HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-21, Page 8THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 111111 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Deese Used& W. Adores* deg Pg. J Piekerle ! • Maass V. Jordan $ Rebore! Opening- unser & Peeler 7 Server.' Wanted- Mn. J. T. Ambeena $ sed t.ch High robuol H. 1. 11616*. . . • e alldiuic stone for tale Jong S. lit. 0 Team for Hire Jobe S. Platt.. ...... _ ... Mood Wonted John A. (Man 1 Serine' Warned Mn. McUf11INg%h• • House Wanted Victoria -et. Melk•Mpt church ........ 1 D rees Lends Jos A. herd t Ors. . S Ontario Statete s-Irs L.wie .. _ ... 1 Tomato Menne* Pala -M. J. NW. S Man Wanted IA's ethane* t Yieneam . 1 /Prevent Wanted -Ors. t'ameres. .. . 1 Art etudes Wilmer smith .. 1 BORN. H ARVEY In Ste dime. os 10th inst.. the wife of Jas Harvey of a son WARD In Wu.gham, oa the 7th inst.. the wife of John Ward. of a daughter IKII'HLZI►KF: In Wlnnbast. a tie Nth test., the wife of Wm. lbubledee, of • son. Mt 14OSAI.ID In Wieglam. on the tab Inst.. thew de of Geo. Me'Masld, of • set.. HAINES In last IAawanoah. on the 7th in•,.. the wife of Arthur Haines. or a sun. 40010.: In Wilkie am, on the tab moat . the wife of Win. Moore. of a daughter I'IItIk In !weenier. on August 4th. the wife of George Pirie, of a daughter. HOHI:KTS In Meafonh. on the tith inst.. the wife of John v. Ruterta druggist. of a daughter. ('LARK 1n Iaodon on tbe:ai Ins:.. the wife of 'lice. W. J. Clark. of • daughter. MARRIED JF.WF:1.1. AItlee111' At the residence of Jas. Heer. I:x.•trr by the Itrt. Y. F.'Coble- no0. res -tor Train Memorial church, on the 10th nos•.. Jame'. Jewell. of Exeter. to Mem Mary A. Arusby. of London. Fang land. HF:ATO\ 110I.MKS- At St l'aud's church. on August Int.. by the Ire. W. 4'ra'g. H. It. Alexander 111. Heaton. of Whitechurch, in Mir Khstheth Holmes. elites' daughter of Mrs. M. Tay Io:. of Clinton. DIED e rn tosice et the residence of her son IT. A. Jutnsou,. Toronto. on Tuesday. Aug. 14, Margaret. relict of the late Thomas John son. to, merlf treasurer of Ashtead. aged Kt years. MACIHlVAl.t1 In $taulry. on the rah Inst„ Jane Munro. relict of the late Uona:d Mae. AowJA. ag..1 a: yearn. 11/1.K - At Lumley. un the 744. inst.. Margaret Ethel Jane. daughter of Robert t o eeaged 1 year and • mom h*. W'iLSoN la Exeter North. oa the 12th tart„ Minnie Lew;s, daughter of thae. and Mug gie 3t'iloom, arced 2 years and 11 months. HoH1,111.I% IA Stephen, on the :4th ult., Francis Hahltrm. aged 5•t years. 1 month sad Yet .1a. s. BELL In riea(orlh. on A.ign.' Ilry. Jaunt..( Gell sun of Joseph Iw•ll. aged 214 years. 10 n1ont es and le days. 9(101.1:- 1n I4el .mun,. on the IW1, in.?.. Fred. rick (knie. on!). .,n of lt'ni. II. emote. formerly of oearor'l., aged years and II months. (telexes In gray, on Aug. 4,h, Ibnald !too. aged Yt years and month, MA(lUll . In Ore'. on August 'oh. David Maguire. aged 1. year., 2 naion.'4... and 10 days. 111 1:I.EY In 1 u,nlerr,. nn Aug. 7, Sarith Ann Hurley, aged 74 years, 210o10h, and .f days. M. 1'011)'14'I: 1n t'u'tu... on 4 h ell natant, sand. P1.1-ornurk, relict of Ow late An- drew Met 'ern.telt aged NO years. I11:4444Y In Tacker suer b, o:. the 2nd test Mary Ellen. wife of Jams H•'rry, &ge.1 2:4 years and 2 days. ('ftA.S%VI I.LF.It At Ihl:0th. Minnesota. on 11e• 1.? Imo . Is.lel• the infant daughter of 31r. and Mrs Frank 4'res.weeer. ff. IH,t I:AI.I. 11. Morris. oo Any. 10th. tone lope Meliougall. let.- student M t:oterich 1111(4. School. aced '_. pests. month, and 7 dry.. ETHEL. (rw,.t oi'it n0.. •ot111,1,i.tieuo J F311 wheat is turning out 149,411. 25 to 30 bushels per acre in this vicinity, sines' re opeineI of \touday with a fair atrnd.uue for t{u. s.•..«,n of the year. Mo.. leloeI.e Sherl.s•k returned from her tt.,t t.. Arthur last woe.:. She was *Coon panted by Mr. F;v.eus, who spent a few days et the parsonage A piddle entertainment i?II4*e given lv the Son, of Temperate 1m Tue,ol y. Sept. 1st, et ohl.ln the grand worthy Iatrnarch i5 eslrctea todelivet an address. A Me•leuu•s Institute h,o' I*•ei organte- e1 in the. village„and the follow mg officers hate beenel....•el fres., I tr. fate : rice - pr.... 4.4. Iblu,4, : see., T. P. Simpson trees , H. F. McAllister : librarian..1.• Hof • l,w'ay ' .hn't•ton - L. Eeknmer. .1. Hollis way, W'. (Mateo .1. Color, u' Stubbs, 11. Milne, 11'. Spruce, 1V. Milne. t:. I n.lsy . _ DUNOAANNON. (Moss 'wk..' r.t41KI:V•e.Ui:.T.; A large Coasigement n! staple dry goods just opened out. at rock Niemen pr? -ea. at K. H. Olio 3 %N?.s. ihnonnon. 21 It Her? 'Treleaven tr spending his holidays in our 5.11135p• Wail ate eh un:uu Ipa1 10041,?! w 444 num in the town hall en Saturday. Mid in•t Hugh 71,'M„th, who was for i., • time easy dl, is able t.. le about in hip 1151131 way Miss .'tnnie Mc Math, aha lied been for living it %el egan. is now under the p 'ental roof. Kes It .I.'i'rel.•asgrii, of et. 