HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-28, Page 3THE Si NAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1891.
p, Thee at le se neat.. That it Polls t.
• when Tenoned Eailway Kate.
, e Mlgh Thai the Plant Mmes Kesaain
There re ea Wiseh Debris.
\ coir .q omdeilt ..3 Kngiue.nng New. ran
1' s,
T►o Iwlk of our obserrateou• wenn m*1a
tn., ilia oar platform 111 a rapidly moving
non; but the facts were kat bout Mr.
Urir.rr the emend agent of tit. I'eeific
11111 Ompasiv, a Wali who Lar
on tlw
sthmate mid
fool's(1hu�rry loot olas
f the way.
TM' not signs
,( the Fr h.ch Frolic -hound Mille autastw lets were
estwith ` roInto I'auanie Bay, pad
,kl with mooning u 1
on Wows Seuitarluni of ToI.yga. I erre
, ,,t; ill Miepitels has I.em built, with
�at red tiled peeping) oroofs
s.4 I
sllspetk like ground*
th5a-e5lr I with walks and Inc.'.. for the .ii-
mt„i . ,rel and his guises-. A
ode t„a.lway c,unacta thus ,cult ult.m
•rte 1'atunia- As the lotto r •tyh' to ape
waseli•.i, another hospital, ur a ma,-. of
It.ptt it hwldnly,•.. Image w sight,
i.1 til, high grunt Lack ..1 the
teem, Ali ( hula 1515.1 *l,rwe.l e% en more
rug..? sod) than those et T,.Ie•ts. By an
,.r•.i,:ht ..1 ' Le en tnrers they were planned
apt Lefore any arrangement
6,1 '..•n Iuele. lit marrying the sewage
thr'ugh the at, id Parma, which Ileo
let.eeu the h.s.pitals stud the hay. When
this time mane, the 1.15 trims, who seem to Nrsrr rt down with het and *sight Lern,
j ce m ka... g their car n we -env within onuedeiwe and let her err that you was her
• the oty limits, grew %irtuo.ldy dodo n&nt friend'
et the pr..psitirn of the Inrpital auth oritiee '•IM . o rsr 111ot
Marry the wrote shiough the town; ars' ,.p seehow it u Mn. Bowser, and the
they `tel µ••ally remain'. The tole at d'art- won,kr t. float the girl stayed two hours.
err u •e eti ter fort, aria when this gore out
Well. ft's u., use to t another nut under
abort* exp irel bowel data .d mud that g,•
e u� cry mot t. the bigh limiters 111 their your style of uanatement.
1'r1 hap a ynur style would turnout differ
fosIneta, est'" she retorted.
M. AND MRS DOWSER. ••iheln't I tell you
"Nevin ' Never fila Ins anything, and
"De you kuuw of en intshlagence office m ' now you n.., go without • cook until you
this nelgkburhwnl•.' "kid Mrs. lluwser a are µu.el to death .:ml 1 won't MIAMI my
her h.ge Lori ,a•a home t. dinner the other finger to get unit. fist • patient Hutu, Mrs.
evening.Ikowecr, and 1'15: a bnig.sulfo: tug 1111511, but
'•Why' be .wutleusly quelke.t m reply. there u • hoot. You ve reached it. The
"Oh, lathing. I thought if 2. u 5 1'd worm now turns, and if I dent come up to
nut out this evening awl aatl' luncheon nor dinner" -- Nm
"Mrs. Bowser, has the cook loft„' he dinner -
Mut Celiert►v.1y They risks UP �•
buarsely deuantel.
"Rhe she has You see the was M. obait
sate cal IIIIpi"
"Theis you have deliberately doves that
poor girl out of the house, have you'. he
sterol-! Interruptua.
LIFE, OpenIng!
"1 tell her to gr,.
"Tius yon may de wtthoet soother for
10,lxnn,Oso1 years' 1tn...' her right out cat
the hour• perhaps to a out.'1de s1(rave, and
ell because she couldn't Ise groin.' to atilt'
lure. Bonder, .1 you were the last wo1111aat
on the far rd the earth I w'n.IWU t work in
your kitchen.
'Ito you kn..w the facts of this case'' she
asked with considerable ,pmt.
"I de. 1 looms the Last doubt that
you went out into the bit hen with the air
d a 1►ueow•a anti tried t. nuke her feel that
eke was only mud.
•'1 didn't .Io anything of the kind' No
we could he moire pleasant than I wa.'
••ale... Bowser, 1 know your ways' They
have driven fifty differ nt gals out of our
hour' hef.re this .u. The feet u, an.' 1
fell that 1 roust say it, you dont know how
to, manage kit hen help lou ha.e neither
tact too I..ho y."
