HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-14, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891. • W. ACHESON & SON. Drees Goods Sale ! we are clearing rapidly several litres of 000D DRESS 000101 at the olloa ing ridiculously low prices : 15 Pcs. 25 -inch All Wool 25c. Berges, To clear at pc. Meet .bads t 10 Pcs. Stripe Tonle Cloth, All Wool, Me. • ism. TM • bre redi/cttaa, tet never mad, well chats with the Mier Una at 1< conte 6 pea. Double -width Sere, Now Ileo. • yard. I4•tular sesda Send foe sample of our BLACK CASHMEREiS, all wool, at 40 and or any price. A SILK HEENRiETTA at $1.50; they are not surrtssed in the dry goods trade. IS IT LATE FOR GRENADINES i A few pieces left, will sell at rk. • vuel, worth double. Send for satuplea of any of the shote -mentioned specials early. Inspec- tion In' ittrl. W. ACHESON & SON. FE AR'B 8TIO C D'L? PAPER, Catch'emaaliveandhold'emfast. Always fresh and only 5c. a sheet. RUBBER RINGS FOR GEMS. AZ.BO tOORKB ALL. BRIES _ Open Sundays for Dispensing and Medicines only. THE t'HA 101 A('Y, GEO. A. FEAR, Druggist, RHY`AS' Old Stand ODDS AND EltlOs. feats enthusiasm un behalf of Hour Russia. and gives way to a aort of Moes imbecility mess's .meanest ewest)twwa.gr. as regards everything that a closely or re- mote y connected with the alliance. Thus August rvideatly intrude 10 1st every aloe the French ration, is its own estimation the know that it is the reigning mtaseh. FWti- witiie" in the world, has condescended to delight in idiotic tirades or babyish anec- dotes like the following. During the Exhi- bition of 1889, when it became almost im- possible to get a tub, • gentlenum stopped the Jehu of ace of these vehicles, esy- ing. "('aschman, will you drive me to the Ex- hibition "No : my horse is tired. "('oachman, 1 will give you ten francs. - more American. - Freenman a %Vona Powders destroy and remoc, wortt.a without injury to adult Of anf.mt 1'v •p1e w ho swim to the salt sea waves ,e.w base a surf fit of pleasure. New Or. lane Picayune. Regulate the liter and bowels by the jadi.-u.us use of National Pills, they are Pure!). s epetatde. Wheat differs from babies in that it is user cradled untill atter it gets a beam knnt;bamtoo Republic. 'lill.urn's Aromatic Quinine %Vine is dna tinctly superior to any other as an appetis- ing tolur and fortifier. " Take • 'lath' with me, won't you' " as the duellist remarked to his antagonist. Roston 1'ourier. ---- As a healing soothing application for cute, wouata, breis and sores, there is nothing better than Victoria Carbolic Salve. I Amt a general flavorit, - mid the soda - •aa. r clerk, sod then he enoceesfully dud - ce.l threw tumblers. - Washington Star. Itch, mange and stretches of every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by W olford'a Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-1y Chicago Herald : The hailstones which recently fell at Adf•aea. City were about the shape 01 s estael-a soda bi.cutt, and nearly u - Much ii rly le rlleis — the ses of dente tang, griping kakis as rge- uves. In Apses 9�pplillsathe. a mild hat aR,,tlse eill10111.1.1lhat c.a heoon- fidently n,,Merisrl lesil for the most delicate pitied. as well • the menet ro- bust. The "semis! mend " must be the waltz. Boston Traseeript. The tow that dote mot believe that two heads are better that one is the father of new twin -Team Aiftinia. The ocean Greve bakers don't care • wrap for the prudes. --Pittsburg Post. Have we any truly great area at the pres- ent day ' sow doubt it, mod ..k to be ah"we :he mean W asbiagton, Franklin,or Weimer. However this may I. of one thing we are ease, there never was a greater bieed-pariller than Ayers Sarna patina - - A crustybelieves that a laborer is worthy of hfs ire.---Vaken Galatia. It is maid figures never dim; bet those made up for the ballet are sot always true to na- ture. New Orleans Picayune. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, bloodarm in, cnrhd,.plinu, ring lama .weeny, guiles, 'peau., axe and sw Alen thrust, coughs, rte. Save 160 by Twenty freaks." "A hundred franca" "NA "l:oac hman, 1 am a Russian.- "Ah usia n.