HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-21, Page 54 THE SIGNAL : GOtERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1891. TIME CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE L)1TasaiSNID der. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. opeM aM 111.1 011 111111A1011 SOLLARS • Ire B. E. WALKER, Utwtw*L Mws&Otw. ss,000,000. *800,000. OODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANIO NO BwINESS TRANSACTED. FARMMae NOTES DleootNTEo. DRAFTS 1111111.1110 PAYABLE AT ALS POINTS IN CANAOA ANO THE PRINCIPAL WWI IN TNM UNITED STATE; GIN IAT BMTAIN. FRANCt. tdtRNuo*, k {AMMO SAME KPARTIllt111T. wows Of $1.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATE. Of INTEREST ut wEO INTSaaST ADORN TO TNM PaiNp►AL AT TNI (NO OP MAV AND .QY.raaa IN ■A0N vast&. speetel AtteaflBN steed to tae 0011 C11o1 of noweewerelal Popov. ging Fares+ere' Sebe Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. ..NIM) AS HATTERS." All the dry goods men in the tom' claim that Johnston Carey's (Ixfd•r.1 .hoes spoil the :''wale of stock - in;,, Why, says one of them, htr, • ,hoes never slip on the heel, and s)nc pair of stockings weary as long us three pairs worn in other -ho,•.. Try s pair and be con- vince1l. WHAT WE ARE DOING We carry the largest stock of boot, and shoes in the county. We give the largest discount for ca -II. We make the finest ladies' and :lent, ,hoes to order. \V.• make ball slippers to order of c.• tune goods, silk, etc. N'e r. pair goo4 bought of me of elsewhere. We yew all rips free of charge. .JoHNSTON CAREY'S, Heailquarters for boots, shoes, trunks and valises, the Square, Ooderich. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. real. Ile is adso,nIpauul by Mrs. lhum- Mnt\O, Limas has retie tied to Buf• talo. W. J. Miter, of Clinton, was In town on Mwd.y, L C. Brute, of Clinton, WAS In ,:olermch on Seturdsy. W. ('. Lesr'uyel, of ('hntoe, spent sun - day 10 tura. Mr Baird made a trip to Seaforth a, 'i% ednx.tay. 4.0o- T. Hick., of Mitchell, visited (:ode rich on M.mday. F. ,:allsl; ter, of Victoria, in emu on Tuesday. ,In,. Wright. .4 Ruston, in,,ol rich on Wednesday. G. A. Raker, ..f Chicago, . is visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. .1. Nairn. Mir Jenny Lawson retun . a element trip ou the Lakes. E. 11. 1'aamore and W. H. .Mplmcer, of Detroit, are visiting in Goierich. Mr. Masuret, of London, was in tor.. on a visit t.. his family the put week. Mies Ennis Acheson returned 00 F'n.lay from • batt to her sister at Niagara. Mre. Kubt. Maras aml amt left lad Mon- , - day for Itat Portage, their future home. Rev. W. L. Newton and Master Ne of 1- tct.n•ia,are the guests .1 Chas. 4:. New- ; ton. Mas Kate Cempsgpie returned from s two weskit' visit w (lint,n on %Vetoes- d•y. D. Crittenden, of The Blyth standard, gave Tete Signal a friendly call Monday t, Mr.. ( Rev.) H. Wigle and dough , cd Leamington, are visiting the frie.si par- ents, Mrs. J. L. Patterson and Miss Lena Kennedy, of London, are the guests .4 Miss Fox. Clinton New Era : Miss Sarah Acheson, of,( Goderich, is visiting her old friends hero. A. M. Robertson lilt on Monday to attend et the School of Pedagogy at Tor- onto. Wm. Munro., of Sault Ste. \lane, is speeding a few days with lits relatives in town. Miss Gertie and Grace Smith, of Siouth• lines, Mich., are visiting their Aunt, Mrs F. Jordan. .loan Mean, of St. Paul, !mini.., formerly;: of t:.almch, spent a few days in tow,. the put week. Mir Helen Douglas. .4 North Dakota. i..taypu►mbagg with her grandparents, Ge,. anti