HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-4, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER A, 1891. THE CANADIAN BAN k OF COMMERCE LJTAasseeeaD Isar. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. wITAI. Man SSX NlLUO. OOLLAR$ . D. L WALKER. ck,tatuia PassutOER. N.000,000. *900,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GesinAl 13aNx11e0 (RAIN ESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFT. astatD PAYA1LE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN TME UNITED STATES, GRaAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, a.: SAWN'* DANA DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS Of 01.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLUwi INT1aaaDMS 0NS T ADSO TO TPs1MPAl AT TIND OF NAV AND SOVEMiaR IN BACs1 YIAR. Spools! Attention gives N fin Osileotlss of Cewlatarolaf ospsr. and Farmers' Salty Net's. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. BARGAINS ! B3ARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! Iu ofITS AND SHOES CHF APER THAN EVER. BARGAINS in Mimes Boots and Shoes. I) A ROAMS in Women s Sousa and :eleven. IIARGA1N8 in Girls' Shoes BARGAINS in Buys' Boots, AT .I. , A R E Y'S. We carry the Largest and Best Stock of Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises in the County. We make the Best Boots. We do the Best Repairing, as Cheap as the Cheapest We Sew all Rips Free of Charge. Wt• give the Largest Cash Dis- r. uIlii 500 PAIRS SLIPPERS AT 25c. AEW RD MOLHI. 1•.•u will find J. CAREY on the Square, Co(lerich. •• makers Wanted. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mas Mary Rusk spent Sunday in town. E. Walsh, of `ieaforth, spent Sunday to town. Leis. Powell, of Blyth, was inrt..wn on Friday. W. Willis, of Seaforth, was in town last Smnday- E. W. Burley, of Clinton. spent Tuesday, m coat... E. King, of Semfortb, was in I.oderich on Tuesday. Mir F. Hutchison has returned from Montreal T. Chilton left on Saturday for his home, New York. Mir Hutton, of Ktrktun, arrived to town on Saturday. Mies Mullin returned to her home, Belfast, oil Saturday. Mia.. Emery, of Exeter, is a student of the '91 ntu.i.•1 class. E. S. McLean, of Lucknow. visited Gos- erich last break. A. Berad/oot, of Sestorth, was visiting in I;oderieh this week. B.3. ('rowfarl, of I hungann.n, was in 1;o.terich this week. J. C. Burton, of Detroit, was in town this week. C. (farrow left tor Wuud.iock College yesterday. Allan Sager returned to Woodstock on Thurrlay. .las Lindsay, .1 Wiarton,was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. Roswell has returned from a visit to Hills (.Teen. 51'm. Evans, of Detroit, was in I;u.lerich on Wedns,lay. Mn. Connolly, of Duluth, was visiting in town due week. Miss I_ Gibson is having a pleasant trip to the Northwest. Orrm.rl Probasco left un Thursday for Woodstock College. Mrs. Pavan, of Stratford, is the gust of the Misses Hutchison. (..o. Cribb, of Hamilton, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mn. C. Crabb. Bert. Smith, of Toronto, is visiting at the faintly residence, Colborne street. Mrs..). Hyslop, of Kuwait -dine, is visiting at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Hyslop. L Carl, merchant tailor, has returned from an extended trip 10 the Old Country. ( has. Lee and l;eo. Allan bave returned to Woodstock College for the Fall term. Thos. Kedalie, who had been clerking for some tune with A Munro, left on Friday for Cleveland. Mir Bertha Rusk left ort Monday for Mildmay for her charge in the public school of that town. Herbert Robertaas left on Friday to re- sume his disbud' SO principal of ('reemore public school. Mn. Turner and Mrs. Lucas Turner Sad children left yesterday on their return to St. Louis, Mo. Dean \lurpiiy, of Irishtow•n, ad Father Cook, of Seaforth. are the gusts of hallo - West this week. Mr. Carpenter returtre.l to his home, Detroit, after visiting his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson. Mrs. .1. McTavish, of 1\'i ham, has re- turned home atter an enjoyable vtsit with