HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-28, Page 4,4i.�ata(itat04;
Ja' 'mem yi.r atre. ora *•>...zars'-t rt:44 s .
T, At7at'HT b. MIL
WHIT Mr.Amiou.i said Then donors!:
Well, I'm .lug gone. "
(:oot811.11 had gum! races on Tuesday;
but they tune high mn the c.m iattew.
31,; 41 i ito.'s little gun haa been well
pruned this se..ion. It has not named no
cane yet.
IT is said that )lr. I)►.wo'er ie to be the
Keit Lieut 4:uvernor of littlish Columbia
Poor British ('olumhue
'nit 'Putout,. F:figure nue sit. with both
eyes fixed an teurl.,' and the bald spot on
the back of Its head turtle.! toward letara.
Now let the preacher. Kiel the churches
wrestle with the ..cal evil In I cuwleriih and
establish a law and tinier league. Faith
without works man VIAL
Tot. rumor that sir, J'NAw.e. Ti II' K to
eluting over iron, Englund has spread
alarm 11. 'fury eirclrs. Where the carcase
is there w ill the eagles 1.• gathered to.
1.11 .0 E1: on.,• Saud that hew-irlted he had
Iwwu on. the hanks of the Saskatchewan with
a nlneket, to help his countrymen. Hama -
r ton site•.rator.
NI, I.0 I.Ia.4 never espresso, any such
desire, and 111. Spsctatorattew held out
when It published the libel on hum.
\I t:. w►1,E% u.,_ superintendent of the
Floral of ['ranting, has resigned. The et
deuce was clear and dead a•alnst him. )I r.
01.1111l..mo 1,11. our deal * pnr
.'haste a ty'pr w s 115.000. F:vrn the type
that printed the voters' hits had to he
Fitelw the meaner in which the Tory
papers are trying to hold I.lrKiest resp n-
sib,E for the 1'1, vrlt boodliig in Quebec we
fit tae surprised if Phe 11*1nit.n
:tater endeavored to hold the editor of
this journal respmtsible for the Tory M.t:n.
1.111 1•Do at (Ottawa.
It1 thetune heent nary into tae Hon. i•4
1'oanieter 4:enrrals relations with the
female employe. of ha dep.rtTent a
through "bluff .lou% 11 v.• %.T. :s him
friends delighted 40 tall boil, w111 hook as
though his name should (a spelled H -e -t:-
.. t t: n it eh I)i.sst- fitta•lo•.I.
WY protest against any attempt on the
part of our Liberal cuntemporanes le hold
\Ir. Mre►:t.rc,t responsible for the scandals
now reeking thnough the tr.mmitttes
of the ('ommons at (Ottawa. Let the
Provincial anal Dominion issues stand on
their nerite. . We would like the .erne rule
t.. apply to any attenipt t2. connect Mr.
Luc 41#K with M4:K. Wk. Let Mr. 1.11 holt.
like Mr. Mei:merit, be judgeol I.y his t pen
policy 'sod hie own.charwe•ter.
MK. .•lw)a.Tr', mall for a Royal Commis-
sion is. all rubbish. A Royal ('o conino:on
took the I'seihc eco .dal in haul, and not -
withstanlini the glaring evidence of hrilwry
hy Sir HI 1.11 At.t is. said this mine Mr.
ARtarrr (who divided the boodle (,*1360,000;
anal bought up Sir .Iona )1 Ai•tit 11.41.1 awl
-hu ('abirei i deebvred the then i'renlier dnnrr
eat. At -the next election an indignant
people swept M e• tel. tion from power. Anal
now briber Aewrrr is Premier, anal watts a
Rnyal4' notion.
A. inf,euonsdisease has broken out
:among same in the neighlw,rlmnal of Tenon,
t... 11 not genome hog choler it is some-
thing akin to it. The manner of feeding
some of the hogs in the outskirts. of Toren•
would trot stand description. The putrid
ear•asees t:f 41111e1 ilnr11411 aid other idle! are
fel t.. the porkers therewith regularity and
lack of e.en.•irnte. StnaIl wonder is -it that
the bodies of horses dying from aiekne.s
.-.ovey denier to the greedy swine (veiling
114.111 the etinkiO( oesekasses.
T.Imrlwwly doesn't keep his eye 1 n
Premier AI..rr lie will have us annexed to
the United etate•R hcfnre we know it, with
the ,std and aratance of 'RA.. % i i e.
that bete noir of the Tory prem. It
would IR' very annu*ing to Ree the Tory
plem app11111111 with one 11412.1 and hold
out the other fora douceur if Premier An
*seer parodied a well known quotation and
Reid, " An annexationist 1 was an '49
and an annaxetlomat 1 will die." And the
Toy press would endorse the sentiment at
the Usual niarket rates.
%Vette Spring wheat in this county will
probably slightly exceed our estimate of 20
hushed" t.t the acre Fall wheat will hardly
avrrege 30 bu*hels. 1Vc understand that
26.2 hu.hels to the acre are calculated for
the county of Hund by the 4 .ocernment
mat tat :clan. That meas over six bushels
more than the •t emir of the county for
the ten years 1882-91. The extra yield of
wheat mean. from $300,000 to 8400,000
extra cloth circulating to the fair county
this meson. Ile is a churlish fellow who is
not grateful at the prospect.
