HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-14, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Il I *0L e.saa 1111117. HEAD OFFICI, TORONTO. "TAE (PAIS OP) OE MILYLMO. SOLLARS a -5,, • - - - - B. L WALKtR, Gswsaal MANa0ER, s•.000.c000. • 1900,000. GODERICH BRANCH. smallAl S 1UIINO Bi: INL.S TRANSACTED. FANOWNI • NOTES DISCOUNTED. WAFTS ISIU0 PAYA0ILE AT At... POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL CtTlu IN THE UNITED STATES. GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, &a •AVIus5 RARE OEPARTISENT. DEPOMTS OP SLOO AND UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATES 011. INTEREST ALLOWED. •,., IT A0010 TO was 11111610190.1. AT THE ENO OP MAY ANO .OVg(sesa se sworn TIAN. •6011461 Attontiose given to 1110 Oolloctie t of r`on,namroias Pomo. .cad FarIaM6' *aloe Notes. R. SI WILLIAMS, Manager. BEESLEY & CO. MILLINER Y STOCK Fully assorted with sew sad MylD Su•da• richt from tussles's centre. la L.aoee, Flowers, Ribbons and Straw Goode, Fres Ike breezy lace cad straw hat to the largest sunshade. NEW SUMMER STYLES Are sow ready and waiting the lucky buyer. at "MAD AS HATTERS." All the dry goat men in the town claim that Johnston Carey's (oxford shoes spoil the wale of stock- ing•4. Why, says one of them, carry's shoes never slip on the heel, and one pair of stockings wears as long as three pairs worn in other .hoe'-. Try a pair and be con- vinced. WHAT WE ARE DOING' We carry the largest stock of kart. and shots in the county. We give the largest discount for cash. We make the finest ladies' and gents' .hoes to order. W.. snake ball slippers to order of costume good's, silk, etc. W. repair goods bought of use r . Isewhere. We sew all rips free of charge. .1011NSTON CAREY'S. Headquarters for boots, shoes, trunks and valises. the Square, Goslerich. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Nita Nems Dooagh is visiting in De- troit etrott .1. M. lay, of Halt, was is town the put week. .1..5. Rend was In Toronto for a few days last week. 1'. McPhillips, of London, was in town 011 Nom -tiny. Hca Wiggins is vision friends in Grey t.•e n.hip. R H. Collins. of Exeter, WM is town the ',set week, Wm..lohwunt, of Clifton, spent Sunday In • aaletich. the county trernnrer was in the Queen Iity last week. .lis. Roberts, express messenger, spent 'unday in town. Phil. Horton ism the United Empire :to - mg the round trip. oras. Lindsay made a short visit to Kin- cardine this week. Has t empai.ger 15 on a few week. visit to fru mitt in Clinton. Mrs. Reynolds returned front s-eilkf-'1e the States last Friday. Mr. Hodgkiss returned to Detroit parties Illy of Winder on Sunday. H. S. O'Neil and A. V. Roble'', of Exeter, spent Saturday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs Jae. Mean, of 0incintru, ohm, are at the Park House. 11'm. Robinson returned last week from a few weeks' visit to Michigan. Miss McDougall was a passenger per the .tomer Monarch me Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thom left for a hike trip on the Monarch last Saturday. Mus Ethel 1110: , Milwaukee, is via Rang at Mrs. Capt. Md:regor's. The deputy sheriff returned from his oust to Pennsylvania on Friday. 1:. W. Parson and wife, 0t Montreal, were ,noting Gode:rich the pant week. 1. M. Mc4:regor, of Brantford. spear a few days in town the past week. W. .1. Hayhurst, of London, spent the past week with relatives is town. Mir Pridhan left on Saturday for (Borate, w here the will. spend • few weeks. H. M. Lay, of BrantIerd, seems a few days in 1:interieh the primed week. Wm. Wooden, of London, England, was u:ting (:odketch the premed week. Ile. Bet' aaey of Cincinnati, Onto,. -was the Rueet of !earlier West this week. Muter Rert. Reid, 01 London, is vesting a1 the residence of his grandfather, .lames Reid. u s1 Will. Price, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mick, peadi s a few weeks under the parental r 1 •e.. K. 1'srks,nf the lank of Coatmeres. I tondos, was le town s portion of the past trrek. Stet. Smith, of Tomato, who arrived is town no Saturday, is at the ma6.rlal resi- dence. 