HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-18, Page 6i THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER IS 1891. BARGAINSI BARGAINS BARGAINS 20 Pieces Dress Goods, worth 25c., for 15c A few ends Mantle Cloths, $2.75, for $1.50 ; 14 " rr " 18c., " 12rc 00, for $1.25 ; $1.50, for $1.00; lbc. Chambrays for 8c. $1.25, for 90c. NEW 000DS! New Knit Shawls, New Cloth Shawls. New Mantlings, Plain, Striped and Brocaded. New Costume Dress Goods, ONE dress in a piece (very fine goods.) NF W TAIR, 1.12.AN PLAIDS AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER SEASONABLE GOLDS, DIRECT FROM GLASGOW, PRICES AWAY DOWN. We still carry the finest and cheapest stock of LACE CURTAINS in the trade. We are the great CARPET WAREHOUSE of the ;County. Biggest stock in Huron County. COLBORNE BROS. BETTER THAN GOLD 1- s "rust um Tie Forest Cily Bums Collet., College: opened September 1st. CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. WESTERVELT, Prtstpt. ...of mow asaiseosa. sem eras anon/ st r. I. Amor M.M A.wm•. 1..K wt J•.. Me, r.MJ.....ta. *re. tinaeor 4 -•••••••••wap , ' a.... err 1Ns►es• • y... •• a...a..A.a •a* n.. b...•., .,h....., .....n Igoe M- rr4. ..n eV Me, n••••• /Lina es •I•••t... AU sow*. 11•••••••m'.M ..4 pba. ... CON ... t la ver o ,o.. . yr ..+' r .w. IWn •arIL Iwo. f/s1 11... lesion Soo s.1 11 a.Na iv ears.. Elm 4M n•.raa.w.. ta.1.. MoLEOD'S SYSTEM !ffNOVATOR A: 11111114 TIF -1T rr HISMILI11101. Specific, and Antidote for Impure, utak enol intpovcrishedl blood, dys- pepsia, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heat', Inver complaint. ueuralgta, loss of memory, lonuchatis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice. kuhory ani qri ary. duwawra, St. Vitus' dance. female Irreg- ularities and general l,'hiIrtti. LABORATORY. 600ERICH, ONTARIO. .1 M MrI.E(►11, l'roprietor and Manufacturer. Sy4TFtt ltF.]1Ut Arne tan '.e had from all druggietn in town, .e well estrous all tl..• droggi..o. between tlwen Sound and :k'afurh. Itrvs•el.. Durham anotToror.w. I7 ly. Nobby Parlor Suits, $35. Stylish Bedroom Sets, $Il.. All klu.1, of furniture cheap for cash J. H. CHELLEW, 24-3m Blyth. JAS. SAUNDERS N1,'1.1:.1 N'S BLOCK. - %'. .loin Gl l'.--- 20 Per Cent. DISCOUNT -ON A LI. - 0ASH SALES ONE DOLLAR - Ut'RiN(1 TUE-- MONTH OF AUGUST In order'0 make room for FALL STOCK" Which will be In soon. 1 WANT 5,000 MILS OF PLUIS, For which 1 will pay ('Asp H. at Mclaean's Block PLANING MILL ESTAILISNED 1855 Buchanan & Son, Y A NI, IA(71'nx1811 SASH, DOOR and BLIND, I w•al. r. In all kind. of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES AAA builder's material or every dssrlptlsa, 1)R. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • -WI LD• TR/WBERRY CURES HOILERA olera Morbus PS �A hal l S IARRHOA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS ,T IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FC:1 7.HILDREN OR ADULTS. IMPORPANP NOTICE FARMERS. A great revolution in the fanning mill busi- ness- Fanon.' mills ler than hal(-price. Old fanning mill frames that were used m- oor fathers ana grandfathers ars now being utilized in the construction of the latest im- proved fanning min, which is certainly a sat ing to the farmers The old Ironic. gra sit, fan and .1 is are all used. leaving nothing for the farmer to buy but the ttrm.4rs g Imprsv. d t.rnln and nerd Cleaner, which costs no more than • cmnmon .et of fanning mill .levee. and can be put in any make of mill. no matter bow old or new the mill is. without injuring it. and can be taken out aa easily as a thro• combined on of sieves. 1t noes nut disarrange the niill fur the .