HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-14, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1891 zh ozq*t the AfarlM Newspaper M Deena r•eaaatt, Is rtv•aaas-D EVERY FRIDAY MORNING it fe. lee45IL It7Sa)r. or nal u 1ta1{► set. Ooderielk OSee THr (Nt)Ptf IN Nr'BwN. W• rime to ba able to repurt the bast wheat harvest seen is this nrgeiffrtcst county foe matey • year. The seamen for harvesting Fall wheat wee • glorious o'e. Ripening waw even and per- fect, and the heads were well-filled from tip to straw. ID fact, the berry is of excep- Terms of 0Sbeees Sias r Ousel piumpueas,suus of the newly threshed Qts south, la advancet* grain running a high a64 and b6 Ib to Three months. . .. „ S zNx M the blt'hsL Vary hide Fall wheat will go Owe year. » t S antler the asau'krd. Thv yield ie in full sympathy with, the venires, fultmm of the grain. The retain per acre runs all the way hem 20 bushels up to 45. The average will be about 30 bushels per acre, or nearly half as much again as the average for the past ten years. The fall wheat crop will he the salvation financially of many • struggling fernier in this broad county Hurn. Spring wheat has not been all cut. but it, too, has laaten uta own record for many a year. It is estimated that the crop will average about 20 bushels an acre, or half as much ag•w as the average yield of 13) louden for tlw past ten years. t tate will he a noble.yirld, takes all to- gether. Haley se uneven in yield,running from 18 to 35 b..sshe& an acre. It will no more than equal its average yield, but where not cut too green or out urs"catchy weather it will he a tip-top crop. Pease will be something immense, and we have net hear.! of the bug or worm except in one or two inslancea The straw will be 'Mort, perhaps. but the pals well hilted. Root • nip' are hardly enough chanced yet to hazard at opinion, but there is moth- ine to cause fear of an ultimate poor yield. spresally after the soaking of Sunday last. Potabss are an assured good crop. Thr hay crop was not so light after all. In fact, it was clove to an average, and the Beyond crop has leen worse many a year. Considering all things, the people of this county, as they contemplate the increase of their eel, should revereutly look up to Heaven and chorus the grand old 1►oxo. logy, -Praise God from whom all bles,tngmf ow." An honest Government at Ottawa, a just and equitable tariff, wisely lowered so aa not to press upas the mechanic and the agracultunlit . and another season or two of SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. god crops would hake old Huron one of 11 credit is eased. the Wk. Par will be yew I NI dyeetl.4ag Dates a Leval and Maar aseeee eeI1 Idvertisemsats. Ye. per line far Mbar hearties, adz p eenealel per one for each nYea hesesNea. Meowed by awB•rcards of els Ilse and trader IS per year. Advenhsw.nta of lost, Found. Htrared, 1+Itwltoas Vacant. situations Weaned and Hominess Chancy Wanted. sot exceeding t lines noupariel, :d pr tneeth. Hooses on Saks and Fars•a on bale. Dot to ecosed Y hoes, 11 for Fret month. 50c per sub- sequent meati. larger advts. in proportion. Any special .ells. the ohirat of which V to promote tbs pecuniary benefit of any sudi- ndual or ntmapawy, to be considered an ad vert memos' and chanted accordit.ely. Item notices in numeriel type one cent per word, ao notice* tUM than Lie Local mottoes is Witlesry reading type two rents per word. No notice for less this Seo. Notices for churches and other religious and benevolent iatit mons half rate. S'ssswerelas ('antras - •dveetlaassee/a. A limited number of displayed advertise Ment will be lnsrrtnd at the following rates : Per inch. one insertion - .... :D in four Insertions " throe months. ..... six months .. .. ore year - 5 p, No adiertieemrnt less then tan inches in length Will he calculated on above halls. .1 per rent. discount allowed far .ash payments on threw months' minnows : 10 per rent. on six months. and 13 per cent. on • year's, These renditions will be strictly enforced. .lose ••Tbe aleaal' Nul/veer. Subscribers who fail to receive TII6 24 theta. regularly. Tither by carrier or by mail. will roofer a favor by acquainting us of the fact at as early a do to es possible. Leak at tsar Label. Your label b • standing receipt of the date to which you are paid up. See that it is not allowed to fall into armor. When a change of address, is desired, both the old and the new address shoiId be lei%en. Its•ircted nsanu.tnp10 cannot be returned. 1'orreepondenet. must be written on one sale of paper only. . 