The Signal, 1891-8-21, Page 4) abt Sipa 1100 01.110111 -- FRIDAY. ALIENIST 1E, 1/4 SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. 3' i mi rn oagmnent of the Militia 1►e gieylrnenl is kaa:kutg the profs trona udder tie volunteer system. KKTw Kr.. i4 boodle aldermen and 14 Sun day nough•aad-tuuiblr 'lettuces at the Park, Toronto -the -(.0411 14 m • feu way to lose to previous pilus reputation. THK New York World nominates ('1.11 ►. 1.4.10 fee Governor of New York in order that he •Inhty to carry the State easily may be tested immediately before a i'resi dentin! campaign year. The Idea M a gond one, for New York is Joked upon by .11 as the great pivotal State. Nom that Sir HIPTIM 1.4%..Kvly considers the charges of corruption in office have been Lmught so clime to him that lie deems U god form to magi' from the Govern neat, should he not go a step farther and resign as a member of the Howie. If he is tooaoal), for a Minister he ought not to 11• fit for • member. A• a rule, when M newspaper has to give • beaus .r take advantage of • lottery scheme as a means of Ixonming circ.•ulatil.n It is because ause the newspaper isn't worth puddle support in Its merits. Thu. 'n.'• AL amen t offer any inducement to subscribers other than that ,t is the best dollar's worth of local and general news is the Huron Tract. Ti,: Volt Express has come t.. the con - elusion duo, in the personof4;io14.R. /It ..n MAr1nr.1:1.1., . Igot.a has the biggest bed member m the House. The Express should congratulate !tacit that its member is not a rogue instead of a fool. lfesi,les, defeat m Perth left an aching void for a parliamentary ninny, and Algoma might as well till the position as any other con 'attorney. Sl ren►: of our excha.ges are eonnplaluung about being takeu in with big promises l,y an advertising fakir whose location is I'eterborough,Unt., and who ruts an alleged agricultural paper. If they had read the exposure of this man's northoels w Inch ap peered in Printers' Ink last year they would never rive itis annmunitatlons a second glance. W'u►:. crop. were goon and the signs were for a plentemis harvest in 4'awuute "Ir John McDonald until to claim all the credit for the 'Tory (lovernnicnt, and his followers used to entiru•se the sentiment. The Hamilton Spectator is the only 'Tory paper that has been silly enough to make the cIauu this season, and t px..plc who live under the shadow of the Mountain are laughing at it, Tut. Empire and its satellite" are very anxious to have the I.Irllt. •govern r of (jue- 1ee call upon Premier Mini mit w etplain the I' %. tr4oscam laloat lefactonly or resign. %V.. IIIink t Idea • );4881 011e, and approve. of itis rndaion than the 4 .overnor general call 1118011 Premier Alas err u, clean up the I.t.e.gv 1. - H.U:4;.tRT l 'll tvitt%1 • Hoe thou. Castle end other scandals or retire. Sauce for the goatse ought to be sauce for the gen. der. "Turn the rascals out ought not to he acne -sired warerv. NA i'i Nf AXI, JI(IJ.VC, Some t fine since Prem Ger A I: t1 err made a guo.Iy goody speech in the Senate with reference to the disclosures of conniption naw before' Parliament, and The 'funntu Empire has been so uekled with the eentimeuta expressed fry the leader of the Government that it has embalmed it in bold type at the Ipa.1 sod its editorial column, next to reading n4314cr. The expressed opinion of Premier .t*4:' Y is a very nice Meet• of verbiage, an.I if it were tamed out would greatly benefit pubh.• merrier in this country : but we fear it was uttered ei that t he editorial columna of The Bmpir. would 11• en,l.elti.hed, and not for any practical purpose. Following is the citation from Hon. 711r. Asti i ITT: " 1 world ask the lion. gentlemen op. petite to pun with uA 11 trying to 60.1 out what the facts are abut this alleged rascality. We ask them to give 118 the benefit of their experience In this enquiry. to araist us in aedxrtaming the facts and placing them before the public, in order that they may be dealt with properly, and if funnel guilty that summary vengeance may he exercised upon those who are ("ono guilty of appropriating public money stealing be they high or low. THAT IS THE (►ETF:RMIN.ATI4,N OF THIN.tN"- F:KNYENT and this sidle of the House, and 1 appeal to my hon. friends opposite to assist us in an enquiry of a precisely similar kind to that which is proceeding in another plan on • Ruttiest which is legiti- tnat8l)• le'fere u•, and help 118 to prole that enquiry to the bottom and d then join ua in punishing the guilty afterwanla. ' Bravo wane, we admit ; and worse which, of honestly followed out, we believe the country ntry would uphold *nil endorse in even. reepeet. But do they not sem sadly out of peer in the mouth .1 the leader ..f a Government whose colleagues and sap porters are stopping at nothing to Burke •Ip enquiry