`"Ah ' in this caar.11 right. Jumpin,air. Hue : Cocotte, et vire -le Tear '•"- -From "Nihilist. in Paris," by J. H. Reny, u1 Harper's 1/sgarise foe Awed. fIssriln Ymrmssae ace illmndswlL Moe em M Imer. er. An old man was on the witness stand serf was being cronyexamined by the law. yer. "Von say you are a doctor, err'" "lies, sir : yes, sir." "What kind of a doctor "1 make Inunenta, sir. I make 'int- moots - "What's your ailment good for •" "It's good to rub Ms the head to strength- en the mind." "What efIect woul.l it have of you were to rub some'of it on my head "None at all, sir : none at all. We mast have something to start with." - • rlearis MW Or ak --A sarins Nadalne. The druggists tell w that people call daily for the new cure for constipation and sick -bee ache discovered by Ir. Silas Lane It is mid to be Oregon grape root (• great remedy u the far West for those complaints) combined with simple herbs, and is made for nee by pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. 1t sells at 60c. mad $1 a package and is called Lane's Family Medi- cine. i 9 -sow) !Lege relies. The largest gold coin now in circulation is said to be the gold ingot, or "loot,' of Meal a French colony in Eastern Asia. It is a flat, round gold piece, and oa it is written in Indian ink its value, which is . brut Mo. The next aired coin to this ratable but extremely awkward one is the "abaft" of Japan, which is worth about 1166 ; trod next carts the "band•" of Ashantee, which represents a value of about 1149. The ('alifornia 1160 gold piece is worth about the mune as the "beetle. piece heavi- est silver coin in the world also belongs to Aram, where the silver ingot is worth about ab --Can tttt Teespese. Miss Mand Grant, of Mountain, Ont., writs : " 1 can recommend ilr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw b.rry for Smtrmer use o1 one bowls Wrrwnted the meet ousvgiii,g, peel dhNThnw• is nothing wonderful blemish erre ever known. Sold to „mpis wit► it es it eneeesde even in M F Jordan. 96-ly tie severest was," 9 (Mier may not be the first law of the t•,niface, yet with him everything le inn- loying. Talkers Uemstte. manias' may be • evil contract, but peopls bre i• • very uncivil man I'', titer metering into it. Tea. Manage. \Where, • e year d•ngbtwa angering Ivo% any of these oilmeale micas* Le /ire hwddiag into womanised ' Are yon �yoo'ssr 5511 aw11.,i„ ` frees eany of these siaiadis• that make wamms's His • burins Dr. Williams' Phk Pills me am eafaiWg Neo fry them. Seal by all dsmi s. er pM f�a•tn I are receipt of pries 150e. • hes). 1 Williams )Isd. Om, Brookville. oat. Ma.enmehil dooms The Rlodem tmslga neifes. mewin di plamaNeMa real a .nem spa • A Mr -Meed W.•shemen. To be well-edea•aed, to have good men ears, aid to he used to good society, are certainly strong claims to being ouesidernd • gentleman, and it • ggeeeotl.maa may some- times be called a donkey why may see • n key epastimee he called • oedemas" f Something like this mayhave bthe manning of the man wawl ftuassd • novel •dvertieememt winch appeared i• • London "'error eels, • demkey.hwta�ll Adm l d. of ✓ etie �Phe ben drltoo lied eared f � m.,� ss, ed ie a Amntlem•n. °sly lane' with bennee ao further use for him Trina lila ware, me ire" ne Vim r Tele ashen , w 'A 13 1G_ _ g R EAIK The stove combination Inas been broken by the action of one of the leading hens, the E. Jr C. Gurney Co'y, in refusing to be controlled by the other uiauufaeturers any longer. They insist upon goring the petpleevery a.lvuutage, and (rive placed with their Godench agent, ALECK SAUNDERS, A FULL LINE OF Their Best Stoves, With instructions to give the people in this vicinity the best bargains they have ever had, acrd guarantee Elm Sive. a Pf1 tiakcr There it no space in this paper to illustrate all the lines, but you are in- vited to call and see thein at his stole, West Street. I AM 89LE AOENT FOR E. & C. CONVEY Cot's FI'I.L LINE OF Stoves. Furnaces and Hot Water Boilers, And ani now selling at manufacturers' prices. WEST STREET% 1 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARa[CT SAL' IR CANADA, .mesas a r•. ' Wog ww•t o�1►••1_- YM .• p.steu ►V Mw torr •a elf M r r •eft ►IM •' •.e w. as poo orea •r.... 8:1 a..► N Nr tr. ell Mi... r o m. 4p.w.m oo r a.r.,..- {.r •11 1... 610,4•1111.0.• a Vr.. wt tq KlMM t`1.ate• !Mrars*.erss.�.., 'M• • tri► ire mnlsion l " The Original Cook Stove" has been before the people for four years in both town and coun- try, and the verdict is the best wood cook in the market. Made in 15 different styles. "The Kitchen Witch" 'is a low-priced range for coal or wood. Made in 2O;differ- ent styles. Fitted with "Happy Thought Grate and all other modern improvements r DO ALL M dN NER OF SHEET METAL WORK, .