Elisabeth lox. Mir Andrews. Hayfield Road, left yes terday for Toronto to attend • session of the Normal School. Alex. Miller. of San Frutci..e o, eldest son of the ate Janos Milkr,of this town,is here toting his mother. tin Satur dax' Rev. 11'. A. Young, Mrs. \ oung mei children left on • visit to Nia- gara Falls and vicinity. H. I. Strang.B.A., returned from Toronto on Frnay on completion .4 examination of .duly teschere'papers. Rev .'4. Mac11'illians, .1 Peterborough. arrived in town on Saturday on a few .Sys' visit to his old parishioners. Township clerk Miller. of West Wawa - nosh, spent Sunday .t the residence of hu restive, Isaac Salkeld Rayfield na.l. Wm. Hepburn of Stratford, and his wife and two children are spending $ week or two in town fur the good of their health. iI. w'., was • Mar., arrived bowie after ('ohn .sin. lair has gone to struts for s few eras. Mrs. A.J. Moon- left last week for t:nu.s ly .51iµ T,.l,.r Marks. of Hayfield, was in town on Saturday. Miss K. Hall spent two days in l hnton i 11.1. week. Bunker Williams was at 'iatara in the past week. im d sutehyn. the apple buyer, spent Sun- da% 111 town. tpo. Robertson. of Toronto, was an town ti.. put week. \l urdo McLeod. of Seaforth, use in town thr p...t week. F. m ampule' monied from his Northwest teur on Saturday. Mi•. 'Slaty lift eke Baak. or: Mondlay te visit her sitter. Itrv. Mr. Howell was at O:rinuby ('amp the present week. Frank Hutdbsr returned to his hone in i met mit' on Friday. I •. N. Davis took in 1.nnu.6y this week. \1... Carnegie. of London, 31:e. R. Wilkinson. Mir Kea Ardmore' fnen!s in 111ngham. Fred. 1Vi.lder, of I.onl.n, the family residence. Mir Foss aft town t.. itntish Columbia. Rva Hathaway and maid Brantford, on Sstanlay. Howard Cox returned fiturwlay of last week. .1 31cl lermott, of Tomato, was visiting frtends m town this week. IR. and Mrs. Ure have returned from their visit to the Rockies. Miss Minnie Pridham returned from • tort to Clinton this week. L , Van Evvoia& of Seaforth, was in the county town on t rimy. Mrs. ('has. Newton left on Saturday for Niagara Falls and Grinrby. Niagara F..lU and is the guest of has been visiting is visiting at recently on a visit left for home, to Chicago on BEESLEY & CO. MILLINERY STOCK Tully assorted with sew and stylish foods. rtotht from dealos's centre. V Laces, Flowers, Ribbons and Straw Goods, From the breezy lace amid straw hat to the largest su•ahade. Slue .I Isle Shannon and Mir 41 :race Walsh ..,ted Seaforth on Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Robertson, of Owen Sound, are visiting in town. Joseph Whitehead and wife, of were in town u4) Wednesday. Mr. Fairweather left town on for • stay at the Point Farm. Miss Aggle Weshingtwt, has from a visit to friends In Exeter. 1.en. M. P•rkea,of the Rank oft'onimerx', returned to Dundee on Monday. Mita Tillie 1:sham returned from a visit te Sault Sts. Marie on Saturday. Mires Ethel and May Craig returned from Port Heron on Wednesday. A. F. ('lark, of the inardl Revenue Dept . Mtrwtford, was in town this week. Mir Mollie Christian returned from the Son per the Mnsaroh re Saturday. Mrs. Thos. McLean and children sre viait- iq Mr. sed Mrs. Best at Reafnrth. Mrs. Oliver, Pen ('reissman, of Galt, is visiting her m.ay relatives in torn. Misses Nellie nod Pearl Strang Tstented lest week from a visit to Kmeardies. Perry Walton, of Loadote, spent Rueday at the kindly residence, West. street. Mir F. Williams left en Saturday to attend • goods at the trakeing aolieSe- Mei ties. fl sn .f Simeon, ie visiting lsSflvts'IM