HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-4, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1891 NEW ADVERTISE/ANTS. Rak0Mllea Dimly A1.ck g.pa0a- . P 1 Plume kir flake -Mea a.. Magi. a Petaluma -2. H. abetter .. 4 (Lsleest Orem. DSS ittase-J. Mirra.. 1 mow w Htesaeb gRtel. -car. Q sII ■earl, De Lai -Tete MINI 4 Mee and Lot fee ri.-a C. ti..• I Nave Wooed hire F. Jerd.s 4 ANr'eatke Wasted -J. H. WM1ams. _. / Servant Wasted Kra D. tasal/1N 1 Traders Wanted - iL 1. . Still 0 -eater Redactions- A,aetta `..... 6 Bargains Johoam Cary .. 6 Servant Wasted -Mrs mettle . a lis W sa d ---hes, gism.us t •hasnms.,..... 1 BORN. FORRESTER-1s. (7/aton. on the lith. the wife of D. A. PSrrester. of • moo HeOTT In Seafortb. ea ♦eg nth aft_ the wife of Robert Scott IHirpurbeyl. of a sea. HOLMES --In Plesforth, oo the *Rh Wt., the wife of S. T. Holmes. of . deug►gr. Slits At Fairfield. on t►. Z*rd ult. the wife of Job trims. 1s. . • moa. HALL -lo Hellen. on the Nab ult.. the wife of Epknint Bell..•4. datighte. JOHNN le Exeter. on August Lard. total. the wife of Wellington Johns, • daughter. NASH In Messick. on the Pith ult.. the wire of The. Nash,* son. HOR'fON At Lechers. on Wedned.t. Aft`. Hi h. 1411. the wife of A. Horton, of a so. MARRIED. BeeNKTT McInUNK1.1, his eseter. at the residence of the bride's mother. on the fhb ult.. by Rev. S. r. Huoinaoa. K. A. Hessen to Mie Alma M. H. M. looek all of Exe- ter. WE$.sK-Mt'IH Al **Fairview." the rel Mone of the brides parents. Chiles. on the ISM ulo.. by Hey. A. mew.rt. W. 0. We ee. of Udorw. 0.4.. to KleeMiie V.. second daueeter of William 19041. Kul. CADGER- SMITH- At Trinity church, Mit• shell. on the rah ult., by the Itev. A U. Ilewdney. Geo. cadger. to Mir Nellie. daughter of l'barles Smith. a'1 of Mit chef) DIED. WRIGHT At the Point Farnt. on WednedaY • seer. 2nd. Ellen Wright. wife of J. J. ter',tbr. ailed 'e team The funeral will take place from the Poirot Farm on Friday. s. -pt. 11h. at 3 o'ciork c. w.. to the Colborne cemetery. Vrtendu and acquain- tances will please accept Ihls intimation. 8HAPNuN In (iodertch, on Monday. Aug. tlrr, M91. Khzaheth J.. da.tghter of Mrs. b:. xl.annon, aired 24 veer* and it months. SHAIIP In watorth. o0 the Silo ult . Sarah Jame Livens. wife of T. A. sharp. aged .14 years. If some hs and It days. MULIIitK .- In ggesoadville. on the21th ult.. John Muldrew.aged 72 years. HKKDERSON--In Ethel. nn August t5Ih. 1891. Martha, beloved wife of Dsv,d Hendeneon, aged 1.5 yearn, ANYICPT In London. on Augua 96th. Annie. belo:e'1 wife of Jas. Armco. formerly of finnw-•!m. hItll%VN-In WroAeter. on Aupuat 15th. Rev. Oeorse Brown Presbyterian minister. aged 76 year". ('LIFFORD-In Hlyth. on Monday. 17th ult.. Delia Clifford. aged 21 years. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Some cf our regular correspndente don't get in their budgets until after the eleventh hour. The result to that we have often to Mold over real interesting new -s, which goes " dealt " Iefore next issue. 1Ve would like sur 1.011-1,6p011111111,11014.1111 10 their letters by Tuesday .'r not later that Wednesday. Ti.. s1•...et. has the best correspionden r page of any newspaper in the Hurn Tract, but at takes more tMit at hour Or two to put th. hailir,ne Cage in good shape. "I:It Thar, KIt'" and let us continue to lead the I)r enmlon. WINGHAM. 1IR'.4 ..1-,t ow ooeue.+I'...IlC\T. 4., .age Town was in tV'modsteck last week. Frank McLaughlin returned to, Detroit on Monday. Noithwtwteru Fats. at '4 High. t. Sept. 29 and 30. At. Melt. Fleming. of Irstow'el, wait in WWII 011 Sun.lay. HURON RIPLEY. (Thom ova OWN (uoaa.ronaaire] Mrs. T. A. Myles and Mrs S. Kelt took a drive on Salida,. The Fall skew will be held in Ripley on September 29 and 30. J. K. Mullholaml a hack from Hamilton looking well after his trip. We had • very heavy hal sad rata storm here oft Sunday atternocst. Ileo. Shields ta •t Irons in the harvest field for the past few days. John McKichey has oonissssud speeding his blood for the Fall moss. Wm. Morgan, of Kiucardia.. a visiting friends w aur town this week. Mus Martha Skelton is visiting her ester, Mrs. J. 1'. Curtin, of Wiarkis, the week. The Tend woos to give us a treat on September 30 in the shape of • grand cost cert. Miss flan Stewart, of /'lover Valley, 1. visaing friends in our town the last few days. Frank Shannon was one of the the that won honors for Luckuow 084 the tug of war s.1 Stratford ant the 27th ult. A.O. F. At the high court meeting at Woodstock last week 1 S. ltoberteun was appointed I it. R. for Bruce. The (emitter face of Alex. Mcleod is again iu our must. Alex. has hero working at his trade in I:oderich for some time past. F. Shannon traded horses the other night with ties,. Taylor. Fronk says he has two horses in his livery flat can trot a mule to Iter than Z.40. 