Into the printing bureau rasm,ali tow, the H 80...ART rmm,.rwlitiea, and other scandalous transactions by Min- isters of the /'man "'Premier Antonio wants to " turn the meals nut," and Finale, Minister Frierrk and others are emirs%tieing to keep the reseals In. The nominal leader of the Government should either lead the procession on the lines .11 public morality which he ha said down, or haul dawn his sal in The Em pea. editorial column. .1 I1.1 VI:ER(4f1s PRA( 7'!''R. A dissolute father is Chicago is nevem sibk for the fart that Lto»A.n TrmM,R, of 1'hieagn, aged two rani, is • eo.firmied smoker M111ee 411* lab, was two months aid the nalalwral fetter h.s hewn in the ballft ell Otte' it the pipe regularly, .ad Last tan cries ler it ears than he does .s.e.ee..1.;s. .- .ourish.tesl. sad wea't . , are - The remelt is that tb..MM 4 Y a 1 feeble tvnd►tias, already .siring from acute ulootute poisoning end haring whet is known to physacute es the . toha000 heart." Hu'eys and brats ars also effected. YI r'l.y■ but little intelligence now, and heightens up only when Ho pipe is placed before hie eyes. Doctors express doubts as to whether the little vie,-tim can live long. 'Thera u a warning right here for every parent that it would be well for many to think out. Nosemas lostances are on mooed when fathers and there without being drunkards are in the habit of regularly noising " toddy " and drinking at 4n the presence of small children. Not only that, lout when the bright eyed youngsters gaze upon the parents upping the " toddy " as if it were nectar the tendency'( a for theta to wish to hair some. A glen o1 grog for a little one would be out of the minds of may father or mother not greatly addicted u, the dram, but it Is • common practice for parents, foolishly good-natured, to let the little .one hair what remains In the glass, which Is usually well -sugared Mud palatable. The baneful effects of such a practice are fully as pregnant of evil in the acquiring of the honor haunt Ly children as Inas been the result of the tobacco habit in the case of little 1.1.1. vee T1 ex 1:11,11/101 the after ,'nse- wieners are often even more serious to the welfare of the children. The neon' is that parents should under no 12rcutnatan e a contriloute w any way toward the acquiring of • dom.:emus habit by children. IT WILL. APPEAR NEXT WEEK. Al expsure of the mural pestilence that prevails on the South Il, far)', and a de- tailed account of (low it is winked at by the 1,8x1 authorities reached us to, late for publication this week. It will appear in our neat. The churt•hes and the W. ('. T. C , rind the other acknowledge.l moral 'a- thletic s seem to he powerless to wipe the •ll,I. race out. Tilt S,..'.ti, will now take . hound in the gone. • THE TALK OF THE TOWN. o I',Ws among Fe, taloa' .ofra. As' faith he'll punt it. Trs Fear's Stieky Fly Paper - Catch rn,alit•eandhuld'emfast. Only S cents. It does no mood to take a stand and then ran otf with it. but a piclure.by Oeo. Stewart le always an enduring treasure. Aiwa of things tonged for by men have no existence. but this cannot be said of the ele- gant and stylish 411111 which catch the eyes of every ratan who lasses F. J. Paid ham's clothing spur?, The crusty old bachelor ha. few crumbs of cum/ort, out • well -taken photo by Sallows will 'bring joy even to the bachelor's heart. Pictures also framed at moderate rates and on short notice. The grass -widow is now in the hay -day of her rnticeetr at the Summer snorts, and the beaux of tioterich who want to show to ad ventage arenure tort their genti furnishings at A. K. l'ridharus. since the Gurney Co. went out of the store combination. other dealers are trying to get then. ha..k, but they are determined to gine the people low price* for some tirme. Their agent herr, Aleck Saunders. has reduced stoves from two to four dollars each. See his advertisement on page 7. The Turf Association will hull its annual races in the driving park ..n Tuesday. Aug. 25th. The stores will Ire chisel from 7 to 5 ,•. w., and • goal half day's sport is Iluru14e1. STK 8. H v.'• Fitt T4.r. HEATKR, 1►. K. Stlwchim is ('11,rtrnctmg one of his improved hot water furnaces for exhibition at the in- dustrial Fair t, hr held in Toronto next month. \Vhllr there he will place one of his heaters 41'1 residence in the I jueen City, and before returning to 4colerich will also till an order to hate ..44e set up in a Hamid ton residence, A PRorl.ltic store r o► 1)18K.1•1:. It Is 831.1 that the fumes of keniewne, when the lamp is turned doe n. are liable to cause diphtheria. The N,•sv Turk hoard of health, a few years ago. decided that to thi. nein than any outer cause the prevalence of this disease WWI to he attributed. A turned down kerosene lamp is a magazine of deadly gas that the healthiest lungs cannot Iso exposed