HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-28, Page 2THE SIGNAL : GODIt.ICH ONT., 1'RIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1891.
bursuag with au s ueuus serpwtlue vap!ur hundredweight, r.ssmbliag towhee ova
darted out • long tele of are resumbiiati we did not try to gouge iia weight by
flashes of lightning, i,ut mach larger. hftaag - fell within Ii ty feet of whom tour
After describing his dtlticulttw In ioduciug party stood.
his mother, who was very fat, toaeuxs.paoy l rrat•Ittxu A r1A/:ara9T
hnn to • plane of safety, he goes ,s to Nay : I a Nis with a - . M
"The Ababa& cow began w fall up is w sed we n inu, Iamen HM
dud taree stepped out of the path whoa I, leu Y „gig of Aar blyesty's
dlarkltoss overs us like a rem shut Abp two and this 1 curried off as a souvenir
WWI w he hoard but the thee'. of wot■s■, on the sol. ed the ttiottntam ..ppuutr w
the ...roams of children and the cries of 1 I•,,ul n, but wihl to cult the ruins on
men ; sbnr calling for their chiIJren, others
for their (termite, other for their Mabee& 1 parUcuar day we were obliged to poet
p •oise the. railway role M a u4,re convenient
and all the lig ts extinct Notbsg than of Vesuvius Aa.uI nam be made by roil
and only I istinguuhtug each other by Heir
voice*. 1 t appears that
\o 1 tt .. 1,1.,,a e r m m"4 TII1 • NATIO(
at thus iter ; wawa red hot, stoat arid
loose volcanic fragument..arae down to groat
quantities. At the some timothy muuutaln
t'ornitel enorniolu volumes of vapour VI
sea.,u In our nest we shall give a brief
uwi of
drownpPompeii. U. E. )1•e'.
•lased'+ U■esm■t Mr Saar 'sere.. here,
Fourier. trays M Wee a nereee.
1. When it is 14axmary to send fur
fell upon the surrounding countrylis tor medical envie du sus, if possible, before the
.trans of heated water charged with the dry I ��usus. ung es untout delay run 31IIC lira round
asks which it l' .pelma adel er the air. , tired, hating poembly Igen IL the teryy street
I'hw rt esu that 1' leu and {Irnulaua•u°. In w11101 you live.
were delugr.I with a salt, peaty, yuleemc
slid • ornerm when: 1I I` W n flrateol howsrs try could 4 I too menober of ,I
ttheia111 1) Inote
la ill. and hrneedv .IC
reach uel preserves( them w perfectly that '. tailing the ayntptoore. and givIng the'halur
today or can walk the ,,menta, t Ire t11e au- an "lea with reg•r.l t0 the .a•r.
tient xle.pil Alla dwellings and In trahty slat 3. 1f tillable, from any cause, to send a
the coy staling partly restored as it was note at hast try to send some intelligent
nearly two thousand yaarl ago. Vesuvius : mr..enger who can write out the call M full
has encs thea been in a dangerously erup. I on the doctor's slate.
tier state nearly one hundred tomes, the 1 4. In rare of pn.Mtulg be sure to rend
moat remarkable of which war ,. undue word,ll known,wluit poison has been taken,
two hundred and lift years ago oilmen as the doctor ora) then be able t.. bring with
hot' All antidote on tote to save life.
5. 11'h.-im the .locator corner Int suite one
a fountain of trans ut lire shot into the
piers p�,rr. a who a familiar with the veer prior
air t.. A height of twelve thousand fret, I lir details with regard to. It; ho nauy
t11t1,111151Ing the .uuutry fur many nitre Illiormamis treaterIufusiun.
/troutThe lava from this •raptd.ls b. Ido not di.eltaa the ewer beide the
trat.1 into the sew seven mules from the
crater mid the waters near the shore *ere patent.