•oe of other eleves. e It will positively clesn out all cockle. nnu,- tad, fox -tail. wild te'a. wild flax and other foul seeds out of the grain without blow ng any into the' chart, saving and clean'og all mea.t seed at tar same time. 1t .s a very complete clover a.m.:. fax, time- t seen!, millet seed. etc.. machine. 1t cleans grain very speedily. if desired. It is en -el oo give more weight t o the busbe and less waste than and ober machine made. It gives about &1 inches of screening when ray;cry 1. It samples grain better then hand picking, because it equalizes the samples. it is said to have no. cal for deicing seed grain, because it removes all ehrunk-n and broken grain and seeds giving the farmer pure. healthy seed. Ify ou w.ah to see and try to . m arhine, write to Manama. Auasrmovu to seed one to your barn. so you can see and tri it for your • self in your own fanning mill with your own - -It6A 1, WHAT PRACTICAL FARMERS SAY AH11t'T IT: Stanley Township. hayfield April meth, 10.11. Armstrong 11r0.. viers. -1 have need your ('leaner ; am well satisfied w.:11 th wo kd they de ; i consider they cannot be compete wish for el. ning timothy seed. clover. pers. w wb, it, harlug three sears' es yerienee and b trial. Yours truly. JAMILM elPACkl1AN. Falls iteser. e. Cog horse. (toderien. Messrs. Armstrong. Gentlemen,- - 1 have used your Armstrong Of sin and a.e1 (-leaner for two *..moms. cls reIngt all k.nds of grain. clover and grass seed. not only for myself. but for my neighbor. with the greatest satisfac- tion. 1 hare used .eeeral kinds of m1111 at different times. but have never seen the equal to your ('leaner. 1 ran clean very speedily with It. 1 have taken foul seeds out of my pain 1 mould mot fret out without it. XAVIRR HAKCHLXH. ODDS AND ENDS. Is/.IW'e LI.Imrse rarer Cobh. ae. It is the uninstructed delegate that u ordinarily the most intelligent. -Boston Herald. It can do no harm to try Freeman's Worm Powders if your child to ailing, feverish or fretful. _ We have hair -dressing parlors, sad why not dental drawing -rooms ! --Ranine Gaz- ette. All ages and cenditiois d people may Joe National Pills without injury and with great benefit. " The situation in Turkey a just now seems to he & hack of financial stuffing. Baltimore American. Purity of Ingredients and accuracy of compounding remake Milburn's Aromatic Quinine \fete the criterion of excellence. The herring catch is smell, so that tnc smell of the corner grocery will be less pre.• nounced.-Colunmbus Post. A single scratch nay- cause a fest 'rine sore. Victoria Carbolic Salve rapidly heals cuts, wounds, bruises, burns and all sores. ---.-- Rilson says the difference between himself and his wife is only a difference of terms. She calk herself strong-minded and he calls her headstrong. - Detroit Free Preece Lich, mange and scratches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly It is somewhat parwdoxlcel but it is nevertheless true that the ran who is in the hai.it of getting tight is regarded as • ran whose habits are loose. -('ape toil I tem. The use of calomel for derangements of the liver has ruined many • fine constitution. Those who, for similar trouble', have tried Ayer's fills testify to their etticacy in thoroughly remedying the malady, without injury to the system. Thr trouble with the crank is that he will turn only one way. --Dallas News. 'elf•preservati(n is the first Lw of nature, but at present fruit preservation is the sec- ond, so far so housewives are concerned. Lowell Cearinr. Yea cannot be too particular about the medicines you use. When you need a blond -purifier, be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. It will mingle with, purify-, and vitalize every drop of blood in your body. It makes the week strong. It's strsltge about a man mei a pistol when he's got It pointed s.1 you. You want the roan to go off, but you don't want the pistol to. Washington Star. A new hook on the market is entitled "Rooks That Have Helped Me." Check- beeks, no doubt. -Toledo Made. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, bloodspots- curbs,.plints, ring hose, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen threat, coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most onderful blemish cure ever known. bold y F. Jordan. 96-1y Among the graces which need cultivation 1' the " gram. to differ." All men in the church, as well as out of it, do not "see eye to eye," and they cannot be expected to do so till they receive the full enlighten- ment of the S int. Kindly tolerance is not to he confounded with assent to wrong ; it is only the admission of any man's right to follow his own light. The "grace to differ" enables fallible men to live together in peace, in spite of differences of judgment. Pale, drooping girls, worn weary with a Iwlyden of disease almost greater than they sari hear, should take heart and suffer no longer. 1*. William,' fink !tills arr. a certain cure for all three diseases peculiar to womankind. They restore the IArowl, build anew the nerves, and leave happiness and health when meed. Mald hy dealers or sent u receipt of price (50e. • box) by address- ing Its 11 illiains Med. Co., Brockville, ( Mt. _ The new peen'.,* are inwearyring in them/ endeavors to find favor among WI, slim ladies. Thar intended purpose of setting off ..�waist vs.' s greataided hy peasant corsage by • fall Mousy The orwe•ge most a ways harmonise in color with the dreeke nugh it may be d a different material, hryraallil plata with a lowered .r !per d emit The large bean pattern in j1.e[ w • freak's, rel, Mu., yellow or whits Akio with .iSaflerra b ion,eeig, the chid tree 4117. mese de- Wne, organdies ani se*iyf� 1 Meant Ple•s•at /arm, Yoderlcb row•ship. tloderleh P. O. Moms. Armstrong. (ientlrmen.--1 have al- ways seen reify backward In consenting to recommend say am•"hine unlet very well sat lolled with it. but 1 lake pleasure in aro-ern mending yourOeal• and Seed t'la•aer to the public. 1 sell the most of my grain for reed. have tried different make* of mills mad goring aad end your ('Meaner does the Joest work of any. It will clean oat all fool seeds at nae el.saneg without making any universes sary waste of Rt"aln. 1t is an raeellent seed cte°aaar as wellsgrain cleaner. HRNRY Ct'RWIS Oleo* Grain Partnere. God/etch Towrhlp. Cee.'. loot 1.1. Oodr►rh 1'. O. Te Whom it May Comers, 1 have per cb•asd me of the Arm•froag Orals and need feriae. tau ltpri.e ttad es ar . 1 have mad tt 1 ie tsaroaghly tHseed. 1 de tot thlak there Is any mac I.e to equal w for Meanies seed grains! as ked. 1 would escommea„ It M my fellow any ms mere • very profitable ineehisse for c 1amakes.JOaRPH WHiT<Lin far Y ed or News. Armstrong. Dear Mr& -1 pnrclaw.d e.e of ear Armstrong Orale and [teed (`lean .n two years soy, and bad It pet In .. ek' taaa.g mill frame. 1 ham cleaned all tads et Reww ale. flax. hearts •nA main cert, It mss reelt wee%; It cleans very th h ant eperetly. 1 weld not he better ret Ae with • Vim. 1 weak' not *ell It for what 1 tt If 1 so.M not got • r r 8ahool Farniture a Opeolaltj. ' moNEr. r Ilor. �"•o_..ot� Mtrorr o t0., ..ss • r o .o rare rg Roman ••aloes. Or Owloar M g.a 1% 4..w �K..ra f•w Imo aMM woon �Y.•.• mwlMa.*aae.*�t.•ryw.�♦s r.. w•t►w.ee ••A•• e.w et.ri ...