1 1'. Jackson, bank clerk, left for hs house in Seaforth on the 31st ult. We are sorry to pert with Low, but our Ion is some other towns gain. Kenneth Finlaysun has a great notion to change his blacksmith shop. Kenneth is preparing for a hand Winter, as he has got his hoot. shod afround•by Skit/len Bros. L)UNLOP. (neon ora OWN Q)attYMro!m DENT. Min Edith Hyndman, of Kxeter,with her nephew, Chas. Hy-ndman, visited relatives here this week. Ahte and Annie Cumming returned this week frm a pleasant visit of some days to relatites at Kingsbridge. Mary mud Katherine Fritzley and Mary Webb, of Saltford, visited here last week, the latter bidding good-bye to friends here before going to Detroit to resile. ('hag. Mason, one of Huron's well-known horsemen, was up this week to seethereent purchase of horses made by B. K. Allen. He saw only two, as the other.had just been buried as he drove up her front Bruce - field. Home A.. t1.. It. K. Allen has returned from his trip t.. the Ohl ('ou ntry, bringing with him three entire horses for stock pur- poses. I Me of them is three years of age and the other two, are two years of age. One of the latter ones, which seamed to .184111 the voyage best, took .ick after paring Montreal and after • reaching here Friday night died on Sunday morning in spite of the best veterinary .kill end care. Much .ympathy is extended to Mr Allen on the Mss sustained. The horses have been seen by a large number of the members of the farming community, who pronounce them the best that have come to Dunlop. BRUCEFIELD• (nom ora owe ettemsrosnraT.) Mrs. Jas. Aikenheal leaves for Carberry, Man., this week. Mr. and Mr, F. Rumball,of l.ontLa ,were visiting here last week. Miss H. Kennard. of Kintar.1ine. is visiting at home this week. W04. McQueen returned home tram his Old 1'ouutry- trip lama week looking hale and hearty-. 1 Rola. Hotham has returned home after rusticating in the .xuntry for a couple of months. tW IC Stolt. of grand Valley, was to Misses E. and It McDonald returned to town 'MA AI Ivy. (listen. Monday, after spending holidays Will 1'urate left by 4'. 1'.R for Manitoba at hone. on Tue•.wh•y for a two nestle' tap. Harty Anderson left on Monday to N.. 2 . onpny of the 33rd Batt. left remit -re his studies. at 1'Witham ('ollegiate on Tuesday for their annual drill at St: institute. Thomas. Rev. .1. H. Simpmon is taking a th's Thos.l.nalte returned home .n Wc.einerfay Yaeatms. His church duties are being sup. night after spending a few week* with his plied by Rev. Mr. Rom, of Clinton.eons m Manitols. Ileo. Hart, grocer, who has been in A leigau, ticket clerk and operator of • bu.inees for the past two year., has add out the 1:. T.1(. at Ammar", was visiting friends to (:eo. eimps.u, who will commence bust in town on sanitise. nem this week. W. B. Ilutt..n, of the first of Hutton t The city fathers should look out and get Carr 1maller.1, left on Monday by ('. 1'. K. the new sidewalks down in the goof w•eath for Quebec on a business tap. er, as they are in • very dangerous condi- this. McLaughlin, after .pending a few tion at present days at the Intestional Fair at ISetroit, J Civic holiday, which was proclaimed for returned hose on eatur.lay. Friday last, ma twined till the COUNTY (.aur out ow>1 o miss. ttsRlta,] The weather has been for SOME line en - favorable to securing Spring crops. Moues are an abeedaat clap h this vicinity, exc ssdiag the yield for gems years last. Nsw Ismrer.y. T. G. Andantes, ass ef oar saterwising chiasms, ►.a entered hats the fruit buminis and 1. now prepared to purchase all ainde of good marketable fyuiu He is doing a good business at present is plume, which he ships east, via Leek - DOW. The directors of the West Waw•so.h M.tsal Fire Is uraooe Co. held the *es1kly mesilsg u the court room !sere en Tuesday.We e pleaded mate that ze t the veocrakle pr.eideot,C.tiirvio, Req., who hes been t11, was present and .his to occupy kis poeittun ea chairniaa. The