HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-4, Page 4• 4 THE SIGNAL: GODSRIOH ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1891. Ihc cirtignxl, Tice tlltdorsN Illossrposeer Rarn tonal". m PCOIJl.ttr VERY FRIDAY MORNING RT R. Res uaaI 'NY. Mos of Pwbllestioa-1 and 10Nerik•Mrest. God rich. Omens Teems .t Nb.evt /Marreet month. in advent* .� If 81x se Ifcrreddit 1 a la the pries per poor will be t JO Advertblsg Rake I and other cereal advertisements, loc. per 1 rte for first laeterUus, 0.43 cease per line for each sub•equou t.s..Uon. Uetlwred by • .oa{rroil scale. Domineer cards of sit lines end under 15 per Tear. Advertisements of Lost. Pound. Strayed. Ilp.•tluns Vacant, llttuatkus Wanted and Hednar Chances Wanted. nes •zoeedlnit 7 lis.. oonparle1, 11 pr month. Minna os Bala aid Farms on Sae set to exceed A lice.. 11 tor first month. 5.c per sub- sequent mouth. lorTrr *dvr in proportion. Aa7 spectal notice. the ottmet of which 1s to promote the pecuniary benefit of any omit virtual or neatp•n). to be considered an ad vertl•.tae.t and chariest accordingly. Local pollees in aonpariel type. one cent per word. no AoUree low thins OOc. Local maims in ordinar7 reading type two cents per word. No notice for lees t� Jot. Notices for churches and other religious and benevolent Mato at half rata d'..om.eetal Contract advertisements. A limited number of displayed advrrttno- smenu will be inserted at the following rates Per inch. one insertion. p tat " four insertions 1 le " three months. . on " ret mouths t 00 No al er1h"sse.t k.. tin tufo Inches in length will be calculatedmi above basis. per ernt.diecouotallowed for cash payments on three months' contract : 10 per cent. on six months'. and 15 per cent. on • year's, These oonditlons will be strictly enforced. Anent "The prgul' neltvese. 4ul'cribem who fail to receive Tim `tic,., regularly. either by carrier or by mall. will confer a favor by a.qualnting us of the fact aI A4 early a date as possible. Look at rami Label. Your label isastanding receipt of the dale to which you are paid up. Nee that it is not allowed to 1.11 Into error. When • change of alders Is desired. both the old and the new address ohoeld be given - Mooned uunus•ripts cannot be returned. Correspondence mus be written on nae side of paper only. PeMlerer'.s J. C. lar Touzel, of Ooderich, has been ap p.•tntet Local Travelling Agent for the town ships of Goderich, Colborne. Ashfield and Wa- wanosh. Loral postmasters over the district are also empowers[ to receive subscriptions to Tits SIAL All communications must be addressed to D. McOILLICUDDY, Tits BwNA rclephone Call {1. (i.derlch. [)ret, OODSItICMe AWAY. AMMO* a. 1N. SIGNAL SNAP SNOTS. -- Ting SH; it: o statement in February that the population of Huron hal dwindled had ly under the National Policy wax tnu',ae the census returns prove. Tug 1;over!)eot has informed the House that it Is not aware that Sir.JOH M.i.-tixe- A1.0 is dead. Then why was Hon. .1. J. C. A nor err appointed Premier' i, 1111%.1E1' it LE ('..MITI: Mi:lu ICN hunt • big card up his sleeve he will i.e so fully retired hy this 1'.ti colt affair that he might as well be a recluse as a count. .Irlo:i'o. by the wily Mr. SEN►. ti. bled the type and pater n en in the interests of the superintendent of the (Tinting Bureau hu name should he pronounced Snakall. Tut sight of Sir Heonie Ltw:tt 1' voting against his nw'n condemnation in the matter of the Kingston gist ing dock matter was one that disgraced both himself ardl the 4 overmcut. It was as if • prisoner voted as • juryman upon his own trial. th i:u in Persia they (moil political hoteliers in oil. If the same plan weare adopted in (ands it wouldn't lie Zoog before Loma:. - %i%. 4.11AYIJM , M.'t:llgg'. V, AR4u1.01, SIt%t}'AL, Mt'HYHE, M1• k and NI. -K and the other filchers from the treasury would be literally' " in the soup." Toot: cheers elf the Tones in caucus at tetaws last week stared a horse ettachel t.o a brewery w&g.oi suspiciously near the win down of the caucus chamber. The horse ran away ami got killed by rummy into s wo.Mi-pile. it is the first time on record that the Tory party of Canada has wrought any injury to the liquor traffic. SIN ItIrN.ittb CA.Twkl.. IIT. lisle Tories now aver, is responsible for the small in- crease in our pop0latim during [lir past ten years' The gallant knight will yet lie blamed for the maladministration of the Public Yorks Ihepartment under I.t'..:gv r.. Mr ;agta t tan Miro AN -0 NICK. Tut. Ottawa (;overnnlent Printing Bureau rascality in a type of the corruption rampant at Ilium . One type agent tippet the nuprrintendent to the tune of 1(5,000, and another sen his donations up to 11000 or thereabouts. How much of the •'swag"was 'tended to the Minister has not yet .sane out. AwN.oanty: to the report of the Minster of Agriculture( l domi nion 1AA6,1771 mm igranta hare come into ('an*la Miring the last ten yearn. This bring the .aee'tully 1,340,000 residents of Canaria must have emigrated .luring the same time. This is the calcula- tion made hy The Toronto World,which sa strong Tory sheet, and not likely to do the l;overmment at I Ittawa any injustice. THE Exeter Times has entered upon Its nineteenth year. It is no. of the hist servuive papers in Huron, and its snake up and l.wol natter r • credit to the pr,pr,e. tows Lt* only drawback is its polities, but we roust& ourselves with the thought that Mere is no perfection ander the sun, and •Ten the sen has spots nn it. Sucre. to the Tones, say ens, polities or no polities. IT is a humiliat- ing feet that while M6,I77 imtwigreets have owe. lute Canada to May in ten years .boat 1,300,000 ('4044.. have Sad ue country. That is to any that fee every two etr.agmein to settle � lbies maitre onnow gra be .neo other land. rewrally to the United Suites. We ►ave heard the Ery " Cas.da for to Canadians " keg tlmnNh, 1t• now ramp the call . " Canadians fop Canada " . Whoa nearly ors fourth 4 ear population despite our (Alt country ia ten years it r lino to ark wHi• 11' H IT IS known se the "natural increses'' or increase of births over deaths is 22 in 1,000111 Ontario, or 1.2 per meai per risme. Placing the natural increase at 1.2 per moat. per annum for the Dominion the population of Canada, In 1881 of 4,324,810 ought term.* reached nearly 5,000,000 in 18411, indepen- dent of immigration. Our population at present, however, is telly 4,W43,344, sat this io the face Wan addition at nearly 900, 000 by umnigntioa. TM N. P. mean. a Nar- row rug Population. ('aueda meals a new 1...ernminent that will retain her population. .V.1Ktl TBs.Y DO TdBIR IJ( T1. The crusade of THE SinsA1. Ofitin 1 the Mural pit that afflicts I:glerich at present is endorsed by the clergy and respectable real.lenta of the town. True, there are Moine who object to the matter Irving publicly discussed, but with- out pul luc discussion how is the lamentable coalition of affairs now etistang t., be re- medied ! The mayor is nerveless : the town con - amide has shown himself to be useless : the town council has never, thus for, made any demand nom the constable to .1.. his duty, and the result its that the town is honeycombe.i with immorality. which no Inial effort has been made to abate. • 11'hy should this:mote of things exist! The town pay" constable Yule a yearly sal ary to enforce its bylaw's, and the gravest otlenoe enumerated i. &Hewed to he :here without let or hindrance. Is there not one councillor who will rise in his pia e, and ask to have the matter sifted If not, why not ! True, the mayor and constable will take refuge behind the plea that no One hereto. fore has complained to then[ about this abomination. Such it plea cannot be sus tamed. A public indictment against the owner of the South Boundary brothel has been trade by Ter. Si..' 11., and should he investigate! by the authorities. if they make any pre- tence to have decency and order enforced. 1t is the privilege of the neyor to sec that the town ordinances arc enforced and the duty of the coostable to carry out the bow. Section 21 of Bylaw 8, 1875, which has never been revoked, distinctly lays down their plan duty in these words.: "''hat no disorderly house or house of M- imic shall be allowed within the !invite of the said ('orpM•rati.n." There is no ambiguity in that clause of the Bylaw, and no beating about the bush, so far as the duty of the authorities is con- cerned, and yet mayor Kutler and con- stable 1 ole cannot see their way to enforce time law. If the mayor will not move. and the mums( d000 not see to it that the constable domains duty. the cleaning out of this nest of infamy will have to be taken in hand un•Ier other conditions and by other tom IoM. The breast rd its abetters must do. A 'PULL RETRACTION MADE. The other .bay The Montreal (;Aiette was unwise enough to give publicity to the stale falsehood that air. M,1'. 