'Thome*,4 Mr., with hos family is %tailing hie parmite, Mr. and Mrs. R. Treleaven, of this village. The weal lir, ..Menne. to las very favor able 6.r lart..sting and farmer. are takthe due *.Isntag.• of 1t. Sprang come an. ex• crlleImt , For. n ,\ pocket Ismek : the owner of it ran hate the same by applying to .1. 1.. Ward 41 too re.okme, ►mngann.u,• and pen tug property The mart of ale. M,Ntof,t church here was ....spent at the ey.mml nervi., o. last SalI,,lI, I,y 14ev. 14 .1 Treleet en, who IS slat .me.l at St Thoma. rity 4,n Saliba, II, both inst., the remains of the late Mrs. %Vn4. H Reid, of .\ehfkld, were interna it lhmganuon eevnet•ry 1►r reamed wee aged 74 years, two nanohs and en data. A nevi slier? is I:.•mg opened up in onr pnogre.aive sMtge It is to he known in future ley- the nam" of 'terry *venue This will. nee doubt. Iea.l to others I Bing opened m the near future (he p,p?dar paid. r. .las. Klerk, is ply ing has trade t,gorotuly *nd is mita," goat change, in the appearance of a num ter of our re:mien.," whieh more or leen on- pro,e and loe•ntity or village ('has. Net in., who had been tooting ndatn•.s and former scot mentenees north and e.ut f here for some tone pot, *rn4r.f home lest week and is now enloying himself among his .4.1 time as nciati0ts. 4 Int mayor ha. pr.n'simed • civic holiday nn '1'leewl*y. the 2Sth inst. Our citizen will therefore have an opportunity to take in the moa.,-. et I:,der,h on that date. The storm 4111 be kept open on Monda}}- evosing for the s•rnmm.,datnm of the 'Nibble. J. K. Tonm, 1'.S I., officially visited nee wheel on Tteeday. It was the se•ee d day term nom meat! tM bed, esti' • F,i+l dimerlies = .ever Iry the imprinter e, prwud WNW highly please) with the ap premed» sal the pupils and the slate of the HURON BAYFIELD. (1111011 tar* ow. tx lRRinto. na.e.I Mir K Erwin left on T.enisy for Point Edward. Mir Howell, .4 Itrantfunf, s the Kurt of Mtn KtutIege. Our ac hoot has beim improved by the put- ting in of • new heard catling. The Misses .ilteppard, of Toronto, are visiting their brother, Ile. Shepper.l. 1. 4►. Stringer and Mss Stringer has re- turned from a week's stay at Luton. 4;arty Dennis, of 4'lit retro, is taking a few ledelaya herr for the intend of his health. Samuel Mulder left for the street North• weal last week to show the natives how to farm \lurdo McLeod, \taster IAekaon, Mamie and Jesnue Dickson have leen totting friends here. Mrs. Smith awl .laughter, o( Lansing, Mit h., are the gusts of the formees father, .lune 374 Matto. fir \I.Nattghton, of Mussel*, and Jin. Uullotts, of Colorado, have been visiting Mrs. James ('trete. )lir 1.. Martin lea returned) front r pleas- ant vacation at Totsmto awl has resumed teaching •t the Front nail school. On Sunday late a number of bicyclists (nen Testate, Hamilton and London passel through hen' on their way to 4:tele- rirh. Edith Kohs n. of Clinton, awl Jenny Stanlury , of 1k:troll, have been having a plerelut time visiting luta and Ftosaie htanhuryy. on Monay evening last Kr•igadi,r Phil ;met and F:t1fgo Magee gate • very inter eating farewell interne; in the town hall. There was a very good attewle ner. ,lames Catling and eat.. Al lea Agnes 1.. set , .lent•,. I'.4405 .toll vinic, Mines \lay and Ethel Ewes and Mlaster Huron Etter,, of Houston, returned home this week after I. plaosut hohdey at the Queen's. It,'tent arrival. at the 4,tueen', are H.offmau, Masters Nominee and Charlie Holtman, Mn. Iridaw, Mise AI. F:. Mc- Iw•au. '.•aforth ; Moe \lay Thoniren, King et on : floss 4 'arric Hoffman. Stratford. rhe following are gusts at the River hotel. 11r. and Mtn. Holtby, Mllebell: 7Ir. an.1 \Ins. C. .1. Mki:regor. Stratford: I tr. Towle, lhihlin: Min. `IcAlert-hie anti the Meese. Fair. ('Linton : Mrs. and the Mmime %Valium, Strut total. least arrivals at the Commercial are Sirs. M,'Ih,nald, Edgar and Harry Melkm' a1.I, 1/et net : 11r. leant* awl mm. Fast 'aginaw : Ed. Sulk% on, Ih•troit ; .1}lw'arl wife and femil.. I.oMdon : Mr. %\ 44.u,n, 1M. ,\teltetuw, Seaforth. Nies. Iia.1. and two children, F. Davis, Mete 101'. 1., Mlitcht•il ; Miss Mcb'herson, Miss Helen \Iel'heree.n, Mlias 4;inn Mcl'her- s..n, Mltee Lama Fisher, 711.. Etter Fisher, Sint ford ; Miss MleWhinuey and Mlss Moore, of London, have returned home After spending .t pleaasut v•t•,.tion hare. They ware at the River hotel. %Vatter (faker, our popular head muster, ie. arranging to have a grand union s. tool pudic. The o.'h..4. of Stanley and 4:olc rich townships will Ise nut itel and a braes Land engage.' and lorolably a concert in the town hall at night arranged). The .ate has not yet leen fixed. Intl will likely is• There day. August 27. The igniters ;should all juin and late a gooii time. RIPLEY.i [rhea Ol'R use. t-.RRCIre11N?ENT.] Ninth 1ht•isi'w Court will be held here un the 26th inst. Mfr. and Mn. H. Mlerpa►u, of Kincardine, ,undarnl at the Farmers' hotel. Our chief -of pplite, F. "h.nno,. and T. Moore paid a y1.tt to the comity teem on Mon.lay last. .Blies 7laggie Marten returned front a Lengthy visit to southatnpt'w, accompanied by Mre..1. \)•Gregor, of that town. Kenneth Fiieays.,n was heard going out the ta,Iway track the other night singtng, "Sha i. a hlackentither'adaughter," etc. F:1i4ha 7I-loxuald went to Kiicudine Friday last for his watch. We are lead to believe that there an. more watches for Lash in t hat loan than silyerc,tse.1 Dues. Thr A. (I. F. annual sermon was preached un the Methodist church last Sunday by Het.. .1. 