7. Have a pencil 411.1 Ali p of r, and
III A Irl llig sate for *eine aay-e. { F. paper, ! write down at ote.e the Inetruetlons re-
', no. xLAT%iv. or TI U.0
• ueiverl.
is always n a re or leas active state and
a better idea more
of its actisity 1 velum! _toe than
Try to he exactly .arunte in state -
1.', Corlfeas-ttlg the eight from Naples meats'
at night to a learning warclioux A few miles9. Ik, not have children or dogs in the
uH. At u,..•„...1. an immerse• cloud of sick noon during the Jletnr•r visit, as
aper'. and cu/•p.•r,, shoots up, As if a wall the children ;out .logs will divert hoe atteu-
hel fallen in, alhl while you may 1401 PVC mien -
the actual ILun.•d the lurid glare reflerct- 10. 1'arr) out faithfully and exactly the
p'.e the nu th of die orders given l.', the medical nuam.
of a Mg city blare. 11. "Trust Me not at .11 or all in alt"
by rail and 111 A eho111.1 be the doctor's motto.
few es rwrherly'unyxn, frim whirls 12. When consulting a lit dical imam in
[dace ono• may tate a guide and honer for his own house, oto x, during his othe hours.
the as.r ut. .i, coup; • f hours of a raiser- Ib not go just at the time he takes his
aide Dalton horse, ' I' a eta p, Inc1111e. ler meals.
a bur • .cru an.l Along a.t sty bridle path,
13. Finish the roftsaiolal interview
is not a.'elghtful ,•vpenon.•, but t.. stet to
with hum in his consulting room, and do mut
ni.ruurr to lis -u.t a spur by proxy 10 our ohen bring shown nut.
eighteen thou.aud Ioopk p•riaheol. sal cue
what'll took plane in 1779, when, it a arid,
r•1 on the sky a
.-rater gives alt
11'e started frown N
t hat smoke•'stack m few at.r.p ndrs out l+ am' continue detailing symptoms in the hall
horses. In dee titan., .,ftcr p1*1mg through
wove very dirty little villages where tis•
hon*•s seme.1 to he bnti1 at an angle to fid
into the incline of the mllllll 1, we reached
a height where horses tyre of no further
service :slot war.• I..ft initis .little regret to
Lanai, our return. It is astonishing
7111. 1,411.11 tkil\4a, 1.111:-`); \ 11,1.," 1:8
are p...cwed of. They build up the nloun-
tautsmlC almost to the verge of the crater,
and 1 cul dutJ.tEul If 'they would not
erect their fifthly little wine shops *11,1 na-
cannia molls on the ',rim If they could find
a spot sufficiently level for that purpose.
t Me 1oul.1 thunk that the fearful tate ut
past v Illagee would be a warning to stand
off a respectful distance frons the insatiable
giant, Int It 1s a prutd of the old sayluq
" familiarity breeds edntempt," and when
A %Hlage or town is swept with a lava How -
s, eon as it IS cool enough to (build upon
again up springs another. From the .pont
where we dienmunted to the crater is an
ascent of six yr seven hundred fret, witch
must be *11a1.' by the assistance of an army
of dirty, labsermg, half naked guides who
hal cullr,:ted from all imitate on our ap-
proach. our party consutr.l o1 three
geutlemeo aid a laxly, and A. we did not
reglllr• the twee/ diel of Italy pulling and
hauling amiss. pieces we chose three a piece,
of the strongest An.1 cleane'o save the
mark, (east dirty Is Inorc fitting and there
upon a pitched battle ensued among the
elect and uuu-ele,'t, the latter thinking, u..
doubt, by oltsabtug time former they would
succeed to the pat ; but nor twelve were
..11.111.11, AS rulers are amour Iarlan,us
latrans, cru account of their personal Ap-
p•araucr and strength, mud the soles being
about elpnally hatched w point of number%
we sat down and awaited the issue which
was a rune matter of time and the sun 1, al
of time fittest. The battle comehhlyd with a
few being a little noire clothed m svnehune
and a little hits covered null dirty rags, and
n t. • o\TI'111' 111,..i'. LIT.
It was alo.. t like climbing the i'yranuds
t wo pushed and one pulled with a rope.
The Indy, a reap live baroness the Baroness
.1e Mamenl.0-h ems carried on an impro-
vised chair e 1. ' two •e . •.
f sir mmol ale a Harm
time hands while she held on by butting her
arm About their uer:ks. 'lou may be sure
she had first shun•.• from the twelve elect
aid choose as wisely 3513,1 well as the eirenn.-
stancs would allow. It is a dangerous
climb. 1:r, at mases of 1,1.e volcanie rock
and Int bele of lava must 1x rounded, for
a * what .torous /•rIlptlwl hal "averred
at few weeks before onI Bust_ Deeperevice•s
emitting sulphurous fumes and smoke must
I4• leaped ; nor f.ot.tepa must lo- carefully
chomen or we may step Into holes treacher
mush- tilled with ashes soil lona ur Lndgerl
over with a• the orating of !doling lava;
ice unlet c11,a& a sueorashm of recent dews
where our way 11,11,1 10 cautiously felt with
heavy .irk.. while our Lots make a hollow-,
,.tittering noise as though *r were treading
over A vast upturned hollow pan ; and when
nearing the crater a vigilant eye had to.
