HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-14, Page 6e THE SIGNAL: GODI RIGH ONT., FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, 1891. , 311 T COLBORNE BROS. 1111 We are rolling the balance of OUR PARASOLS AT OOST. ¥uu calk get big barged** us throne gonia. We are the keeling house for LLCE CIIRTAINS AND CARPETS (►f all kinds, from 12'c. to $1.35, COLBORNE BROS I 1 1 DRY EARTU CLOsET. 1T1'e TORONTO IIOUSE —1a THE— DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. Latest and Best TIIE DRY- ICARTH CLOSET HAS been in use and duly appreciated for years. but as hitherto presented was too large .acrd cumbersome for au invalid • room. and SUMMER GOODS Menai. a Rood thing where • room can be set apart tar us meta the exp nse.frmnatSto $X. was not object Rinaldo. still a want nes been felt fora small. cheap. ,.ompx,:t arrangement for a bedroom that will nut occupy too mach room or show an unsightly appearance; sad the oh,Irct of the introdo lion of this article. wh.cl. can easily be mored tram one room to another m towel)/ sickness,. is to 1111 this want. 1t is ■ .aaltar) Javea/IN. perfectly free from any odor, and. having a reerrlale 1 Mar Mei. aratw. It prevents any noxious Kt. •e. In sickness itis almost indiapenoobie ; where there are chtl•'ren exceed hely useful, TU tow PRICE—$5.00, Rings is within the rca •1, of t'! For tale at SMITH'S FURNITURE STORK tic's a;•..' fur iaslero h and vicinity, •\s. OF MUST TE+7IMONO 1 recommend mors highly t h • (iananu.aue 1). R. ('lose, for oar in private houses rad m the sick nam. Its principles aro rondncive both to health and convenience. and should be in ear in every house. Frontm. own high appre- ciation of the 11. t:. 1-. game.t by us.•. 1 out mend 0rost simnel, to ail tilts useful house- hold artlolr. Your. truly. t. AC$Tt1N. 1(ector('hrie. Chun h. tlasanoque. To the Colton Uttar Cu.. Uatlan.rlue. - Lt•it cow on view, P. O'DEA, Manager . wool I'tt y twe.M how Nies lJ. a .wt a. re. b. A.�.. teas.. ....Mein. I •.1. ..1 Jr.w. se..... 1.4.0... 141. .., 1 ..raw..w...twr a. .ea *by �w Owe..... 4. ., , w*MAW . Y. 1.. .1..0 ..d 1... .� 1.•.r,.Mwww ..., ..• twos be - s *fp..rl. ....lest M..al 1. eta..*,. Ansi,... W.A... .b • n'w.i w.•. c... 1.•/... 11... 1. 1.. rt,.. te, • ......0- 1 .11-..ritor te....*lb.. . ,Kw ...t.••Mahl 1•.rrw.Iw•a_. II. Jinn.'a A 4 ...Mat nese rants W. I/ebe C. SEAGER, --(Mire in McLeads— JA& SAUNDERSNEw Blocs • McLEAN'S BLOCK. —I WILL UIVE— —Oppose tett het MI areet. — 20 Per Cent. DISCOUNT Money -SON A1.1.— CASH SALES --Ot-E1:— to Lend —at — I Cheap Rates, ONE DOLLAR Farmer's Notes Cashed. --01'1tINO TIIB— MONTH OF AUGUST In order os make room for FALL STOCK Which will be fa NM. 1 WANT 5,000 HEELS OF PLUMS, For which i will pity CASH. at McLean's /Block PLANING MILL E$Ta0Uf11E0 ISIS. Buchanan & Son, rAts.•rkrn saM BASH, DOOR and BLIND, 8ENO50c.in iaaraantpeio(gmootothill G, n. nn•I .... wit send yon by express. (.U.1). this. leg.tn; .. art h which you can examine. an If you do not and it all and even more thaengpeerfwe clailme fee it it pTecily w' tefsctory, pas the Stereo Agentt - tb,twa' h Su • ch chance to sroure a reliable timep.eosne at such a tidies- 10as1y low price is seldom, U ever be fore. olllnd. This is aSir inane MATp. e es "too: e platneer e0 " tttpoel il t metal. it has solid bow, mip and crown. bleating caneboom lenity en- graved anti is dee- proof The works are Waltham style. *at Jewelled. with exponents bolanee. Is and we warrent 1 second* secons time. baa�w. M gettable Ar either e lady et sfif rasa A M sent with eseb itc. Address p0., atehataken, . hit. h ` US cad . all P of neper lt�YYa� SEND US 1.00Znf nmrangwr.aad nth sand you postpaid this 3eaant. ERNSAN Oh1MM LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Asa Meisel' material of miry daNrIPOIO. NUS 011e nLLf0 M Them rings are nue seen by ta.tloa and emit lamest In the howl 'octet,. and here the o:meeurcw.rserYat ..d rtleeheUa, e Adams Iss.41%. 74$44.& SCIENCE AND PROGRESS. 1NTERtSTING PARAGRAPHS CULLEC FROM VARIOUS FIELDS. The Cramp Method of No:Idleeg Targe Metiers with Tkkk 1.1ate. .f DSOs Pre.wer• stall by Mae*•errs 10 be Mata ply 1•erf.rt-M.1aarr Voles, iliugE lnser. pronousee ee eliap17 twrtecl the Cramp netted W .m/Wing large boilers with thick plates of high premuree. Ther , tataa are fa t be tins place pieki , 1 ma wooden bath c.uutaiauu • n. r 14 . *1 .Muton u(.ulphurie or hydro .