I oil Loa. e, I auprose'
••1'crtalnly;rven' Isuslail ha., more or
kers Those trait. were horn in him. airs.
flowser..11.1 you rice Impure if that girl
real M 1111.1e`"
"N.., sir'
"Ihdnl ilk after her family, or ever ex
press any concern as to her a,•Ifare•'
But he relented at the usual hoer, and
when he espied a new girl partug through
the hall lie hadn't rsngleinquiry to Blake.
tluset iialtiahateh u m leaving 111, city ••Mr'. 11•wrr. Ins wife she'll.' talk hack
the I siu't/w ftatlnao you reale in sight
o f oke canal works The tower$ of IL-I;;un
and 1''rrurh .dredges appear above the time
now detached and partly tilled -up Theis-
hist.,t ecrc one* sections of the ser level
.anal A little further east, and you cane
t, an alnwst 4 outtnw.us low• of villages for
la..e•rs that were never . upted, storm
lianas, wallas• tilled ht.•rallt with milts.d
dump can, Ittcsnlutivtw ais4 oil,. r ulachm'
er., past stacks ..f I►r'aucllle railway track
sn.Athe small • frit dump van to tit them,
and tow miller variety .4 material 1'1A went
t.. stake !t he pleat of the most •'xtrave-
smtty quipped p.ilie work the twirl,' weer
raw. N. AI isverttilbawe're alow ofsteam
.ranee, .almost buried in the jangle. that we
hare undoubted authority for saying lase
occupied this sane siding for tears: they
Were rater used. 1 nn another uAtmq wit saw
• *loot DO Iraronnstive haler steam
dolling unachinee. w ith the drill frame.
• rtgi,ilt' attr.hal alongside the i".Ier Those
t.. hast Iw•u there for years, and hal
&Herr hr.•n tired up. for the proper r.m.'.I
that *Let were utterly worthless for work
• ter I'anarna /'azul.
AIi ,.f tLc nun huirn in might was well
ural for. and mitts milt- b.,kwi well einem
with black (slut and ts lite low it 1 long 1. throe miles t.. find a plan who vaunts to gr.
work. They hail been put m this
pskinghu ase its kit. lieu affair.affair.wd
"letdown lust previous I.. the tort of the titlhnyl • olrl how t.. hapµ u�e her ,li•haldh'
itledl a Iwr tooth u now toeing sprat
M keeping theme In • presentable Ahapr. 'tet
e nwchaulcal engineer. who "e%.iuu,e.1 come
of the. n.achiuery with :e !nets of I.ssthle
pun ens.•- unformed to that aiwn he at-
tempted -to open the doses to lock Into
a I..ler, them fell oti, a thin shell of rust
revered with Faint. l e. the holler was
.pealed t,nth rust that thought that s
p..l.hlow with the tint wmold have pun. twit
a hole through the plat.A almost anywhere.
\%heat. Mr. Lrfevre was, asked why this
Omit was n..t gathered up arid &hip.ppe l out
of this mast, In... dewtrnvuzg climate, the ascodn,,
hy k wit that we evidently knew little of Hole, 1'.1 itkr to know why 1."‘„""1!..I'fuuna Railway freight rates The true- she exel.imel. "Are tow a widower.
Mother's Pried Twmatess.
Among the many articles published each
yea. in the leading magazines on the subject
of preparing tomatoes for winter use, I
have carver notee.l anything anal to
Mother a way" o1 petting up Irte.i tone -
tea. Mer w ho have ,nor tried it, I ant
sure will never want to per a winter with
rut them. $elect nice large tomatoes; If
they are slightly green„all the better. Wipe
thetas thoroughly without wetting. aud shoo
once through the .entre- Melt in a large
trying put a little lard, and went it u very
1 h t without flour,
•1 Our sav
al.tee-The reeler NW -
queue to Observe Wiles m .khan
Tildes make
up the sum of tile; eap ieaUY
.b they up the sum 151 "g•".1 manner-
ism- at the tattle. Mothers CARINA be too
careful m guarclua their c htbirrn's table
Mnitane$, for as "the twig t• here, the tree
We Americana :.re ..lwacs in such a hurry
11..45 we lave ....try little time too cultivate
gentle, retitled ways; we simply nuhelrg.