lrl lf ISi MrMwasa& Nepsompll nese d eaD=PNY hon • trip is Fart Arthur and NEW SIMMER SI'\ LES Are now ready and waiting the lucky buyer. at FA IREST 'PRICES. Full worth for your money is positively Fu...Autonl on every purchase. Notb- like this stock for style, aswr•tment and pop,iarity. BEESLEY'S GREAT MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY 60005 EMPORIUM, •The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, BEAVER BLOCK, - - CLINTON. fu recovered as to be able toile twMMea te his home in Winnipeg. His many frissit here will be pleased to Mar of his uumpMS restoration to health. T. I'btlton was in Seaforth on Wednesday. l:. W. Cater, of I.ucknow, was in town 011 Wednesday. M W M unite Walsh lett fur Detroit per sir. City of Windsor ..n Wednesday. Mrs. Julier, of Cleveland, Ohio, is visit- ing her brother, James Reid, Wolfe at. .\lbert Robertson left on Monday to re - sumo charge of his school at Hallyeroy. _ Judge Doyle returned from Exeter, where be ha.l Leen holding court, .sit Wenesday. 11.. :ou,l 31rs. 1 raadlell and son Harry otn '41.nu1..4 returned to their home, De- t. \j)isvid Buchanan. of Saltforl, left on Mayday for Montreal to take a position therte. i.e.. McKinley, of Se&forth, occupied the pulpit of North -et. Methodist church on Y. Rev. rte. M.•l:ee, of Wawauoeh, and Corcoran. of Tee.water, were in town Thursday. Miss Hattie itcid has returnd bombe from Hamilton. when she had been visiting for the past three weeks. T. A. Johnston. of Toronto. formerly of Ashfield, was in thin section this week, and saw maty 4.1.1 friends. Mrs.. Rusk takes charge of the simepparl- toil public school Burins the absence of the regular teacher at the Normal. Mr. Hedben, of Montreal, inspector for the Bank of \I nttreal, made en official visit to the i:olerich branch this week. Mir Millie Campbell, 1 juebec.st., left on Monday for Detroit to visit relatives. She intention.ds to try there until the Fall ex1ibi- 1 (unto'', Saturday returned BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, A Saving Department nection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DR UMMCND, Manager Goderich Branch. 1 2,000,000. E ,000,000. has been oleded iii Con - Apples Wanted 1 AT Test PALACE ROLLER RINK, Great sale of prints, ging- hams and dress goods for cash. 10c. prints reduced to 5c. per yard, 124 and 15c. prints reduced to 84c. per yard, ginghams worth 10 and 124c. reduced to 5 and 6'c. per yard. Dress goods from 5c. per yard up. All Summer goods must go regardless of cost. We would rather lose con- siderable money than carry these goods ever until next season. Sale for two weeks only. By that time we ex- pect the goods will be sold. If you want a bargain please call early. Dr. .1. R. McCullough. of Chicago, Ill, was in Loan last week paying a flying visit to hie stater, Mrs. 11'. .1. Stevenson, street. l M. Newton, of the business depart- ment of The Chicago Herald, is the east el ('. t.. Newton this week. He is soother old Goderich boy. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's IS.d-a, (:od.