HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-18, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 1891. SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. Lerma pais of whitewash. Little pots of print, Make a Tory boedl•r Loo just like • sore. IT M very suggestive that rrs•d••s great est crimsoned lawyer, It 1L thetas, has bast called in by the :overspent to defend Su Hga•.,k, 111.I:aas%1 rod slim Mr. (;es u• a.e\L. A criminal lawyer for criminals. • MIT%I.,.\k, where the initial] s•alora were reported to have pleated the Union Jack and torpedoes, is alluded to in Acts 20 . 14, as • temporary stopping place of I'At n the Apostle 00 nue of has journeys into Europe. Psi 1.' travels and epistles lave had the largest circulation of any accounts of lour. nryrngs before or Doer. WH, u it that criminal -actions are not at once instituted against rascals of the Alt\OE' Di, SRNs. A1. et al. typeAnd if LA\LL- cIN, 11.lt.4r1.1.2e u/.1 others of the NI austere Were also tnbcte.l uu greet injury would re- sult to the honest seutitioent of the country. This Parliamentary o.. melon system with the majority a• black as time accuse.' Is rotten front hon. tip to heel. Heat: a the ninth of the last ten years ..f Tory rule in t amide )ur net debt has increase.l h5 per cent. Our pulde .' j*n.littire has ma:tease l 45 per cent. Our customs and e • ue to atlou hes tie creased 66 per cent. Our foreign trade has increased 7 per eeut our plIIwlatiewn has men -need 11..2 per cent., as agiinirliE97 per cant. to low tax decade front 1871 to 1881. Meanwhile Irruption, fraud and theft have held high carnival at I Ottawa. 7114. star last week misreported the toes council proceedings In the natter ••t ...tin chlor McKenzie's resolution to 1:µr the constable carry tut the town bylaw- sg•ln.t disorderly houses and houses of ill -fame within the corporation limns. The mutton was carried unanimously and yet The Star reported tlut it was defeated. The report in Tor. Sm. v u. nes, as usual, cornet in every respect. 'Flits journal has no rue to grind, and always reports the facts of the case. TI:1" .11,1. I:Et')'kh.' TIIE 0 01.1:TN. The same people who were ten rage and fury at Mr. L►T►:Lt.11:Ks dianiav%l. of his Miuisters, Nays The Montreal WitnesiOuve hcen plotting. agitating and aeeannIgg\ for a similar action for a similar wase .n the part of Mr. AN.EIta,Ilfr. L►TEW.1kit •succt+e,- or, an great as t helitfereuee bet ween sty ox and your cow. The deeds of Mr. Mercier'sl;overn- stent are. doubtless, store coartpletelY ea p,at•.l than th.wlr of Mr. mor floe. item ILIA... 4..o.•rnnlent were, and everybody believed Mr. se 11.01 . 44441%n.1.1. himself to be honest, though, as he c ufesard, at the mercy of a gang of railway schemers, while no one imagines Mr. Mei. IRR t., he at anylsely'a mercy. Yet the stretch of the prerogative small! Ir• precisely the same in one case as in the other. The next thing that was at- tempted was to get 4.overnorA\..Las bugler Mr. MIK. i,.n the alternative of advising a royal er ninon selected by the 4 :m-ernor or of being dismissed. Whether anything like this has len formally poop :seri to Mr. `�`• NI, IE . it is impossible to asy. It has leen r•.peateily asserted. but till now Nlr. M1nt- . 11.41 and Ito Ministers have denill 11111 1,111,. Still the rumor will not down, and it is quite plain. whether Mr. A\..1 i. Inas done anything actual or not, that this is what his party are urging hemi 10 .lo. Curiosity on the subject hes at last leen rewarded by the announcement that the Lieutenant .over nor has actually written to Mr. Mt 41. 