100 1m am ruMlaber's 1.elre, J. 1'. to Tosuel. of tioderich, has been ap pointed Local Travelling Agent for tine town- ship. of Guderich, Colborne, Asbeeld and Wa- wanosls. l.nral grstma.ten over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tug All communications must be addressed to 1t. lisGILI.ICCUDY. Tug SIONA rel-m-emrelimbeme Call sr Uodericb. Oil OODi1t1CN. FRIQAi'. A( 00111 7. JUL Es•Ai.n. Hs iv Pres as the ' Little Joker," but Sir H►;. TIM and Uncle are without doubt the Right and Left Bow- ers the greatest knaves in the pack. in this corner of the vineyard it is be- ginning to lank as if Joos RiseAasut.m was something of a liar as well as • rogue. His ranancsw about Ht'. A I.6.11 4M and Kisenokso vouch f.sr his untruthfulness, .tel his dishonesty goes without haying. MIL. 41411. R. AK\"t.IN ha been proven to roe a slanderer in every Instance in which he cited an alleged cow of l.jls•ral crooked nes" m "\tis i 1: .,Ir.'. tune." \Ir. KIN... 04414 41141 \Ir. 141.1 1,..11.4 41 each pave then impudent engineer the 11 4. ohre.•t and acute, t he ST11 n ..tee has lawn utterly ex 04441441. _ Hoer_, the engineer in The Mail s area home risom. has been secretly punting ...moon for that paper's latest fake. The engineer mut out the .•5,45100 plate from the stereotyped page, and pooled theme on his ' 0 n Ins.k. %Vt• unheated an an ,Irticle month• ago that there was a ho sof crooked work pssible :n this coupon huaineae. IT 1A charged that unit of t he 5'analaat eggs sent to England( have Iss•n pnrrhamd by Sir 4 q trtl to TI'rl•r.K. We pity Sir Cu slaty, and his retinue if they ate all the eggs. If the High 1'onsmiaioner would have 5'ana.lian eggs places' in in.ubators and the whole outfit shipped to Great Britain our uncles aryls.11 the water 'out.( have frisky chickens by the time the final market was reached. ('45 •T M Multi k Not the kind of net to permit his Inmimetn to lie nosed( into by a partisan Senate mese-grown in Toryism and prejudt.e. We shall be greatly aur prised of Monsieur the quitter l'ren.ier doe" not get one more point in his. favor before this Base .res I'haleurs affair is dome with. He bas • habit of making capital out of Tory charge, againat himself. Let us trait anti are 1'01 Mom ., e•t•M. 1'P., ha been op - pointed registrar of Welland. T111. SO, . u, rime not approve of the appointment. The fact that a man ha reprarnted hie county in I'arltament should not give him • deceived " pull ' for office, an toe, annmooly happens. In fact. it is almost hsginning to look as if the .hortst rust to a lift billet it by way of a membership in the Hoare. This should not he the .ase. 1 rev British pose is alarmed over the cor- ruption remnant at Ottawa. The Pall Mall I:ayette nays " All lust exposed a more sordid spectacle of '.eruption ha never heen presented by a free people. Whatever 'kfence individual officals and pnlstieane may make an the Ceded States, it is abundantly clear that the cancer of corruption Inas eaten deep int...Canadian a.nadian institutions. Political life in the Unites' States is not particularly pare, hut we would be exceedingly .urpr,amd if the 5'anmisan retort' could be heater." \Vis \ It renumbered that Hon. .1 .1 ('. Atmore is the agent who twilled sir A. MA.nttAs.n and his Admtsistration In lbs haps of emwiviung else C. P. R. charter. $3lf0,000 of Air lit ..„ . i1` 1. ISA to tank that the Inst spots to abide in on 1:oCs glonous earth. L I .Yt: 'VIV:Y RESIG ATI', . The resignation of Sir HaTOR L.t s..ev which took place on Mooday last -u the first break in the government. It is tltr! beginning of the end of the old reign of Boodle. Till present Premier once received the following historic despatch from the late Premier . HUN. J. J. C. A • "footrest Send rine aten tbossaad. dl's the last time of caWaR.; De sot fail me. Answer to- day. Jame A. 3fat'DonsLn. Mr. unto )Irarur may yet be a ('on- Aerveive Cabinet Minister. O 1K Dat#. .one watch chain. One 1..1.1. Too bronz.- dogs. One ring. one horse. Two live spaniels. tine dining -table. one .et lasdem harness. (ors goad pen case. The above is usot an auction .ale list. It Is an enumeration of the presents re- ceived by Mr. .1It.ol.nt, the suspended engineer of the Public Works Depert. meat NILE. Irene ore 4., \ 1o5Ki.+W,. DF.T.) 1'11a. Glrvin. sr., is still improving. Mr. and Nine Morton and children, of Lirknow, were visiting at .John Ihtstow's. Mr. anti Mrs. ('assadlay, of Spnnghenk, were the ',make of Mr. Hetherington last week. Mies Lucy and Attie \Icllwaiue have re turned home from visiting friends in t:ode- rich township. lfuite • number of our young nen have gone to Manitoba to help to gather the numnoth harvest. Fall wheat is turning out well and is a good sample. Spring grain 1s looking well. Potatoes are good(. Iohn Echlin and George Currie are out with their steam thraahen and are looking forward to • long season's work. quarterly meeting was held here on Salt bath last, and then was a very full gather, ing. The pator gave • very ahle diae: mrse, taking for his subject " Sacnfiue," which