Mrs. R. Henderson. John Payne has gone to lams his trade with Smerth & Rhymes. We believe he will make • good mechanic. Mir Potter, of Ihtngannoo• arrived in town on Tuesday. and joined the high acho.l matriculation class. Joe Horton, who has been visiting his parents here. returned to Detroit per str. Pity .f Windsor un Sunday. Mr., Mrs. and Mir Nellie Coombe. of CLntos, were visiting at the residence of Mrs. T. B. Vanh:very this week. Mus Mary Sharman left for Stouffrille the peat week to resume charge of her class in the public school of that burgh. Mn. Morrison and son, after spending a few weeks urs town, bit on their return ta their home in the Stats on Monday. ' Lacknow Sentinel . Messrs T. F. Cain, John Mc/.arry, M. Corrigan and a few other local sports attended the races at ( 'ode - rich. Mir Sudors, who secured a second-class certificate at the .Jull teachers' examina- tion. is attending the Normal school at Ot- tawa- Willie t- tawaWillie Fraser, son of our former towns- man. ('apt. A. K. Fraser, of Detroit, was visiting his puny friends in town this Mir Frank Evans was visiting in Sea- week - forth the past week. W. t'. Bissett, formerly of l;oderich, lout now of Chicago, has been successful in his examination for a 'first-class engineer a cert ificaf e. Mr. lhtnlevie, of Ottawa, who is visiting in (;oderich, sang a sob boost acceptably during the offertory in St. (leorge's on Sun- day evening. Wm. Clutton, ••f Strafford, • former resi- dent of this section, and an ardent admirer of TM( Sn:..u., past and present, spent a rod quarter of an hour with the editor Thursday last. Batter Runctman and family have gone to reside at Peterborough, where Mr. Run- ciman is employed in the Edison electric works We wish them great prosperity in their new home. New Era : •-The family of Mr. Iohn Robertson moved to l;oderich yesterday. The people of the circular town sill find Mr. Robertson a hustler, and he will put ennui life in the old place. if it is possible. Mr. and Mrs. Colwell and child, and Mr. and Mrs. Mcl'oy and children, of Pinot-inn- ing, Mich.. who were in town this week. and had been earths/Abe ladies' father, T. .1. Mo orhonae, Hayfield, returned too their home .n Tuesday. LOCAL 5REV1TIE8. Mew Ethel Mcl:rego r has return.) to her home in Milwaukee. Miss B. ('ortnel, of Saltforl, has gone to reside in St. Thomas. 1. N. Davis spent Sunday with his brother Si. in (linters. Brampton Banner : -Mrs. Coatis is visit- ing friends at I;oderich. Airs Hugh Johnston is visiting in town and (.o.lerich township I se... Russell, of Exeter, is attending the (..slerich nmo.lelite class Mir Wilttam', of Kincardine, is the guest ..1 Miss Minnie Pridham. John Murray, of Seaforth, was in the county town on Saturday Miss no. Bailey returned last week .Iron a visit to friends at Colt. Mr. and Mrs. O'Meara left on Friday for their home, ('ittoineati,llhio. Misr Kate McLeod and Mary Sproule spent Sunday in St. Helens H. Meyers, ex-esyyoorr d Wingham, was in the county town on Tosedy. A. Willson, of Meaforth, was visiting relatives in (loderich this week. W. h Wilma, of Ringhc:ntoe. N. Y.. u spending his holidays in town. .Ino. (lox, of Chicago, is visiting at the family rsidenee.Britanaia RomL Wm. McKay, of Miscounts( Mich. was vatting in Wan the present weak. Alex. Mardock, of Hansall, was visiting Mrnesetnng's warriors on Aualay. The Mises Sparkaagg d Wlaghae, ars the guests of MIs M iset . Aehssee Charles (Nabobs left ea T..rda with the volunteers far the camp at St. TM.nas captain 1(d. Mdietor was visiting at the residence of tkplmis Dewey kat week. Alis King, ei Onderich, is the gsa.b. d her friend, Mie Balk Watsas,$o( .`lu.1orah. George Swore and wife, d this town. 5111 again take up their rstidesne is Llh• ton Mee. 1 AHstophetsps Sad Master Barb Stat have r.tur-ad tree that visit to North Hay. F C. sad Mrs. CoMema, d Asaiarih,sgs Tisitimg at the Amariama Oessakrte the pea wash. Mrs Meikeaid mod children, of Unarm. Hshelties the lady's nether, Mia Wm. )lie A. Currie. d W kasipag. woe had hese vfdtisg iw Tars, Made a Chert visit w.. wee MOM .R lila. mar Smut. Pmes�el ea the �I 1 GRAND OPENING OrT 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1891, 01r - The Great Cash Store ! THE STOCK OF GEO. ACHESON & Co. Being bought at a very low rate on the $, must be cleared out in 30 days. Everything goes. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. TX= - GREAT - - STORE, J. ROBERTSON, Manager, - The Poor Man's Friend. STILL GREATER at b o'clock yesterday ev on her way Tonight regular meeting of the town e.oined. The Fell Alain' 1.01111. will open in the man house on Monday. Regular monthly meeting of the public s=hoo hoard on Monday evening next. The model school student clams for 1881 on ninsaced the course of training on Tues- day. us day. D. Csntelon shipped 300 barrels of apples ter Winnipeg. per. the steamer Monarch. on Saturday. The high school re.opened ea Monday, but the aftrati..a mot hang pieced the two junior classes were dianr..d for use wok. T1e cnogregatw"' of Sit. Peter's eter ...wows agreeably surprised last Mendel at a Aa. by the Me slinging cif Mr. feeble. It is ramrod Mat a wall -kers. rung lady will shortly pressed se Cher to tsars the .4 s mans is aa. d Me lead- iag liseld mr is that eity. Dr. 111. Niaholsms, the W ss -r . dentist, Sashes the preservation d the atWtral teeth fins srieimi.ts red tree 9 a. N. ▪ Wt' e.,...t.a .aien d task • � fret assail nesellea.1 tha'�i41 r7 REI )CC�IONS. We have a few lines of Sum- Iner (',00hs yet unsold, including Prints, etc., w Filch we are offering at Ieltout MALI PRICE. Our Fall Stock will soon be complete : then you may look out for the Greatest Bargains in Dry Goods, Men's Funtiahings, etc., ever shown in the County of Huron. W E MENTION it few lines only this week : Grey Flannels at mill prices. See our Flannels from 10 to 25c. per yard you will be surprised at the value ; Canton Flannels at ex- ceedingly c lose prices ; Men's Wool Top Shirts, 50c.; 3 pairs Men's (food Wool rocks for _t Sc. Please see our Goofs and Prices be- fore buying; anything in the way of Dry Goods. it will not be pleasant to find out too late that you have paid 10 too Hunch for your goods. Sever- al persons acknowledged to us that they were deceived last week in buy- ing goals, so please bre careful and compare values and prices before pur- chasing. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Blocs, Goderich. Sept. rib, N M. >'JC1- Sunday School Association will be held on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, the 29th September next. A good program n being prepared. No. 1 Co., 33n1 Katt.. left for camp on Tuesday unuer command of ('apt. Holmes. .Ino. Washington's house on Rant street is nearly finished and will soot he ready for habitation. Our merchants have shipped large .tuan- titis of plums the past week to home and foreign markets The Junior Beavers, of Seaforth, defeat- ed the Junior Dauntlese, of l'lintoo, in lac- rosse match at Sesforth on Thursday of last week. T. K. (.rigg, late of the Grigg House, London, and an o d (:oderich boy, was the recipient of a diamond ring on recently from a number of commercial men who had enjoyed his hospitality in the past. Vhy buy your piano, n or sewing machine away from home. or from strangers, when you na the best in the mar- ket here in r own town at the lowest figure's and support home trade' Call o n I;eo. W. Thomson ,nod he convinced. Things are booming at the (.oderich umbra organs continue to hold the hay/ won in public favor. one of those beautiful octaves and rapport hone Geo. %\'. Thomson is the high lace (live n. pun' 'nebufac'Tiire. local agent. The public schools re -opened on Monday with the following staff : Central--Robt. Park, principal; I leo. Woods, asst. do. ;Misses Blair, Sharman, Allie Sharman, Walteri and Cooke. St. Patrick's ward --Miss Hurritt, principal, and Mies ('rain.,.. St. Andrew's ward -Mir Watson, principal, and Mies Aikenhead. St. David's ward --Mir Addi son, principal. and Miss Hutton. Detective Murray is now on the way to Portage