+ar" .iw mord. nmh r war.ah ,ve ft rhea • new milt Ihave eversue. ORAD CTiA Godwrtr h I'. O. p our It Irmuttlt, Tswnme • rams m. 10a1.. ARMSTRONG BROS maid memo* flee.. Mrs. John Martin, of Mn.tagee K.1. , writs : " i was trr.bd hlast'- with very bed b.dreftes and a eetipn Men end .mynas esuid sesreely sea fine yrty x.10/1/t4•e ili'.atairt.. wadi.'sei everyaaawam n ""a ani I wishIan PERTINENT AND PECULIAR. The omen..s now ta wart e of publica- tion member 1,77e. It was moos believed the hares clanged their sex every year. It is reported that the wool product of Ohio will aaw.ut to 96,000,000 pomade this year. A fish with two tails as the leading curi- osity at Madman, ll., It is alive and doing well A peach grown et $ylvuia, \'s., weighed iigbI.m canoes and measured thirties inches in cinoue fermata Africa is now completely encircled by submarine cables, wh►uh make upalt°gether • length of 17,000 miles. In forty years the rum across the Atlantic ham beau redound one-half. What will the 11.11 forty yearn bring forth 1 „i21ar41=3 The man who Invented metal plats for the heels and soles of rough shoes is said to have realised 41250,000 in tan years. Its. Luderiu says that coffee act. as • germicide, and deatroya the bacilli of abol- era,antbrax and thypus in a few hours. It is reported that within the lest six months LSO yuuug woman have taken up timber claims in the State of Washington. A farmer out West the other day attacked a column of grasshoppers with seventy tur- keys and soon was master of the situation. In the city of Se Petersburg it begot. to freeze at the end of October and a general thaw rarely takes place before the beginning of April. The New Jersey man who secured a pat ant on his idea of placing rubber ou the tipps of peewits js sued to have realized ?200,000 from it. There are two bearing apple trees in In- diana county, Pennsylvania, that were planted in 1792. One of them is teen feet in circumferems. Officer Roilrags, of Philadelphia, is said to be the largest p lionran in the United States. He *six feet eight inches in height and weighs 340 pounds. A curious fact to the history of pins is that when they were first meld there was such a demand for them that a code was pulsed permittumg their sale only on two days in the year. Two gum trees which tower over 100 feet above a little church in (:uatemt•la are sixty feet in circumference and their ntroug roots have pushed 1h. foandetion s.1 the church out of place: - The Boston hoard of Aldermen has in- crea.eul the price of theatre licensee very materially, and now It is asked to impose n tax upon women who wear objectionable hat., w that all may be happy. There are sixty Chinese women in Los Angeles, 1'al., who are practically slate.,for they are bought and sold like cattle. Their value :.lige. from 5600 to 413,000, according to their youth aad attractiveness. MI r hell. Lives of children are often endangered by sudden and violent attacks of cholera, cholera nnurbas, diarrh oa, dysentery and bowel compiunta. A reasonable and cer tan precaution u to keep its. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry always at hand. 2 The poachers to Behring Sea are ►II scrambling to get out. --Boston Transcript. It always spoils the effect of the sermon on a man when he intends to put a nickel on the plate and absent-mindedly puts on a quarter. Buffalo Times. Lieutenant i to elderly lady) -- )lalanm, you look sa Leah and blooming today sa a rose of twenty Summers -- )luencheoer Kalender. Hoard's Liniment is Me wrsl. If you get blue don't wish you were plead. A better plan is to make the other fellow wia11 he, were dead. - Atchison (:lobe. Overheard on Chestnut street - •' We Summered at Newport anti well Fall at Atlantic, but I haven't t t ret where we will Sprite/." -Ph' jLetord Chorea Ciimilimm "I had for years been troubled with dys- pepsia and sick headache and found brit little relief until I got Burdock Blood Bit- ters, which nude • perfect cure. It is the best medicine I ever used in my life." Hattie Davis, Mary -ea, Clinton, Ont. 2 '• Crsdan Ilht Mvlde-" Bill raised himself tremblingly upon hu arm and looked at me with a strange pallor gathering in his face. I was alarmed and tried to persuade him to he down. Btu he would not and retrained in his upiright posture, resting against rime for support. " Ralph, ' he said in a hoarse whisper," do you remember the time we crossed the divide together and went to prospectin' on the slope t" " Yes, Bill," 1 answered soothingly," but we'll talk about that some other time. You must be otuiet now." I can be quiet, Ralph. I'm rennin' down 1 can't last long an 1 must speak. Ralph ,.. " Yes, hill'" " We hal a hard tussle when we creased the divide, didn't we'" " It was • rough trip, Bill.- "But ill."'"But we kept oncheerin'each other on by talkie' about the Golden Gate an' the yel- ler dust we waa goin' to git -didn't we " 1'es, Rill." " We were goan' to become rich in a few months, Ralph, bet that was thirty year ago, an' here we are in the same ole! rut." i did not *peek and Bill continual : " Aa' the [:olden Gate ---there wasn't much sparkle about that, was there!" " Only rocks, Bill. " Then Hill was silent. His hear fell no his breast and i was about to lie down when he roused up and whispered " Ralph, old frieal,am I goin' to find any gold across the divide •' i could not answer him. My Mart WWI full and i tut ned from his pleading eyes. "'('cine i can see the white tops of the mountains," he went to shading les eye* with nose trembling hand and looking up at the dark rafters," an' they're a harderrange than the Rockies, Ralph," he shivered. "There's • cold wind comes down from the mow an' ice on their tops an' it makes ins coed. Let me lie .town. Ralph, an' cover me np. There thank yet, told boy. I'm afraid," he added after • pater, " that my life ain't been right- I'm afraid 1 shan't find anythin' but rocks when 1get over there. No l'hdden (Sate," he musefwearily, as his ryes closed, "only rocks reeks." And 1 wept beside him and lived an age is the home of that night. And when the sea came and there his beams ever the timely twonnt 5.e my clearede bad gala. He had "erumd the divide." - unifina mases•. I took aR Bitters for liver dull stupid feel work inn meat17 iiee which 1 chef ant Mia T. Deets, Regina, est SCIENCE AND PROGRB B. INTEII[ITING PARAGRAPHS DULL= FROM VARIOUS FILL* rhe reewwd apaesresspe- Slat. Tam - in etrtelty to rarity wader--DIdlaress. vee 1. 0.oad Travel-osaer,11s Cade. wean/ V..swsspUMo ..f rA.wpn.rtta: Ira • late royal inotttatke lecture Prof. Dewar stated that in Pref. Loa gley's re. searches, the specttacom has been made W deenmmnete between Inseams arl non- lumin.us radiant heat, with important p�ra'�t' tical result,. Fur easmple, candle, ud-lemp and gas jet gave INI p. r cent. of heat to only two of light. The numbers for are light were i00 and 10, for msalg{ netisttn 85 mol 15, suuhght 70 and 30, enol the Urban tiredy one awl Ilk A great problem u to alter the proportions 98 and It and 90 and 10, and get as near the firefly as possible -more light with kms heat. At • recent tueetutg u1 the Royal society of Ydusturgh, lar. A. Brow read am. • case of cyclopia, or-�•�-,,�,,I� eye, wht ha' conic under hu notice. 17ae►e was • single socket for the eye, of lozenge shape. and transited mu the middle of thedose ..f the forehead. The socket was furnished with two pun of eyelids. upper and lower. TM nese was represented by a short process of tyy ue and skin attached t.. the forehead alMove the medial eye. A mien:mop e' sec- tion of the socket showed two ru.luuentary eves, with the tw.. ru.limrntary retinae ap patently springing from a single ..perm vesicle. In • paper recently read before the .(tnencau philosophical society, R. Meade Bache anu.