1'01►10uN of Huron once spent 120,000 in corrupting his con• ottotems and wasdmqualifie.l. The I;.tette has Leen compeller to retract the charge, and it must 1.e acknowledged that the re- traction in as thoroogli as the original pub- lication was reckless. Here it is: "On the 24th ult. there appeared in The '.azette a lettersignd 'I x-Huronite'asking 'if Mr. M. C. Cameron, M.P., was the man who,inthedayswhen the Liberslsundertook to elevate the standard of public morality, spent *8).000 a orrupting his constituents, was unseated end disqualified and after• wards whitewael,al by the Mackenzie .overnment,'and ancluding with the asser- tion that if Mr. Cameron was this man 'a more corrupt man does not diagracr the Howe .d I'ommono.' As a matter of fact it has not Leen estehlishel that Mr. Cameron spent 820,000 corrupting his constituents, he has not been disqualified. and of eouroe di.1 not need to he whitewashed- The expressed belief that he is 'one of alt. most .corrupt nen in the House of ['°editions' was also of course unczallel for. The latter should not have been printed." It will no* be in order for the silly papers in the "Huron Tract which oopied the letter from Ex • Hurnite" to make the an.en.lee honorable to Mr. 1'AIIrRHN as The 1;erette Inas d.ne. TUE H'D/1".1 !)TNE1rDIM.1tRFt'RE. Once upon • time, s, it is .aid, there was a liar by the name of Toe Prrri., and an 1 I a reputation hod this particular in- dividual in his chosen vocation that his fame extended far and heyond this mundane sphere. Anil it came to par that, when his hour hal conme.and the notonnns Ton was rolled hence to receive the punishment Haat his lack of truthfulness .n earth had Curly and squarely eared for him, the pilot on the boat on which he was to " crass the river" healed the craft for Iiades with out riving the muter a tarn red thought. On the arrival of the hue at Its !mein' destination Text P.rr.. deiarkwd and without ado urrdertonit to take to himself the rights and privileges of eitimenehip i. that dark and distal country where • glance at an Lemberg "mild he ss halm of (lilwi te • blistering snail. Het when Heelrsboh, the father of lis., disnoverw.l that To Pratn had applied aur registraUoa b Hades n would Irv. . Ase fns fest ►Iva• ilia •...• ..a•1 !., of his en►jseto would be warped by ee.ta.a with .o witarly depraved and nocwtpre.is- i.g • fabricator, lfo the order was gives that Tor Pero be kicked ..oeru moody out of Hades because 4 hie reputation for lying, and the behest was promptly ani bI rwUy .arried Into sleet. What 11500.00 of 'Ton Parra& afterward tradition sloth not, but it * geoeraily be hived that he west to Hamihos,nnd swayed • position se Tk. rip.ctator,as leading polio pal editorial writer, and that he holds dunu a desk in that Aim eves mato this day. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. 4 cheers uwa.p vr, halm. sake, AaJ4,iO4 he'll pial 41. Try M'esr'o Sticky P I y Paper Catch entsllteandhotd'emtaot Only 5 cents. Hu It never occurred to you that this is ■ capital sews,e of the year for hairier your picture taken t If it has Dell et Geo, aware*. The oma w ith s oork lee, • glue eyr, false teeth and • borrowed repuutlon 1. s non of carts. but even he sun be suited la the gent. furnlehing line at A. K. i'ridham's, The trouble with the crank is that he will only turn owe way. Now, R. R, Sallows- el. though he does work of the best quality in photon, also furolobes elegant work In picture trsming. Try him. The man who wants to get a000mmadatioe at the bank is aiwye anxious to get a good n&n e. and the num wno wants to wet o goat fit will .Iways select • good [altar. I'ridhamm in the ma. - The people are already looking around for stoves. In anticipation of Winter. Aleck Saapden is offering •bout fifty second band stoves in wood ceder, for wood oronal •t pri.Ms which wt clean them out rpadly. tic woos the room tot new goods. Lock for his two ex- hibitions on page seven of this hems, THE P1.1"11 ('Hue.. l'lunu ptot.ibe to be an excellent crop in thesection this year,and on M lay last our townsman, C. A. Hum- ber, Itougght to TOL SINAL • do.en nag- ni8cettt Kradahaws, which for appearance and quality could mot be excelled. It is a great pity that the McKinley duty of 2c. per pound is likely to restrict the market for plum misers this year. Moiei.rTg FTMrrAAl.l. CLt it -0.. 