By awl by we Iraq up against a ctreuni
stance wh. t we would give all we have gain
.ill put m the luno ..r. w el by our rush to know how to act.
cracker crumbs or se•aruu.g. t% hen they Some .4 the kind•haartetl woaieo us the
are cooked through and nicely browned on world those who are beloved for their
both eke place then in a Ian oa the genuine worth are a .onetunt rune of ens
back of the ran r to keep hot, nal pre- larraasn ant tr. their friends I recall one
now, them other .4 a large faintly and an
exeellrse neighbor awl fneu.l, who, on nt
ting down to the table, pairs Iwr tee and
then catcher up the saucer in an awkward,
tudes.•nlal.le way and flirts it about to 5001
the tea, usu..11y talking tis a loud, vuluehle
manner weauwhile. All her table ,,scrume
are otf the rune piece, and her children call
ead cbmnor rudely. utterly regardless of
Smite sten holing high pnaitinos-eene-
ton, judges and the like -reining from
tutelage such as the aho.e. Ming shame .111
parr another trytug Ilan fu11 111
Saar way. 1'omtatsue this until you
have eueugh on the Lack of the
ridge to till several cans. Now Melt •
(e,umIor two mf land in the frying. lave the
cans or jars warts and dry, and when the to-
uutoes reed land are both hot, till the cast
with tonatl.-s,••press them down m111 :ser
the hot lard on them shut sae -fourth 151 an
inch deep, and seal immediately- \\'bon
the land cods and hardens. the tonutore
err kept from the air
and cent will have no u,,ui, e,
to her lsa. siid As you have hccu plra+ed
t.. doubt the au,v'ria of lily tlaitag.ritent 1
will prove to you that 1 kw.w more abut
servant girl nature inn three minute. man
ysu rrer will if you live to he a thousand
years o151'..
••How'. 1 will lure the next orient girl,
awl start her ..1 the way to stay tug with us
for the twit twenty yeany i will send us
ad. dose 1A.4 • out in the moving paper.
and 111 stay hone• tn.ln.crrow till we ge a
girl. "
He amt off his ad- and the subject was
dropped until the n.-st morning. Breakfast
wash/Lolly over whet. the hall rang ltd un
applicant was ann,.110r..1. Mb,' waA ushered
into the parlor. and Mr. Ilows•r emote and
shook hods with her and said:
"V0.0 have -oisw- r. sire at.out the place.
lily wile you know do.een't understand how
to nm the kitchen, an s. I'
" 1 11 here no Inco lousy •.f a than poking
around uiy kitchen 1 work ni' interrupted
the girl, as she ria` up.
"But. you sear. me wife u' --
"If your wife -ain't run the house you'd
better shut It up"-- she said, as she walked
out. •' The idea .4 raking me a journey of
In keeping theta any length of tone. \When themselves and uatrttifation os thou fano
they are needed in the winter, take all theI bier., It is really rubbing a chill in •on.c way'
buil from the top of the cans, p.laev it in the .. aggrandize him 111 a ,tiler, W defraud
frying pan, and when it is hot pour cat tow I hint .d home culture to order that the time
tnuat..-s and seas..n with papier, salt anal may be given to ac•_umulatn.ng� .dollars and
a little sugar. ' When they are hot plasm. in '1 acres, Better launch horn a1th a well ial-
e deep platter, and m the frying • pan heat a • auae,l Lratn, .. w -ell herd 'Damn,. and an
cupful .1 milk with &small lump of butter,h(nceit heart, without money, then with a
thicken wad eea.°it &ti,l Pow over the tit mint of the latter wings the former.
mitres- Het when • delicatl' Iwine't reeling has
I been denied a human Laing there u still a
Now M M N.. S4.y and M•Pty I chance for hem. A little awkward it nay
A saw prophet ltas amen also from all come, Int still in time it may come ha-
ltn.ei& -who• Inds fair to emancipate hum- inial if one a thinking. The trouble conies
anity from the tyranny of Tolstoi the Terri- when one is off guano, in a moment of ah-
bl...His clams to attention are all the more sent-mind.'Jtt' s or deep earnestness.
imperatlye from the fact that he guarantees The kuii' would assert
tts itself .f&o"la crowd er
his the etemptnn from two of the fool into the 'mouth, "just
greatest alt Kiran to which fashionable flesh , elbow will me and form a right angle, the
515 heir .Iyspe• sue and laldnas. The Hanle lips will ,.muck..hakes will clatter, the chew -
of the prophet is Khorf, and he bears ing may hecnse loud, the napkin presilly
his credentials written large on his person. slide to the floor usl last, but riot last, a
Though he has already 1taaser 1 the spas a1- Pugh -pick may nncrnacisusly get to a Point.