41.41 a letter which has conte through the hares of the 4.ovenior t:eneral to the Iknnuion Pre- mier. What that ominous letter contains u w far a great secret, pliably known before hand to the 1 nusen stn a tarty manse/en. Paeamlisin and Whelan jobs are really upon the lace of them work for a Queen's Reach jury rather thein a royal commission : so were many of the McI:reevy incidents. A 3111.1' 1'1(e)TE.'T. Tux fit..\.A1. is always willing to publish :natters of local public iuterest, lout we want the news fresh and live, and not after ,t has Leen published in other newspapers. Just es we leo to peas we are in receipt of a long communication (nen l.ucknow which should have reached us a week ago, if the sec- retary of the institution had been ordinarily speedy. It will now base to lie over for an other week, and in the meantime may have been pul.bshed in half y dozen other papers. anti assume the soup, of " caul.' tail het again'. when it appears in TIO. Si..\ u.,which we don't appros a of by any means. Another ground for complaint exams in connection with the Kest Huron s. hood teachers ..nten•pnn. It was held u, t lin Inn a week ago. and, we understand. a special reporter was appointed to prepare "entity- for the county press, as nutters of moment were on for dis•uanon : hitt up to the present ne "r•op) - has been reerivel at this office. A ,,,..nth or two hence the re- port maybe rather stale for publication. Of 5oa1se, It unit our funeral, but We mildly protest against keeping the corpse ton long. The 'vermin who drives the hearse will pleat take mottos. THE1" .I LL HAI'S .4 11A31 We have most d us heard the story of the fellow whet wart arrested in • western town for stealing a quantity of hams. He ae ure•d • lawyer to defend him, who asked his client to mnh•ossa himself to him in regard to the ease. The client at once told the lawyer that it wtm quits true that he had Melee the h am., and • quantity of thane at that, ssvert►dom he rolled upon the lawyer to gest freeis• ht? emerge dos trial coma off Were • judges sod twelve "good map sod true,.. hut the Noesis woe mo strafed against the ac- cused Not this .firms of ibis Swyer .smstad •I.,+.w...e:.. �.i.'1r--1,- , �., 4.•••' ^ne,etMbw. 1144. nisei judge charged dead .emelt the.oeussd and I this matter was thea .mbmitted to the jury, who were aspected to bring to a verdict of "guilty." To the astootsbnaat of the court and every use in it, the jury returued a verdict of "sot guilty," and the primmer was Im mediately dmsch•rged. Wheel the rebaswl prieoaer mat asked wfterwar.l hoe he cane to be saxaunterd w1th with the facts so straight against he replied, with a knowing look, •'Why, every mann on the jury had taken a hum ' And that's the only earthly way to K count fur the whiteeaahtng of t'o, Heise and L.%s,.sx IN In the Parliamentary cwt. puttee majority at Ottawa. They all have a ham. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. I Mier. ansate we. fakni metes, Ate faith kill Arrest it. Ina dia•u.rioa with a bee never insist on commie to a point. Ilut if you waist an ex, ei lent cabinet picture Ueu Stewart can du it with acetone sad despatch. They talk of a standard •• for pianos. 1Tbe next ueigbb. r hes no setae in the mat - ter.r 1f you want to ret a pod Pall suit gu Y. J. Protium. the people • clothier. The Ona love affair is the malady which at- tends the cnttlnr of wisdom teeth. The Ont p4405 to go to for toe hest line in picture Irani tag and elegant photo. is R. R. Iellowa W'beh the lightning strikes • palitioal con- vention ,tor members have no time to bolt. but it you went U,.. hr., gentlemen's wear to be get In Oodench town be sure and go to A E. Pridham.. Did you are the display of stover shown by Ale •k Saunders at the Northwesteru Fur this week 1 Those ate only a small sample of his stock. 