HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-21, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GIODBRIOR, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1891. 1 W. ACHESON & SON. srscL L BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS THIS 31[O1‘T2:3_ o Pcs. All -Wool 24 -Inch Sere, s Is Idity, colors. clearage at It c.. worth • ic.. to repeat will coat us I. Pis. Black A 11-- Wool Foule Cloth, Now lin. good valise at Mb. 5 1'f -s. Heavy soap, All -Wool. siert/ sow Amazon Cloth Three Dozen Cashmere Shawls, In o+rdisale. cream. pink. navy blue, grey. pale Woe. were a]Y.; ., to clear now IBA each. s:uuplexe of g000le Sett uu applielttiooc hitrly in.p ctiou in%iGrd. W. ACHESON & SON. FEAR'S STICKY FLY PAPER, Catch'emaliveandhold'emfast Ali sy Mewl and only 5e. a sheet. RUBBER RINGS FOR GEMS AI BO CORKS ALL 8IZE8_ Open Sundays for Dispensing and Medicines only. THE I'HAR11A1'Y. GEO. A. FEAR 9 Druggist, RHYNAS' Ohl Stand ODDS AND ENDS. slued • Ltnitasrat ter Sale every wMre. The tree is known by its fruit, but )ou ,..0 tell a whtIte•tree that way. Bing hamton Leader. -- Frr.•tnan's Norm Puwrkn destroy and ream, r ..r11.S without injury to adult or infant --- liter the lorry mason comes the green• ,pf.l. eisson, which brings us again to bury E!ntir* IPanetta. R,- uatr the liver and bowels by the ni.it.:mi. use of Natio••a1 Pills. they are purl . eyetable. -- - \ young man enmettatos speaks of his tinwn.•ri when really he hasn't a **ogle one thou.. l.alvestnn News, \1i11wrn s Aromatic- Quinine 11- me is di. 1.11.1:) superior to any other ea an appetis• :n, '.gut and fortifier. Mans love for his sweetheart is often near') too thirds jealousy of some other I, ,a Milwaukee .Journal. water nm over it. repeat this four or tine minutes and your face will look like a boiled lobster. Then take a dish ..f «01.1 water, `wipe youreelf dry, he down for fifteen min- i otos and you will feel like a new nidi or I woman. Moreover this is for the ladies it's the hest thing an the world to give you:, good. clear complexion. Sletber. nod Nurse.. Ml who have the care of children should know that lir. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry may he confidently depended cia to mire all Summer ctnpbunts, dysentery, troops, .oleo cholera um, cholera morbus, tanker. etc., in .:hildien or adults. - - -- swt.I.t.�IDMIea. Inks That fellow'\Vmkers is trying t.. get into the Four Hundral, isn't het- Rinks e`Rinks I dont know. 1Vhy do you think so` .links --He hat given up i.rwneas, asst has hrgun living on his wife's money. New ork Weekly. - Nesnb 1■ Mertes. Health giving hcrbs•i.arks. ronta.aod ber- nelarr carefully ., mined iultun{ockKboxd -- Kitters.which regulate the secretrona,purify 11 hen a child hue choler* in phantoa.o ' the 1,1...1 and renovate and strengthen the 'urn la but a (houi of a ehan.•e that it nary entire system. Price, ll a bottle, b for $5. h.<•. New th'.,ans Picayune. ( Lear than 1 vent a dope. A. a hoalrngg, soothing application Inc Yareetagrlaewl. w..inds }ruisea and sores. there r .osier -Then nothing better than Victoria l'arbolicl3alre. your consent to pay iiia addresses to your H. ndT .nx• 1s v handsome rides. A five- daughter .