The Signal, 1891-9-11, Page 8•w. TIM SIGNAL : GODERIOH. t)NT.. FRIDAY. BRPTBYBRR 11, 18,1 MEW ADVERTISEMENT& ,harvest Simonton, t'. P. Rathreel•••• •gU. • remiss City Kuarnme Cather -J. W. WOO, - este . g $ .,•allure Itsatel14 ,dna 1 MIMIa ryOpeofai- Mrs. R. Ile SWIM. \ "• (Yatiew t opt. Win. Rabb fr Phew. tied --lch Yuus.dry ,.. / Howe Waisted T. H. Rot hwd,....... se 4 Bit Seeress John Itolmrtses .. . $ P all Millimeter) The Musses Y• I•......,. 8 reruiture Wilmer smith .. .. 0 House to H• et or for sale J. 11 msec. l ltrrrant Wanted Mrs. L1adel••......... 4 Tates. lett J. A. Natal ........... t BORN. B IENNI(Tf - Inneaforth on the Ord cast_ the wife of $ama••I H •n tett. of a daughter. LHPPAItW In Toronto, on August *stk. the wife of Seaford !Append. of a sou. CANN In Y.xeter. on the tau ult.. the wife of Wm. ('.-,u..t • daughter. ANDI:1t4ON Ai ('redlton. on the 41st Aug.. tar wife of Wile,. Anderson. of • sun. Ill WON Ii In w,n.4hem. on Mua.L). sept. 7th. the wife of ti in. Diamond, of a .tasgn ter. MARRIED. BRACNI► •sl'II'E1t In F:x••lrr. un the 2nd Just_ at the residence of the bride's p.renta. b) ih. Itev. A. 1. itunaell. Mr. kdw.n Simpson Braund, to Nus Maggie 4. ictoria Spicer. all of luster. ROTH I. I. .1MRS In West Bay City, Mich.. on August Vali. by Res. telt. Irving. Ilarr) \, ttohwe:l. ot Detroit. to Miss Mane. daughter of Mr. J. W. Ane•s of Went liar ('itt. l'A('KKit ItAWTINH$:IMKR-116 Fettle& 311.h . on July 41.t, he Re.. J. W. Kends, aastated by Rev. J. R. rewell. Cori. V. Parker. of Saginaw. to AMk teledys l'ampberl. eldest Isoghter of A. Bawtttr h.. - r. or R: us*:Is. Oat. HENUEItgOX L tNIr415OR0C0K 1t the re.uf.ns.• of Jusepli Townsea4.beuther-in- law of the 'bride. Cne.lev Manitoba. os the 11th uIi . by Rev. T. R. Wilso•. Witt. W.11eaderseu w .tnnahsUo faun h 4•u/ra- ter of James Lerid•uoroudh• lf:,y . of rue,: eremith. Rerun county, teitarte. CRAWPORD-COPELAND- At Winnipeg, sot ,r 12th of Aujtl.t. at tee resident, us Thomas A Montgomery- Ho Oh street south. Wianipew, by Ree. Jac. Alla,. led. J. t'rswfort. niers-heat. Souris. Manout., to Mery A. t\tpelae a of Nude: tel.. Out. DIED. GS ALIEN in Winvlam. on •.unday. Sept. rtged ti. Jane, le -loved wife of Andrew Allen, a ytara. I.I.1NUi,-I M teter. un the Int ins: .. phos. Infant eon of Henutn 1. rad L.1) 5 month. riot l i da, s. WA tN In Kin lose. on Ike 2(ttt A,igust. ry Ann MrK-nziewife ut Alex..xat son aged 31 vara. 11 mouths azul 14 de).. BUT('Hklt lis t' Wrote on Aug. nith, Edna iMar Butcher. infant daughter of Mr. &nal Mer. John Butcher. acted .: months end IJ days. - MiDFOItII In Winghan.. on the .31st August. Sarah le.senr, he loved wife ot /'at,t, ,n A O. Mulford and demelitcr of N no. and Meru 'emote,. aged ee years and 21 days.. MONT003KRV In Turnlrrry. on the 31a1 August. Andrew Montggmcry. agred'- years and 1 moth. CAMI'RKLL In W ugham. on the :had inst.. the infant daughter of George (antpbelL aged 3 moot 1 4. ARCIIIBALD 1n Senio':h. on the :Nth ult.. Jobb Ratcliffe. infant son of Jame. Archiha!d. lyred month. and I: days. GRANT ,t: Kingston. on Aug. 21st. Peter Orme. eon of John Brent, Ethel. sited 22 years 3 month,. and 7 .tris. M11.1.811 -At Cranbrook, on August 31st. IJsvld Miller, ager! 76 years and 1: month!. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Some rf our regul..t .oi respondents inn t get in their hudget. uutil after the eleven' et hour. The re•su11 to, that we have often to hold over real mtere.tnu4 new;, which g.,•. dead lobo.- net l.aue. %%.• would hke our ..rro.pnud.ite to steel in !heti letters Ix) 1 itt•5.1*) tor not Lori ehau Wettseed y. Tm►. Sm:..at. ha. the twat c.rresp.,mtenx page of any It.w.p:tp•r In the Hunan Tract, Mut 11 talc. nese tli .0 en sour or two to put the hanbut.e page in good shape - "(:1t tI, Eh e and let us continue to bed 11,.• pro"riol' l . p LONDESBOROUt3H. tr1u144 ,a'• use. 1 onkE•JY,.ot.T.1 1t. R. Jeffery and ethers intend taking in the industrial e.hibitien nn Toronto from Battu-slay until Tues ri . R. Adam, of the Enlp.num, ha. like w earoi slipped a large .tua11t1ty of plums, wheel are .tis a'umtaut crop test. year. John I.,wham 4. gone on .1 trip to Mani. tole" end the North 1.V,,t. He will likely es, 1111.. 4.mle profitable sp.-illation again. /101'.• .1 windier of young folk. spent a mows jiItu.as11 time at I...fetid' Trebly last. 'tut, ...eye, you .hould get 11..11... 1n•torr the install hours appear. K.- Tildes . .4 Calif..tlno, aa. in our mid.t beet week visiting Irtcud■. We Ic• lr.re on hu return he will take a Into part ser with hint. levet e',hem go a it h y ou,ohl boy. It. )IrFrddeu returned Lame from Pane trip to s .