11 you want •.rove cad and see hint, Look at his advsrttocmes( on our •eveath MOO. Tier. FAts. The Northwestern Exhibi- tion is in progress as we go to press. Par- ticulars next week. tins Der AH►%U. .lorathan Miller's stallion .lrtaba Wilkes got tint prize in r.r.l .-lass,style and speed cutuidered,at the Northwestern Fair on Thursday, and ,.ecure.1 the diploma against all comers. LIF): Mxwar41. We aro phased to learn that H. 1. Strang, H. A., the well-known and popular heal nester of I:o.lench High School, was elected a lite member of the West Huron Teachers' Cow. vention held at Clinton last week. Mr. strong is deserving of all the honor that his co-e.lucattonist.can bestow on hint, and is an ornament to the teaching pfofeesion generally. A Music G. TRENT n grow-. Nlaluger Saunders of the I.rend Opera House has been succeeful in securing the Mozart rex - tette fur one of their refined musical enter- tainments r.n October 15th. This is one of the finest musical organizations of the Unit- e•l States. and manager Saunders has been to gre& expense to get theta here, but he is determined to furnish the public with a het ter clam of entertainments than they have had in the past. L1►p.4: sIlle5E\T o1 Itrrrt:tl. -.john Han- nah, of 1:.slerich and Sea(trth creameries, shipped lest week two carloads ofcreamery butter from his own creameries. This but- ter was Jniy and part of August nuke, and was sold at 19t cents for July make and 20 cents for August. 1t goes to the Old ('owutry. This will realize to the patrons a good deal better figures than if they had made the butter themselves, and they are wsel all the labor of butter leaking. This 1s the largest shipment Mr. Hannah has yet made at one time. the total receipts of which will amount to $10,000. Reston ei. To THE CHI. %.... Horst.. 8) - his ad. in this tome the many friends of the popular llig Tailor, R. Mad'nrmac, will take notice of his removal to West-mt.,where lie- will he pleased to sleet him told and new customers. He manages a fine selected stork of new and fashionable g eslm, and has secure) an agency for the sale of the very choicest and best cut and trimmed rea.ly• made clothing, which he will sell at a slight a.lxsure on cost. tomits* furnuhingsceually attractive. The public can rely on getting the very best value from Mac. 1O. p:cI:\r. -" The Tennis Tourna- nn•ut, ' an•tiuge.l I, Mira ('ander n bet•veen the ladies rd the club, was completed an Mogday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Neftel .mel Mie }mita Naftel were the finals for the championship, Mrs. Naftel winning.. The tennis club were charmingly entertain- ed at the 4.t•ely hone- of the 'saheb, on Werieslay afternoon. Tennis and refresh. menta..... The gentlemen have imuel in- t'itatios fora ' at the British this 1 Friday I remise. t undoubtedly will be one of the moat successful of the season. London Harpers. " iai.H Horoa." The initull perfonnan,r of Percival Green's new comedy drama, "Irish Honer," took plate at the ilrantfonl ()pen House on Monday evening 10 a large and fashionable audience, and receival an enthusiastic reeeption. The drama is a story of life on the Emerald Isle, and al Is its mirth and jollity, es well as dramatic effect. A pathos runs through the whole play which completely wins the hearts of the audience. The author, Mr. M..1. Royal, and the company were called before the curtain at the end of the third act. " Irish H..nor " is booked for the 26th Sept at the a:rand Opera House, when it w-i1I open for the season with new scenery and effects. Espheustn a. McLoaaan's Lialssesr Is a positive