1'. .1. and Miss K Ores Walsh, of Detroit, are gusts at ehr Park Home. Mrs- ('ales as, free Chilton. of Excla0e11. 11 visiting bar parents at the American Cow mutate. 11 ilam Priam's. wile aril is041j, 01 `tratfn,.d, ars visiting ,etgies sod hie• e, 1n town Lox..Shannon returned to town on Mon day. Miss Mack has returned from her visit Fast. Mrs. Norma& Md:turn lett for Detroit ou Thursday. Hrs. McCoy ,of I'iaarrmnisg, Mich. ,is visit - ietg a town. Min Hamilton returned on Monday front a visit to l'ornwall. T. Chilton, of New York, s visiting at the American Consulate. Mr. and Mrs. ,las. Yates are visiting relatives in 15'Ingham. Thos. Wilhans,of Wooaatock,is visiting at the parental residence. Miss Ethel Acheeou returned this week from a visit to Aylmer. Mir Edith Elwood has returned froth a visit to the Thousand Islands. Mrs. P. Murehro, of Buffalo, is visiting her mother, Mrs. N. Hyslop. Mrs. :Man Buchanan, of Saltfori, is visiting 1nends at Kincardine. Col. Horatio Kippen, of Quadra., was last week the guest of ('. A. Naini. Mrs. F. R. Mann, of St. Paul, is visiting at the reatdeai of N. Weston. Mrs. Alexander and children left on'tVed. nesday for their home in low.. Mrs. D. Ferguson has returned from a week'. visit to relatives in Detroit. Henry Horton and wife hive returned from their visit to the North-West. Rev-. 1. • R. 11-allwin, of Rluevale, was one of the excursionists on Tuesday. Miss Sharkey and niter, Mir Mary 1'. Nolan, of Milwaukee, aro visiting in town. Mrs. Judge 1 toy le, 'The Pines,.' las recov-. eyed from a very severe attack of sick neo.. Mr. Fairweather, of Toronto, was the west of Mrs. R. R. Smith :he put week. Mr. anal Mrs. case anal two children, of London, are the guests of Mut. 0:. C. Itob rtam. Jno. Elwood, of the Rana of Montreal, Toronto,* at the fatality residene on a holi- day visit. Mor Belk Carrick. of Kintail, who is visiting in Salttori, is the guest of Miss Mary Potts. F. Jordan returned from attending a see aim of the Council of the Pharmacy 1'ollege on Saturday. Engineer (.eo. Keyworth, od the water- works department,visttet his home, Kincar- dine, on iunaay. Rohl. t:auky, who had horn in the end ploy of 0 .eo. Acheson for over a year, has returned to Clinton. Mrs. Lewis and ;arty left on Monday for Sarnia at which port they were to join the yacht Norma's party. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1'. Lauder and chi"- dren, who arrived in town on 11'edneulay, are at the Park House. 111r. Sulking, of Indianapolis, left town W elaeday. after having spent a week v nailing friends in town. Mrs. Mnrdock McDonald has returned from a visit to Kincardine, accompanied by her niece, Miss t.ordm, Wingham .Advance: Geo. Stiven, secre- tary of the Goderich Mechanics Institute, w.a in town on Wednesday. Sarnia Observer Mrs. W. H. McBride and Mise (ltd, of 1:u■tericii, spent Wednes- day last in town with friends. .lora. Bandond and sons. of Clinton, were in town on Friday anal left on Saturday on the Monarch for the round trip. Miss Mclhwgali, Detroit, was opending a few days at James Mclntreh's, Lakeview, enjoying the fresh presses of Lake Huron. S. T.Beetedo,pnvete secretary to the Pro vincial Premier, joined his family at the residence of C. F. Strauhel on Tues- day. Herbert Roberttnn arrived at the family residence last week, and will spend the balance of the holiday term in this neighbor. hood. Town R Hamlink, the fruit evaporator men, are again ready for Moines,, and ad- vertise in another column for 15,000 bushels of apples. Miss Fergm+sos has returned to her Iwrse in Stout after a 'twat enjoyable visit to Motives in Colborne township and Kin- cardine. Mr. and Mrs. C'randel' anal sen Harry, of Detroit, arrived in town on 11'ednsday everting, and