1.irr*l.t't I.tvur,: Atilt. The numbers of
The Living Age for Aug. 15th anal22nt ,on.
lain The 4,'ewnninwealth of Australia,
Wdwellauds, ash 1799 a Knatie Retrospect,
Nineteenth ('entvry ; The Union of the
Auorahla, and Punch mut hu Artiste, ('on-
temparary : Sir John Machoahl, Fort night-
ly : The Fernier Monk, and The First
Handel Festival, National : The Eve of at.
.lohn in a 1►r.erted Chalet, Isar ace (Mi•
pliant, and Squire hoot of 11th 11.41, hart
Hall, Ireland, Itia•k wood ; Rerfinl.'enrw on.(
Kir Richard Iturt.wn, Kane, • Sodden Ser
vant,and Wayfaring by the Upper ilnr.lograe,
Temple liar; 4)n Autographs leingunan.;
Gramm in Spring, Belgravia : The Klogyste
sd Ariataule, .. IstelHoar; Ie.-Doableposy, 4:dntletnan s ; and paltry. For fifty
two numbers of arty fn.r large pages each
for more thanY10 page • earl the sub-
. -4pk.s 1price (•) Is tow; while ler *10.60
ilha publishers toter to orad any one of the
American 81.00 oneathlise sr wallas with
daft Ar for • yvi kerb
eitwool i ate
A easels *moa pr. Iselin' melee.
4w loath Atli peat e1.
Tr) Yrsr'. Sticky Fly 1'aper-
Qtrn'Nealiveandbold'emfart Only S mats.
A fair field and no favor b all Geo. Stewart,
the photo setts. wants. Everything in ahs
line carefully attended tool the Nudist.
Be sure you real ('01t..roe liras'. ad; 4 (4.'-
meat the weak. They arc git lag Kraal
bentem. in dime goods and I aatI,rnre. They
tate • meat Nook of nee Fall geode already.
I. the borer. race i out i No : but 11 a go-
ing fart . an.l se ere the Summer K,wdsat A. IL
Pridham'• Keno' Neubauer Nure. for he has
put r,rryt bong of ibis .•aeon'• broods up for
rile at wsydown prices.
Many young heart. hat,' been set on ore
this +,,tomer b) trams Katcher. and u • re
.alt • larwe bii.(lorss in phouo-exclaogung has
resulted. It. It. Hallows contltau,' to operate
the obi and rebates studio.
'there are the days when the pumpkin and
th.- 11411 who .1048111 get hie clothe% made at
F. J. 1 _1,'taa. are bot:. getting reedy. The
111511 eon rash) KH user this difficulty by
dropping us at once and getting nus measure
taken, but then •. nu help for the pumpkin.
1t'ill you require • homing rove this tall !
If su you shouted sae the barytain. Alrrk Sauu-
dere t. offering in both new anti 01d to make
non.. He has about fifty secondhand heating
stoves, fur 8.1411 and coal, In guest condition,
which he don't wast, and you can h81e *414111
BK1tan.. rIO: Bot..tw. Complaint lust
been nettle to '1'n►. en. vAl. that the town
council is tweaking the fire bylaw by put
ting tape stable Wel hayloft in rear of the
town hall. If that is the care' :t bosh! pre-
cedent will be art by the town authorities.
(hat.% MRi.�t... The 1Y on.un'al hriat ban
Temperance Union w111 hull an open meet•
guy 1st the Temperurce Hell next Tueada)•
evenoug, conimenc111g at E o'clock. An ad-
dress will be gilen by Rev. .1. F:. Howell
and a muaiesl program will he rendered by
local talent. :tooted by Mca Spa:ling, a
W'ingham indium. Key. .1. A. Anderson
will occupy the Clair.
A \hon+nn. Yaw NI. )t.t�. - Nay% The
Victoria Warder ••Janna Wilson, of Knox
College, coatlu.ted divine nervi..' in u.
Andrew's church last similay with great
aeeptauce. Mr. W'ilion tun. Yet two ses-
uornr t0 attend college, while his aenucws,to
there w10 li 1 fiat know anything different•
would hare suggr`tttel lie had complete) his
college career anal was ordained.-
rdlainel. -
Teira sir 1•41.E. TION. 'l'hur.lay seeming
of last week the official car of the 1;, l'. K.
called at 4:elench, and etayel oyer until
the following morning. 1 ►n leant were :
Sir Henry Tylur,Pre ident:general manager
Seargeat, Supt. st.phen.00, Mechanical
Supt. Wales, Chief Engineer Hannaford,
Chief Engineer Hoh.on of the southern
Ihv., :test. Mech. Supt. Smith, Sec. Lan-
ing, and Vi . H. 'Pith., Supt. of the North-
ern lb%. The visit w -aa merely of a per•
tunctory character.
--Ila'11 Ho.oi Kia1►:ta u.,. The rehear-
sals for the forthcoming -prolduction of Mr.
\'arrival 'P. 4;reene's new play, entitled
-Irish Honor. " coin:nena•el yesterday at
Frohuaann's Theft re, New York. Mr.
1:revue has just rece•Ived a telegrwm from
that city congratulating him on his company
and assuring hilt. that a successful .wagon is
to lbw anticipated. The company opens at
Brant feel 1)pw•ua House• on sept. 7 and is
hooked by n.anager Saunders for 4;111erich
opera House mu Sept. 26th.
ell V4i.E of .lit .tete.. The well-known
titin of Coo. Acheson k l'o, rout retiredl from
l:usineste'and has been sncteederl by a firm
which will Ile manage! by John Kobettson,
for the last tiftccu or twenty years one of
tie- mist popular lu111lem men of 4 Tinton.