be kept overload lest a. stray stone should
fall without the brim and strike us un
1.Iw1. ur vitsevtt•. 1• 1:\nt'nll
to Iron the ardour of the most venturesome,
ester•iatty if son atter an eruption. .1 bout
every tier minutes a shower of real hot
at and molten natter war shot hu
sing an.1 spluttering out of the frown
ung th t.. A height of probably two
hundred feet, and harmlessly fell hack
again into the smoky maw with only a
stray stone here and there falling without
the .lrromf.•r.li •e of the crater Staadmg
dba the run on the p.rticuar day w* could
see moth us aomint of the smoke and
white r filmes, whi.h were more than
.ianaIlp' owing to the lam J:aturlane.,
and NO tiler foreed t. ,o.'•nt ourselves
14. akar In nunl the comfort of tlx•doc-
tor, and when the conditions suggest do not
forget to give h in • cup of eold water, or of
hot eofiee.or a plat. of aoup,as the case may
You will give him renewed inspiration for
hie work. Good Heurekeepiug,
Who itb.■Id „Mw - /Ins.
A great drag of nonsense has leen talker
about the question .0 wh.we place it is to
bow first when • lady and gentlelnwl meet
upon the street or to Any public assembly.
It Is very alsnrd to say that a man ahoula
always wait until a lady has recognized Iona.
In this. as In most other nutter., commix'
sense and mutual c.nvnienee are the only
guides. Maui laden are near sighted ;
many others tool great difficulty in renlenl
boring faces.
The important thing, of course, Is that a
man shout.' not prexame.
When two people meet who are really -
acquainted it is not the pian who should)
ne3l'41aTIly Inn tint, or the ally - it tr
whichever of them is the first to perceive
...not recognize the other.
F. (.utridge, of Se.forth, ha* been award-
ed the contract for the erection of the stone
wing walls to the abutments of the Rrtu.rls
New F:res : 11r. Chris. Nesbitt, of Gol-
rru•h townslt ,, left us a Singh: pia vine. on
which were 92 well tilled pods.
'apt. 1)e*art, late of 1'hatham, has taken
charge of the Salsa :1rn.y ..ores w
1'hnt.n. with Lieut. ('ongdon, of pressen.
As his assistant;
The number of Applicants for the county
.clerkship increases almost daily.
.lohn • Wiseman. 3'lintun, has taken A
((1.111tinn in I;nuts dry goods establishment,
hbr:usl fool.
Thos. I ab,*n, )I.1'. P., and wife, of 1.0r
ti., started last week on a trip to the Old
1 'ou n t ry.
• rarlos.phleal t'amlli.
l media has *31111 pies, and sores in !the head.
F hu n internal I.er nus• ha i; rows
red :
!she's a button her neck that a big as a bell.
Rut in wher respects she is doing witty well.
And pa haw dyspepsia. malaria and trout.
11i* hands w.th Axil rheum are w:l bnoKru 01.t :
Nr IS prone to rheumatics that make his lags
Rut in other respect, he is doing quite well.
And lila has nightsweats and a troublesome
That all of our doctors can seem to drive
she wakes even- night and coughs quite •
Hut in tither respects she is doinw quite well.
There is nothing like philosophy to help
one bear the i11a of life, but in the vane of
this family what n. moxet mrr1ed u a gees{
supply of 1Ir. T'ierce's 3.o1.1en Medical ph,
....very. It would cleanse Amelia's ,hal
blood, cure pa's ailments, and cheek ma's
cough. The "I ;olden Mer$dal lhaovery,"
1.y its a•ton on the liver, cleanses the
my stem of unpuritiee. It cures humors,
ulcers, Isola, scrofula, salt rheum, erysip-
elas, and all 'nus of axes and swellings.
The only guaranteed blood purifier.
t alaew rem) lee ter Radar.
The weather haul been very dry oh, *o
dry for n.atly months. The .rrly wheat
was gathered, lout for ark of r win the *r
and crops s•ehne4 likely to be A total failure.