are the gusts of 'IV imam Camp- bell, postmaster. Messrs. D. Sutherland, of 11'ingham, and J... Setlmerland. of Gorrie, arrived in town on Wehoesay on $ visit to their salt, Mrs. Wright, of the Point Farm, wk. is lying dangerously ill. Among the visitors to Goderich on thebig excursion from WIngham Tuesday last was Mrs. Peter Dew, r., Mrs. Peter lkans jr.. m and three chiktren, Mr. en the r.. s. ihass aad .. They flu Mrs. .I no. W. Van :der, LOCAL BREVITIES. A large qty drove t. Nkarp's Creak en Mesday altr►wawn. Amhersthnrr Echo the tloderieh war rials, crowning 51 peddlers. arrived dews on Wednesday. They had a stormy pan- ne. Family parties, from Mitchell, lsaferth, (listen, Blyth Rrwoe4eid .ad west Wawa - nosh, pimioed in 1 Maorimk tie pass weal. Rim Ralph did net .ttesp( the paillee is the lin Wait ap. ad at w(ti. resent meeting seheol M wheel FAIREST PRICES. Full north fur your money is positively gi' .iateed an every purchase. Noth like this stock fur style, assortment and popalanty. BEESLEY'S GREAT MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, BEAVER BLOCK, - - CLINTON. A number of I:uderich toys hate idea, a party which is tamping on the lake tabors " near hayfield. Dr. M. Nicholson, the Nest -est. dentist, sakes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. Gas administered from 9 .t. w. for the painless extraction of teeth. Why buy your piano, organ or sawing inachine away from horse, or from strong. er, when you tan purchase the best is the market heft ig your own town at the lowest tiOnif anal support home trade ('all on t:eo. W.Tbonaon sad be convinced. Things are booming at the I :oderich or- gan factory. The organs continue to hold the hightgamalettyaave wen in public fa- vor. I:ive us an order for tine of throe beautiful piano case six octaves and support home manufacture. 4..o. W. Thomson is the to tl a�eut. Miss Penelope McDougall. a pupil of the Goderich High School, who wrote at the ,duly examination for second, died rather suddeoly at Walton. on Sunday evert- ing veni last. fenny, as she W55 fanny called, was a general favorite, and her early and sudden call has cut a deep shalow over the seconds of 1891. NAVIGATION NOTES. The Speedy now sports a new fore- sail. The schooner Pinafore sailed for Port Frank on Friday. The Schooner Pinafore arrived on Taw - day with a cargo of salt frau Port Frank. A boat with an excursion party from Bayfield arrived in port at 11 v. N. Tues- day. The lake was so smoky on Friday that OM of the tugs returned to port without finding her nets. The steam targe T. W. Snook, with 200 tons of coal for the Rig Mill,arriwed in port m'Tuesday morning. The steamer City of Windsor was in this port on Sunday and Tuesday. The Windsor made a long stay on the last named day to take out excursionista. The tug Messenger arrived in port on Tuesday, and left on Wednesday night with trap nets and material uael in that depart- ment of the fishing business. The schemer Heather Belle, Capt. :awe ley, sought the shelter of Goderich harbor m Wednesday morning on her road to Pine Tree, on account of contrary wools. The steamer Monarch arrived in harbor on Saturday morning. lands.' and took on a number of passengers and loaded consider- able freight. including a carload rat horses for Brandon, Manitoha. The yacht Norma sailed on Monday morning for Sarnia and Detroit. She sailed direct for the first named town to take on the party that took the early train. Commodore Lewis, Alex. McKenzie and a maid -servant were the only passengers from I:oderich. The tug Scotia left for Detroit on11'ednes- day night,Mr. Dewey having lifted tiro trap n eat he has been fishing between 1:nderx' di and the Rend, said to be 41 in number. The fishing has been a failure this teasost, hence the early lift to prevent further loss, the gentleman already having, it is and, lost over five thousand dollars. The Empire made her usual call on Wed nesdayy, took on pasenggeo'rs wad loaded con- B idersb le freight, including cars of horses for Manitou When leaving the Em- pire grouwted at the end of the pier.,and it took nearly an hour to release her. As far as could is judged the vessel's bows on pain- ing into the lake from between the piers received the foil force of the current and strong wind then blowing, driving her from her course. Beyond the delay above not- ed, no inj resulted and the United Em Pere ar ed on her coarse. NEW GOODS. 