HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-14, Page 3TJX SIGNAL: GODER1CH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1891.
— ted .dee M Meepl.g Well le
galalmer-Absat the Claire of Mildew
_ latest Lesakes M the mealier -Three
TL••a Werth Raewlag.
1LLOW ms just • wurd or
two r the ears of many of
�/ he tbriar Ja.ra•1 girls whe
/ l •reboow marry.
DJ sit fatly. aY fir. anal Yoe •rod Jack
t er a .mall bank woersst. i take it you
save awl W murk for your ower living, there-
on you are W sauna Wepeadeet, and, W
sa a Hiber manias, "What is you», le your
Tor lent teems with esvbg-sande: 1 hope
ym, bey., a bout W use of tiles, with a gored
lalaar uw your favor. if sate ars, draw
• .,f this fur your homes furnishing,
bet wet .11. leave • reserve f a rainy or
tract use (...04,r ale shape of
*e kn••+ nett what form lot year turuish-
ad be;dimple, but tasty; dt not devote the
siege e part W • swell carpet fort aur parlor.
ex • walnut mite for your bedroom faint
year nears mond the edge, for about two
fete eel have tasty ingrain carpet rugs, tool
newmtrr tb.e is mace light -wood furniture
whirl a surspmedve and really cbx•ming.
Too suggestion. if followed. will give you
. edeut 'do -tee lees work, atei more health ut
your Farren!. Buy yenned! good .ad durable
riu)bss sal a milicieney to last for sour, iter1
le teleie •t an ituitati.si seal sK'7uae and a
list ,urm,nateJ by a cockatoo as big as a
coati/ turkey, select a tins elute coat and. at
list. ter„ woolen gowns and plenty of dura-
bie web•rwver.
A tome' girl u( my acquaintance. 10 very
rsdrne. rnn-tmtsusces, erw rxtnusely ;or-
art -..0 tad have a back silk drea in her wd-
imy, outfit. which was attach coveted by her
ie . pretentious frwnl., but d doubt tf rho
would Wye tow membered such an object of
eery k.J they sem ber as 1 did, sir weeks
after the weddiug, wham she entertained sur
• s la -la warn Mother Hubbard" wrapper,
sod with elip•.bul feet, which disclosed all
t.o plainly the bola la her stocking., her
fns wore • lugubrious air of discontent: she
had we Iowa merrier, the holiday it prom-
o., to be As 1 Frisked at her trust door.
,bred tonere' wild lrgertttarka, I sighed to
think what a link industry, combined with
wap awl w *ter, would effect. aid what • aril•
eeable future awaited her companion in
misery. *Mo. out ret the great lottery lad
doom oath a blank. 1-wiU give but one more
III*Rratea out of, p)ssibly. a hundred. 1
knew a young woman who moved out .4 •
testy little bone. bemuse, as she t .W me.
,relic -could rather have a heodet n e bestrewn
tune, owl it reel brussele carpet, than • who!*
house to herolf " I may add that We lived
to mine ber husband!. as well -se bet house, for
hr. loving u•• longer a bone of lis own, be-
erpre t.e bee snuu.l him and tooting plenty
el elk reside like bitumen, be roup tumid
mere e••ugeual e.*upany lima We lazy site.
1tenrmler how much you have in your own
pow . unto. you have marre.l an exceptiun-
aly Gael than, you can make or mar biro. Ib
o f to persuaded to marry unions Tou can see
your way clear before you: then, having
yowl hands, throw all your heart. emu age
sot determination Nato your work.
It i. for Iter: make thea. 1 beseech you, an
carrot eff.,rt to aware your happiness and
ho Give hen • loving welcome, an attract-
ive Meme and • well -cooked areal, and. alone
dl. let him find you fair to look upon. Let
your its be as two jewels for depth and
bnllir elft, and your soft balr shade • brow
whereon sweet e:xttent shall rest.—Felicia
Het to ladies' Heine Journal.
Childress la $.sumer.