-hl.rk acid, after rwriauting in which fie about sin hour* they are removed ctrl doer .uglily scrubbed volts hickoy lesson-, whit, • strung .tram of fresh water le plat .d utas them. they are tbra Imusent d in a bath o linos water W neutralize ally remaining acid uel again washed with clean water. Al h..les are drilled, and the edges of the plate planed and I.evelk.l for calking: tow .bet plating i. tent .okl 1,. the limpet curvature in the rol's. and elle flanging t ams by • Ilydrsuhc danger, the plate boat bested to a bright cbrrty nal, • I. ngth o abet . igbt feet 'ring fleeged rt vetch beat ou furnace uiutb plates rile flanged in cast- Itis die. at a single heat. After the finttitiul til tube.. platen, roc , is completed they are re bested and the platys dreighten•d .n a cast iron surface plate, b. iug dually aiuua:rd les .•oeliug in the op.•t. air from a cherry -res beat. The riveting ss performed by a Twed die hydraulic riveter, using a presourr o 1,500 palm's per .quare Web on tele flange w loch gives a stress of abo.t ninety lm upon the rivet. P.reasmeary of Allearine Dyes. Contrary to the commonly received op inion in regard to the p•niatteney of all mein dyes, now eo WWII cod. a writes in one of the technical papers shows, a the result. of .penial experiment.., that the) by no moans stater the weather tee( Kati* (actorlly. IN th. various .vl.lrs, blue Is. finds fades ibvi most. while red and "rang. stand the lien. and brown cud yellow ;eine elan together s to staving Realities. Tye shines of aliutarilw ..rnug.. one a little fuller than the ether. were tested, aeoi, mordanted with alum and tartar, tb samples, after an exposure to the wrath... trot for ave day., showed no pe e.•INlbII change: after ten .lay. the color teemed e little fuller, though the change is so slight se to he hardly recognisable. but these .arts dyes on • cbrnuw and tartar mordant deter ed, after tel day..•xp...urw. a darker cohr. with In.. blunt. Ain -trine Wase, in lith) .ha'1oY, after tai .lays' exposure, look. -.l like a dirty gray; in (1111 ,dlade•, navy blur. the body of color ..netted to day. the .uuple losing its Worn. however. lu galk•itte the lighttshades changed considerably. thougi not wo much as the blue, w hill. in dark duel.* the change was lean pr nounerd. In shear ire gray the light similes only a little. 1n al thee. colors the mordant was bichromate .r potash and half relined tartar except iu the case of tbeorange, when alum was employed A New Property ofNotionv.d DO. if the n l.•.vly di -,o:: d .1s•rty of c •ttoo- se,•d oil, wblcu bas 1n1e:1 so •ely proclaimed shall prove to be all that is claimd for it good jot lge. arced the opinion that tele useful new of that abundant product is likely t.. be very e.u.i.ler•ably rxte;tled. The riteplicit) of the protein is a va)nable Gator" which give: probability to .itch a r.'-ult 1 hie gallon o) pyre• eotton-.v+1 nil being pbmosl in a suit able leu, vr...!. Its.•nty 1101112.6 01 *enol are melted and .loo 72; poured into rim ...i1, whi•b at the sunw titlee is thoroughly etir n.l. under which •JpPratlnn the lead ..our. rtes in globules, and when the oil is t..ure.l off, after .,..ling there is found to be al..ut seventeen 1 mud. only of the keel. the bal- ance twiug absorbed by tin oil. on the kind being again melted. sol the operation repeat. el to the fifth t..nruig-the amount 1.f lead absorbs* being less at each succe..ting purr ing--tlw total amount of lead atm wheel n about ten punt.. The nil thus charged with the lead is them need Is a print, hem.; applied in the ordinary way to metallic sur(n ., which it is desired to protect fr'.11 oxidation .w .•0110.1), the liquid adhering closely sod becoming very bard. The Temperature of 5hr r.oh. The r.,mmnn as mil tion, .•'• .n text books a. well as elsewhere, t•.. the tem prratun of the earth toward the centre in- .'reasP. in 1110 n11'..1 om.