\h. sir. if 1 only thought 1 could aim: her allea-Uuiv ' cert fan will give •a gaxt a breeze as one 1 Lager Father Why not, my dear sir all gold and feathers. Boston Transcript. *hy nos ' Plenty of „hen hate suc- cerde.l A fore far fsasilpat/N and Neadnrre. Ile. Silas Lone, while 1n the Rocky Moun- tains. discolored a rout that when cvmtbin• lien the relations between two persons ed with other herbs. makes an easy and o .Aavtots Mills , sir, 1 hilae Helen a man feels that his poxes aced opeuuig he will tied a little sage tea to Ir a w tae decoction. - Binghamton Lead• .r. t theles not always eerie", cure far oomattp•tion. It u in the Ik1BI LAIK The .to combination iota barn broken by the action of one of the leading Brtns, the E. k l'• Gurney l;o'y, it. refusing t o he controlled by the other manufacturers any longer. They insist upon giving the every larlvautajre, noel avail• plasma with their liotlerieli agent. ALECK SAUNDERS, AFtI.LLINE 01/ Their Best Stoves, With in1•truc tion• to give the people in (lois vit-inity the lx•et bsit'KuiIo they have roar hmul, awl guarantee F.11Slowal'etteci Bak al , There i+ no space in this paper to illustrate all the line,:. but ,ou are in- vited b, call and aro taunt at his store, West Street. 1 A M i*t-LE AGENT FOK E. & C. GURNEY Coy's. 1,1 1.1. LINE OF WEST STREET, DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST MALI IN CANADA. sMna ssasww . 55)ea watt. 1 \ Ya.s u.l ..r. \ l ,M nark M .a. Wa4., .rr we ...a. v era. am w.... ,�v185. w r.a.. so.. K.. sa.N5 r W...11•'Nn 1...r pat, .1 � 11 7•• ., ,' --..wove 0)'.a M. ..A ail . ... pq etS 1.. __., ..raw w- .0 a,y rat. soon.+14)lall(5).. 511}Man 1 t• IN ►that 1415. 1/ua. Stoves, Furnaces and Hot Water Boilers, Anal aw now selling at u,:.ufurturen, prices. i are ',trained t 1m, nevertheless, lase h.,vr they will be settled Lowell form ..f dr2' resets and leaves, and be known I ..caner. as Lanes Family Medicine. It will cure It,h, mange and scratches of every- kind, ick •hrwLche and is the best Spring Jfedi- „n huuooi or animals. cured in 30 minutes cine. For the Moo.l, liver and kidneys, and Lv W..dfor 's Sanity Lotion. This never Inc clearing up the complexion it do,eei wowt- ry ,len. I)Tuggmta sell it at 50c. and e1 a tails Sold by F. Jordan. 90 ly k (I eow• 1 Pee "Ke. I hid you speak to me when you asked Tbr t alae K ■alder. •' '..r the Billlr Fair inquired the blond ( 'Jimmy Briggs 1 wish my big aster was waiter..No, i didn't mp u,.• replied a brother. 44 meter ain't no fun at all. m he •Huey aiden. Binghamton Itepubli- Tommy Figg .Ain't ` Wy, 1 have my lean. --- sister cryin' mrd Most every day. .Ayer s Hair Vigor restores color and via - misty to week and gray hair. Through its healing and clesasing qualities, it pre- vents the aecumulatioa of dandruff and cures *alp diseases. The best hair-dress- ine soar made, and by far the roost econo- mical. There la one benefit to be derived from a brilliant meteoric display. People don't have to beck out for the stick. Rochester Post kt`drew. Force of Habit.-Blaeking girl- Yes, Ihtk, m heart is is your keeping. bong �fggageu�rn -My own darling Kr want a chh it for it' Chicago 1r*, Inure. --- P iiglish Spavin Liniment removes all herd, soft or calloused lumps and Memiahes fron. horses, blood@Ravin, curbs, splints, ring lame, sweeney, stades, sprains, ewe ani swollen throat, osoghs, etc. Save *60 by nee of one bottle. Warranted the mint wonderful Warmish cure ever known. Sold by F. Jordan. -- fl6-ly Philosophers tell us that from Adan .loan no mar use steer yet understand • *omen, but men ars lest tired of trying let, try any meads. --Somerville tour - Talk about the worldly ignorance drifts! Why, they tan no • mad en thoroughly in a week that he will watt to g/eeeo and hire a sheriff to hang him. WeahIngtoe sou. Hay fever takes • prwnineet face 00 mace $ the adsdie• that r to make life