Mr. Roberton is well known to many of
our readers; and with his lludoutl,1I !lush
anal ability, eouuleel with his knowledge of
modern nether," for catching the eye and
ear of.the public, will, we feel sssnre.l, work
up a gotwl trate in this section. .
i'ln,'.41 •.ul4 ('o..•►:kT. -The Cadets of
Temperance will Mild a grand promenade
,eowexrt, on the Ieautiful looumla of Wm.
McLean ou F'rulav, Se•pten.her 41h, at 7 r.
w. (w'eather pernntuug,. Ilefrestate-tit s
ice cream lemonade, e, etc. will be for sale on
the grounds. A choice program of vocal and
inatrnn.rule' mucic hag been arrange.(. 'f he
4'atlet hems hand will play selections dur-
ing the evening. A,hniesion 15 cents, two
for 25 tents ; proceeds to lee devoted to-
ward the espouse of organizing the
4)Iron IN k.veexe. The .\\\tame Echo,.of
Sharon Springs, le..nnas, dale.! Aug. 7, hie
the folio. ing account of the death near that
plain of Knle-rt, son of Eduard Sharman, of
this town. Thr deceased w'.1* about thirty -
tat. years of age, and lesiva a wife and two
"hilt ken : .11emt ..won lags W'e.ln•wtlay
'Horne Iometer cavae to town and told de-
puty sheriff Hayes that Hold. Sharnaai, who
lived on the Snw,key, mat of town, hal
been (mind demi in the river. Mr. Hive..
telegraphed the coroner, who wan at Wal-
leye, and gathered lip 5 crowd of .nen and
went with )I r. lmlastt•r to where the sad
eeetdent •.re-urrol. The circumstances
showed that Mr Sharman had gone down to
the river to lathe : ho clothing was all !y-
ing on the bank, and a towel with them ; a
cake of hap was al., found 1n the water.
Mr. Sharman was subject to epileptic tits
and it is *upp.sell that one mf big fife
can.. on him while in the water an.1 he was
nimble to help himself cul drowned. Hee
Teel) wan brought to town and fdncral
sett' teas were held at the church at 10
o'clock yeatenley'. Mr. Sharman was a
member of the M. E. church and wee a g11ed
mal. The family ho the empathy of the
entire ',immunity.
H,.•H $.'IDs.I St -e. E.,Frt. 4' 1.nlntT►.,.
It a gratifying to learn that owe high school
did even better at the recent examinations
than wait shown by the let in our Iasi new..
To it must be *11.led the follewu.g: Senior
lest-ing A...1. Styles, whom. none app ears
in the list for 4 Intim m consequeuv ..f his
having written there matriculates E.
Richmond, who twee) in French ant Ger-
man ; junior Ie*t•mg Florence hall ; prim
sty John Nielsen. As theme whose names
were in the I:owlcrleh 1st ren•, with one ex
i'eption, 4:owler,h *tmlents, the total score
for our school now stands at 40, pis_ : Sem
for leaving, 1 ; matneulal Ion, 2 ; jnnlor
kering. 20; primary, 17. The, we think,
is a eery creditable result, hieing c0Ndena
lily in advance of many of the Collegiate
In.titute.. It no) he 411,11,1 t1,1 `lose
5tonehouae and Mi.. Ingle., who (Haired the
junior having exammatien at Clinton and
Kinanline reeprtlively. revive.i the bulk
of their training for at at our school, theist
ter having left at Fainter because of the re-
mov81 to Kincardine of the fne'rwls with
whom. she was staying. It was unfortunate
that I:gorge Wo.ots, who. hal ;impanel foe
the senior baring with SIT style*, was tak
en i11 the 1eedand day of the exannlnahea
and (unsd to give up writing, as otherwise
there can he no doubt he would have bees
small) . teceseful. The school is announced
to reopen owe Mntaday .ext, anti every effort
is bung mala 141 lave the rooms ready for
ne spat um.
Lacknow Sentinel : By the death of the
tat. Peter .Alamos!, the ekrkahip of the
county d Harm la now vacant A ��/�
esr.bet of a.pppp1lieane are applying for the
abfthowilh we ars mot immsdiabdy
+tine ow weft N Soak vs
behave Mr. Wm lame, of Lurpnaoa, is the
Leat available loan for the portion. Mr.
Lane has for many yeses ably tilled the
olbee of clerk of Ashlield, awl in our upu
lou le In every way thoroughly qu lilted to
fill a similar position fur the county.
1'buturl Now.- Rooted Mr Whitely, of
the paper, reeks the poettico of cxrunty
clerk. `bolls ul'4,is friends to the council
and the people behind theme seem to think
hr a not mounts to get It bemuse he does
not personally tatter., or learn himself in
lois paper. He 8cuhl say that he is not to
different to either the honor or the unbolt'
meet of the teatime, enol .licit* the intlu
enxe of ha friends M nod out of the council
in his ambition to bsa"a tae servant of th.
lrI.el u' W the te$r1Rr ltd-■eatil7 Neel
'Phe owned met last Fr1,"y evenintr, all
the ucfilays being present except
omit:Mors Campion, Nicholson and \'rid
The minutes of the last meeting were
reed, approve) and awned.
orrll) ll'.' KL I,IItT,.
'file street inspector reported that the
covenne over the tank at the Colborne
hotel requires repairing. The matter wile
referred to the public works committer,
with power to act.
