HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-4, Page 1FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. TII1 t itamos WK. irk eeeforth ommeil should buy that i 1" The Eitignere" .daimg cart fur it be f ma% oany use ID CrUeade Sm. as there is not traffic eneugh on I domed by the Pulpit *egret. there le te dos even in the eyes* weather. -Seatorth Expositor. W411• 1 you ever 1' This villager A BAD "wad. ler of the chap who averred he t ee the town there were so many hew. r Why, one day's Goderich buse go_ would take • week to filter through ,soiorili Mtun-it. Bet here there sr,...iran.4 :stemma for trade that • man sgreg one train asul going Wit tin De‘t .I..ean't have • chance to see it. elic • erck ..r two ego there DO YOU WISH TO ore Trig 400111T MID BUT. NEWSPAPER res urnoe eamar! ir so, elf "THE SIGNAL,- GODERICK ONT. OWL DeoLLAIll • WS cliVAXUIL MAKS TOUR WANT KNOWN tonal. OPPIOLA-1, 1sTAIWIS3PAILIMIR POP, 1--IT7RON 00T.T1sTyl"W"_ "BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT, THEN GO AHEAD." IX Tag *.W.aNT COLUMN THE SIGNAL -- - It is the cheapest and best W$7 of getting the ear of the • Pabite- net MOM • WORM VOL. XLIII. No. 2324. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1891. D. McGILLICUDDY. ABOUT THE SOCIAL EVIL be net taken at mos a Law sad Onier 8.4.1yRow OUT OF THE sToug boos' experienoe on the wreck and in the • sty Amid be immediately formed to rectify ` ...,- "°"• yawl mover uttered • complaint. She acted ths abases which now exist and to pro v eta - • deal better than seam of the nmEn. heset and honorable custodians to guard An amaging shout 7 o'clitx.4 the hull parted trom on which we stood and went down. the beet interests of the town. EXperienee oS the fortemately the yawl in scene way got loose • • • Item the deviltries the hull went doWle and PUBLIC OPINION. LSke Huron _ _ lasted a& 1 maid to the boys that that yawl was our reaty chance for life, ea the wreck IN THE TROUGH OF THE SEA. ;:r11:1611:;:=11.721Mino=h1L9601 RECORD FROM HAMILTON. The teMillailen appellate, IslasIl• shaft liesislalkin sr ob. Woman from Ite•. J. I. Mew ell Ilkeasemeeli the 'stonier from et.reisist Public Oplav les Strossll IL•perwied ea Sbe ambler'. Omists ...leech lf in one daytIcr;he num- As was to he expected the publiest ,,,, of recur - 2,500, and twenty minutes alter they the story 011 the dump at the begot° on the srnreltoo onc could my from the number )14,utli Boundory, which +geared in Tut Si.- * on the Square that there was a sir last week erested elute a emounotiou. In respectable circle. '..the article was on• dorsal, awl the attitude of the municipal ani police authorities was meverely de flounced. During tbe week scores of en- comiums have been paid to Titz SI4.'ti, for rUnitin.l.t. having had the nerve to grapple with the ev and for bringing derelict officials to a realtiation of their sine of oinialion and emonitssion The talk ef the town has bee u 111.• posure ot the eouth Boundary den, and honest mem and women have expressed themselves strongly against thee.: who are responsible for the retaining of each sped - mem oi the demi monde as Maud Hamilton and her retinue in our town. NoKTII,4T. acTiiiiiiivT Pi erte. During an impressive and practical ser- mon by the pastor of Northat. Methodist church last Sabbath evening, from the text: "14. not deceived God is not mocked ; for whatsoever a maio soweth thet shall he also reap, he niade a pointed reference to the fact, which um no longer a secret in the Mown, of the location in our mist of all in- tim had mused him to be " the road " stitution of ill repute. He spoke strongly mead of in • better position. He would raid earnestly ef the sad and serious 4 !Yeas lave been in affluent circumstances were he of such a pito... in our couimunity. it wits lowt'•••" t" draw • ett"1"e for the "H•wY - a trap to the yiiung and unwary, • pent 144 society and a disgrace to the citizens, 55 well as • foul ).lot on our fair, 'mace -loving and beautiful town. Ile welerstmod 41 was not