• decry. for about Mt fret in depth, w.udll appear to be Jar fn in a universal feet. Investigation .chow that the alatnf111tinii dont not bold good in California, nor in the Sierra Nern.la mountain.. Thus at Virginia, Neva.la, in the Comstock min-. the teen- twrsture in some cases has hews found tc iner.a.se nor dl.; ree for narh .1t, fret up tc Loin feet in depth, or for .: *rh fret, nee degree for each 911• , feet. or twice as fast at the rate Bret narn.,l. At Manchester. Eng. land. in a shaft 2.:i111 fret deep, the tempera- ture is .late,) to be only :'i degrees: while is a copper mine at Cornwall. 2.14sr fent deep, the temperature 1. .*e 'I.- errs. Subtracting, therefore. 42 degrees for the surface tempera- ture. emperaturn, there is exhibited in 11 a r11.t caw • change ra4 nnte d gm in I, feet, and in tts .n,Rol..me degree In 45 (eet, from white, data It 1. to hr inferred that no uniforeity exists in the matter. A !Mesa Rea 1.»vei. An appttntus for mesniring the meas level of the sat is annnaa"st it is based oe ties principle that wh en a liquid wave era• versos a c apillary tubo or a porous psrtitio . eta amplitude diminisbea, and it i* retarded in its pltaen withoutthe mean level of the wars changing. It ovonista of • glen tut*, the. lower .n1 communicating hr a flexible pipe with a plunger which Is lowered beneath the M...4 water level. There are two rens In the plunger. the hover being filled with wind and open to thew. the result being that the rohumn of water In the tut» rises and fall. very little with the tide. and the mean ..a k.veel can he reel fm.n a graduated rate wprinkling a Railroad. Probably the biggest thing in tin way of sprinklers that hes thus far Meet .vrdved the railway sprinkler now in tea on the 1a- tererhan Railway, whirls res. between the attn. of let. Paul and Minneapolis. The •operates residstoe orf n Ilse tank of boiler. from moment neon • flat Par A Idea d Mur-fslch steam -pips. perforated with Rams. rsia .stall bolsa, is plead servoali the seer end of the ear it is intended that the ear Sher he witness) over the sins 'shoot nee. emery t wn boors, trailing a small shower as It goes It* odoweb /rd that b alit hip the Jath down. of potash le fougel,` rimy DETROIT INTERNATIONAL FAIR AND EXPOSITION OPENS AUGUST 25. CLOSESSEPTEMBER 4. Wonderful Display of Electrical Inventions and Manufactures. Admirable Show of Curious Machines at Work and Intereating Manu- facturing Operation.,. Greatest Show of Blooded Horses and Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Poultry. Grand Horse Races—Trotting, Pacing and Running, !113,500 in Prizes. Floral Hall full of Beautiful Flowers ant! Luscious F Fruits. Great I)ouble Balium Ascensions and Startling Leap; from the Clouds every Afternoon. Inimefrte Pyrotechnic War Drama, " The Siege of Sebastopol," with a vast Theater and 350 Actors, everyEvening. Magnificent Fire -Works --$2,000 worth of Fire -Works burned Nightly. Grand Free Band Concerts every Afternoon. Parades, Processions, Spectacles, Games, Sports. Races on Lai d and Water, Marvelous Rifle and Pistol Shooting, and All Sorts of Wonders and Pleasures Hourly. Half Fare on all Railroads and Steam Boats. Beautifully Located on the Bank of the Detroit River. Steamboats, Street Cars and Railway Trains run directly to the Grounds. Largest and Finest Fair Buildings, and Handsomest Grounds in the World. 3:114-4t In Mord Leek. Here is a portion of the examination to which an old Texan lawyer was subjected when he applied for a license. The oldest member of the etenining committer m. terrogalr.l him "Are you familiar with any game of Chante'" ••No, sir.- 'No,o you know how to play any Kir •��GOODS IN GREAT yARIETY •.,.SP1 G&Sly E� •'No, sic" purely yon andrntand euchre'" Never heard of It before." "It can't be possible you never engaged in a game of draw poker v' 'l'es, sir, it can. I am • member of the church and don't know one turd from an- other." All the leading lines of the best "Well tatter , w pause you astonish sl mens!