-, .ch. X51 Aug. 21st. 1St, GODERICH, - ONT. All varieties taken. Windfalls and cults of all descriptions taken. both large and small, If sound Apples boned by •eitbl. and weiitbed on the tows scald free of expense. THE HIAHEST MARKET PRI€E PAID Than rad for each load. 1.1000 bushels wasted. Brine them In at once. yesterday morning. The steamer Monarch weevil' this port on Saturday at noon and andel about thirty passengers by the tug Orowlia. The steamer (pity of Windsor was in port on Friday. Sunday and 1Velnerday. The schooner Queen of the Idles, from Toledo, with • cargo of coal for the water- works, arrived in port on Monday. The past week was a good one fur boat- ing, Captain ltahb'a boats being much in retuisit ton. The Big Mill ltas received an outside coat of paint and is considerably improved its appearance. F. R. 4:rant, ('has. Shannon, Horace The steamer Monarch was in port on Hailey sad .1. Johnson left yesterday even- Wednesday mot -nine. She Mil a full quota ing on the Pinafore for fort Flank, where of passeugtrs. they will go int. camp. Captain McCanunond, formerly of Thed- ford, and Lieut. %Minsky, reoently of For- est. now cornniand the S. A. contingent •t this point. Capt. Scarr went to London Thursday of last week. I». Shannon, we are pleased to state, has about recovered from his recent severe indisposition. He hu been prostrated for shout thirty-five days. Mise ,meanie Chapman, of Galt, who was the west of her aunt, Mrs. Capt. McKay, accompanied by her father, left on Thurs- ay afternoon for Toronto, where they in tend staying a couple of Gaya. Clinton New Ers Mir Minnie I'rel- ham and Mir:Katie ('ampaigne of. code - rich, are the guests of Miss Hattie Irwin. W. 4:. Kiddie, of Oshawa, arrived on Wednesday on the steamer Monarch, to take a position in Geo. A. Fear's drug stare. .lea. Gni-glen and family, of St. Thorns, arrived in town on Saturday on a visit to the gentleman's parents, Mr. sod Mrs. 1). 1:onlon. Past 4:rend 1'. Holt represented Huron Lodge. No. 62, at the anted meeting of Grand Lodge 1.O.11.F. held in Stratford last week. l:. 1:. t:ihano, of St. Louis, son of our townsman ('apt. I:ibsn, was visiting his, relatives in town this ,week, and left for home Wednesday. Judge Tons was one of the representa- tives of Huron Lodge, No ea, .O.O.F., at the mansion a the Grand Lodge at Strat- ford the past week. Mir Hepburn and her cousin, Mir Skel teri,left for their home in Stratford) Wednes• day last. after • three weeks' visit amongst friends in,.oderieh. Therefore Taylor, formerly of H. I )unlop's tailoring establishment, now of San Francis co, who was visiting friends in town, left for Toronto est week. Mrs. Capt. John C. McLean and children arrived home per sir. Monarch Wednesday lad. wiring spent • month visiting her par eats in Port Huron. Nish. itr. Alex. Hutchison leas heed appointed sort -surgeon of the Montreal Cameral Hos- pital. There was a large number of •-for- low plt- caste, bit the directors selected our fou - m r townsman. Mies Laura Berry returned to her home in Lucknow, by Mifflin's lightning exprer, lest Friday, after spending a number of weeks with forma in Galench. LOCAL BREVITIES. l'..1. Nairn has the newest styles out in handsome English dinner sod tee seta. See his Hamilton-st. window. Huron Encampment, No. 28. I. 0. 0. F., meets next Noui•y ex -ening. Rev. Mr. Neilly, of Dunlop. preached in Knox church on Sunday evening. t'he Rev. W. A. Strongman, LLD., will (DV.) preach next Sunday at 7 r. N. on subje•t : "The road to the city." Joseph Bake has sold out his mill prop erty in Wi•rten and intends settling in linclerich. Mr. Blake has already Net the ftwniatk.n in of a hoose near the maternal reidenoe, Sweat street. Brunets Past : The Post had • call from Gen. Rtivea, of 1 tedsrieh. Fest hide ie • omndid•u for the ennaty a eat is wig • canvass •arts the mime reeves ani iapti• tkrosgbeet Herm. Seers lll•..