HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-11, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODERICIP ONT., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11 1891. M The ,fignal, ifs etintrioni teewapapee M Moron les.ay. in runt -wow EVERY Fltll►AY MORNING 33t D. 1t6e.i/LLMi I. (Moe of Pelee'slion 6 and 10. Nor(b-street, tiuderioh, th.tarlo. Terse of sebseriptlen t One month, in adviser* 1 It Three &oath., •• !.•t SixM (3me yen, •• ••• I ell If reedit Is awed. the 120011 SW Par :u will a AdrersMI.g tale t• lemeI and other casual advertisements. lar. per line fur lint insertion, and 3 tents per line or each subsequent insertion. Measured by • uoapareil sea/e. Hwu,rr• earl. of .ix finds and under. (IS per y.'mr• Advertisements of list. round, Strayed, Sit oat vacant, Situations Wanted &rod) Hu•inrw chemise Wanted, out exceeding 6 Ilo.. uuuland'. 11 per month. House oa gale and !'ares on sale. not to roots' r lone., $l for first moot h. 3u, pd r sub- sequent month, Luker ad, is. in proportion. Any special noU••.•. this ofge•s of which is to promote the pe•umiary ts•nrllt of any indi- vidual or company. to l..• considered an ad vertim•mrnt and clout l accordingly. Loral not In mu1F1,ar.•iI ty Pe one cent per word. no Dont-mime oh.,. 3x•. Ino•al A011000 in ordinary reading type two rents per word. No notice for lens than •x Notices for chnr•h•s and other religiose and heroes°lent institutions half rate. r'et..seressl teat earl Ad. eM l.eme.t.. A livatr.l number of displayed advertise meats will 1.e inserted at the JoUowing rote : 1'er Inch. one insertion. ... .g0 W four insertions ., -- - 100 Three mouths ... 2 el " six n •1.s ............ . 3 OU one year ... W Xe ad rt.srniral lee. than •We inches' in leuuth wi he calculated on above breis per ant. discount allowed for cash payments on three months' contract ; to per cent. on six months'. .nd t* per cent. on a year's. These conditions will be strictly enforced. Abash ,. The Masai" belt vet y. Suh.eribrn who Psi1 to receive THE Kw.st. regularly-. either b earner or by nail. will confer • favor by acgOaint,ng us of the fact at as early a dates PossiI0ble. Leek a1 3..r Label. Your label is a standing receipt of the date to which you are trod up. glee That it is not allowed to fall into arrear. When a than..• of address is desired. both the old and tilt' new address sheold be given. Rejected manuscripts cannot be re(urned. Correspondence roust be written on one side of piper only. YeblMber. %.tier. J. I'. le Touzrl, of Ooderich, hat been ap printed hocal'rr.erlling Agent fur the town ships o.f Oolcrich, Colborne, Ashfield and Wa- wano.h. Local p..uuastersover the district are also emtower.-ed to receive subscriptions to Tot: stu.AL All communications roust lie addressed to D, McGILLICCDDT. THE Si xaL. r.tephone ('all Ile Goderleb. lint. Goll kItll'H. ITRID.\Y. 8KPT. 11- nal. SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. Wr1.1..IIr. T. rr►:K,.who ate the "ruined gamesters Low Now that the-\dnttrante Lynch, the 3. ,verlment torpedo boat in 1'hih, ha+ surrenderI. it is hardly correct to say that lynch law prevails. - Soso. pe plc will palmist in ctlbng the Prettier the Hon. Motor R 511111. It In DO woudrr the nl.l Sinaloa, shout " Hare, hare. when h_ Tpeaks. ' St. t 1-tnc tunnel has jolt been com- pleted 111 tune. The r•xdelus from 1'ana4* still continues at the rate of 1,300.000 in ten wars under Tory misrule. Tilt: Myth Standard has entered its fourth year, and is •'creditable sheet Ler Its opportunities. It 'has been considerably unproved under the peseta nunegenient. 1 . T it clout time that a dozen Tory members at (h terra got 1 heir eyes opened tit such an extent that they could neo• theft std fraud ,.,nag from the departmental dept h+at. It taws. -..l greet i Bay; 'theta, Mee amen return will neck.• good Sunday reading. The Honk 01 N withers. See? Jones; You're a little out, Swltn old lellor►. 