Travelling in the country, we cane into
Nin•lan Shan early one morning. and found
rain•(lags everywhere fluttering from crude
stretched across the streets. Thee Hage
are lits of gay colored (aper, in sloe a foot
•ioare or more, mob having written upon It
with to the top without • 'tight of a angle rhara•ter Arrw.ngel her 1111 w
them Nothing Int below with Its
.. Md , h.hble, boil and troubleun string. each group .s a prayer for rain. The
• essmgly for ever eighteen .r•atones Idea 111 simple eosrnleh How can heaven
W hen r.turnl.g 1at1 CO ..r these signals of douses that are
t r.r1wu4T wt.aalatate oral; assxca *Ariel in its face by every breeze ` Every
happened whi,-h oarn*d car teeth w chatter home and shop ton, hal • willow branch
nth very lea A deeps sad more trouble to front of Its done, Y • token o1 the genie
sonee tumble titan serol seemed to Phalle longing for reliet
the eery fou.•atow of tee muss4lo We AI the inn they toll 10 that formal pray
wore lint • few ►wsdr d yards fns, the era for ram hal begun that morning At
helm •a&.1 tsr..., yul••►ly real we beheld .aylxeak • crowd of men. women and cbll
a. .saws• name atss.ded with as drso, nuhenng more then two hundred,
eemeemea ,11a.tmy .f iedemerbalde red hot had gathorod et the t.mplo of • god dall*l
sluff shot Misdeeds .f fees into the air Losy.h, faker. ►is Imago (rwro its pia..,
with • hissing, Metal awes. ahatfee 111s few pet is ou a MAI stretcher with a matting
..esa& was almost desfealy- Uf thin • doves dw.orated with willow, sad started
great aesl taxa than en ray d the formes wish it ea a Mwr 314,o.v'yg'l-` the s.nw.lasfislg
eesesfelt ssM. the rim elf sealer, others. At every tsin,mle rrobad, wh
e.rs N
mad emsebt..
nee el 'W probe* tine bale to bare inseam M the .p.et.l Awry w/
% the sides. One sine/ or large, the whoa preemies. mw
the pleasea well Y to the god berme by
them. wad, with repeated kneoliags sad
knuokrags of the heal on the persued, offer
prayers fur run. The stopping places fur
the uwratag, noun sett evade' meal had
14.m arranged u advance, and et these
abundant food must be furnished the entire
crowd by the fanners of the s i hberboud,
macs they were to be benefited by Nus elab-
loburate prwyung. Tr*veUttag in this way s
sluw,soit is no wieder that the day's circuit
wee Leered) 114xr thou ten utiles
Sitting quietly 1u the usual evening, with
work al Jove, the nesse of drums and rx-
ploduet tire -crackers announced that the
g..l wee returning. Soon Is atten,lulta
sppeered marching down the narrow street.
Truly • motley crowd, con tuoug children
but saveu or eight years old, 'al( -grown
buys and girls, liken and women Io middle
life, dna even a few of the aged Many
were crowned with willow wreaths, a oat
were lsrefouted, and all bore flaming b un-
dlre of morose sticks. The appto.ck wY
heralded by beating drums and cloaking
cymbals, with an o ecastunal shnlliag of Sag-
eolrts. Surrounded by tawdry waving flags,
land ens:eh/ not In • c cruel of uwruae, the gid
wow carred to his home, and alter a hearty
nmol the crowd dispersed for the night, to
Meet again in the moxntng •sed nuke another
tour in a .different %Ina tion.
This was to ouutimue for three .ays.
Should there be no run by the end of that
time, and the farriers be willing to supply
food for another three days, Ire.yeh's
hungry crew wold.l. Andy too gladly renew
their prayers. In care the food was not
forthcoming, there wY but one router left.
The god would be set out in the sun to
words for hal( a day, and than drenched
with water until elf the mud was washed
from hu duns)- woolen (route. So, despised
and neglected, the bare sticks would stand
as a warning to all other cools, not to trifle
Ault a suffering people.
'tut when the rain does comee--Y it surely
will some day ,rmtillCIee in laoyeh's power
to grant refreshing showers. and in his pity-
ing love for Stn•lau Shan, will be restored
at once. The image maker will he .1unckly
called to prepare the clay and mix the
paints that shall rive the shabby remnant
of a god all his former glory, so that he may
11 muunte l on hu throne again, to
remain .n peace until another time of
This reads like a joke, lout it its serious
jesting. Is it worship or pays I mike.' the
innkeeper what It all meant. He natal :
"They are praying for rain. Isn't it fun '
Ilio yMI pray for rem in your country`" To
my answer that we do, but in a very differ-
ent way -which I tried to explain he re-
plied : "Why, it's just the some thing, only
you don't make a 'racket. -
But when the rams had begun. and *ll
fear of parched crops is past w hat
then •
The Chinaman always otters thanks. 11.,
we ` I was glad the Innkeeper forgot to
ask that .luesuon 5'hildtrn s Work h.r
('hildre t.