municipal oo.ncil of Ashfield mat on Saturday last, snit will meet again in the sane place ou the 24th September. As Mr. McKayy, who has been cuilectur of taxes in Ashfield for several years past, is away ue a tour to the %Vest, Matthew Ferries is se panted to carry the tui box for 1891. IMwi.rt 1:NowTH. Jams M&C og, d Ashfield, has a crop of peas and oats on his farm which he thinks is hard to beat Quite • number of the pea vines are six feet in length and the pods are well filled with an excellent sample of peas ; the oat steals are about the came length and the grain is of an ea.elient quality. A MILAN fu►rr. - On the day d the funeral of the late Klijah (:Sheen, a person known to some stole a tie -line from the her• new of a horse belonging to David liken, Vest 1Vawanesh, near glen's Hill, which was tied in Mallough's shed. No further proceedings will lie taken in the matter if the party leaves the tie -line at the residence of Dia id (len. Such conduct deserves tm rigor of the law. We ere in receipt of a copy of the minutes of the June meeting of the county council from county treasurer Wm. Holmes, for which he will accept enrrtplimente. In looking over the county treasurers state mesa of school sccounts we noticed bal- ances of school atonies in the bands of sev- eral township treasurers. We presume that trustees should be re prompt in sending their orders to proper time. There would then be no balances, and it also would save trouble in keeping account* open BAYFIELD. [mo.000 OWN UDRaall'OND.UT.) Ronald Cameron is doing the Detroit Ex- position this weak. Mir DOIIIIIWY,OfOwen Sound,is the guest of Mrs. F. J. Marks. Rev. Mr. Hyatt and daughter, of Florence, were in town this week. Mrs. and Mise Brierly returned to Lon. don Monday after spending a pleasant vaca- tion here. .Sohn Eason returned to London this week after speeding a few weeks at his Summer residence here. Mr. Smith, of Lansing. Mich., arrived on Tuesday to accompany his wife home, who has been visiting her father, James Whitt.un. On Friday evening, Sept. 4th, Beiga.tier Spooner is to address the meeting at the S. A. barracks. Come out and hear the new divisional officer. Rev. Mr. Geddes, of Whitechur.•h. ncen- pied St. Andrew's church pulpit on Sunday morning last and preached an eloquent ser- mon to a large .xngregatioa. ih. not forget the .late of Hayfield fair. Tuesday and Wednwtlay, Oct. baud 7. No pains or expense are being spared to stake thug the best show of the season. On Sunday last the Misses Suit commen- ced rea•iva1 services in the Methodist churvh. In the evening the attendance was so great many could net get inside. Each night .lur- ing the week great crows wen• present and much interest taken in the singing and talk- ing of fMet* ladies. The general picnic on Thursday of last week was attended by only a fair•sized crowd owing to the dull weather and to the fact that there had been a large picnic on civic holiday, but • short time before. The band Was present from Seaforth and ren- dered choice music, and they are the bey. that know Yew. At sights very good ooncert was heldiu fly tows hall. Mimes Maggie Connell, Lily Marg.. egad Hilda Morhouse sustained their repst•tMY as leading vocal- ists; Mr. Maeos,of \Vin1harrl,gave some very good recitations and songs : Mr. McLeod, of Seaforth, delighted all with his comic songs and dancing. The Isnd gave several selections. The accompanists were Airs. Stuart,IMrs, McKay and Mies W. Falconer. Reeve l'astle chairmen". ps WEST WAWANOSH. That p".ruem 01 grumels 111 front of the after, on account of the rain. A large unto I LATS: rob 1.88T w erre. 1 town hall is laying *lidded this week and Iter of our citisens picknicked •t Hayfield, eremite a very fine appearance•asd a very enjoyable time was S'ient. Meer Al. Johns returned on Monday last _________ __ _ tr..at 1'mutant ille, where .he hal Leen visit ST. AUGUSTINE. ing 1,.