Every mother knows that .,resumer is a
tryito; tune fur children who have not finish-
ed vetting their teeth. If they are feel upon
sntfk.oal fool, any change is the duet, or
want of cane in its preparation, is sure to
herder the digestion. and perhaps cause
,eer...u. illness Intellvent mothers are alive
W t!w dangers which surround their children
,niece n tbeir guard ag•end them.
It is not always remembered that older
children air, rmw)ntre care at this season.
110.eielle winds of ,string and autumn. and
toe foots of winter mese a nr)ther'a anxiety
sue make her watchful; bot summer owes
to her a Um. wine vigilance may be relaxed
with. en Jing any harm. There are sorr
point, an relation to dress, bathing. food ked
Seep which aboulia be carefully attemded to,
oaf ,hen an ordinarily Walley child may be
permitted to go to own way.
To talk of guarding against cold in summer
snem absurd. and yet it is se nreessar( an in
winter Where the elitnate is (*aoge.bk. •
btu .lay u often followed by • cool evening, or
a add.lrn rain storm chills the air, w • add
witn.) springs up, grateful after the boat, but
dangerous to those who are thinly clad unless
they ane protected from It by pumper cover-
ing 'nitric is • greed conductor of heat and
Wows it to escape rapidly from the surfaos
of the body. As soon as the surrounding an
h.rnnes cooler them the akin It steals the
hot which the body requires for In own
area.. A fres supply of beat mot be pro -
diesel and thus the system is overtaxed to
supply the .lemand.of the robber. Manuel
is a bed conductor, and gm*zds the trader
heir mere faithfully. retaining the heat.
n'hsf•lrro should wear I1ebt merino nudity-
dershirt. in summer, es thin seam be precured,
bet always with an admixture Of wool. They
esu h*re cotton dream and se few under-
gannent• as oweible, nod to overheat them,
but flannel next the akin is rdlep,nsabie.
I,.tng .t..ekings aims.' be worn, and these
see Ir ..f cotton. The Woes must be light.
with !road two and low hash, perfectly fitt-
ing. net to .•ramp the foot An was jacketsimulabe provided to wear ther Blick .eh
d o milk sullen are wont m ley "Men
02109 to returning from expedition n ln damp ea tube r th' war"
when **dew le falling. Palegteen b
etan becomingly
for •
Vomit ter timid a blonde; darker green answers for gray.
if thin n*anei older camay have wader- Smell d wear blw rw"ra cadalr
shirts like rhos* warn b the day, or U(et hate trimmed with eft bra* en erre! Ja7a
jaclnet. of Sheller Samuel -- —
,acetas Well Is leaner.
('.xmftwtaMe sleep in sensor is male mon
p.olabw If the last meal of the day be 11gkt,
cony digested faxed. 1t le a great mistaketo
■nery_A rnf or
boowith thin bred gime
Kr, or tial -
gale crackers. r even cowstb a( more tub
etntlld wham It can be bows, will power
eralretalaaa The Amnon Would ,sot he
lar■ l to dispose of flak mode Webs&
before geese to bed lair • epode lath le
mut 'gods Ong wit imp _a the gm Wood
kW Orbs the el radreeeing, sod
ceases a Wt Wilma it is night
ideal bed la, of cantos • worm wiry
taattre e, with a thin half m•ttrees an it.
Folded blankets make • guud substitute fur ta.
hatter. 1f W shaper is rashes. the owners id
the wider Asia can be turned radar and
Srmly pinned au the lower ids ul the mat -
trees W prevent it from nrkcluhly wrrk.
beg Itself into breams as the occupant tome
alert. In • midsummer night no covering
is needed but a sheet, and eyes that some-
umo-time mems tuu oppressive. A blanket. how-
ever, Would always he at hard W car • txw,l
bream springs up before rioralag, ask doer in
wary kma114a !'told it wady, tuck urs end
wader the aattrses and turn the rest over
the foot board not to interfere with the
la mummer, as in winter, • quiet mid is
essential to repose. lows the cane and
worries d the day to be taker up ou the
aurTow. They will Kart lout a• 1•rge or se
black as 11 they hal been earned all night.