cure for spinal disease, hip .l tsetse, tnIammatory rheti mat ism, holm back, lumbago. sore throat, weak and sore lungs, irises, strains. stiff joint., rupture and all kindred .iiseaan. It has ally been found a cure for throat afeecti.yn. in horses. Price, 75 cents. None genuine without having the trade mark on lapels and wrappers and E. A. Me- Lennan's I.iniment,l:alerich, (Int.. stamped on was seal .n each bottle. Manufacture" only by i•.uphen.ia A. McLennan, sole patentee and proprietress, Newgate street, t.odench, Ont. The fallowing druggists have the Lini- ment for sale- ,lames Wilson, W. C. 1:resale, Geo. A. Fear. 26It PRiM, Mottoes. CAUTit•N ANY PERSON mR Iakfng pesaess!nn of wreckers. timber. lath tint poesy or soy 041155 ttD of wrier -hare and falling to resort or ver asM wreekys forthwith tothervea- Ter of wracks wfll be prosecuted to the ion orient of the law. CAPT. WM. BASH Reotl.er of Wrstea. Gederkh. Sept l , dal. 161t TAXER. 18141 -THE COLLECTOR will he In hs eller. la tbi. town WI, ea Reiser%. Tuesday sod Wednesday of emelt week Irom Pep. 1x11 se reeedreyasea* of taxa water rotes. ere.. eketrie ligtt Iona Medleal. 71R`t. WRITELY el HENTIM. lJ Delisa Owed Opera [Asps. Wderteh. et Ra BRANNON ! RHABNON, ='�'I THE CORNER OJ3` MoLoan's New Block SOU WILL F1NU THY GREAT Y24TAHLIdlIMENT OY • A. E. PRIDHAM, Gents' Furnisher, Where you can get an assortment of goods second to none of our leading city houses. It will pay you to find the place, for there, in the best equipped store in our town, you will find the finest variety of men's goods that has ever been shown in Gode- rich. My stock for FaAl is now al most complete,and I have bought from leading makers only. IN LADIES' TOMS • Have got the correct sty le.. :NII I ,t..k t to call slut sex' them befun purchasing ekes lt.•r•. New York deigns in Storm Dollars, Muffs, Capes, Visites, In Beaver, Alaska Sable, Seal, Nutria, American Opossum, Sealette, Grey Lamb, etc. Youths', Boys' and Men's Overcoats Little need be said about that line of goods, as all who inspet-teel them last season had to acknowledge that, combined with material, style and prime, they were the best %aIle in the trade, and i must say this season's in.porta- tionn surpasses all others. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Braces, Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Night Robes and all the latest novelties in gentlemen's apparel kept attractive and fresh the year around. IN RUBBER COATS 1 hate a vers large stock in all the new shades and pattern., with a 21 -inch cape detachable. Take a look in and try one on. Prices will not frighten you. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the place ---ON THE CORI4ER OF Mc- LEAN'S NEW BLOCK. P .S, A. E. PRIDHAM, THE MEN'S FURNISHER. I am agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry. Goods sent every Wednesday and returned on Saturday. Travelling Guide. Meohaide4C Institute. LiODIItICH MECHANICS' INSTI TL'TE LIBRARY AND READINO- ROOM, on. of Yost street and Square lop Maines. Open from 1 to 6 p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.m - ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leading Daily, If eddy and Illustrated I'aprrs, M ices, etc., nu File. MKMBERBHIP TICKET, ONLY SI.SS. granting free nee of Library and Reading. Room. Application for membership received by Librarian. in room.. EU. SHARMAN. GKO. sin v EN, President, • Secretary, Oodorich, March loth OItANU TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive and depart at Ooderich as fol. lows : alta4Tt Mail anti Express. Mail and Yanress 1.1. p.m. 10.00 p.m. Mixed ........................... .....10.11 a.m. Mixed .............. 