lotted to humanity- by the psalmist. he is as 1 have seen many- persona who counted
agile a. a young upPssurn, and as Wein ; themselves "wrllbrest ' take a slice of bread
thatched as Absalom. Hu. "rules of lospv in the left harm, holding it well up. and bet
Ay'. are refreshingly simple. Fachew all ter It, with sonwthun of a flourish, then
drugs, newer shave, lire in the open air ea! bite out pnev, still holding the slice, ragged
much as pssthle, and wear ea little clothes' edge end all. up to he seen by all at the
a coo . Mi theare the cardinal .1.s -triton table; never earn noticing that others leit
of-hvg.enr wrnrshng t, Khorf- Seo dull theirs lying on theplate, barely steadying 1t
you become healthy. happy. and hairy; for. with the left hand, to butter, and then cut
in view of the new prophet, the natural it In late, lifting one at a brae Troth the tin -
condition of the human bong is to be all ger anti thwnl. as needed.
hatry like Esau. sr all downy like Stanley's (only a trifle, but sutlioe nt to snow which
Mimes. Above Al toil must "walk individual understood table etiquette.
rhythmaally," for Ili- Khorf nu.mtams that Using one's knife to moth a potato is a
we digest with our legs Ms.i not with our trifle. as is also cutting pastry with a kaife
stomach. Meet, spirts, nunrrsl water., elevating ones glass %%hest drinking. un-
sold theatre. are all tabs.. in the Khortian necessarily; pouring water rapidly down the
system. Per'snslly, he never wean a hat. throat; biting .df soft cake; drinking with a
and taken his steals in the open au'. No spoon in the ..up; quite draining a cup;
doubt if this hirsute .age's mode of life patting salt en the table -cloth, etc.; but they
were compulsorily enforced on the entire all count in making up the sum of table
P,pllati n we .huull all he spakinq Simian manners. It ie not polite toast voraciously
in a couple of gen•rattons. If ever there u in company, neither in it pulite ar.xurteous
a czar or an emperor who is Mn ardent Ina to ..se's hostess to eat very sparingly.
a non the temptation to try the cern- When one is placed at a table where they
mint will prided/1Y prove trrotsttlle--- do, not feel sure of themselves it is well to
London La,lw- I "stake haste slowly,"and rather follow than
last lure h omnuri.n, and it at .ani that \\ hyo or, I wouldn't work or you for thirty
dollars a month, nor for forty'
•• \t'L.. was it'' innocently aske.l Mrs.
Bswoo_though .ne hal been listening at
Use d,A11i .11 the toe.
"A woman selling tickets for some church
festival,- he calmly anawrrs".l.
When the second apphcuit came Mr.
Ikea ger cls., •h,.ok han.b .cit h her and holed
all her folk. were well. and *lied:
"1f con take "lie place 1 .hall do my best
to mak.- you feel that you are in your own
hone, tot a wont will ever 1w said to
make you feel that you are not as goal as
High, Model, Public and Separate Schools.
SCRSZE:13:37-42NC-r 3:3001 -CS
P,rtat1 0 charges would have eaten up all
the profits, even if the tru.•hiuery were
bought at IJd ten prices
Thr buildings along; the lite of the canal
number thousands, though awnpar•tively
few ,r.111 to have hes. occupied These
\1 ell. us; but Inc wife, you see, has no
about asut her, ant -
'•-tn,l that settles one'" intern' pte.it e
girl, ea ser rose to go.- "1
was s.rthlog behind all that sot fgh
talk of
Mao,. are coastructell of wo.l, with c,r- '•\\'aa that another weenier selling church -
"'gat"' srnn reefs; but cheap a eerie °f festival Locket.'" asked Mrs. Bowser as the
then. looked otherwise, they were yleierslly I left.
14`p4.-1 upon ietllart1 of stens Harney lad' "Mrs. li.owser, i think I'm capable of
in "it", ntar, that .oat 0115..' n'ney st running this Insurer'' he frigidly milted.
tutus loan n,r,
an ter Duilling they supp otte .•lly two girls have yet call.4l, and 1 in -
On ter line of the canal a large remount dyh
ita1Ply dss.'ovetesl that neither was such a
w"s k has undnslhtelly been 515.00, ant a 1 should like to take under my rout
son. of the cute are deep and wide and the way .wpa•ity. You would have ultdeubt-
sp.al hanks an. high- But it is just as evi- edlc hind the first comer, batt 1" ---
dent that an momen.r amount of work yet the third ap hcent here appeared and Mr.
ren.,ins to Inn done before even a lock ca
to had is break oil to receive her. He
earl h r Lullt. shook hands as before. and after asking a
1'151115 of th. canal once excavated at few questions. remarked:
Irtrat .•oat are almcat oempletely filled `•1 nun my house, somewhat differently
up again, Mot in other platys (roan the average. For instance, you will
the lank. have washed in and the chums be regae av here mon' a • tante, nl(on than
Is obstructed. Nearer Coln, channels that • servant "
Duce admitted weasels of 14 feet draught 14 "Will 1' it does me growl to hear you
1.: males mlan.l arc ro IJo-kel up to Placa . say that sir' I'm • great hani to sit in the
Tom and Maria, Little,figs, Little Jack Horner, etc.
