HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-21, Page 22
TI. ease was • tis. 4., feted. and .sr.
berme .wase dese•..d died Irma Wit-
ness Termites. sold ae.elttse said Want
resented from • Mesas .fell.
The following, which occurred during the
present nenth, and which is from The New
York World'. asewaal oor-respumdmt, recalls
the days and rough and ready ways of the
old Forty -Fiume,
:toxo tuwmvrd., I i1.,Aug. 4. - The
two of Malooltu Mclaougald,with
killinttgg Michael lenehen, upausda without
Hxm&Itty in the prutcip.l ganibtuig houaa
in Truckee Iasi Mondry. Juha Kur.lette,the
co4d-time faro.dealer Sail friend of the dead
ntaa, was to laud early to eee that the
murderer got hu desersa
There u a large .r:h between the mein
room, where the faro tables and the poker
tables are heated, and the sateen with its
bar ami piles of barrels and loxes. The
priwwer lounged &game the wall and the
witnesses' roti spectators distributed them
selves over the barrels. .A stud home poker
table a commo d*tel three. As the resat
filled up a crowd gathered in the archway,
greatly to the dwtro . of the bartender,
whose view of the roc
peedings was thus in-
terfered with. Theside ioetp cketa of
e. erybudy bulged pprrtentoutly. Trucker has
given up as exceedingly unhandy the hip
pocket system of cart it.g a revolver.
1t was 10 o'clock when His Honor Justice
Leggin took the dealer's place at the faro
table, which served .s a judicial desk. Op-
posite him sat the two attorneys and a re
porter, elide the line whose life was staked
on the turn of the legal cards iu the
.fudge's hands, w, to speak, maintained am
air 01 indifference, still lounge% against the
confer ..t the arch.
District Attorney Nihon stood ready t..
make his play, hut counsel for t he defaming,
Mr. .Ict:Malan, first lighter) hu cigar and
tendered the still lei rnm a snatch to His
Minor. The Court tilted back in his chair,
and hating got the cigar well lighted turned
10 the District -Attorney and told him to
.lust at this point old John Kurdette rose
in his piece at the lack of the roan and
notified His Honor that he wits Lenahan •
friend and things would have to be done
Phis speech brought out six-shooters all
over the court-r«mi, fuel threats of a lynch
ing were muttered in the direction of the
Iwr. Justice leggin simply shifted hu
cigar 10 a more e:emitted :angle, placed
his land ou the little shelf et the back of
the table, where .drinks are placed .onne-
timew, .n.l drew forth an elegaie. black
.Ito. r of 38 .•alihr•.
"(leder must be preserved in this court, -
remarked the Justice. " Everybody will
get bis right., but if there is any disturb-
ance in this nom 1 shall we hesitate to
enforce order at the point of the pistol if
Old Iturdette expresses) himself satis1ie4
that the Judge intended to put up a square
game, and the pistols were returned to the
side pockets and the trial proceeded. Once
only, when a witness for the prosecution re-
flected too severely upon the dead stat, did
old Kurdette rouse himself and enter :in
emphatic protest. The Judge got the drop
en him with the brig revolver, however, ani
suggested t hat he sit down. Rurtictte knew
his man and there was no further disturb-
The story of the killing as brought out by
the went mos was in substance that Lena.
han hal a quarrel with MMelkougahl on the
night of the 5th of July. - He drew a pistol,
hut it was taken away. Then McItougald
went up to Lenahan's saloon, told hint he
intended t.' be friends, set up the drinks
anal they shout hands. During the latter
eeremeny, Melbugald, who is an immensely
. powerful young fellow, nearly jerked the
arm off Lenahan, who was smaller, older
and sickly. Soon after, however, Lenahan
came into Mellougald's saloon witn another
pistol in hu hands. This llel)uugald
snatched from him, and at the same time
knocked him dorm. He either hit him when
he was down or did not, according to
whether the man who tells it was Lenahan ■
friend or Mclhugabl'a. Itut when they
picked Lenahan up Mclhtugald led hint to
the rear of the saloon and helped wash the
blood) off him. Sontelssly said Lenahan
had another pistol and there was another
Of course there is the sanw diversity of
evidence as to whether MIcDougald clubbed
him with the pistol or not while he was
wealtittg off the Wesel. At all events they
took Mike Lenahan house, and a doctor
sewed up his cuts and treated him for a
fractured skull for twenty•four hours. Then
another doctor took the case and treated
hint for delirium tremens until he died.