Datat7 Dukes Wk4k Ara More to Please
All rr..e. !awake...
lose is very frequently at • kes to know
how to give to • picnic menu the variety sued
deliver r of • borne lunch. Yet then are
many daluty thine* which may be readily
prepared, and as tartly served on • tear
table as as • walnut one, and the following
ant wane which 1 bare selected as suitable for
Edition jelly me nude by pouring differeut
cedured jellies orae over the other in layers.
Yellow is made from Mimeo and oranges: red
fru' currant.: dark colors from dark berries:
greets from a little spinach,Mice nc. added to
any lis(bt jelly : and minion by wring a little
cochineal powder. Each layer must bre very
Ilan) beton• the next is poured in. After it
Inas all become ban!. turn, and serve un than
cut on the table. Whole fruit, su.•It as
eberrien, strawberries. slices .4 pineapple,
etc., cas be used in it if one choose.it is
dein-sous served with cream. lir whole being
just taken of the ice. and • more ornamental
dish could not be pinned upon the table.
These cupfuls .4 sugar:.me cupful of but-
ter beaten to a chem; add the whites and
yolks of six eggs. beaten ..treately and
thoroughly • t ern tables po.melts of sweet milk;
elle-bait teaspoon eremite tartar. one-quarter
te•gwo..0 soda, or one teaspoonful Irking
powder, sifted with one package of own -
▪ one teepocwf.1 knwa-juice. Hake
iu cup -cake pass.
Four eggs iwkftas orlyi whippet) diff with
ore pinked .Y pow.leted ,rept, flavored with
vanilla . r orange. When very stiff heap in
the shape of half an egg upon sten letter
paper, ming Use bottom n of a baking -pan.
Have them at kelt a half inch apart. Do not
shut the oven door elteely, as they turn very
easily. Watch vert closely. and when • light -
yellow -brown take them out and eool quickly.
d ip a thin bated knife under each, . or pout
the .wet inside and till with errant whipped
very ed( ea for Charlotte-Rws.e. The oven
should be very hot.
,nALT t'eorlA*.
Three eggs, one cupful of ►ugar, one cupful
of flour. two tablespoonfuls of cold water.
one teaspoonful ret baking powder beat thor-
oughly. I)rop eto tablespoonful ou • round
tin and bake in a moderate oven. When a
delicate irown take out, and while hot lap
the edges. together in form of • ..r0w-opia
and boll in shape until cool. Fill them when
cold with whipped cream. This receipt
maks twelve.
A Table Wide& Yews Ube iewlae el Set -
lbw !ilia. ry Weight -Mem lianas are
Delves "'rem M. farm- "Osagaas ats-
tare" ter reedtry.
ROF (iuemmaa soya
es a bulMin recently
rued, that the value
of ashes as • fertiliser
depends upon the
quality of toe sem
themselves, apos the
cbarectrr of the ani)
upon elect they are
seed, wad the sods of the crop white is to be
grown. While their value is supposed to
deprod mmfly upon the assent of potash
they o entain, there .r. certain other.lemaste
of some importance, sack as cars ato add,
here• phospeurie acid, teague.la. and soda.
wee* are valuable in certain wile. The
amount to all Cher Tarim in the rho from
different woods .d other sub Ranee, but as
• general rule It easy he oos.ider d that bard -
wood .sem have more potash and pdnepborb'
acid than soft -wood ashes, and the whew
from twigs and young wowed 1s Amager than
that from ole wood. The amount. will Mao
vary with the beat to weld they Mare Peen
subjeeted in burning. as at • very high tero-
perature the potash .wt seal or dllkeate of
the ashes w ill unite by melting together into
glass, ee that the potash will we be soluble
in water. and the plata. cannot react it.