1t', the hook of Exodw this tin*. AR.ot-il'. tug is prohibited from going through the bias of canals for fear it use) be steamed aeons, to the l'eated States and out of iur.s.lict,a.. This Coir eminent pro hiLstiunn can be pops srly rendered '• not for Jot." I h r. of Mr. II'...'HR ,,.K•; favorite poems is euppt.Yl to be " 1 Stever) on the Brings at Midnight." A stand on the !midge in East Nurthnml.rrlend is worth from $150 to t\ 200 to the 'Tory memler and his executive cometh tee. Tilt. I lntano l:overatuent hs issued an interesting and instruct ive bulletin on rc- p>rrnnrnt+with Fall wheat at this Etter] mental Fern. at Guelph. I'rogre.atve far mere should write to the lepertt,ent for a imp), which is for freedl.tnhutesse MIS. ('it trt.r.ol• is conducting hie ow -n de fence in the Printing Itureau sandal with greet abdi3 . The Secretary of State Ito his faults, but he is a most interesting figure and dashes kern of wit and shrewd of speech at crated limes. He is • game bird in !natty respect*. Tilt Ottawa Frac Proms has discovered the nadir of meanness. It says "Taking a hire anti sew frnn a poor man as pay- ment for appeinhng Ino keeper of a canal Ixedge teabut the meanest pier of bust - nese. In which even a Terry nutter of Parh.nernt has been detected." Tut. I.oeernment'a proposal to allow the Iwtle,rtaiion of live cattle from the United state. to Ire slaughtered in Canaria has sinned on silver's agitation among those in- tereetel in the cattle trade, who claim that the carrying out of the proposal would probably lead In the withdrawal of the ed. vantages which I'enad,an cattle, on sorriest d their freelonn from disease, are allowed do Rntain over cattle from the United YtWe e. Th. Tory- papers an trying to m.h, point out of the diarmeston which has &dean over the mater against the prliey of gt>Reetr Bled reciprocity, Mating that the rush of that policy we.M he the ins owdiate renewal of the disarimiaatioe ie laver ttf Olasdlia linitis. ft Ade •ere o.r,t ?etob:s;saittrma .o: true, would the calla not 1w the rune with the euuser,*tlse natural products' with unrestricted able to keep out d flee trade F:ugl.ud cattle -rowers end uouutry have no Liberal policy will policy of reciprocity lis Moreover, H Canada reciprocity will not be swaged cattle, how dos manage to do It • The rattle -dealers of this cars to fear that the in any way injure their trail... Ulf 1VHKKK, OH %%'HERE, KT('. (►h where• oh where are those nomogram t th where, c.it where .alt they Ire Nearly a million arrival in ten hears Yet nary a one can eve are, Ter. Tories are promising a large measure f reCoustruction of the Cabinet immediate- ly after recess. If all the besmirched Mtn inter* hase to, retire the Cabinet which will meet the next Hous.• wall n , more resemble the I.overnuwnt that clallepgel the vote at the polls on March 5th thou a freckley mulatto does a pink -eyed Alban°. In fact, the present 3 overu,,ent b lot what the people of Car -tale vonselerel in March Iasi It should go to the people for endoraemeut. \ud reetesttucUon only means a further drift lydwn the -1 of March 5th. 1'.pLK the extravagant and dishonest .dmin'•enuon of the Tories ('anaduns Tuve been fleeting the country at the rate of 130,000 a year for the peat ten years ac- cording to statistics furnished by the Gov• rrnment and its organs. The It antrum' I.uv erluncut is .end'elg men fru ('•nada in- t., the Stat.•s, but they will not try toculti- vate reciprocity whereby- we may keep our tt n and send in horses, sheep, barley, eggs end agricultural produce generally. Under . Liberal a.humstretion an eNbrt would be mode to keep our ten awl export our produce. 18 118 PAW FOR IT 11 -hen the woman who keeps the brothel at the South Find became aware of the fact, that Tit i. St.: a et. intended to direct attention to her den she a reported to have said, •• %That kind of a mac is the editor for buying purposes" 11'oubd $50 or $100 be of any use to get his influence'" She was assured, we are informed, that Tux SP..At.', opinions were unpnurcharble, and at once ceailed to look to that quarter for a defence. Rut • defence has appeared in an alleged Hewsprper of this town, an.l as it does not appear over a signature, and, although pur- porting utpotting to be an editorial, does not appear of the editorial page. it looks as if the "lady\tnown ss Mins Maud Hamilton, who it is alleged keeps a house of infante on the South Boundary of the town, ----as The Star pat it last week -has succeeded in " *ee- tax" one editor of the town, and having her es.m.advo;ated. On no other hypothesis Ons thwactiou of our contentp...:ary in t• Ilia issue issue In• construed, timing an insane desire to thwart the end. of decency and morality by taking reception to the Burse of THE 511.4 u. in its endeavor to purge the town of the iniquity which exists. The '•defence- appeared at t he head of a colutmt, next to regular readying natter, which is always looked upon all "preferred space," and tarot people will have an idea of what that means. It was it regu!:ar harlot's tiefenrt, to effort toeing made to rebut the evidence which was subenttt, 1 by 'Inn. St.