was eery suitable for the occasion. The quarterly official brmrd met at Nile on Monday. So well rtistied were they with the service rendered by Rev. it A. Fear that they raises hie salary fifty dollars. Hu ealary is now (1900. F:veru department of the ehur•h is in good shape,whieh speaks well her the pastor. BAVFIELO. [roam 551-e raw. ronartirottnt%T.) John Stenhory is home from Toronto. George Stanlury is holidaying in To roto. Rev. Mr Shelton, of I',intim, preached in the Methodist ehureh last Sunday. Mir Kate Harrison, of lint.n, uspendl- u.,t her vasation at home on Matilde line. Miss Mary %Valeria u hs,efrowsItdonch f..r holidays. Miss 1:. Martin is her gnome. IN Sunday last Rev. Noa.re. Elliott, of S.aferth, and f- 1). Stringer, of Hayfield, exchanged pulpit.. Rev. Mr l'aetow, of Stratford, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrei a thank an Can day worwing mad Mr. ('ailing 1• tis evening. Ne. ssrvioe text Sunday. A. K. Is and K Mahar, of *railway, t who are taking a drivingt were hon EtkOtTrer14.1ilitaaa" 61.118".e ilia prat PONOO will he herd on Sir The wain. *Math ecltoei picnic en Thum - O. sip is receipt of • _.... 160Nt10ei1 ipof:.. Ant... t_oth I Ravtelda due holiday 1273.0 an. ..- *visas* iheirr suss .t„.., old the one ae„r h Inewo by harms thins mosso sad • nilly pat ea What le sow weeded is to have ole Lowe hall re-paiatsd. It is in • diegraeehJ Mate and patatug wank' preserve it and add y to the appeslanue. Brigadier PhUp,tt and Md %Md who ars well knows and Nawab ihottdtt d here, hers received orders to farewell, as they are to sous be removed from the Lon don d ivreon,su which they have labored for eons time. IM Morley seat an to give • farewell envies u Be aid, no doubt, there will be a large ademdence. BRUCEFIELD. triton ore ow♦ 5baeiarOXDa.T. ) T. Scott, of Hennall, is is town this week. W. K. Graham, of Iieltuore, is in town at present. Miss timely Marks is at present visiting iu N'ingbaus. Jas. Swan is having his residence neatly painted. Miss Ellett McDonald IS visiting in 5'1455 to at precept. Mus Bell Jan,seem,ul St. Marye,im spend ing holidays at hone. Mir li Forsythe, of Fgnsoodv"Ile, ie visiting at A. Mustard's this week. Als,ut twenty-five left Oita station for Sarnia oil the S. O. t:. excursion lart Thum day. 1). Dallas left for Harrow, Essex mounty, on Tuesday, where he resumes hie labors a. teacher. The stood on Sunday del no great dam- age in this part, although the gale was very strong. Mir Hay .Jamison left for Paris, I Int., last week, where she takes a situation as operator on C. P. R. oboe. DUNLOP. [moo two ow\ roemoiroNDEST.) Mir Ferguson, of Montreal, visited herr fast week. Wm. Jardine was in fort Huron$„a visit to friends last week. Mir Susan McAllister visited relatives near Benmiller this week. Mr. and Mrs. ,John Cox, of ('hscago, visited friends here during last week. Miss Sarah Corbett enjoyed • pleaennt visit of several days to relatives in (:olerich township this week. 1). T111: \Y tKI.1 T11. 1hlee again t.eo. Hurrows. the popular and well-known thresher, opened his campaign here on Mon day last, the engine ansi the mitt running well. the thresher threshing well, the men working in good tutee awl the wind blowing the right way. Everybody said the threshing was a goal one. The grain re turns to the acre were fair. George this Year has on his staff Wm. Vroonsan, of Shepppaaniton, a new face to sit here, also the familiar and sunny countenance of Joseph Thompson. The latter enlivened the threshing with a stirring recital of an adventure in a rainstorm, which kept his heater. spellbound in merriment from, be- ginning to end. AMBERLEY. [r114111 ora ow', sORfINPONDENT.) Mrs. Kempton was visiting in the Isle of Skye one clay last week. Mrs. N. 4:. \la•Donaid was visiting at It. N. MacKenzie' last week. \In Thoma Hunan and child, of 1►e. troit, are visiting her father, Kenneth Mc Rae. %%e congratulate \lir Elia Powell on her having iasseel the recent entrance ex- amination. Doctor MacDonald has returned from his tnp and is now 'earning on his business as usual. thine in KmtaiL Alexander \lacl)opald has erected a new shed. By the appearance of thing, there must be money in farming. Berry -picking se the rage now. People are seen coining and going every direction with pails looking for the luscious fruit. Most of the farmer* have commenced their wheat, and as • general thing the crop is very good tine heals on the straw anti each head well filled(. \In. William Minary, of Alpena. paid her tather,alex. \IcJ)olalei,• visit some two weeks ago. .innie looks hale and hearty and speaks well of Uncle Sam's citizens. Alexander Stewart, of Lochaah, is erect. ing a tine new house on the premiss of his brother -in -kw, Duncan MacKenzie, and before long \Ir. Stewart will become a citizen of this place. Henry Brown hoe erected a fine new staple, which is a credit to his farm. Mr. Brown seems to he going in on stock raisin as the barns and stables look almost as well as those on the Model Farms, Guelph. Meridian lodge, Patrons of Industry, is booming, and we hope will continue to cls an. .311 the farmers and laborers of the vicinity should join without delay, anal help on the organization to break down all combinations against the lower climes. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. '.441$6111. 11 To.w '•1111•. Hor.wr:w n.1.x, Aug. 3n1, 1891. Council met today pursuant to adjournment. Mem bets all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Letter from county clerk read, stating that $3190.60 is required from VARNA, [esus ova owe Ou nanero6 Isom!. ) Ysal.oc. On Stodgy boat Mr. kliegs, of flaaler's, end I. O. Illeiewrof this plau,ex- Amami pupil& lilt IMO dsliee1w11 • very eloquent 0ed ittearelfiw d5eur.•. Urr n, MA serum. --Os Tardy last Rev. J. Walker, Mrs. Robinaaa, wad Miss Oilmen left (Latuo foe various points is Manitoba We wish Nene a pisassit trip. Raraseau. The public school here is be- ing overhauled and repaired by Jansen Ar>Mtroig. We think the itspacior will warmly be able to nougats* it when be text vigils It. Goings Saco a The shrill wkistle of the Mend thresher is now beard, and reports of • hogs yield of Fall wheat Dwane fres' all parts of Stanley. The yield se reported to be front 36 to 46 baba& per ovum, \'1„trtst:. J. Noble. aToroato,aod Miss Hattie Luve,otSsaforth,are at pronoun visit- ing their tinny friesde and aegs•ialssws in anis around Varma They are very wadi pleased with the appearance of this locality (:above PAMTv. A very auccembai /gaYr .leu party was bet( under the •sapieaa of the Varna Combed, R. T. of T. en nea- .1ity last in John Wale e'e orchard. .% tory ret time was epent,a the evening am1 that °talo be desired. Crerame& (1n Sunday afternoon last a violent cyclone swept over this locality, the ter considerable damage by twisting and (lest, .),Ing trees, shaking off fruit and knocking down fences. In the village here a buggy was caught by the Diad outlaw -rite' about our nods. .tsorfaI( R mites l'ARTt. On Wednts day, Aug. 19th, • grand gardea party under the auspices of the members of St. John's church hen will be held) It. \-.lin J. Second's orchard. The Seaforth brans band have guaranteed to be in atten.ances,ao that some choice music may be expected. Other talent will also take part io the program. The grounds will be beautifully illuminated for the occasial. As the uunmittee are sppaarritnngg n, pains to make this the most successful genies* party ever held to this lotality,tho.e who fail to be present are sure to mien a treat.l'omne everybody and enjoy yourself. Admission, adults, 15tts.; children limier twelve yeas, Meta THY. 1).tt DREAMERS StIlrktsci. Sunday afternoon last a yougg man and his fair ore wended their way into an orchard iu this village to .rojav the sof; and gent(_ zephyrs and cool their fevered brows under the shave of an apple tree. But, alas • the intense heat mon lulled) the fair couple off into the land of dreams. They were. no doubt, dreaming ut the pleasant days to come, when suddenly the roaring of the mighty, rushing win.) and the tumbling of apples on their peaceful, upturned faces awoke them to a sena of some great danger being close at Rand. But before they gave their last fond embrace the ram descended in such torrents a to wet theme to the inner lining of their garment.. Surely courting in a cyclone must be pleasant beyond de• seription. LEEBUHN. [ FROM 01 k OWN . v,RA1 iPON D6lcT. Mime Stirling, of ('orlon, visited relatives here this week. Mian. Richmond, of ('bsley, Bowe noun ty, was the guest of Miss .dant Stirling this week. Mrs. Otter, of London. Ion been visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Potter, and other rela- tive here. Miss Marie 4.orlon, of Sheppar.itoo, was the gust of her cousin, Lizzie Horton, for several clays last week. The Rev. Mr. Neilly enjoyed • pleasant visit to fort Albert Friday of last week, being the guest of Mr. \lahaffy. Ilia Sara Holl, of the 4th en., Boder ich township, and her brother Wilfred were the gusts of their uncle, H. Belton, for several bays this week. Me .Janet Fotheringham, of Krucetield, enjoyed a pigment visit of several days here, the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. H. (button, Sunnyside Faros, this week. Won. Trayer, who las resided here tor many years, left here last week with the tide of excursionists to see the North-West. We are informed he may locate then if the country suits hint. 1'. Lynn, of THE. Sn:..el. office, anti (len. MaeCormtac, of (;odeneh, are en- camped of the beach here. They have had quite • number of visitors during the week, amongst whew were some 9( toe fair mE of this burg. _ Threshing of Fall wheal for this season was commenced here os fhatunay on the farm of H. Chisholm by R•echler's steamer. The grain was a greed sample, but no ac- count of the bushels was kept. 