to with safety. Gorse T" H tun.To.. 1ViIbam Swanson ha,we imderotantf,purchased a half•intereet in a large and well established hardware business in Hamilton, and enteral upon his duties as joint proprietor:on the 10th rout. Mr. Swanson Is a pushing and rner genic besmear man with an extended ex- perience in the hardware btsiner, sad will prove a valuable acquisition M the business men of the Ambitious Pity. THE SI.:. A,. writhes 1 - every success in his new sphere. III KV .11.4. LIKE/ 4Klit I. 341,441.1M1. am.1 Mr.. Rohl. Breckenridge, of Norwich, Conn., were visiting relatives in l:o4egch and vt.tnIty last week. Mr. Breckenridge us a brother of .Bohn and .lances Breckenridge, whom he had not seen for thirty-two years. He was delighted with the hearty of the town and the progress it hail made since he last maw it. He attended the recent A. K. meeting at lIetmit: He wa through the American war and receives a pension. Though loyal to his adopted country he still cherishes many plea..nt memories of 4 o,Ienrh. How t„ Sri, • ST 8 M I'14 The Postoffice i►epartmomt 'takes a simple but practical suggestion t, the public relative to the cn,patnta that postage stan.ps will not adhere t, letters and packages. 4'obi plaints are male that the stamps lave not sufficient mneilave upon then,, hut it is supeetel that too much is taken off in the process of wet tinv them. It is, therefore, suggested by the departmental officials that, neatest' of the stamps being moistened, the envelopes or packages he wetted, and the stamp. then affixed. it is thought all cause of emiiplaint will he removed if thia plan lie followed. A 4rRK Ririe Tr S.'.x ranee The nun who larefully looks after his liminess, keep. tlerviiwhle gnn.lsand noontent with reason - •Me profits ham but to keep his good tram* MA AIM gtwdl (prowls before the public, through the agency of newspaper ulvertis Mg. and he will have little to fear from competitors in hemmer Rot he may roll he apprehenewe of the future if he simply trans' to the past history of him Moet. to keep and extend his trade. 1n thew days of publicity and progress, bovines eminent hen doer* in that way. The most sne•oeadul Iwai.... mom Ieday are tLe meet p0rwietwn4 sdvsrti.afa v ares took the irwrde out sad heck. ills host ..d hartamm were ~dad is their ast- log, .ad soda all feel at hums. The G1&t ileal, artist and other fries& iereished the mune. Th. Ladies!' Aid tender tiles clear heartiest Umiak* for she kelp..GEM onstly - oiently gives. Proceeds /Bk. I rrany ExnwiTlu..- The Detroit Inter- netto.al Fair a.d Kzpaartaun will open its Hurd annual exhibittoe August 96th, end clow Septeuuber 416, I4 buildings are the largest, and its ground. the must beautdul, of any fair In the world, and 14 great fun of 1/189 anal 1810 were the beet and most successful. Thu your pts attractions are 1(111 greatet. In addition to the grunt features of previous years will be r nix meeting up• ..t. the elegant track in the Kxpasitlon l;roun.h, for which $10,000 in regular pur- ees, and $9,500 in special purees hos been appropriated. These races will include trot- ting, p.tiug, roaming and hurdle. Hi I4.8 101111. F'w..T. It gives us pisa- ure to learn from, The Kontre.l gazette that at the recent elections of physicians and surgeons ,u connection with \loutreal general Hospital two former residents of Huron weer auecerful by large majorities. Ih..1. A. Hutchison, eon of our tuwuenan, Y. Hutchison, was elected to the poetical of assistant surgeon awl Ih. Jas. Stewart, formerly of Ilruceffedd, was appointed at- tending physician. Tut 51041.81. eoongretu- Gtra the two forulor Huronits upon their elect and hops they will long be spored to do their hest towards alkv4llug 111.11111.11 suffering. Vt.T.•hl % .TRKET (.'HI'R. H I'%PintAoa- - At a meeting of the ppaatnean.ge trustee hoard of the 1 tctoria-st. Methodist church on Tuesday evening last it was resolved that a suitable building bre purchased for • per• swage, and • committer was appointed to take the necessary steps to tial • building suitable for the purpose and report at a aubse queut meeting. It is believed that the time is opportune when this church should pones' a parsonage in O4 own right. The enterprise being a lendable one, we bespeak for it the co-operation of all. The &committee is prepared to receive offers for the lowest soh purchase of much a building. Nee edvrrttsentent on page 4. Tt1r Bi.., Ku. W ilEkI-- The London bi- cycle club bicycled into 4 :uderich shortly al- ter men on Sunday, entering by the way of Hayfield ram$. They stopped at the Itritiak, where they were quartered .curing their stay, and were soon enjoying a well de- served rest. Shortly after their arrival they received an invitation to attend divine ser- vice at Knox church, an invitation that was waxpPted by a number of the cycler*. On Moud ey morning en early parade took Phues. e, \ir. and AlIamb, on their gaiety, endingK. Sallow., the photo, being in, hand the wheelanten firmed up in front of the Kritish, and were duly taken. ('beers were given for payor Butler, the 4;ookrieh hie) clista, the British, the owner of THE Si,,. 