• t tad t'uuntry la.t week anti looks as though this trip agreed with him well. Ma' los some gotta stories to tell about his veeage !fervent is nearly completed :.nay a few of the ".luggard. " who arc always hehud the time. have not got through yet. It has (teen .11 t hat could IIsi drUre.i. What more 0ew11,1 melt a k for good .•rop a.g..,l weather and good prier. ` Surely there Is nothing etre for the farmer. At the last r•guiar 1.meting of Court Pride of the ‘1"..40 X... 31, 1'. (►, le. the fel lowing resoiutH,n was trued. "That a meet hearty iota of thanks of this .mart lir ten demi to Itm..1. H. element:. of r histo,, tow the very ah1e dos. -mire' Which he rend rowed wl t., the members on the 23-.1 of Aug net : and that he be turnuh..l well a cops d the resolution Alio a reetluu,n ea. pawed at the mune meeting at. follo... That • hearty vote .4 thanks he tenderer) to the choir of the leth.,list church for the very s.srlitahl, manlier u, which they riessl K•tel thetr part on that ,,-.-*., ,t, COLBORNE. (novo of a ow....Hitt oro. li[.T.1 =I'Kr. 1'T.Tm,y ..n Aal.ktw. the Arn prior Chronicle give, a lengt by u•e.nmt u( e n address and loment•tion to a foo mer t' ..I limn,. man ,al Aug. Rth, w hen .%11•.. %*.ung• head ,miller of N'. R Me.Allist,r .t Son'. big mill al I't.'kenliam, eras rade the recipient of s handanme tooken of the esteem of his fellow .-mpinyre His wife Mao reeeivel a hand.m..• set ot lierry defiles and a table lamp nn 311....tiler. Mr Voting is well known to malty rerdersof TKc he learncl Pan. tree, ,n thea .ounte at the mill of !Intim, A Price,. Wimigharn. After orwnp:et.ng hi. apptrcnt. rehip he worker" in Puns ick mill, Porter. and (,men that west 1.. I'„nlrnk, as heel ,,,tiler for %T. R. McAllister A see some time *fterwerd the firm l,•nght out the l'at•kenhaat mill, ..rl Also time given Margo of it, and .1.. apace ml • hnan•sl inter.... ,n tie concern. Recently h, entente int.pattsevwhlp with David is in op.r.U.g• tat, Arnpr,nr rol Ise will, .nl it wan no the ,,excel i ,, .ever tial[ hie oonaeetnn with W. R M,Alli.lwr . tjef i7"J,^ .7,^arks"'.'., n11,`s;L. m ••:yi•:cA'. t teem rod at of his for err felon ampleyes HURON PARAMOUNT. (mon torn ow . eoliss.eusinamr. ) Peter Murdoch is carpeut.•nng u Wiog• haat. 1'*rauwunt mums return a good per ceutage. Mus Kate Nichol.ou was in I'aretlr.4nt last week Min. Lime Murdoch Ihaa returned front a week's visit in Dungannon. !firs. 1.1'llltan. Murdoch, whoa' we report - e 1 very Ill, is ra'udly rewtoverulg. .Lan 1' Reid and Miss Ituchanu,, of Westfield, epeut last Sunday herr Mir Emma Flood, of Lurkuow, spent umlry ..f last week in I'erm1.u,,ut John Mt-Ken/et, who h... barn seek for the past few weeks, is much better. Mrs. A. McAlister, of Clinton. is visiting her daughter, Mo. I.e.,. S. Itolertson. What ie the natter wit1. rhe 1'.r•muunt footle' teem ' Is tt a thing of the past' Mr. F. A. M.Kentte, of Montreal, is at present Vunuhg her hrother,.lu.eph Agnew. Mir Hall, of 4'hic.sg who w.. visiting at Vs iib.n. McXay's, hes returned to that city. Mrs Shank rue .laughter, from So uthrrli Irakota, spent a few weeks at Wesley Hen- derson's. Mrs John Reid is at present very sick with inflammation. We hope she will speedily recoVer. James Murchison, who has been attend- nig Albert College, Belleville, for the past year, has returned to that 11161 11ur1011. 4'.a.,' Wi. Jnr1K. Paramount girls,. are lotting t.. I*•trolt and the Imrds are going south sure signs that Winter is nigh John Murray,who was in Manitoba with a rarl.w l of horses, has returnee' home,. and report, 'ng j,ro.peet4har'thy Mauitula. farmn- er. We hear that William McAllister, of Crieff, formerly an old resident of Para- mount, has gone on a trip to the Old ('oun try. John McNay, who passel the rr'•cnt primary reanunetloi, purpose .tten.ling 4learntll lege *clued Idle leaves for there thin week. Many of the farmers ere busily engaged ,..wing their Fall wheat. some have already ...en, while others are far behind with their Fell work. The face 0f Alex. McDiarmid beams with an uhuwai fatherly plasantnesn, the result of laving bree the recipient of a haute :ono daughter. John McMillan, who . has been working In Paramount cheese factory, Inas rrturnetl to hos home oil the ,erond ..,nceri.m. James Murray takes his place. Donolly Sutherland, who, bas boli work ins; in the Wingham Furniture factory for sonic tin,e,paas.el through Paramount Satur- day evening last "home% Aro' Inured.' Owing to the extremely wet w-eather during the pert few week, f*rn.er.