ammo - tenable daring eg Ms mewith- Through the nee of Nasal Halm the sufferer will esperi- enee immediate relief mid rapid cure. No other remedy equals it for the treatment of hay fever and ostarrh. Said by an dealerw ""sprit row rtgflt 0/ prior Code. and l • � L l;o., gr,rkvilla, Oat. BCKiX)( K idoal. BURDOCK blood. BURDOCK blood. BURINS'K blond. RURIX.L''K blood. RUKIMK;K blond. One els Dost Aare Wirth. immiaiiiime head. ngseially the hack, in het ale raw ass stand it. Take Toe e nr towel, yeah it in the Int raker f++.. arab site Pori ,w Fos nen:, • ,'I 'K year Mail dews sed keens the hot 131.(14)1) BITTEKS for the 111.001) BiTTF.K$ for the BLOOD BITTERS for the BLOOD) BITTERS for the BLOOD KiTTi?K.`4 for the BLOOD BITTERS for the She Dam Mtbr. Mrs. Jaysmith (to grosert Ten pounds of sugar. grocer his customer walks outs 1 beg your panloo, but you didn't pav for that ntqu. Ara Jayr/mith Of course not. sugars free nowi read the papers, 1 .Io, and you can't fool me. A. V. Epoch. " The Original Cook Stove" has been before the people for four years in both town and coun- try,. and the verdict is the best wood cook in the market Made in 15 different styles. "The Kitchen Witch " is a low-priced ge for coal or wood. Made in 20:differ- ent styles. Fitted with " Happy Thought Grate and all other modern improvements I IDO ALL MANNER OP' SHEET METAL WORK, AtS WELL r8 Plumbing, Heating and Ventilation, EMPLOYING ONLY THE BET MECHANICS. CALL AND SEE ME. .arab Nteaball King et , Kingston, lays: "1 was afflicted with chronic rheumatism Inc years and used numerous mediciw without son dela, bat by the use of b bottle' of Rurlook Itloaxl Hitters 1 nes entirely cured." "I am acquainted with the shove saws) Indy. sad can certify to the fact' ae stated.'- Henry Wade. Drufpfid,Kingsuln, (1,1 Mri. Wm. Montgomery, of Manitoba, who was staying with her mother, Mn. Wm. (lenrimniwg, Wingham, lora Mater, for the heesdt of her health, died •t her home near Eslerwwi, Manitols, on the 23rd alt., of that dread disease, ernsumptitw. Rhe leaves a husband sad three children to memo the loam of • beloved wife and mother Y.:-;-M..w.a 18 ear wwlwNww. Q.NN'w.pE��aa ArMa.ear•war'r'•7•r....J.elatrle,...= imile All Toe Taw= u. area THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlock all}}tte c!anred avenues of the Bowels. K)dney II` and Liver, carrying off gradually K the sys- tem, all the irnpurities and foul humors of the aeenti.:.i, at the num.; t me cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing BUlousnesS, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipaticn, D:yneas of the Sian, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysippeelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all those and many other similar f .m�la�i"nnts BLtODt BIhappy � iuencrof BURDOCK For Salo by all D.aLra MAUI ens, Task WHY EVERY FARMER should get one of Armstrong's Improved GRAIN & SEED CLEANERS. WHAT WE DON'T DO AND 777-I3AT 7707= =0- W.. 1 it *N'T have every Tweeds at cost. lout we 1N) hold BD0ATJ b1- it al owe no fool seeds to be blown tato the chaff, which is of .rear laportanos to every Earner who "Ocilla* to keep bas farm clean. lad, -it carae and clears all Timothyseed from any kind of grain while cleanng the grain. .N. -for Market ole'ntng It removes Cockle. Chew and shrunken grata, and al ver the tanner the greatest uowible weight for his Waits with two neneoersry los 1tb.