1.. 1'. Ricti k
I had the muscles of my hand s, con-
tracted that 1 could not use it for two years.
\IIN.t,Rll:s I.INIMENT cure.l me, and 1
now have the use of my hand as well AS
l)adhousie. MKS. Rao MEL SAI-NI,EI:
1'. 1', Ito natio. ,k
I had A valuable .volt so had with mange
that 1 feared 1 would lose him. MIN 1Kh'S
LINIMENT cured him like magic.
I )sihousie. ('111: 1.Tur1144 5' N1'4 twits.
R.Itoe .h.rtlax bo,a. V.vorlte Nato-riml far
lers'.rNlve rerp..e.,
Kolton sheeting, a favorite in:items' for
divot -move purposes, nay t* used 1n 55.15 un
blew:hoot state or in coley. Take it in its
cream or unbleached abode ; have a design
of poppers broadly treateol; carry out the
flowers And leaves in the shades of red,
green and silver gray`Rope linen dos., which
la large 111 size and gees on quickly m wogk-
mg. The old-fa.hioned chain -stitch is re-
vived in all its brainy, but the most
popular stitch is the common outline -
The edges of time quilt having been pro,
vtoualy- hrnunod, trim oath the taseels,
which t.. - already made from the rope
linen Hose.
Another ;gaol quilt material is the con. -
blue dentin, the kind lit which mmen's
overalls are made. Week and boil the nes•
teriat. When it is partly .try press smooth-
ly, have an sltoyer design stamprof on it
and work It with white rope horn Iloas:
Finish the quilt as directed above. S.fs
cnsh1ous and table covers are pretty nude
of these materials.
Another style of quilt is to crochet broad
stripes of some design (the anti. use Inez
pattern a very pretty l: then sew thein to-
gether and trim the quilt all around with a
herder of the same .sign. When this is
placed over a colored 1111esia spread the
effect is very pretty.
Piano coven are also. male of Bolton
sleeting, which has a heavy body and a
soft surfa•e• rendering 1t eintabe for the
purpnlw. 1)n a width of dull blue may be
agq.lt'.l • broad) land of deep, cream -tinted
velvet, couched to the shertiug by • heavy
blue enrol. A pomegranate conventional
design a rho*n on the soft surface, done in
heavy blue and red tope linen floss, touchcot
down with a finer old gradeo, f gold tine
Scotch linen Rosa moot double The finial
of the scarf Is canteen' of a heavy fringe of
the blue rope linen flows, with stilt tases
caught here snot there.
Thss rope linen flow may mow he bought
by the yard, all ready for use. ('ruching is
gaining favor. Many of the odd " fads,"
such as scrolls and *heel., lar and cros-
hne•s, are really but a revival of the em.
bmtderies exhibited over a century ago.
For • table scarf an all over design of
boldly outlined clematis 10 embroidered o0
cream tinted linen, worked to dark blue
linen Homes, the foliage outlined or par•
totally tilled in with soft, olive greens. A
deep, ravelled fringe with a knotted bead •
mgt is the Hmssh. Pale silk pongee of a
,ream ox olive shah, embroidered with die
Innen Sores, maks • pretty ...if.
By Wes the fame
Mr McSweeny was a thorough dissent
of human nature, and master of the .rt of
observation. Nothing ~aped kill sones
While engaged upoo a rase he watched the
jury we • rot watches a mouse, and freq.sal-
Iy Ytsnished hie clients loo ending his argu-
ments very abruptly end submitting the
matter to the jury.
TM prouliarity of this ggreat sin/dual
lawyer era* wall shown at a murder trial In
Has Fr•ne•t.co • few years ago
Mr Ye#$wesny append for the defdnd-
The este apparently had made Oil a
very clear mase against tla. prisoner. Whim
Mr McSweaay •res b teak• hs address to
use fury be anrefully avoided say referees
as ike bele sal Le* to Ike striden•a or the
latritgoversing them. He pointed out the
terrible rempooaibtility resting upon the
twelve mea who were Mittal is jsdptent
upon the life of use of their f0low vitiators.