4 4'ook. Ivelrt l nterpriie, along with oistone{ brethren from Kincardine and their sister 4 ours of the C. (h. F., Ripley, filled the church so there was not much room for outsiders. EAST WAWANOSH. jroew or ow. d..RK►SP,14 DENT.) Bennett spent Sunday on the Sixth. .lame.. 14a. k, of W Ingham, ep•nt Suolay on the "1%th. R Taylor was visiting at his father's,n.•ar St. H, lens, on Sunday last. 1'. Taylor, of West W'awanosh, spent Sunday 514111ng on the Sixth. R. IL 1%ultes, of 4.o4erieh, was visiting tauter the pargrital roof last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Armour. .4 \Vingham, .lent S relay visiting friends on the Fourth. .1. Sta er and wife, who have been visit- ing on th Sixth for the past week, have re. turned lis Mien I.ily Wightuian, formerly of, this pis., lint no et 4 Hinters, is renewing 0111 ar,ueintenxes 1(t this vicinity. The school teachers have returnel,looking hale and hearty Mid with renewed vigor to contend with their fature :reds. Flax pulling an.l'4olidays are over Anil new the tittle boys ipol girls aecompanle.l by their twitch i.akeSi can daily be ewers wendu,g their way .41 .,hoot. ZURIC [most OUR OWN eat The l.ntheren parrwutge plated. Enrolls from Kangas are vial at IL 4' 1 Mon Mrs. Ibdu is entertaining fr01 .ls trete Kansas. 1'. S. A. .4 .3. %1'illams and ('no have addition to their mill. Unite a number from the vilgge alt, ,k,I the S. 0. E. e1CIrsioxm to Sarnia. H. Ihttrart 44 . haw given het new h0:41. • t•nat of paint Quite an te?pirnrenient Master Blamer Hanly,of onr puhhr te•Imonl, was tome *afnl at the recent pwnnmt,.wl ex amines mit Mir Hatch, teacher sof the 3r1 div luxe 4 the pmhlie when' here, has returm.l from visiting her parents in (iowaastown. Verus* ! Corsa f ('eim 1 limeevs,ed se last - o resasdy Mat *..w ; safe, and painter (Sdmsn's faster Porn Ettrsctr never fads, never causes pain, nor even the slightest dennenf0rt Key l'utman's (.,rn Extractor, and beware of the h). t►:ye. ) &I1nt.t tveni• ilt an p, I vet's. Is teas see clean: aim a wianY eheap, aangernus, and flesh eating irrel towns on substitutes is the nark•t. See that it e i emntn.akn. wateans00. !t I is made by Polson & Co., Kingston. COUNTY LEEBUHN. (mots 01.711, 0.114 o'tranknroll DINT. ) E. Bess, of l'arluw, was the guest 4 her omen, I:rate Lintiebl, last week. Fanners started ridging up their Sum mar fellows for sowing this week. .lames McManus, jr , awl serval others about here took in the excursion tothe Falls oat Saturday last. Ni.. Sarah Foley has guoe t, Ionise to resile for a time. She will Ir a do missed here, as she was a genre' fasurite in our social circle. The gospel temperance meeting Sunday evening saw a gua.l attendant... D. Cum- ming was chairman and F. Blair, of Gode- rich, gave an &starves. Thr singing comslst- ed of anlili•r hymns. On Wsudsy erasing, the 23rd ivat.,J. E. Tom, School Inspector of West Huron, will address the itierttng. l'It•w ei N,rres. On Sunday 1'. Young, student of Queen's College, at present en- joying his holidays wader the parental roof •t Carlow, will preach here, and on the omit ing Suu.lay lar. .1. A. Anderson, our for mer pastor, will hold the ..Inmumrw ser- vice. The usual preparatory service on Fri - .lay previous at 11 1..e. Mil Keilly will preach in (.olerich forNtev.Mr. An,1p114nua on c..wmuuion Suwl.y. At the meeting • 4 the la.lies last week to compare progress on the results qt grttug names for the .luilt they are making they reported over ti70 already paid in for names, and they als., nett m014111 will hold a telt meeting, the proceeds of which, aide) by the quilt, w 111 early pay off the church debt in full. PORT ALBERT. (rail Ore owe rostee4PO14Dg11T. J Thr.. Lee returned to Owen Sound on 710n.1ay'. Muss Ellen L e'returned to New York on Monday. Miss Carrie Noble left for 1:rand Rapists, on Tuesday. Misr Tout, of Kincardine, is visiting her cousin, Miss Nellie Hawkins. Miss L Itrvden, of (linens'. is the gust of her aunt, 5.1n, A. C. Hawkins. School :Idles hire been again remained with an attendance of about 60 pupils Mn. T. .toy returned t.. her hone in Nashville, Tenn., on %%olt.estay of last week. T. K. Hawkins, NI. li., and Wm. and Henry hate all left for their respective homes. A. 4'. Hawkins mourns the loss of a four year-old colt, found deal in the pasture one day last week. Mr. and Mtn. Mlainprise .d W-mgham,wer.