The collector's returns were received and
referred to the tin. -ince committee to aaerr-
lam what taxes are unpaid and the
Tewson, and to report at next meeting.
.0%1%11 N11'11•11•••:,
A'oonlmanu•ation from collector Naftel
in reference to remittance mu taxes and de-
pute.( wetel rater wan. road, and the
matters c ntainad therein were referred to
the proper committee.
A cmamunicatPin from M. Hutchison,
calling the attention of the council to Or.'
unpure condition of the water supplied
him from the town systema, was referred to
the waterw..rka cots ttee, with power to
The t:,,lerich Turf Association was grant -
el the use of the tow*, water in the driving
park on the .lay of the race nivel
A communication from the secretary- of
the liiglt school trustee hoard, molt) ing
the council that the (ward will require fin-
urd.. present year $2,000 for maintenance
and $500 for !permanent iniprovenIents,
was reals and filed!.
The following acounta were referred to
the finance committee : St. Thomas Pipe
k Foundry Co., pipe, e511.15: Joe. Ke.I,l,
lumber, ti5,62, N. I►yment, :umber, *32.53;
tire company. watering .luau, $5.50.
Thr 8400004 of Bowman. Kennedy h
London, for 459 tons coal, $873.72, was or
dere! to be paid.
Welter to 11.x..1 F.. 41.no177EI.
111?TI1.14 Y., 1 our c,nun,ttee beg to sub-
mit to you the d united receipt. ami ex
penditnrees for the current year and would
recommend p rate of two cents on the dollar
on the rattail., property in the town, real
and personal property and taxable income,
as per last revised) assessment rolL A bylaw
for tins purpose will Ile laid before you. It
will Ile ern by the statement to be laid lie -
fore you that 811 asscanment of two cents ,o
the dollar will raise the amount of X2.619.
60, which, with reelpts from otherv.urces
amounting to $15.973. will make the total
receipts for the current year e38.592.t,0.
Having examined the following account. we
recommend their payment F:. 4:rahaul,
815.10: Star, 98.b0: Geo. Elliott, *1.65:
t lgilvies and link -bison, P1.70: E..I1•Icher;
$12.75. All of which isrespectfully submit -
tell. ;Signed4
l'KOK-urlw.r, Chairmen,
):%rt 14 ATeti 817•yi
Balance from, 1890 e * 1567 61
Market rent .. . . 48 00
Maitland cemetery 284,.06
4.iteneea 100 00
License,. -liquor P?0 00
Boundary lino 81 34
Agricultural Park 297 00
Magiadrate.' fines 20 00
Dog moll statute Leber. 300 00
Electric light rates 1800 00
Waterworks rate*. - 3600 00
High .'holt debentures 5200 00
Non-resident taxes, 1965 00
Aseeesment on $1,130,980. .. - _ - 29619 60
•1118,592 60
F.•rt wTED fo x PEA HITt' ar_t
County rate. . ..... t>; 1356 72
Municipal Lan fund interest.... 1340 86
Municipal ban fund debeuturs: 3402 00
Waterworks interest ..... 2700 00
Waterworks sinking fund.. . 812 85
Electric light interest 360 00
Electric light sinking fund. .... 211 69
.Agricultural Park interest ...... 200 00
Agritultursl Park sinking fund.. 120 97
Organ Co. interest 250 00
(►rgan ('n. sinking fond
I'uhlic .ch.wils ,
Separate school
High schools .
Public works....
Elections . .. . . ..
1 'ernetery
Printing and advertising
11'atering *t reefs . .... ........ 225 00
Belief ... 800 00
Agricultural Park 40 00
Council chanter and office exp's100 00
4 Miners' salaries 2625 00
Fire department .. ..... 560 00
Special rants 476 00
F:I1.•tric light expense acoUnt . 500 00
11'eteraorke expetiae account 3500 00
Wu' erworkscoastrnctionaccount 2300 00
Harbor account
121 51
4800 00
400 00
^500 00
1800 00
46 00
200 00
150 00
15 00
Exemptions by bylaw 600 00
Interest 1000 00
Sundries . . 100 00
H.gh school debenture 6000 00
1138,592 60
()n motion of Mr I'routlfoot, seconded by
Mr. Yates, the report of the nuance com-
on.mittee wail adopted.
. a:N R1'4I1*I...
Bylaw No. 6, of 1891, to levy the Ram of
222,519 60 for the year 1814, was L Of
this amount 416,062.88 is Teen for town
immosee, 94,800 for the public .•haole,
tor separate school and 41,366.72 for
.,.linty rate. The rate for county rate e
1 2 10 mills on the dollar, for public and
separate sehola 4 7 10 mills, for town par
pram 14 1-10 mills.
4)n motion of Meean. Holt end 'nuaMp
the waterworks bylaw was amended, giv-
ilg the collector of water rate, power to
detrain for water rates.
A motion to amend Rectors one of bylaw
No. 6, of 1691, w -ma patponed until next
meet ing.
The council than adjourned.
• Vias awl a Mi //old or tMses►-
M oir Allescraasee of .p.etafier -
Tsrlay Ipso, notwithstanding the heavy
rata of the Clay Wore, the track at the
Agricultatal Park was in good uonditiowa
and a lis Agp's moss was gives the paapla
t •she, all
had the quality of the hones that took part
bean generally kni wu.
A lull greet of (akin were un hard, fear
the prailpl *wound' who void peels to the
orb lot who rout the chuck luck tables.