•• sv u. s a reason why the authorities should act, lout the to quasi ;e argument was used with regard to another questionable resort in town, and the Plea was advanced) that Tut. St....t1. should have taken action against all aiel +nndry. S., we die Our crusade is against every - deli in town, and we want the assrtanoe of every respectable nun and wrn1.. 1 in town in our etfurts to force the authorities t.. act. Kut first, The Nor, in its defence of the lady " on the South RreoelerroltarETti to Sib•. u. had to right to take public coves *lice of this dem. 11'hy, pray' le it not the duty of every public jourrld to en.l••a vnr a.. lust it can to .e:t fy public abuses of old kinds ` It it not a fact that during the putt week or two one of the leading 1..Iser% ative newspapers of Canada has leer a aging a war against this street immor- ality of Toronto` Is it not a feet that 1 he Star itself has endeavorel,es hent it o,uld although poorly, ee adhnit to deal with the vier an.l crimes that come before our .o1111. . Is it not a fact that the bounden ditty of a public journal is 0. work for the greatest possible g' '.l i a the interest of the public'. Kut The Star says, the first intimation of the evil wail got by many .1 the people of the town from the columns of Tin- SI... At. Supp,st•,for the sake of argument,ere admit that view of the case, what does it prove It merely goes to &how that vice was flourishing triumphantly in our midst, end that no one was honest enough to round the alarm until Tut: Su:x ti. came forward and denounced) the alononation. It was right that the public should lie awakened from ire lethargy- and s.•queintel of the Vale as Ohre- existed. len...rimte is not innocence. if it were so there would lie justification f .r The Star on the present issue and on many other counts, Rut The Star tweet not worry about the effect of the exposure upon the rs.b•n of Tlr►: Sp.. t.. They who sulacribe for THE 5l.•. it are amongst the hest people of the tnwn and country In this section, of all ehadlee oil politics, tric011 and creeds, and they have confidence in THE S....e,., know Ing that it hu onleoi.. interest tnseeee,end that the public gooey. They ere not afraid to hare It read in their faintly circles, because they know 1rvorn an experience of years that the togs 1* pure, and the arse of morality is always paramount in eta eolumis. Along this line the ,ours. of Tea St.:..(1• has al. ways heen mmsutent. What has ion the course of The titer • For years it flaunted at the head of its ad i 'oriel column the following anuwynee meal • -'The Star Is published every Prtday morn nig, M • live newspaper **voted to local In - toren. and le, 1.11am IN rye tilled. m.R" Mn,hamonths sin our rnntom pi -weary honied down its saga oil taw gsstloa of "edean lama tone" from to editonal eiviptstgf.a, aad substituted the follow tag : 1 supsrtntstodent 4 Keen uhervlt Sabbath "The year Is nobles/ie.' every Irrld.7 morn. tag le a' lire newspaper devoted to local las tdnresta .1w1 the morel end of the auogpossa.et was uiwereowmu rely consigned to the limbo of obit. tun. It may he that 'The Stars "lady" at 131. South Ifuundary bocci u. aware that that de ler•table juurnal had taken the mural plank ort of its minuend platform, end that she et once secured the advocacy of her came by the editor. Hut .nit thing is eereun . 'I oe Star myght be more decently, if not more p•odtably, employed. 1'ur. Sn:.A1. It. little further to my un this line. lit startal out to beim to the knots ledge of the urthtritiee in. the most pul.hc nunner possible the fact that en esil existed um the town-igsTlie arraignment of the et d was so strongly placed that et the first regular meeting of the town council the quest.m was thoreugbly disdained, and a unaumow vote was pawed which was a practical endursatiuu of the a.•tioo of Ti.,' '1,..A1_ Several of the clergymen of th. town have given credit to the fearies act ion of rue Sme u. in grappling with the evil when all other agencies held back. The re- spectable We r of this pec people oto uarc with use our action as well, and hutlreils of endorse meats of the exposure have Leon given. With such marks of approval, and with a ewuciuuanes of honest work honestly .1 without the hope of fee, favor ur reward, except that '•lvhteh always follows the carrying out of righteous action, Tut. .1 ..ti. cam afford to smile at the petty efforts of an org,.n whose course on thr.oeialgmaa tion can be endorsed only by the frequenters of the den on the South Boundary, the in- mates thereof. and others of that ilk. THE 51.:4.31. has door its work &loni morel litre ; now let the authorities see that the law is enforced in every hole and corner of the town. (:. T. R. hlSCR13JJ,VATIII-\', The I:. T. R. has recently made a beau drertwination against the firms engaged •n the lumber business at Grsdericte On the 12th of August the Fall tariff for the lumber trade was published by the (:- T. It., and it came into effect en Aug, 15. Heretofore the rale tariff never mina into efe.t until about the close of navigation; but this year the railway authorities have evidently taken time by the forelock. Of that fact we du not complain, for the date for enforcing the tariflwill affect all shit• ping print+ alike. 