of long standing and he ardently hoped it would no lo lung abiding. While here it would act AA • fly in the ointment, • sore upon the morel sense of the law-abiding a poisoner te the hitherto healthful in• thence of the place and a byword aad re- store of iiningei • in town. In Seaforth 2, We:Us people would glut Main-st. met the so sole streets, and have people in the a..ioses front the collar tiour to the rola' • loorllay's ram shower at own came at an gap time fie the umbrella moue and Mowed that Providence bad an eye un them, httle as they reckoned on it. eiwy ea( Moen into town a day or two nese or rather they had come in with thr chinghey sweepers in their rig for eatery and traveliers like company. Perhaps the most unique character in the siede carte Ws• Itroomhead, the solacitor umbrella -man Kelly. The latter was the •• soot " for umhrella mending, and lharnliewl was the Jeremiah to solicit the Wier, Roth were damp citizens, hut itioneced was the more " juicy." Ile was ^Alfieri* little fellow rather 14. ler the average height, but compactly .rt Ha fare gave indication of • keen intel brace Ion alio showed the dissipation SOME ov THE IIVINIoNs eiLL44nED “11111 m114‘Ai;44" 4.444-4144t. MuntOriAtty %so itv titTritn.. Said Judge !elle. on Tuesday : "1 mum congratulate Tilt :414:N Al. on the stand it has taken on the question of se,tal purity. I read the article in the last tease of Tit. SPINAL, iund endorse every word published. The language used was chaste and to the point, leaving nothing un- tried that wee neceseary to say, and yet dealing as delicately with a disagreeable subject as the conditions would allow. on ceitaiuly deserve the thanks of tile parents of ilits towu,augl ehoult1 haye every respect- able person at your back. Keg . 4. 44401004os : " I KM ariad THE Sni:41.411. has takes hold of this question, and hope • aeon fight will loe made along the line of social purity. Whateeer amistance I mu give will be meet heartily rendered. .414T. 411114414,4 "I bare 10 congratulate Ti,r Sill.% Al. on the stand it has taken. The good work .1 exposing this ntiquity ia endorsed by every well-wisher of the good name of the town. Keep at it, and you will have the prayers and assistance of all well-nteaning and Christian people." KVA. J. E. 110WKI.1 tbrt had lawn spent in frescoing his nom aal like most tramps he was aware of the bet eel philomphisel en it. " Miev es1 teal &my it. I've taken Iota sl Melee. and I would have been better off tt 114.1 let it &Joie. I've only had Ave to- day 230 P.11 teat, bleat you. that is only a reedation doise for making me feel litraiht Kelly stands more than I .10, and Omer get* elf his ham : and he get* kind of prow+ to ale The pres.egir 'room warmly irrsthy iv hen I overdo the thing a hitt.: urge upon thaw who are in positions of We .tre. k the chimney artists at Sebring authority, ahem business it Ira- to me that "lie' id° "4 11141' ha'l& ("Tiverg"" wad the law of our Lanni well as the kw .1 nor God wee reelected and enforoed, to he thle gent in the performaitm of their duty m the matter referred to, atel prayed that the indignation of the right thinking, lIteldov• ing and humanity -elevating would not rest quiet till our community mould be cleansed from the stain that tio now peeking to fasten rating • a,. eivoer than walking especially with • hea. v kit why, we formed 000) 14*.'. at :t tier, Well likely dissolve right herr and Kelly and I shall shove ou 10 Lucknorr. we glon'eppetroniee hotels for Atari :se i‘c them enough vomey for "'we' l'•ell) and Prefer to caw+ fait- itself upon us as a corpmation. We usually select • nice quiet spot by a. Awl while he spoke there was rapt atten mining errant. We have • strette of °it tion soil an earnest admiration of the courageous preacher who had voluntarily thrown the weight of his influence on the side of law and order. Not only was the preacher eloquent in his sermon against vice and crime, 1,,t he was heart•reaching in prayer, and especially when he prayed that the Almighty