He added that the verdict of guilty would
tut loll heaviest upon the prisoner, but
upon his family. He asked the jury to
thus' for • .lamest of the effect of ea ad
vans verdict opts. the wife and little uses
of the primmer.
Thea the speaker drew a wind picture
which was a marvel of artistic rhe-
torioal work. He brought b.Iutt the eyes
of the jury wren the home of the atomised num.
Ile showed the p•tleut a11d bvineled,' leer
Ing her work to oast many an emulous planar•
olowu the rad W see if her husband was
yet to eight, eager to be the first t.., catch a
glimpse of his figure in the distant flat a
seminttng supper might await him upwn hu
arrival. He pictured three ruddy faced little
cbtldretl swinging ti:; the o1.1 gate, waiting
till papa should come 1 to them agates
At this point the I.wyer noticed that oars
of the jurymen a Laud old westerner -had
.wttsiderable difficulty IU swallowing a large
lump which choked him,aal that there was
a suspicious turn III 11111 eye.
The epwekcr paused. Turning towards
the juror, he heidl 0141 lentil hands Y a dull
alight have dote to his father and in a tone
that was *•arerly audible sand :
„ l cent eaten, you must seed 1 horse to
them. "
shifting uneasily in his seat, the jure
bili• •l out• :
. s, Icy - , we'll Jo it, tau. "
Mclweeny instantly sat down. The ease
was won. his client was osamittedt lint
the meet interesttug point to the dace, per-
haps, was the fort which the Lawyer after-
wards learned that the ',chimer at the isr
was an unmarried true. ('Muco Maa.
KURUtx'K KIA1l)1) BITTERS for the
BURDOCK II 1,00 11lT1'KR.S for the
KURDO('I( 111.001) HlrrEILs for the
BURDOCK BLOOD 1111'TKR. for the
Eat Refsee &NEN t. RN.
Most students and women who are troub-
led oath insomnia are .dyspeptic, and they
should, therefore, rat before going to bell,
Luc tug put aside work entirely at least an
hour before. If they are not hungry they
should simply 1.• instructed to cat, and if
they are hungry- they should eat what
co,. they . omit. A gas of milk and a
Merit• is selt:etlmer :ill khat can he taken
At first, or mashed potato bttttererl- It it e
9161e, the tight metal should be taken in an-
other room than the sleeping apartment,
and for omen in the city it will be fnun I sob
v*ltage ons to go out to a restaurant. Before
eating, however, a lath should be taken.
perfectly cold or errol,which should ix given
with • sponge or stiff brush, awl t he 1.91y
thoroughly rubbed off with a coaroe towel
The bath need not be more than tier
minutes in duration. Further than thle,thr
patient should go, to bed at the MIMIC boor
every night, and rix at the ,Mine hour every
meorutne. There is a popularsuperetitaou
that grown people should not cat inuned-
atrly before going to sleep ; that it will
give them indigestt.al or nightmare. or bah.
hr writer cannot see who attulta should I.e.
s1 very different in this respe.t from h:abiee.
The average person should be in iced 'seem
or eight hours., which is time cuuugh for the
dicr.Uun of almost anything edible. In our
.111erean life the digestion ,•armed
through sleep i•rolably has the better
•-han,e for thoroughness. .Journal of the
.\met Man Medieal_Als+•cation.
English Sperm Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused humps and hkmishea
from. horses, ble.lspotsim, rurls,splints, ring
bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, roughs, etc. Saye *50 I.y
use of one bottle. \t'arrete,l the moot
wonderful blemish cure ever knows. Sold
by. F. .Jordan. 96-1v
Carmen Syla writes her poems with real
ink. That is the only way- some prems are
sere of being recd. -Lowell ('!wrier.
tl ltsesed'. t I./s.N turas urns. de.
"There goes a spanking team,- remarked
Krown to Tommy .tons Y the two
boys' then walked down the street to.
get her. Buffalo Kxpres.