• nn this eeetk41 are unaiole to secure their Spring grain aa.i aalaermently a great amount of grain is not yet harvest.vl. A debate will take plat, 111 our tem Frin•r- ;tnce lodge here on day evening a -Such aheme' prove eery interesting. Suhj.xt - o•Itesolve,l,that we suffer more (non imagin- ary evils than real evils." .torn H 'emcee', .4 lane., was in Pant - too mitt lately. He ted not stay- hong, how- ever, haying drew -mine.' to go eartwara. Tiether he bent hit fo,tateps early Saturday ncewniug, end has not been seen in Paee• 1nuumt *ince. Has he returnee! to Lanes crit St'1ra_vorr►_ - Jonn McLean, of the 12th concession, ashfield. Itearc..•e,vetl word tram the Educational Department that he is en- titled to a third-class certificate. ,He was one of a very few who passed from rural schools, having been educated at Isle of Skye under the notion of Alex. McKenzie. New lnvention. _William and Frank Patterson ll of the second conncession of Huron, are the inVentors .4 a bag•holder, which is pr. nounce.f by those who have seen it a nest useful and reluisiter article. They have Itatl it patented and intend ex hihttin. it at the lndustrial Exhibition in Toronto,- Neu Tut .t..:t• A3 T, Parente generally in this locality do .$t neem aware of th.• new tenancy- law enacted hy the lhltarlo ulsture, and me to fur.'e compelling children from 8 t.. 14 year's of age to ishan" rht,l. Parents should ser to it that their children •re.eet regularly- to *ch.gl, t•lher- e tae they are liable to is tine of 74.. to ,120. The uttemlaoce in our school is ant s., Targe et 'haul,' be. Take warning. Hot et. Itk1:.t51.1.. Som1' parties r.•.•et1i • ly broke into an unocc,lpn.•tl house on the seem.' crncessintt. II r• . owned by •frame. Smith. We knee not the extent of the dalnave•, fact belle%e the mi.:re•write *mull lie punished. 'fn. fact that tlire arP young oboe. 1101 six, 11*e t10,111. 1.1.. 14.01, der if they- were the parties who borglarved the i.ochalah stores. Roonietnher boys that if you are found guilty of one you are lies,ie to be ae.LMe.l of the ,tin•,. People noon, find out a Pan pm are and an .stellate is formol gf your ehararter. Reelretn your. salve.,. R.b .. \• .re our rnrrerpwneent front Pert Albert want. to know " what'* tale I matter with Teo: So. s. Lucknow mere. - pomace' " and w len if the Ripley man knocked him .but. We knew the Lucknow .v,riesptn.ient ton eel' for that. The fact lot the matter is he 11.* been away m. Tmmn to, for ran. time, lout is now l.. -k again. i 1 hat'• all. Ile. el....1. (termites the lost page of local correspondence of any ew • paper ett,nt, ent,rely fres from the 'bulk, ewe ly soving*. that make up „mm• news palters. whose brans a ( eorresponeents I know tinthing hat •Ill', trash. The Leek• now .nrrvap,ndent seise one of the " gotta ones " and we hope he will rnntimte to correspond for THE Si...1. Hurry up there : we're all waiting f..r you. 1 "nese not &(rate' of that Ripley man. Pontos.' case -rite. The ('rtrn, of In -.I dustry A.at•iation 111 I'aram.mnt held their I tint concert in the s.hbo,l 1 se here ..n Thursday evening boat and notwithstanding i the 4i•.iaaggrce•hle weather a large crowd wail m *tt.n,l*nee and full' enjoy.' res. goodprw'eem provided hy the e'remittee. In the alien., of Peter 1'nrrigan..1. P. Murray. prP.loe.t of the Assonatloon, (templed the .hair Lucknow beam bonne wee in atten dun,, and gave several fine rolelions, he teem furnishing a rich musical treat toroth Iefnrr and after the rnnern !n the neigh here as opal as to three in attendance at the ,.overt Mak-flint Stewart, the little left hand .10linut weaved the *spinner of the endow, for hie playing Let -know and ('lover %'alley glee dulls t.,ok part in the pr,wotng. to the entire eat idol of .11 A feature of •Itract ion aaa the chth•winging by the Misers Mau." asci IK11y Flood, of Luck. now The inatrem.nfals by Miss ttew$1, of IIlyth, w.r-..l., highly •ppr.r-stol, IM .: a "trfre.a rose peyote, time •w,. ,hose• and the east t mooed • treat. Aber. hearty sole M thanks to all muskier, tilt - COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE its part the meeting closed by g I.otl lire the queen , ..d all west IMMO apparently satisfied and plesa.d with the eretung s pre e..itnga. LEEBUHN. (rW)* o4'0 Ow. 01li.JrleefO. laliNT..1 Mia Bell, of (,udench, has loess visiting 44Iu. Melton the est stock. A )11•11. last Friday atwruuoa • mink was seen be K. N. Shaw as he waa return - .ug from Wtfunl with the Dunlop scribe. whose buggy he was w. He junipedl out of the rig and gave cheer, near R. 11). Morn. farm immune up and down be- de the Peace, with • little aid from the scribe, who .,,uld not leave his fast try steed to assist the pursuit. After • run of fifteen nein- utee he succev'tled in killing the mink, taking of to triumph to Dunlop, where a group of the village notable, gathered round, with the pot ul engtueer as their chairman, and pro ounoet the annual a mink and nue of the most deadly enemies of tee farriers' poultry yards. The gospel ten,pteraw•e meeting held in the hall of the 1. 