11., the ladies of 4 .oderich, and the Albion. At 9 toe. the club wheeled out of town and ceee.1e! by way of Clinton, Seaforth anti Mrc,itchell to Stratford, from which city they took tram for Sarnia. ,1 few of the mem- bers who could not find time for the whole journey took the early train for home and others the afternoon one. When wheeling into Itaytield on Simla) monung a borne took fright and so or•..wded the team as to cause serious damage to three mechines,the owners being thereby prevented front pro• ceefingtu Galerieh. The names and real dencesof the visiting cyclists are:.(. A. Tune, C. E. Ellis, W. E. Mullins, ('has. Brown, Jas. Lamb and wife, 1V. Wigmore, W..1. Wig- more, W. H. Irvine, S. Colwell. W. Ar- digh, .1. O. iliggins, 11'. Gra , %V. Parkin- son, .1. Milne, A. Milne, of London : 4 1'. Sharkey, Toronto : F. Skerritt, Hamilton ; t .. Ramsey, St. \laryr; Alf. Jury, Ing. r Moll. Till. 4 •st►:.%y1:+T 1 rr. From all quarters appllcatiots for space at the f0rtheorntng great Industrial Fair to he held at 'Toronto from the 7th to the 19th of Se ember are being sent in by every mail. it is now an aesurml fact that Canada's 4 Farr will this fall uutrival any of Its predecessors. Never before were there so many entries from the United States, and mn no former oras has such widespread interest Leen uanifrrted in its soccer. Not wit hstan tng the faet that new 'mil.lingm have been erected and oia coves enlarge.) ,luring the past Summer. sufficient entries have been received to almost till them. Even Great Britain is beginning to reek., that it pays to bring eta manufactures before the people 01 Canada. :11 at no place can the) be seen l.y en many, and several .1 the 'reading manufacturers of England have applied for space durin • the past couple or three weeks at this exhibition. The railway and steam- boat companies have this year notified the Asoeuitlon of their intention to give ex- tremely low rates during its progress. A new line of railway into the grounds will enable ovhilntun of live stock on both the great railways to unload withine few yenta of the stock sheds. It is wonderful the emcees that has attended (hie really great enterprise since its inception fourteen years fog. 1, Tout it may mumble 41e anmuntail by anyone who will take the trouble to evanune the prize list. No leas than four- tathaof the many thousands of dollars din triluted annually go to the termer and stock raiser, and while no other industry is slighted this greatest one receives the lion's share, and justly so. The farming corm mun.ty appreciate thin and by their pros ride at 1'antada's gfn'eat gathering every year melon* the actin of the Association. While the farmer visiting the Exhibition cannot turn in any direction without seeing something to instruct him, he finds more than that. No pains have been spared to interest and armee visitors every minute of the day. Manager Thayer, of Boston, a matt whose reputation in his particular line is continental, has this year added his vast experience in assisting to nl•ke the amuse menta eclipse anything that has ever pre- cwlel them. Then again the wianlrt, the merhantc and the artist will find in the various departments something of special vats to then). When it is rrnenihered that over a .grunter Of a miWOK people from all parts .d 4'anada and the adjoining States viaite.1 the Toronto Fair 1.1* year, one man readily form an opinion o: its gigantic pro- portions and its imprtases and value to the .country at large. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. Time Uel of auew.aful laadldalees al the Merest at ions. Following are the suor•esfnl candidates who amt. in Hunan at the mi,anmmer examinations titin RIr11. Primary S. 8.11, E. Ruelwrn, A. Chris Wien, A. ()alto, (1. IWrnin, M. Halliday, R Hamlin, A .Irises, M. he Towrel, A. Moir, H. Me Ewan, J. McKay, R. Robert - OM, F. Rots ors, H. Thrmryrns, R. Wil• Items. .lunirr Leeriest M. Blair, (' Fisher, 4', belay, A. Johnston, M. A..lnhnetsi., H Hal see meseweor-'dJRrasrse -Jenne Gni eras • 16" . K hunky.$, 1111. 