-It will sawn grebe for show and seed /srpomw emu to hand picking. tb -(Aae!Nastanr Deed Wheat K removes all Cockle. Mustard seed. Wild Pea.. Wild ries and other foul and shrunken and brakesgtain. and gives the farmer pore clean, seed grais. lab. -It will Mann Oats. Beeley. Me . thor o�►Iy wirlw,et were of grain. t1\.- ni•g Pease : It will separate the sand. quartered. Wree. Oats and whole pees from each otber. tarrying each to e lldklewt eo.Up•rtastt. elle.-11 ba perfect Clover seed beeline. re. novae. .11 dust. broken And deet seeds sad ether weeds. larger or smaller than the Clover Deed. Mb. -rt e a first clew Orem seed Machine. blows so wads away. lStb.- It le • good 11as reed Macklae. lith.- it 1s • Ant Blew ehai l s. Ma- it o•n be fitted lets W Wet r•ablea. Tanalanigg Mill that is bed aside ee neslese and wake it do the week of • sew MIK. IMS -It oast be attached to a sew MIn with. eat injuries k. and ear he tweeted at any Hoa ea easily as a three a .biped. It lees net Interfere with the tui of the re - raise Nevem of the MID. 1M►.- 1t. Wee are smarty all perforated sine. MIs. -it bas • eapstity ae arty besb.M of Kral■ per boor. IMb.-It le ea cheap ae the ardeary Fossae. Mag deems ITIfa.-- grey, Meehlas ie Ouasawrgtm, bad year order et eine 1f tee west It this if yes have sat sees • Mashame ask fp ewnwt Ike 1les.ewles, sod that piss 1I as ee•dit1os 1t wefts elf= by moll .ewd inside width el ghee d ■ wg In. ARMSTRONG BROS., (+04,110,4,.9 nor day a specie Begisin Day, nor ilo we sell SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS As SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, Anti sell for Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. \fill quote prices next week. GEO. ACHESON & CO. May tat h. lay. Mika B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. Theanost sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L " Emulsion, and refuse all others. take eOc ANO s1 PEP POTTLE. 1 Sold by F- Jordan PATENTS! CMMEATS, TRADE MARAS 1110 COPTNICNTS Ohtaind, and all Mutineer in the U. S. retest On ice uttesdrd to at .4U1Jld1ATb FEFS. S. (Mr ottlte s oppoalte the t'. e. Patent Of- fice, and w • -At o .vain latents in :ells time ban those remo•e from N'ASJIINUTON. Rend I1UL)RL UR leK.t tl'lSU. W'e ad vice ae to patentab:!toy7 tree of charge . sad we take NO CHAKr)R CA' LESS Ii'K OB- TAIN PATENT. We refer. here, to the Pow mast to. the Supt Money order flava, and to odk.als ut the V. t+. Patent prier, For cinular, advice. terms and referr..u.•s to actual clams In your von State or County. writeto a f A *NOW A CO.. evtr5,51, Pa+env t1fi•.•e w'..l.,egtrn.i).e' oil 7 HE SQUARE. —EXTRA V.\L 'KS IN— TEAS AND SUGARS —For the nest two weeks at--- ED. CAAIGNE'S, Co?. Moate .,t. and drub*. Telephone Connection. A ♦L r. A tett 1 . - ...ease a Near sexa.w, raw ....1. s••-N,r,.e..feerw Am, .}„t d nod .• w .11. aai ..cYM...iil w.,k rwraskdr... la..1kh�..►.w .. n.v* l5s5) eM ris•lien eV nor•••••• ...Min t-►, .. .ors lYte....aDL .. Mer ar r. en.......'....,.,.. w..: rwg ..• Mono1. 1 4:.. ►Y .. .,. Aar •.,.., Iack �nbt ►.w e..a►t ..d ...5155 .. ...M, rat s .snaw ..j p arida, ever rase......«s its aim, .w wb�,```von 1..i...PltJ�et. a�...itwos 1 . V. ALS -KN. iis.. ansa AwewNa. 