•, sister, Mee. JIM Anderson. [rem 111-11 own I:Itaag.l'JHD5CT. J Ihit Irrlsll club took tart an the Elaborate i preparations is M tbeinge Harvest is progressing eery slowly, and for aF petal Agmuut four ethers elute. Winghant 1' giveny will be very late this year. all wheat will tank third pla-e, being defeated by the the ladles Tb t St. Augustine ('cholic J be late in being sowed, although a few have sowed already. last week the hoose of .lames Fathom was stntek by lightning. It struck the chimney, scattering the bricks in all direc- tions, and hunt the stove pipe red and scattered the parts of the stove around. A cat tatting at the stove was unseemlykilled. The electric current them ran along the floor, passing out et the door. Mr. Comer, teacher in No. 3, has been engaged for another year. .lanes Forhen, of the 9th (emersion, is suffering from dropsy at present, and very slight hopes are entertained of his recov- ery. touru.tmxmt at I.orrte Iaat week, sad cni. ' Bntesele team and the 1 mons of 1Vroxet,•r arcs on u a) September 17th. The and 4:rune picnic will be held at i*land Grove, near A man grotty the ane of V. Taylor. of here, and no finer place for en occasion of tea, fire, gt �( the kind .an be hal than the grounds of Taylor R Judd, of Toronto, was which have born .elected. The managing arrested in Teeswater by chief Bullard and committee Is arranging in every possible brought bet11re naynr 1'legg on 1Vlneesy way for the enjoyment of three who attend. charged with selling the patent right of • Speeches will he delivered by V. ..- Cam - harrow clip and tooth and the right to mann ern, M. I'.: .1. T. l(arrow, M. )'P.: P. Isidore and sell them. and agreeing to fur Kelly, myth ; M. Corrigan, Holy -rood : 11. salt purchasers with five dozen clip pd,.(:dbcwldy, Go.lerich, and others. Music within ten da)s after sale. The purchasers will be furnish(' by a first -clam string Of the patent right becoming suspicious that land. A beautiful darns clock and otherthings were not right mate inquiries In Tor- article. will b. rafeerl and a nmegnifioent can. bet no such manufacturing business gold watch will he pr(esnted to thhe cold he fount and hey convinced them most HOLMESVILLE. (moll ora OWN e1111R.aMf DENT.) A large quantity of plums is being ship - pod propnlar young lady of the mn tion. from this locality. selves that they had Foeen defrauded. May . i(•e of almiseion and dinner Is K. Holm.., of The New En,occtuped the o IEegg .ummittel Taylor to Gepolerieh jail 25 „enter All are txprlially invite) to come ° of the Methodist church here on on Thursday, he having failed to procure and enjoy the day. th evening last with great bail ante. accept BELFAST. I ANHFIELD. !rn'.r I'I•R OWN 1xei00POSDI.,?.) (nutty one oWN o umer0tnnsy. ) Inspector Tom visaed our school last The weather lately has been rather unlet. rrahle for harvesting operations. The (repe-tor, Mr. Tan, nailed our 'camel Int week and expreRsed himself well ;A gamed. deal of the Fall wheat in this vi- cinity has not yet been entire on ,amount of BENMILLER. the ram. (rang ora owe tolmasroiros.T.) The plums mmt he an eeoeedin a!liY raid A harvest berms awtertainrwerst will h. aatroopp. 1 old mild searom t ely give theotes, held in the Kvang.Kal cchurch o. the 1.M(Hat.nlay in Lachlan,. lag of Wednesday next, September 8th. ATr.wr'riu. Si wow_ Mra 1 K. !trove, Addresses are expected from Rev. W. Ayers, d 10th rota, who has Isen ill far sun* time, of Holmtesville : R.v. F. Swan, of Auburn, has become mauve. IM Sunday merwiog and Rev W AI Rielhy. of Renmitter. A .11. tried to out her throat, het was net- splendid program of rhetogues, recitatin.s, iced in time to save her Her nephew tank readings, notate ivy the choir, Pte., will he the knife net n( her hand anti in •n defog Siren, closing with the mese of the tee had Iota finger cut. :the is het%, gnRrd.J virgins going to the weddi.g feast. day and argot and will he.eeteved to Lew Admiration 1 e is : 01111411 11, 1p only, dorm asylum in a few days. All are invited. week and reported it in a satisfactory nom 4,4,08,.Mot fancy it 'meld he better if hie two cuffs . unng the year wen not en elms tore her We are pleased to be able to .tate that Neil Campbell, of Wawa.osh, who was ses1111it«1 by an angry hull • few weeks ago, and had a ohm .ell, a so far recovered as to he able to walk around. Some parties to this oscpioa sowed seed - wheat which was heads 0.1, *boat ism th•nl of it grew, and se a resit they are sewing their Heli. over ager with pod seed Mir .I.rte Behest', who has lawn emote tag in the v.afnrt h pilaw sch"tl as a galla Maude for Mmes R Waters, has obtained a situ•t.ioMn se teacher in the Ayr public subset J. R. Holme's barn is about completed. It is certainly one of the largest barn, in this vicinity and heists situated on a hill preemie an impoeing.ppearanr*. Leonard •t. iLse,• lawyer from 1takota,i. visiting at hie brother-in-law's, H. Kilned. He in own ppaaeny with his wih and family leaves (:oderiob by boat es N edneed.y for the West.. CORRESPONDENCE (Hms .