11"4ee4996, 1f. The awn mew hold at (Geo (:mows M teal Marl chaetae, .1. McDonald, A. McNeil. A. Ladies' Aid of Viesora sk. Methodiet church pblrlllnn M M. Mch•dr, R O'Reilly. M- Th y Ives wee • A0,101e41 a urvess_ t _ A fWlwn, R Soo g, K. t .i wet ev, lT,M, `'0. -fly rolled hy tis y*uog - Gln ti Mews, k M. Cooper, A. Ksaery, J. lirrat l usrr7 ,, J. eldswartk, R Kiaan,an, A. ldcl. std (Jeered is Letia),A. Mollow•U,A. McEwen, L Melrouhlia, N. Medd, A. Mo.we, J. Mwtanl, Y. Porterfield, H. RwbuU, W. Seen, K. IHevenson, A. Taylor, K. Thump - sen, L Wild. Junior Leaving J. 4:rant, J. Henry, K Jervis, J. Lindsay, C. McFadden, W'. Mc- 1AMtald (passed in French), B Stumehoums, M Whitmore. Senior Learing --W. M.udnue, A. Mo. lntosh, A. Styles. e1An4.T41. Printery- F. Bethune, It. raping, ('. l'larkaun..1. ( Unease W. Connor, O. Fos ter, W. elenunel, 0. (.ruff, .1. Kirkley, A. Met:regur, M. Smillie, l'. Willis. Junior Leering H. Beattie !Famed to Lentil, E. Elliott, M. Fulford, W. Howarth, L Kinney M. MacKay, A. Mul:regur, W. Rea, W. Robinson, M. $impsue, !l Smillie, K. Stewart, M Tiernau. etinior laving 1. Karr, E. Hills, E. Smith. Matriculation ---F. ('Iarkeoe (ps.ed t. (.ruek.l PUBLIC SCHOOL WORK. she Mg* *rimed Entrance .ad Ibe Pablo- , 1eh..1 teen% tag examitssin so. Following is the list of literature melee tions for the high school entrance exatn,us time ot 1892 Lemon IV. The Little Midshipmen. " VII. - -Boadicea. " XIV. Lament of the Irish Emig rant. XVI. -The Humble Bee. XXI. -(Kt in the Stilly Night. XXII. --'Tu the (rat Rave of Sum- mer. XXXIV. ---1►eath of Little Ne1L XXXVII. The hell of Atri. XLL -Making Maple Sugar. XLIX. The Mound Builders. L The Prairies. LXXIX. The Capture of Quebec. 1.X X X. - Waterloo. I.XXXIII. The Influence of Beauty. " LXXXV.--)larnuon and Iklttglaa. " XC--Misley mustr*Ione pest M►:Vl1K11.1T1. I.. Lama XIII. -Tie Hells of Shando,n • XXXI.-Te Mary in Heaven. " XL. -Wag 1hit, Wild Bella. " XLIL-Lady flare. " XLVL-Lead, Kindly Light. " LXVi.-Before Sedan. i' LXXIII,-The 'Three Fishers. " XCIX.---The Forsaken Mennen. " CIA.-. To a Skylark. " (.T. --Elegy Written in a Country ('hurchy d. The copy book to be presented to the examiner by entrance candidate* is No. 6 (senior fourth) of the authorized aeries. re Bur 40'111111 1.1C 88 114. 418AMI]ATI01. 66 64 64 64 (1l 'i'11ere shall be a uniform public ached leaving examination, t., he held at game time and place as the high school entrance examination is held. 42i Examination papers shall he sub witted by the Education 1/e ;tient o the course prexnLed for the fifth form of the public schools, an option being allowed between agriculture and book keeping. 13) No pupil who has not p...e.i the entrance 0811111. to high schools shall he eligible to write at this examination. .4). The questions stall be of • lees difficult chaeacter than those given at the high school primary e.annination. i51 The value of each paper shall he as follows English grammar .. . 150 English eotnpreition And prose literature.150 PdetIcal literature . . ....150 History and geography .... 1li0 .arithmetic and memsuratias 150 Agriculture 100 I1ook-keepiieg 100 1)rawin Heading .100 ('amhdats who make one-third in each subject and 50 per cent. on the whole will be awarded a leaving certificate signed by the Minster of Education and the chair- man of the lined'( txaminers. 61 In drawing, candidates shall subse t, at leant, two books of the drawing course pre. riled tor the 1'. forst, and In book- keeping three sets, each of at least fifteen froob,cap pages or the equivalent there.if, and each comprising the necessary Mirka of original entry, with ledger and bill -hook. The sets shall ,'rt.ist of two to single entry and one in double entry The drawing books and hook -keeping books shall be certified by the teacher as being the work of the cadkdau. (7) 4e the 100 marks for each of i 11 hook keeping, 421 drawing, 50 will 1.e signed to the paper on the subject and 50 may be awanled by the examiners for the work done in the kooks. (81 A paper will le set in temperance and hygiene valued at 100 marks as •brio• No allow-•n.e will 1.. mark in this subject unlearn the candidate makes at least one. thiol of the narks obtainable. Algebra, geometry, botany and physics are optional subjects of study for the fifth form 111 public schools and should he taken up only when in the opinion of the inspector and trustees the circunuteneoms of the arhonl permit of their (wring thoroughly taught without injury to the other chimes. The curricula for the high school entrance and public Scheel leaving examinations are not yet toady for disenlrution by the F'wluca- tion Department. TO ADVRiRTIa*RA. Notice of changes must be left at this Omoe not later than Monday Boon. The Copy for chaagea est be left not. later than Tame - day noon. Casual Adverti.maenta accepted up to noon Thursday of each weak. Trwvslllmr Outdo. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Testes arrive rad depart at uoder)ck as fol lows: Mail andMAIM 135 p -m. Melt sod it6 astp .. MBE p.m. MixedMixed •• •• •• KU ass. .. ,Tor pet. • .,.::.:.:: rad e.m p.a. rasa.. Vassat. (100D GENERAL SERVANT T wasted .t meas., -Apply to MHS. JOHN T. ACHHSON, 2.111 GENERAL SERVANT WANTED.