• young ran, we'll pine a license, but how in the world you re going to make manufacture las. a living the first two or three years after you start practising law is a mystery to ts and Shoes. Xleolet• hetes. "1 suffered continual pain from canker of gi �P., yo the stomach and my face and hody were al- most covered with ppimleles. I tried liur- tloekHloo Hitten,thehntdoseor: anywhere else in the County. slight pain. but I soon found relief, and after takin • 5 bottles I bee -ante completely cured. I think 11. B. B. the most powerful Ordered work and repairing given remedy known to science." -Stephen Fettle, Nicolet. I'. Q. 2 special attention. I carry a larger stock and will u better value than you can get .1 elhalrwa Whiner. On the corner of one of the business streets of the city the other morning, ryes The Detroit Free frees, ashoeblack had just finished polishing the shoes of a well-dressed and gentle-app•'ari••g man. Tire latter was unfortunate :i: baring a ..de- formity which compelled him to wear edam on eoe of his feet with an exceedingly thick sok, thus endeavoring to make up nseehani 'rally tor what nature had denied him. "How much shall I pay you-" he asked of the hoy. "Fite cents, sir. - "Oh, but you should have more than live cents for polishing my shoes," said the gentleman tapping the thick sole signifi• cantly with his cane. •'No. ala." said the boy, "live cents 14 enough. I don't want to make no money out o' your hand hick." Thr customer handed out • coin, laid his hand on the youngster's heal for a moment and .l on. ll a says the days of chivalry are of er: ,sufferers FROM Stomach and Liver derange.- menta --Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Rick - Headache. and Constipation -find *sale and certain relief in Ayar'e Pills. in all eases where a ca- thartic is needed, these Pills are recom- mended by leading physician... Dr. T. F. Hastings. of Baltimore. says: Ayer's Pills teethe Le.t rathartie and Aperient within the reach of my profes- sion." Dv. John W. Brown. M Oceans. W. Va.. writes : " I have. prescribed Ayer's Pella in my practice. end find them ex- cellent. urge their general use in families" For a number of yearn I was aAll eted with billouanens which almostdretroyrd MU health. I tried various remedies bot welting afforded me arty relief until I began to take Ayer's PULL"- G. 8. Waoderllch, Scranton, Pa. " i hare used Ayer's Pills for the pest thirtyT0•ts, and am atetisfie1 i should sat alive to -day if it hail not been for them. They novel me of dyspepsia when all other remedies fafleeel, and their oecaalonal use has kept sue in a healthy condition ever since." -T. P. Brown. Cheater, Pa. "Raving been s•1hJeetr for Tear, to euoattp.tlon. without being able toiled mach relief. i at last tried Ayer'. Pills. sod deem 11 tenth a duty and • pienanre W testify that i have derived great ben- efit from their nee. For ot•er two fears past i have taken ..tee of these Pills every night before retiring. i would not w1111t1gly he withomt them." - (i W. Hewman, al Fast Blain at , ('erlisM Pa 'Ayer's Pills have been need In my Wally upwards of twenty years. and here completely retitled all that ie Hearne,' for therm In eta.lea of pe lee, from which I suffered massy year.. the afforded me greater relief thaa say kin, 1 .•ter tried " Thomas.IGAdnEllee One 41•111,0 tie E. DOWNING. EW FOODS. The subscriber wishes to Announce the arrival of NEW AND FANCY GOODS I NOTABLY NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wide and moderate in price. NAVYFLANNELS, 28 INCHES WIDE In soft and hard finials. from the b.st lushes A general assortment of other new and fashionable goods on the way, and will he noticed later on. A liberal discount on all cash purchases from one dollar up. Strictly one price. SOS4 MZTZNTRO, Draper and Habsrdaaher. DIRCCTV/ TO THE SPOT. I1ISTAIITAIIEOUS qt, iTS ACTION. Per CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC. DIARRHOIA, DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL. COMPLAINTS. no agueor EQUALS THZ PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera end Boy. sl complaints itc effort 1� r.:ngsaaL t t coup In a very short time. TMC REST YAMILY REMEDY roil BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHIiI. seas Irvunr•1nsas0 iT I O • OPTIS� tIlgeeseelOrnaesaaestldlmlMlMa • TAME S �"aA.TE S ' ANNOUNCES THIS WEEK That Ire W opened em a Grocery Department tk elltae eiss rekh l b warm of eater . .whet all�i me � patirYr• w OmerIfthey w b �Vr ,a- ` 1 jY it Yniflvt.' yt(1 ala utzp �fyyT,,�,..7FF.P 1 e ruAeidT etoek of OAl[II. 0801I)m woo. ++ser