0, l: T., No. 213,Sunday evening bad a large attendance. A. J. Moore, 11. A., of the Entrench High School teaching staff, gave a pleasing and in- structive whirrs, on the evils of the liquor teethe. At the chose .t the, redress 11.t,,. 3'Iutten, sr., a former resieeut here, and 11. ( ummwg orale a fest remark-. on the pie:were mf hearing such ,u .el.le aaldloes. choir of voices. under the leadership of E. N. Slaw, sang several selec•tee's. As we write arrangements are being else, to get H. 1. Strang, R. A., of Golench, for Sun- day eveiiii* g, and ou the thin) Sunday) in ties month Rev. A. Nl.Jlillau, of Carlow, will be the speaker. The greetings will new open at 7 o'clock slurp instead of 7:30. I't:.•if l'Insiis At the time of prayer MAWS HIV .m Thursday a -vetting of last week a .ongregatl 1 meeting was held Witt, a leo to taking stele to sat•ure a permanent pastor to take Mr. Nellly''s place when he lases in a few weeks' time. As the Polon church in t:.oleneh township, which has been under Mr. Nellly's care es well as the church here, had axcently added 760 to ti,.' salary, the subject of uiakiug the oreseut stipen.l 1150 more when a new pastor '. metalled was the principal theme of e. lot e. Mr. M.i'luskey. uft1he Union.t...o'll, I,otlench township, ',tong present took part in the ,io,cuawu. .I. 1:. ('lutuou, E. Shaw, John Norton, 10. '4tirltng,It. Cumming and several othere offend to doul,le their yearly sulw•rtpptions. In the end U. Cumming and John Ilof•tn-t were appointed delegates to the Presby':ery meeting ,at T'uesdey of this week .t Rlyth, to see if the Presbytery would great the o.ngregationr n paster if a Letter stipend is pail in future. %Vith the two congregations cruuhined a minister alight be obtained for the pest with the im- proved prospects. This week the lapid of the cot,gregatien4,te.-: ou T'hurolay eeen- iug to eecide ,n a date for a tea oleatutwmgg ano hear a report *Mout the quilt. which will *berth- itinter. -.1. WINGHAM. (r71414 ons llwy t:OKKt:.Pu. LENT.) Mayor ('lets is in t eederich this week. H. Clark, pumpark er, was in Walkerton this wee*. .1. C. strewn, of the l:.Vnk of Hamilton. Lucknow, w.01 n, town (.11 Saturday. F. I:. Murray, of flay City. Mich.. was visiting friends in town on Wednea.lay last. A. E. Smit',. of tete firm ,f Halsted & emit'. Ioankers,ts away on a cou le of weeks trip. Ile is toeing relieved by .1r. Reed ..f the \fount Forest ufbte of the alcove firm. • H. W. C. Meyer intrude 'melding . tine Irick building on his property on Josephine street, tinselly opposite T. A. Niels' store, this Fall which will he an ornament to the town. H. ("lark, ret of H. Clark, pump - maker, left for 'St. Louis, .lrkans.a,..n Mnmla_y. Harry has been 'in -the employ .d M. H. Meindoo for some time, and goes highly recommended. :no. ft.. King has 'weight the dry goa.he anti gr..ery store fr T. A. Mille. Mr. King has even int the employ of 11 r. 1lilla'ftr a number of years. and is well thought of by the general ',ebbe. No demi t:e,rge will keep up tlh g...I reputation that Mr. Molls' *tore los always hal. They are taking .tock this week. A..rnt:K Revell.. Mr. Itnrkholder, re• presenting Moore. (off.e & es., of Toronto, will he on the market this season for the purpose of buying grain and pork. He is in town mol getting things in shape, so that there !•ill he no delay when the grain and perk start to come in. They will ship all toe the"! P. R. ETHEL. r, (Tet,i.TF, t'K 4..•?.' Mrs. Aetuu o. visiting et IL F. Mc - A ll i.t ere.. Inoplemelt agent 1 butt peel a short visit to Teeewet.r Oil. week. The Methahete of the. place intend re- pairing their ehureh en the near future. MIee t'smcron, of Molesworth. was the guest of Miss •I. liartlemau for a few days tins week. A numb. r of members of the 1. l►. F. of thio &here peed a tratermJ visit to Rrtu- seL court past Fnday evening. Wmt McL.,I has accepted a situation to the 4.orric dour mill. and will leave for that Pace in t few days. 1 nen. Brewster, for merly of this plats, Inas taken Will's place in reeve Milne's mill The public meeting held in the Methodist chmr•lt oat Tnewlay evening, tinder the amspi.rs of the Soo. of Temperance, was • etrce lee tnceees. Hssrde,t choice music furnished hy the eiyitioal, wlelrvsses were delivered by Rey. R. Sherlock and Mr. Rooks, 3.. W. P. of the S. of T. of On- tario. A most enjoyable time was spent and everybody went away with the idea that F:thel division is ht • prosperous turn- ditim. ST. AUOUSTMIE- (rHmw o1 11 ow. 1 v,nR*N,.n►.. T. ElalenitP preparations are being read, for tee grand picnic which et to he (ism by the ladies od the St. Augnstine Catholic church ton Thirwd*y nut, Sept. 17th The plank will he held .t Island Grove, near here, and no finer place for an ot,esalnn of this kind an be had than the groans which have been selected. The managing esrittee is arranging in every posit& way ase the a joymeet of those who attend. !