--- w.gss 4 cwt oe4woe. Ap• PI, M MWILWC Y, West. 1'J•tf `,SAN WANTED, -A RESPONSIBLE competent 4 take rare of hoes and Apply to 1)R8. SHANNON. & SHA . ON. --- 11.11 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. --A housemaid. Oood wages to capable Carlo Apply to Mitts. ('AYKH(►N, 21 It For Hire. FOR RIM -- 4:00D TRAM AND osttt Ike day or wok : careful tome ster attend A _teary- rant and hareems, by day or JOHN 8. PL Art 14 4* Wanted. W AMID. -300 CURDS OF GOOD wood. I feet long. free from back logs and limb.suitable for City Coal and Wood Yard. Will buy delivered is yard herr or at alum p. JOHN S. PLATT. Residence- Tr* (algae street- opposite Huehanan t Son's office. H(TSE WA NTED. - I ►FFERS N' ILL be received by the undersigned cNp , mutter personae? trustee board for the lotsfest Dash purchase of • suitable house and lot. with stable. fur • personae.... near or 44nrrn- ,ent to Victoria street Methodist church. REV. DR. STRU N { MAN. Chairman H HALE. JNO, RILLIiRJSAAC F1 SH Kit. 22-21 Artl.Iss for MM BEA UTI L LIIIIOF PRANG'$ 11 an studies for water esters. The finest goods ever sold in Goderiek. Studies also rented for cooyin t (frac a framing a spec. felt), SMITH a Bmsaar and Furniture store. FOR SALE. -1 HAVE ABOUT 20 eordaof building stone- mostly all ,luar- red . can deliver to any pan of town ea sent not los. JOHN S. PLATT. 11,t QHIW(ILIS.-XX. CEDAR, AT $1.16 n squire. par squarXXX. cedar. al cedar. XX peri s4 uarLO e, JOS. K[DD• ea FOR SALE --A SEWiNO MACHi\E in good order (Royal, with four drawers and Leaf : cost $4 , will .ell for *15. Address K. M, 'knot/lee. tilt QBINOLES, XX.. PINK -A SPLEN - kr did thick ehi.gle. N lack, at i1.1a per .♦near. JOr1 KIDr . 1111 LIME FOR SALE.-(Rg)D FRESH Reset a (Ite em kilo.X.U8AXCNLKIt.the e At Exeter on Sunday morning .1 2.0.5 fire was discoverer) burning through the tack part of W. F:. 1'ouchennur's drug atom, oppeite the Central hotel. The fire soon sprcw1 to Lutz's drug more and then to 's'illum Fonar,$ a tin shop. It was feared • (age porton of the Neiman part of the village wool.' he hurried, hat by the moble exertions of the tire company .net ensile of the citizens the fire was confine.) to the three building*, which were totally destroy- ed, with only a part of the contents saved. The hUaditlgs and dock were iusnred. The origin of the fire is a mystery, hut it is thought there was fool play, as there had been no fire in any of them atter 6 o'clock. _ LAMY NOtioo& UTA RIO STATUTES. -NOTICE for•si hereby1M1 r haes ve beeat n outwit) Minutes by the ■adoereIgned. and aro now ready for delivery to nsagetrateeamet all ethers Anis qualified to rwrave the salsa iRA !Amts. (ter( of the Peace for Here.. Ealerlob, Asa. 14, 11.1. nit HIRE'S ROOT SEER. A lie make' i Wham of not 41ser. o mMe .ltemperance beverage. CEDAR SHINGLES. -I HAVE still on fond • quantity of A I sh!sgp.g, which I will sell et $lan at mil, W. T. PEL LOW. Pert Albert Q volt SALE. -TWO IR 10. CAST L curd io i in. face. 111.10 is bore• or can sow be sold at a reasolargenable shaft. ApppIy $1 1'.. MINA(. Bream Printing Honer. Nonhst., 044517eh. 0141. Spoils Ardeles. NIIWBEED WHEATS, -- EARLY Rd (lemma and ('ane dian Velvet (Taff, awe of the west pronlis:ng new wheats in the Dominion. We rnarantee our stock pure Bed tree to name. Our stock o1 the first named variety Is IflsHdd : we would advise all o.- terd'.ng purchasers to swill ratty. Abu • lame ,'onatp(rtment of sew Timothy Med. RUM ROW 8, The Seedwna0. - :SUM =Ouoatisnrl. (`IODERICH HIGH SCHOOL WILL `ir re-orien Monday. August 31. The traa- tees Intents to have the Reboot raised to the status of a Collegiate Institute With Chia ob)ecl extensive alterations aad improvements are being made in the building. and these. with the large additions to be mode to the wluipa,ent. will enable the school to do even better work to the future than: 11 tondos* ,n yyeeat. For further information aplrlyttto H. :TSANG, R. A., Head Maurer. s SiaaloaL U'U81C CLASS -- THE UNDER - sed has opened • music clam and Is prepared to rive pupils instruction on piano or organ. Leeson,. given at residence either of pupil or of undersigned. where pupils may Five one of piano. Also legions In French will be given. Intending pupils will Penn. •ppPW;1 at resldesce, sett to Knox church. rROF. UR PKUI►RY• 21 -It MUSIC LE880Na-MISS AOGIE THOMMON b prepared to give music lessons on the piano or organ. For St r.ten Mee let Geo. W. Tho mson's Week a IAKE 80017E BOAT HOI'8E, / Ooderto4, (hot. Picnic parties Lad school. can snake special arrangements for use of boat. and large building on the beech at very reasonable terns. Atte.tive and erxperl- etsoed boatmen always on hand. Auperintesd- ed by ('Ai'T. WM. BARB. Lifeboat t(Itnh s. •4f Mashaaisir qts ODERICH MIIIOHA1fIea' INSTI- TUT't Lra*ARY AND READiNU- ROOM, nor. of livor street and Mquars top stain. Open from 1 4p.m,, and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY. Loading Daily, Weekly mad IUwlrated Papers, Mainneer, sec., ow KEMMERERIP TICKET. ONLY "Ls", treating free nee of Library and lteadletlh Application for membership reecho$ by Librarian. In room. KD. BHA RMA N, 0E0. 