The Signal, 1891-8-28, Page 61l TILE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1891 BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS 20 Pieces Dress Goods, worth 25c., for 15c A few ends Mantle Cloths,$2.75, for $1.50', 14 " it " 18c., " 12,c$2.00, for $1.25 ; $1.50, for $1.00; 15c. Chambrays for 8c. $1.25, for 90c. NEW GOODS! New Knit Shawls, New Cloth Shawls. New Mantlings, Plain, Striped and Brocaded. New Costume Dress Goods, ONE dress in a piece (very fine goods.) NS W 'TA_ IR, N PLAIDS AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER SEASONABLE GOU1)S, DIRECT FROM GLASGOW, PRICES 107A7' DOWN. We still carry the finest and cheapest stock of LACE CURTAINS in the trade. We are the great CARPET WAREHOUSE of the County. Biggest stock in Huron County. COLBORNE BROS. (3 _Ht �� IMPORTANT NOTICE flu: v ►�: r s �� ►i;N ER. Ma EARTH, CLOSET,It --TO- THE PRI" EAI:TH CLOSET HAS been is use and duly appreciated for sesta. but as hitherto presented Wal 400 large and cumbersome for she 141..1034 21 'aOm. and, though a good thing where a room cell be sol apart for m+use1u Ihr expense front$IStp p . was not ohleittotmblP4. sod a wine las been fell fora small. cheap compact arwngeeleet fors bedroom that ail' not o.n•upy too much rano or ■how as uns4ghtly appearance; and the object of the minrl* lion of this article. who h can roomy he moved) train one room to amo4 iter in ease of stekos.., t+ to 1111 this want. 1t is a aulary Ia.rwllaa. perfectly tree from su> odor. *ed. having a rwry lata 1 Mae )let orator. it pleveats any 1exlou* Kase,. In sickness His alueost indid{wuirwb!e : where there are children excawlue.(l) Cf III. Its low PRICE -B5.00, FARMERS. Agreat revolution in the tanning tail' Masl- o w. Fanning mills less than half-price. Old fanning nun frames that *err need by our father+ ani grandfathers are now being utilized in the constriction of the latest me proved fanning mill. which is certainly a env Mg to the fwnters The old frame. gearing. (an and *has am all aced. leaving nothing for the farmer to buy but the trse.ereag laspr.+eel Crain sad Med Steamer. which costs no bore than * common se: of fanning mill Nieves. and can put in aoy make of mill. no matter how old or new the mill .s, without injuring it. and cap he taken ort as easily as a thee. combined S et of sieves. It does nut diserrange the mill for the use of ether sieves. It will pouititrlyclean out a" corar, mus- tard. fix -tall. wild pea, wild tax and other font seeds out 0' fhr grain without blowing any into the c half. saving am! cleaning all -anew se-! a• 44 a same time. it is it cert' complete clover seed. flax. timo- thy seed. millet see.Letc.. machine. It cleans grain very speedily. if desired. 1t is said to give more weight to the Moshe and lees waste than any other machine shade. It gives about .IO..in chis of screening when 1t sample* grain hette,r than hand pocking, beano -e it equalizes the samples. It t• said to 1, ve no edtua; (or cleaning seed grain. because 'it ,removes all shrink -n and Waken grain and (.reds. giving the farmer ley lag In Rases.. lions IM.'.I.KOKI1I 1.y., Only a fallen 'corer. atretehe ! out the• -e on the road. Stretched in the Waken shafts, and cru Med b) the heavy load : Only a (alien horse and • circle of wondering eyes Watching th • :ric;htenel teamster goading the least to rise. Hold ! for hs tool is over, no more labor for him : r' Flee the poor neck ou'etn cited and the patient 45)54 s grow dim.; See on the friendly- stones how peacefully rest• his head. Thinking. it dumb blasts think. how good it is to be .icad After the bur..eoed journey. how restful it i+ to lie With the brokenshafts and the cruel load. westing a,ir to die 11atncc.+, he died in haruets. died in the rhea le and toren*. Fel!. un -5 the great load killed hind : one of the ..a: b 111 One of the paeohg wonders marking the cit) ro.,' . A toiler •1* ing Su harness. heedless v' call or goad. Peelers. crowding the pathway, stay ing your *tens awhile. Was it the ryielhol I Only death ; why rflould we .ease to sunk A[ death fur * breast of burden !On through the busy 'erect; Thai t• ever and ever echoing the :read of the hurrying het et Khat was the gigs f A symbol to touch the • purr. healthy seed• limiest; will, 1f ) tri wish to see and filth's ms hs. i'ne. Do. mho • aught in pa-ab:es speak in pa' write cu MIL -»K+. Anus -metro to send one to awes et:1I f Brings it within the reach of all For male at your barn. so you can see and tri it for )tori The ileal un tau ma self in your own leaning mill with your own 1 is wasted, on fila flew hearts of )ten - -R I:.t U - -- !That gather and sots andgraspand lure. labor and sleep, and then : Mol, agent for Onlerichand vicini•y, WHAT PRACTICAL FARMERS SAT i Thenuur the il'oior•trea .l r°^'f.i^ the street trf Riot Re' 111.11‘t TE1TI1NIf1.%IM r 111ri'T IT i The toiler.crushed' by the heavy toad. is thcne- rer mmhhesd nowt highly G.hg ananne I). SMITH'S FURNITURE STORE 1 gni'.• K, Closet for sow is private 'houses and m the room.stet roo. l'sprin.aples aro c.noductre both to health and eottvehienee, and should be in e• ir111 cs er) hoose. From my ,.eno Wmus nears higfi appre- 1 dof e 14. I.. C. ginned h) e. 1 rorty. ,land moot .tIostgli fir W hits useful house n hold arrir. N ogr.irn j .A. Al STON. Rector Christ ('hurch. Henan., me, To the *'niton Hear t'u.. /sananaei:••. 1 t 54 JAS. SAUNTERS IIIAK'h. i. I,ta herwe dead Stanley Township. Baylkld, April Seth. leg. Armstrong Pros. sirs. I bare used your, AFlt{�k �• ('leaner: am well satisfied with the work I they do : I .insider they cannot be competed with for cleaning timothy *red. closer, pro% wheat. having three year.' experience .ad trial. Yours truly. .I All ESI SIA('KMAN. Falls Generic. Colborne. I:alerich. M.' -ens. Armot ring. Gentlemen, --i have m.eil 'our A ret runn Iowa, and seed Cleaner for two-da..a,s, elramtnd( all kind- of grain. -The London Hospital tells of a seam.trese who, like Hood's pathetic heroin.- in the --*""Song of the Shirt," worked till the stars shone on the roof. Her eyesight failed and the slaty gore on : "She saw at . the .ane time four Nixed*, four needles and four CIot er aid etIn+seed not truly for my eel. bat (seams. She at tart treated them as an for mty ietghttors, with the greatest satisfae- illusion, lout at the end of some .fay.. In lion. 1 lone used several kinds of mill. at cumse,•nence weakness and prolonged d.frcr,•nt times. but hate never seen the espial ,neut.l anxiety, she imagoes' that she wan espeedily to )our Cleaner. t .an clean very l) tour rats at (ewe, and that wish it. 1 have taken (mol ..reals out of my really ma wig gran I could not get out without it. 1,'.1, tone .e.l by Iter mlafortwoe, hat worked XAVIi.It IIAM'HLI.1i.. a ulinad, s,, liar lava... - Mount Pleasant Fartn, God,•n, h I'uwnshlp. Goderich 1'. 