• the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mire. 4.. I)owi.u, I•st work-. Mn. 4.. !furrows is ill at her brother's, A. Smile's, faring tome there on a vitt, about twp weeks ago. She is. however, slightly improving. IT Srrs,. Hook Of the four pupils fr our school who wrote for entr nee at the recent exam. hell i, (:cderich, only moo Nue) l:arduu'r suce este, in taking the rnfuired member of marks in each subject. The remaining three pupils,"'/., Aliases Lily Stevens.m. Kat ie l Omplit'll and Aluy Steven s.n4,wen• unfortunate enough to fail slightly on the grammar paper. Now it semis hardly a generous act to put two of thus'• pupil, to one year more of study on account • of :t slight failure in 4 rather difficult grammar aper. 1)4 othe hoard of common. kmra• new what e4 just atilt nolo and not. The following are the total number of marks ebtaint.i by ,•,,ash pupil: Nina 4:ardincr.447 Katie ('te mpl:II. 418 : I.ily Steceme.n, 460: Mary Stevenson, 377. Nonni -pc of narks re quire) to pare, 345. 4 if the aihires in the grammar paper, Katie 4'amplell failed by 4 marks .she luta since leen rel.ommeudel, Mary Stevenson 10 marks, Lily Stevenson 9 marks. HOLMESVILLE. [mon et•K use14 l•nRKEsel UGNT. ) Mess Aland liakrr,front Alrtrh.dl,is spen.f- ins, a few day's Among friends here. Alias Yautasurl, trtwu Clinton, .,us akin v1itng here. 1'. Mun'h. who las been absent sererat day. in New York .'tate, returned on Tum.. - day last. He says the crops of lay 1n ..en. teal N. 1'. are excellent this year. .1: L. i't.urtice )tad on exhibition a imita- te vine which measured exactly ten feet. This is certainly an excessive growth dur- ing uning such a remarkably dry season. 11'e regret to learn that a end accident -carred here a few .lay. a,o which has east a gloom over the . ommunity %Vhile 7'h... Heins was repairing his line fence after the resent tont! storm, one of hs colts cane up to hint anal in .emu• u1macxouotal e manner wheeled round and kicked hum in the abdomen. At first he considered he was not much hurt, but he speedily grew weree and wax taken to the honer, where he died 00 the following day. Ibep sympathy is fell for the I.•rayerl faintly. 7lte body wan interred in the 4-'alerieh cemetery. ST. AUOUSTINE. (mow ?wit nen 14 "ORkE'I1r4I,4.T. ) Elaborate preparat,ens are being made for a grand picnic which et to be given by the teal'•, of the St. Augustine ('acholic chun•h on Thursa , Se•ptemler 17th. The plcntc will le held at Inland drove, near here, and no liner place for an occasion of this kind can be hal then the grounds which have leen .elected. The managing .o.mmittee is arranging in every possible way for the enjoyment of thew who attend. Sp -eaten will le delivered by M. C. ('aro. eron, M:1'. 1 J. T. (arrow, M. 14'. ; 1'. Kelly, Itlyth: MI. ('orngan, Holyron.i : 1). 74tc4,illicuddy, 4:olerkh, awl others. Music well l.• furnish.' by a first car stung land. .1 beautiful alarm clock and other artiehe will Ie raffled and r magnificent gold watch *ill be presented to the most p polar young la.ly of the t'oegregatiwt. The prn•e of ulrnmrion and dinner will he 25 ,v'nt. .411 are cordially invite.) to comity awl enjoy the day._ _ CEDAR OROVE. 11}nW Ot•k ow* emsnRan,. IRvT. ) Scott paid • visit to this place on Sunday. .I E. Fells and Al' Kennett peered through this plans On Sunday A large number from the tlrinity at- tended church at Westfield own Suuntlay There is now • .nail nail between Bel owlg *' a owl Silver 4 reek. Why not have one to Cedar 4low. also The young people's meeting no Su may mewing wows a greed swoons and they settled many ween ammo to the roll The Rist W'awantah enrnipowwleel of The Wisgim . Advance wee very irate /'f tAr mark wise lee rid The fear (.rove oorres. pnmeieet was in Myth last week, for the latter hail not been within five mils of Blyth for three wewka. se ftni e 41 se the het rntlnty newspaper east of the Peelle oriel. Only a1 a vis, CORRESP WINONAN. (room ore owe Vunautarini Deni.] Jet (Lary, of Toronto, u visiting his parents in town. The Haw, -tea restaurant is having • uat eel paint this week. Frank McLaughlin s hownr (ruin Detroit visiting hie parents. Reeve McKean. was hu 4:olrrich us Wetness tact week. Chas. Higdon, of Detroit, was vesting his parents in town last week. A. 1.. Hamilton has purchaser) the drug 'store front Ile. Touter. He Gook pusasiwt last week. Mr. Hanuhusi, of Leaden, inspector of the North American Life Aeeurauce l'uulpsuy, was in town last week. \111l. Stewart left on Monday for fort temletw,where he has secured a good situ* titw,in • general store. %%'..I. lite, who has been atlen.lng the dental college in Philadelphia for emir time, na homer 011 a visit to hu parents. Kat. W. K. Treleaven, of Lucknow, preach.linthe Methodist church on Sunday In the absence of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Sel- ler). 'ropey B., owned by Macara. Heston 'true., of this pate, took tint money at the Ha er raavt can Tueseay of last week. The une•lamsa' and etuplvyeee' pir•uir whieh was held on cit 1. holiday was a grand succee, it bring 1114) patronised ley our townspeople. 14.11'. factory land furnished nook•. 374. 