would bless the chief magis- trate of thee town, that He would bless the eiouncillors of this town, &IA endow them with the moral backbone that would enable them to rise and came their police officiels to drive out the infamy which had been allowed • lodgment in the town. And from the hearts of the people went forth • fervent " Amen '" at the conclusioo got the preacher '• invocation. Even im.eHamilton, where the woman formerly resided, the fact of her having started her infamous business in 4 :oderich is commented upon, and nearly column of slam is devoted to her and her past and . present history. Yl'e reprint the following extract which shows that our innocent ee mayor and constable, who were afraid to take action against her because of doubt in regard to her bail reputation, may be induced to take courage and do their duty : A (14)01) TOWN GONE AliTHAY. dote which we fit to font- saplings at the tornera an.1 thin slide under. We imet het the itoor, for we are not afraid of thieves- Resides, Kelly has • agog, which Mt earth a continental, but the appear- ance the critter warns stringers off. " *boat that dog,he rather p411415 is the mup this morning, or rather best us eat of the rip, 1 should say. Kelly aim I mai the chimney artists got on to an de- pot flange of beef last night and boiled it a the enn for today's grub. We don't have my wenn dinner, hut usually take • cold keel When I awoke this morning about daybreak I usually •wake about that time to get a drink and stir the Bre I discover- • thst the dog had upset the can. spilt the Imp, and collared the meat. The other fell..ws acre good and madoind Kelly Want• • kill the dog but I dello. bear* the loc It was natural for the dog to Ca" Ofl to the meat when the oan topple' over, for dog nature isn't very dif- ferent frotn human nature. oh. yea' Pm married, but I haven't keel from my wife for five years. Whistle 4.1 a She and the two children are in Cheer. Why, my boy is twenty-two years ear.% and ahoy to he proed of he is. Why, ▪ he would not Mike • dip of /leer an 4"P as oor nail for the world, and I'm hm for it. y gir I g school GoDICRICH, ONTARIO, ALL TORN UP te*her, or was when I kat saw her. nut THK BACK. ▪ doii-t tate after her father, either. I " There's • large tailor shop down east, a drug more in Roston, another drug store in ('h, g,, rind a lot of other assets and Op' pert gin it ie. gone down the Metre of my seek daring my pilgrimage. Still I don't onto Pion 'e blame anybody bat myself. Well, there's that umbrella, and that ribil hold all K for some time to oome. Thanks. ' "1 liras pleased to know aim we hail a public journal that was not afmi.I to grap- ple with this evil, and show the. authorities wherein their duty lay. It require' a high degree of courage to deal fearlessly with • question of Om kind, and it is • great esti. - faction fot Inc to know that in Tlflt we hare a faithful exponent of public opin- ion, and an opponent of wrong doing.' %arrow imespe of Ilse Tag II•lev--The RPM, ligedglido IlMea to neer. - 141r111 lag Image of 'rascals -eve seam Is a tow Emil A meg Weems ollith Serve The raphilas Tell lbe mere. OST11.1C1sE THE FitEQUNNTERS. To the Kreger of Tim eicosee Dec it. SIK, I will thank you on behalf of the respecteble people of Goderich for in• forming us of the terrible state of inortor• ality in our midst Ana of making an effort 10 remove in part the degrading 'shame Iran our town. I say in part, for though you and the respectable people who join you may succeed in removing that wicked woman Hmilton from our fair town you cermet, I am sorry to say, remove the equally vile characters who patronise her hell. Our only resource M to ostracise them. They have forfeitol the respect of everv pure woman and of every decent rnan. If those characters who call themselves men piece themeelves on the level of the brute lienst they must take their well. merited place ith the other lower anima.. Mother* and young lathes. I am informed that there is a large number of corrupt men in this