1soPtw Goderich Steam Boiler Works : :stahlished lame. Chrystal 8c Black. SECOND HAND MACHINERI In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler, all complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boile. and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- lyoverhauled and warranted in t class condition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. Mali order win receive prompt .IW. N0, Wargo 1 app. N. T. M. a.s11ea. go, Repairs promptly attended to P.O. BOX 361. FOR STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a flaalple package. MZAZ., +like. LAIK The .to combination iota barn broken by the action of one of the leading Brtns, the E. k l'• Gurney l;o'y, it. refusing t o he controlled by the other manufacturers any longer. They insist upon giving the every larlvautajre, noel avail• plasma with their liotlerieli agent. ALECK SAUNDERS, AFtI.LLINE 01/ Their Best Stoves, With in1•truc tion• to give the people in (lois vit-inity the lx•et bsit'KuiIo they have roar hmul, awl guarantee F.11Slowal'etteci Bak al , There i+ no space in this paper to illustrate all the line,:. but ,ou are in- vited b, call and aro taunt at his store, West Street. 1 A M i*t-LE AGENT FOK E. & C. GURNEY Coy's. 1,1 1.1. LINE OF WEST STREET, DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST MALI IN CANADA. sMna ssasww . 55)ea watt. 1 \ Ya.s u.l ..r. \ l ,M nark M .a. Wa4., .rr we ...a. v era. am w.... ,�v185. w r.a.. so.. K.. sa.N5 r W...11•'Nn 1...r pat, .1 � 11 7•• ., ,' --..wove 0)'.a M. ..A ail . ... pq etS 1.. __., ..raw w- .0 a,y rat. soon.+14)lall(5).. 511}Man 1 t• IN ►that 1415. 1/ua. Stoves, Furnaces and Hot Water Boilers, Anal aw now selling at u,:.ufurturen, prices. i are ',trained t 1m, nevertheless, lase h.,vr they will be settled Lowell form ..f dr2' resets and leaves, and be known I ..caner. as Lanes Family Medicine. It will cure It,h, mange and scratches of every- kind, ick •hrwLche and is the best Spring Jfedi- „n huuooi or animals. cured in 30 minutes cine. For the Moo.l, liver and kidneys, and Lv W..dfor 's Sanity Lotion. This never Inc clearing up the complexion it do,eei wowt- ry ,len. I)Tuggmta sell it at 50c. and e1 a tails Sold by F. Jordan. 90 ly k (I eow• 1 Pee "Ke. I hid you speak to me when you asked Tbr t alae K ■alder. •' '..r the Billlr Fair inquired the blond ( 'Jimmy Briggs 1 wish my big aster was waiter..No, i didn't mp u,.• replied a brother. 44 meter ain't no fun at all. m he •Huey aiden. Binghamton Itepubli- Tommy Figg .Ain't ` Wy, 1 have my lean. --- sister cryin' mrd Most every day. .Ayer s Hair Vigor restores color and via - misty to week and gray hair. Through its healing and clesasing qualities, it pre- vents the aecumulatioa of dandruff and cures *alp diseases. The best hair-dress- ine soar made, and by far the roost econo- mical. There la one benefit to be derived from a brilliant meteoric display. People don't have to beck out for the stick. Rochester Post kt`drew. Force of Habit.-Blaeking girl- Yes, Ihtk, m heart is is your keeping. bong �fggageu�rn -My own darling Kr want a chh it for it' Chicago 1r*, Inure. --- P iiglish Spavin Liniment removes all herd, soft or calloused lumps and Memiahes fron. horses, blood@Ravin, curbs, splints, ring lame, sweeney, stades, sprains, ewe ani swollen throat, osoghs, etc. Save *60 by nee of one bottle. Warranted the mint wonderful Warmish cure ever known. Sold by F. Jordan. -- fl6-ly Philosophers tell us that from Adan .loan no mar use steer yet understand • *omen, but men ars lest tired of trying let, try any meads. --Somerville tour - Talk about the worldly ignorance drifts! Why, they tan no • mad en thoroughly in a week that he will watt to g/eeeo and hire a sheriff to hang him. WeahIngtoe sou. Hay fever takes • prwnineet face 00 mace $ the adsdie• that r to make life ammo - tenable daring eg Ms mewith- Through the nee of Nasal Halm the sufferer will esperi- enee immediate relief mid rapid cure. No other remedy equals it for the treatment of hay fever and ostarrh. Said by an dealerw ""sprit row rtgflt 0/ prior Code. and l • � L l;o., gr,rkvilla, Oat. BCKiX)( K idoal. BURDOCK blood. BURDOCK blood. BURINS'K blond. RURIX.L''K blood. RUKIMK;K blond. One els Dost Aare Wirth. immiaiiiime head. ngseially the hack, in het ale raw ass stand it. Take Toe e nr towel, yeah it in the Int raker f++.. arab site Pori ,w Fos nen:, • ,'I 'K year Mail dews sed keens the hot 131.