1'. bates was in Brockville Lest week attending the atu,url meeting of the Ontario High Court of the Independent (Inter of F,.rsters, as repruaeutatye of 4'ourt Wing hon,, No. 505. PORTER'S HILL [num O1'k 4155'. a1K1i:srs .Ul.T.) band must be rung in value around the 'Hills if one may judge from the reported prices paid ter tarns 1.. rent or buy. Mr Folwell gets somewhere al.,tlt $4,000 for the faro, hr s..4.t, a&.1 11r. Lindsay, they tell not, has rented H. Young's fano for a tens 1.4 yeah at at, annual rental of n75. i. On Sun4ay ntornIug butt Messrs McPhail came near l.ngng their colt. it was with another Matte standing near the well at the barn mei in getting out of the seal' of the horse it stepped on the pattorm of the well, which gave way beneath it, and it fell to the bottom. With the assistance of the neighbors :hey sutwxeded in getting it oyt not much the worse for its top into the earth, though once when uasr the top it slippel awl fell to the bottom a second time. l have seen one or two " puffs" as to the am.,tynt of wheat raise.( p. -r acre this year and how much threshed : but when nen come to a barn and,with a o . olnese equalled only by the cucumber, thresh out mors, 900 r 1,000 bushels .1 w'heat.frem about 740 to 3:30 and prepare to a *Ow other Ionise if that was nothing out of the ('004- (110.1,41 Moons. Hareems' did at Melh'ttgail'• the other day, 1 think then' is plenty et ex• cure for a "puff,- and I ebeuld not 4., sur prised to hear of 50 bushels to the acre ; in fagot night 1.• 60 into the way it came out of that null POPLAR ROW. trio ,u .O R tree? . oKk►:Sto. pC14T. ) The recent unl.r.ktd for death of Mut. l'enrlope Melk.lgall, of the high ached, 41e.lerich, has cast a deep gloom •n this section, as the young lady often .as, here es the guest of her aclnonli ate, Alia. Annie sallow.. her pleasing awl genual manner winning her friends herr at every turn, Mn. T. hallows and her'aughter were pro ent with her at her last n.onu•nte. Deceased name' those who wet, to, carry her to her last rest. These (run here were Robert 4:leu ane( two of her schoolmates, Roderick Young and .lame. Sallowa, BRUSSELS. [ mom "I'tt '0414 (YlkkgePONDEST.) Muss M. Farrow is visiting at Blue vale. Quite a number of our boys. Suntayel ism W wgh,ti. . Mlis. Bertha Farrow is visiting at Thaw. Farrow'. this week. Mir Jessie Austin, of Berlin, is visiting Alias \Lary Koss this week. Harry Itrunilel spent Sumlay . in town. He is now working at I'lattahurg. ".lack' Drew, of Paris, formerly of Brus- sels, spent a few days in town Isms week. The Magee Ames, after an extended visit with frien.la here, returned to their lem1e at 11..y Pity this week. Luo. Lalantyne is doing another street past now. The other boy will he jesting. Keep on the straight road, old boy. Balkuyne'a departure leaves a gap in the " big four." He will he missed from town. ile was • goat workman. M•y his friends' beet wishes attend him. A new double t4 lar horn has been pus-- chaired unchased for Brussels land. The captain is going to make Itrusasl famous for its band. His weekly concerts are doing hint great credit. He is a pusher. One of the belies of our town was seen Saturday night promenading in male at.ire. She rima.de quite a boy, but the cloths were rather small. A cigarette was man lo tweet the pearly teeth. Amusement is bound to show itself here. " Fnkw 41411." The other evening while your scribe was returning home frown the country he saw a pretty picture in the shape of a " tnoowting couple." It was ap- proaching the " wee *ma' honer" and the scene brought to memory the old sone, Be trove, my love, be true" ups my %Vont it did. At 10 A.w. Satunay:the "fire alarm ' rang nut on the still air, awf imm.h.ttely the town was hi commotion. It was aeon discovered that there tato no fire et a11. The inspector making his Hundr celled the hoys Dat to see what kind of time they kept. The boys did not pike it, hat "such is life." Bac. 1: F. 'eaten has returned frmm her vacation at Niagara 0n•thelake. He is now on Sunday evenings giving some grand) Scriptural psmhngs of aeenee in England, Scotland anti Ireland. His descriptions are very vivid and his 'runner of ezplata beautiful. Mr Swlt..n a MO& !10/ here, and the antral is. txelet111j I■A•i11R and evening AMBERLrr. [norm of R ew14 .'