town taome 50 or 60),inostly in pretty fair circumstances financially. and ovally yoUng Men. Do not let their natty ap- pointive blind you, or the piece they may hold in society deter you from finding out what they are. You will consigler Some- thing a great deal more necessary to a good mooch than the ability to make nooney. Young ladies of Goderich, it is in your power to 110Ine extent to lessen this evil. I believe it is quite possible to discover who the defiled are. At least we know those who glory in their eke and no decent wo- man has • right to recovnise any individual who has set aside all that is most sacred. A WIVE Axt, MOTHEIL I;o4lerieh, Sept. 1, 1891. *HAT coNtiTatit.it YULE AAVii. Constable Yule' was in Tee Sidle vi. office Saturday afternoon lest, and took exception to his being held accountable for Coe fact that the woman Hamilton was allowed to The tug received hard usage, continue in town. was mning upon her faster elmio it could be Seel he: If any one complains to me I trill got rid of. All the tires weee out but one pull that womares place, but oolong as there and the water was liWng right up in the is no disorderly conduct I don't see that I fire box. I then mole the oonclusioo an. called upon to interfere. that the tog was in a more hazardous condi- At this stage he was infotensd by TezSie- Mon than the tow, mold tluit if we hung to. mci. that the town bylaw distinetly plared gslher there weak), le no chance for either. 114. 04)05 upon the municipality through ita 5104100 ordered the towline to be cut so that if we went down the Hodgkiss would accredited officers. not be endangered. The sea was running Continuing, the constable said Already, so high that there was no wsy of commune 1 bare taken IctImt- At the Ineteneem eating with the tow, so we headed towards Westlake I ordered her to get out, and....she Sarnia, and succeeded in getting Ute other would have left on the 1st of July, as UHL fires started. As we moved down the Lake Sem tt. stated, but Thompson came along die short, choppy woven ceased, sad the roil rood allowed her to remain. I warned her broadened out err that we experienced no off because Westlake complained to rne of trouble in making Sarnia. Next day I came the character of the house she was keeping. up to me how the tow had fared and (In another occasion I went to thc house to eked up Copt. Finlayson and his crew at mei( • crook that I was called upon to look rhyoule. which they had made in the up was there. I went there bemuse I knew yawl after the hull of the Hodgkiss 14.4 it was just such • place that • crook would gone dowie. They most have had a hard • 111•1111.Tort winicx or tOrn nicrirrs TAKE* eir nemnaires AT 1141 WEIS= WIDOW or 11171101e oorerr, AND nevrame 1141 W11011.100Unirvirr --14505111•11111-Toit'S 11.414114In. Hand Hamilton, a bulky bloods well- known in the faetict society of Hamilton, is causing no end of trouble and excitement in lkoderich. Shoo is teing aavertmed heath in The steam barge Wake, Captain A. N. Sharpe, arrived in port from Sarum on Sat- urday. She left the Bay on Wednesday with • load .4 100,000 feet of lumber and the large Hodgkins in tow, the latter carry- ing 1,200,000 feet and having a crew of six amti and • woman 000k. During the storm of Thursday, and to- wards 4Anight, when the tug was being oonipletely washed by the waives and the bare Was unmanageable, the former was forced to let go her tow. She made for Sarnia, the sea making it impuesible to take off the crew of the Hodgkiss. Before the line was cut the Hodgkies had shipped several feet of water and loot most of her deck load, but after the separation she be- gan to break up, and during the night the Veseel betake in two, the hull sinking and the deck- which having been strongly re- paired bild together-- with • foot or to of lumber floating. At shoat 7 i.. the orew seeing no pros• pact of relief and their position on the float- ing wreck beta:ening exceedingly danger - There are now upwards of twenty-five ous they took to