11'here I:oderich is hit, and hit severely, is in the schedule of rotes and one ur • w -o illustrations will prove this eontenuou. Formerly the rate from 4 derich to Lon- don on Weedier was Se i.er 100 lbs ; the new schedule calls for -Pis per 10011es -a freigi.• rate increase of 50 per cent., or a straight increase of tr7.50 per car. Rather a heavy stiffening up of rates s, far as l:telerich concerned- To St- Thomas the rate hos been increased from bc, to 8c. per 100 Ila an advance of T;q per cent. But that, after all,.. not our chief ground for complaint, for had every place been subjected t.. a sine lar increase the portion f IOrderic•h as a ',:.ober shipping point wnuld not have been materially affected. Rut the I:. T. R. has not put all ,hipping pe,ints of ..11 fours, for, where&n,fron. I:rale- rich the rate has been increaael, front eiril- lia and other competing points the rate has 1*.n decreased. In (►tibia lumber freights the rate has been de•reaael by nearly 10 percent. on a haul to Loudon, while at G.el. nch SD per cent. has been a lifid. The result is that the lumber trade at this pont is practically paralysed by the unfair act inn of the G. T. R.. and Agile or no trade is being done. Since the above information was red we have heard that the increase ant freight rate from 4 rolerieh, had hems el from the original 50 per iota : to as ..cent., but we have been unable to verify the report. However, If the 20 per cent. aohance on the former rate Ie• correct, even that is unfair when colnpetltt.e points have had their rate; decreased. .toexplanation Will order THE TALK OF THE TOWN. A Otters ainaaa we. tnki*' notes, .4a Jail* hell petrel It. Try }'ear'. Sticky Fly Paper - Catch entativ.endhuld'emfast Only 5 cents. The bone Of contention is the Jawbone, tont there is never any reason for usiog it when tiro. Stewart works the camera It is the duty of the revenue cutters to look out for the revenue 'dippers, but if you want neither clipping net cutting but rabic receiv- ed buy your gents' furnisl-ings at A. E. Prid- ham's. The horn of the hunter will ..on displace the draught of the esberman. and hummer views wili soon give place to Fait and Winter peaurrs a R,It, gallows' studio, oar. Montreal - et. and S.Irarr. The last rows of Sumpter can now he seen on the lake and ricer. 1 he newest styles of esti enitinge can also be leen at the people's clothier'., P. J. Pndham, ccery da> in the week. Prices right. Seven stoves sold last week and four this week Is neo a very large record considering the prices at which Ahrk Saunders is oilenng then,, f1e has a number of gory bargsons .1111 and if you want one .-all and see them before the/ au go. Look out (or his exhibit at lime lair next week. AN'. 11►.'. . le sou tsp. unix M u,T.00. Iteputy sheriff .1. C. Currie received a tele - *rem from Ottawa lest night instructing hun to hood hmbself in readiness to leave for Ottawa I.y this evening's train to wee evi- dence before the public accounts committee 1n the matter of the yacht Keewatin. The sheriff my. that what he does not know about this matter would till a blue brook. 1t'innipep Free Pre.. 1/e urn orTwed M 41k. I.nelph Mercury "There died et hie ren.lnu., in Tomato oe Saturday, at the age of 68,one who in years prat wee vary well known in this city and aunty, not alone in • social way, but also for his se;ire Christian work. Mr. Thies. Meir w -as horn m Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1823, mud cense with hut father to this oven try in 1836, whetre they took up land in the Hoa Aoend ssttlimis.t, Nichol. In 1846 he want to Gmistire's Iran \Yorks, Don dee, where he barna) the trade of mill wriglit. SnNW thea he has been engaged to iron week in various ultimo and towns in the Province, and for the last nine years has Leen valuator of machinery for a number of Ar coati ranee enenpanw in Tnroonto. Allot 30 years .goo he tame to tIeleiph, where he wee in partaenblp with John 1 is, in