/tkfO,Fnc DR.T.J The No held here recently was • muter, shout 180 rattle being on the ground, sail there were ten or twelve purchasers. He, 'ween thirty and forty head of nettle channel hada at fair previa Nature is )Air 'iar1V part M !fit atlatit11 IOW W that nor oink were nog as ht as they ahonld tore been The next fair will he hell axe the *e.xnl Thursday in Sept., when it n expected that • larger amasher of cattle will be of the ground amid that they will he i. Rot class c tnlitios. Ruyers are invited. T1se fair will he hetet w... -alt a ►•ws•e ,ll_• ONDENCE DUNLOP. (rain ova ow. Ouamtnrar14DSIIT. lite. John Gardner, of Porter's HIll, visited here Mcuday of last week. Maggie end 4:race Allen ate visiting relatives twat about Exeter this week. Mir Flew.. of 41oderieh township, is vesting her cousins, the Misses McAllie ter. John Lawson lett awl Monday of this week on a week's vent w relettvs Maar Wyunu,g. Mir K. F. Maclkuald, of Detroit, is visiting her parents here and relative at 5heppanitan. Mar A. t'un ng enjoyed a please&t vont of some days in Saltford, bung the gavot of her cousin, a fir M. Fritelsy. Miss Louisa lbegherty, 4 Sheppertiton, end sister, ion. Joo{hn to*. of IMAM*, were the gwata of Mrs. Role Quaid last week. Scholl re -opined here on Monday morn- ing last. he teacher, Mir Halls, enjoyed ner holidays near Exeter, and returned hen on Satunl•y to resume her duties. BRUCEFIELD. [rwow OUR 0.4'14 tosaal.eo314g14T.) R. Beattie, of Seafonh, was in town %Veil- .ew4y. Thr Max -pullers are strongly engaged i n this vicinity at present. Mir N. Shaw, 1Vingham, u the gust of Mos 4:. Meths at ireeent, ,las. McDonald, teacher, left for l'ivertoi Satunay w resume his duties. Mrs. Wm. 4►'Neil and family, of I'lineel, were *listing in town the past week. Mn. K. .Allen and Mir :Allen, of (:edr- rich, were visiting at C. Maw.n's this week. Rodot. \Ie('artney and .las. i ellas left Tuesday for a slx weeks' trop in the North- west. 31'm. liattenhury sold a tine filly to S, NIsKettyr,wh t look a Larkin.' to the North wtat .w Monday. WIn. got a large tigu re. Als,4,1 30 bicyclists from London pawded through here Sunday on their way t.. 4;,.I ench via Hayfield. They ,male quite an ,nip sing array. CORAL WREATH. (anon outs ew. d'eKKY.a..♦U►:.T.J 11.•verley Mlurray, of mIeuee, is visitwg friends 1u tot. ylclnrty'. Mine Lena Sutherland, of Detroit, is once ni.re under the parental roof. Mt" Maggie West, of KinWl, 13 the Vmeet of Mrs. Downey her aunt, to ('lover alley. Peter Murray, of Coral Wreath, loft for Scotland Lot Fraley. We wish him a pleas- ant and a safe voyage. Robert Murray, formerly of Lucktsow, now of (h'tntit, arrived tan I.ucknow last %VisIn.•sday .m the noon train with his iri.lr, on his bridal tour. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Murray a very plewtant journey through lift'. 11'c believe that .leve James wee making quite a noise the other evening along the suburbs of our city, in shouting off that o1,1 Oulu of his end )dowing that ell bat•horn. Say, It hat was the natter, Jere -somebody deal or dying ` No,hui just .'nmel.ely get Ung married and 1 watts 1 to show them that i was 011 earth yet. that was all. in .log. 13th a crow.) .4 young men ttath.•r.*t at John ltri.l's for the purpose of .raising another bent to his barn. After some little chit: two aptains were chosen. in the parsons of .lams Alurchwan and l'eter McNay. After the sneu were all calle.l they started and got the bent to- gether in short enter, and 6a11 it in Oa pro- per place. Murchuwu sueoe.Iing to defeat- ing his opponent by some thirty minute,. After the awnpletion of the building the boys assembled themselves together for a good old-time gyne of football. After the appenting of the captains and the claming the melt the tall was started. Captain Willie Murray succeeded in defeating hs opponent. Mr. McMillan, by so many stsalght gams, whi0b pretty nigh wound to. the day anti evemi.g'a sajoyment. OBITUARY. Mlle. otos .+.... A well-known anti highly ceterumel rst- dent of Ashfield diel in Toronto sante lay last in the person of Mtn. Margaret .loon• son, in her 83o! year. Her strath took place at the residence of her son, Thomas A., who has live) in Toronto for the past nine years. Deceased was the widow of the late Th.. Johnson, formerly township treasurer of Ashfield, and was emengst the earliest settlers of the township, having ie. come a resident of it some fifty-five ))'ears ago. The body was brought t., Otelerich for interment, and was aid betide that of her husband on W'ehuerlay last. The fun. eral was attended by. a number of the old resi.lenta et the township who had known decease.' during the o1.1 pioneer days and the years that hare intervened. i'1. ►:IAII'r. "Whom the Gods love die young" wergild of ore. And many deaths do they escape by this: The death of friends. and that which slays even m.wre. The death of friendship. love. youth - -all llama its. Except mere breath. n y non. It is with much regret that we are called upon to record the 'teeth of Miss Penelope AI.'I11 moll, an eetimahle and amiable young lady, well known in the musty, particu- larly Among the teachers amt students. She spent her childhood and receival her early education in the vicinity of Brussels. In due time she attended the Seaforth High School, where at the Mid*ummer examiw- tion 4 1886 she obtained • 3rd -clan certific- ate. (luring the Autumn of the same year she attended the Gowlerich model who'd and being .n eeselnl there she secure' the posi- tion of eamietant teacher in Walton public school, where she remained three years teaching and directing the little ones so kind- ly that her lame will long be remembered by t hent