•uurs that inure experiments by himself and others he u lel 10 believe rine• tricuy may Mart be applied to the rund- t'atiou 111 water. The exact method by which this result is to be accomplished is u..t .11%111 11, but it will consist of such an operatiou upon the predatory bacteria as will destnn the dangers now prevalent in the drinking water they befoul. Every consideration of good health adds rnspha• sus to the hope that Mr Rahe is not mis- taken. In .fry sir at 92 degrees rand travels 1,142 feet per second, or about 7 n.i mile. per hour, m water 4.1.it11* feet per se.ou•I ; in iron 17,300 feet, in copper 19,37S feet. .cul Inwood frooum 12.4N/to 16,11011fe•et for second. A bell heard a dutaucr „f 11.''se ft -et um water os.ul.1 he hoard only 1'•-1/1 feet in the au out of the water. The l.ark'ng „1 dogs on the earth tan foe hear{ In •'edition at an elevation of four elites On a s' dal the report of a ride can he heard at .1,101l tarts. The fire of the English on landing in Yule was distinctly hem.! 1311 miles. The difficulty of applying omncmete under water watt he overcome by filling a wooden pipe with the substauee end lowering it, end first over the spot when. It is 4. I e tlep.orlt- al. By lifting the pipe from the bottom the concrete will spread out without 011 with the water.hT me pn'tyaution *hold.' be taken u. have the pipe long enough t.. ex tend four or five fret above water when resting ou the bottom, dlhng as required so aa to retain the proper " head." The amount of phoo phi oras consumed per annum is about 2,151, toons, and is chiefly used in nutt.rh making. Hitherto eheuucal were used 111 its manufacture. lout hy a re- cent improvement the raw materiel and coke are pwc«I in a specially prepared fur- nace an.l electric heat is applied. The va- por among is t.otnleneel, ani morke•talok phosphorus is produced. What arenas to ix• an infalhhle remedy fox the poise (.f snake bites is • solution u1 nitrate of strychnine in 240 parts of water, to which a little glycerine k added. This is used hypodermically in doses of to minims, at intervals of let to 20 minutes, depending upon the ...manors' of the ppaattient. In 100 ries thus t tested only one fader* has occurr- ed. Plats proposed for irrigation tooth in up- per'and lower Egypt during the peered of low Nile include the building of a high lar - rage actor the neer at the first attaraet. Great opposition has been excite.! epilog this proposition as it inrolves the sulmner- .um of the beautiful tslaul of Philooe and nm.ignifivent mouumenta for several ninths each year. Shells for firing high explosives have been patented abroad, in which a receptacle is male containing compressed air. By suit- able appliances linin sir is released suddenly, -Okra' In I4cLea.'s- thus furnishing the propelling power. Great range, no fouling of the gun, namely any noise, and no smoke are thus obtained, com- bined with great rapidity of fire. ('halk, maagane.e and graphite have been found in Coffee county, Tenn. The chalk u equal to white crayon for writing on a blacklo.•rl, awl the Mack graphite writes on a taper equal to a soft idark leas T pencil. The other mineral is & haul black j MQney to Lend sulstance, much reeemhlsng in weight, col- or and poem, black moanganese. The addition of aluminium too molton steel before pouring an ingot has been found to render the metal perfectly sound when oast. The action seen to be entirely chem- ical, and 1s about 20 times more powerful than that of silicon. The awnult used is from four to eight ounces • t.n, and when used manganese can be dispensed with. By • novel device heavy guns can now be aimed and fired with the greatest accuracy, without exposing the gunners and without BEND ns. CCoir in .romps rill=pfy ss & their even seeing the ohj.ct to be fired at gaarwllfW to uand we w111 eeuok bytesxp. ee, d guad this elegant watch wbism you can e ••• it yon de"In awn txpea..silletsciorrirts.t fhe 0e w.