()ll farmers know this, end often speak
of a.Iler as tiring their value by being
"burped to death." Upton some roil We lune
le very valuable and perhaps more so than
the poach. And on others the phosphoric
wet is of great ingoortate,. This will in
part explain why lath..l base. seems to show
as good re.ults as unleacbe.l ashes upwo some
.oils, although tin yda.b is largely leached
out of it. Itut another goad result from ashes.
is their nno•bani.al effect upon the soil. Be-
ing finer than the Loam soil, tbey mix with it
and make it lew pores, w. that It bolds
water better and draws up moisture from
below more rapidly. But unm a dry
roil they have an °.ppelte effect making
it more porous and lass liable to bake and
harden up. On such soils ori ashes otter
Wow a good result that is not due to the
potash. as they have but little. it will be
mese theft, that it le impe..ible to tell what
prof a farmer can afford to pav for ashes, as
we cannot tel how strong the *whew are, or
how badly this mil needs tie .•irbnnate acid
or lime or the potash cher may contain. Ex-
periment with them upon your land. and if
they slow good results buy more liberally,
and use upon soils awl crepe of similar char-
acter. As a general rel•. it may be consid-
ered that wise are valuable where potash is
wended. and that t .ry do not 1101401* well upon
cold awl moist land as upon dryer and warm-
er Wel They bring in • variety of king
gn en nuse mon such wile and many would
not use totem if ttley could get them for noth-
rtLv2T (.'Binh.
Two tableeprafui of strawberry jelly.
two tabkspr.wfule of rerrant jelly, two
tablespoonfuls of pulverised .agar, whites of
. two eggs, beaten miff. Thea whip tine cream:
IlU a wineglass half full of the whipped
delle, and 1111 up wild the above mixture
beaten To a cream.
A DRt.1('ACT frog LC*C'n*a.
Two eggs beaten separately and very light:
Mir in .aft. d gown until it can 1.e rolled out
In molding beard. hell as thin 58 possible,
and rut in dripe an inch web and an hob
and a half .r two inches long. Fry . deli-
cate brown in very hat ,Mt. Sprinkle either
with powdered sugar or alt as you take
them from ohm. fat. T. he eaten soon atter
frying. Very the for loathes or Met teas.
Three Tklegs Werth Kaawlrg.
Very often is the short hint or 'uggm stion
that we reed somewhere, ober+ pores a
mountain of help at some critical time.
Bow TO warn ran rah.
T'ho *nrla of people when drying their
faces after washing, wipe them downward.
that ia. from forehred to chin This is •
mheake. Always use upward ---from the chin
to the forebe•d—t)wanls the ear—aones'.
Newer wipe any pert of the free downward.
m(w eo ATOP A BI/r00'OM.
A very good autbority gives as • very
simple remedy for hiceoegb--a tempo( sugar
saturated with vinegar. In ten caeca, triad
as an experiment, it stepped hieoough in
Kw by the reun.1.
Selling eggs by weight te advocated by
ninny anal it would to • more just way than
to s.•II then, by number. An F.ngli.b paltry
paper, lend and Water. gives the following
interesting table about the various breeds:
One of the most nested hints for melt -room
attendance le very widow known outride of
• hospital ward, and not even tore la many
cams: the hunt is bow to obtain • °old cloth
without the use w aknes okl cloth on
very ane knows
that in fever+, or
the forehead r fate, or bar of brain, is one
of the most comforting things in the world.
to t*e trnyioal kampit.l. end where ice is
scarce, all amt is oeord arT is to wet a lines
doh, wave 1t to and fro in the air. foil !t,
and plea' on the patient. Have another cloth
ready, waving it to and fro, just before ap-
plying It; them clothshave s grateful bymo
end nesting eoldmeee than
the burning old prods sed by (°s.
A raw Useful Item.
x i @= e gold paper, wet it aU over with • damp
11' > ..•
cbfront th time to time, o that the water will
tome relate to tie Illsawainerint tt Tee
Weald Kaye Tea.
• earned four under the whoa area el
• loess le a senitury eseemity. because the
••air b colla" is more or hes imieue at beet
Zoon is m. .dm for banding wader pour
apurtmante b tie oosstry. They aro never
whereon, asywham mad lf f adhee ere eon,
polled by arrogant rooms to live in the city
where ba,omeat dining -rooms and under
ground kitchens are the nue, they siestas
e ndeavor to have an upper eitting- t tom ant
Uve in 1t as mach se potedbie.
The very placing am home on any ground
and levies la is, soder ordinary cinema
stances, causes modus IoW Ise interim
of Impute soil air, because the air id
the house is warmer than the ab
teoeetb it, and tale induces a rush of the cold
an to the warmer holm atmosphere. The
o*0-i 1*d S cur will, in • gnat assure, eke
away with this difficulty, but not altogether.