The first doctor testified that Lenahan diel
from an injury to his kinin ; the secure l that
he died !none delirium tremens. They did
not examine the brain at the autopsy,
though they found a small puncture that
went through the outer skull.
It was noon by this time. Court adjourn-
ed to the har, and Ht. Honor left the re-
cords with the barkeeper for safety. The
constable went nut to look for witnesses,
leaving the prisoner alone. Nobody minden
that. Your Californian who las killed his
moan is too honorable to take advantage of
mach liberty. The old pioneer epoch of
the Pacific creast is not ended yet.
Melloug.M passed the time (wing h
fingernails, stroking his little rnustac
and carefully arranging his hang so as
make it hang quite tow on his forehea.
When ,•.tart opened again the
•' Have you any witnesses, Fran
Freak is the Ih.triet-Attorney.
he didn't think he'd put on
The defense then eallel M
neighlsring alone keeper
came in in his shirt sleet.
that Lenahan tame to ht
a.ke.l him for a pistol.
1'olt'. double action 38
acid there were slway
tent pla•r behind his
The pistol that
was shown to Foga
gun,'. said the w
If 1 were •
nark it exhibi
aa. But the
of that. H
such s •
and laid i
er, A
the fi
u.t ice
He said
any more
r. Fo arty, it
\Ir. 'Nally y
•. He ',tow labor and capital of the inhabitant* being
m est• night and exerted on the land. Yet our stupid land
11.' Hanle him a 1 system allowed a set of men to go in in al-
calth4r, of which he ranee, get hold of the lead upon which
s a brier in • emcee alone labor amt capital cm themaelvea,
tar. and then say to labor and capital Von
seas taken from Ie•nahan •hall not reduce wealth without paying us
rty. .. 1 think that's my for tt. e do not propose to help yoe
ewes. we shell simply levy as much toll on you as
ow, emir, 1'd tag it and we can get oat of you, in the shape of land
t 1," suggentel \lo �I.I11aak rent and prelims mono We did not
Judge knew a trick worth own make the Lail : it would have been there if
e put the weep,n in • paper hag. we hal net got it : hit now we have got it
lime'. worth of peanuts e.Nte in, we Sas..oelpsl you to go nn working and
t on the shelf under the table. railer the valise of our iota by the improve
stents von put as, yourw."
And that ate of things gets worse and
wore, thks bigger the town grows. Men
expend pusele and brain in improving the
tome. The more they improve the more
they eon taxed. while the holders el vacant
beds Mt by sed do ectiieg, .ed shield* se
they Nick d die Odes harvest they will
vh.e the took who sweat ie Mere sed
have eudeieetly raised she mime
d Ibeir for thea
Tifillielletof wash (7�.1mwbG...Lti'
tired the perierataees, and are to be nes
catslaieLiud au hen seen the right remedy.
rowdy it gt psi es t .atl.w ea houses,
betldiyr er il�rwswte e11 tttq �6 let
tical as to whether Mel)wg.ld streak
l.eaa .-- while he was os the his
sesoory hided him He braid fiat
crowding mould ubetaeeted kis view sole
could not tIL
lie cross -.1 - . nation he reemebs.ed that
las week to liclbapld sad &eked him d he
would go out on the p�1I....s and shout to
dew* with !®arae. ]icDo.tjald said he
would mut, that he was act maims to kill
esesebody or be killed himself.
He was asked why hs saggs'ed that to
Mel/ougald, enol th.e d. retnewlered somas
MAIM Hui hues was angry about the tight,
and Aulersxm asked him if Lenahan would
go out on the plats with McDoe'hf.
Fuparty p'mapily answered that !casaba,
Pretty soon the ooestabls note hack with
Dr. l'urions,the delirium tremor r physician.
He is • largo. stout egotleetas, with me
hand a spinosa He ws very much fleet-
ness, at having been brought there.