&8 WELL AB Plumbing, Heating and Ventilation, 1 EMPLOYING ONLY TRE BEST MECHANICS. w CALL AND SEE E. BURDOCK Regulates the Stomach. Liver enjBcwels, unlocks theSecrctions,Furlfieathe Blood end rcrnoves .11 Im- purities from a Pimple to the worst. Scrofulous Sore. BLOOD =• CURES '= DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATISM SKIN DISEASES WHY EVERY FARMER eland set moot Armstrong's Improved -P47 n.-- CRAIN a SEED CLEARERS& 333E10 .T.seeds Se ~ T _ bat-lt al tam op Mews late tbea..rsamidmteman . i nirea`rm tae -lt sous and Blease all Timothy seed Inose any kind of gewin while eieaalag thm ' NM Market olaalsg It removes Caen'', ° etc reams into m glv ter Ida it ws�s uosstar rls Mew s..t0 seed th-Q.ubosl NMI It removes all O�wkas. Muleard WIN Pees. Wild and ether foal sad slareokea sad sgraatia.. as.' elves the faemar pure. g as 'tsM algae oatw Harley. ae., User- enghip eNkest waste of ands. is . Pease : It will agaeate the qartsmiale wd, balms. pats d whine from ma ether. tarrying mita le • gsc sea.mate. iinettleeetter used daasd the eller mak. is larger ter 11ea Clever Wes -R Is ILO ae away. s w Ma eras arenashes., rM -lt< le • !fart saw Yaohliw cede.-. lea eines ..hailer. 11e11,1 on be Meed ima the Wet �s�r� MW tint M eM side ae �elesl e K de die west el • new MlI h -I1w� be ateme►w sea maw M!• with. Mr imM fist tgsiarlt 1e, sed ems be nss,N u msos ss� se a these ea.td. fi sit I.Iw11th .r. with e cisw et the imres tf the Mtlt r•KAtm sieves aro timely W perforated Mb. hem a eapea ity d dna barer of as the seibea y Fauber WHAT WE DON'T DO AND We DONT have every day a special Bargain Day, nor do we sell Tweeds at cost. But we DO hold SATQRDAYS Alt 21O10dY8 s8 SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, And sell for Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. Will quote prices next week. GEO. ACHESON & CO. May Mk. MIL B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. 7 HE SQUARE. AND 7Ng Or LiTer0i1 Hypopliospkftio W Lime ad Go& No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always pweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain It. CURES ' Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostnatipn. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D & L." Emulsion, and refuse all others. k_PRICE DOC AND 1111 PAN moTTee-. Sold by F_ Jordan. PATENTS! CAVEATS. TRADE IMS ARO COMMITS MITS Ohtatoed. and' all haloes in the t'. S.Patent OMt a attended to at A101,RRATE PEES. Onr oelee is opposite the U. S. Patent Of- fice. and we car. obtain Patents to less time hen those remo•e from WASHINGTON. Send YODEL OR DRAW/ NO. We ad viae as to patentability- free of chargeasd ne make AO CHARGE UNLESS WEOB- TAiN PATENT. We refer, here, to the Poe:mater. the Supt, +f Money Order (hi...tamed to oft etals of the C. S. Patent OAlce. Fur circular, advice. terms and referer.c•-s to actual clients in your can State or County. write to c • MOWN a CO.. rteMMte Parrot neer. wa a.hie.r+•+re.D.(7 —EXTRA. V.tL 'iCS IN - TEAS ASD SUGARS — For the nest two weeks at -- EU. CAM1!AMNE'a Cor. ]loatr et. and Square. Teleftlioire Connection. T r n ee t .• ono*. a MOW A .Ila ;."""'"1":::111.1,:-.16"...;-',.": .M... a..., w 1 .Art I.�..b1...lr, a.., ,. e.., Ta... Tires. a.an. a .55nw.w...*. n...e �,.... AO*, et say m..r .m.rsrrlr ae. deal......w.1..N . , , �.an.a Fromm woo shat.rara K. m•..).5.....cliai.tl.e5 homed_homed_14.r. 1.. ......,..t.. oaroar..s\ wadei.iU ...n.a1r• ii ..maw .n ..1 Truing —.ghe__ill �.g! w..i. 1.15 F E./b r.11 as.1.n 1R.t. A•Y.rr.m.ta t'. LrIP'5, Qloderich Steam Boiler Works Establuaed 1880. Chrystal 84 Black. SECOND RAND IACHINERI in Stock For Sale : 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler. all complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler. complete. 1 150 -horse -power elide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough - 1y overhauled and warranted in drat ohms condition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold champ. Mall order will resolve prempt anemia. Ween. t Wp•. W. T. el. MuIen. I& Repan promptly attended tw P.O. BOX 3e1. irtre r1EHi. �; -ware sephsl` pima Y hie; ,t ffi.'nna. mend.