726 D.nn. as►s0T. Mail ........... 706am. Mail seal Zzpress :.0.S 9.a Mittel 1 Iq D.ax . $Ituatietaa Vaeant. /-i ENERAL SERVANT WANTED - ..i Good wages to competent girl. Apt.iy t0 MItS. ALKCK SAUNDERs. l•amero• let_ S-tf ENERAL SERVANT WANTED.- T Apply to 61112' LiNDDSAY. at the resi- dence of W . T. Welsh. West St. 31tf I i EN ERAL SERVANT WANTED.-- N. £ Apply a once to MISS DAT18. North to reef. 3411 Hotel Aeoommodatlon. THE HURON HOrEL, -THIS well-known and impulse hotel has been refitted. *Maned and improved recently and is now second to Dune in quality of ac- • commodation for the travelling public. Good accommodation for transient guests. IPM. CRAIG, Proprietor. the Square, Oodeneb, Ont. SSERVANT :PANTED.-T)DeOEIIQ eral home work. Apply 10 YRS. D. THE PARK Hill".E -THIS W'ELL- CANTY.WN, N'eet ehomehilt known homer will he kept open for the It' Inter and will furnish first-class acoommoda• tion a reasonable rates. UR* W. U. SHAN- illi NON. Mortgage Mie. fORTI:AGE BALEo --- 1�*v. ItY AND ► iOTHER VA1.t ABLE PROPERTY In the village of Saltford and town of Godertch. Under • power of sale contained in a mart pipe to toe vendor. there will be sold by pub fl t unction. •r Martin's hotel, Ooderkh, by John Kpoe. auctioneer. on'tatnrday. Jctober Sed. 1691. at 12 o'clock noon, the following property.viz.: 1. A brewery In the *dime of Samford, known as "Wells' brewery.' The premises tantalite 10 acne of land. on which are all nec- essary stables and outbuildings. The motive power required and Ore protection are supplied by a stream running through the land., suf- ficient to lune water to any part of buildings. ,The brewery and appliances are in good rue • ning order. A good trade has been dose end the investntru Is a pAying sad highly desir- able one. 2. Lots 0 and 41. in Hanford. on which there Is • "mei frame house at present occupied by James Wens. 3. Leta K sad 17. In Saltford. and lone acre of block •f" in Colborne township, containing a story -and-a half frame hoar with Ultimo attached. There is also on this parcel • large D umber of fruit trees in good bearing condi- tion. 1. I.ot RIS. on tie corner of Hamilton .sad I'letorla streets In the town of tloderieh. eon - tanner • frame more with dwelling hones attached. This property is well situated and Ise good business stand. Ms property will be sold euhjett to • snort. Wee for $2.60100 1,[nwa ov SALE Tea Der fent. down gad the balance. without interes. in 30 days. whea D IrrtpleMeMon will he given. There will be a rev psrtMears may be obtained from the ♦nese'• ssltslters. OAR ROW k I'ROt'DFOOT. ' ender's loIteiten. Dated 17144 Sept.. MM. rind ROYAL CROWN BITTERS ib K.D.C. D7sM•Ma Coro Peak rids. Carbone Carom i esinfrtoa. ersf. 0.5e'a Resa.dt.s. Taylor's. R►akesee es .ad 85siy'• Perfumes IN sent Dr. MoLood's R..Sdtea All sew eMore la maenadsTurtleTurtleV MMI. sTuDyes Or. SrOwfs [renis. tar Mee Boating. IAKE SHORE BOAT HI)I'SE, J Roderic b. Oat. -Picnic parties and e chooh can make special arrangements for use of beets and lame building on the beach at very reasonable terms. Attentive and ezpen- enced lawmen always on hand. Superintend ed by CAPT. WM. BAHB. Lifeboat Service. Articles Sir M_ Ile _ FOR SALE -i HAVE ABOUT 20 cords a betiding .tale. mostly all quer sled ; can delle to say part of town on short n otice. JOHN S. PLATT 1141 SHiN1.LES.-XX. CEDAR, AT 8I.li1 square.kper square. XXX cdar, eat SIAS per XXX. seder. at 81.76 IL �f square. JOS. L"OR SALE -A SEWING MACHINE I' Mimed order tell wW tour drawers sad teal: oast Wt, w•flf NMR Ise SU. Address K. N., thsoaes. 13.11 SHINGLES, XX , PINE,-ASPLEN- did thick skik. 1i beak at 11116 per egoare. JOS. KID . 