HAB been saved by the prompt nae of
Ayer's Pills. Travelers by land or
sea are 1t•ble to constipation or other
derangements of the stomach and bowels
which, if neglected, lead to serious and
often fatal consequences. The most sure
means of correcting these evils is the use
of Ayer's C.thartle Pills. The pru-
dent sailing -master would as soon go to
see without bis chronometer Y without
a supply of them Pills. Though prompt
and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pills
leave. no 111 effects ; they are purely
vegetable and sugar-coated ; the safest
medicine for old and young, at home or
" For eight yearn I was afflicted with
constipation, which at last became s0
bad that the doctors eomld do no more
for Inc. Thea I began to take Ayer's
Pills, and soon the bowels recovered
their natural and regular action, so that
ow 1 *335 In
health." -Mrs. C. Z. Clark, Tewksbury,
I regard Ayer's P111. .s one of thili
moat r.11eble general remedies' of our
*Mae Thity have been In use In trip
Ifewilly for affectioaa requiting • porp-
an have given ■avarying a.tgsEae-
Sob. We have felted them an mu -Ghent
remedy ler eelie IMO light 'event" -
W. it. Woodmen, Fleet worth, Tezea.
" Tex several year i have relied mere
upon Ayer's Pula thea upon anything
t11,e in the medicine chest, to regulate
m bowel Wee se of tits .hip's sew.
T� Pills are not even in thdr e.
Len. but do their work tboronghly
have used them with good silents tor
the cure of rheumatism kidney trou-
bles, and dyspepsia." - tapt. lewder,
Steamship a New Tori City.
" i have foiled Ayer's Cathartic Mlle
to he a better family medicine for com-
mon one thaw any other pule within my
knowledge. They are riot only very
efective, bot tyle sad pia...nt Io W
y■Wtls wkteb mast mak. them
PRrtiefamerhy, tM
ad 1phIa, -Pa1
als p3.re1,
Ayer's Pills,
s�As■s t
11 Ayer • O■. Lame%sessi
Wee 11111111es
A Cordial Invitation
To the ladies of Goderich and vicinity to examine her ,tock.
Prices right.
1s that the sun dors not (Mare Its oomple.tes
or getting wet in the feet wee tt a cold.
but ladies who desire to be free
from tan, freckles, etc., should use
Bell's Tan and Freckle Lotion
D'Avignon. Witch Hazel Crentn,
For sunburn, irrmati,r. redeems, touahnese of •'oars*
ion, etc, V Aft ?SW MIN. We 14s,
zuul'+. Tallow's, Hemming,, eoundsrs- et,.
Best .n the world. First-class prescript,ou
work at all hours.
W. C. GOODE, - Chemist.
Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right
Just what you want.
Best brands and lowest prices.
Pickering's Blanco
Unequalled for cleaning belts, straps, etc.
i' ir.l in British .'. rtrny for )last twenty ycari.
Another Targe consignment o
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Say's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
The randier* nester. s s fli.g all Clods of r.,.itset at tar lowest miselele-MS.
wog-kaeww Net Ow ha
Sells Ch.c .p
For sob. Ma Is aim the land(. U Ike row. balml.Slentos alw.rasoleksM
ttgl s
mead. Ne Mao makes s efpslal� of Pleur. madam glee Id= • salr•
rondos* elewlsera sad r.■ a&7 eat midst 1* Bees e. he slur oils NNW
tone..i Ih•alda r ..,tae a0 .. h. hesle re.•i v. • e•a W owes of Is
GEO. BARRY, - Hamilton -e$
yhn It Y N R.tt•a Tlat U
phw Te,•e\.sl- Rwltl
plea T1at tee Mast Mae
TMre M w Mwe14 hearts.
i n„yeys.udeut o1 knglasnnl
rtj l.uIk ••f ••ur deprivations
free the oar platform Ida lapid
ins. but the facts were hal
errors, the geucrel sprit of
i11 \:tlamlwhlp ('ompalt? a Ilia
t 3.115 . 0pn 111. i.Wmur
4ullsr w e b .•very foot ut t Ile w
TM' nret 3515511.
111e Frvu. 6 tout is wo
gyp, .• .
ittfanmd.I15m �atlllnati35Dl, o'anana
,cry id hospitals has Imes
bright ml mils. nods and minim
• {0•s'la'4g 'lit ,1f park -Ill
thnal. Itwryi wan Is 6u of uhon
M.(ey gr r
eletl rsw.l*ay cr.Ynes�ta lulu
edh Pane*. Aa the lemur
ha. •.hotline h.rpttal, oi
�.p.t.11 LwI,ILn.'s. 1cr3,s
Yt 4atel wI the high grouts)
t,I*II atnl lila sett ahoLel
etal.•rately than those at Tole
overrrtlht .•f •he esigtnters they w
.s l „Nutrwta.t before env a
bel leen trade for carrying
through the city of Tanana,
'stews the hospitals 4u.l the I
Bus time ,*hie, the cit owns, w
m keeping their omit nes
tbrsty Unum*, grew ytrtnl
N Ibe pra4*ltpn of LIN• l4a;eioltat..
