11K.1.0*, t ye•r..ug *tante' tines. and fete lafertIe.n .teres bftethew �IYsi • yueth et disturbing the it b,f•.re reeve pigeon guilty, 11111tA,nay tine, tad t.k.' the pie if the pwurnter viol T►s editor of M ih.sk Hobart thiisla►' 111 ted shwa cane, dire JariileMM hmtigl return from the It 1• inteMMed W crag Instrument cd economy lab rout Tones at el it u report* Nor Irewu, bot kit, wdl quit tern, one to go drop out of the timelier, In No. Mr. Niche/yen) teacher, w,ntld tote, taut this i 1n \•. 5t48. :ea. li"1 51 4811. .out 1 (Ark now recent sre.l • title .,1wp i.nl. bird is al 4114 'Te U aero twenty One y. County waw ab of the ..1.1 .seek numbers that tl It required no t to vh.. 4 then. 4key •lighted o s shcl •nogg 1 p.gsx. pie. The Kew. 11 Inr..br.hnev as b r,induce)p Preshytdwhae 40.1 fac. llhvsry ssy. t .ki-h c.0rableomnwi atende.l •md v ss 14 '., MeMI •( Iiarrheto., hirrice. R.v. bored with 0n ed mitti.terL Cawerra ease Renry 11'*te T m�T �4 esti,eof the( hem land, .54 4•d t. enmdl leea«I weal fe yea a and w I'nrks Ile, ear •onld h. reslre4 Rdle,w►o4 Reformer u p ed1 elm kali,' to lavabo Mr