•. Shon c(t comer RMSL ) W. F. Fagots. is hams hats WIoskpsg. Min Lily VsrMese is visiting at Gotta nett :. Henry spent • few days •t Clinton lllrt eery ala at LOadoa •iterdieg the Ch•rbs Grows r Llan this week. Hie ham is hurt from a fall Miss (ger Good, et Iieal.rtia, is vesting irieatds in town NN week. " Motu." Dowsing is hoes. ler • short stay. He stakes hie boas in Kamm City. He looks gee. Min Addle Varrteas arrived hese Let weak after an extended visit with friends o Missouri, (1.5. Our volunteer - went to camp at St. Thomas o. the 1st ie. tjuite a crowd went frost Mere under Capt. Hey& Mrs. Fletcher returned froom her western trigon i I and y of last week. She has bails away •bin.i two month. Mr. Fletcher met her at He sin. Owe -it is our panful duty to relate the .Math of our esteemed townswoman, Elea.er W'atecte relict of the late William Ainley, aged 79 years, 6 months and 22 day& She suffered from bleeding at the heart. Her late husband gave the name Ainleyvtlle to this place before It b.Mame Brussels. She died at the residence of her son, Wataor Ainley, and was interred in Bremen vo R.t hir club took part in the tournament at Gerrie on Thursday and came home with the first moneyy, " fifty spots. Result :- Bros•es v& lidslinay.14 to 1 in favor d Brussel ; Wingh+m vs. Harris- ten,4 to Sin favor of Winglum ; Unions via Hingham, b to 1 in favor of Unions; Unions vs. Bram.lt 7 to 2 in favor of Brume's. Our boys.. dii well oonudeting the little prac- tice they hire had. V. Taylor was arrested at Teeswatr Let week owing to the pawing of notes in which Silas Jackson, of Brussels: E. J. Williams, of Craabrook, and other black- smiths are interested. This neo sold patent rigbta for iron harrow, ao Mr. Jack- son for grey and Morris townships, and then went to 1'ranbrook and Belgrave and sold the township ri$hteagain. Taylor was committed to (:oder,ch jail. PORT ALBERT. (ream uv a own OtillU NTOWESgT. J It'. boas reistag ecme lately. William Draper g be of Ctiaeos, is rlsiHmg kis brother lhw Ed. Martin is is the village ter • short May before resuming his occupation os the Miss Josie S4 eusos returned to Detroit this week after • shut but very pleasant visit to her friends here. The Meant barge Spray lett for Wang. - Mug ea Saturday to • cargo dand staves for Jas. M•hef(y. He heeW oral large .Inion for apple 'sorrels to 511 this MsN- eo. What'. the stetter with TiHSweat's Luoknow correspondent. He was • pad me, and his news items always inters. - tug. Didn't let the Kipley moo knock hist tout, did he Cosns.Tu,n.-It was • court of the Canadian and not the Independent Order of Foresters, as was incorrectly stated by a u urwpoodent w this cm olun, that was re- omtlyy organized here. There are eighteen • onohoe, we believe. Jeremiah McBrien, our village shoemaker - your esthetic Dungannon corrsspoudent would call him • cordwaiser s talkiutt of moving hr shop to the other aide ut the street,so as to escape the --eke --cold .ou'we.t wins of waiter, we suppose, PN•a1r11 re Ao.u.. fort Albert Maul showed Was goof advantage in the t'uunty and Awes Courts d recent years as it did formerly. It used to be cooeidered a some what chilly season if P. A. didn't have a petty large representation on the docket. The habit had et melow• fallen into what ea -President Cleveland would call inns CUOum diesuetnde" lately,but a change for the better has taken place. Resides some very interesting basisere which we have for the quarter asaskine the following will ile play- ed at the SW. Mixt week John Willa vs. Henry Ihak., malicious libel, damages 96,000. I:arrow for plaintiff; Holt for deft. Ot-k Btt.ta r. VoiriTYYr4M. Our hired man looked real nice un Tuesday in his gore tailored coat and brass bottoms se he struck out for St.. Thomas to spec) twelve days at 7Sc a day and his "bond." We did our level best to induce hoe to remain at home and help us qQ with the crop, cul told him that Nick, Mick and Murphy hall mitered Li.i.i.evy*:o Ho'i. last Tuesday post- the whole surplus end he'd get beet out of master Farrow received a letter front deputy his pay, but it was no go. He wwtel to White, of the Poetmaster-I:enerwl'. Depart- "see the country, Anyway," and w e believe meet., stating that the •pplitation for the on the whole the poor devil wall be none the letter box at Brussels depot hail been re- worse for it. He'll hardly kick as much calved and was placed in Inspector Halt- when he comes back against sleeping for a kirk's hand to have the sane carried out. night in the eow stable as he diad a month The lea will consequently Ie out in poll- ago when our city cousin, took poesessionof Lott shortly end will be • great uonvenienoe our castle. to the northerly portion of oure. P°OPl 1,Ib11T \WANTxI.. A certain independent 1'onservative journal a few weeks since said of Premier Abbott no doubt referring to ha connection with the Pacific scandal that .. the biggest bo oiler in Canada stands very near the throne." in a more recent issue the sante paper herds a subscription list for 61,000 to build • numument to Sir John and in the most eulogstic terns sup. ports the deceased C'hieftain's oft quoted statement that "his hands were clean .' As we have always been led to believe that the late Premier was by far the " bigger boodler " of the two, and his ctonnectton with the Pacific scandal much more dis- honorable, there two statements seem to as somewhat incongruous. the journal al- luded to has, no doubt, like several of the Reform papers of this a.untry, rune superstitious fears about disregarding the Latin injunction, "De manus nil nisi bottom.- The gootl,sound, practical common sense displayed by Tu i. S i. N t t in its obituary notice, and its subsequent remarks about the erection of a monument should receive from Sir .John's admirers a more kindly :mace than the nauseating trash which filled the columns of not only the Conservative preys but many Liberal paper* as well. Several of the latter journals, we notice, hsye wiped the croc"tile tears out of their eyes some time since. They no doubt be• gin to comprehend :now intensely silly and stupid they looked. MORRIS. [num ors OWN (ORIGSPO%*EST. ) John Johnston fell off • load of peas one day recently and strained his neck a...nattier- ably. We expect to hear of a knot being tial some time sem if the aimer has aimed cor- rectly. Mn. John. I. Patterson was mother-in-law iu Wawanosh days et the first of the week. While .1sa \Vicon was at the f:orne tour- nament nn Thursday his sister,Mise taught in his place in No. 10. Binding twine 18 very scarce at present. We believe that unless a fresh supply comes rine will not get sufficient to tie their oats. Ho, for the far West' John Mather, and Henry Holman started on Tuesday for Manitoba, expecting to get great wages for the harvest. The continued wet weather is making the harvesting last a great deal longer than usual this year. Late oats are Latching the rust pretty bad. visiting her a couple of Reuben .Jewitt,who tried for a third-class certificate, tailed by 14 marks only in bot- any. We think that it should be granted to hint, as it is au unimportant subject and teachers are getting rather scarce in Harem. Wm. J. Johnston sent an order for a Massey binder with movable axle by Cardiff, the Brutes agent. It was so long in corn- ing that he lied got all or nearly all of his oats in by some of the r.etghbo era before it tame. So it did not do hint much good this year. LEEBUHN. [►ROY ors ower rnifttar0.DK!R. ] Rev. Mr. Fear,of the Nile, mak pastoral visits among those to his charge here : tat week. Mee. G. H. (Tifton and (t'm. tlutton,sr., were last week up from Stratford attending the funeral of the late Mr. Jefferies. The 4 oapel temperance meeting in the hall on Sunday evening will be addressed by A. .1. Moore, B.A., of (.oderich High School. Willie and .John Hillier, jr., of (.oderich, were out ata threshing here this week, the former taking up an end in tossing up the sheaves in the mow tothe machine. Thrashings are going on in this section. Grain returns of Fall wheat are «maittg about 30 to 36 to an acre A the crop Fall wheat of eleven acres of .Joseph Cook counted 360 both. It would be well for the Dunlop farmers, not forgetting the laird of Lansdowne, to figure up how muck to the acre, and will the laird beat this showing when he threshes out his crop of Fall wheat of nearly the same sire as Mr. Cook'. Let us know about it next week, Dunlop. PANNED AWAY. -J. H. Jefferies died here on Wednesday of last week after an illness of some weeks, in his 72nd year. Towards the close of his illness he was in • animus.. state. His death took place at the residence of his son-in-law, .1. 