their yawl, which they applicants for the county clerkship, ahnost every municipality being represented in the bra. As to tbe time at which the appoint- ment shall be made it is not yet known ; but It is probahle that Mr. Holmes, Co. treas- urer, will conduct the business until the Deoember meeting. This we would judge to be a else doing. The cost of calling a special meeting would be fully 0500 and since it is known that the county is not suffering anything, with matters in Mr. Holmeshands, it would be folly tea call a spacial meeting for the selection of • clerk only. Among the names of the epplicante we learn of that of G. W. Holman, clerk of the township of Usborne, and from what is generally, we are inclined to believe that Mr. Holman will fill the position. The county clerk should be an educated Irian and a man well versed in municipal affairs - one who can take part in educational mat- ters, as the late Mr. Adamson did, as well as successfully perfortn the duties devolving upon the Ake of county clerk. ,.Mr Hot - Mr. Holman poetesses these functions, and is in other respects highly qualified for the position; and if the council make the ap- poultment from merit Mr. H. will surely be the favorite. -Exeter Times. ImAust.lemoving togot moreordereforKeUy." I the prom anel from the pulpit. *ad is in ni • man whreif halted thenerve to brace clovirr. Tux Seveve of this week degrees. IP. eon Id take hie phew in • front row with live. two columns to her doings, in leaded type mile-swnhn hnufsosa mob turned nind wait_ ender ware headlines. Evidently Maud is td sway with fisiniloty hit oh. Ares at preseet the lioness of liederieh. two *holt he min. to am; melt doers hie It will he obserrati that The Spectator hes S eed up our astitorities here, and has owe Pm...nista. for obtaining orders for Kelly, th. nnibeldk to the onseleste. that the woman has in some wommer secured iminunity frown pro !tech • condition of affairs would him be mead swim to the yawl. I did so, and he sworn out mid brought in the boat. We all got aboard the yawl, the girl being put in first. I held the "punter" till the others got into the boat, and just as I was shoving them off I fell betueen the boat and the wreck. Toni pulled me into the yawl, and we Muted on the top of a wave for a twenty tire mile voyage to-tbe nearest land in the open boat. this wail at 7 t.; at 3 r. s., after being out eight hours in the yawl, we struck *14.. land. When we were about • couple of hundred yards from the shore, the sea broke over us and filled the boat, but Tom Dot -hind bailed her out with a big van that held about two pails of water before the next wave struck us. Toni was • great worker all through. The .ext wave shoved the bom's nose a little under, but not of any account, and the fol- lowing one threw us high but not dry on the beach. We were met on the shore by a inan who said, "Thi. is the second boat's crew I have saved," which rather surprieed me, but he helped us pull the boat up on the beach and afterwards showed us te the near- est house. There was to he a threshing at the farm that day, and the people of the bouse couldn't acoonimodate us, so we went to • hotel about • mile or two farther on. The people at the tarm said the girl could stay on oondition that she would assist in the kitchen during the threshing. Next day the Wale. came along, and wean got aboard, and here we are awaiting orders." THE COUNTY CLERKSHIP. were enabled to do by the aid of floating lumber. The little yawl was in the storm for over eight hours,and was finally beached near Drysdale, the shore being readied through ni °erase breakers. The crew speak in hifh terms of the brave: v of the cook, who •Ttleing the tempest aboard and in the boat se Areal a fortitude that mull not have been excelled by Grace Dezlieur. At tbe time the tug mat off the barge all the tires were out but one, there were over two feet of water in the fire box and it was gaining i.11 the time. The waves were rolling so Inegh and the wind wag so strong