8T1V1444 Onierice. M Ig6, telary Rli.dloal. DRS. SHANNON .! 8HA1,NO1f, 1'h 0 . or. PrepsM/ ger wE iIIw por mitt FOIsLm ALi -THAT I.A Reit Most of Imaaellattetp pablo bears y tit . 4s $ Pin very dears Weal lea,tW Mint he sellable for 8uonter pwrtoloors arteries W it • Ief VOR KALE. -A MARKET tiAliptl twisty -meal wall f Godwiureodn* 0•, tortaWprowl of the W. llVbgwt water OLM. or by le MRI. W. en, Ku PROPE1IT! IIO1R' 1 XOHANO; Neuss. w4b/ te excheage ppeeooppe ty lam or lalei a $djota!ug, fur Tahoe or lots oaa A LICK tld&l: N U iUndar, rytpartculars k OWL Iv if VOR RENT. -A NEAT AND qty 1' fortable oottylee n. Hlackaq.. HIM hew as •e) a of Iaad ; seed bsarine roman of .1 pie. plum and peer trees. arid stall fru:: visa., Hal a mile trues Court House- Testi„ reamssehle, Apply at tbll ogles . 07 tt L'0R SALE AT A BAkl;,tiN THAI .1. 000.anudbue bulking ooo- armels, at nt ooru(l4 d a • j.I., War. emit F. Ir on sale. Terme easy, A q by Ir. 8. eutrr.I , Bromide P. 0. HOUSE TO RENT -A TWO.rrojy most how, situated ea Uleaos,er Ter • Gast °est wren roamcellar and cGy Apply tot CAMPAIGNStloder trgig nto, HOUSE TO LST. -ON 1'AIiK street. lately occupied by Ira Tt urine eight rooms, excellent cellar sad water : son • garden std stable. ('heap to • deairabk tr, ant- Apply at 8IUNAL UFFI('K. UH-tt L-1OR 3AU - THE FOLLuWINI, r valuable pitopertk t : (fart of tots 7 and IL, ooncorlon I. K.D. ,(.t Eel$, 125 •ere•. The North t of lot '(, ad concession. les. K a wlnoeh. I W .errs. Pan of block Y. Colberoe, 10 acres kno. as the .Arthur F(augherr farm. The above properties will he sold on tem.. to suit purt ewers. *DOG io wooMERON, 1:101..fa CAMKRON Uoelenth. L'tOR SALE. --MR. WILLIAM M. I` Lean. from continued lu-heeltb, ellen for g ale his house and grounds in the town of God, rich, consisting of s lota.ea which are %tutrt an elegant std moa comfortable .:aNhy; boil. built and long occupied by His Hose Judge S1nclalr, of /laminae. a beautiful ,lar den, Nantes and all necessary outhouses appurtenances• the whole ►.r good repair Ad forming use of the most desirable residenree is the town of Ooder.ch. For part widen apply 4 Mean, OAHiWNt PKOUDFt1OT. (fade rice. the veo w%adicNare. ►t tf FIRST•OLAf$ BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALK ON ST. PATRICK IT. -Abatis two min.4's walk from the square. Two stories high, brick addition la the rear 1 8lorcea high., building oorerod with Oleic, Main building has 3 large room* ea int tat. uppssttairs there are S large room.. L the rear addlt ion three are kitchen, pantry. Uptairs. lore* room and baih wear• Apply to the underai give all neoeesary tahlrm entleh BUON. Lease saw Eninumaies. MONEY TO LEND. -A LA ROIL amount of private and other Naas .t lNe.t rates on productive town and nit property. special terms of repayment to pal the borrower. -No eommlwon. -(call or wilts II. U. f DHN14TON. Uoaerieb. 29 Ot 1 `1 • R. ROBERTSON, ACCOUNT ant, Fite, 1Afe and Accident !nor aloe Agent. UMe - upstairs. opposite Big W ogee North-eL. Godshall. 71 tt O. WARD. CONVEYANCER. • te., sad cosamisiosar Iter taking and re relying recognisance* of bail, afiids. its or a4etati.ws, disposition* or solemn doctors Hasa to or concerning any action, suit or pro warding is tea High Court of Justice. tie Court of Appeal for Outarb, or to any 4 oast: or Divan* Court, A1I trawscdaen ca eefalty mid promptly executed. itesideace and p(L •ddrees- Dasesiasoa. O.1. !r5 tt Li J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND U . Accident Iruuraneo Agent. M,peemest- Isg North British t Mercantl4 • Liverpool Loudon & Globe; Norwich Unto.; NorR American Lite; and Accident Imamate .t North Amerh•a. Lowest Fates- Learn set tted promptly. Money 4 (comm on Farm std Town Prourny. Conveyancing door. Pro - party valued. etc. Odleo-Caro Nortba►. and Square. Ooderioh. 00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CA71I1CRON, H0,ue t CAMEIWN.ONe 35 MONEY TO LEND. -A L A Ito L amount of Private Finds for Investoren u lowest rats on 'rst clew Mortgagee. Apply teOARROW A Noir DIVOT. ItRADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN - se -ince. (teat aerate and Mosel Leaning Agent. Only brei-clas romping, represented. Money to Lend on strat.Tb loaas, at the lowest rate of interest gum , is any way to suit tit oorrower. Ogen- No - 01141 doer host Square. Wert Street. Gad. - rich. MLitt Loma. EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PR()C- . for la Maritime Courts of ')stens. Oreo---8.wth lblboree ho.el. 1113 ILf 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. 