0. Meters. Aencatrotg. Hem Witten. -1 hive al- wa). been 5 ery backward m, content tag to -i \1'11.1.1:1\'E- n+rommend any nutehtne unless very well eatistlyd with it. but 1 take pleasure in r45rom- mending >our Grain and Seal licence to the IIu 1. bile. 1 11 11.e most of my grain for seed. ha... tried different nukes of nulls .Ind sic* meg and find ) our ('Meaner dues the teat work of any. It wo'l clean out all Incl Needs at one cleaning without making any nnneces- wary wa-ir of grain. It in an excellent meed cleaner as will as grain cleaner. HKlgt\' 1'l'It11'IN .Seed Grain Farmers. Goiterich Township, Con. 7. I. Goder)rh P. II. To Whom it May Concern, 1 have pur chard ,ee of the A, mat rung ..rat* and reed (' esnees this Spring and . , far s* I bete used it 1 an, thoroughly eatl.t1d. 1 du Dol think there is au) machine to ritual it f•,r cleaning seed 'tremor any kind. 1 would recommend ft to 1\I) fello. fanners we a very profitable machine for ,leaning grain for reed or market. Jo:4hl'l1 154111TKLl'. .,,, Meer*. Armstrong. l4eor girt. I purchased one of our Arnim rona (iratn and Seam 1 lean en pearl) two year. aro. and had it put in an old fanning moll frame. 1 have cleaned all kinds of ggrrasm. nay. henna and gram seed, It does ryrelh•,d work. d cleans very thorough ly and speedo'), t could not he better wtI•ded with a machine. 1 would not .ail It fur w hal i 1 gate for m if 1 could not get another, 1 would rather hate tt ,han any new mill I have ever wen. IO('11AHD (11AMItliltS. Oodertrh P. 0. Tawa•blp 414.544. fee wale, 20 Per Cent. DISCOUNT -OX ALL- - CASH SALES -() V*.1; - ONE DOLLAR --ht itIXO THE - MONTH OF AUGUST In under •0 make room for FALL STOCK Which will be In soon. 1 WANT 5,000 BUSHELS OF PLUMS, For whieh 1 will pay 4'AMII, at McLean's Block PLANING MILL ISTIIIISNfO MSS Buchanan & Son, Id••erx,-tt wawa ARMSTRONG BROS., I Goderioh, Ont. 114 r C. SEAGER, -Oars la Mel.....' -- NEW BLOCK -OppaalM the Mertot,- SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Money to Lend Ileetelria um Irmo mit Tu c�� (��LQ -�t- > alsait lli$ f'sa/`iiiWYYitOL'Oi ..wise �ro, era fano ran cao keg ImIMw's anterial of .eery dfwefptlea, Cheap Bats, School Minna» a Specialty. Farmer's Notes Cashed. People Wonder WLiEN they fled how rapidly health is restored by taking Ayer'* Sarre sapai lila. The reason to that this preparation eontalna only the purest and mast powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Jos. Lake. Brorkway ('entre, Mieh.. writes : " Liver complaint and in.ligeation made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For mote than friar years 1 suffered un- told agony. 1 wan reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly ball strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed me, and only the most deli- cate rout,' be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving relief. Noth- ing that 1 took seemed to do any per- manent gg.axl until i began the use of Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla, which has pro- duced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsaparilla I could net an Improvement in my condition. my appetite began to return and with it mune the agility to dlg.itt all the food taken. my strength Improve,' each day, and after a few rmonthe of faithfnl att.ntMn to your directions, i found myleff a well woman, aide to attend to all household duties The medicine has Kiran me a now IMM of life, and 1 cannot thank you torn much." ' We, the nn.l.raigned eltly.n. n1 Brockway ('entre, Mirh , hereby rertlfy abt the above atatenwnt, male by Mrs. Lake. is true In every partleiilar and entitled to fall credence. '•-O. P. abwnhrriain, 0. W. Waring, 0. A. Wells, ittt•e41tin1 " Il]] brother, 1n England, wee, for a me. enable to attend to his ooctt- b swum et awe tilt rb ibrt. sent hila Ayer's Almanac and the tem Unionists It contained induced him to Uy A er's aarsaparilla After ruling it a little