that she could Imo put about to, speak to the Node - kiss, and not knowing the state of things on the barge her captain thought the tug in the greater danger .311 along the shore from I ioderich to the ;rand Rend lumber is piled in great quanti- ties and its collection will cost considerable. The names of the crew of the Hodgkiss are Neil Findlayson, Weston, taptain ; Jackson Smith, Burlington, mate : 1n '4ulhvan, Port Dalhousie. Peter end Thos. Iteland, palermo, Wilford France,' 3duskoka Mills, deck handa, Maggie (iillant, Burlington, cook. trTAIN UWE'S 44TATEMENT. A representative of THE SPINAL Sew e'aptain Atomise, of the Wales, Monday af• ternoon and asked for a statement of the owe from hia standpoint. Said tbe Cap- tain : "Well, there is not a greet deal more to say about it, for I understand the partieu. lers win appear in the daily piper. today. The storno broke upon us about elev o'clock and it was the wildest I ever es kneed. The waves were shorter and .1 than I heel previously seen and t couldn't get • chance to recover f effects of one wive until it wee er boat the It again. the water OVER THE HURON TRACT. A Newsy Orlin Obtained from the County MlIl Taariap aheneoes son or .Infig "es re•Illigran (.no 'e taw diver run into hie The h.dto "II seam the peidal of lent week se weellea of the Alameins not he allowed to mist in any other town is Verde. est Ate highilee the stmemdegale public Molt UM glattor in hand and held their repeeeestolveit th• round) rearm the constituted auth WififfRin- 1041"Irl $3,10010drf ewe* t Isar tr$ iwt.to et - THE EDITOR'S TABLE - ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS - A Weekly 1114gest of festally hews nerved sp 4. 1.44 Everybody Mai anal rotas 4 Its - wed and irmaisentie. /fro= aver, oseetessi -The Cream .1 (41. ticasdif ftew• Iv Mere rrami ear Loral esreanges. The saw nial owned by Perdue k Donald - sou, Gmlerich township, has been sold to Wm. Perdue. The Goderich district meeting of the Methodist chum.* will be held at Holmes- ville on the 8th of September. Mr. and Mrs. French, Exeter, went to Oshawa last week to celebrate the golden wedding of Mr. French's parenta. Mrs. John White and Miss Maggie White returned from their Pompoms trip, reaching Exeter on Wednesday of last week. James Cameron, son of Win. Cameron, McKillop, had his ankle badly sprained the other day by getting it tought in the wheel of a wagon. Mr. Radaford, ithieil during the past few days over 200 buslio of vel- vet chaff seed wheat, 50 bushels of which went te. Chitago. On Monday of last week, while out shooting, Mr. Emmerten, Clinton. brought down a (Inc hen -hawk that nieasureil over four feet across the wings. Lieut. Wilson, of Seaforth. was success- ful in winning four prises te the rifle match held in Toronto lam week. He is a clever marksmen and alway• comes out ahead. CANAL. Von A11 -4:1,4T ENO SerTEMBER. A Southern dialect story, of absorbing in- terest, by* • Virginia Canadian. will he found complete in the August and Septem- ber numbers of Canada, the new stationed megazine. The two numbers will be sent to any *Actress post-free for 20 cents in tempo. Poetry and proee by ablest Can. adian writers, choice selections and bright and timely departments in every number. Every Canadian family should subscribe for Canada. A one dollar bill will pay for it from now until the end of 1892. Addrees: "Canada," Penton, New Brunswick. Chas. Maguire, of Morris, is perhape the tiret fernier in that vicinity to sow Fall wheat. Ou Monday, 244.14 ult., this gentle- man tout in six acres of this the chief of cereals. Rev. James Livingstone, of Listowel, was in Clinton last week and before returninf purchaerd at the Huron Central Stock ?arm ot Mayor Doherty a tine driving mare and foal. John St,eep, Clintou, claims to be the first one who carried the Orange flag for the lodge on the Bayfield line, 40 years ago. He obtained the colors from tIoderich, and car- ried them on his shoultlers to the above mentioaed station. Thorpe Holmes, of