5 BANK OF MONTREAL. CA PITA L: $ 12,000,000. REST, - 6,000,000. A Saving Deparlmfeent has ken opened in con- nection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By virtue of a warrant under the hast of the Warden and seal of the corporation of the county et Huron. dated the tweet1tk day of July, 1011. wmldaadiag me to levy upon the lands berelnefter described for the smears of taxes respectively due thereon. together with costs: Notice is hereby given tbat unless such taxes and oasts are .000er paid. 1 *hall. to oon,plianoe wilt: the Assessment Act. chap. 104. It 8 O.. proceed to sell be public sueUoiAhe said elands, or so much thereof as may be seoesaary to discharge the rime. at the Mt KT HOt'R0, in the TOWN of GODERICH. on TCESD 4Y. the TENTH day of NOVIkMBltat, MI. at two o'clock is the alternates. TOWNSHIP Or ASHFIKLD. Part: TwatLOT AND DKBCRIpTION CoxcResio!t AI'Rli4 t v►osA'tru Tax As (oil $ mt• Part of West half of North hall of 12 N 6 , h. D. 1 Herd 11 16 7 31 M A ITLAN DVILI.B 011 VILLAGE OF SALTFORD IN COLBORRNE. Pala S 0 115 7 11 S0 115 7II 1 61 1 01 273 1• 104 273 1111 la 271 We have just opened the follow- ing new goons, which we have marked, as usual, at exceedingly kw price's : New dress gotxl t in checks, stripes and plain goods. New prir.to and lateens. New flannelettes in (lark stripes. New everfaMt stainless black cotton hosi- ery, in ladies' and children's sizes. New�_ white and grey cottons. New tweeds and coatings. We claim to show the best value in all lines of dry goals of any store in town. You will find out if you kindly call and examine. We are just as glad to get your stoney and give you the hest value for it on Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday or Fri- day as on Saturday or Monday. A low price all the time. Inspec- tion respectfully Rolicited . J. M REID & BRO. Jordan's Meow. Oeitt.ea July 170. 1 A B 31 M 36 VILLAGE OF IIENFRYN IN GREY. M Pat'd 676 1 V 9 IS VILLAGE OF FORLWICH IN HOWiCK. Parte( Park lot 17 Pard 277 107 3 81 2 Albert -et. North 142 1 tet 206 1 3 Soo 1 " 1 0E I e•4 2 tet vllJ.AGE Or OOHRIE OR HOWICK VILLAGE IN LIOWICK. 44. 15 Pard MI 1-5 :'S6 14 TOWNSHIP OF MULi.ETT. Part of I 1 1 Paid Fara or °JI 2 131 ., North part of West half of 14 11 10 South part of North half of 11 14 20 TOWNSHIP OY MORRIS. 16 1 •dl 1 47 71 100 t to 37 102 131 837 123 910 11 19 131 13 3. !00 113 612 North halt of 11 2 tel l'ar'd 3 51 101 100 Southwest. quarter of i 7 50 '• 6 11 1 14 7 O6 TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. West half of 8 It 5) Plied 13 32 1 33 14 85 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. South half of 8 22 3R Pard 12 M 1 31 13 87 WINOHAII TOWN PLOT iN TULtNBERRY . 41 Pat'd Palk 37 South 1.10 of 247 South half of SU South half of 256 1.25 17 11 141 1sT 90 102 1• 625 130 946 1 10 1 10 531 5 17 1 14 701 VILLAGE: OF B•1" FIELD. 211 1 Paid West par of 26 1-16 V ILLAOF OF BRUSSELS. Part of 6being the third shop north from ]till -et. 2200 h. Pat`d Stk shops south from River 2880 fl V11.L..1Ur.OF WIIOXETKR, 7 Maim -5t. N. 1 Pant 70 Marietta-st. W. t 71 do •• East par of 13 Howlek-st. 1-10 •• County 'Treasurer's (tm^e, Goderich. August Iib, 11111. Part of 0, bring the lab and MUCI( BETTER, Thank You! =II IS SSL UM>•LLIAL 273Il7- 23OxTy there I.a. h... aa/bed/awsa CHRONIC 02ONCHITIS, COUGH; COLD:, cot 40T 1'O*M O7 WAIT. IMO DIILLaa31, epee Mel Aase U6sd R0 102 1 112 1 IS 1 12 611 41 45 201 13 52 2113 133 D• 5 36 1 11 630 1 A 106 3M 1 Sv 1 06 3M 1112 12S 1290 20.11 WM. HOLMES. County Treasurer. ScO?i!'B EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and HYPOPHOSPNIT£$ -Of Liac and li l7 ALK(MT AS P4LATADLO AS MILK. 1T Ila A WONDKAFTL PLL1tU PRODrcFR It 4,1 sari owl .,do.rwed 6II Plpoleitss. AVOW .f4 4wdf.t1sa or wM1iru1l.sr. 1.1t by .R Drw ,10..4 SOe..wl el OO. SCOTT s DO WrE, 0.