King of Spain, Prince Charlie, Prize Winner, etc.
The biggest, brat ansi .•hr.tprest.
Central Telephone Exchange. Court Clouse Square.
M lea resits ?
' Balsam,
the 'end
.. ---_- ._.....►.:.ail
Inst .ough. .- will TolioNT0 It will cure sore throat ora tickling ��
in colds.
in the throat. It will cure pains int e
chest. Iwill cure nd
and all diseases pertaining cat at he Ilbronchitisungs
cause it as a pure balsam- Hold it to the
light and ace how clear old thick it 115. You
see the excellent effect after taking the first
dose. Large bottles b0e. and fl.
The iashleist .
Mothers, daughters, •asters, cousins and
aunts have all been seized with the blouse
and blazer craze, and all the fen nline poi- DRY
tion of the household appear' in the universal Re
livery as they walk abroad, from rare pale
Margaret. the pride o1 the parlor, to nd rosy
Ann, the queen of the kitchen ; n u two
nn 51
blazer is as nsuch like Margaret's
ararga �'so is two
peas are alike- especially
hers last.
Any woman of limited Meana who o
the least knowledge of dressmaking, who
does not preseut a neat, charming and
Summery appearance this season during this
mercantile deluge of miraculously
that• 5500.' alone could 1 11 navigate them 1ln parlor when 1 have a (-bane, '"
the eletern or swampy side there •Pear* to "You will be term opportunity to cults -
I r'.5 - monde.• of unknown depth. and It u I vate your mind.
hidewonder that the deposit from the con- •,\{•till i •. That's hotantifnl' That's what
...jet pipe. of the dredge's forced up the i Want.l to do at my bat place, Int when
MAI in the line of the canal being excavated. I they found i was reading in ked they turned
the out on inc."
A Pere -Air Iwdlwsler. •• My wife has an ides that • cook has no
linonf the many curiously devised metre- gnats 5r morrows, hut"
minas patented during the lit few yuan u ••But she ha., Sir. i've got over forty of
an apparatus hr meauring the anarnt of 'ani at the eery 11101111011t."
impure air which may gather in • room "Krone ladies insist con keeping their help
within a given length of time. This odd ma- at t distance, halt 1 d,.n't heit5Y.
chine"errlutet" from the fertile train of "-ma's quite true. sir. At my oat places
Prof. \Wolpw•rt of Nuremberg. It u wail the lade wa forty mike distant from me,
known that air as eery poisonous to the at her mother's, moot of the tine You don't
human system when the ,srMnie aced (5s believe in it' Neither do 1. Are we to go
1n the air exceeds erne part in 1,000. le ' to the theatre together!"
order to test the matter and tell exactly 1 "How-M:h' yy Mtn•• queried lir. Bow-
• hen the new thousandth part limit has tarn 1er•
rer'h..d 1k. Wnlpesrt has provided an to "Aad if the old lady makes • kick, fire or apparatus consisting of • vowel her ant, 1 say'..
containing a wnlutlea of sob and phenol- "Are you speaking about my wife+ be
phtMlnn, from which, every IOU .e.rndsi staked in an uncertain way.
there emerges a red .irop through • e1/i0hrts, "Of roan.. You'll come down into the
which is rm arranged as to travel (Iowa along kitchen and reed poetry to ter a 1 thump
P.pare1 whits thread ahsct • Gert and • the dish... about, an.' filen I'll learn up to
half I Behind t6 threedis • sone t', parlor and plat and sing ier You. sed,
lta.l the fa•t11on-
Keealt. Peas an limonites. • I Napkins. excepting when used by little
Ur. Looker, writing of the steam engine,' children, or p'rsona trembling with age,
mid: "To egwnerste its present effects should be spread to the lap, not tucked in
would he to sunt almost errry o..slf"rt and the waist or vat.
every luxury of life. It has incnrael the Men with lung beard or mustache can not
sues of human happiness, not only by .all doe too careful m keeping food and drink
inµ new pleasures into existence, but le)- as. from annelg the hair. or off the hips of the
cheaiwmng former enjoyments as 10 render latter.