St. Cetherines. broth- er of E. H0112101, formerly ot Clinton, is on • visit to friends at Clinton. He M me of the oldeet newspaper men in the province, though long since retired, having been en- gagedin business in Brantford in the years -39. Moncrity of last week W. Dodds and 1). Itobertigon, who are entployed in Fair's saw mill. Clinton, went through the fluor to the ground beneath. Mr. Robertson was so bad- ly thaken up that he soul confined to the home for several days_ E. W. Hagerty, B. it., late head master of the high school at Mount Forest, and formerly of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, was presented with an address and • gold watch jprior to his leaving for Johns Hop- kins University to take a post gra•luete course. A. G. Midforol. Wingham. who has re- turned from Cuba, haa brought with him • Russian bloodhound. He is a powerful ani- mal, gentle and quiet, but et &capital watch dog and has done good service for him down among the natives of the island. He is the terror of the Winghern canines. Mies Lilie May, a pupil of the Parkhill high school, ouly twelve years of age, has successfully passed the non-professional examination for a teacher's 3rd -class orrtift- cate, held there laat July. She is • daugh- ter of W. F. May, mathematical mister of the Parkhill high school, and formerly of Exeter. W. H. Hill, • former Bruseelite, who has been stationed at Artrae. Simcoe county, during the past year, in connection with the Methodist ministry, was in !kennels this week. He purposes going to the United States to prosecute his work. We wish him somas. Anthony Royd, McKillop, has purebesed the farm of his neighbor, John J. Parish. This farm IA the west half of lot 14, on the llth concession, and contains 50 acres. It was bought for 113,200. It is a splendid farm and is very handy to Mr. Boyd, who now has • fine estate of 275 acres. Mr. Pariah intends removing to Manitoba, and with his removal McKillop will low • good citizen. What proved • very painful and might bare proved • fatal accident happened on Wednesday of last week to Mrs. Stephen Downey, of Irishtown. It menu that while sewirig she waa in the habit of sticking needles in the fmnt part of her dress and whilst rtaking of her dinner • needle from her dress to her plate. noticing she put the needle in her mouth along with her victuals. The food was swallowed, but the needle lodged length wise in the throat, causing the lady todold agony, until after • few attempts it was re- ssoved by • medical practitioner. She is now doing well. Many of our readers will regret te learn of the death, at Neepawa, klanitoba, of W. Govenlook, formerly of the township of (trey. Mr. tIoessillcook took leek with diarrhoea °so the 17114 ult., and died on the 22nd ale He had enjoyed good health all Summer. He was • native of Maitland and 62 rare of age. He mine to Canacla In 1856 and resided • year in 1:alt, when he mine to the township of Grey, in this oounty, and ticking up land neer the village of Ethel he onntineed te reside there until 1883, when he returned to the Ohl Country, where he st two years. He returned to =fp•stmatimiet of bad near Nespavra ia Ned gess tette Northwest elms he down and 141 .1... been somewhat extessirely ayai in tarmieg. He had • large eirces of- freed* is We eneety, wise will be sorry to leers oe Me Tele. Dr.i.iNctron. --The September num her of The Iklineator will be notable for • large amortment of novel and elegant Fall fashions tor Lilies', mimes% girls', and boys' wear. Among ita other attractive features will be deeigns in chapeaux, lingerie, fancy- work, household -decoration, etc.. as well as articles on .treasmaking, pyrography (poker -work), home-made toilet articles, bouse•keeping, flower culture, knitting, crocheting, lace• makine, etc., etc. It will be banner number, larger, more interest- ing and more viduable than any 01 44.5 prede- °more. Price, per single copy, 15 eta, or 111-00 • year postpaid to any address in Canada. Adolreas, The Delineator Publish- ing Co. (Ltd.), 3.3 Richmond•st. West, Tor- onto. THE METHODIST s .11 8p it, 1891. This number commences with • beautifully illustrated article, "Threegh the Hungarian Plain,- hy Job. Sziklay --starting from Ruda -pest and riving time oinking Dryedale in that little yawl • suocinct description of the country and its nonlitable said • good deal more, but with so heavy • sea against them." enthusiastic inhabitants. "teacarts° and its the shove is suilicieot to show that he warn At this stage Cape Finlay.