"!s it not true," asked Mr. Mel:lashan,
when everybody had his cigar ligb:ed, and his
feet as hteh as possible ; '•is it not true that
yen, on the ðeriralton of the Ih.triet-
Ataorneyy,directrd the gravedtgger to have
the laxly of 11r. le-uahen exhumed by 4
o'clock Sunday morning
"%!'hat .lues this mean t" sputtered Ike
Curless. •''.Vhat sit are you trying to get
at '. Reed the question."
I/r. Curless sputtered some more, but
finally dumped half a dozen telegrams in Has
Homy. lap.
The dtsgin • up of Nr. Lenham s remains
was frustrated by old John Kurdette, who
drove oft the grave-digrers with his gunnel
the remark that he would make a lead Hine
of the tint roan that disturbed a shovelful
of the sod above his deed friend's budy.
The District -Attorney objected to having
the letters read. He said they hal absolute-
ly nothing to do with the case.
Then Mr Mcl:lashan gut eloquent. He
denounced the attempt to hold • .ecret
autopsy at 4 o'clock on the morning of the
holy Sabbath day. He snorted that the
resao u for it was the fact tint the prosecu•
tion knew it had not established the fact
that Lettahan had ,b..l fr a wound at all.
lir. furless had sworn that death resulted
fr lelirium tremens.
"Ikoesn't this physician know the edif-
ferene between delirium tremens anti a
brokenheal:" he thundered "Are they not
both con ihil in Truckee"
He cut his cigar clear out into the middle
of the barroom, so earnest watt he, but the
Court rubel the telegrams out.
"1 det't think you will adhere to that
ruling, Judge,- said the attorney,aud he be-
gan hu argument over again, Iota the Judge
was steadfast.
The next witness was John Leach, who
also told how Lenham tame to get • gun
from Fogarty.
"Let us have that gun, .fudge,'- raid Mr.
Met dashan, teaching out his hand.
l'ertainly," nspontle.i His Honor,
courteously, •' as scam as 1 get this chew of
tobacco cut off, " wad breathless silence fol.
lowed, broken only by the click of ice and
.;las MM lir. Fay mixed cocktails.
The Court sawed with a rusty jack-knife
at an obdurate plug. The lawyer inpatient
to get on lent hint another knife, and soon
the wheels of justt.e revolved again.
Lesch was another oue of those that could
not tell what happened while the blood was
being w:uhedi from Lenham'. face in �Ic
Dougall s saloon. He was the last witness,
and then the lawyers began to talk. The
bartender, who hal &btmst worn himself out
racing from the arch back to the bar to
wait on customers and then beck again too
listen to the trial, gave up when the argu-
ments began. He hired a substitute, &rel
after that he listened to the thuneters of the
attorneys in peaceaml comfort.
At the case of the arguments Justice
Liggett held the defendant for involuntary
manslaughter moi fixed his bail at $5.000.
(Truckee is a town of 1,100 Inhabitants,
about one hundred and twenty pules from
Sacramento. Its trate is largely lum`rer,
and it has a semi-weekly newspaper. Ed..
World. (
1'. 1KletttltL� k Co.,
I hal the muscles of my hand an con-
tracted that I could 1101 use it for two years.
MiNARD'S LINIMENT cures Inc. and 1
now have the use of iny hand as well as
Dalhousie. Mits. Rt. NEL ski•
1'. 1'. Ktuntiekt
1 hal a valuable colt eo lad with mange
that 1 feared 1 would lose him. MIN ARDS
LINIMENT cured) hint tike
I hilhousie. 1 'n hosiery
ea ffmw ot:n-.
11 amends ►1M
The following 1
Port Arthur He
The Innate=
take a hint
1'oluniba 1
This is w
It has
aeos/Me : .cosi 11
ow S
tter is clipped front The
rale I
men of Port Arthur should
from the action of the British
:egi.lature at their last session.
hat that Legislature has dote:
exempted improvements on home -
from provincial taxation to the ex
.1/4500 and under.
has I -he nge.t the tax on wild land from
cents specific to 2 per rent. on the
It has given municipalities power to ex
empt improvements on real estate partly or
wholly from taxation, and to raise their
entire revenue from land values, to the
extent of not more than 25 mills on the
This 1 islation sea2 brought on by the
fact that lent speculation was rampant in
the Province, and was placing heavy bar
dens on industry and commerce. Take for
instance a piece of land that becomes the
site of a town. Wealth is to be created
there, and that wealth is created b • the
next witness was Fttgarty's barkeep-
ntlernm. Hs win the nam who, took
ret pistol away from l,rnahan Mr.