while, he was corse, and is now a well man, workbag In a snorer mill at Bristowe. (%neenaland Australia." - A. Attowell, Abarhot Lake, Ontario. Aysr's Sarsaparilla, r'liraaae N Or. J. O. krisr & ow, LMeeC M.ss, Hirsh; ala bairn 111 Wear M a Itslsa. r LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY. THERE OUGHT TO SE 0000 MONEY IN DAiRYING- amsa. r.eta That the Fanner Rae hob - ably Reed MSar. bas They 11111 Ropey Pereira -these letter ell eh. Tear loose& Etat a dairy of 10 cows I have mate more actual -"At than by any other terming operation For the past lb rears I have an- nually coatrweted for all my butter at 36c per lb the year .rothnd. At thr oulaet I aria ted cows with particular reference to the , u.n%fly and nc ores of their null,, p; ting little attention to color and breed. rery beet cuwe have been found the hest anti oibsapest for butter. Give theca good pasturage in thesummer with plenty of pure water, mad frequent s COM to salt. In the winter feed sweet, early cut hay. new cured fodder core, roots, cab- bage and the like, with a nation of cora meal, bean. ground oats and middlings. The beet and latest um ,vel tmldenwnts are used around the milk and butter, and three are kept rcngailqusty clean and well smiled. Milk paths And all metal utensils •houl.4 he mate of the hint o uaht j of tin, should • a �*i thermometer sh.d he.•onstattt 1. used. When help is hired, ow of the nx.t exact rules to that the milking should be ,Ione quietly end at rejular times, and the ut- most c1eanhnees preserved. Strait the milk .Lowly onto open pan. from 4 to 6 inches deep. 1 hare fount it a good plan ie. strain it into a large can and set It in colt' water ,sed down to 61t= before putting; into the * Mall pans 'fhr milk lutist Ire set ion a pure and eim►1 •tm..phcIe and at such tempera- ture as will permit the cream to nen• m 30 •..:Mi hairs. The name 141004) be kept tit .1 temperature of from /114.7 G. 63 °. said not allowed t.i vary much from thud In summer Inst a piece of see in a tub of water and ,-..ver It with a blanket, •Ind it will kr'ep 10114 time. In winter the rexunsshruld F.• warmed. .A shun as the milk I»•gins to turn sot?, it yh..151.1 I.c• akminiab for it is mup..swit.le to make g'''i- touter from old .our cream. Turn the ,-ream into the cream jar anal stir It thoroughly. (team must be put in the c..okat part of rte house and covered with a hone netting, and not with a tight +.per. Churning should be deme often. Bong th. uteaui us the churn to 36 = end net se sixnre tit = . SoakI the churn and then put in odd water. Hinge and cool thor'ughlt and put In the croon. Churn early' in the OIOnnag while it is erx.t. Churn with . regular r.,d.tlou, and DIA trx, fast not ie., slow, and the butter should come in abut M> minutes. I do not wash' my butter but work it in the o1.1fashinn d *ay. >4*lt one tonne to the pound. or more or less as your trade denlan.ls. \York the t.utt.•r one suflictently to expel the buttermilk, but .1n not work tows dry. if the hitter is not sold as fast as made. pack in cowls wbch.will n..1 taint it. Fill w'thin an Inch of the top. and place a piree 01 turn muslin over the tip of the butter. and over tal. pour .m raw .:old I.rue and cover with a layer •.f salt. Cleanliness and canm'.n-stens' applied from the beginning to the end are absolutely neees.Arvv to moire good butter that will '.ring the highest pm .