the es under Rev. Dr. McViesr. While in hand -s he was married to Mrs Itdss,of that pbsoe,w ho dad last year, leaving behind r .Hie sun and four daughtera. The other, members of the faintly his brother, John Bair, mud his meters, Mrs. Jame. Adieu, Mrs. t:. Fraser sad Mrs. W. Dryden- -ere living lis this section, the tint three to Nichol and the latter a Guelph wwumhtp. Mr. Mar es as always held to the highest steno for his character and good,vork.,&nd his relatives eel family will have the Mature sympathy of the °immunity. He was buried in Toronto on Monday after- noon." [The Mr. Slur referred to above was formerly a well-known awl popular resident of I:uderich, and at one tins occupied a prominent position to the I:culench foundry. \\'pile herr he was superintendent of le ilex church Sabbath ach,ol, mut was highly esteemed by all who, knew him. A ,laughter of his rests in Maitland cemetery. 1,. Sieeei_ MOO 1: ATTk-NTIym Tu.t' 1?5-e:K- The great fair at Toronto is now in progress. It tops them all, The .bow will cwtioue until the 19th tet., and Hwtler J Hill, the energetic secretary, and the able Ward of directors are using every endeavor to make this year's exhibition eclipse the suge..dul pest. Huron will pour hundreds of. excite- mimeos, xeursnmisa into Toronto text week. iii/4 T•. Tile" STATE,. Port lrthur Sent : Mr. 1. 'harks $,neer, fur Aver a yen, a eompmitor on The Sentinel, and Utterly foreman of this office want agradie ate of Tut: Sh.• u. offiee), left today on the 11.mare h for Duluth. 1t ie another' ere. of ('.nada furnishing the State with • first - cloy workman ready equipped end trained, i,.r he goes it here the uulucements ere great- er than here. Tea. ('.'.t,,r' ('u., ART. The promeua.le .".cert held on the beautiful ground. of Wm. Mclean lest Friday rioting, der the auspices of The Cadets of Temperance, wow not so well attended as it might have berm had the temperature leen lees frigid. A guod prugt am, .'.nsuting .1 a recitation amvocal and instrumental muo.e.was gleet,, the ('mitt bawl, under the leadership of Mr. }.?.ek.tone, playing a number of selections during the erasing. (:. T. R- Exc. toilie444. Single fare to Toronto Industrial Exposition every dlay until Sept. 18th : epv.:iel excursions 14th and I6th, tickets only 4.90 on these dates ; all tickets Rotel until 21.t. I:et tickets, programs and all particulars Into H. tin etroils , I:. T. R. town ticket agent, t:. X. W. telegraph office, (:tuler•ich. Look out for cheap excursion to Detroit, l'hicago, etc„ etc., shortly. Very low- rates during Lon- don fair. A lite or Act;'. V. Taylor was tried before Judge Tons on Satut day on a charge of improperly taking notes In connection with the sale of a patent rtght. 'The defendant Wes found guilty and released under suspended sentence. The pr•.euter looked :somewhat surprised when told by Nis Honor that the giv• er of a note under the circumstance* wee guilty of the sane offence as the prisoner. The note had not been endorsed across the face, "For patent right." INrn.r- IynKU ME►TI..,," n roe regular monthly meeting of the pulite school hoard was held nn Monday evening, chairman S. Malenesnn presiding. present A. S. Chrystal, R. W. M.'Ken/ie, Geo. Swanson, H. W. Ball. The minutes of previous meeting were rod and approved, and the principal's report received and filed. The principal recommended the pur- chase of ere .hairs for St. Andrew's, 's"hicb being approved the contingent committee were directed to purchase the same- Ac. count.. were presented from. W. T. Welsh, 51.00 ; W rn. Elliott, tis : Prater and Porter, 4I5.24 : -\. Saunders, $1.55 ; E. It. 1Vataoo, e.35.50, awl ordereil to Le, paid. The chairman r•ported teat he had Mise Walters to take charge of 17::.4= vacated by Mist 4'ampbell', resignation. The hoard approve.) of the sante. E•TK ti :1.I ti 1,1.e. The law. of Onto provide that a person taking op any et stock shall give notice three tunes in weekly uewop&pt•r, if one is publish within the section where the estray s was-takenup ; an.! if the p.oppeerty called for within three weeks after Bret insertion of the saner the tinder eh go before a justice of the peace earl ma oath to the t$ndmp and advertising. If t property is not claimed within one y and should not exceed tifty dollars in Yalu it then belongs to the party taking the sat up ; if over fifty dollars It shall he atvertnse. bythe justice and sold, and the excess expenses expensshall be paid uv, r to the corm wom treasurer. .