la Prairie for a primmer named Chambers, alias hulking wises he will take to (loderich for trial sa ssllmr(� of shooting with intent to kill. Ishii ](y Chambers bmrglarire.l the pe t4Sete t Har- risburg. He managed to Mara Mira, hot was followed to (lintoa by ameabls Robe. Rulmer, of Listowel. Ip lis alliklapt to rapture him Chambers sa S the esarlabk twice and effected his swops. Word was sent all over the Dominion and Chambers was finally found at Portage la Prairie serving a 60 days senteooe for faking. He has been identified and is being held under IA (;overnment warrant for the Ontario am- thoritiu. Detective Marray will take hie east Monday. NAVIGATION NOTES. from Windsor to tarry .' . The tug Myrtie made • trip south yester- day to observe the ppwosition of the cargo of the wrecked barge II.xlgkiss. The steam (targe Lillie Smith nn tutu this harbor for shelter on Thursday evening and left for S iugeeu on Friday night. The steam yacht Dards., of Windsor ar- rived in port on Saturday evening and left for the river on Sunday morning. The Carter was out in the greater pan of the storm on Thursday and h riday, but did not lose a stick of her deck cargo. The steamer Monarch when nuking her regular call on Saturday took on several passengers and a large quantity of freight. F. Shannon and J. Johnston returned on Wednesday from the camp at fort Frank, rowing the whole distance in a small boat. The schooner Carter, Captain D. McLeod, arrive.) in port on Saturday afternoon with 294.000 feet of blather .,beer from Theasaion for N. Dynsent. The steams r Spray delivered her cargo of wheat at Port Albert on Saturday, returned to this port, and left for 1\'allaceburg on Monday to load hoops and stays for Port BANK CAPITA4, REST, - OF MONTREAL. 12,000,000. (, 000,000. �4 Saving Department Inas been of ei ed in con- neclimr with this branch. Interest allowed al current rates. G'O. DR UMMCND, Manager Goderich Branch. Be careful of your health ' Mooey can- not buy it --Ike why should yon squander it ! Mae ss dors • ORM It is nos of the easiest things in the world to cure a corn. Do not use acids or other caustic preparations, and dont cut a hole in Albert. pour boot. It is simply to apply Putnam'. The steam yacht Truant, of Detroit,made rainless Corn Extractor, and in three days this port last 'Thursday evening and remain- the cora can be removed without pain. al sntil Ftr.lay events storm -bound. The Sure, rade, painless. Take only 1'ntnanm's Truant is butte.1 wish sails and steams only Cora Extrmctu, when wind and tides are contrary. She is probably the prettiest and best fitted craft seen in (.oderieh for some time and judged by her lines and rigging must be exceedingly fast either by sail or steam. Mrs. Lougheed had her pocket picked of $1,060 at the Detroit fair. She had taken the money with her fearing it would be stolen if she left it at home. .% number of railway workmen, who iive in 1'maids and have been working in Buffalo, were searched back to the boundary line by. a Buffalo narwhal last \Ve.lnertmy evening under the alien labor law. The trap net, nee mile north of the river, has been brought sabers. Th. seaseer Pity of Windsor was in port os Sunday and Tuesday. The yacht Norms, Commodore Lewis, re- turned to Goderich os Sunday morning. Tho river was higher ea Friday and Sstardy thea .t any othA4 time .ince the The Using Brp rw was in port ea Wedaseley sad ir.d d resakMr hk freight Ise Pert Arthur. The sebeenr Pinafore, (captain Mitehell, arrived r pert Monday eruisg with . car• god salt frost Pert Prank. The tog Myren was usable to leave pert es flaber•day for want eta s..w,esikn haing ntlinftlft I nNDiMINR eons ISE t11 Mk pout A1!t51 NOT ■ Par Dudes Medi• R. 1LLIAMSsllna. They ars bine. Byname • Toxo- and btacow- itln'rTO1e, as tsurely in a - ...../.7-` c, ,no the submarine wally needed toeR- 'N en the Blood. teals, 1 diseases War rove POOR and WaT .T Rn.00D, or tree t'm*Ten Hnwoaa I• !01,Ls e Rrat. and also wagons* and blOII.o e the l4i.00 Sad ST.r&M, when broken down by overwotf, P meow worry. disease e.eares and lwdMee.