% and there never will i.r enough to supply the demand. Prof. J. F. 1:Isom, in Praha Fanner. greets natter the Year I1.und. At this .ea..... of the year. when butter is lowest in price And etervl.sly is making it. it Is a Rossi plan to think of holding it until pares are higher. The great trouble with packet butter is that when used it is off flavor and oftentimes no tette,- than swap grana. Any met Mitt t!me w ill keep the letter for a few mouth. in o.,uliti.'41 1n well worthy of trial. George Parr ..f Ikakote gives him ex- 1erirree in the Northwestern Fanner and Barmier with prick:tag butter. In IWO, when butter war. worth from K to Oa per lb. he made his butter int..' II. rolls and wrapped it ui Elliott'. parchment paper. He unit this. into new pork barrels are" covered It with strong brine. Early last winter he 1011 a number of Norris of thi. butter to a dealer in Montana for !Q• pit Ib. and the dealer wrote, "If Irlarwe ,,t your Sutter is as ;;.nal ,w last J. -ht. -red, ship at "nix." Mr. Parr says this 1.uttet wa. in l,rnw 16 or 17 mom h+. The butter he made the fleet nsa..11 was kept in brine eta months. and there seen,. -1 to he two dif- ference in Savor between that and: the but- ter put in . year before. In August be put down three barrel. of granular batter, which he handl 'l in this way: He lined the barrel with Elliott's 1 :vers h .,.t it w p:d i ..0 in- ches r I 1 r four a Pa . paper, s o wilt I.t cbr f the t torr, tit on w "I' corm that would slip ins1.10 the lxirrel, weighted it and filled the barrel to the Mint with strong In me that motil,I float an egg. Then or (h.• winter when he churned. he put away the frw.h buttermilk. 1eok out eons bitter from the barrel.. put it in the churn and pot rel fresh buttermilk on it. lir chnrne'I this for a few se•tontle aid fotmi,l that it was espial to his fresh but - ter and that he hal to rr.alt It again. The buttermilk was drawn off and the Intttet treated in the total way, and hehad lit one complaint from it very particular cuetnmer, that the bitter we. not, quip 1144 to the general standar. 1f theme two method. of putting down butter can keep the Sutter as well se Mr. Parr say., then they will Looe a god -egad to many dater - men. The proem; in net exptn*tCe. and f y churning the granular butter in fool. but termilk, there can 1.t 1w. dnuht ),ut that it will impart to the hatter all the qualities of fresh butter. In •r-ing these erperimente, the great es- sentul. are, in the first place, to have the I atter washed clown ..f .11 foreign matter, the barrel must he new. clean and tight and well lined. the hone meat he .trong and male of good .mit, and the bitter must he kept ..natant le covered. (1'45 ere no reason why thew• mrt'inds may not he nee' to pre- serve butter in good c.uwbtion For near, Ity market. the 'netted ..f preserving putter in granular form is prolohly the Inter of the two By churning this in fresh Initter- mtlk. it could then he sold for fresh hatter, while if preserved in rolls, it wn111,1 have to 14. sold for packed looter \1'e would t nt striae dairymen to try it nn a large sale. the Mot year. but park one or two Farrel* ea an expenment ami sea how it come* rent. There purely can be no great Inas to trying it on a small aoale mil it may he the way of making a girt gain. Farm and Horde. rs-•s6,,,,Oe Darwin weft to say that the most pewee. fel worker so know • th. earthworm. Without the earthworm we ..,.II not live. Farthwartna make Me soil fertile. Acvwrl- iag to Darwin's ealeulatiowu as•h particle of pasa� the earth to a depth of two feet is Brun/ kPis of ..