\ny pertakin)• upestrey • &toe and neglecting to cause the same to lir s, vertisel and appraised dull ie liable to fine of twenty lid lora. The stray la applies also to any other perwn:al propert which nay be found in like manner. T: Stir:. a to the best medium in the sen ( for condensed advts. See fourth page. 1.111‘1:1,T►:RI' or Nemo.. The Presbytery of Huron met at Illyth on Tuesday, the 8th inst. In the absence et the moderator, Rev.S. A. ('arriere, the court elected Rev- .1..A - Anderson s moderator pro tens. Rev. Pro. feasor Thompson, of Knox ('allege, Toron to, and Rev. A. Ross, of Clinton, being resent were invited to sit and correspond. was &greed by the Presbytery that in stead of holding regular missionary nest- ing. throughout the bounds en excising*of pullets be made, and missionary sermons doe preached. A list of. change was soh milted and adopted by the Presbytery: the time to he chosen by the respective se&. *ions, but the changes to he held before the January meeting. No regular Sabbath school conference will be held at the .Ian la ry meeting: tout the first Mur and a half of the aftenne,n se,lernnt will be devot. ed to the discussion of some Sabbath school topic. The finance ,ommittee furnished an estimate of expenditure Ger the year, and recommended the levying of thirteen Bente upon the families of the Presbytery to meet the me. This was ad- opted by the curt- A resolutfon anent the translation of Rev. D. M. Ramsay to Mount Forest was read and ap(prronvey" The imp - plying of i rehurn and Union church pun pit. after Oct, Lt will he in the hands of w the i'rbytery'• commit lee of supply togrtheb with the ,onvener of the home mission committee. Rev. A. McMillan was tweed In refercm•e to the resignation of his charges of Mani -hooter and Smlth'e Hill - In prisingm his resignet., he wished it to be understood that the greatest harmony and goodwill extstesl between himself and his congregations, and that it we* for prl- rate and personal reescna then he urger( nprn! the Presbytery to accept 11. Mr. ff Milian intends to retnrn to hie home in Edinburgh and still further preerente his modem ('nmmisainnere from broth his eemgregatton. were present, and while ex- pressing regret because of the r'm•ignatinn would offer no objection' to itsro aeptanro.. The !'reebyt.ery then agreed to release Mr. McMillan from hie cand appointed ev R. J. A. Anderson to lei the potpieu vacant on the first Sabbath of Oet.,1,er Mr. McMillan will preach his farewell newae Hon the 27th irst. and Ram, A. M.!,...., of Rlyth, wi11 .et s moderator of sassiEAHAIAT ntttl n,, ray a eh tock not the ell lee he car. e, roe of t 1 k 1- • w• /C vane fen ry, for .,tete assns alter Tha P 10th, at Ile..slL thief Mt ins f Prier. TrabreLUng Guide. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Tesler ante* and depart at Qedsrs.k .e fe4 Siwe Keil and IJd nos ra Mail and res ..... .............pionpm, Mixed...........•10.16.... .... ...... Inland ............ ...,7.14 p.m. •DWIRNINA ...........T.Ma.m. Mall ............ Mall and Bagere D . . , t.66 p.a . Mises............... ::::::..1,6pf►bm Mtaatlsas vassal. 'k;NERALSERVANT \1ANTED. - Apply to MRS LINDSAY, at the real - demo of 1t . f. Welsh. West Si, GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. X Apply at once to M g$s LAV 1K North OWNS. 21 If SERVANT WANTED. -79 DO DEN • Lome work. Apply to MRS. L. CANT KIJON. Weet-m Warted. WANTED. -SN CORDS OF 000D wood, 1 file lam free from bank logs and limbs. mailable City foal and Wood Yard. Will buy datum* in land here or at ..rump. JOHN S. PLATT. Iterldenoe Tr. f01110r rest. oppslo Yau la.Mao t tw o's Artiellis gar -"iLE.-1 WI II CT 90 cords of building One. g syn quee- tid;can drhvertos .a,ymattis/IOWo ttaort . saes, JOHN 8.1•LATr. Ct HINI ii.EB.-XX. CEDAR, AT $1.25 Alper square. XXX ceder, et 11.66 per square. XXX. cedar. et $1,'S per m JWk KIM).oan. tl L'OR BALE. -A SEN IND MACHINE 1' in good order 'Royal, with four drawers and leaf art kit will mil for 1 ala, Address K. ]t., tIW •Moe, et C HiNQL XX-. PilrS.-A SPLEN. ►J did thick dam*. fb inch, at 11.14 per square, JO8 KILL. 13ef IIMK FOR SAL! -000D FRESH 4 lime kept r.eepyoaIy as bard et the Faits Reserve lime kits. M. BALCH331R. 011lm j,'OR SALE --TWO 1S IN. CAST 1' pulleys Il in. face, 1 11.16 in. bore. or m be bored to tit larger shah- Good as sew. Neill be sold et • reason.b', ng .re, Spply at TiHStux*L Steam 1 oiling House Orth -t., Goderjch. M*tL - 13psolfle ArtlI ss. VOR FI'RNiT FRE GO TO IIMITH's, 11 ('rabb's (.Sock : you man lave mnose Pull sine broom *ultra all kanl wood, well tlniehed- from 110.310 up. Fine side -boards from 0+.30 up. Hall hat racks. 