1:. l Sutton, -.'here he had lived for .boat • year. in manor he was genial and frank, and was a general favorite with all. When in health he was a regular attendant at the church here. The funeral at Riverview o•emetery,('olborne, was Inducted by Rev. A. \nilly, and was well attended by relatives and neigh- bors. Communion service here in the church last Sunday had a good attendance, over Shy partaking of the rite disposed hy Rev J. A. Andersen, R. A., formerly pastor d the cbureh here. The rev. gentleman gave as aMe sermon from John ix : 36. His electing remarks to the communicants were pleasing and instructive to thou* who partook of it for the first time six of the young He nrgoi on than the importance people. Mand they hail taken to he over faithful workers with an example to others that would lead them k, become soldiers d Clriet in this battle d Ufa. Maltreat Witems :-Mr. Sss.aal, the eapart.tesds.t of the Priaeiag Bare•., who 11r. Milt., of Rlyth, let the meanie for was easvlee.d d the rection of • heads.. brick hoar mew thimi heel. hat r to coot bowels three and four saes with the pimple . Yr. !corak! fx II thee�1 dollrra Ch.pMeu world 1e11.w reigned. GREY. [room ore DWS ("Ra.aho5DCf?.] Asher boom in the matrimonial market is expected shortly. Mrs. Wm. Lawson, of (:rand Rapids, Mick., is visiting her parents in this lottal.- ity. Harvesting will J e well through in the section this week. The showery weather of late hindered harvest work somewhat, but the damp days were put to good account in preparing the laud for Fall wheat, and • good deal has already been sown. There will be a large acreage sown this year. Aiming the names of thole who were .Dc- cessful in obtaining teachers' certificates we notice the following trout Grey : 2nl-class, U. McFadden, Mimes A. McNeil, M. Smellie, M. Blair : 3rd -class, Misses L Sherlock, M. Smillie. There may possibly be ("then who.. Dema. we have not aeoer- taine.l as being in grey, but think thio number cannot be beaten by any other township in the county. We also wttwe that Mimes Kate ('alder and Maggie M. Forrest, formerly of Grey, tut now in Winnipeg Man., have been successful in obtaining 2nd and 3rd -class certificates, respectively. ZURICH. [rm1M 01:11 OWN C'oaaElerofDEfT.) Pcmo..aut. -Miss Edith Steinbach eft on Manila, for Toronto, where she will at- tend the (osaery .tory of Music. She was aocompartid by her father ...Min Dura Williams and her uncle, Robert WIllias0, are visiting in Mootre&L .... Mies M. i)ebch- ert has left for Ann Arbor, where she will remain for tome time visiting her brother. Mrs. i osn's mother and sister left for pptt Kamm City, U. S. A. on Y0.da lase prominent in political Gde, were seated at TheyIkea, wwereho rewa auso.psnijn wivi th bythem Yin tov idis r I d'wmat ("bruin hotel it town the other will eoroe illr, ("bruin whoa Mr. Andrew Waddell, the well - knows r, uttered the roma it ha this day that the buoy sod is- dustrines house -fly was very ammo. sad ttereist st, and one of the party rallied or friend, asking him if it was be who krosebt in all the gins. ' No," replied that sttr&y son of the woods. ' f t be tie D --Royalty ('Muse and the Minim Ant There are ae prospectors in the brach now, and they hare to come to town to get something toast" THE MARKET& BREADSTUFF. AND PROVISO. W. "...1414".P.61176.1". oP.611 gist 6, ,,,L �Me r •les tftF4tr fes.. N M tett • • y.,, ill wMst •l.•......°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MI.t MM :.�k.si _ • •tlytg M�;� Eiralie:lelPrreell' b.. •(s.4 M ibille •a1MMItl .mgestied • ttel%,:':: intoe s Ilam tNte1p Weal ll.tetie tlttees 8Mte1 ii on -...."'» trto.l»e �.......r...... tea to t Weed 1111111 61 a 4111.1" sets.hm-. •qi- 1, (L.I, CSC M.9tou ......."......111.......,Mloois 1�!(tlf •toe N •t.is Iwfttlsek p0.ling.... N.e °:e1 tMj l3 t. l . ....«..•...........:: Mte.It (esdw.e4 .................. ... •tet 4 Mtetal Heolweel. ............ IS l~e. ~ Pork 108,2 il Flour, per lea* M Kept. 1. I al. W ilLalo2Se Wheat. 1/i11 .. 