there attainable by those wins before could It u the duty of the hostess to give the
never have hoped to share them. Thr sur ' signal for naiag when all are done. On
face of the waters are traverxri with equal rising, the chair remains where it stands.
facility b its power; and by thus stimula- 'These are only some of the trifles
tine and facilitating 11e intercourse o1
notion with nation. and the commerce .1 Eliwselte tar futilely.
with people it has knit ta,etlwr;
drew fabrics ought really to be ashameN'
of herself --when bats and grown, and
flowers and fabrics are almost (oven away,
and laces and •rPl ti song. eider. are to be 6111 fur & MER GOODS
sung and not • Y•ti soM
The art and beauty of the latest $umnler SUM
tints and dyer are a delight to the eye, and 1
to appreciate them one has only to look I
-m TMs
--TNg --
Latest and
back upon the ugly greens, brick -reds,
Mutter -nut browns, and .nnilar crude colors
of Long ago, A tine idea of what these
were an be gained by a study of the pieced
quilts and " log -cabin " silk coverlets
treasure.) in many households u proofs of
the handicraft and patient industry of our
A PleaaaaI Own Mnk._ADPrfas■e•dlrlw0-
The druggists tell us that people call
daily for the new cure for constipation and
sick -headache discovered by 1h. Silas lane
It is said to he I Ircgon grape toot (a great
remedy in the far West for those complaints)
combined with simple herbs, and is stale !
for use 1.y pounng on hailing water to draw
aet ag sand ish. It sells at 50c. yelled Lane's Family dl •
cine. - _ .�.. _...- (2•e,w )
remote people If there are other guests in the roots,
remote cogntnrP ley IsuSds ..f amity not'
likely to he broken. Strea:to of knowledge greet each one pleasantly after speaking to
and -information are kept Sowing Irtwee: the hostas. Kt,qurtte demands that you
distant centres of population, those ,more treat with politeness all guests whom you
advanced dlffu.ing civilization and improve- meet to a friend's house, even if you do not
nlent among those that are lackw-ari, care to recognize them elsewhere.
The press itself, to which mankind owes, in Pass well into the root before seating
no large a degree. the rapidity of its Improve- yourself, and do not slide into the first chair
sent in modern times. has hail it. power: you reach- Take tit. consideration gnick-
and Influence increment in • manifsld ratio' ly the positions of the different quests. and
Iry its union with the steam engine. It Is decide where it would lie nest cotveniemt
thus that literature is cheapened, mal by fo. your hostas W converse with you or -
twine cheapened, diffused; it is thus that, casioesaily.
rearm has taken the place of form and the A gentleman Molds his hat and .ane when
pen has sulwreeied the sword; it it thus making a formal all. If a lady guest enters
that war has almost ceased upon the earth.. after he u rated, 6e should rise immediate --
and that the differences which inevitably Isand remain standing until she u seated.
&rise Itetw•eell people and people are for ff • lady lava the room during hie call he
the most part atjustsl by peaceful nego- should open the dor for her unless some
other gentleman u there to claim the prisi-
E.11sw'. W.adevfwl Patiesne.
As flies torment the lion so the race of
pirates annoys Killian. "It has always
orale me hopping mai," he mid recently,
"to think of the fm hinters in the electric
• m length 1 r • her hack up, dr• ler
in•Kinninq with "fare Mr" topldtn 0.7 per if the Ad lily gets
t I had" u the tap r 111 pun air i 1 don't think laid quite fill the
15151 It hese• its cel" Irl the sola d tis "Yoe oil dint Then IA . m me all that
rar►.w Se acid the am"' the Lan. tau". in Tr. -trivet you mteaa h giving
la of that gas at. I � alk' sat art .4 a Han" im this you
-- I are playlna''
tnelle.tten of Osaka sail Gama t "My dear girl:- began Mr. Bowser in re -
it appears that M Scotland there is a eras- ply ••i'it link ova tA. matte► soil drip
Piny whsr•h pays • certain .mount yearly to y,w, a line." 111 think neer ore
• number of iron works for the privilege of }'ru will. ale And
C0lkr:ting the .awnk• and pta•m hf rnrn, t• tenter and send my Leona here le les
Nast farrow Thew are pawed yaw'"
✓ vfira mi inn a the kook parlor
wow ......1 ale.,•• a oleetsesits.h • e,nsida bole. Dowser hemmed in
I.1111. a the bottom, and silt shove with mtr-
' t• rr p y ower a he nit.
ter drip confines rad Bowe t, the hnttnm, dammowed Nr Y
�••• 'd like to know
1 le nt wTiI I5t 1 tubing, and as tph., had aaarealy barba Ow door wings
liAl o1,t off olid (Me OW Is rwpew•rew ae trioti ** err.Atv'w.'erak •ratem9f''wlrwC'
-mist yhtd 48,000 Fellow e1 ferwaa nil pot weak. "Well, 1 hep• you arc o t s Dew lava i &seer
A ersting eingzs has been `oMeol to tie wit,
.R tit• mtwalMrw •^mq' �y
de Rnsleavor to appear interested In what
ever *abject is introduced, and never song•
gest • subject which u not of general inter-
est to those around you.