16.00 up. Extension table., $6.; ' up. Platform rockers. apholetervd 13.;.. up. Good bets, I .ill site. SIM op. P!1 - lows. m.ltreepes, wire bed", sofas. etc.. at twices to nuke you buy. Try as sad see. Head quarterage* puler* framing. 20 -It TIL(IWS.-NO. 4 ENGLISH STEEL a Ma. 1113,00. No. 13 Amcea :Seel Board. *333. 5,,, 9 American Steel Booed. *11.00. Goad second -band plows cheap for earth. Mouldboards for No. 13 and IOW. Patted slows. from 11.50 tolt.2. OOUKRI('H r*L'NLRY. I.IARD AND SOFT COAL FOR sale,- Fleet quality of hard and soh coal. ell grads• delivered to any pan of the town on short noose. Get my pewee befo^e ordering elsewhere. ('icy ('oat Yard. corner of Nelson and Victoria streets. opposite D. K. 8trachao's shop. JOHN S. I'L Arr. ate SALE -WE HAVE NUMBER owhlrbfwiltsbedie Mates totbaealatrine use for same. THK elONAL. )Litt Tenders Wanted rl3ENDERS WANTED TENDER$ 1. for repair. sad improvements on the manse will be received by the managingom suttee of Nowt church will the INS inst. Work 10 he lemma! once and finished to tee sstiefee lion of the committee. by the Imhof October, Specification* ma- tic seen at Mr. Nairn's store. The lowest tender not aec.ssanly accepted, H. L STRANu. secretary Mammas Cam nsittee. !i -14 illuskaL x(CSIC LESSONS. -MISS AGGIE I L THOMSON is prepared to give mtuic lessons on the piano or organ. Tor partl- c'ar. tag Lew tit Geo, 11'. Thomsons Atomic store. 33.0. Teaaisss Wanted. ► TEACHER WANTED, -FOR S. S. No. 3, C'olbr.., for the balance of year 1 I. Dulles to -ami r ISlh (kl., ending th end d Feat. )rale teacher required A still. R0Nr6/ till Ort. 1. Ilea..• apply ally to •.01.11X. 8.e. Treas.. ('ariow. Blseianlea' InsUtute. 10 RICH MECHANICS' INSTI. ROOM L Tyr. LIBRARY* SreetN3nd Squared fop stair'.. open fr I to 6 p.m,• sed from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT p00 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading .31,, Wend•!., and Illtufrated Paper+, Mag.':inr-e, rte., on Pile. MEMBERS IP TICKKT• O\I.Y "t,pp• granting free u of Library and flesedtate Ito,nn. Application for metnberthip received be Librarian. f n room. KD, SHARMAN. GIGO. STiVEN, Qegarlek. Mame 1! M10. mrd Dell. -'SHA NON .: SHA?.NON, Physicians. flurffeo Aicoacher', be. (Hfle, at 1)r. sheenan's near the gaol uurierich. u. C. J. R. SUM, Iran Boating. I AKE SHORE BOAT HOUSE, J OoderIch. (tat. - Picaic ee and ,drool. ren make special arrangements for use of boats and large building on the beach sl very reasonable terms. Attentive and expert raced boatmen always on hand. Superintend ed by CAPT. tvt(, HAHH. LAfebos, S.rvMs. PENNI Wsfttas. JvvAPINIONTII'N. -ANY PINION U persons taking promesina of wreckage lumber. umber, lath, ilea. pmss, or any other descrl..tis of wreckage• age failing to report or deliver sad wreckage fort!wNb loth, recei- ver of wreck. -will be proeeglMgA the 1Wl extent of the law. CA 'TT . SAI HAHN, Receiver of Wrecks. (lodeMrh, Sept. let, 11111. IS It rilAXEB, 1891 -THE C0[.LECTOR 11 will be le het °Aloe, em the town hall, on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of each tropeweek Ilth receive laseswater rw tes. eta. lectric light of rwtsa CARBOLIC CREAM DENTIFRICE ix Team 111 dllltrest atlas tt la 10 and IS stmt (rants Pownarh Teenage ami ALL Preen, roe eve's,. awn PICELsw. K. D. C., fit Dyepessln. D. Ilei . 3kau1ee Cllyd user 00. doessee WILwx'5 Pu sr'afsnnx Dano !311._ t ppeMr4 for Bab alt 4 .1 Urea on *erase ot Kass Asa orient& Appy s• JAi. RURINISO`. t WANTED. -A HOUSE TO kt T&best Nov. tat, oe.tataiell( s NJ'TdH,NTu{RWTw.os ('enr7U Ofuraished sr sarv'.yy, Apt1►k p" AOR BALE HY TSNUSIt. daelrakle hos.n wet nut to acA t1' w.C. rot fWl p•r;toalara itprd 4 !<C. H♦ A rept. let. SIN. 7a a L'UR BALK -TRIMS FARM !. ou twain (Tod..rloty ci, OO •who oil 7' ad . front Oostende A tokId l OR SAL& -THAT LA ROE • ▪ ossifur•able fraise house at the W , W..* st Iu.u.et.&tely u tie the • . ut4W fur*ustnirern boa uu, 4 Vs ch: rr. Y'ur l Mrticulaew apply w .Y. 'C. \Y►LyR, r DROPE1tTY FOR EXCHA ON K • Penesn elablog to exchange property, or farm buds &dyola tet. fore bouresor lore call Isrn fall Isola Terme &p lying to AIOLCK BAU5*4gj( „fir 1 tf L'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT I? commodious b'tlfdfog on Ktaltit„ Neve eels. at present occupied as • snout*., h, Wu.. Smut bon sale. Tenn* es.y- Amptp , r. ti. SCOT 1. ltru..el. 1•. O. W L40R SALE. - THE FOLU►WIRG A valuable or.peetts Pert of lot. 7 and Ile oons..toa I. 1L1) Ask arid, I25 aces. The North 3 of nut . Led concession. L. • Wa wano.h: 1011 acres• The above properties will be sold on tern., to melt urchase.s, Ap'lyyrrto CAMERON. 