'i we go to press today Run-ins' machine s threshing at Thos. 5 arnev's. N tiARRUTT THE WAN? DssaaMy. EM WY, Me b- A ■seed -rep 11•00 8118. Irwin Tat mate ) The story esansetd with the tame of Henry Garbutt, d W Ont., for wham eatraditiau will be rade Tuesday sday to J edge rredith at Uegood* Hall, is one of the greatest interest, 01 interim genial o40ngendis dtrectlyse sleeting ia.tstatimr. aid lavdvug altogether a mini au the'cigs• boyhood of 4100;OM. In the sons charge for which Garbutt is wanted at Van Aly. Wins, Tetras. Jeans ltflfflotah, of AVmer, Ont.. is • prisoner at 1Vaxahackie, 'geKaa, and A..1. ('.mover, of Winghaan, Old., is • in the Awntosia l'ssitentiery low► For some years past, tut tenon .specially in the Int year or two, the beaks is the Usieed States have beea5., 4,aeg rpr. Ju,1,900 to &,(100 them drafts k'rby well• so`ow.^cuut mere. parties 1i.selliess haw bees banks u Tetras. lfiw wad Waddiesil Territory, it.,.. boding who'd prebsbly from the fact that they could he aloe sec mesially worked by the draft siaaipetlslera It might be noted here, too, that 5. erey case small towns were selected, the VeEeef place vested being Seattle, \Vesting. ton. tux •a u6ux. 'rhe plan of caisp•ieu as successfully carried out on throe honks in Seattle was ometting in this fashion . Aa innocent termer looking gentleman would visit • real estate agent, look over his list of pro perties for wale, make inquiries as to the phos. location, etc., and automate that it there was money to he made the terrier emtlemun would( like to be in it, but other erne not any. Three or four visits, slows wavering. a visit to the properties for sale, ant mutual confidences would in the course of • week or ten .Lys establish quite an intimacy. The sante policy would be pur- sued with 00, or two other real state agents in widely digerati iocaltie•, so as to avoid my oompliossione, and when the aslttaintaice was ripe sad the dealer eager to will, the fernier gentleman would begin to talk of purchase. "1'.'e got a draft here on the --National Bank," he would say. -Now. I'll take this piece of property : pat you $300 cash, and the balance in 30 days. Perfectly satisfactory. 4 IIA111:AI' M ane The dealer agree at once, the 30 days being in hie eyes as good as cash, since the deeds remain in his hands until payment of the fall amount of the purchase money. Then they go to the real state dealer's bank and present the draft. It purports to be wade out by • well-knowu Jinn of bankers ; the dealer • good hank customer iutroluoes his friend, the purchaser ; the paving teller is satisfied ; mks the Purchaser how he would like payment : the latter prefers currency. oounts his money .areful)y, pays over the 1200 stipulates to the real estate dealer, pockets the net and dlisappeara. .1 week or ten days later the draft is returned to thew from New York a clear forgery. The real estate dealer is quite innaos.t anti ignorant of any wrongdoing : he be- ing • goal customer the bank dos not tare to fall out with him ; they communicate with the police authorities and °Rorie are made to locate the farmer gentleman. Ae the same trick has been played the mane ray on other hanks, by the innocent aid of other real estate .dealers, the farmer gentleman clean •bout 43,000 in new clay and can afford to go away for a holiday trip. V.,\\ x 4TIM . This is tate scheme by which some 30 or 40 -and perhaps more leaks were victimised. 1t was not always real state that was used aa the neon of attaining wealth ; sone - times the fernier gentleman was inquest of horns and mules, but whatever the means, the end was the sante, viz., the enrichment of the sharper at the espeuse of the bank Without repetition it might he states that A. J. 1'ono•er Is charged with having under the name of Huntley victimised three Seattle (ranks out of $4,000. The draft used was that of Fool, Burton & Co.. of Burton, Ohio, on the Clave National Bank, New York. The firm name of the private bank- ing tine is Burton, Ford h Co., and it is thought the names were transposed so that In the event of a forgery charge being laud this .discrepancy might be orale use of. t o►TY'T1'e to. Tilt. TKA11. The Intal lank Intmeduitely put their ease in the hands of Albert Loma, of Seattle, one at the cleverest private detectives in the Western States. getting a full de.crip tion of Conover, alis Huntley, he stetted out and found on inpuiry at the decks that Conover had taken a steamer for British Columbia. He followed) on the next host, but after a journey of 750 miles lost