erarwt told how after the lint re'one,Iia-
McDreigald and Lengthen nearly ygoou Onto
another light .tier who should pay Inc the
drinks with which they pledged their newly
esssente.l friwhip h had rep a dollar
er the her, and each inm.ted that the nther
eh,sld drink with him. Though premed
eja.,And.eson enuki not tell which one dol
tuft pay tit the Mika And w�sse UOU4 }
rotary of ti.. deal mw in McDw-
.alow. He knew that when Inedlat
1d down his haul hit ami se the 1
keg Wire the Ise, bat =se
baa merely MM. bad ow whim& the
aoeerdiag W km valve, mad to tea all
to Its valee, whether vemet sr
The. • would be tamed as
fir M.Idfsg hand idle as for peLU sg it
a the ittlime w.
Ts: aemmoditis---yeti make them dearer.
'Pm laud—you make k camper.
Part driller waste moa red messy to
engage productive Weary. ribs waste
The wayto must* fres is to say, "Here
u land to be Itad cheaply t go ce and im-
prove it all yN east we .ball 1•a you ad a
coot matt for thong .o. This is me d those
cwamau to sews. where we do not Sas
mea for slaking i eproremenia"
How long at the deluge, children, did it
rain • Forty days.
How long upon the mount did Muses fast !
Forty days
How loam del the embelniing of a hotly
Wet • Forty days.
How long in the wilderuese was Elijah
sent ! Forty clays.
How long gave Jonah Nineveh to repent !
Forty days.
How loug dents in the tiorert fast !
Forty days. •
How keg did the wandering of the chil-
dren last • Forty years.
How long was it said Israel should hie in
sin Forty years.
How long did Saul, as King of Israel.
reign • Forty years.
How lung did David for his people grieve •
Forty years.
How long did Absalom to Ihivid cleave!
Forty years.
How long dial Othnell keep his Lord's
command • Forty veers.
How long in bondage wow Judea. held?
Forty years.
How old wa• the lame man whom Peter
healed ! Forty years.
How lung did Ear's desolation lest •
Forty years.
How long did Israel keep her idols fast •
Forty years.
How long were the spies in searchtu
Canaan's laud • Forty days.
How old was Usleb when he joined t
band ! Forty years.
Ask tam Friends AWN
Your distressing cotieli can be cured. We
know it hesause Keinp's Balsam within the
past few years has cured so n any tought
anti colds in this community. Its remarkable
sale has heen won entirely by its genuine
merit. Ask some friend ho has us.el is
what he thinks of Keinp's Balsam. lucre
is no medicine so pure. notlle 20 effective.
Large bottles 50e. and $1.00 at all drug
gists'. I-eow
iis Floe Lines Add Saadi, re the Men et a
yeu know, Amy. I have quite come to
the couclusion that a woman's toilet is never
quite successful unless tt shows two er three
inches a slender wrist, whether gloved or
women in the park last week who looked
better dressed than the rest, and after
puzzling over the matter for some little
time I settled in my own mind that it waa
bemuse the prettily shaped wrists were not
wrapped up 111 furs or hidden in muffs. I
said as much te Charlie, anti he went fur-
ther than I " Yes,- he said, " and
ankles, too. Just thulk what a horse
would look like if his legs were rolled up
anti swathed and hidden up ! What a
thomughly clumsy animal he would seem
to be I dropped the subject, dear, hut
continued a tti nay thoughts.. For instance,
how mach nicer a man looks in riding
breeches that are tight to the legs than he
does in the ordinary trousers. Anti the
forme' niusr be wanner, too. We all ap-
near te conceal with car.- the fine lines a
the wrist and male, in fashioning which
nature fleCIVIS to have taken particular pains.
-" Madge in Loudon Truth.
Mr* le ere Richt.
Right actions sprint/ front right principles.
Incases of ilierrhow,dysentery,cramps,colic,
Summer compteint, cholera "imams, etc.,
the right remedy is Fowler's F:xtract of
'Wild Strawberry, -en unfailing cure—msile
en the principle that nature's remedies are
lost. Never travel without it.
Peruse resiewbssie.