= mine up valleys... described es smaring,by .1. Hard. • ni the character of the inmate. of the to wawa THK 811"AL and 1/aPe't 8barPe mayor, se "The Nice of Switserlead," is full : ere speaking. He had in his hand • pen. of interesting detail of its gaily -attired house, and that at one tune he had warned I sketch made h Wilford France, • deck- people. Series 111. of "Over the Cotten them off, but that for prime reams or other haw., of the Holies, which represented Alps" will give the readers much delight in he has now grown more lenient in the inter the when yawl pu t ogr from viewing the illustrations of that romantic Said Capt. Finlaysion, "I''llat's ea near aa Hann pretation a hie duty in the premises. There is no mouse for him now. He you oan get to it. He has drawn it well, rsg"nts • ttnrbellingartiekone mThe All4 e pen ci= must do hia duty or hand in his resigiaa- sad, tha..t 42 • lirnPhin .14.1014"" At t MB request of Tex he then Ma" lisaiels, B. A. gives • practical onof the "Methodist Deaconeat sses ten. gave the following account of the wreck soest come. FIVILAY41400I STORY. "Tb. storm we. the worst I have ever ....la thirty -Ave years' esperience. The waves mine over um so rapidly that we couldn't attempt to steady the heir, and get her in shape for each wave as it it her. Why, one wave dashed in through the oaken sad carried the cook (a trial, who was lying on a lounge, clear down intr. the hateh. 1 west around to me what was tbe meteor sad I taw the eaohiag steers and some other truck sailing in ow • wave, aod I thought it was time to get eat. Two of the sailors wen were near the hate+ eueoseded in fel- ting the cook mit of har risky palette 1. Rbe 'mold have bees drowned sum if it mete= tin ilesteellreMs'ei ?SU ir water that she was unwed ben beteg carried osier. Menai imams week have yelled and ads let treelike mist the two ex - bet thell WWI a Rev. Geo. 'Lim died at - Wrozeter Tues- day afternoon, 215th ult. He was tern in Stow, Roe herongheh ire, Scotland. Sept. 15114, 1815, wee ettseated for wrinfetry and was sent by the Free Church of Scotland as • missionary to the Went Indies. He was three years in Trinadad and sis he Jamaica, but wee obliged to leave there owing to the severity of the climate. He came to Canada in 1863 aad settled in New Ilirauswiek, where he remedied sit years, conaterszre: and muting is Wromtier, where he 1 faithlully for 22 years as pastor of the Pres hymnal§ church. He Maxima throe years Ago owing to increasing years. Decessed 555 14.1.4 is high eiteam by all denessin- otiose.. Tireiteewee, reeve' a 131516.1. pnna.....4 the Kline hies se OS Ora- reenina ft costeins 10111111 as it Need frame banditry's. It fie 011110111 Work." "A Nom Scotia 11 Among the Cannibals" is presented by es Mai, Tweedis. Ftev. Jaime Luntsden gives a short history of "Cott lia,- or Manche. ter, If.gland. "The ( elating : Its Plat:wand Power in Methodism' tem paper should be eareeetly oonsidered by every lover of Meediodisan "Undaunted Dick Collier,Prieelleiter and. Evangelist," shows firth the mercy of (Ind in the diameter of Rishard Weaver. "The Destiny of the Eleetk.- by Ake Wischell, LL I). One of the wet interesting stories is hrongerstonna dela, "All He Kelm: by John H Peellmetie readers cm the labor meastion etal de well to read George A. Closete's ant. egi "Leetaleial Newer/in oteleeledima Jekerike 1 empediLie vaistbir 14. eat ie One pot • it onaghtillag WNDr.1111Twe of notes Ikea - take eel air 041•1111880.6. ste. Pdes 811 s 7l I he meta per thy ,n •