110 LIME FOR SALE. -ORM FRESH lime kept constantly on hand at the Feiss Iteeerve lime kiln. X. NAK('HLZR. MON FOR SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST pulleys Sl In. farm, 11-111 la. bora• or am be bond to fit blood as new. WI 11 be sold at a �ture, wlyply •t Trim PIn.At.$55 Moat. North a.. Godench. • I)LOwS.-NO. 4 'INGLIS. STEEL i Beall, $13s0, No. 11 Amsilleasi Steel Beard. Shia No t American Neel Mand, 1114..000. Good seo•ad--hh5and perms awe for cosPaean plows. hew �/p to No. 003 0DDEHill's ( H MC N DRY. HARD AND isOPT COAL FOS sate. -Rest quallty of hard sad sort Deal. all modes. delivered to pan d tea town ea sears morias Bet gni before erderlst elmwA1or.iaa�yCRy tstd. err of Selma dorsi:JOHN a.etAPLAIT." , e•• ." D K ala UV.. Wanted. WANTED --300 UORD8 OF GOOD . 1 feet Neg. hos hew %ask leo street, wpe1M a wail 1891 -NEW 00008 FOR FALL -1891, JOHN ACHESON. We take pleasure in announcing Unit our stock for Fall is now c,ntplen-, anal as our space here will not allow us to enumerate the different lines se eatTy WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION And will take pleasure in showing you the class of good* we sell ,unl the prices we sell thrill at. We wish to call your special attention to our stock of Imported Linen Goods in Bleached and Limon l)ainask Tnblit►gs, Towels and Toweling, I:ut,here Linen, Table Napkins, etc., eta'. You can ,woe 10 per cent. by buying linens front us. • JOHN ACHESON. 11t 3ni FINE TAIIARIN6, CHICA(}a HOUSE ll'EST STREET, Alongside Montreal Telegraph Office. The right place for first-class clothing and gents' furnishings. Choice ready-made clothing. B. MacCORMAC, MAINT A4EEt.. MISS CgMERON !rewires to return thanks for the patronage which has len s, kindly extended to h. r slur ing the past year, making it the twat successful year of her business etpenetee, and trusts that the relations exutiug between her custane a and herself will continue to be aa cordial .a they ha.e been in the past. AUTUMN MILLINERY. MISS CAM F. Rs hae brought front the cities an extensive sseortmeDt of Mdherry 4::o.xdsi for the }'all trade, e.wnprisiug the latest novelties to be hail Mall branches all will be pleated to have every lady in t:oderich and vicinity call and inspect her stock et the old stand, HAMILTON STREET. • Property 101' Salle or for Rent FARM P'OR SALE. -LOTS 32 AND i!. os the let cos., Ord rich township. Hayfield Road.cotnprisinsIMI erre. The land a of good quality. suitable for either grain or stock rasing. There le•good living Wrenn) through the teatie of the flats For partici- lam It C. HAYS, barrister. er. Oodereeh. 211-3t LIA RM TO RENT. -LOT 8,CON. 6, E. r U.. l'olborae township. containinOgg about 7'4 acres, about t0 acres cleared. Goo.1 high land farm. good barn and dwelling house. Rent reaeoaable for a term of years. Apply to MRS. SARAH I'ANSTONM. either on premises, or address Carlow P. 0. 1035 ITO RENT 01R FOR SALE. -THE A. house oo corner of Kest and Victoria Msg•m. Apply to JA8. it001N8UN, %Slat FVR SALE.-TH REE FARMS. CON. JL' vitalise eighty acres . 3rd and 1th 4onoesslons (ioderich - +ship. three miles from Guderkch. A ply to MRS. ANN HIS('KS. on the prem' 2164. FOR SALE. HAT LARGE AND tondonab frame house at mise foot o West.L. Inuit •lately opposite the Park; • very desirable ocation and would be specially suitable for Bummer boarders. For further particulars apply to 7T. T. WELSH. 3-tt ; P ROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE - Persons waddler to exchange °odelieh l property. w farm lands adjoln!ng. for Tars*. , ho4as or lois can learn full partic,ee�erllar, sL �/ applying to ALKCKSAC'ND44k$ Out. 1.