'Tuesday the athletes of the nialelite class organized a football club to he known as the Goderich model school football club of '91, with the following where,. Hoa prosideot,principal K. Park; president, asst principal I;eo. Wools; sec'y,Hy. Morrish; trees. C. roller; caretaker, J. MclWiilianm; committee, Messrs. McDonald, Russell and Foster. OBITUARY. -(In Monday last Miss Eliza- beth .1. Shannon died .t the residence of her norther, Mm F Shannon, at the earl' age of twenty-four years and eight months. About two months ago Mies Shannon re- turned home from Memphis, Tenn., and a few weeks ago contracted the illness which resulted es alr>te stated. The funeral took place on %Yedne.day morning, service being conducted at St. Peter. church. The sym- pathy- of the community is extended to the sorrowing relatives. Bternu.tr PA$Tt. On Tue.Iay et ening Mrs. alalconaon lave a pleasant ' pro- gressive euchre " party in honor of her daughter's birthday. The prep., which were very handsome, were warmly eon. tested, but the lollies "who are noted for theire uchre playing" succeeded in carrying off three of then[. The firsts were won by Miss Goodfellow and Mies Annie Wynn, the seconds by Mrs. Frank Naf:el and Mr. Holt. After partaking of a delicious sup- per, datteing was kept up until late. ('HF.l ' E.\et'soloo., (:. T. R. - IndW- ial Fair, Tor.nto,Sept_ dill to 19th; every ay. as follows : 8th, 9th, 10th,11th, 12th, .06„ 14th, $2.90 ; 16th, pox ; 16th, 90 ; 17th, $4.06 ; 18th. 14.05. All tickets o,l until Sept. 21st also very low rates unng Wester Fair at London. Look out ir grand annual cheap excursion to De- roit, Chicago, etc, etc., about end of September. t kit tickets and full particulars ern If. Armstrong, town ticket agent 1:. K., t;aderich, G. N. 11'. telesraph (lice. tr 84 ?ggam G fr T. En H th Cu Pe di at Sn be •n an h 4w lion let w be and enn ton has Th was cored etc too for the the Pea [ the tion and ata pa 1 T' Toroo he agar and t his vial pipet fill e the the men porton Pr"' w ally Man htbi hihit Gert" issued and there every the General a.de and tie rat E Nt: LIMH Htsetinv Pwl,Es. The prizes gli.h history given by Mr. Moore, of t igh School, to the boy or girl highest is subject in divisions H and 1' go th ear to Simnel Becket Idiv. Ht and Ann K in Idiv. C), the former obtaining r cent., and the latter 75 per cent. vision H, N. Strang and M. Shephard o tailed 85 per Cent., lewrenoe and Arm mug 80, Flo. Doyle 78, Elder 75, F. nth 76, Warner Robertson 74. M. Tic erne 71, Matson 66, Reed 68, P. Stn d Jessie ie Roberts61, Archie Dick d Wils n 60, all the rest below 60 est. In division (' the order was : 1. am Williams, 66 per cent.; Edith M ughan enol Alpert Tichliyume,62; E. Mi 60 : rest below 60 per cent.No AIr' In tr Lti'tuseor.. Monti. An open ter published in The News -Record th tisk over the names of a brace of " mem n of the I'suntlesl " amtains a column a half of abuse and misrepresentation in nection with the lacrosse match at (lo- on Aug. ldth. We might say' the letter • malodorous effluvium 'hut we won't. e writers protist that the Dauntless team a purely amateur one, that the unfair uct was all on the side of the Hnrone, etc. The judiciary committee of the 1. A. last Saturday awarded the game ;odcnch and ssp uended the Clinton cls the mason. Queer, isn't it ! Rat then committee gave their decision hefore t column -ail-a half letter was published; haps they would reconsider the matter if it attention was drawn to it. Anyhow, I/auntie's team will have tune for redec- hefore the opening of thesea.of 1892, if they reflect long and well they mayas he close of the seon occupy a hotter iron than they do now. 'tiko.T., t (:Hy'..iv FAIR. -The wheal elf Tint in he in m ie 91 in b - t•• li- ng son ra 0- 4. is h has again revolved and in a few day. to's (.teat industrial Fair for 1891 will open to the public, and people will 1>e n flocking to it tram all parts of ('.,nada the adjoining States. The harvest h.n year been gond, and the attendance of ton to the great fair may therefore be ted to be very large. The entries in epartments are sufficient to completely very building on the grounds as well as new ems that have been ers•ted during Summer. The ikeninion and Etperi- cal farms are each sending very On t exhibits, showing the result of tial testa in the variona departments hich the fanning commualty are specie interested. British Columbia and holo are akin apding much larger ex• ts than heretofore. The live stack ex - will ie very fine. The let of attrac- as anroun i1 in the official program by the Association is • very Io.