•Mr i -IIs. epd_1iw. lf;4t Colour le/arw•ol home hoses their est.... melba alto ea Fridayhoc The= g os viral and arry awl i Jae. Wilson's fly prison pad and sticking. paper adopt cane in too late for • change this week, but look out for it text week. lir. NI. Nicholson, the Wed-st. dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered from 9 A.S. for the painler extraction of teeth. ,las. Stokes, having pleaded guilty of till - tapping was brought before Judge Torn yesterday for sentence. His H000r, after strongly nlpxoishing the defendant, re- leased him .wm suspended yenta'. e. Why buy me- piano, organ .r sewing machine a • f horse, or from strang- er*, when purchase the best in the market in your own town at the lowest 11 and support home trade ('all con 1:en. W.Thonwm and he convinced. Things are booming at the (iodericb or- ( The oronus to hold M higg het• hag in public fa von. lard t an feu one of those heantiful ' a octaves and support home Geo. W. Thomson is the least event Om flaNiy • child was interred is Mait- land asostary, the first sines Mach 23r41. pile wawa this oanwwry linearly. invest= of white number het one oihiM dadsr ten has died is • per(ed exceed tee . rreska, se ex healthy •tam • A. P. itaaree-5. of Ha k5.l. t. tlpud"4 • few ler la awe, the gaga ell his Alex. Ma w, wilt W has Wei very on ...1401. I•„wdiMi War at Itaswa►r. bas • The tug I)rcadia, Captain .John l'raigie, andel the Monarch's passengers for this porton Saturday. The Menem/sing 'mule a trip to Point Farm on Wednesday evening, the journey taking 50 minutes. :line host received the voyagers moat affably-. A pleasant dance heightened) the pleasure of the trip. -- _ The Tar Rini with a fishing party con- sisting of F. Pretty, Tory Hays and Ted. Andrews arrived in pout on 'Wednesday from Johnston's Harbor. The anglers were absent 24 days. and report an excellent time. the fishing the latter part of the trip being very groat. Fall wheat is a prime crop this year and it will yield well. John Cook, lot 13, 6th line, Morris, has Donnell what in which 72 grains have been counted in one head. Spring grains are also doing tip-top. Some Spring wheat in the same locality maaures5 feet 6 inches. The partially decomposed body of Wm. %Valdon, a currier, was found in a garden at Peterbou•recently. He is supposed to have died some days previous from the effect. of drink. Prof. James, of Kincardine, dropped dead of heart disease • few days ago in Paisley, where he had gone to give music lessons. He formerly was precentor in Presbyterian churches in Galt, Toronto, Seaforth and other paces. NAVIGATION NOTES. lam hew Um uININVINtralIra Mea the pot .reek s '11.1 V B *IE I!♦ Mr The eshoweer Plower*, with a osrge e1 salt hems Pea% Freak, arrived at Per Book AAR NOT a Per satire alitt TOWN & HAMLINIC, 21,11 l •roprietora. Nerer broken -Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it -warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit -else it wouldn't be sold so. FOR SALE BY W. ACHESON A SON J TONIC and era.•c TOn,• snrpti at.y in • forty the_ a 1 •sir: aF uses vTTttS!• i r nT r av1f M sewer when do by y messed 4110111101111Z lascdto snores sd we ane/ eels, ININDIRRatorr ewiai aeMg a 11 Ins Who dads bid deny Who chasm id r dead teas To.t • iesi aei M..L""ers ..5tw.