The Signal, 1891-9-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LETAMtabestis IW. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. M/ITAL (PAM RP) SIX EEtLNON DOLLARS - R1 ET. B. E. WALKER, GENIRAL htraaciert. SO 000.000. {1800,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GIUMINAL BANKING BNMNu s TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED PATADLE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL C1T1 1 M THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, au RAVINES SASE DEPARTNUIT. oteOBITS Of 111.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES Or INTEREST uyDwEO. INT. -SST ADOSO TO THS PSINDIPAL AT TMS END Or MAY AND MOVEYSSD M SADsb TEAR. 111!,1-1 AUUestleos pivots to ria 0elleotlon of rvemmorolal •epor, end Fenimore' Rake Notts. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! K.iTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER. (/ ARGAINS is Nos'• Boots and Shona ((BARGAIN$ in Women's Shoes and 1 +lippun. ARGAINS in fiirh Mhos•. ARGAINS is L ls Boota, 1) AT.I. CARE1•'S. W•• carry the Largest and Best Stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Vali...• in the County. \1'd Make the Best Boots_ W.• do the Best Repairing, as l'L, ap as the Cheapest. 1\-d• Sew all Rips Free of Charge. \1'e give the Largest Cash Dis- C.,unt. 50o P:AIRK SLIPPERS AT 25o. nEw'kL BOLE'. Volt will find J. CARET' on the Square, Goderich. Shoemakers Wanted. PE RSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mir Rusk spent Saturday and Sunday in town. U, ('asteh.s, of Clinton, wax in town the week. Ken (Wella, of Brantford, was in town on Friday. .Is. Scott, of 4 Tinton, visited Goderich on Friday. J. Orr Rose, of .forth, spent Sunday in l.rierich. 4.. W. Sweet, of Clinton, spent Sunday in tow it. F. 1: Steele, of Exeter, spent Sunday in to Bench. J. I'impish, of Seeforth, was in (,.shri,•h en Sunday. A. E. ('ox, of London, weft, in t :adenvh last Friday. ilr. Gunn, of Clists-,was a Co ench the past week. MIs Cavan. of Stratford, is the gsst of MniStrachan. Miss Holdah Whitely, of (.1 t ,'!M 1 i t.:w-n this week. W. Howard,' of the Forest City, was in tom; last week. Mies S. Williams was visiting in Toronto the peat week. Mn. Firth renamed to her bone, Lon- don, on Friday. I.. I:. VanEgmond, of Seatorth, was m town on Sunday. H. Meyer, Q. ('., ret Wingham, spent 'un.lay in town. Mr. and Mrs. Lennon are visiting rela- tives in Ashfield. Frank I'retty left on Friday to visit in Om city of iletroit. Deputy registrar J. T. Dickson was in Toronto last week. Win. Mavis paid the Toronto Exhii bitioo a visit the pest week. Mrs. Carpenter returned to her home, I tetr.gt, os Tuesday. Fred. Pritchard, of London, England, a• a m town this week. lir. ('aniphell, of Detroit, paid ( .oderich s short visit last Maturd•y. Inn. McNaughton, of Bayfield, was Tint- ing in town on Matsrday. !las Rose Keenan, Detroit. is visiting relatives in Goderich townekip. Mir Maggie Martin left on her return to her home, iletrdt,ou Tuesday. Miss Mary Buchanan, Colbon►e, has gone lo Toronto to visit the exhibition. R. Radcliffe, C. P. R. •gest, visited Tor- onto Exhibition the greyest week. John Wynn returned limo week from • t ma to Niagara Falls and vicinity. H. 1'. ()Vosner, M. PP.. Walkerton, was MI ye old season on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaw. Fur, of Clinton, peal the manly town a visit on Saturday. Peter McEwen, jr., left os Mosley for Torsoito to " take in " the exhibition. Mir Hame•h M. Heghe es w o hod bevis- iting in lletroit, renamed home lase week. John Harriss., of Wsstield, left Monday morning for the industrial Fair at Toronto. MISS Millie (lasapbeli returned fresh • "int to ietroit per the Respire es Plater dot•. Mrs. Robert and Marler Harry Bieck left on Monday to w the exhibitkie at Tor- oa,tn- F. Grant and H. Bailey returned last Fri day iron their sstpity ground sear Part Frank. Mrs. -f.lnyd, oa Stratford, toss waiting at the nsidosew d Rd.. Armstrong lb* pest week. Mile bona, .ypsf .t ei. rsmaketi jj ilaatss, Isiberp. , street ( Retaawwta mast- bat this weak ke A lid) trill {sow panned by his daughter, Mn. (Rev., ,IL. :idle, wbo returned to Leamington after a vtat here. Miss Gundry t Isital Toronto this week. • Mrs. Ja.. Dickson was In Seaforth this week. Mir Kudd,of sem, City, left for Toronto on Monday. .lack Acheuat was in the Queen City the past week. Mies 11'alleer was visiting in Toronto the peat few days. Mir Audrews left on the Toronto excur non on Monday. Mir Sneyd, of Aylmer, is in town visit ing her relations. y.returned this ween -ham a' visit to ew York. Mir Minnie a Reilly has returned from her visit to Buffalo. Joe. Creasman, of Cornwall. is in town visiting his parents. Mn tiro. Stewart is away on a visit to Toronto and Rutfalo. Arthur Sharkey has returnel 1. town from Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. and Mir Price left on the Toronto excursion on Wednesday. Mrs. John Tess, of Cukor, is visiting relatives in t:oderich this, Miss K. Carey left yesterday to attend the sermon of Whitby College. , A. ('raigie was home this week from his fishing station at I:reenoek. MIA/Jessie stet -einem. of I*troit, was in town last week counting Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. Kedalie left this week foe Cleveland, where she will reside in future with her sons. i)r. Taylor is attending the annual meet- ing ..f the Canadian Medical Association at Montreal. Mir Maggie Robertson returned on Wed nealav fro, a two months' visit to Toronto and other point.. Mies Drysdale. of Hamilton. is visiting (:olerlch and is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Donald Fraser, \Weatlawn. .1. A. Taylor, divinity student, who for the past year and a half has been stationed at Branton, Man.. is in town for a week preparatory to resuming his theological studies at Queen's college, Kingston. Miss Start left Isar week tor Chicago to enter a hospital to study the pl.fe•sion of a nurse. Miss Augustine. of Dungannon, was in town last week en route to the Clinton con- vent ton. Mrs.. Johnston and daughter, Chatham, were the guests last week of.). A.Mclntosh, Lakeview. ,Ino. Kay, express agent, returned last week from a two weeks visit to the Eastern Townships. Mir Maggie Wilkinson returned this week from a three weeks' visit to relatives in the queen City. Miss It .rrows, of .ashfield,passed through ton on Friday on her return frothe ('wm liknoa convention. Miss Minute Ball returned from Toronto on Seturlay,'and resumed her duties in the (. 1'. R Tel. office. Mrs. •Tito. lionagh and Mss Ironagh were Called to Exeter on Friday by the death of their relative, Mr. Gold, Itr. A. Milton Humber, of Bay City, Mich.. is spending • week's vacation at the fancily residence, Victoria-st. Mir Charles, of the Goderieh high school has returns,' front her European trip, and resumed charge of her classes on Friday. Mus Mollie Christian returned to her home, Detroit, last Friday after a three months' visit to (:oderich and Clin- ton. Mu* Maud %V illson, who had charge of the C. 1' R. telegraph the past three weeks. re- turne.l to her home, Sealorth, on Mon day. A. C. \la..pheraon, an old Hur unite, was in town last week and left for home, Winnipeg, per the Empire on Satur- day. Joe l.eister, wbo wee engaged during the Summer representing the Ruffian Fish Co. at this port, has left for his home at Buf- falo. Richard Golden and Charles Knit, who had been enrage.' in the fishingbusiness' bete during the .4ummer, have returned to their hones in Golden Walley. John Straiton lest -es shortly for Thorn - dale, at which place he has been appointed stat ion master. Thoouah sorry to lose so estimable • citizen we cannot Mit feel pleased at our young friend's promotion, his knowledge of his profession and general courtesy hating earned preferment many years sane. LOCAL BREVITIES. Th. town council will hold its regular meeting this evening. Mt. Andrew's ward school was newly shingled the put week. Norman Anderson presided at the organ in Knnv church morning and evening last Sunday. last week many branches of Autumn tipper) maple (saves were gathered by our ciijawts. Relitioes Berries were not provided for the Square ns. Sandy. 1■ this a sign of comas Winter' 1k. Whitely has entered into partnership with 1*. Renter. Their Aloe is in the Opera Henna Nark. The Goderich oosrpaay of the 33rd Rat talion rsi.tnsd frees the St. Thomism camp on Saturday. The boys looked exeeedagly well. Mies Carrie (,..ok and Miss lours Gordon held as "At Home" on Tuesday *maims and • eery enjoyable time was spent by the greet. preens. amiss Cliishelse, who went to Rt. Them- es with the GederMk velusteers, wee the Cs gives for the beet Wrest mn menus{{ its said esm,a.y. Ream, Chian tat. In. Insliworri4 erta Wifeg illio. VISITORS TO THE GREAT NORTHWESTERN FAIR Should visit this store and see in full swing the busiest dry goods store in Goderich. Every man, woman and child will be made welcome. Come and see us. It will pay you. CREAT BARGAINS FOR FAIR WEEK ! Tweeds, for Boys' wear, at 2 5c-, worth A Il- Wool Tweeds, at 35 c., worth 2 Pairs o/ All -Wool Socks, for 2 5 c. Canton Flannels, for 5c., worth Towels, 5c-, worth Corsets, all sizes, s 5c., 'c'ortle 40c- 5 OC. 0C. 50C. 8c. . 8c. 4 oc. Mantle and Dress Making in Full Swing, Under the management of MISS CURRELL, the well known mantle and dress maker in this county. All mantle goods bought from us cut and fitted FREE OF CHARGE. Goods in every department marked away down. CEO. ACHESON & C0U'S OLD STAND ---THE CREAT CASH STORE JNO. ROBERTSON, Manager, - The Poor ).fan's Friend. aTi II tREATER REDUCTIONS. We have a few lines of Sum- mer (:(ods yet unsold, including Prints, etc., which we are offering itt about ILLY PRICE. Our Fall Stock will soon be complete : then you may look oat for the Greatest Bargains in Dry Goals, Men's Funtishinge,, ever shown in the Count/ d Ston. \VE MENTION a few linen only this week : Grey Flannels at still prides. `lee our Flannels from 10 to 2:k•. per yard you will Rte surprised at the value : Canton Flannels at ex- ceedingly close prices : Men's Wool Top Shirts, :5Oc.: 3 pairs Jinn':. Goad Wool Sock. for 25c. Please see our I:ools and Prices be- fore buying anything in the way of Dry Goods. It will not be pleasant to tired out too late that you have paid 10 too much for yougoads. Sever- al persons acknowle,l 1 to u. that they were deceived last -eek in buy- ing goods, too please be careful and compare values and prices before pur- chasing. J. A. REID & SRO. Jordan's Bloce. Ooderich. Sept. 1t h. IMI. II61• nukes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered front 9 for the painless extraction of teeth. When the volunteers brake camp at St. Thomas they left behind them Frank Hill- man, of 4Merich, who went to camp with the 11'inghau. company. He was suffering from a sertoua attack of cholera morbte We understand that Father West has presented with 85 each of the candidates from the separate school who passed the recent High School entrance examination. The generoas gift should be highly prized by the sucoesful ones. The Clinton exhibition. to be held in that town from Sept. 29th to the 30th, promises to be a big event. A number of first -cls attractions have been secured. anti the cont inkier give evidence ot being wideawake all the way round. Sur advt. NAVIGATION NOTES. All the fishermen of this port using sail ing boats have pullet out their nets. The schooner Pinafore arrived on Friday ntornutg with a cargo of salt from Port Frank. The sir !'rite.! Empire villa in port on Saturday morning and loaded three carloads of salt and lite vellum's of apples for the Northwest. Wm. Marlton, .1. Grant, E.I. t:arrow, W. Watson, ('. 