There was ahs • full and state assort
tweet of the gramma who usually went to
grow rich by "bucking" the blocklep at
their own gnaw, and the swat board did a
Giro tug trade until the. fresh fellows were
relieved fit their small claaage.
Harry Nates, of Saginaw, the ester*n
horse-huyrr,was starter, and waa agwtrl its
the work of the judger stand by W. A. Col-
borne enol W. Ise, of t:o.lertek.
Following is
ego. SOW I.T ea. Heart :
3.111.1'.. Tarr.
Sleepy .hue 2 1 1 1
queen i...... 1 2 2 2
I'hark C . ,. .3 that.
Lou F: 4 dist
Time -La. lin. 2.39, 2.41.
2.3.1 Toot. ,
.kktel 1 1 3 1
I ►r. lr. mgeggeg......... 2 3 1 2
T Burk • 3 2 2 0
4.owlencli l'hlsl W. 11.
Tile -ILMI.:$, 2,32, 2.33.
F uveas lt•.AIJ.--
t.rey Tube • .1 1 1
Bay F'ly.2 2 2
!farce(' . 1/ 3 3 3
l'tnte 2.36, 2.34, 2.36
frau* Mfg ow . 1 u.l(Ktltm. DENT.)
school opened on 1letnlay.
Mi.. .tapir Reid, of 1:,elertch, spent Sun
.lay- with friends here.
S..1. Forged, teacher, carte hack en Satur •
day, after having enjoyed • pleasant trip t..
t4.' 1)1.1 rnuntry.
S.n,e faruarrs around herr starlet' t..
stow Fall wheat last week. A timelier are
plowing owl for wheat,as they think the pea
ground will he rather late.
The Patrons of Industry have sent to
Toronto 10r- sugar, %Mpg, etc., which they
believe taw he purchased rhnalw•r there
than in the mit rounding toa411 ai.1 t d -
( 4.4114 ''1211. not . mKAE, I, \♦bosh T.
)!errs !bees fano. are erecting a new•
Mr. Smith, of Kerlin, was in town this
week .e, business.
:1 number of our . Mager,. attended the
excursion to Niagara Falls last Saturday.
Messrs. Happle :and Johnston have nearly
con.plete.l their flax pulling for the .•a.u.
F. Stegner, blacksmith, heal the nusf.tr
tune to hurt he foot while engaged in shoe•
ing a horse on Monday last.
)baster Willie liearhert, son of Nichlas
Ihe•hrrt, whale w-orking In Mr. Johnston'.
wlollern mill accidentally fell moo a tank
of hot water, timidity his kgs anti arms
% cry severely.
Court of Revision re' the Hay a8anlp
drainage bylaw will be held in the Ilay
town hull, Zurich, on '•turel•y .text, Aug-
ust 29th. For minutes of the meeting see
next week's issue of Tui '41..• v..
[rano ora ours .v1KK6.+ra'DENT. )
Mrs. I Rev. i A. K. Birk.,frotn I►urlam, is
piloting her parents here.
We are Able t.1 support a fruit evaporator.
11'..1. 14,bb, tour east end merchant, has set.
up the machine.
11 esley 1 -to. from 'forint.. abo has b own
lately attending Ito huslnrs, near 4:cwlerelo,
returned on `vttur.lay last.
Iter. W, 11.lhnttagh, of F:.rter, has cl-
seltcel to officiate at the anniversary- of the
Methshst church here in Iktober.
IMemel (lhddun. who has beer, working the
• Proctor farm during the past year, has leased!
the I)alawe.rth farm on the lase line, and
introits to ntot'e there in 14-lober.
'We regret to learn that the .n of Daniel
I.Iiddou, whose leg was ernnusly swollen, is
not mending a* feat as could lie desire!.
it will 11e a long time before he will be able
to walk.
The Tuswaue Me For Isterables.
PARKh.tt.r., (ant , Feb. 27th, 1888. Gen-
tlemen, -it gives me pleasure to let you know
I have derived greet Iwnetit from the use of
Nerviltne. 1 have been a great sufferer fr ni
neuralgia in the face, and last two year*
a -ea quite a martyr to the malady. So soon
as 1 (decreed the Nervtlinc advertised 1 oh-
ta*ned a bottle from our druggist, Messrs.
John Gray & l o., l'arkdalo', and the effect
was marvelloan ; poen eeaflrol and 1 can enjo�
..mid sleep at night. and rise refresher!.
cannot speak tow, highly of :t and heartily
terummem!it. At.,.,t.n1.)1sr►a.
F LY HT t a t Paean.
Florida Water.
Hooper's lever.der Water,
Sea Stilt.
New Sponges.
K. D. ('.. for Dyspepsia, at
11'll.nu*'R Passasiriio, Dora Stmt
10optb-W.mmP* Pat'.
Special !'r.zes /or Cerpreitow.
The following special prises, received toe
We for insertion In prise Iia, will be offend
for competition a the Fall show to be held or
Beet. !f 17 and 1a.
1. ily �ltrayle'y. Sons Co., wholesale drug-
4ivta, of Montreal. In casfor .pe•tmen root
carpet or mats dyed with Turkish dye.. Fleet
prize 41..1 2nel prise M. Thr party receiving
prise t i declare that Turkish dyes only were
2. Hy James Mslalry. fort Albert. one hun
end pounds INabaay s heel ramify flour, for
Met ergo( home mimic bread. This In on 8441
tion to 4he Society's Priv,
1 Hy Myr.. $pier Food Co.. rine horylrid
pound. of Myer'. Spire Fort as follows M
lb" for best fa 01 arc steer. 10 the for test fat
ors or heifer. These proses ore in addltlow
to Sowiett's pr4.esand cnln..tit,00 i* opsa to
Pelst lists and entry farms may be had ow
ap,.I lett ion to J A M IES MITCHELL. Se emery,
Star Printing Office.