(peeehes will be delivered hy M. C. Cam- eron. M. P : J. T. (:arrow, M. PP.: P. Kelly, Rlyth : M. Corrigan, Ilnlyrnd : 1). Mr( illietrddy. (k.derich, and others. Morse will he farnishd hy • firtt .lass string Land. A beautiful sksrm cloak and ether articles will he rafeel and s ,magnificent gold wateh willM Printed to the meat pnpelar stung IMlyr of the ttwigrPpltlnn. i p*.'.•+r,Yert riga.' eia,lt•'-te em lime IB cents All are. cordially invited to onto* trod enjoy the day. BRUSSELS. (MON Ot'k low Ir 141.1 lti»t'of U[iT.1 Oran Turnbull is home fur his holidays. LIHunter was on the sick lint mitt W. Ard, of fquevaie, spent Sunday w town. Lung weenie's walks are quite fashionable now. Mrs. Traver, of Stratford, le visiting .t A. l uu tar's. ( I rowds are 1, 0 0 gulag w Toronto Kxhi bitten every day. Mr. and Mrs. .I. Smith, (:.rderich, spent a few days in ton o last week. Harry (Tues and Thus. 1:!*dry, t :o deneh, were 11.1 1.0011 Wit week. Our baseball club goes to Mildmay to the tournament Thursday of this week. ‘1 weed Kate Wtlrau and Mary Richard- 6"u spa few clays in (:urns laiweek. JJ hr• dentog poieooer u nuking hcu rounds. Tee. centime were found dead on Alexander st rt,et. Mn. 1'has. Ainiev and children, of Hole ream, were in town last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Ainley, sr. The sue wee sinking in the distant west: .1 tabor had just sold a tort and vest: lier little herd wee land upon his lomat, And he did the rest. Misers Kendall and Jackson have been .uc,vsrtul to Ohtaiuitig sit uat ions as milliners, the first ..t Lnlon, the latter at Erie. It takes Itrusrelr to turn tout milliners. The leoys had a nice tante last Thursday at a dance at the Revere House. Some of t,.,,. lied an enjoyable time. Kicherl the h,,,tblao k, and lady were on deck. A very pleaaaot time was haul by all. Harm Whitely. %1ingham,'peat Sunday w town. Harry is fest becoming famous through his welues. His Krlenvn v.-ale/et" are sereno: they are play.rl by some of the I,,ttah.n lands et camp this year. I overcoats and cloaks are just the thing 6•r terse e obi nights. The weather is almost h,. cold for concerts un the park. The editor of The Post a suggestion of playing In the rink is a g.txi idea and would afford recta Very plr.saut evenings. RIPLEY. (rK.,vt of a own On•k r..f o• pi. T.1 J. K. M ith,,llarid will take 'intypes at h4 Kaisers' un show de.. low. McLeod Is defog a rushing busi- ness in the tailoring N.• has got the full fora ,n and is mating clothes rt like the pa per on the wall. le, uut forget the land concert un show• night. Xothm; is being spare.) to snake the Fall fair a surcea. Jliss Flora 1'nung, of Kittens, is vi.it• ing MG.. Martha Shelton. , Muss Magpie Martin was '.taming at K. F'Inlays to a, ter con., last week. Thee. grown, foreman In T'. %%'. Ira,'is's tin slop, took a delve to Holyrood on Sun- day. The Good Templates lodge i.e booming herr. They are making rine of the boys come to time. Rutchrr Smith bought thirty-two head of cattle one day last week. Jinn is hnun,l to Wee ns the hat. Mia Maggie %I,:Leod returnee fron. Southampton, where she los been resiting her sister for the last while. Gordon Henderson, station agent of Wi artou, pans us a visit on the 5th Inst. Gor- don is a welcome rioter among the fair tones. Kenneth Mcl.etel, of Red .racket, rs vis- iting his parenas here for • few weeks. Mac. reports all the boys from this part well and doing welL DUNLOP. (r3o,44 0UII ow. c"RSLW'O.tCNT.1 Ella Healy, of Detroit, 1s visiting bore thus week. Mos Ruby Wilkinson, of Windsor, and Mis, Helen Haldane, of i)etn,it, enjoyed a pleasant seen here of several .la) slant week, being the guests of Mrs. K. 11'tlli•ms- James Lnhy, of Chicago, who is at pre sent on a visit to relatives in G,.lerich, and his teeter, Miss Annie Luby, enjoyed a lolearnnt vont here -this week, the guests of %Ir. and Mee J. Tobin. The heavy rain of Saturday did not brighten up the sprite of