-11 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN -THAT commodious building on King-st., Arm - sada at present occupied ae a palet-�t►h�epp�y by Wm. Stitt•, is on aide. Terme easy. 3 If to ▪ S. SCeyTl. Brawls P. 0. i•I( 120R SALE. - THE FOLLOWING l valuable properties: Part of lots 7 and R ooncamiea 1, E.D. Ash field. 135 aces. The North4of lot 31. Sad 00110411111114"aEast Wawatlosh. acres. The above properties will be sold so terms to suitwrchwsan. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT& CAMERON. now Roderick. Leas& E11. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC . ter is Maritime Courts of Ontario Mee -South Colborne boon,. 7(11 u. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, "1. solicitor, cenmtoeross ner, Ac. Le collet tions and real Palate tramocuoss twat Ann attended to. Office --Cor, Remitter; oat 1st. Andrew's-st., (lodericb. Oat. irfinly. TOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER CI Solicitor. Ceaveyasosr. kr ; Money a lend. (Mk. over Poet -Oasis. Oodencb. tict CAMPION, BARRISTER, E. fblkltor. Notary Public. et 1. Oaoe --Over Jordan's taut Store. the news formerly occupied M Judge Doyle. 7W C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, As R. Odoe. Miner d Square and Wer street. Godench. over nslkgsaph once. Per rate Viands to tend at a par mat. yet j('1 ARROW & PROCDFOO'r, BAR• volt rioters, At.oreeyt,.kc.. Geer rich. J. T. °arrow. W. t tCAMER3N, BOLT & CAMERON, la =them 0`.;p Mi. lDentloai. M. 11ECBOLSO1t, LD.& -DENTAL Jt•1. fusee opposlto the wow Post 00. Went et., 001.eiab. SOtbtl , T1 R. E. RICHARDSON, L D. S.. 1-, surgeon dentist Bae and vitalised sir 1 administered for jMtnMm extracting of teM- Speetal attention to tbe preservstlsa of the natural OSoo-Up ens, rassiWoo Ged•rrttd. asuman, ea L'OR SALE. --MR. WILLIAM Mc 1 Lean. from continued 111. 0Ntk. earn for sale his bourse and grounds 1n the Iowa of Gods. I rich, co.. ting of R lots.on which are situated an *lamest and mon rom11rtable dw�t� house built ani long oecupsd by Hle Sssq Judge Sinclair. of Hammon. a basuUAl par• den• stable, and all necessary entheses, and arpurtensne.s. the whole In hood repair sad ferning one of the most destrabs reeideness /a tlhel n t• =a•Wsre of Oodersch. For particulars apply OARROW A PROUDFOOT, Gude- ekes. reader's solicitors. 1411' I1MRST•CLAM BRiCK HOUSE AND -AbLOT 10R 0A1.1 � AT Pala1CK 0T. 7450 .let two mlaa6sb a 11. TIN •teriw 4fak h the rear slate Maaim la beadle" tee s rests ea with Sat. upstairs taste are 6 acre reams, lathe tsar saditlea tbeee are kitobea, potstry. Uptown. girl's room and y Ali• ggii.Tasr. Apply te the ms�md�stl, wM 001110061.aee5�D all y ktissmillw Teaehere Wanted. ' TEACHER WANTED. -TOR S. 1. Ne. I,es(oMwrs, 6w the bedews of year ullt.with Clad et 1!11 Ont, saAlgt Iter g � eta. m or rtsgalra. T�T�ersr TURN KNOX, GER iRRAL AOC- ri WRsor aM Land .a�y� OwN e•• a a.pagp.ywe" lie la a Awtaoo.M'1eR. IMuslloaL Mv8IC LESSONS. -MIM A00i1 THOMSt)N Is prepared to rim mit lessers on lea piano ass elslawismesaYsr oris lag w Nat Geo. W. l Loans and Ineuranee. MONET TO a LEND. -A LARGE rmeuat d private aM ether funds • Mwent rates 0e nruulwaive town and Is • MnSpreNdtime d ropaLat w•t M, O. JOwNSTO. M a a G. WARD, py001(UYANCER •iiimmuses. •• ono. extrir eeaaP lllastedlaaYfft iiorAppeel wler et la erg la the trapwWrs m IM w ySinie amt wmtiw s Marti J. T. 1IAFTEL, LITE, FIRE AID alas Ira to �peerrcc1•iiapip New a Idea o aliPmers, weed endwise. ata. Olessa-Gler. eAb let 71 .100.000 TO . APPLY To V.ei [to HO1 s N 010 MOM TO LINDA -A 1.4 R o 1 •ised •f�rr IrvsAnsM saDOLt� OZNII .." L •arMM to4- tgi q M asAo rsY d Istw+M J ,m rrr ' '�r7" e"taste►