Oodrrlcb. Aug. kith. HIM. lilt
Teachers Wanted.
frEACHItR WANTED. -roil R N.
1 No. 3, Colborne. for 1 be b.11peti ofr r
ISM Dallas to oes,nseace loth Ort . enellat
wl'b end of year. Male teaches reoeireL
Applications r.eslved 0110m. 1. Puri apply
)leges., 1 h a1ikl4 _.01111.: TreaelsCarlow_.
Art asses.
wW reopen. W Oman in d1 and w��aa&
jmnor pr/wUse ea Medem
7111 du .s.b*.
i.sil dsdlPs nap.(M tlw tans gsutt wet►-
Travelling D*IM.
Trams arrive and (Upset at liodarke si ml•
Mail mad Express.....................1Ja 0....
!lad and Express
Mixed •••••••• le ALM
Mailadl ops pn.
Mute LOC am.
T wasted immediately. Apply to MRS.
J. CAIREY. North street, !alt
uakers. iumlcdiat6b. Apply toJGHK.
STON 4'A It IC lei It
1 X Good wages to competent Dorsum. Ap-
ply to MRS. M.r:!Li 't-rl)l)v. N'rt st. M-tf
Lost or Found.
(►ST, ---UN TUE.I).tl El'ENIN(1,
I J a $io Claud States boll. The ander will
be satiably remade* gra hat1114 11 et Tllk
$IUNAL .(Nisi 1111
raid Hire.
1111401.'-000D TEAM AND
tt*M. b the distr. week : careful tear
1111111Itl1iding. Also b..vy cart and ha..11.
11pda,aw week. JOHN 14, PLATT. 22it
wwood. lrloamOWL. K40,fies MT OFIM it
WANTED -300 CORDS of 000D
wood. 1 fret UiaE. free from back
and limbs ...Weide for ('u7 foal and Wood
Yard. 1 11 hu) delivered fieand herr or at
.hisp. JI)HN l+. PLATT. ltes.derce-Tr.-
street. eldimile Buchanan 14 S0.'s
at les received hy the omterlogned cons
allose parsonage truster hoard for the lowest
abash parcbase of a suitable house and la•
with stable• for a ►araotime. near or .-unven
tent to Victoria eireet Steth;,dl.t church.
AAC tris. 22-21
AMMAN ler Salo
r strong make, mad •caller: both Wateet
as trent a. n. -w , w' M MW ata uar4stn_ D,
124'R SALE - 1 HAVE A8OUT tW
11'• coeds of building stew. mostly all quar-
ried ; can deliver to soy .tort of toss am abort
notice. JOHN S, PLAT I. Stet
SHINt;Nr.`'s` •1-X1. CROAK, AT 81.25
per r. fear. ' XXX oats& at ILtl< per
JOS. K11N1. '( sew et •Lib sr gthrre.
r !ti gwo.l order 4R0yalt with four drawers
and leaf : cost S.i:, will ail fur 115. Address
K. M , this office. 111(
did thick *Magic. 16 lask at -11120 per
Square. JOS KIIDID, Litf
lime kept constantly on (nand at the Falls
Re.erre lime kiln. Y. bAKCHLKIL O.am
still on head a quantity or .t 1 shingles,
which I will ...•ll at 411.40 at milt. W. T. 1 KL -
44)R'. Port Albert. 07.11
1,101tSALE.-TW(► li4 IX. CAST1. pulleys Id in. face, 1 1116 In. bore. or ma
h• horp to nt Leger shah. Good u new.
W.11 M sold at a rrasonata:r l ore. Apply at
Tec S1 .at. Stan. I'rinhug tlouw•. North N..
Ooderieh. 01.11.
Speolfo Articles.
l�A1(D AND S(►F'r C44AL FOR
l oak.- hest quality of hard and sort coal•
all grades, delivered to any par of the town on
short notice, Get my prove before ordering
elsewhere. City Coal Yard. corner of Nelson
and Victoria streets, Oppoe4101). K. Strachan
shoo. JOHN S. PLAIT, ygu
r of United States Belt vert postage etam0A•
which will be disposed of to those baring use
for same. 711E !414N*L. 13 tf
IN Red Clawson and tan( Man Velvet Chale
twee the moat promidng new whets is the
lam inion. We guarantee our stork pure and
true to name. Our stork of the nest named
vanety 1. l,mited ; we -.voted alone all in-
terd'.n4 purchasers to rel' early. AI.0 a or
consignment of new Timothy seed. 10716-
HMI S. rte 14ee4Sua.n. 2.1.41
F ulpIt /..miss*.
church -Her. W. A. M11 141„ D.,
pester. Ounday. Apt. Vele 1 ►1... 11e1y to
t4..wbool and friends ;7 &.n.1.. -The wruek of
the gold ships.' Strangers welcome. 21(f
- L *'al Mottoes.
NJ Is hereby given that the Ontario Statutes
for :.1 t'ic., ILEI, late been received by the
undersigned, and are now newly for delivery
to magimrates sad all others duy qualified to
reeeelve tNnINA LEWIS. ('lerk of the
Peace r en.