In the beginning of 1890 she began her atudis at Gorier -Bch lfigh School, where she always took a prominent part In matters pertaining to the welfare of the echoed and student.. IN her cheerful, unassuming and exemplary manner among herr fellnw- stud eta and teachers we cannot speak ton highly. Religiously she wee a member of the Presbyterian church, and was a neat willing and devoted worker in anything whieh wm.ld help the furtherance of grwwwl and suppression of evil. She hal returned to her honor from 4:nderi/'h for her hnlndays, and on Wednesday, Auras 5th, ehe went to 'tot friends at David Moore's, one 8, Morris where she took suddenly and erbisky IIi, and wee infit+l to tint nllrts.s early on the following Monday morning. Her sickness though abort was very severe, and it was all borne with that (lientisn cheerfwlriem which oberneterised her life. The funeral on Wedlassiar afternoon wee very large, and the bliallana shown and THE MARK ETs, BREADSTUFF'S AND PROVISIONg. •edertek Prises, Altana 101 NIL hall Wheat, y••....... . 31.5, Wisest ........., •••• •• IIleoa le eft* ft lflaar 1 N y S • I0* SOIL ▪ Whine14111 • i•11......, M M WS I beat Mi tia • ►ash ...... O O to a 1111.... .•bush«1111.. Cameo vat tea Mims • 111 •hush 1bush 4: i r r • resh eaprcke4. • doe. , u te t !S 1!4111 s sr 4401! OMS ( o e0tot A >e 4 e 11 •4t• Mta$>1 Lombok Deemed eon war Anatolti to o 111, 4448. • too el MI to S. 0Itto0• 010400 O e. lis 0is W to is 11 Wool0 4: to 0 e , per 140 Hoes 4 * Hay, per too 100s to04 1 Iq Lang,, per dos 0 St to a • to 13 Fork . Der lb 0 11 to o If S M to Wood. per cord 1SOto1 ,S Flour, per Welk What, Pali Spring 1oas . Harley tints Potatoes envie) 4ous/rwl 4'*1tar 44ark.4. The receipts of lire stook at the yards of tke Montreal Mock Yards ('ompaar. Point et, Charles. for the week ending Aug. 13 were: - r ltereipts of live stock at the s Montreal Stock Yards. PR. ' At. Charles, for the week el* 917.1.07 >0 Len over from previous - week 10 40I Total for week ?.4110 n3711.077103 On hand 171) OM The receipts were heavy. but the demand was light for export tattle. au. trade g -n - orally is dull In this class. The buteuer,' mar- ket was well supplied but pricer of last tore► were not maintsinel,owlee to the 'erne sup Of of inferior stock. There any little inquiry for sheep. F'or hogs, with increased receipts, prices weakened though they were well main Ward until the close of the week. We quote the following as being fair values: tattle. report ... ... tic to 11c Cattle. butchers' good. tic to lie •. .. medium...... 3jc to k •.SheeDD .. nulla fit' to Lambs 34e to 3ie .. _.00 to M Hogs ... _ . .. t3 M to Li 71 Caie.e ... 1113.P. to teem r L F p *ousters! Ow Starke.. wgwT 4141. ttawltET. The receipts of hones ria (P. T. It. for the weak ending Aug. 13, ISH, were 31 t left over trot,, previous week, e; total for week. Nei: shipped during week, p; left for city. 11 : s batty, 1. The arrivals of thoroughbred and other Imposed stack at these stable* for the week 'anal slopped per timed Trunk Hallway were . -ON 'iy, Peruvian. 12 horses ...mamma to ('. Lemma, of Chicago. 111.: ex ye. Tomato. 2 honmemeasimpad t, 11. Itlanehare, of bur: metes Vt.. rherss cowigned to t', J. !soughs. testimony of the genuine respect in which the deceased vela held. As we consumed her mortal remains to the silent tomb we felt that a true friend had gone on before and our thoughts were much impresse.1 ly the evidences she h.ad shown of a hope and trot in rnt•rteuung the joys Id • happy hereafter, and we could say Nth Long• fellow . " It were a deuble grief, if the departed. Heins released from earth. should still retain A sense of earthly pain. It were a double grief. if the true -hearted Who bred us here should on the farther shore 14member us nu more.- (-'('54. 1.3 Ritl.l 41 .. 41):►:.. There Mel at the residence.. of her .0x0144 4*.. ,"anal Morris,l'olL,rnr,nnTuesfa •,.lug. lith. 1891, at the advanced age of 95 years and 9 months, Isabela, relict of the late 1udrev Crean. I)e came.) was iorn en Perthshire, Scotland, and with her husband and family emigrated to the counts fifty• eight years ago, settling in the township of 4 011wtrnr•, where she underwent all the pr4va: hors and hardships incident to pioneer life. About aereu years ago her hustand died and sin..