10 to u In PesoS.rton...., 1M to ei .1 to 0p if) to0r Pedaloes InIWi 14 10 0 le to 15 to Wool, per lb. 0 • II Hide .. os. 1 17 o 4 Hay. per ton... u facto. per do. II to10 h. 11 to u It Nutter, per Ib 1: W 0 it Pork -. Ila to 0 01 Woad. per cod - I 10 to 1 7S Harley teals sternal twine Martie!. Tbe receipts of live stock at the yards of the Montreal Stuck Yards Cemp.nv. {Sint alt, Cherie& for the week eadung Aug. 211 were: - Receipts of live stock at the Montreal stock Yards, Pt. Et. Charles• fur tl.e week 2,196 00 yes Se Left over from previous week i *; Total for week 2,31 91.,20 On head - .MI . . 121 Medium receipts of cattle for the week at these yards. For shippers trade continuew dull• with no change in values. Medium supply of butchers' cattle. fair Crede. lit heat value& The holt market opened 6o etrosger, but declined eaewhat es the weak advsnesd. We quote the following as belts far values Cattle. export....... Ilt to He tattle, butchers' good. uta . lee to to He b o.Ils. fic to ylc ►.o ee to oe H S to f,5 id Calves MAP to KOS there would be more hope of the country's getting finally rid of Mr. Senecal and ofoor ruption ie general than there is so long se he and other minsters, who evidently had oognixauce of many of the irregularities and wrongdoing in their department, remain in the cabinet. HEAT 'RAPE$ CANADIAN Ua`4TISy. Dundee iScotlandl Advertiser :- Un- suspecting observers imagined that the high imperial issue whether Canada should go in- to partnership with the fisted States or re- main a constituent part of the British Empire occupied the minds of the leaden in the recent general election. When Sir John Maedorsld proclaimed to the -•(:anadiaas that he was horn a Briton and meant to die i. loyal subject 11f the Queen, it was assumed that he was giving utterance to the ruling passion of the boding Conservative states- man tatsIran of the Dominion. The revelations of the last week or two go far to doespate the assumption that pnlitital opinion is the pot ent factor in Canadian politics. In the light of these revelations one begins to suspect that it a not tree trade,or unrestricted reci- procity, or imperialism that is shaping the destines of British North America, bet the long purse of the I:overnment contract- or. Enough has heen proved before the Committee on Elections and Privileges which has bees sitting at Ottawa for some time t0 prove that crrruption has attacked the very heart of the Canadian poetical system. HE OCCUPIES A FRONT SEAT. A wash r et statue GIN Giber Ye.ss Jv.ss a Underleti Ma.. (enol THE MrIa1141- J04' UA1- 1 Mr. Weddell, prospector, and interested with Judge Toms, of Iloderich, in nickel locations in this district, mad. • very valu- able alorable dtucvery on their lot in Blerard a few miles north of here • few days ago The lot adjoins the property of the Dominion Mineral l'o., and Mr. Waddell intends let- ting a contract tor the sinking of • Mat at the point of his disoorery without de- lay. e- laJudge Tons,nf I:oderich, A. Waddell and John Hall have let • contract for • 116 ft. shaft on their property in section 36, Salter. Meme. ('lemow b Callahan have the con- tract. The mineral showing is good, and the situation on the lower sol navigable part of Spanish river superb. Sixty toof ore were hewn out bT M(rsrs.ns Hall and Waddell in five days while prospecting the prnpsrty last year. lThise onetr cten on the Waddell nickel location in Salter, Deuced by as Melt week, report that they can sink • shaft right from the start in solid ore. The showing Is eve • quarter of • mile hong. Several people, anion whom were same me. Mrs.. iao.m and Mina accompanied Omen as far as London CURRENT OPINION. WHAT 1011c 1IA1,11ART *11011.1, rte. Toronto Telegram - - Hest thing Hon. John Haggart am do is to take train at Ottawa, trove! dot eget until he comes to the edge of the IknAtinion and then fall off, in the heat interest+ of hie beloved moo - 117. MN MIR 7x, rife DIM. Ht Thomas Journal :-The villas& may he found in the cellar. Al least, (ay. swears the rascal is osier him, and Parley ares he is .tiler him Search the cellar, gentlemen. if he beet there you s..nt find him. He is too Lr dews -for yon, CHAP1..Ar 1/1r0121.a un, TOO. • • Alplying there/..(lex. erdinw$&. Walton, bas pmrchasod the stook ferm4 to P. McKwen, nod Rua ley Wates., d Lwow Wiwghem, Mfr arm. aged aboutr.&, 12 yeafell from • Monnet tree cis Sunday, Angle. 23, and brake kis Thom ' had beleft Mende smde r lab es ter mess lima. 1141 �i1r 1604 hsme al N• Y., w► s IST, iaihh -i h.s.....d wh..d wif.w in a ter d 'As SIM Mr� TM*�. 1� i tIL poet h.s111 Ar calms ,eine and ung Heol., the ane d a pky0i0Ys chrism Nair treat