Oodelsk. Alm. Illi 44414. 2l -rt
��ii minim has opened a music cls arid la
prepared to gier pupils instruction on planer
Organ. Lessons given at residcn •e either of
pupil or of undersigned, where pupils wa
'ave weeof piano. Also lemons in French
w111 he given. Intending pupils will lease
app! at reydence• Dext to Knox church.
PROY. DR I'ECDItY. 11 44
THOMSON 4s prepared to gore music
lemons oa the piano or orr ■■ Por parte
Mars ism ulna tiG's
t Geo. W. T'Isaesso*Mare
J Ood.Mo4 Oat -Picnic parties and
sohools ran maks epschlart.ngem..1e for use
of hosts and la01e building on the beech .t
eery reasonable terms. Attntive and expert
traced hastmorialwitys on hand. Superintend
ed by CAPT. WM. RABB. Lifeboat ilarvice.
M[ashaa$sV Inslitsts.
ROOM, our. of Emit street avid Square torp
Open hue I to 11 p.a , , mad fres 71°10 p.m.
LoAinP /Milo, Werkfy and /llusrret.,
Papers Magenews, etc., on ,vile.
lr.*NRg free ase of IAbrwr, sad Headier.
tlae for 1sbnrship esssived ti
l.lkrslrisa, leu•1aa r
ED. SMARM_ A Presil•seL GSMree
ed*rteh, Marek Itch !0111. Mslglar�
kir °D�'n iEap HIGH 801 ,
tloo w LL
tees Island to have the school mi.,' se -s.
Nates of a Collegiate IDNttele. Wes tat
object extereire anenutune •n.4 isprev
are •bsdat trade 113 the bwlldlag sod 1-11,1"
wee di. large *ddltie.s to he nods
le MIK waorkwllai Ibe futethe i re than) it hool te rtI
the post. Yor further information
I. 1. STRAND. 8. A.. Heed Mtakr, lie it
Prowl..Ibr Sabi 4111P lee oft
oomfonshia hams bass at the Iasi
Went 1., ho
nnredlatel7 opposite the p
very daalmble teem ion sod would he M•t
suitable for SK boarder*. rders. For
ttattourro apply to W. T. W 4I.S41. la
Pennies whit aK to exchange
property, or tars lands alJotr'ng. tor rent.,
houses or lege ran born full ya4Ce•gss le
applying to A I.hCi8 tlA UN GEMS. t,odt k
lettable cottage on 11i4$s-N.. with kit
an axle of laud ; goat bearing orchard it .t
We. plum end pear trees, and small tree
oars. Half • tulle from Court Hesse. Toros
rea*osa ble. Apply a this mss. 0141
✓ commodious tweeting on Klee -et, hat
eels, at present ore'upled ar a ealml-eksp e
Wm. Montt, is on sale. Terror racy As1((►
F. S. S(4r1-1. itr..seels P. G.
1 Nrret, lately occupied by Mee TrsyR
eight moats, exuellrnt cellar and water; 4144
garden and stable. !'heapp ton desirable iss.
ant. Apply at SIGNAL OYYIt't:. slit
FOR SALE. - THE Fl ►LU tW4Iit1
valuable Dr.pertle.:
Hart or lots 7 mid 11 aoseamtoo 1. lea►. Alk
geld. 142 acres.
The North f ..f lot a , :.,d concertos. 14✓
Wawsnosh, liglacres.
Part of block Y. Colborne, S0 acres. kaos-
r the .trthur Haugher, farm.
Tfe above properties will be sold on term
to suit purch5r.. *poly to
CseAMERON. !Plat t CA34KkoN,
malt! Gu data.
1 Leal, from embalmed ill-healt h. Min ter
sale bis hone and al -minds in the mutt of bode
rich. consisting of 6lots,on whish a.- out wed
an elegant mud most comfortable dwr0L4
house 4uilt and long occupier by Ho Home
Judge feinrlaie of Hntmlh.n, • hesuu(4 per.
deo• stables and all necessary outhouse. W
sppurtenaalcees, the minute in good repair rad
forml,c oat of the most deoirsble maniere.'
Gee town of Oodrr.h. For particular. sort
to Masers. OARROW t PHOt'upuoT.Ii.
rieth the reader's aolic.lors. lot
-About two minnta•'s walk from the Mum.
Two Nostra high. brick *4444iun to the ow
la stories high, building covered 444th odala
Main bedding has 3 large roans on 14* bet
upstairs there are 5 large rooms. In the rat
• ditton there are kitchen, pant. y. waakne..
Upstairs. ewes room and bathroom. A:w pop
cellar. Apply to the undersigned, who lip
}}e all necessary Information. DANIEL
)RIt uN.
Loans mad Insuranos.
L amount of private ■ od other fume 11
lowest rates os p&odaetive torn and
property. Special teems of repayment to • _:
the borrower.-- No ex.mm;..l.p. -('d' or er.te
11. 0. JOHNSTON. Goatee h. .4 til
• vat, Fire, Life asst A*sbient bar
epee Agent. Oso%-- ('pulls, mamma to.
rlal oaks ACortb-at.. /inde&leb. .4•
. tc., sad comma's/tier tor tako.g and re
*riving rmntuizanoes of hail, a1datie s
afirations, depositions or solemn decile
tions in or concerning 5117 atw,a. nod Or rte
eeeding 4n tee iligh Court of Just.rt dr
Court of Appeal for Ontario, or .n .n) ,assn
or Division Court. All transactions carefhly
and promptly executed. Residence and 4.4
address fi►ynnpnnop, Ost.