• t hat t imr she has resided with her eldest daughteF, Mrs. Morns, by whom Ate was tenderly tercel for. Although of s, gest an age she retained all her fecmlties quite well until within about a month of her .lath. She was a woltan of t piety and diel m the sure and Ideasel hops of a final resurrection. During her last illnes she would frequently tell those who were-- waiting erewaiting ton her that she longed to leave thu wort.) end go and he with Jesus. She had tune children, six of whom survive her -- %Vtenon 4:men, (asselton, I4knta ; .Alex* der I:reen,Port Ibthon,ie, and Peter (.rtrn. Sheppardton ; with Mee. Morris, Colborne ; Mrs. Anderson, Brantford, and hire .lohn- ston, St. Thomas. Besides her children she leaves forty -even grardichildren and eighty -- tone great-grandchildren. Thr funeral took place on Thursday, the 13th inst., and was largely attended, the pallbearers being Messes John Mnrria, Adam Armand, .lames 1►ustn*, Itichar,l Morrow, John Buchanan and oenege Memoirs. Mrs. 1:reen was a anter of the late (*eptain horrid Hay,whs was captain of the "Men,wtung," the first boat that was built in (ioderich. ..A14rr tower. w'Ieteel.D. The large concourse of carriages and coove}•an..ee that pained through town mu Friday afternoon last to the maw tory, conveyed to "the city 4 the dead" the rennin• of an 01d and respected resident of the township of Stanley, Mae. Donald Mc Donald, who died at her residents ren the London road early last Thursday nnorning. where she hal raided over half • century. Mrs. Melkmald's maiden name was Janet Munro, anti she came with a number of brothers and sister to the Mill read to Tnckcrwtnith, in the early thirties, free Thurso, in the north of Scotland. A few years after arriving in Caned* she marred the ate Metal,' McDonald, and went (et re side at her late residence, where she had the pleasure of geeing her family 0f two sons and one daughter grow up around her, and what was then an almost dinar forst rons•erted into beautiful Setae and greet woad -Iowa Mn. ?Adenoid had • number of friends in this town, and until the past year or sit wen in the habit of visiting them. In her own vicinity she was helloes(' for her kitdnem• and got -einem of heart. Petit is- Remittal wRemitis overtook her she was a earlier attendant at the Presbyterian church of the town, of which she was one of the first membra during ohm last few noodle the Rev. Mr. Stewart visited bar often, 511.1 ■t the funeral service he said that her poor was mesh but strong. Of her it could he said Ai her lilt time "elm stretched root hen hand to the poor ; yea, obs ns1th forth Ise11 ba.ti e the eami Mee. Wawa. of the Lamina real, M her• dasg3t.r, and W i). Met/meld, Comity evert clmk. IlwfWed'h, one of her em s.-taiktmm New Ree. Advisee Oen re ennele gists slat UwM Ri.trr tr'iBE"» j - man• ahead mf edam, Ode r ~' vo YOU Via T" UST Twa age C T in 1 KWSPAPRR Ix Tug Mt IW'ltlmat tr No, OLT "THE GODERICH, ON' SIGMA mss. ••L11* A li is eyesores - VOL. XLIII. M THE SOF THEM A Den of Evil that Rooted 0 WINKED AT BY THE ,I li.a. '• M•ewait • sy airs. teems sod • .siaii• st IM Ben KM gsadios mare Orrrlel 44.4..? Law and •rd pawner t 4 lerlral • .11e r' t he ,toddle of Me deemed w,x4*n about thlr .rYf 114 stn -,Wine t0 I;udei by' younger worman and I the lambing Metes. She inti. shoo, she of one In ha,d heard 4:clench well summer rent, and that r intended iso take up reside 4.101 weather. She NW tow .Hamilton Mia from Htgntltow. 4)n the reeve: stn' hire,! • buggy tarry stable and she and 1 &rowel the town, taking I err w hal available house ane on the outakirta The woman tirade no p moots in ,:•,ierlch,but .e ou 40'&llty from some soul long in ,its •orerlmg that t • near the old Internist percha«•.l let year by It. Pr purpose. If that hot side, thea there wan a am prntu.t;mity to rt,which i ISM Th'Iinuwl, now a Ilei The homer and lot had be \nes! eke the teamster, I West eke. .ugh he ha. •as not tw in the how ruth.•t.,p*rt 4f the town. It dein t take Mus Hai oat the lay of the land, • seised her "sister" dor Ilio. where Mr. Fulford mint%..rol to lease his story :hut she and her "r t.kne'ed the *minter in heard ..f it 'as • heal I.eee;ht out again. The was at the station, *o. 15(141..1 would just suit "lie many of you art ford. •'4116 lust &tater and 1 , pay '•You'.) he lewd of Ion. just two of you.' remarl "1th,d.'kr, oro said 74 you know it u so much that part of the town," ,l lama- sized Mous' this stage of the eonvrn ford, mei he gave the L to un.krstaml that it ton repair the hotter sit that nor vtzit.tes of any pret dein hare the key on I 14.',el theism's, was lox of the.way spot for teno from the city. Mia Hematite) di. hot.. The next call was :tie eke, and the Summer wnrk0l upon hint in garden would not be Weeetiake would have t in,/ tenants in the how trees, the crop of wbicl long to him, et cetera, .ln.i Westlake bit al mei leased) the house fa to a renewal at the exp if ./4r.'hihald Thome owner,was satisfied. That evening telgl544 hold welds 4 Mrs "sister" from the atati that a few well-known dropped in after dark housewarming. not ren tion. but as a guarant. Miss Hamilton. who I them to cast in her lot .1nd in this manner hanging of the crane - loom on the South F When John Weal rhsnicter of the Swint leketude hr was in a novelists say. Hs r not having been able story of Mims Hamilt at 'xnoe endeavored U elf between him std I .11 in raw ; a bargai 'wet months' rent ha removal before the wonad he oat of the wee not the oyster n1 'eke saw that the what to known to pr, pipe meth" an hies, of t be house was ei •Inmuaiosted with Arthur. is the roes tagis lad begun to get es monist at aha sans