(14)1) BITTEKS for the 111.001) BiTTF.K$ for the BLOOD BITTERS for the BLOOD) BITTERS for the BLOOD KiTTi?K.`4 for the BLOOD BITTERS for the She Dam Mtbr. Mrs. Jaysmith (to grosert Ten pounds of sugar. grocer his customer walks outs 1 beg your panloo, but you didn't pav for that ntqu. Ara Jayr/mith Of course not. sugars free nowi read the papers, 1 .Io, and you can't fool me. A. V. Epoch. " The Original Cook Stove" has been before the people for four years in both town and coun- try,. and the verdict is the best wood cook in the market Made in 15 different styles. "The Kitchen Witch " is a low-priced ge for coal or wood. Made in 20:differ- ent styles. Fitted with " Happy Thought Grate and all other modern improvements I IDO ALL MANNER OP' SHEET METAL WORK, AtS WELL r8 Plumbing, Heating and Ventilation, EMPLOYING ONLY THE BET MECHANICS. CALL AND SEE ME. .arab Nteaball King et , Kingston, lays: "1 was afflicted with chronic rheumatism Inc years and used numerous mediciw without son dela, bat by the use of b bottle' of Rurlook Itloaxl Hitters 1 nes entirely cured." "I am acquainted with the shove saws) Indy. sad can certify to the fact' ae stated.'- Henry Wade. Drufpfid,Kingsuln, (1,1 Mri. Wm. Montgomery, of Manitoba, who was staying with her mother, Mn. Wm. (lenrimniwg, Wingham, lora Mater, for the heesdt of her health, died •t her home near Eslerwwi, Manitols, on the 23rd alt., of that dread disease, ernsumptitw. Rhe leaves a husband sad three children to memo the loam of • beloved wife and mother Y.:-;-M..w.a 18 ear wwlwNww. Q.NN'w.pE��aa ArMa.ear•war'r'•7•r....J.elatrle,...= imile All Toe Taw= u. area THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlock all}}tte c!anred avenues of the Bowels. K)dney II` and Liver, carrying off gradually K the sys- tem, all the irnpurities and foul humors of the aeenti.:.i, at the num.; t me cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing BUlousnesS, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipaticn, D:yneas of the Sian, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysippeelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all those and many other similar f .m�la�i"nnts BLtODt BIhappy � iuencrof BURDOCK For Salo by all D.aLra MAUI ens, Task WHY EVERY FARMER should get one of Armstrong's Improved GRAIN & SEED CLEANERS. WHAT WE DON'T DO AND 777-I3AT 7707= =0- W.. 1 it *N'T have every Tweeds at cost. lout we 1N) hold BD0ATJ b1- it al owe no fool seeds to be blown tato the chaff, which is of .rear laportanos to every Earner who "Ocilla* to keep bas farm clean. lad, -it carae and clears all Timothyseed from any kind of grain while cleanng the grain. .N. -for Market ole'ntng It removes Cockle. Chew and shrunken grata, and al ver the tanner the greatest uowible weight for his Waits with two neneoersry los 1tb.-It will sawn grebe for show and seed /srpomw emu to hand picking. tb -(Aae!Nastanr Deed Wheat K removes all Cockle. Mustard seed. Wild Pea.. Wild ries and other foul and shrunken and brakesgtain. and gives the farmer pore clean, seed grais. lab. -It will Mann Oats. Beeley. Me . thor o�►Iy wirlw,et were of grain. t1\.