• Accident Insurance Agent- Repasts:.
ing North Hritieh t Mercagl4 s; 444.90el
Isoidon & Globe: Nomad' 00018: horn
American Life ; and Accident Irwr.ese A
North America. Lowest Rates, Loewe cal.
ted promptly. Money to Ivan on Fara sed
Town Property. Co*teyaacing done. 14►
piety valued, thc. (Seal -Cor. North -K. red
ibess e, Clod.
e` ;4
,000 T() LOAN, APPLY N
amount of Private Funds for tn. estarn:
t1 lowest rates on orstcla.s Mortgagee. Ati.)
WI/ARROW t .noun 'UOT.
• simmer. Reel Rotate and Llai':
14)501044 Agent. Only Ant -elan, eompesis
represented. Money to Lend on strati
)0$1,a. at the lowest rate or interest gdmab
away to suit tae oorrower. 0/ice-die
door from scrim,. Wan. street. Oda
�pJ,4. tor y
ie, arltrme Conn. *Mt l�rdh
Omc•e `outh C.olborae Mgel. >a't
. w1)61104', kerashdaaar.
oalt<•. 1.sla
krtions •ndreal estate trruleacttons mea'
fully attended to once --Cor. Mutates r
St. Andrew's et., Goderich, Oat. e."1111,171
Wlkitor, (b.veyasoer, Ate - : Morey a
lead. (Mice over Post-Oaoe. (1oderb•h. Mf
F. Soilettor. Notary PAM. eta
O4o.-Over Jordan's Dreg Store, the moo
formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 11r
R. °Moe, saner of Square .ad Net*
street, Goderich, over telegraph ctaee. 1'r
rate rends to lend at 42 per oval. Pr►
1. (a W. Ro droa. kg_ Wk
deb, J. T, farrow.
flarr4M.r., Solicitors Is Cb*.eer7 tc
(Wretch. M. C. (bass., . 4C. ; P. llsu
Dudley Holism.
isomer weed lead Valuator. 0414411 t.
Ont. Having had considerable experience .■
the s0ctionoering trade. he is 1n a prose is
discharge with thorough satisfaction ail von
misslo.e entrusted to him. Orders left a
Martis ) Hotel. or sent by mail to i•i. 414
Ord. 1.11 P.O.. carefully attended 10. 8412
KNOX. Coesty A.ettam.ar. tlltf
Ds . __
Poo Ir►'
gamma deathfe L. Goa land c(m1Yd er
admiaiseeed tet patioan Sxtra*ing er teat'
attessioa piny to tbe -tJ
w p Woo
Betel Aeseveineciatiei.
Lw.lt•teaaskw& vol I b..sel W
Y err NnMd M ars m faL ori i Y
Ra SRAirNO � HL?. wOlrr 'fin``
PlIN 1)r. ~�� a
ssn aimomisa hr iP
twvol0lal Ama
ans. •oewse.ea. .... - 't.i YI It ttl• f #1111.11111111M1+ thelo a .
forma. ram'
Daisies WPM
41T(t11st TNI
DippdoTi pr 81
p laesa/a 111 lY
Spools! Al
oad Farmers' tit
All the dry
town claim than
O'tfor.1 shoeii sp
ing+ Why, 11
Care V'S ,hex's n(
and one pair of
long a, three p
'.hoe Try a
We carry th
and shoe
We give the
We make I.1
gent-, ,hos to
W.• Intake be
of costume g4x
We :Alai;
or tl.+ewhet'e.
We vew all
11. '1,Itlattelrs
trunk, 11
S, Juan
Mise Cornell left
' trett.
H.rry• l'i.lean
Mes.arah file
T. Coleman, of :
starry (ial .
,lohp ('oatts, of
.am'1 Stan. les
ur.lay .
Albert Welsh,
In tools.
.1. H: Stephens.
Irl week.
I. 1►. I,oherty,.
this. w..•k.
,la, swift, of •
this week.
.1kx. Wattle., <
.•ii ,'Ilet,"y.
1 ,.. Mullin, d
*tont 0 1:81x.
Mos %Veber, c
Mrs. I:u'w ell.
lohn tanner re
from Chicago.
111..)laud Ml
*ono t, I44nit.
That Stephens
a week in town.
A. V.' ,1:.'
town '.n Friday.
day- fit l,ekrich.
,I 4 Kenwick.
w few .lay's in to.
Mur, Bailey Its
relatives in Item
T,Niio*.of N
torn onW'edne*
Miss Mullin,
the Mimes !Such
Mr. ('omplin,
few .lays in (:dol.
waiter bluer
Friday from ('hi
Me anal Mn
Ton.ntn the Iwo
.1. 14avios Ran the p.
Mew. Atkin. n
her mother, Mn
Keith Perron
holiday tors, in
3.1 ism McCabe,
Miss McIntosh.
Miss Vella )
Mn. Hayhun
w1 to their hots
Mie !:Ilan I
West n4 bels tl4
Mev. Hamtlts
the resu1.1405 .4
Mr. awl Mra
for borne, i etrx
,inseph Hort(
.1. T. Veru
Mu week raid
Editor Whir
Itsrvrd, wee in
Saeed of bar no
Mies Minsk
from • visit to
'tacky Ray
Saturday at th
Mies Geodhi
i• viuitlag at t I
tit ',pill 1'. 11t 1