the farming com- munity, as a similar one did two months ago. Quite a number of acres of grain got a general wetting which will check the pro grecs of harvesting for a few ddays' Al soma as the thralung.are over *4-0111.41 here we will let our busy I.eebnrn crnlmin. know .Rout the eagle t., the acre, measuring at the right way and not trying thee, wav of measuring it by the .id of figures in the bins after it u threshed. • DUNGANNON. [rums urn mw. t.,kitnertNONNT., Qunte a number of cattle and sheep were driven through our village en route for the market, via Lucknow. Quite an ares of Fall what for next year has been .mown in this vicinity. Dame Rumor Iiia it that it is growing vigorously and Looks well. Weather ie 1100 apparently taking on an Autumnal aspect, as is evinced by the days being shorter, the stainers lengthened, and the nights cooler. The Spring wheat which up to the present has Leen threehee is reported to turn out a good quantity to the acre, and this of an excellent •reality. J.M. Roberts, of this village, treasurer of the West Wawenowh Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is attending the Amities in 3.'lalf of business concerning the company's in tercets. Thos. E. Dentin, of our village, who ROMP dine ago took • carload of horses to the Northwest, returned home the later part at last week. He looks as if the trip agreed with him. 11'm. lane, .ec'y treasurer of the Dun- gannon Agricultural and Driving Park A.- soci.tion on Monday was at the Amore held in the (-minty town on busmen con- nected with the Association. owing to Rev. A. Potter'■ tieing on a visit to his venerable mother, his pulpit will be neeupts,I nett Sahhath morning and evening hy Mr. Itu.tow, Nile, and Rev. R. Fairborn, pastor of Friskier church Isere, respectively. eterrwt,J. ee Fa.1TI•rc 4:1we On Fri day evening .d last week the Sensors of the Sepny v'ill.ge•north of it., eleven in number, paid • visit to .rte villa(.., and during the evening entered into ,'oOtest with the Sienenr. .1 ',wig/seem to a match game of football. Tien• nee end * half hours, which was diverted Into haloes of forty five min- utes Although .igneous efforts hy both teams were mole en the first half to take • penal, neither esee.a'rled. In the .trend holt' even more strenuous efforts were tetra`ivlsgteserr *i3P4t restMutt et 1` no better than that of the fire, or either team, There wen quote • number of apse tatww d ladies, elappywi•a and cat • gsMaal .pinion outworn Mg the gym* M that Ihtagaaww team, too the whole, did the bat work. Special attention might hen be made of Messrs. McKay, Ilurmin, Anacreon and I). 1411 for their expertness. We understeed that the I)uugannutt team treated their visitors wit gran courtesy and respect Mow McCann, our popular dres.-wiaker, has removed north nes Suuthasnpd,t st., on 111. e.trorr .4 Albert .t., opposite the pre mfr of J. B. Crawford, lute • niore spa. Mu' rod cooreniently situated shop, where she will be ion a better innsition to mut her numaruw patrons. Our merchants, grocers, tmech*nios, dram makers, milliners, etc., .re, we believe, do Ing a good Wainer ui their respective call tugs, eoosideriag the season of the year anal they expect a larger rush of bustnees IA the near future. So mote it be. As the unisons' throe was for rain in the months of June and July, .o now it le fur fair weather. HoAever, as at the tom. of writing the pru.peets for fair weather err more hopeful than * couple of days past, f• -mere especially will hail it with great ecstacy. Pistol( reel VK.oue. Ihingartnon is bound to grow, new betiding.. benne sou dructe.I and old ones removed anti made more sub- stantial, buildings being painted, mew lot. being takeu up and neatly emcloeed, .11 of which goes to slow that our village is bond to keep apace with the coulee Woe omen 1. Patturt•x. -In our last refer ence was moat- to a great growth of pens and .sits : nue we have to record a still more wonderful growth of two -rawest barley, which grew .n lot 16, S. W. (, con - marten 5, West Meawatsh. A •pecmlen was shown to your humble ...eres{xrodent, and upon inspection It war found that .tole grain viehled forty well-.1veloped hewer. 11'e think such growth loan t.. equal. AT ST. Tla.lt t'. Dungannon is re- presented to the volunteer force by Messrs. Mallough, Slchul anti Resale and others of our . [(lege. 