( osa maim, tail toplease the visitors, as will be something of intermit to sec minute of the day .ad every d*y of lair. e his willM o. o.d thy]jOtl.r. Herbert on ert the 8the of Ssljot,,rw,m6er loses on the 19th. This ot...1 rotes special excursions wi11 he gives es .11 Iways Tim Wtnvox Fate. - -The secretary and MInetnrsn/ (a/shinyriwami beanie uo th 4.40, �14Ar1it that tis. .0 040010.. ,aand msm imari stive ilia. h.. 115.. Ansa The fallowing amend - mates naw Law made m the prise list : --. No tiglsstatios is required to the carriage haring ham a5eertaiaed that the Stud Book W .et hew Lade up for a waviest lisle to warrant the actio previously prated, and that in ola.pe 13 and 24 the prtae list should rad "Caw, 3 year old •ad up- wards, which .ekes the aunt butter in • three days' test on tis grenade." instead d ('ow, 3 years cid," etc. la 000nderatiroell the requirements 'seminary to make • .lte- comtul show, special &L satiaan have been secured at groat espouse and trouble, to amuse and delight the peat uumb.r ret visitors who annually flock to this great eepusiticn.those already secured may be men= an uunlet,e. wild west show, grand display of fireworks, balloon races nod parachute descents, lire engine ouster, a palace of Illusions, • troupe of wonderful performing seals and trotting pig, • remoter *treat parade by the differ- ent orle p and societies belonging to Lon- don, a marvellous French vymaast, cross- cut sawing uatcn, E.bsou's phonography, fancy pistol and rifle shooting. band con- certs, and a host of ethers being arranged fur. Iwon.l.w has the reputation of holding one of the best furs in the country, aas� we are thoroughly satisfied that all who go to see their show will be well repaid for any e';su.v and trouble connected there- with. (bust Horst. nett CANADA.- -The North British Agriculturist of August 19 say.: "Mr. Hen. Allen, Dunlop P. O. tut ,(;&nada, shipped three excellent, well.brod hones by the Alcides. dins of them -Mozart --he ppelur- cbaasd from Mr. James I;ourlie, We.t Farm, Tuileries. He was got by the Maty• ley prize hone frown Royal, out of one of Mr. I;ourlie's best man's, anti was in the prize list both at Hamilton and the UM M.wkland Show. He is • particularly hand- some hone, well colored, and stands well up at the shoulder. Another telt, 3 year. old Romany Rye. 8962, was purehaesl from Mr. Alex. Burr, Tulloford, Ohl Mehl rum. This fine, well-bred horse gained two first prize., namely, at Fyvole and l'dny. He is a stylish animal, and beat goo.I colts got by the Lest hones in Aberdeenshire. The third horse, Minstrel Roy, 8855, was bought front Mr. George (lean, Italyuhain Mains. He was got by The lied, • .on of the renowned Prince of Wales, and out of eight flutes exhibited 1:1 gained four first prizes, anti never left the ring without a ticket. His half-sister, !Cater Lily, was • well-known prize-winner in Aberdeenshire, and his dam, Piteaple Tibby, was both a prize wiener and the dam of prize winning stock. She was got by the world -farted Topsnlaa, 886." The:horse Minstrel ikoy, which stood the voyage aPparently better that its mates, took sick at Montreal .,u the way up, and notwithstanding the best can and veterinary skill succumbed on Sun- day last at Mr. Alkr's .[sial., Dun- lop. THEY SHOULD BE - To the Editor of Tile PM t AL. `ata, --Will you kindly inform use wheth- er the town council are bound by their own bylaw in the same way as private citizens. They have made a Jaw prohibit • ing the erection of wooden humldingn within the fire limits, and have enforced it against more than one person lately. and yet they are now aw0troverniug their own law by erecting a frame building in the rear of the town hall. It will greatly endanger wy property and also the town hall, and make it more hazardous in the light of insurance. It seems strange to me that these worthy freaks in office,es some dub them, should be allowed to violate the law any more than other parsons, especially a law of their own niakinir C. F. STHArBid- NEWS OF THE WEEK. Mr. Spurgeon has had another relapse. Sump/ling on the Irish coast is acid to Le increasing through the connivance of off' cials_ Ike't forget the Cadets' promenade con cert on the grounds of Wm. McLean to- night. Thtrictor, of the revolutionists in ('hili was ' totpkte, the Governmental Vonore be- ing vanquished. The Sultan of Turkey has ahjectly apolo- gised for the recent detent,cm of • Russian vessel at the ilardanelles. it is said that Secretary Balfour will marry lowly Dudleyreceive an earldom and be made Viceroy of India. Eno.). Leech, past grand sire of the Su - Kane Lodge of Odd Fellnu of the I "nited States, died at Keokuk, is., Saturday. Mexican revolutionists, whose chief com- plaint has been the tyranny of President Diaz, are preparing for a greet uprising. Two hundred lives .sere lost in • typhoon in Japan on August 16. The storms was the wont known in years and great damage was don.. J. L. [lower, manager of the Peterhor; brunch of the Rank of Toronto, diel from paralysis of the brain a few hours after be- ing attacked. A statement is made that the !tank of England has Leen robbed of over a million dollars, hut the cashier denies that there is any truth in it. .1. Mel 'ready, formerly assistant (:. T R. statical master at London, had his left arm taker, oaf while coupling cars at fort Erie Monday. His condition is critical. John l'allahan, who systematically robbed the Hamilton Street Railway Company, was Monday sentenced to two years imprison- ment at Kingston Pe.itentiarf. now Ross, a New fork butcher, was on • ladder Monday trying to hang up a side of beef on • honk when be slipped and was impaled .el • lower hook. He bled to death. London has 134 secular lodge' and smie. *ie.. Tre number was ascertained by sec- retary Browne of the {fester Fair in making preparations for a caning street parade. The steamer Arizona arrived in New York Monday with eight members of the crew of the ship $ea (.011, tr,ieh was wrecked on the African carie They were the Onlysur- vivon of a crew of 26. Mus Frances Willard has nancellsl all of her Autumnta to lecture in Maine. New Hmaire, Vermont, (0nnec. trent, Pennsylvania and Iowa on account of her mother's feeble health_ Tr1krMIlme Guide. •*Alii) ?stung RAILWAY. Tratas arrlv...d dearest at O.dadeit .s tell • Fun a.alva •• ...... .,...... ,........... .............. ppm spares ttrr,.tta .......................Tana. ... IS p.a LIS dltuatte.. Vaeant. ANTED. -A NURSE. APPLY TO MRS. r.JORDA)1, 2111 GENERAL SERVANT WANTED -- .i Aped) at mos to Mitts DAVIS `North street. A PPI(ENnes WANTED.- TO I. H. W ILLIA MS at Goonam ins barbarism hltsaaose AOC 7 y SERVANT WANTED. -T) DO GEN oral house work. Appir'to MRS. 1). CANTLI.ON. Westar, 24 tf 1`1 ED. AN WANT -A RESPONSIBLE cin t to lake ears ot horses SHA to DR$. SHANNON t 11•It For Hire. R HIRE -GOOD TEAL! AND A' outtk, by the day or week ; carettll team- ster attending. Also honey cont end haree.s, by day or week. JOHN 8. PLATT. 77 it Wanted. W ANTED -300 CORDS OF GOOD wood, 1 feet hag. tree from hack lop and limbs. suitable for City Coal and Wood Yard. Will buy delivered 1.and here or at dump. JOHN ti. PLATT. Reeldence--Tr fahpar .tnet, oppoalte Dwchana. & [bons Addles tar dib L'OR BALE ONE BUGGY ARM- stro•g d • cutter; both h dmos* as wood as new • will bre sold at • bargain. 0. K. STRACH.0,L 2:521 ej OR SALE. -1 HAVE ABOUT 20 colds of building stank tspsly W er r- ried ; tan debver to 1 MT out of Men on Mem nes tot. JOHN S. l LATT. pY SHINI;LES,-XX. CEDAR, AT $1.25 per .quer. XXX cedar, at 11.16 per square. XXX. cedar, u 11.75 per square. JOS. KIDD. 7F FOR SALE. -A AEN ING MACHINE la geed order Maya!' with four drawers sad leaf : cows tot, wOl s•11 fur 115. Address IL M., tkI. office. 1144 SHINOLEB, ACX:, PINE, -A SPLEN. did thick Waste.K Isar, at PM pw square. JOS. KIDD, LIME FOR SALE. -000D FRESH Ite..rvv. lime kill., X momently IltAKCHLER the Pans Olden CEDAR SHINGLES. -I HAVE still on bond ammatity of A 1 shiftless, which I will seal .t MAIM Milk W. T. PLL - LOW. Part Alas[. a tt FoR BALK -TWO 18 DI, CAST be bored ^n /s d in. 1 11.16 in. bore. or can Ill be sold u alarger abaft- Good as new. THE be sold. Steam rreasonable ppggore. Apply at Gbdes1ch. g Houle, Noxi rasa OLtf. Aped$s Artt/Iss. 11 H ARD AND SOFT COAL FOR sale. -Hest quality of hard and .oft 0001. .11 grades, delivered to any part of the townie" short notice. Get my p before ordering elsewhere. ('Ity Coal Yard, corner of Nakao and Victoria streets, oppoutc D. K. Straeh..'. shop. JOHN S. PLATT. St! FOR SALE -WE HAVE A NUIVIER at United Sates two -cent postage stamp. *bleb w11 be disposed of to those hasing [me for same. THA SIGNAL. pL[t Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED -TENDERS for repairs sad improvements on the .manse will be received by the nanaging oma mitt.* of KAox church till the lath Ira- Work to be beuunat once And finished to abs estisfA*- tlon of the commute*, by the loth of October. !lpeciewtioas oe sees at Mr. Nairn. store. The lowest sot necessarily aoxwpted, H. I. 8TRA U, Secretary Managing Cum mitt.., 1 24 Pulpit 8ervioee. - `TICPORIA STREET METHODIST church --Rev. W. A. Strongman, LL. D, Sunday, tient, [Mnit. 1nit. Jatst$catlw. ny I.anesFlUl1 ; 7 P.m.. 110 Millennium, %truosses rtt IMUSloal. I► f l BIC CLASS -- THE DI. ,I. sinned bas opened a music etas and is Prepared_ io give pupils instruction on piano or prem.. given at redden -e either of pupil or or undersigned, where pupil. may have use of piano. Also le mons in French will be given. Intending pupils will please apply at restden.v. next to Knox church. e'KOP. Di 1'LCUH Y. 21 It MU8IC LESSONS. -MISS AOGIE THOMS[)N Is prepareedd to tmuck/0180•• ies peril - Mere mire at Om. W. Tlemes!Fs Moab lima list[. Nowhere Waated. TEACHER WANTBID -FOR S. S. No. 3, Colborne. for file balaecr' Of year II.1. Duties to commence 17th Oct.. ends ng with end M year. Male Applicationsreceived 1111 Oct. I. r ply personalty to A. GLIM. tsc. Tram, (below. 13 -It W T. Farrell, sen of A. Farrell, Elma, and for sone timeeanngpaggeedd at edited teach- ing in Turnherry toweship, las accepted the paati•m of commercial traveller for • firm in St. Louis, Mo., with a respectable salary of 875 per month. TO ADVIRI'J.*R.. Notice of changes must be 4041 at this Office not later than Monday noon. The Copy for Omar* most be heft not later than Tutt . day noon. Imp Adve,U.ls.gg accepted .p to no Renby 04 iltsohanloe• Institute. !`IODERICH MECHANICS' INSTI- V%-s TUTL LiBRARY AND RKAitINU- K, mor. of Most street and Square lop stairs Op.. from 1 to I p.111., and tram 7 to 111 p m. ABOUT 7000 VOLS IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, Magazines, rte., on iRie. K<MRKBHHIP TIC[iT, ONLY `1.es, greeting free use of Llhear7 and Meld MIP Application for msmbss4dp received by Librrian. Meson. KIX e ono - KD. SHARMAp N OPO. STiVRN, Secret Oodoeb, Kareb ISM 110�' n 6, BledleaL DRE BRAN ON - senlrNoir, Masiornats:esownerejsErt4 CARBOLIC CREAM DENTnRICs 10 Tunas. 111 imams dam per; ms 1s NI mot is amt Comma Pawns , Tensaw ARM ALL urine FM. COMM 4WD PiciLmL M. D. C., rer D7splmde. D.A. L. A.et.aee (lel Lbw 00. Dls.esd sod reddish Dyes. 1#ILIMOM • aamarPTwo Dave lloaa. Frowsy** ado OP tap TWO ROOKS To ONhinsieied liaturnheod. t, kit FuR BALE IST rsNDak. A Y rd.d..feshl. haus. EletR. A K Fir hell Web let, tat. r►4 FOR BAIe.EE, y-THHEEE�FARMB (.7i ii [alai.. QodAeiVsL�estOw..L se ird sod KIM Lj OR $LLL. -THAT s�LARGE weeSSWvery pas at tris 1n1 v would is suitaneardars. rat p.rtloola w appty mtW . 1'. I)ROPISTY FOR EXCHAN L 1 pprreepp aa Peruses odohlog to exchange Mw.) or lass can imam hirm larAs ll'•Ixr nlcslsrs tis[ to ALtse& 1AVNLOR tl tl, Qat. lel.tt FOR RENT. -A NEAT AND fbrl.bls .*wings an iBooks -et_, wyk an &e• .f head : decd bearing utrekarr U . pie, plum nod pear 'rep., a.d weal rmaR., pr't • male from Court Rous T reamenhie. Apply at this office. end Fl1R BALs AT A BAI(GAIN --TBI ,1�1'�, aommodlws building u. Klug ss„ w at pressed oseupied es • paint els, m. Same Is I�rrlt rats Teror easy. snip F. et. SOOrt. >daMasUs P. o. tau volt SALE. - THE FOLLOWI 1. valaade prop,.[ Part of !ens 7 and & COetes.lO 1, 1ZA 1.40.410 acres av Neth d let ! red ooaces.tsa Wwwosek, woos, to �b tial ove Mwprttesppwill be sold o• >�tf b, HOLT s CAl1KItON, uu4sriek l:"OR BALs.-Mjtt. WILLIAM My. r Lean, heat consla.sd lit -health. Whoa saki his house •a4 in the town of tisb rick tonsatias et 4 Islam which ate same amilisA Jetts_ 00.. a. et • beautiful Irmo des. mairse and all whale g000ddtlk.u.e re w of the meat dsUrable sh. town of Ooderrek, Far le1�41.�. to )Ieesrs, OAKROW t PR[)t.'UFOp* ren, the vetx'oes solleitora. 1 L'IRST•CLAS8 BRICK HOUSE r LOT POR BALK ON HT. PATRICK -About two minute's walk from the So Two oto igb, twice Matra in tie 1 b stories huddled oovsr.d with Mpaeaitn b thetg .uthihai41. 3I� r es firs .dd)ttom .r. rsoma la the 1. 11547. o.11•r, A tooth. u.dehrdgr ed. who giro all uses ere InformatieS, DAN 007(1)011. 644. Loans and Illlsura.ee A,1ONEY TO LEND -A LA - emN.t of private and what than g lowest [ates on productive tone wed Ica property. Special terns of . 'pypft s y the borrower.- No comml.doa. -vas er stat M. 0. JOHNS TON. 000t b. 111541 1 G. WARD. CONVEYANCYq . tc., and commissioner for mklet sad n. °siring recognizance' of ba(1, isreivtta et aalrtuations, depositions or solemn d.