171. solicitor. a lmm(mte ioaer. . Loamoel4ctb.. and real estate treassotba care fully attended to. Onloe-Cor. Hamilton awl 8t Andrew'se1., Goderich. Ont. enei-l7. TOON DAVISON, BARRISTER, ItY Solicitor. Qosveyascar. to ; Money to 4.d. Ores over Perot -0/... Dederick. 1144 C A M P I O N, BARRISTER. I. Solicitor. Notary Public, et e. Moe rows formerly occupied 417 Jodie Doyyle the14! C. HAY8, SOLICITOR, Ae• Oe. corner of Square sad Res tenetnc , Oodencb, over 4legraph 0114*. Pa - vats freed. to lead at 6 per end. S!w► ('1 ARROW tf; PROUDFOOT, BAR- - raters, MNr ower s• Solicitors. de.. O rich. J. T (yarrow. W. Proudtoot. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. Barristers. !Solicitors 1. Chea er7. k od Oench. M. C. Cameron, Q.C.: P. Hou . Dudley Hoh.r.. Au•tio.ss,SNR. 101IN KNUX, 0111RERAL AC'C- UHomier sad Lard VMwter, Oediri ..._011t- ao . ng W esssadsesble eiperisece dischaogowith gtrsd., ha b In a pusll r s •••••°rRe entrusted t Meer'ee e, ha all nes miston. entrusted 4 him. Orden left sl Martin's Motel. err eget by nail to his •dd Dederick P.O., esrwfully attended to. JON2" KNOX. County Aseith.eor. 117tf 011•11007. MiCHOLSON, LIKE -DENTAL . rooms e:ppeelte Ma sew Feat OMs. W.t•Ilt• Dods4a. D CANADIAN BAN HEAD OFFS ItM M1 MILLION 11. E WALKER, I GODERIC A Guam. BAIMCNto Huas.tas TRAP MAUI. iaat►EO PAYABLE AT Al-. P GIT1E11 IN TME UNITED STATER G Swann* BA1 Wows OP OLO0 ANO UPWARDS I iyOwED. IMTUST AOOIO TO TN aoyEMeal 1. BAP. EMAIL Sp,.l&l Atteetless give. to sad Farmers' Sales Neuss. ..m I>' AS HATTER*." All the dry goods *nen in tl town claim that Johnston Care) Oxf.,nl .hoes spoil the sale of stoc fog'* Why, says ono of the: Car,.• , ,hoes never slip on the he and .Inc pair of stockings wears long a, three pairs worn in otll -hoc. Try a pair and be co LY11ce'ol• \THAT WE ARE DOING' W.. carry the largest stock I.a,t, and shoes in the county. W. give the largest discount I cash. We make the finest ladies' a gent. ,hoes to order. V. make ball slippers to ors of t .4111le goods, silk, etc. 1\-e r. pair goo/(slbought of Or t I'.ewhere. 1\'.• .,'w all rips free of char .1uIIN$TON CLR&Y'S. Hea.l,1uarters for boots. she trunks and valises, the Square, (.oderich. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. , .•lu cin lair has gone t. Sarno for a 11!• .1..1 Moore left last week for 4:r I v anq, l .•l'.r Marks, of Hayfield, was in tow! .a•nnlry M,ea K. Hall spent two days in ('iii Oil. work. l''trkcr 1Vtilulro was at Niagara in pert work 1 1 •utel.n. the apple buyer, spent : da ni town. I.ni. 1;..l1•rt..n..4 'Toronto, was in t tri• p..t *.- k. ?lunlo %1.'le..f. of Seaforth, son Ina t tau too week. F. 4 Amp4en returned from his North tont •m ti•tureay. Miss I i Rielly kit for Ilaffab on Yon to visit her sister. Rev. Mr. Howell was at Grimelly ( the present week. Frank Humber rstsreed 4 his how iletnritnn Fritisy. 1. N. have took is Niagara p ole Lnmshy this weak. Res Carnegie, of i.ond n, s the gut Mts. B. Wilkitwn. ?Ila Eva Acheson has begin v'is menu&, in Wingll.m. Fad. 4.V idder, of London, the family residence. \Ise Rows left town recently on a to ttntuh Columbia. Fs* Hathaway and relaid left for h I:ran tf red, on c'atunay. Howard ('ox returned 4 Chicago Thursday of last week. J. ;del lennott, of Toronto, was cu friends in town this week. I. and Mos. Ure have returned their visit to the Rockies. 111r Minnie I'rwiham rearmed in vtnst t. Clinton this week. L '. Van Fgmoed of Sesinlih, w•t the Bounty town oro F relay. Mrs. ('has. Newton left on Meter& Niagara Falls and Grimsby. Miss .I osis Amason sod M 4s (:rear "itld Seaforth on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 4. 1'. Robertson, of erund, are visiting in tows. .Ioeeph Whitehead 81d1 wife, of 01 were in town oe Wednesday. 11 r. Fairweather left town on Sat for • stay at the Point Fern. Mir Aggie Washington, has rel from a visit 4 friends in Exeter. IoM. M. Parke s,nf the Bank of Coen returned) to !handout on Monday. Mia Tillie 4;slum returned fres er Sault Ste. Mane nn `aturday. Miss Ethel and May Craig re from Port Huron on Wednesday. 1 F nark, of the Inland Revenger 1tratfonl, was in town this week. Mur Mollie Christian returned fro Soo per the Monarch c. Saturday. Mn. Ther. Mclean .ad children sr ing Mr. and Mrs. Bert et Selorth. Mn. Oliver, its Crommein, d (: visiting her many relatives in trent Misses Nellie red Peart Strang re last week from • visit 4 K Perry W'altes, el 141.tln., spent 1 at the family reid,sos, West ""114 - Mims F. Williams left on Satan attend) a moans at the training $.01184 Ira. tie& (Green, of Simone, is reHatpil11111 Raeford rd sod noirldowbei Miro indbeispill returned oe ►1, from • trip to Pert Arthur awl Isola 14 u vilitin rsbII. Nolle s. Hotel AseeseimodaVw. A. P. ilemensm li. all Ymettea4 k be •Isosr ds, 1be asio, ocisgllsltYglllg •