the Mr. mud Nr itob,t. Iloggarth were called scent and wa forces to return without any to ('rausfonb last week 1,)) the death of idea of where his man was. He got rep • M. John Strong, mother of Nine Hoggarth. descriptive circular offering a rewarl for Oise died rather suddenly Ma Friday of last the arrest of Conover. and one good result week after a Shrift Innen anti on Sunday from the publi.atiomi of the affair was the last was Issued in the Colborne'cemetery. intimation from banks in all directions that Deceased) wa formerly a resident of this they had lost n,00ery in the exact same way. section for many years, being the youngest Then renewed efforta were made to appre daughter of the ate Janis 7 utt, nate of the bend the parties who had been playing this pioneers of this section. game, several of the banks uniting todefray expenses. The forge•( draft* had been lithographed specially for this hueinew, and the detective struck • good idea when he caused all the large lithographi firms of the United States to be • By this means it was learned that the drafts had been printed by the Fry Stationery Company, of St. Lows, and by this mew aloe, ('owover and Me friend Jams Nd:eoch of Aylmer, lett., were placed ander arrest. The first batch of fraudulent drafts being exhausted, Me- Ueoch talks Albert Hunter) placed an order wish a leading New York lithographing first. Having receive) notification, they quietly notified the (lease National Rank, and Inspector Byrnes of the New Vork polite was caller( into consultation. He V:7a man an watch, said Conover called 1:: drafts. He was followed, and • short way down the street met McGeoclt and,it is said, handed him over .nave d the drafts. The detectives, who had been taking in the whole proowlure,decides that Mdi.oeh wa implicated, and both men were at vete ar- rested. This was on May 2 last. Inspector Byrnes telegraphed the arrest to the lee interested[, three or four different Byrnesp1•ee. and office,• caste from each pace to chaise the nen few trial. Detective Lucas, boo farthest away, was not do the spot ru ij and just as he was starting he grit that the authorities Waxahachie, Texas, and Iowa hal carried off the two wren. Determined to mssthew, he travelled to Teem and got full particular While there he learned that at Vow alyssum Texas, .best 96 mass front Waxahachie, two hanks bed here Tfaalminerl on the sews and shwa tie owe hour as taw Los Wednesday of this week the ladies of the Presbyterian church here held a e.ng ,n the afternoon torethe rrluade In getting names for the churcsF oils that. they Gddench township for county purposes, and are caking toi reduce the debt of the church. $304 a nlmivekht to Legislative school ShorUv arrangement, wall 14. made to get gat. Moved hp John Beacom• emended fry Connolly, that a rate of 25 mills 0n the dollar be levied on all the real rate• able property in the tow 'whip and on taxable imxorne for county purpose : and that a further rate of 3 mills on the dollar he levied on all of the sante property and income tax for triennium purposes ss and to form a gen- eral school fund, and that the keel school section tax required by school trustees he levied on same property. ('allied. A by- law confirming the above was read and pawed. A grant of fifty dollars was given to repair Hayfield line from l'bw's corner to Clinton. The following accounts were vi,.. Mrs. McRae, indigence, nue leerier, $15; clerk, notifying parties to Court of Revision, 50 rents ; clerk, furnish- ing trustees with school tarsus, 50 cents for each school ; John Lindsay, outlet for water, $2 ; Robert Ileacnn, nutlet for water, g3. Moved by John Iesscosn, seconded James H. Elliott, that the reeve aid trews urn are hereby empowered to borrow six hundred dollars from such parties as may cho.we for four mositha. (' _----• Council adjourned to meet again on the first Monday in October. .1 tors PATIOS. (*leek. Dae Mower tram M Tomlbaritm. Toothache. the meet nommen and sloe of the meet painful •tleetisae, i. iolletey ear- ed by the appleoatios d Pekoes Nerqilhs Pe lson's Nervilins is • alestiolden of .di up a teameeting or garden party for church purposes. quite a number of the (alis are working on a block each of the quilt which was cut from the niateral provided for it and divides aniotget them • short time ego. Omen. MIETINt:. -The first of the acnes 'molten of ann,e time ago by ns was held in the hall on Sunday evening by the 1.11.