A reverend gentleman, having got into
difficulties with his tion, found it
necessary to hand cinfi:graessignation. On
the eve of his darture he preached • fare-
well sermon, and sought to improve the oc-
casion by firing a perting shot. "You un-
grateful and godless people... he began. ee.
verely, "it. is clear that 4.od does not love
you, as I have beried none of you since I
hare been here ; and it is otetain you don't
love one another, for I haven't married any
of you- It is equally plain that you do not
love me, for you have not paid me mfitiallot
quarter's salary. However I shall
forth be indepestdent of you &IL I bar
obtained a position as chaplain of a gaol.'
And then he coolly gave out the text "I
go to prepare • place for you.
Patent medicines differ --(hie has reaeon-
ablenese, &nether haa not. (Me has reput-
ation another has not. One has corifi.
deuce, born of Pummel Another has only
Don't take it for 'trotted that all patent
medicines are alike. They are not. Let
the years of uninterrupted meows and the
tens of thousands of cured and happy men
sod women, place Dr. heroes 1:olden
Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierces Favorite
Prescription on the side of the comparison
to which they belong. old there isn't a
state or territory. no nor hardlv a emetry
in the world, whether its people realise it
or not, hut have men and women in them
*harm happier because of their discovery
Think of thee in health. Think of' it in
sickness. Anti then think whether you can
afford le make the triel if the nuthere
aired to take the risk to give your money
hack, es they do, if they do not benefit or
treks Meson Per keel it. That ki Moo
road to ether embalm is where all
thee is truly vetuabb and iler • ism kw
heart any Mita Man ever desired to
pitmen that dues mot find its mama Wyllie-
▪ enesey there. TIM phew im
with niorel amd physical poises=
=veribing in the heart Met mimes men
the brute, saw mythieg is the
salad Met elan aid to its meduleent err dn.
N oble its aspirations. He will Awl wage.
elevating there— but everythiag wading
down. 11 lie wishes to lone ai that he now
values --the sorb isstrectious of • mother,
the sweet allectims a • stator, the admoni-
tion' of • father, aod all the cherished
Ms of a childhood and youth - --he io
the high rued to that result. but do not, as
yen value his dearest iisterestroio nte. let hen
go unwanted
Point Iiitu to the thousands of hesitate
wrecks which seem almost to block up
the way he treads. Show him the beggars!.
tottertug form just einergute front the plat*
be seeks. Tell hint that but • few short
resee1111102 that pitiable being, • young non,
as noble, vigoruus mei pnentaing as Ile now
ia, was enteral*, as be now enters, the
broad way to ruin, as confident as he now
hi that no such fate would be his. Tell him
that neither intellect, education or wealth
tau shield hint hum the gulf the:, yawns to
reeve.. Point him earth's int htiest
ewe who have fallen in the loan of the
insatiable waster, Rum. 'rell him there
is but °Deposed:de way in which he can re•
tain the respect &pa confidence of present
friends, or gain the Wail% este tit of others,
anti that Is to taste uot, handle uot, the
unclean thieg No other course offers
Minn Malling.
Often young housekeepers are discouraged
when they see the orderly househttltis and
well cooked Ille& S of Nome experienced
friend, suit despair of &limning a like degree
of excellence in the household art. Rut do
not be discouraged. 1 his result um not
reached in • day. It haa often been pre-
ceded by just such truds and mietakes
you are xperiencing riow. You see only
the result. The long veers of patient kilter,
of triumph anti defeat, of esteem's anti fed.
ure, are hiddea in the paid. But of this be
assured, the genii of the household reveal
their mysteries only to these who exercise
thought anti bear patiently with their fail-
ures, in the meautimd using every Mealtil tO
increase their knowledge. lk. not under-
stand me to say that te be a good house-
keeper means to make everything else sub-
eervient to t 0:1-• idea. Far froo it.
two next to so:ethane," are oft •repeat
ed mailed". Truly. both should lw mein-
tained so far as it consistent with other
tiut les ; hut to siteritoe one's pleasure, gond
nature and health tor this ohject seems
foolish in the extrenw. l'hileiren need
sotnethuig more than clean dresses, soul a
husband eomething nowt. than a spotless
kitchen floor and nitols ready with ntechen-
ical regularity. The wife and mother who
gives all her attention to these will have no
time to be coinpattion, friend and tomnselor.