'We hope they will put 111 gotta work lute returu brimful of military eau - cattalo. %1'e understand that, owing to • gnat number Of our young men having gone to Uncle Sei nee domains 10.1 Other parts to seek their teeters*, the flue company of Volunteers wl,i,h ,mer axlste.l is now broken up : hence the weak representation, in munchers, from i/ungl unun at drill. Hark .1,., u.. .las. Ko.e, of West WW'•- wantsh, the popular implement agent, sue orate" fernier and horsedealer, returned house hist week from Mauitula, where he bol taken a shipment of horses for rale. He sounds its hind tones the praiser of the prairie country and its immense crops of what, aid .sys that it is the place for a pian with a small capital to locate, es there are al.ant•ges in that country for such which are not obtaituhle in Ontario, al though he is of the opIuon that people ad viewed in veals who can Pate comfortably in Ontario had better remain in it.e BAYFiELD. [oriole o('k use. , I'JIiwht\n1%T.) Harry Kemp has • tine barber's chair. Come and get • hoar cut. Mtge Horne ani Mrs. Waters and family, of Stratford, are at the Queries. Mrs. Hutcheson, of T.r.,nto, u .isitiag relatives ut Hoye -hi amt ticinity. Mia R. Stonehouse and L. Wills are attrnhng the model .ehool at t'Iwtent. Miss I)selantl, of Ver.choyl., a the guest of Mee. Jam... Mose, Godench township. .las. Craig, .1 Detroit, who dals very extensively to fish, was here on business last week. H. McLeod, %tem Ferguson, Andress Fowliel ase! K. Murray returned last Satunlay. Mus Holme., of learrie,and Mia Whitak- er, of London, have been the guest, of Mrs. G. H. Hewson. Mrs. Georw,e Ktiag boa returnee' home from a visit to %%'ing-ham, Londesborough and „t h••r places. Ike. Robert r:airdner and wife, Of Niles, 4Lch , have returned horse from an enjoy able . telt with his parents. OOrputy reeve Beacon', of (:alerich •n ship, was in town Sunday. It is • rte.l he is becoming .quite skilled in ery. Mrs. Scrimgeour and fantl returned to Montreal this week after pleasant se:a• tion with her parents, and Mrs. .lames Gairdner The M' Ha still continue services at the Meth. list urch. Sunday evening the town hall crowded to the doors t.o hear these 1 M rs. Parkinson, Whtaker, .I*ckir., Mar le,R. Switzer anti C. f irth,of 'motion, A. R. Ferry, of Hamilton, and 1'ellar, of Toronto, were lately M town. Mia Ray Hickson, of Saforth, Miss !doggie Ma:l)onald, of Sault Ste. Mane, 'hiss Maggie 4',sonell, of ('anon, .re spend. ing end- ing holi.lays with friends here. On M.ndlay next Mrs. George %'anter leaved for her home in Kam,.. She will he accmnpaniel as far as Chicago by Miss T. ('olktl•y, who goes to visit her .is ter. Rev. Kobt. Aylward, wife and fannl., of London, who have been greatly enjoying a few weeks vacation here returned Merle last week. They were very much ples.ed with Ilayfiele as • Summer resort. THE MARKETS. IADSTUFFS AND PROVI81ON3, p r , tlasLrteh raises, f lots- WBiY. ......wwealc se I fral/j .fi sir 1M1 *,xesal len •. r...• tell es Died lift 1eL..•.., Riled 0~1 h ..«.•.••.e••... nes Peas 111 .,• .• till/tests attests Hero . Y hash.. y UN yrs 34 it • *tor * !341.134 Uw•pp 13 teat/ Ri m e is 0010(3) 4Ol.a34 341.134 to 11) 5owst• iitoe X Lost week's News Record .tate) that the Rayfield correeponeent was visiting in (Tin- ton. It is more probable that he was at St. Thomas. He might favor his friends with cents interesting notes on "life .t camp." Instead of holding a garden party, the members of the Church of Engkeel purpose holding a harvest home on Aun.lay, ippt. 20th, when the church will he Jeenratel with flowers, fruit and product* of the tarn,, and specie' mnatc and service render- ed. Rev. Mr. Newton returned last Friday frau a very ple*aant trip to tate OId l' ountry. Mrs. Newton and Nellie spent the time with relatives and friends at Itra.lford. 111n their arrival .t the par- sonage they were greeted by a large num her of the members of the emigregation, who hal prepared a bountiful repast. A very pleasant evening was spent. 1)n Wednesday, Sept. 16th, the Orange. men of Stanley district rupee.' holding a mammoth planer in Mr. Jenrette grove. At 11 o'clock • grand pr aconin will m areh to Rayfield and return to the grnonde for lunch,when aldrtsser will he made by Revs Newton, Thiha4P.. and Hen dent rs, 11*y field ; 'rent*, Hensall, and other itring .losing your basket. .nal enjoy the day's sport. The farmers are invited to, jean 111 and have t gond tins. Kverybody wed mule. On Monday m- orning Mr Hobbs, Credi ton's popular te.cher, had the miefortowe to lose ha driver it got it/ leg Pewgltt, i. Fist, venue ld.tksen shut it had to be ass. John V•ad*rs aim had the mielerta.e to lose • valuable hone. Potatoes, biter ritkr acini*. Wood Wool . lades Lombok -hes Dmosti Ns Hags, i awl .._........ names illississiser. YOpt. I. 1341. Flour etee••.. Mrt•O,4 nalNheat•sowasw ••1teo•r, Benne Wheat 0:0 100 at Il.rby ................. Y 33 to ti ya Peas •wiwe4 A poke Melee* OW 1111111e • 0tom 0sa Butter ...--..-•••••••••••• ........ eletoY34 .. •I3to0R inure ......... ...... 0 10 to Y 12 clay Cordwood .... •• • . 3 00 to a 34 Cor _ 7341.03• Woof................... •(V100Os Nook • Ia to 0 10 0 • •, • YO to 5 >• WII Kept. K 1681. w. .... 117 34/ 10 250 00 10 Y al teto034 00tou34 341o01• 30 to Ole teto034 1, to 034 011 W 1 1• 34 role 0• 11 to 0 Ii 14 to op M to 1: 34 10to1'5 Flour, per 1411 Wheat. rail eft Peas . Harley tats ......•• Potatoes IMid Wool. ul. per p)44,, .,,..., ... slides .... err ten......, . ..... .... Elaam per des...... ... Purl tter. per lb .......e Wood. Per °gni KINGSBRIDGE. [Mitt Ore ow..VIKKIL,PO tnt!YT.' Rt. Rev. Hshup 3 1'l'onnr, 0 le, of le ,a - .lm, will administer coufinnatio n at .fah• held on Mueday, Sept. 14, at 10'30 A yuuug run el Jas. than sustained • severe Injury to his hip on T ilesday evening and is In a critical coldttnn. The harvesting of crops in this section is rather llackwat'd owing to the recent fre- quent rains. This week Inds fair, however, to help the husbandman out. ZURICH - 1151.44 ori 104..a,KKC er n. 1,11.7., F. Hem has retuned front a '.1tt to Detroit. H. Happel. of Berlin, s ie town no bosoms this week. Eln Hem,ehelier one of the old noneen of the c llage, has returned from Stanley. (Mr teachers, Mr. Latta, Mr. Jarrett and Mum Hauch, are .tten.hnig the 'mien teachers oonreOtiou in lemon' this weak. Ibn't target the 11-told's Fair to he hell in this tillage ou Monday and Tut -easy nett. The fair this year proauets to he ,se of the Lest ever hell. The hat of special attractions and special prizes is the largest that hu ever been presented 1., the paler by the Hay agricultural society. HOLMESVILLE. (,now ol'I1 ow'. '.„kk.ttot(DR.T.) Mia Elsie Pickard, who has beett.vtst friends In Mitchell for sererwl .days, r unit- ed on 'Peasley last. Rev. Mr. Thiltale.tl, from hail, de- livered a very thoughtful 411 ole in the tleth.tlst church here Sabbath last. The sermon, was highly I.gued by molly of his hearers. We learn that anniversary of the Meehodut chu • ere is to take place ev- iler than at fi - contemplate) the reason tor the ., nge Icing the itev. W. etc - 'Omagh' inability to attend at the later datetis now appointed to take place os th ,t h and 21st nut. Mra W. Procter, from Detroit, who has been visiting hern, for some time,return ed .on Saturday last. She war accompanied by her stater, Mrs. ( Williams, and Mrs. Robert Mee'ortnee. The latter rejoins her husband, who hal previously gone there. The financial district meeting .4 the Nlethuodlsta held here cm Tuesday was (►tray •ttetmled otlicully and the usual busman disposes of with the usual rapidity. In the evening a platform meeting -vas held and a large audience addressee by Rev. Merv. IGel(.y, Potter and ('as.on. These addres. e. were thoughtful as well u enthusiastic and refle'tel erotic not only on the speak- ers but on the denomination they represent el. The Next district meeting is to he hell in (Tinto& BRUCEPIELD• [MOW 0I'5 mw•. rtnitninM.Da.T. ) F. L Walker return. to Boston nett week. Mus Marks, of Rayfield, was in town last week. Mir .1. I:ihun, of (Tinton, was :n town lout week. Miss Grace Allen, of I:aderich, is riritisg here at present. A number 0t our. villages. picnicked at R.yheld Satumlay Misses Maria Kennard relapsed home fmm Port Arthur this week. Mir Aline Rom left for her bowie in Pe- tiole* Monday morning. Mis. ushome from the J1)14anet ('ounMtrystard thisi. ,monexp.otth. l Miss R. Forsythe, of legnineville, ia eh guest of Mia.lenaie Mustard this week. W. H. (;ode, of Wforth, marineted serves in the Methodist church last Sab- bath. Mn. Venter, of Oh.Ain, Kan., wait II" guest of Mrs. W. R.ttenbery last week. W. Kot..,, who has been in sirwndns, Man., during the Summer,il expecte.' home the. week. Mir N. Show, who has been visiting iter* for .cls. time, left for her hoarse in %1•ing ham P'v4day. Mw ManMcIntosh and L )last 'el- tnenosd a farces at (limon (:ollugi*tl' ("- stem.. Dns w*d tak. Wm. Diens, the popular proprietor of smiths, 1)txen Hoes, is having hie hotel. hall and .Nhlss r•e•paented. Lend a les for P h i l s adeAl..lphiaM n( -r Ann Aintanrbor Is a f.w w*uk. whir, he pnrprreestadying denti.tre• N', wash him ivory .wcoesi Moses laves, who has loss im 11,em•t and Port Horxm for the root Iv. Monad retnrnod kers, laic mw.l. Uccle ea° mean to have agreed with kale►. W. •ten pleased to know that the old stir clwegv +r.s4,srr« t.wNWw4rIlialysarri rs.uml.d .hortl which will M a groat 4 varitype. Mr.y, of Olsten, wig hss.