1l'L T 6; CAMKROX, Ga(p: A L•OR BALE, ---MR. WILLIAM II- A Lena, trim continued 111-bealth. otters t sale his holler and grounds in the town of Gas.. rich, cond*tLK of 6 lola,ou which tie %It wet an elegant and most comfortable dwells( house built and long oe-upied by Ilis N Judge Sinclair. of Hamilton. a breuuful w den, stable. and .;1 necessary outhouses tit appurtenance*, use whole in gaud repair ase forming ooe of the most desirable raide.eal the town of tiud.ru•h. for particular' apse t0 Masers, ()Altl(OW t PttO('L►}UOT. Usti rice, the regular's solicits •.. II tf FIRST•CLAMB BRICK HOUSE AND --About two minute. walk fromTRIcK the square Two stories high, brick addition in the rat 1; stories high. building covered nub Wee. Main building las 3 large rooms on first upstairs there' are S large rooms. In the roe addition there are kitchen, pact.. . , washroo Upata Ars, room and tribroim, A,.o iced cellar.Apply W the undersigned, she wt:: ere all nesmay Informal IOU. ly-1NGEL 0411.110N, wren Lear aa4 b S40 alsei , MONS'/ TO LEAD, -A LARQI I mm o d petvate W d. .tier lime tt lowest rotas ea preductive "town and :ode propertOW toe borrower -3*. sSpadol imtiato - 4.1 orpayment t errre M. 0. JOHNSTON, Ge6retch. 9 01 •f G. WARD. (,Y)NViLYATY NCIER, • til. and oommissioner for taking and iv sewing recogntrancer of bail, aHldasits or altlraiatiws, depositions or solemn dram lows in or ouecernlry( au) action. suit or pry aeeding in the High Court of Josue. use Court of Appeal for Ontario, or in any ' moat; ur Division Court. All transaction. careful.) and promptly executed, Residence •ted P.o address Dungannon. Ont. red- -tf L1 J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND • Accident Insurance Agent. itepnsest. !ng North llrteteh t Mercantile: L.serps,,. London It Globe; Norwich Union; Norte American Life ; and Accident Insurance o.• North America. Lowest Rates. Low. set Sled pronto'>. Money to lura on Farm sal Town Property. Conveyancing done. Pro pert; valued, etc. Oferdv-Cir, North-roae North -tit. s square. 1oderfck. 71- W teb00,0TO WAN. APPLY Tu W CAMERON, Hot. r K CAMia0)1, Omit 1140 rich. M1 1UNE1' TO LEND. -A L A R G I amount of F'Ntrate Poads fur lsystam' u lowest rates oa arm -class Mortgages. Apply toOARROW t Plt0 UFYKrr. RAIX'LIFFE, GENERAL IN . 'mance. Real gelate and ]leer/ Loaning Agent. Only 000- lass companies represented. Money to Lend on emit roams, at the lowest rote of interest going, u eel way to .alt its oorrower, (Mer Pee end door from apse. West street, (lode rich. - 100.1 Li N. LEWIS, BAREISTit P 1J. for In Maritime Opetts 1 sJ1lr/Ia °Mee --South Colliers beim. !t `! O. JOHNSTON, BA RRDTHIS, ♦•a.. edidw tor. eranteaier. de. I. i toll •tions and real estate transmit o.s awe tally attended to. OM.* ('or, Hamilton sei St, Andrew's se. Ooderich, (hut. 'Me -0i CIJOHN DAVISoN, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Conveyancer. to ; Mosey is lead, 035e, over Punt-018ce. Ooderfh. Ott CAMPION, BARRISTER, E. Solicitor, Notag Public, et 0 Office Over Jor4aa's bag Store, the noose formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. !y! C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, At toe. earner of Square and Wee street, Ooderich, over telegraph °Mee. Pri- vet. Funds to lend at 8 per hent. rep 2'I ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - misters. Alien. s• Solicitor, til. Ge e rich. J. T. ()anew. W. Proudfoot. CAMERJN, HOLT & CAMERON, Har- Islets. Solicitor" 1a C3.acery. tc, Oodetiiclt. M. C. Camaro.. Q.C. ; P. HSI. Dudley Holmes. Auetionserflnf;. JOHN KNOB GENERAL AUG Hammer and Lend Valuator, Ooderb► Ont. Having lied considerable experieleri Y the nu.Uoneeriorltrade, he la In a positions r discharge with thorough eatl.mcties an cans missions entrusted to him. Orden left W Martin's hotel, or sent by mall to his sddnsl. Ooderlch P. O.. carefully attended to. 4011 KNOX. County Auet loner. 1&17(1 Dentist''. M - - NICHOLSON, L,D.Il.-DSRTAL p,-r!7. =.Me w ape Wei" " DR, E. RiCHARDSON, L D- a, sarcasm dentist (les ped vitalism air admisbtered for painter sxtrectl.g of tmtk 8per•/.1 attention gives to that preservation noel the natywl teeth, tear. -.Up wawa Grand opera menee heal. estrange w Ws. 8L. (todeM.h. 3133-17 Betel AsssatmedatlIU. THE HURON HO1'I - THD not A. ao0. erkpovsael WN o tad le sw ge...j lo tow f. q Illi s► oosmndatl°s ter the travellers Peet► tieeemmodat.le• fat twinkled gets. CRAIG, Pro8081181.lat. ria 0Om.. Pulpit Ilerviesio. VICTORIA, STRSST ncld yr j ;, "`j j r