` bosh EVERY Ile . Y.b . , in▪ fra Ysm wase tMrtMa< sheet take Less Poem. They Weil dire dm re- h•kis. eel .l aelbes 00 Children always Enjoy It. $COTT'S EMULSIOI of pure Cod Liver 011 with Hypo- pbosehltes of Um. and Soda Is almost as palatable as milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH IIRER H Is Indeed, and the tittle lab and l.5.i.e who take cold easily, may be fortified against a cough that might prove serious. by teeing Scott's Mmulslon after their moats during the winter season. Dears of eeskeertwtNwe glad ir(raHe,se. SCOTT & soWNE, OstN,&He. Platin Remedy forlasrrb 1. the Res; aseiest to Or and Meanest. Odd htdressbee or seat by malkine. a. T. is so. Wanes. Pa.. u. a. A. THE FAULTLESS IIOT ATER REATER Guaranteed to do the same amount of heating with less fuel than any other furnace yet niade. Manufactured by D. K. STRACHAN. Goderich, Ont. old-time furnaces can d.e taken out and replaced by this superior inxens tion without alterations to the pipe - and radiators throughout the building in which it is plated. Estimates furnished on application fur placing this improved furnace in buildings of any size. Sends for circulars. Address: Canada's Great D. H. STRACHAN, Lwow led Patentee. ( O --t) OODER1CH, ONT. HAVE YOU at ttal test any intention of taking a BUSINESS COURSE THIS SEASON? iEI' 13C), The Forest City Bess Colllle OF LONDON would like to correspond with you: CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. ■ESTERYELT, Pripcipsl. INDVSTRIL ® FAIR ® TORONTO Sept.ea;o 19 &L.`a NwM f!)g• Fee sae) bY =7a6 Ma ASA WEEASASEP MOLMOD'S SYSTKM RFJNOVATOR Anti °THEN TENTED ltioncnisia. Specif it, and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dys- pepsia, sleeplessness, palpitation .d use heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, M of memory, bronchitis, consompslon, gall atones, jaundice. kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and general debility Greater and Better Than Ever SCIENCE, ART AND INDUSTRY LABORATORY, WORRIER. ONTARIO. J. M. McLE01), Proprietor and Manufacturer. McLsot,' STery a RtxovaroR can be had from all &mil ew in town, as well as tram all the drupelets between Owen Sound sad Safortb, Brume's. Durtam and Toronto. M17 ly. CoM•INED wl•H INSTRUCTION •No AMUSEMENT NEW IDEAS Latest Inventions Superior Attractions ODIAP women w All. Ianwsn a. J. wig sow D. J. RILL !reddest Manager, Tes.Nte surest Excursious! The Calan factory. \Ingham, shippppss& reeently, beeioles small orders, the follow - N One oar load of farnitsre to Halifax, N. M. • one to R,snileu, Manitoba : two to Celery. N. W. T. ; nae be Victoria, R. C., sad two to Mnwtre•(, gusher. While Robert Webster. Esetsr, was hue- tly aupjd using the steam hamwier is the blaekeadlh sleep of W. R. Verity & Sem on 3,b0 thy, with bests r his am, "f the eme4 is elbow and wait At IM drag N eaonrved he W a From all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to Methven 1 Hartney Delorsi ne Moosomin Binsoarth Regina Mooselaw Yorkton CarrinooeAlbert low sped arms! hlie on r the ens arablas above 28.00. $30.00. $35.00. To wave all points In the Province of Ontariooa AI 481ST isle. Return unti. September Sr, 1111. After lata. Ralnrn until September 27, IMI. sar'raltDVB 1st. Return until October 10th. Ile1. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to:a rive at Toronto in time to connect with the 11 r.n. train leaving August IIS. lltls. and September 1st. 11e1. For fulln(tsematioe apply to any ticket agent of the Cambodian ParIRk Railway. 21 It • FIRE! FIRE! Now is the time to severe, vour coal cheap as 1 am o44 rine the Beat Scranton coal in the market at 16.00. mg PAR CENT. OFF FOR ('ARH, er k lets it $5.70 delivered. 1 kiiMonly MI. sal yard. dasher ail glossal Is Meek at all nuns. w. LICA Wan leerier Miry. $9AA. M1I.t0 seal t`e . Tslw VWl/ re A to awd wenwew. Tewb- etrci er taJMndnue • Bow rlltlill.-. Testtimony of 19 CentuMM to Jesus of Nasarath. tirr ea illmte31•: