The Signal, 1891-9-11, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODR1 ICH, ONT., FRIDAY, BRPTRIYBI R 11, 181. 7 W. ACHESON & SON. ozszAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS TI I8 MONTH. .o Pcs. All-Woolla Mulch Serge,wfie ,o repeat sill cost us Mc. s Pcs. Black All -Wool Foule Cloth, Now BBb., good vales et lie, 5 Pcs. Heavy A 11- Gilool A mazon Cloth IBlaek only). Wo.. goods mow Me.1 Three Dozen Cashmere Shawls, Io cardlnate. cream. pink. wry blue, grey, pals blue, were p.74, to clear tow $1.41 e.cb. Semple* of goods sent on application. Early inspection invited. W. ACHESON & SON. FEAR'S IRON TONIC BITTERS ! Restores the Lost Appetite. Invigorates the Whole System. Just the thing for this season of the Year. Large Bottles, only d 11."e,n Sundays GE O. A. FEAR, 1.•r Dispensing aid ' Medi. coca oily. Dispensing and Fancily Chemist, ileeeuaer W ORO. RHYNAB. Oodericb, Oat. FURNITURE. IN EVERY VARIETY. In °peeing for the fall wade 1 offer a geed Parlor Suite. wainut frame. in beet heir cloth. for t�.00 net, rash. Also sante In terra costa Mush. Hs.W, and other .tyles op to 1to.00. 111000 ane! lee O, In Bedroom Suites a good Ilse trim site° up to $$0.00. Kxtenukn 'tables from incite to'1:.00. 1 bare been trying to bring priers within the reach of all dames. I carry a large Zine Of WINDOW SHADES And CURTAIN POLES. i hate a large assortment of PICTURE MOULDING and will fninte nig cheap - a, any one else. In the l - eosin' *onto I Ore.verytkinn nerreear1 to a flretclew proem bhment. 1 herr slam. s ,n stock black cloth Caskets and Comes. and for children in white emboseed plush and shire velvet. 1 bare had about 40 years' experience. In all the above you will and prices right. DANIEL GORDON, kis One door Nast of Hank of Montreal, W wean-. t3oderich. The L.v.r. Unary. Eves of grey, •.olden quay, Driving ram and falling team, As the steamer avers 1.1 sea 1n aparting stormof .hoer.. 1n' ig, dor faith and hope are high, Sour so true as ;'m endl; Sing the Lovers Litany: "Love like own can never die!" Eves of black, a throbbing keel, Milky foam from left to nght; it'hi.per.d conversation near the wheel In the brilliant tropic night. 1; roes that rules the southern sky' Stara that sweep and wheel and dy, Hear the i.,vers' Litany: "Lite like ours can never die!" Eyes ,.f hr,w i,, a dusty plain, split noel por•he 1 with heats of .lune, Flt sol( hoof and tightened rein, heart. that heat the old, 01.1 tune sole ho side the horses fly, Frame we now the old reply of the Loren' Litany: "Love like own tan never die!" Eyes of line, the Kinds hills Niteroi with the moonlight hoar ; f1.L..iinK for the waltz that thnlls. Ihe. the echoes r0and Densmore. Mahle, ' " 1 Pincers," " I krielby," ta•mour wine and witchery, (In my snips uinoerity, " love lake ours can Dever die 1" Maidens, of your clarity, Pity ink neem luckless meta Four times Cupid's debtor 1, Bankrupt in quadruplicate. Yet, despite this evil case, Anel a muden shown) Inc grace. Four -and -forty times would 1 ?.:.4 the Lovers' Litany " Lure like ours can never die "' —Helped Kippli g. PROFIT SHARING IN RUSSIA. Het, Belgium's .ad Pollee Work foto Raab Otkor's P.aheta. 11'e how curious news strait brigandage in the swthern ('ancasus in the northern districts of Erivan robberies have increased to such al, extent that the inhabitant. sent • special petition to the governor of the Prot ince asking for protection. Acroriingly • body of polite and cossacks was sent to ilio• pia,'e. But this did not improve mat - The robberies went on as before, sad tlir only difference was chit the inhabit/mite had to pay seven roubles • day extra Inc the m.intenanee of their wailer guardians. In May la.t Police Officer NI. reunlvsd to 'm•hcate the honor of the represent/mires of law and order, and took the field against Om lot -lands, en who wrepnrt.d to he s.- rirnlm.opo upon the neighlroring mountains. He roma fortunate or perhaps unfortunate enough ugh to di.mver all at once their hiding else, nand " captured " all the ixi♦arods without Molding nes drop of hkm.d[ in iart. the brigands behaved most courteous- ly• offering no show of resistant» and treat- ing the often, and his ensipny as if they were wek'nine guests learned of enemies Riff when, hevin refreshed himself and men, en, Mr M. inlnrmsd the bei'.ds that they must dlow themselves to be maneeled and taken to prima ; they assured that the roomed l, sy disarmed sa was not at all to their liking. Tbmed the pollee and Cnueks. took Q"'ma 7 homes of their hoand baggage, aid d•psrt sal with their Iron to the moentsi*S. k.rfiig the Wiser and Iiia e&bmnt hat to reek* their laglsrtsss relent to Kriels on font Ila exploration eel this drsslge affair. as jasse.tiwws Grepp lilir is so fellows• � °lies) Ms °sego enured into a friendly agreement with the robbers, on the " profit sharing system. which has been practiced by the polite in many oases that hat e come under judicial investtgatton, vie: in Kharkoff. Lodz end )Warsaw. It would surprise acme that thi- amine hemine system should obtain in so out of the Ivey a corner as the Province of I:riven. this would account both for the failure of the police whilst in town and for the mintage ewe of the expslition—Free )tussis. The Grand .f Hie Acquittal. Here is • San Jose law story from the ex- tensive repertory of W. L i:iII : A yorng lawyer, a friend of his, not noted for intelli- gence, succeeded in having • client acquitt- ed of murder. Meeting him a few days after- ward trill was quite warm in c.ngratula tions. "Yes." said the lawyer, mopping his brow. "I got him off, lout it was • narrow es- " A narrow escape ! How!" inquired Gill "A!- the tightest squeeze you ever mw. Von know, I examined the witnesses and wade the argument myself, the plea bring self-defence. The jury was out two whole days. Finally the juelge tailed them before hien. and asked what the trouble was. ''Ilnly nae thing. your Honor,' replied the foreman 'Was the prisoner's attorney retained by him or appointed by the Court!' "'No, gentlemen; the prisoner u a mau of moans. rid the.lu.igs, 'and hired he own attorney.' 1 could not see what beantigthe question had on the evidence," mutinied Mr. trill's fried, "but ten minutes later in filed the jury, and what do you think the verdict was?' "What`' asked Gill. "Whv, not guilty, nn the ground of in- seeity.d—Uel Meats Ware. Tl. Speed .f a Horse. While the public is still marveling over dalvator's wonderful performance in running • mile in 1.7154, there are few who have, through comparison and analysis. sought to realize what • terrific IoM of speed this is it is nearly forty miles an hour • rate averaged by very few of our fastest railway trains Then are 5,1190 feet an a mile, so that for every one of these ninety -dee seconds Inc - every beat of a man's p ilus— this wonderful horse ,orereol fifty live aid three -tenths feet of ground. The shortest spice ,f time noted by the turfman's watch is • quarter of • .ecoid --an internal sn brief that the ere can herd', observe, the mitol call hardly appreciate it. Vet in every one of three 3tr'I quarters of a ssoond that tnagni- Acent creature heaped sixteen and three tenths feet. Such are the amazing results of careful breeding es exhibited is the American vac. horse. Faith aid .dose.. They dwell apart, that radiant pair t In different garbs appear; And while the vows of men they share, Have separate •Item hers. A rola lamp the one displays, rola still clear and kesw The other walks 'heath Marry rays, With sometimes clouds between 'els voice of ens minim the wise To mete, mad weigh, and rem B The other lifts expacWt eyes. Aad duly murmur., "lova" • Both tesehers of eeleettal ►ie4b. To well 1. misdeals giv, r who iskirret. TO M, the nor el Nieves. evfliestinsa err 2---EXHIBITIONS-2 WHEN yO(J VISIT THE FALL FAIR, SEPT. 16, 17, 1iOOL AT !i= DISPLAY OF 13TuV108 SHOWN BY ALECK SAUNDERS IN THE SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THE MAIN BUILDING. Don't Leave Town WITHOUT CALLING AT HIS STORE, WEST STREET, AND SEE the Bargains 11 E IS OFFERING. A FEW SAMPLES : Redipped Tinware. A Hand -Made No. 9 Boiler, A Hand -Made