(:.T. No. 213, and a good audience, particularly of young people. listened to an able, pleas- ing and instructive address by the Rev. A. Neilly on the subject of temperame, who said • hart habit wa easily learned but hard toeast off. Especially the drinking habit was a hani one to throw over. Hie closing counsel was well brought before the young people, and we hope later do he may give a another address. A number of &miller hymns were sung by the audience in gond voice. Mr. John Horton ably fill• ung the duties of the chair. Sunday even- ed there will he another meeting and a speaker will he presses to give an address. our lodge will try to enstiase thews eteetier Lor • time ander the mese system as those he11 in Onderich haat Winter. The Akers of the lodge for the cwrreat quarter are Iwo. John iwnfiels, W.1'.T. Sam K flatten, W. V. T. ; sister 1.in1Wd, W.F.S. ; bre. N. R Williawr WS ; hrt, H. A. Holton, W. T.: bro. Wm look, W. M.: sister R. Gordo., W.1.(1, ; bra. Joh' Gress, W.4).0. TAY ledge nese Friday eight elf each week. P. very dem epliell ell the loam who Md pee air the James Hasler, mar mid he mild !ilk out in • 1M.seal Se nes Wee 4 as dillsreit rasa, batt at the artaglans, word troylalit d them. manna w0 CAaaba. Several elms Lod 15e d.l setive te that it would be war* Itis while to (beads and make inquiries at w' Uu1., tM home et A. J. Conover. hemcorn den had tangiblee ear , all .vera he arrived at W earned us, 4th and ppest up as • r drew Before M i d ens trttgrr d'I butt i trade isyairi,e pppNt«tu krt teen the deser(p11es au Hones be .nate to the 000'oluaew eta h1 '& a000ua1. t•Ilia415 ►y deedly. Gerber titre w i ' keeps • hotel et married to his muse horse. Tbs Yiddl I1 ftitem far shoat two a„ lA M enure see (°sebum The tter IMO M the town on Saturday and tri tis $ a. w. train Monday -los• TIM bone dealer, however, got softy fa ted with the bartender and gaoled a se points to the quiet. He learned that ons be tqil making inquiries about was of that Nes about the teen or to my My. wed that his nletty.. were eu,ppnal' ug and worldgin. ve oufori...::,a him. To make a I'ug rI:arbutt shadowed towel tat euro, M time forward until hie arrest oo the louder, Perk racecourse in this city ow Polo. 3rd, by detectives Cuddy ani Stems. 14 the meantime the detective had got wets ted with Garbutt, walked, talked ,al stoked with hum, and became thou,, _. convinced tbet be was oke alleged brother of Albert Hunter who defrauded the banks of Van .'ii; q, 1DaNTIen•ATI4s. The final test remained with House, .,, Ven Alystine butelkeeper, who had L' intimately aaaivainted with the prison. He was telegraphed for and on his arrntl here he at oboe picked out Garbutt as tie mac who was wanted. From the first Garbutt has dente.' say connection with the forgery bounce' .r tka be was in Texas et all. He engegni yr. N. G. Murdoch as counsel and at once ,et up'th• plea of on alibi. The mise was up a the County Court and .budge Morgan or.irol committal. It was then taken to Our.•ie Hall anti enlarged for a week, the 'lefts/ having Intimated their intention of Ix1ul;,s1 the nutter before the Minister of Justice The •ppli.ation dame in due course Geigy Sir John 'l'hompsoa, but he declined w interfere end the case now oink) belie .lodge Meredith today. The trial 4 ('omover ani %d iemrh is pending until the rxtraditioo proceedings are decided. i5arbutt claims that be was in Wlughaa on the days when it was alleges he was a Texas, and he has a number of wigwam who will swear to this. .lust how far the will weigh an the decision as to extrtuliva remains to be seen. Detective Loanu, rend the gaol a few days ago and offered, in the pr of the deputy -governor, tint d t:•rbutt would waive extradition ironed lags and go with him to Tema, he snail deposit any fair sum named in one of tie hanks hen to be claimed by Garbutt it he succeeded in proving in the courts of Texas that he was not the man they wanted, This 4:arbutt declines, and he will stay u Canada as lung as the courts will allow him. The case for the- proaecutios u being - cs- datctedGunthbyer. mMr. Jae. %V. Curry,of Curry! Detective Lucas ham been engage.( on tie ease since March 1215 but and ha travelled in connection with, it over 22,000 miles. Re Airmen male hi.0 tido• ghly convenes with ever} .tenial of the affair, and is N actions is hacked up by the banks, wkn an prepares) to spent aaqayy ns put a stop to the frauds that have beenaper. petrated upon them. ST. AUOUSTINE- [nun ova mw. rognean,Nntsr. [ Elaborate preparations are being nook for • gond picnic which tato be giver b) the hilus of the St. Augustine 1'athdh church on Thureda)•, September 17th. The picnic will he hell at Island Grove, mar here, and n, finer puce for an occasion 4 this kind .an be hal than the gn•uah which have been selected. The mansion; committer is arranging in every pstuble way for the enjoyment of those who attest" Speeches will be delivered by M. l'. 