A formal 5r ceremonious call shonla not
1pwsinew., nut nnerel) aterlitig the rsdtcal nn Ir extended over ten minutes, when it is
vmtin whish male the lamp iaamiMe, out time to bring your Dail to • ,clow. Ib not
that dread
e paipn0rat Dene' tonal Tesetw mined ma M Mt
rowag nota Ir.. arae rwgs..ted to relewl m r / lmeMiMd b O4 awn wow
ler years M weal so whisk.
t of the .ng line show by a nervous manner you
d ri a which d had of thousands
gnu to make • move,
of deeltb expo men It is awkward to leave • moot during •
m rite' nkt and day for a enuple of year."! ball hi the ooeverastisn. Wait until you
(grates -Log ra•aful a:penmenu were
nil a in the
The story of the great trial of patience roan make w slight how, and. •ddnrsnnq
he carbon with ler show
of the first h by name, if poe•ible. Md them .‘goon
lampp will show that ohrWlea heti
en.ountersl. The carbon of this first lamp oho not keep your hostess standing for
was !rude of • ..' of Clark's thread
matt last remarks, hut move easily to-
wards the door, and take your departure.
The art of leaving • man is leas under-
stood hy women than hy men- To • Snai
NOW lean, time u money. end the habits
and exactness of basin..s life tad to make
mss who live in cities, the hest Pspntente
d the ort d learieg • worn quickly mad
Usually, when a nam rasa to take his
leave, he says (kss.i evening. and as out d
yogi. propene. without giving time or op-
portunity for emhartaesing rnminnn'deem
of mutual invitations. and promises to call
again, which lea social formula with many
nealar itself are talking, and then rise.
F:disnn's chief ann..vanoe, for rein.' Tains.
Before leaving taro to each mn
row on view.
w..a Dow wet...• Mw h.aw wakes
.,.w for .., 1. A.... r.rc. Aeon.
.vee, ..a A.... 15.- . r. .• 5,155-.
a I Where etc '5'1 r '*Nn. WA/
'..'1 Meow T.r. .e...
ob. r• Mel Sad
.�,t1 •
• t•A m, ,,_••n .• Rembe-
weeny ... weedy w.wlsii room i as
. 1eaa.r. All allw. Nr.M • • 1.5w
• ed err. •••.- u. wwt l* y. -r. taws
+ all IF. ,1.". Ws mem. G. wart-
s.. tenure ..tw.w• smroir i•w-
NEW ...s*'.eral r.o;,„.row...
.11a..H.0 .M ,'...Res are Pertlaed. Maine
rester Wart. Wear Mer*.
People who feel that their shoes wen' out
too quickly should heed the words of a
Chicago dealer who tells The Mail : Ido you
know there isn't a Ivan in five hundred who
knows how to wear shoes '
The average mus buys • pair of shoes,
wears them until they are nolongerpre•ent-
able, and then throws them away and bays
another pair. A man ought to have at least
two pain of show for everyday Weer,amd no
pair should Ins worn two days in sue:oeiioa
At first thought this may strike you as a
scheme to benefit the shoe dealer, but it u
nothing of the kind- In fact, such • plan
would injure the shoe business. Two pun
of shoes worn alternately will bast three
times as long as • single pair. The saving
of course is orale in the wearing of the
leather. A pair of shoo worn every day
grey to pieces more than twice u faat as •
pair worn every second day. No two pairs fit
your feet in exactly the mine way. in 000
pair the strain and wear of the leather falls
heaviest upon one particular part of the shoe,
and in another the greatest wear and tear falls
upon another part altogether. I took a trip
through Europe last Summer, and in several
places i was surprised to find the shoes
worn by peasants to have no right and left
distinctions, but am worn on either foot, 1
was told that such shoe were preferred to
three which more closely onform to the
shape of the foot, because they oflas longer,
since the strath u any parthoe
today u c to another part tomor-
row- -
K,h.mn ani him assistant worked two days
and nights to produce the carin, and them
darted with It to the giaassll.wer a house.