(1.'/01, It to elgeusemen erens.rou miea.�atnsr ,rpm Soa rHl L CLEANSIIRa. Ina kited ... , /army n115ef Cars, fallen /Eyssseli WEIS OMNI le Ernif• mate ma timel 1 Apples Wanted ! AT Tilt PALACE ROLLER RINK, GODERICH, - ONT. All varieties taken. Windfalls and male d W descriptions taken. both large sad sssa11, if sound. Apples do ht by veldt'. and weighed eta the town scales free of expense. THE HISHEST MARiKET PRIAE PAID Cash paid fir each load. 16.008 bushels woofed. Bring them In at mote. TOWN & HAMLINK, 11-11 Pteprisfse0, CANADIAN o PACIFIC }Y. llare EIdllrsiolls! From all Stations In Ontario Return Rates to Methven Hartney Deloralne Mooleomin Binsoar th Regina Mooseijaw York ton $28.00. a Palgary rince Albert THE FAULTLESS - OT At'LTLl MS - OT ¶ATER HEATER $30,00, Guaranteed to elo the name amount of heating with less fuel than any $35.00. other furnace yet made. Manufactured by To leave all points in the )'rovince of Outarlom A1GIRT 1111. Return netts September 20,1511 MI G0 ST sob. Return until siepaember 27. 1514 aarrvoaea IN. Raisins until October 1041, 1811. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange tos.rrive at Toronto In time to conneet semi the 11 r,N. train 1►aring August 1110. MIL and September let. 101. For fuUal formsilos aOOI t0 a07 ticket agent of the C.ar11A. Pacific Rtaflway. 21-0 O $900 '1.? -•11."-e."7:414 . Al•s, n a.Mos, Taao1- an and Cl ymen ta latroduce a new End popular etalMrd h..1, Ts.thnony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. 1110 Moet remarkable reliiggion,, book of the age. written by 3110 eminent scholars. Non-ectarW. hr Every Cistian wants IL Exclusive territory tea. taTb. May 0411 ruNhtltes OMNI. IS -If ESTERN FAIR LONDON. September 17th to 26th, 1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural. fOtrial and Art Exhibition. hd bt4d.d 101, NI a1MNMTr AND 114 1101? SWAM WW1 4101 Aad. Prot OW oral k 6.erer. It's easy enou4h i -the Ball corset. That's be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They ; clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money -if you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. 1POR RALE BY W. ACHESON & MON FIRE! FIRE! New le the 110. NwsMWNW Beal e111011• as l as. ~Ma the D. K. STRACHAN. Goderich, Ont. Olt! -time furnace,s tan Le taken out and replaoed by this superior invens tion without alterations to the pipe - and radiators throughout the building in which it ix placed Estimates furnished on application for placing this improved furnace in buildings of any size. Send for circulars. Address : D. H. STRACHAN, Inventor and Patentee, (:lois-tf,) GODERICH, ONT. HAVE YOU any intention of taking a BUSINESS COURSE THIS SEASON? 1F' BO, The Font City Business Copt OF LONDON would like to correspond with you. CATALOGUE FREE. 1 J. V. FNiTERVAT, Pri1NINL MOL�OD'S SY TEM RENOVATOR Son OTRRR TR*TtI, RaV►n,nR Specific and Antidote for Irspere, weak and .mpxove.rrheel hinotl, ars. �.p.�a sleepk'asnen. palpntatxa 04 tie Meant, liver oreninlittnt, nenraigia. loss of metetry, In.y,ehitts, ,toominiptine, gall Kea... Moodie., lidn►y Urinary diesanea St. Vitas' dance. female i W Jackson, elWe-sem flatsTdsy I.1 Port a..►..._ nee int. eta. "4 Ms e.rtl lval Is tows ume Ne oohs drabs. II.A t ,-4.....:Az 1 'tecyt„ t ;. r dt►isrtea, ere_, whsea are Minn amassed be. cal ~pass *ay INS need. sad isLdaOisiasser �otpplr s�� . A. W. PMTS'. TWIRL A. D0eW 01. VTVI PER CENT. OifT FOA CASE. th. Mar rwllales noel won: of teal In *seek at Ell theft t Mit 410060409c. u. t Oda