[ios (10•e in or eoneerning &or met/on, emit w baa °ceding to the High Court of Juane, le Court of Appeal for Ontario, or In any toasty Of Div bion Court. A11 tran..cUoac felq mid promptly executed. R.nide.oe d pap address -Dear [.nem. OWL. * --1f FJ. F, LIFE, FIRa'D . AccldT.suNAt lowsoceTELAgent. )repE * .A leg Noah Britkh fat Marc.attic: Lterpst London t Globe: Norwich Caton. Nora American Life ; and Accident lasurs.i r North America. Lowest Rama. hese.s me. tied promptly. Mosey to Less on Fars r Town Property, Cssveyssctog dose. Pis perry Aslan, eta OSea-Cor. Notnee. rt ibenare. Uodhrnh. 74. 000 TO LOAN. APPLY 7I) CAMLRON. HOLT t C'AMILRON, beth rich. ose MONEY TO LEND. -A LA101 amount of Private Fonda for f. 0t lowest rates o. east -claw Mortgagee. to ()ARROW t PROUDPW'r, rip RADCLIFFE, OE>InutAi. --a. [cane., Real Ketate Old Imapiog Agent. Only [diet -clam represented. Money to Leal en are* Iowa, •t the lowest rate of iM1A geiase. anway to cult ata ourtsap� Oao� tl8P door from Square. Wella Street. rich. Lepel. L• N. LEWDS, BARRISTER, PROD . Inc is Maritime Coverts of ' en& OAtce-Mouth Colborne hote6 na 1.$ O $O. JOHNSTON, BA RRIBTZE, 1 • solicitor. cimmiurioaer. tr. lira cotlectton' and real .stale traasaetioas for fully attended to. Ofmcs-Cor. Homilies sad St. A.drew'.et., Oodericb. Ont. 11Nlyl JotlN DAVISON, BARRiSTIA, SelicItor. Ce.seyaacer. Ste. • Mosel e lend. take over Poet-0aoe. Godertch. M CAMPION, BARRiSTL, I. Solidtor, Notary Public. et Mee- Over Jordan'. Drug Store, the roam formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. MI C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Se Office. caner of Square and WOO street, Oodericb, over telegraph dace. Pit rate Yonds to tend at ei per .oat 2715 V�ARROW &PROUDFOOT, atc.. Malt rich. rJb.�.n(lar..wsW, ProtimR- CAMKRJN, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors 4.alt Ooderieb. H. C. Cameros. Q.C. ; P. am; Dudley Holmes. AlloUouieltlaR. J u13N 111.1110X, ONIIXRAL Artl- ess GC- had oeslldem mie euserstoo trade. hp 60 . psalm is • • Martin's Hotel. or sant byj map �MKNX, Comeoderich P. r Addw..' lfa>rtl Dentistry. M4lICHOLSON, Cali -DENTAL . ma... t. e new Pest OS M'spt�t . Oedtllah117 11R. E RICHARDDSON, L L ..reser demist. I)as sed ['Palma IS sdmisistiend tar paining astrsetl.g et teak atomism gives to tie prs.•rmits eatBees. desk. ..ansae RpenM w Hotel £seemmosatloN. ►res HURON HOT - TH$ 5dasd W Mt a0.d r tlasesd es iter the tr0vletimtf Bogota' LAKE SHORE BOAT sedml.k omk- CANADIAI\' IA MT*L (WARS UP) wsT, Q A QesemeaL BA1e(nw [Noels ISM= PA COILS ori ma idled ocrosor1 Of sLOD ALLOWED. /mTINUST llOtftrg IAI 5AO0t TI Attest sad Fadl.er•• Mala BARGA BARGA BARGA 1st M ITK ANL) $Hn: THAN 4r BARGAINS i. Mesa's I)ARGAiNK in )) iIIlppera. t)AKGAiNS in Girls' liD))AKGAI\3 in Buyi 1) �T .J. �i A 1 Wo[ \\'e carry the La St•w'1:..f Boot.., Silt \;cli-,c; in the Court We make the Be We do the Best Cheap a, the Cheap We Sew all Rips We give tile Lar count. 500 PAIRS SLiPI sari 161) n( You will find J. C) on the S Shoemakers Wante. PERSONAL PAF TI:.. Mary Rusk aper F Walsh, of Seafortl 1..N,i ,,., Powell, of Bly* Frldav'. 11" Willis, of Seafortl •.:o,lay. F. W. Burley, of (:lis F: King, of Seafortk, I u. 4.),.s F Hutchison Moores' v, rres' T 1'11(11011 left on Sub 5, 4, 1 ,rk Sloss Hutton, of Kirk' on Saturday. M is Mullin ret urnet t on Setur.iry. Miss F:sesry-, of Exert '91 model clam. E. S. %l o m, of I.uc erich last week. A. ISrwHoot, of Seaf (;oderich this week. It J. 1'rowfarl, of I t;rslern•h this week. Mos. Frank Evans w forth the past week. Miss Ethel McGregor bow in Milwaukee. Mit H. Comma. of 5 reside in rid. Thomas. I.. N. Davis spent brother Si. in Clinton. Krsnlpton Banner : mg friends friends at (;oderich. Mrs Hugh Johnston and l..slerich township (.e., Russell, of Exec I ...knch mnodelite class. Mohs Williams, of Kir •4 Miss Minnie Pridhae John Murray, of Se ..ounty town 0n Nutans Than Flo. Hailey rets s vast to friends at fial Mr. and Mrs. O'Mes their Mone, ('incinaati,l Muses Kat. McLeod .paint solidity in AL He H. Meyers, ex -[.arcs the county town on To A. Willson, of Sr relatives in Goderich th W. -1h Wilson, of F is spending his holiday' Mao. (ox of Chimp( family resi'wee,Briton Wm. McKay, of 1'I visiting ia town the pre Alex. Murdock, of F Metweetnag's warrior+ The Mimes Spathe the guest. of Mrs Mimi Charles Chisholm k the volunteers for Ne Captain Rd. Md the rashes.. d Mies King d Gods her friend, Miss Sells George Symms eadl will again talks up Hal tee. ` t t0esp Stitt kava re tl.y. F. C. sod Mrs (ole meting u to A.erist SAW Kra M.Desald ,toil ire riskily 1+� the learti Mae Yale visage an Teema .wry SOWS eel NMI • p•osoog.. esti. Mei