*- ▪ 8weh s eha.ee le encs•' . the Cr FM relehle ploo.ote e w 'ism Ir ton, oAYstli T1is nui ne ":'ithery e�1��(e/1- ' °Mfal.a W arowialde, boawk.1tlne. esp avid .e The Safest A '°'` pa.w.rbll .M..tl,. Aare Mnmiess u.. Yeas sad mild are alike benefited by be t.s. per 1M entomb dl► eases peon*" es ellidren within else is so effective ae this medid.s, while lie arms. ble neva/ ssakes le easy to adage - "Y Utile boy o: kis seek and !rota w*4 w alMudad Mo.he pew" oPe=M ., weander Shots ears, and everybody aqu°w M ..e l bed board of ...=c4.0n1PIled by Area deolied to hive 'ti 'thin" tie .»diriie, Ile be beeps wow neeseed beefing, sad, atter wing several Ueda,. be was entirely eared. He 1s new as healthy and s• se bay efa Mtge.` W111 Doog�erty. tlktld, nu XV ligirarksiglgat ee ape eons sIlareathe various � irltf it avail. e and T e eaares . aa.hae was called, Dot Nota; multiply until In a tea the ea ., y y nearly covered the child% band and body. At last we began the nee of Armee Sar. eaparille. in a few claps a a.tked change for the better rintimadgest. Tim sores assumed • more beam/ condition, the discharges were gradually abed, and finally ceased altogether. Th. child d livelier, its akin i. (reek./, mad ila awaits better titan we have ol& served her months." -prank M. Orli Long Pohl. Texas. The f .mel• of Ayer's lmra•peri1L presents, for arena dlawae of almost every kind,tie bat wibes, the medical world." -D. M. D., Wlgge, Arkansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, maria® n Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co., Lowell, U•a.. Mom a: eta Maim Worth M. 0640%. The TORONTO IIOUSE -m TNa- L1DAZ')T i' DRY GOODS LIFOF.N. Latest and Best SUMMER GOODS row on W. P. Q'DEA, itanaier C. SEAGER, NEW BL CE, -Opposite the Martin.- -at - Cheap Rates, Farmer's Notes Cashed. The principle used is that den training the grin as to canoe the object to he fired at to he reflected upon a serene at the rear of the gun. Mr. Frederick Tudor, of Rnetoon, was the first to export ice from this cvntntry to foreign parts, and has made a fortune in the foss trade. But 50 years ago no les was export- ed to kngland, and now the local Oct" trade In foreign places (making ice by machinery) ham rendered shipments of natural Ice an. profitable. The tunnel that will connect Butler Val- ley, Penn., with the bottom of the teem- mot.h Rhervale vein will be nee of the great- est engineering feats of the century. If will open an almost i.exhanatible sup y of coal, end will serve ea a doily, for all the collier- ies in that vicinity. Areenlag to Herr Japing the honrl v rate of water falling over the Niagara Fills is 100,001,000 tons, representing le,(Im,noo war, end the total .lily prn dnetioe dcos in the world would just shrine sauce to pomp the water hack again. Gutt•percha for electrical work is grow- ing scarcer, while the prices lave ttnehlyd is the last ton years. it ire mid that tie erode methods employed by the Nalaye in gather- ing the material are revolting in the .rter- mgnatiom rel the treat Owing to tin d daaera.Uns .f doe p of mtslNslsn at 1,(onl fir Mars reveisldnfs1 1 e b deme away with. Nin wed .mime, Mei a ser- aileppe 1 si 41 l we lsw eiblidaled lbs two W.., qr.ad tie. le the epee Meyersether hat • I labefb bough ani a b.54.,beal. c; le w Wal(works obis rlebtl with wale. Wanes we mime' 1(t an wnw1 tkM t is srrleisia'ble gt May 4 �gantee le wi�wash. Address aOO, M•Mhmakera 1 SENO U8 tee will 50.4 yo. iia : l2 IMMO WIMP NLA SM/ I LO MI �evo rmj-bevy m IN. ilfMa 0&