She will !peke her life MA wife and mether
miseraltie failure, and her hotne, though it
will he one of scrupulous neatness, will not
he one ef which the children will carry lov-
ing memories through all their lives.
If the ladies would abandon cootrieties
MCI more generally keep their tdood pure
ilhenaturally fair complexions would be the
rule instead of the excepoon, as at present.
Pure blood is the beet beautifier.
A veer or two ago the editor of The
American Journal of relocation, St. Louis,
urged that a liberal distribution of that
paper among the teachers, melee)! officers
and tax -payers would reimburse each
teacher circulating it lour -fold, its cost in one
year. The teachers caught the idea, anti
wisely and zealously aided until 150,000
copies were put alto circulation. At the close
theaext year the report of the superinten.
dent of public 'net ruction for M issouri showed
an average increase of teachers- wages of
19.72. Of course, it was not claimed that
all this WAS clue to this journal, but that it
was an active and prompt, anti the principal
factor in securing this increase in the corn.
penastion of our teachers, ne intelligent
person will deny. - Louisville Courant.
"Like magic
sad Bore Throat are, in meet MOM im-
mediately relieved
by the use of this
wonderful remedy.
It strengthens the
vocal organs. allays
irritation, and pre-
vents the inroads of
Consnmption; in
every stage a that
dread disease,
Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral relieves cough-
ing and induces
refreshing rest.
e "I have used Artr's Cherry Pertetral
in my family for thirty years end hare
nlways found it the beet remedy for
croup, to hich romplaint my children
have been subject."—Capte U. Carley,
"FroM an experionee of moo thirty
years in the mile of proprietary medl-
clues, I feel justified in recommending
Ayer's Cherry Peetoral One of the
bent recommendations of the Pectoral la
the enduring gnallity of ha popularity, it
bring MOTO, salable now than it was
twisty -five years ago, when lea greet
I "My little sister. four years of age.
was an from bronchitis that we had
I throe given up hope of her recovery.
Our family physician, • skilful MOM and
Speek to hint Speak to the young man I
entering that mince ' Tell him no posenible
trod ma nom* to him there, nothing that
be eag bay, me way easimeabialla b• way
stalke there will ever bessit hien. Thor k
is noli lime the Wed is stored with esefel
kuortilleige, the heart noised, er • giro
mobile gratalled. The mob= =4,1
of large experience. pronounced it use.
1 lees to give her any more medicine ;
trying that he had dons all it was pa&
"Mk to do, and we mast prepare he the
worst. Aa a last restore, we deterndeell
to try Ayer's Cherry Poetises!, and 1 ear
truly say. with Me meat happy resell&
Atter biking a few dome she seemed te
breathe ofektr, sad, within a week. wee
oat of danger We motioned ghl.mt.hie.
Peetoral until natielled she wee
well. This has given me unbanedidlia
in Me preparation. and 1 reetiesmeed
comfidently to sty entitorners."—c. 0.
Lepper, Druggist, Pcirt Warm, hod.
Pow Voids and Coughs, take
Ayor's Chary Pam,
A Cordial Invitation
To the ladies of Goderich and vicinity to examine her stook.
Prices right.
"Ilklem• not IOW -
is thst tile sun dens net Noce its eouspiextoe
dettitur le theent fete It • o0111
let ladles who desire to be tree
item tan. treeklaksec.. should use
Bell's Tan and Freckle Lotion,
D'Avignon's Witch Haaal Cream,
For sunburn. Irritants,. manes. reseghness of °omelet
ton. etc. dent P•1111111110. - We r
soma Yetloves, Hesessinine. Saunders etc.
nest te the world. Farm -clan preseriptlon
work at all bun.
Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right.
Just what you want
Best brands and lowest prices.
1::r 'r IC Ital WILL N'LLNT
Pickering's Blanco
Unequalled for cleaning lo-Ita, ',traps, k•tc.
Another large consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
Public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
The Temitere Dealer. w selling all kis& et 'welters st ire lower vennilde Priem
well -knows foot that be
Sells Ch.estagp
fineerffere. red too dad wet Mel be Ogee sr be
Or. J. O. Ayer CittL_LeIrlin map, GEO. BARRY.
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