- ni•g Pease : It will separate the sand. quartered. Wree. Oats and whole pees from each otber. tarrying each to e lldklewt eo.Up•rtastt. elle.-11 ba perfect Clover seed beeline. re. novae. .11 dust. broken And deet seeds sad ether weeds. larger or smaller than the Clover Deed. Mb. -rt e a first clew Orem seed Machine. blows so wads away. lStb.- It le • good 11as reed Macklae. lith.- it 1s • Ant Blew ehai l s. Ma- it o•n be fitted lets W Wet r•ablea. Tanalanigg Mill that is bed aside ee neslese and wake it do the week of • sew MIK. IMS -It oast be attached to a sew MIn with. eat injuries k. and ear he tweeted at any Hoa ea easily as a three a .biped. It lees net Interfere with the tui of the re - raise Nevem of the MID. 1M►.- 1t. Wee are smarty all perforated sine. MIs. -it bas • eapstity ae arty besb.M of Kral■ per boor. IMb.-It le ea cheap ae the ardeary Fossae. Mag deems ITIfa.-- grey, Meehlas ie Ouasawrgtm, bad year order et eine 1f tee west It this if yes have sat sees • Mashame ask fp ewnwt Ike 1les.ewles, sod that piss 1I as ee•dit1os 1t wefts elf= by moll .ewd inside width el ghee d ■ wg In. ARMSTRONG BROS., (+04,110,4,.9 nor day a specie Begisin Day, nor ilo we sell SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS As SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, Anti sell for Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. \fill quote prices next week. GEO. ACHESON & CO. May tat h. lay. Mika B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. Theanost sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L " Emulsion, and refuse all others. take eOc ANO s1 PEP POTTLE. 1 Sold by F- Jordan PATENTS! CMMEATS, TRADE MARAS 1110 COPTNICNTS Ohtaind, and all Mutineer in the U. S. retest On ice uttesdrd to at .4U1Jld1ATb FEFS. S. (Mr ottlte s oppoalte the t'. e. Patent Of- fice, and w • -At o .vain latents in :ells time ban those remo•e from N'ASJIINUTON. Rend I1UL)RL UR leK.t tl'lSU. W'e ad vice ae to patentab:!toy7 tree of charge . sad we take NO CHAKr)R CA' LESS Ii'K OB- TAIN PATENT. We refer. here, to the Pow mast to. the Supt Money order flava, and to odk.als ut the V. t+. Patent prier, For cinular, advice. terms and referr..u.•s to actual clams In your von State or County. writeto a f A *NOW A CO.. evtr5,51, Pa+env t1fi•.•e w'..l.,egtrn.i).e' oil 7 HE SQUARE. —EXTRA V.\L 'KS IN— TEAS AND SUGARS —For the nest two weeks at--- ED. CAAIGNE'S, Co?. Moate .,t. and drub*. Telephone Connection. A ♦L r. A tett 1 . - ...ease a Near sexa.w, raw ....1. s••-N,r,.e..feerw Am, .}„t d nod .• w .11. aai ..cYM...iil w.,k rwraskdr... la..1kh�..►.w .. n.v* l5s5) eM ris•lien eV nor•••••• ...Min t-►, .. .ors lYte....aDL .. Mer ar r. en.......'....,.,.. w..: rwg ..• Mono1. 1 4:.. ►Y .. .,. Aar •.,.., Iack �nbt ►.w e..a►t ..d ...5155 .. ...M, rat s .snaw ..j p arida, ever rase......«s its aim, .w wb�,```von 1..i...PltJ�et. a�...itwos 1 . V. ALS -KN. iis.. ansa AwewNa. 1soPtw Goderich Steam Boiler Works : :stahlished lame. Chrystal 8c Black. SECOND HAND MACHINERI In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler, all complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boile. and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- lyoverhauled and warranted in t class condition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. Mali order win receive prompt .IW. N0, Wargo 1 app. N. T. M. a.s11ea. go, Repairs promptly attended to P.O. BOX 361. FOR STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a flaalple package. MZAZ., +like.