No. 9 Kettle, A Large Dish Pan, Half -Gallon Coffee Pot, Large Chamber Pail, Chamber Set, nicely decorated, A Heavy Copper Boiler, A Nickel -Plated Copper Kettle, $1 98 25 68 2 48 3 48 2 28 18, House Furnishings. A New Style Parlor Lamp, A Hall Lamp, brass, A Library Lamp, A Bedroom Lamp, A Diningroom Lamp, A Dos. Dinner Knives and Forks, A Dos. Tea Spoons, best, Carving Knife and Fork, NEW GOODS 1 98 2 28 24 36 1 98 98 68 PECT � Y F'OR F'AT.T.A TRA=E_ LIBRARY LAMPS, WEDDING GIFTS, DECORATED PARLOR LAMPS, BIRTHDAY GIFTS, SILVERPLATED WARE, HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST STREET. BURDOCK Regulotss the Stomach. Liver endBowels. unlocks the Sscretlons,Pu rlflesths 'Blood and removes all Im- purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. BLOOD UR E DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS ONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMNC DIZZINESS. DROPSY. UMATI SM. SKIN DISEASE BITTERS NEW ARRIVAL - SUMMER G-OODS. LATEST STYLES. RRmsente to be cleared oat, Perfe_t Sts aid showy shapes. H. DUNLOP, the wee' . Tansy. min The Great Remedy' CATARRH. BRUCGMANSIA Warranted A SURE CURE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Btsa1d Shoes. SPRING&SUMMER GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY All the leading lines of the best manufacturers. I carry a larger stock and will give you better value than you can get anywhere else in the County. Ordered work and repairing given special attention. E. DOWNING. B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER IYFWgC5BF81ipEND Qie4tea,. e,... baso.,.... Moana .M i s, old .5 rota...► t. nods., ,w ohs, old *mho r anode. Nn 0. 0. i /wvo•••aV lam r..e Sem NO . 0. see u s..tra. et..w.. you wM W r..► W .ems a .M«r r•n _..V., ,...w ..et..,t._ M boo4..- W 7 w taro*open..+w te W *orb • n r ..w .M pop SI l e,q ..ear ws wen x..ILr •re�1,11 r Ir.ri rinnw • us., `ema*a. tlErtatotoe AND TMC Ilysphopkftes of Lde Lid Sod) No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility. &c. Beware of al. imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion. and refuge all others. PRICE SOS. AND $1 PCR OOTTtg. Alibmisar Bold by F_ Jordan. PATENTS'. CAVEATS, TPASE MARLS AND COMMITS Obtained, and all bushier" in the U. S. Potent Mos attended to at MODERATE PEES. Our ones Is opposite the U. 13. Patent Of - lice, and w e :ac obtain Patents in less time ban those remote front WASHINGTON. Send JHODEL OR DRAWING. We ad rises. to eetentebility free of charge ; and we make AO CHARGE UNLESS `f'S OB- TAiN PATENT. We refer, hero, to the Postmaster. the Supt. et Money Order Div.. and to omeials u1 the U. S. Patent (Mee. Por circular. advice. terms and reference* to actual clients in your )W5 State or County. write it, l' A Stich a e'a.. OPOSI tw Pater (►Nee Wa.hingto•.D.0 e l' -rt —1XTi/k 0:11. 'lt8 iN-- TEAS AND SUGARS —For the next two weeks at— ED CAMPAIGNE'S, Cor. Monty -.t. and Square. Telephone Connection. S31ATi.A'?'�,....t• ..'1- ..d.cod W M, e.r .....weca...:1 ..A ':::"'"'....ii .4 •.lI . 5 ,,n. M ."� l.e. r\....r era... e foto nen tees t. -."......Mr.... sty 11... 1.0 I sass h, . ow ar.M..r.•r.. , ,.....1,M ww. t .111'. ._r. t w.o..aet Se mow. an . w4.. -e,,.1 m.,.o.noon.►.WI. sod iekti %.tail 1 IoM Sot .....A., ,..... teat 11.,.. t ....es. 1 Immo mined, t.,. .1 ,......1 oat e.Id.. moot . .°..bites i �asrs e.tblom ym.navow µren s t) .., 5 It . N dew L C. £LL V.. ion Amies Fie .. .la. PA oboe. Hoderieh St:}: m Boiler Works P.stahliehed Igen. Chrystal & Black. SECOND HAND MACHIt EBI In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler, all complete. 1 8 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- lyoverhauled and warranted in ret clave oondition. Ready for immediate debvery and will be 7HE SQUARE. SiOld °heap. Mail order will r.eetve prompt attenetea. Work. r Opp. G. T. N. 54.tte.. VIA Resin promptly attended to P.O. BOX 881. Gelid dip) be fort tt was } ti. ir FOB H' RIPIOTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BUT iN THE HARRIET. Trj a ample package- �zM. CHAS. A.-NAIRN, Grocer. r