to. carry t1* are Age 5ki-ough the
tkrt `oil goodly r'eas4l. Tho
ear a ,• :9) feet, an.l when t
Itlwres everglestel br.nal tat. u
perry nut to the higi. hoar,
;barnlwt imnleluteh upon lea
es the Pangolin Railroad you co
of Ito- .anal won ky. 711C wwea
sad F',ncch .free Igoe appear all
u, ,e.* detached and partly ill
• -I. tlt..t Mery once et
rona of
vi 115
.5 little further east, a
to an almost courtrooms hue is
14:.4.rs that were never nee
k•Nier. l'lirt7l('M ti11 .1 lit.•r:►lly
dlilttp• . an. I•
e.,niutlrr.:T(11 n
tort. Int stacks ..f I)raudle
sn•Ibtb' *mall urn d p tar
111.1 the emits,. variety sof mates
to make up gt he plant of the 1
sandy quipped public work t
N. at iavrrulllaWesaw
trailer. 411110111 buried to t1.- jus
have un.Lng.t4•t authority for
dc, opted this Name siding rot
wens .,etre utast (ht another
• s1.•-;• do o !mummy l.roned
11.4. 11111411. nth the
r...• a ..tta he•t slohgrrle• the
t..• ts.a Teed there for ye.
w eer be+•n tired up. for the
that th,.•, is -ere utterly worth)
on the Panama Pawl.
All of the narhulets in si
rated for. and outw ardw look.
with Lim k paint sod "oboe
work. Ti,.y ha.l been
,',$elude )wt previous to the
Leel French commission, and
$ I.,et.l per ue,uth u 141*
54. keeping then. 1u a pmsenta
a to s'hautcal enamors who •o
of 11us machinery with i. v1
Isis has:. um
lforet us that
kmpt..s1 ..pen the d,ore
• dealer. these fell off, a thin
.rnenwl with Iamt. 1 r.
•,,. alr.l . ul• rust that t
gad blow with the net *0.1111
a h•.Ie through the pdatr. slu
lthri. lir t,efevrr *as
pent woo n4 gathered up an
of this nl.a.t, ire destroyill
that we et-4lrmtly
I'Wwtus Railway freight rat,
potation "'verges would hal
the p even if e. n
Is.ught"fit., :,t Idd•mon prise..
The luihlmgs alntlg the lit
mm�ller thou.an•Is, though
fess 110.1411 10 have been l4•
hou.ee err t'oastrue•t.sl ul w
rsgxte.l 111111 nolo: tut el.,
them Lo'r'ds otherwise, they
propped up 011 I*llars of is;
w ,+rent mortar. that cyst
times t hen the building they
hi : M• line of the total a I
troy' has undoubtedly t
tome of the rata are 414ep an
•htall e'll1.• harLuk.dt.re ahigh. Kut t
dent that an immense axiom
remains t.. lee dose before e,
Parts of the canal ow
great brat an almost a
up algae, *rid in
the Isanke here wa.h.d in .
a elvetntrte.l. Nearer ('ado
on. a admitted vessels of 14
111 1:o mules inland are too 1.10
that • eanto alone could nes
the ea.trrn or swampy' stole
I•.e aussio ire of unknown
httk w.mder flat the ole
s.•trr pye,w of the
•.I l o n the Hite 01114.
A roar. -Aar radii
')neof the many curios)
meads patented 'luring the
an appar.tea for mmeurinq
impure air which may ga
within • given length of tin
,bine".voluted" from the
Prof tt'olprrt of Yuma:! .
known that air is very
Moran system *lien the o
11. the air exceeds One pal
order to test the matter
w tom the oprle thousandth 1
rea-h.sl lir. Wnlpe•rt ham
strumentlir appar�*tus con
containing a ilMatln of 1
phi halnn, from which, ev
there emerge* a reel drop 1
wt.., it is so arranged Y to '
a pr.par«I white thread •1
half 1n length Behind O.
1.•ginning nth "pare air'
Loth. at the bottom, and
"extremely had" .t tar 1
the drop oxsttians red der
hat It arts its odor by I
trhnesc .oil gas; the *col
Will that pia present
t*Mt..tle..1 Ilsaek
it &prarsthat hi Reath
May which pays a certain
etllamber of ism -weeks 1
1L_Ilatar ia se
• p
SAD yell as d foil
A 'lefts Napa bus 1
equipment el the mks
Mer fir' nsik biro heat my
Twee M itere1