1'.s eros, M. P. ; J. T. I:arrow, M. PP. ; P. Kelly. Ktyth ; M. Corrigan, Holyreod ; A Yc(ollicuddy, I:olerich, anti other Men I be furnished by a first -claw staff band(. A beautiful alarm elock arab other articles will be rallied and a magnificent gold watch will he pilwanterl to the most popalaryoung lady et the congregation.e prtoe of almusioa sad dinner will be 25 cents All are oordisfy Invited to .rets and enjoy the Miry. • Hou. ('has. Watters, County Court judge and judge of the Vice -Admiralty Court fit the bntrict of New Brunswick, died sari dimly at St. John, N. B•, last week. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. Fall Wheat. ag Wheat Girder's\ niece. Yens noun, OOP" 11. 1D1. ............gelaas slitten1; lista IP ton »..... 113 lit N somaA MNwl Wheat 11 ten.. ls) •k bush ............ ............ ion»is ten le te13 *teen bine •wwta e Appisa bash I S1. 1 0 • Dwell fresh sapaated. • des. • ONO W p, - _.....eed• M1.00 Wool .OMNI ii *Stein Lam nowt •••-'•'.-•inea Paha • S to e l _ _•*toes cume fie• .M 11.IYt.B '1.f p lH(t. wow ail ss, gi es t.1 / v►soat ..... I °. e I r .................... o as ee l+ ........ • ee tee ! • ... ••••••••• o se • g ragwort par tM _.......... i to P used) MtoI$ 11 Intel isstrii nn Ineellese flkserMs. Aepas1 11, Id. st 1.10 T CANADIAN BAN K LITARw HEAD OFF101 M►ITAL (PMS IP) SII1 NKLgU taT. B. L WALKER, 19 GODERICI A c=--1. RassatND Bi;ssNEas Taw /•8 JaMILD PATASLL AT ALS Po ones IN THE UNITED STATION ON SAVINIIIIII SAS pOPpaoTO OS 61.00 AND UPWARD" lit ALLOWED. serronaaT *ouzo TO The earaaeaaa 115 OAOee VIAL •ptl»lal Attention gives lo M and FartoMS' Sam Nato . "MAD AK HATTERS" *I1 the dry goods men in the t.,ttu claim that Johnston Carey'y ( t.t' or'[ .hoes spoil the Kale of stock. 0,g. Why, says one of there ('arey's shoes never slip on the heel and one pair of stockings wears u long as three pairs worn in Othei ,hoes. Try a pair and be con. tined. WHAT WS ARS DOING' We carry the largest ,tock 01 boots and .hoes in the county. We give the largest discount fist cash. We make the finest ladies' and ;ants' shoes to order. We make hall slippers to order of costume goods, silk, etc. We repair goods bought of int • r ' lsewhere. N't• sew all rips free of charge .1UHNSTON CAREti'S, Headquarters' for boots, shoes, trunks and talipes, the Square, Goderieh- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mor \rlhe l)unagh is venting in 1k• trot .1. \1. I.ay, of Galt, was in town the pal week. .1..t I:ra.l wan in Toronto for a few mays but week 1' Mel'hslhps, of London, 0a in town co sat 'inlay. \ion \'iggins is visiting friends, in 5:rc) t..s reship. R H. 1'ollina, of Exeter, sea town the past week, t\'m..Is.hssust, of 5lifton, spent Sunda) In 5.,sleneh. 1'h.• county treasurer was in the queer 1 ,•g bat week. ° l7 . ke i(orts, express meaaenger, 'pen y in town Phil. Hortna is on the United Empire do ung the round trip. .la. l.inbsay male a abort 'visit to Kis online this week. or Mies Campaign is on a few weeks' viii to friends in Clinton. \Im. Re ynol,etrttnesl m 41 the Stats 10.1 ds Frmky. from a vi \1r. Hodgkins rerned to Detroit parole 11t)' of Wlnd.or on tuSunday. H. S. °'Neil end A. lel. Bobier, of Exeter spent Saturday in 4:oderich. Mr. •ad Mrs .Iso Meares, of 5'inciaru 5 4550, ars at the Perk Have. \Vm. Rol.itssn retmrnal bat week from few' week'' vino toMichigan. \lass Melbngall wa a petiger per th .framer Monarch on Saturday.w Mr. sal Mn Thurso Iddt for keel", et/we: trigtheMoar•hlastSaturday.MirFt5l Md , egawaau vis (ting at Mrs. Capt 1(d:ngrari The deputy sheriff returned frown h1 ' ult to I'emsylvaala oa Friday. G. W. Parson and wire. ret Montreel,wer ' u.t11nng GosIerieh the pad week. 5. \I. Mcr:regor, d Brantford, speer f. -w .ay. in town tk. peat week. \1'. .1. Hayhurst, of I.osd.ln, .gest th pat week with datives 1. town• MissPridkam left eons Ma$urday for 4 lisitoor whererhe wull,ap.al • 1.w weeks. H. M. lay, of Brentford, .gent • fe' dads in Dederick the pesent week. 11'm. Wnodin. of Landon, Ragland, wn '114110.' Oo,lerieh tM pieces* weak. lir MeCasey, of ('iscienati, Oita, the gu..t .of Fath.r Wed Nie week. \later Rert. Reid, d Landow, . visitia .t the rsisleeee of his grandfather, Jam Rr5.1. \VIII. Price, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mico A ■peediR(a few week. ands IA. parent+ a neo. K. Harks,rf N. Beak of lk,enmwe I Morse, wa in tows • prtion o►f tM pet week. Hest. Smith, d Termite), who arrived i toewn na Satamday, *000 tM aat.rwal is om ".m e. 1'. .1. and Maw Il. /iraeb Wald of ll.stenut, an g"sst' at IM Par Hot... Mrs. Colonise. bee (' 55 of tisatartl vtni 1uig her ptrwtm at t11. Awwio. Cao vile daltawiniagn lteratirar4, ate Asking relatives and Mo ion towel Ilii mai Matet•d• tore Ow et. Ilene • nom.er was ps . sed epose dp Renee (Vale hoe ttetr*Jylaoreowl tie suss Anse Hs. Ism se 77........• .,s a of the Veterinary C5*lap, fel Awn the waw all the cele Termite, wee rialtos ye eoea.sca Wed- uacaid awn hi dd. very hs.11y ,... v tree mg tier woo rely► weeks ciao