- tioes. They bays a PkiE' AL i on SSICAL 9llOn at assn Sad woven. MS sou s saand serresengd evernememea Who dads itis mental fee - Wiles dull se failing or hs ysiPo •Ed .dramb toes a take PILLS. They will restore ML lostenrRM, both physical and mental. ER( 11111lea won d EVENT WOMAN should take tbssaapa.• Tb preswhich avitabblosu and lrregularitiss, y entail sickness when neglected. OURS NEN should take thews Pun. They .111 eine this re - .0 ts of youthful bad habits, and strengthen t1. system. W em YogNe w INEN «: PPuaa stn • For sale by all dragglsts or wI11 be sent upon tsaspt of price (ape. per beak by addressing Tilt Dm. WILLIAMS' IRA CO. Droekettie. oat Plan's Remedy for Catarrh M the Rae. se.ess b Ds and Chagrl CATARRH 11mt1 by gewgaw ^T ma b >smaRb. a T. i— --. wane.. P .1 CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A CAIN ne A P'oVwn A DAT to TUE CAst OV A MIX 55110 SAE IWOOslz '"ALL ab0 poem," AND 51At MOM To TARR THAT 5SILAfiAM- p',UR IMOORCRO. 8coi 8I Inn Pi LIMof L i Sodait'll dIPNOMPAL. 'snit RAT SAS O POMfeaLOO OVft AND ow= AOAM1. PALATABLE At IlI511. 211- eessm tT rinuICIMIL sa't r it ItiOnal081 s, Inn up estiSWOON COLOR W1APOt Pa. litai wt' Dees - Cirri 1air 1=4 OaAND AO Z.:11=40,i�ir-war..✓•' ..atitilL, s Nobby Parlor Suits, 535. ' Stylish Bedroom Sets, SII. THE FAULTLESS All kinds of furniture cheap for cash. noT wATER J. H. CHELLEW, 24-3m Blyth.' This is the way with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it—but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two o three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. F(IK SAL.E BY At ACHESON & SON IIEATEII Guaranteed to do the same amount of heating with has fuel than any other furnace yet made. Manufactured by D. K. STRACHANS Goderich, Ont. Old-time furnaces can be taken out and replaced by this superior invenu tion without alterations to the pipe - and radiators throughout the building in which it is placed Estimates furnished on application for placing this improved funtace in buildings of any size. Rend for circulars. Address: D. S. STRACHAN, laveator and Patsstss. (it0)-tf.) OODERICit, ONT. INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM RENOVATOR ° FAIR ' MOLEOD'8 AAD 0T11FR TtaTltn REL1D1ar. Specific; and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished bkod. dye. pepsra, sleeplessness, palpitation of the s heart, liver complaint. neuralgia, low of memory, bronchitis, consnniption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary disease., St. Vitus' dance. female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY. BODERIAN. ONTARIO. J. M. McLEtID, Proprietor and Maae esturer. Sternum Rairoyatleeb had In town, el ea between Owes SSA Durham and Tsstt� Apples Wanted AT THU PALACE ROLLER RINK, GODERICH, - ONT. AU varieties taken. Windfalls and cute of all desatlpUons taken, both dares and .salt. 1f sound. Apples benglit by is mete. and weighed en the town scales tree of exist ass. THE HIARRIT iIARKET PRISE PAID (lash paid fee each IoM. MOO hishei. wasted. Brig thea 1a at saes TO WI Is WOLIN&, 0 dI r1._IIM�. ars and (`.Isrp... rr IDUMw ai um new rad Parnaiba agar1 beak, Taetlrsoy of 19 Centuries to Jamas of Nasaiwth. The meet ymi eiat 1r1g.skW(1.... !nay Ciralan waste ft. Sy. TORONTO Sept. 7 to 19 1891 Greater and Dotter Than Ewer SCIENCE, ART AND INDUSTRY CRUMMIER WITH INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS Latest Inventions Superior Attractions Saw IzsrrsNu sa au Mutant Z. R. *iinow 1a. 1. IarLL Pr.mid.at Ugaaaese. Warsata ESTERN FAIR LONDON. September 17th to 26th,1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural. Industrial and Art Exhibition. F'deMlsMd t"... Lambs 11‘411111 t51 OE CiulOsTa Ata *TORO atIMO WE MI 151151. ars ow rood, 1a1 1•:'.1 ri:1 be better. $*6,4)OOIti I°UI%ES! ROSIRINOZ•tr.wbleb are kNsg invented for. eetpas say yet preMemed. npAN a=eW.M.s Boars an all asdewspu. rookie dam sad lit r Mhlm �4 rat IAN lalne*elle seerersitia t tefe►anannirit'ehir 1r0 Pam. Ger di