-. `N wee iwa.M esiMl',l Mal "9fihAAt this whom..s teelow. fly edentate! that this sail takss plea eery There are grans 180 to epees yard of earth tea Boots and shoes. SPRING& SLIMMER GOODS IN GREAT 1111E1 All the leading lines of the best manufacturers. I carry a larger stock and will give you better value than you can get anywhere else in the County. Ordered work and repairing given special attention. E. DOWNING.' EW GOODS. The 40*w•riher wii.he. to announce the arrival of 1 NEW AND FANCY GOODS! NOTABLY NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wi.le:m.1 moult -rote in price NAVY FLANNELS, 28 IN. WIDE I Ii ,oft awl Irani finish, from the hest milker. • i""'" A general iu.."ortme'nt of Other new and fo:Mortal& gook on the way, "Id will le noticed Inter on. A liberal discount on all cash purcha,w•s from one dollar up. Strictly one price. ewe_ Mv1NRC, Draper and Haberdasher. • --145 DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. C iRSTANTAIEOUS IiI iTS ACTiOR. Per CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC. DIARRIiCF-A, DYSENTERY, CIHCLERA MORBUS, and all DOWEL COMPLAINTS. Mo crxru'r cc7Ats 2'iZ Pia lf'!-KILLLR. in nadlnn C!anle":. o. 4 P r.. )) Comps lata Ito ogle_: 4-..na;haiisa 1t ours I;t a vcrj *hart t.t;sw Tats rapist -If RtlIE7Y IOM BURNS, .^.;iis.'..S,d, SPRAINS. R Q>1111TISlf. NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. MP ••o • morns d/ brew of cetlla s.aa kala -Isla R e? ,ir._a.. 1 SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES By virtue wof the of a warrant ander rN' r ti n the hand) r t ► o ofh Warden and 1 of M county of Huron, dated the twentieth day of July. 1711. comnundon meto plevy upon the lands hereinafter d,•srrilied for the arrears of lazes respectively due thereon. together witk costs: Notice is hereby elven that unless such taxes and costa are sooner paid. 1 shad. la compliance with the Assessment Art. chap. 1444. 1t. S. (4., proceed to x.11 by public auction the said lands, or *o much thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same. at the (701. RT 1101 -Sit, in the TOWN of tiol'Kltl('H, on TUESDAY. the TENTH day of NOVEMBER, 40. at two O'clock in the afternoon. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD. LOT AND IIKR('ItII?ION ('ot.egnao044 A('ItKP M caot'r'u Taxes Cosi* Terra[ Part of West half of Nomth;half of 12 11. K D. i • l'ai'd O It 1 16 7 SIAITI.ANDVH.I.E Olt VILLAGE OF SALT FORD iN COL1*ORNE. A H 11 :1t SS Pat'd S S R l lin 1 se 1 A 1 IS 1 13 1 01 101 1 04 VILLAGE OF HKNFItYN 1N 411tEl'. 1 Peed 171 1°S VILE 406 OF FORDWiCH IN HOWI('K. Pan of Park lot 17 3 1 Albert at. North s1 do 1 do ifat'd 1.77 Cnyat'd 1 Of 1 Or " 1 Or 107 1 M 1 la 1 al Yii.LAGE OF (401111(7 OR HOW ICK VILLAOE IN HOWI('K. 1-5 Pat'd M le 111 171 24 1 S " 57 TOWNSHIP OF HULLI T. Part ofI 1 1 Pat'd I t1 Para W fe 2 t 1 S7 North part of West half of 14 11 se " If If/ Mouth pan of North gulf of 11 11 A " 4 M TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. North half of 11 1 O1 Paid 3 81 tloethweet quarter of 1 7 se " a M TOWNRHIPOF M.'Kl1.1.01'. West half of 1 111 AO Pail 13 s1 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. South hall of s !! b Pard 11 3O WINORAM TOWN PLOT iN TURN BERRY Pa -4 27 ti Pard 17 11 Smith 1 10 of 247 1-0 W South South half of Ird •• 4 &S. 1111.101 01 aaYFUILD. ++ Fti5Y 1.1( VILLAGE OF 1Ruseml . bt11d(E Ile third Asp seta frot 111.41. 1E0 R the 111111.4 eta seoplGeuta boo iiiver ON It. . �'tilfp'"1ldfigl'Y�1�' Ifteis SN W. iawle!•eL 1-� 111 West peri d 211 1 Mut parr ed It 1 X11 1 Ott 102 1 M I 1 1 31 113 1 R 1 II 7 1/ 7N !R 17, 171 /• 10 f0 10 tel 1 17 3, IIs t• 10 µY en 1• ;• 1 b 1( • 131 13 a 1 M so 1w 1 4.0 • 1M 4 1• 1 11 fM TO 111 iM SS 1• 1 If 10 I0 1 M 14 HM °ii"lo'"'r vollib 14 alt W1).1=17..11111‘. 45'1 w Tows* !M