44-idderand Caft. Lawson were sailing the Norma on Saturday and seeming- ly trying ta..ee hew far .sho would keel over without iii ettirg. When sailing between the per. with all (waves set • sudden gust of wind caught her and she keeled over till her sails caught the water. In less than half a minute she righted herself anal was sailed lack to her anchorage, the ex- perience evi.lcatly being enough for one afternoon. dr- .+• Alt NOT: Per . IC, * : A native Ludt - R. ILIIAMSand sr- er•Eeebw. ea the sui'pl) in a coodeoeed I'♦ e• forty the substances t•t,ily needed tomo- I' 11 the .... coincuriing 11 dinar eoe.ting r ata Poon and war sT lit oor. or from L I L tI ■ w Y'A t.0 Hndas DI \v`_ emHerirD eand also uvig.•rdta and liIIlr.D Ce the BLOOD and I+ Tern'. when broken t dosa by overwork. ALE' mental worry disease. •seems@ and indiscre- tions They have a E O P . E Stn° . SYsT on et:xt•.u, Brsrar of moo and wouteb. . ring dna r viooa and correcting all t Is•eni-La RITZY and steritwtowa _ ) MAN who coda 6`s. mailinl 1s. r uHnw doll x tailing or NB ss pbysi pos.-re da.cei c, aLount take theta PILL.. They roil nest. e lus lost energies. both physical and u.eat,l EVERY WOMEN should take them They cure all sap• prerlow and trr•,;u.ari^ore, which inevitably souI sickness wl:,vn uegle•ted. yOUNe MEN ahculd 1.km thew £!chis (■ tpLl Ql6lf Th1-Y w. l cure the re. A M sit you sal u$d imbue. and atrwugtlaa rhe system.MEeh old take them BWO Ea Thew WILLS Will m resumer. For sale by alt druggists. or will be sent upon essetpt of price Gee. per Los.. Ly addressing Clinton New Era Mfrs MotTow,ofllode- rieh. is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Smith, of r Kattenbury• street. ' • " Mr. %V. Campbell, postmaster, Goderich, who was a warn personal friend of the late E. ('or. nett, attended his funeral on Tuesday. The following delegation from (.oderich attended the (Tinton convention: - Ili- sector Tom, headmeater Strang, principal Park. 4 leo. Sheppard. H. Hennutgs Ile*. Russell. A. Moir, Misses Blair, Sharman, Alfie Sharman. Cooke, Walters, Hurritt, ('rad e. Addison, Hutton, Watson, Aiken - ha d, HQ*, Mel4e, N. Mac(.onnac,Erery, F. E. Hal. BRUCEFIELD. (now ova Ow Y 0101.2.11Sro3DEST. ) Pat is in town. Miss K. McDonald left for her home in Hespeler Saturlay. Mts. Tytler, of London, is visiting at Mrs. deo. Mclntosh's. Mis•MoNaughton, of t:uelph, was visit- ing at Mn. Geo. Baird'{ last week. Alex. McKenzie and sister and Mr. Hud- son, of Lock now, were in town Saturday. Mies Bell McKenzie, of Lncknow, n wending a couple of weeks with her aunt. Mrs. (:.Bair!. Quite • number of our citizc:s attested the Kippen Harvest Home, and report • large time. Roderick Mcleod returned home from Scotland Wt week. The trip seems to have agreed with Mac. W. Kaiser returned last Thursday from Brandon, Man. He report. the crime as excellent and nearly all cut in that part. We are sorry to state that there will hem D enier football team here this Fall ort account of enure of the players being away from town. The 4.. N. W. line repairer was in tows last week refitting the Blies here. Ra•i nes San Dow be handled with the quickest despatch. WINGHAM. (Iona ora owe ODaaati1o1DEK. l Mr. sad Mrs Thee. R•sereft, of Berrie. were vYit ng him& i. town last weak. A easaber of Wiaghas.ites are is Toron- to tkiw weak attending the isdestriel Kehi- bities. Mitt McLeod, of Ripley, was is town on Tessday after retarsiag Mom a visit to Mende in Lake lisddes. A .amber of msmws and Alms of the [dbpsdwt (Itis of Fetwsme sin srkisg far • tMa ear M Temester the evert el that passe said Them - w ` 8L a yTha>nkr Yon." Who?' 'Why the inventor of SCOTT'B ULSIO Wild NW N 1,i CAMs111,1i,N (leve thet4: for its discovery. That it does not make you sick when you take it. Give thanks. That it is three times as efficacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give tiara:. That it kitsch a wonder- ful flesh producer. Give thank:. That it is tie best remedy for t;onnorPSP tow, 3er»/stio, roisc*Ittd, Irastt iI/i- eaaes, ere *. Be sore you get gtl rEEVpa color wrapper: b1 al DIUM%Its. at oc. and it.oe. SCOTT & >f01 lQ, isliwwe, BANK OF MONTREAL. REST, - i 2,000,000. E , 000,000- A 00,000.A Saving Deearturent has been oAncd in con- nection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DR UMMCND, Manager Goderich Branch. Fall Millinery! JUST OPENED -A LARGE STOCK or THE NEWER " STYLEB OF I,ADIE> AND MISSES' Hats and Bonnets, Fancy Wings and Trimmings. ,s4r-Call and nee us. THE MISSES YATES. THF: Huron Central Fair CLINTON, SEPT. 28-29-30. BBTTBR . .D LA14 IE a• IST MONDAY, 28th. orExt.co DAV. Piecing and judging ea halide exhibits. Open to general pbblle lathe evenimm. TUESDAY, 80th. v1el7o104. AND d'ITIZEI5' DAT. .4 Great Horse Paradeand Ridt.g(.'ompet Ilion for the townships of Huller. Stanley. Tu:k- eremith, Noderich and Colborne and the town of Clinton, for valuable prizes and • sweeppake- Chlldren s Procession and Dames. RIDING ('ONTIts'1'. • STALLION h.XHIRIT. llluminetion ot the Town and Grounds. Ric). lima' Parade with Coiner Lanterns EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH EVER_ and novel devices accompanied by the Volunteers. Firemen. Oun Club. etc.. etc. Military Man.envres. Fusil•des, etc. Open air Promenade Concert by the Chippewa Indians and Band. Including Indian songs, chants, choruses, etc. WEDNESDAY, 80th - YARN ERR Ant r.XNIK(TORa' DAY. BAND CONCERT. DULCIMER COMPETITION. EXHIBITS or CATTLE. DISPLAY OF HORSES. AWARDING OF PRIZES. The Departments for ladled Work sad Flowers and the Art Gallery have beg specially titled up, and will be strong attrac- tions. will Rte on exhibition, and wage by great singers. ni .sio•l selections by famous hands, speeches by eminent men, eta, may be heard. THE CELEBRATED BAND OF THE ('HEPPAWA INDIANS. which has been engaged ter the recession. will give Open Air (Matter's, etc. send to mo•cretary for prise list and circular about Hose Parade and RidingContest. W. JA('Kr)N. Secretary. A. H. MANN O. Preskient AUCTION SALES. All parties gettingtheir sale tills printed at this office will ave • free notice inserted in this list up to the time of sale. Sale of valuable real state property in the village of Port Albert, owned by (leo. Grab:.m, at Delong's hotel, Port Albert, 'atunlay, September 19th, at 1 o'clock r•. w. John Knox, auctioneer. Out of the commonest forms of supersti- tion is that which mates beesats, birds, rep- tiles and insects the mom of contmunicat ing information with respect to future events or of prognosticating by their actions good or bed fortune to the individual thus put in communication with the anuses world, or which clothe them with peculiar and supernatural qualities. CANADIAN ?ACIFiC T•QST HARVST RXCURSION From •11 Isaacs is °obelo Return Rates is NMothoon Dtn.y aifo Mooaomin Never broken al nt.oarth -Kabo. The "bones" in the YoI'kt n $30.00. YtlE kfion B. & C. corset are made of it M 28.0 s -warranted for a year. too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit But it's pretty sure to suit --else it wouldn't be sold so. PMlbo- Albert $35.0. Edmonton 114000, 1'. leave au poste 1n the Province of Ontario en SEPTEMBER 22nd Raters e.tu Nev. IM. tall. Parties ttektatris friar I mim errs.w M fi n psait7tytrlst~Nr. 1. I. rr"... ..= =Vi.. .iW iis iwi di. irieea . appE 1 . se say weld a sem- tiara THE FAULTLESS IIOT ¶ATER IIEATER Guaranteed to do the tamp amount d heating with Ives fuel than any other furnace yet made. M•aseaetored by D. K. STRACHAN Oodsrich, Ont Old-time furnaces can be taken ort and replaced by thin superior invests tion without alterations to the and radiator" throughout the buil in which it is placed. Estimates furnished on application for placing this improved furnace in huiklings of any sire. Send for circularw. Adders D. E. STRACHAN, faeseit r and Talents{. (1100-11.) 0OI►F R iCH, ONT. .7W. .16-17,:1-4, sl.wn,?laa► es. sed Clr.gra+.. wee . sew •-d pageboy .s.d•.rd beta, T-.Untony of 110 C.ntill?1•11 W Josue of Nasareota. reortmora=a% et lir sows Ohrias irsole IL $a l orwY. >awr.ir it ak. +*assn R.y bst bust-. oaf