As they set it down it nroke. They at once
returned to the laboratory and rade &moth-
er one, and with it returned to `t0e glans -
Mower's den. As in was deposited on the
bench. • jeweler's .rn.wr-driver rolled ,Town
tai broke it. They turned hack • third
lime, and after an exhausting day they coen-
pteted • cartoon *nil nwrag«I to get it in-
serted in the amp The receptacle was ex-
hausted of air and waled. the current torsed
est, and for the first time the light spread
out in all its beauty.
Meat Mets.
Frit • good recipe that will MIA muslin is
Minting, boil together 2 partsabellat', 1 part
hocas, and 1e pasta o1 watt.,. The surface
moat tint heir/soy.
The British government i• said to he oak•
as actin step toward le•snmg form thetn-
h*s,tants of Waal where they would like
to have their ..eiswat (aphid.
Papa- _"Dent me, Maty, what firer w
crew. -Ere resits I.er.astsm.
M. de (lalnlie, a French investigator. has
some to the coaclmmiin from hu rewerehs
that women lave a la H. kin fins t
brown eyes than saw. r akin finds that
where Tooth paranta have vie of a like coder
the clans aro eighty eight to twelve that
their children, when they &rets at the me
of 10 (when the color of the .yea ie Reedl,
will have .yea of the same molar. Whoa
ks M wick all t tzwwkm- -41rod the parents lyre eyes of different onion the
:+ j'; ''' V1WifYYm a.r•s .can.. 1.,,. „cru t• aLsw r,�„w art Ms%y' •s�rw air smearesase Pili' bear
Mem then ens." saamnr "1 know it, my at h.'nci sa apinst MIs etin t
down kat e menet make • decent egret' ehiMtaJho n. He in e1 the ssjiring
WO eyesis
Bra 1� eYe w thud alike
wee OD e$elvk'id M elrpnet "-iigda health ef the hew= - typs iR ae M Mks
•EXT: OF •
holera Morbus
SENDR sa In stamp• plm r
w¢®c µou.rwnte 7 C.O.D.,ta j
top ne. and iii j'
this elegant .catch which you can examine, sa
if yon do not find
it all and even more
than we claim for
It 110 NOT TAU iT,
but if perfectly sat-
isfactory. pay the
Express Agent (NIR
Il award's WWSiete rsNttvea ltemenlgle.
Must tris Cress agate.
On using naphtha and benzine to remove
grease spots from fabrics, often a circle or
outline of the .pt. is left en clearly defined
that the effect is but littk better than that
of the steams spot itself : it as, in fact, the
grease spot itself spread out thinly °ver •
ager snrfacee. To remove the spot entirely
the hest way is to lay the affected part be
tureen brown paper or blotting paper, and
to pons thoroughly with a warm won. Then
if any geese remains rub the .pet gently
with a sponge moistened to benzine, tubbing
frown the edge towards the centre. lay a
piece of hlottingg paper over the spot once
nwre, to absorb as much of the grease ea
prrsibk, then ash out the sprit with mid
water without snap, and pros it on the
wing nae with • warm iron until it is d
Ammonia should be mod with motion ins
reerwaring spots, as it sometimes changes the
color of fabrics as well. 1n other canes a
very weak moieties of household &mamma
has been known to restore color perfectly.
For this rowan it le het to apply it Rist en
an extra piece of the goods. or in sale
piece hidden from Eight.
M e.ha. 15* new 5 tit •e
ww. low. a,..-... rrer s... •+
seer r teebtn
c.....w ..05 we tile. wit - . w..• res wise
wea•(r �..+r.•wewe rime le doe ..411. r=6:1/4t WiliZitreasmx
M ni annd take
the watch, Such •
chance to secure a
reliable timepiece
at such • ridicu-
lously low prim U
seldom if ever be-
fore. •�°rleered. This
s NU
of plates
Oto over men
tion aperaL it bee
wild how, rap and
erase, hwatlag
oaaw,bnantlfill -
greyed and teddust-
proof The works
are Waltham etyie.
with eTp•nsion balance, ie
rasa we warrant it aa accurate thea
M ish*bblle ttor eltber a lady et
sAeVrtsewiplrMerbsssassttwdf •
sow us s1 .. • sip i et, �
of !°wit oyer. ass
tie Win wad roe this elegant
Tilos r1 _are note
"'ern Ip ladle. and
gwtlases In lbw beet
.ne4Ny, and have the
mime •!.•
1 •
l.. a eosrf sot M
end mtAMINO
Mange, 00.