Ventilation of collars eruct, therefore, be at-
tended to, Do matter how clean and perfectly
built they may btu 1n town or country.
Annual lute whitewashing, an old merest, is
decidedly • wbulew ase precautloo, and every
cellar should thou be treated especially in the
autumn se the oder will he kept closed more
than in spring and mummer.
Very important ams the floor.. wood-
work, walls, rod ceding* of • how.
Their condition influences In a greater
degree than might be imagined the
health of the family. Tbre outran he any
duubt that papered walls are not wbolenome,
that is, if the paper is of the ordinary kind
b um. which is highly absorbent. There is a
paper made, I think. in Ragland, called
"military paper." winch bas • finely Owed
surface', which may he scrubbed without
iujury to lite texture or colors. This paper
is probably as free from the objection owned
as any torture could be. This paper is much
wider than tee ordlnary wall paler, and,
as it is very strung and durable, does
not cut more In the long run than
ordinary waU paper, even if the fine out-
lay is mon than that expended for the
leer expensive grades of ordinary wall paper.
Painted wails are the beet for all living
rooms. that is sitting -rows and bed-
chamber. They are aim bred for dining•
rooms. when three are always r) many odor
of food to ahworb. Stained and varnished
woodwork, or else painted woodwork, should
rule, as neither is absorbent The floors, es-
pecially, should never be left in the natural
state, and i should advise all builders of
houses to have their Boors painted before
living over them, where they are to be car-
arpeted .r otherwise covered, and stained and
varnished when the intention is to Wow a
portion or all the wrface.
These n[somtree, renewed as wear meosmi-
tato will prevent your house attaining that
peculiar smell which is amociateol with oW
boards almost invariably, no natter bow
often or bow *igon.mdy they have been
.erubtnd by the meted boasewife. Part of
the smell, indeed all, is dee to the decay ..f
absorbed matter., which insome cases inclndr
disease germs. Paper may be varnished,
however, and thus rendered won -absorbent.
As it is not the privilege of everyone
to move into • perfectly new bourse and
do just as they pleat*, one meat my a
word to then woo, unhappily. are
obliged to live in louses of other people's
building ng and ownership. To insure healthy
coeditor's in an old bona., go to work and .lo
all possible deeming with rap and reds and
water. Strip astern all old papers from the
walls Sometimes Were win be found as
many as six different layers of dilapidated
paper of different colors and deign. To
BflIE) HOW TO I'It3Elensit-Nria
Or Two (2) Barrels of Cider,
(1\E $1.00 PACK AHE OF THE
Affiencall Frull PresorYLll Povdor & L!qffld
( 130 9 17 soak througb, and in an boor or two it will
be eu knaenel that use may peel off the layer
with cnnparathve ease. The wall should all
9 be washed down with soda and water,
S and it will be well to add • little carbolic
7 acid to insure the better pu itkatfon of the
7 •psrtnent. The ceiling., too., are very Mm -
9 portant, and, should, if possible, be painted.
9 or at any nlle tborvughly cleaned And given
+ a fine coat a( tinted Iimeweah. Loosely laid
boors beammr • warm of evils albs, wad a
baling -place for vermin and disease
germ. Hence it is well worth the ex
passe of having waw floors tongued and
grooved sod blind -nailed, and okl noon
taken up, plane.,. and relaid, blind -nailed.
then printed with two coats of paint. Old
floors, having Aniseed their drinking, will
not again give any trouble by nano of open
seams to collect dirt and noxious substances.
—American Analyst
4 t)
f 110
Hamburg. 175
Hoodoo, 1.50
1. Fleche. 150
Black Spanish, 150
Tlominigttee 130
C.smas 180
Plymouth Rock, 100
Light Brahma, t 100
Dark Brahma '70
Cochin.'. t;) 7 13
It will be se.s.tbat the Leghorn, are pars
throe the breed*. huh in the mentor 01 the
egp rel and their total weight. Hamburg*
are wound in number. and W Fie he and
Black )penirb second in total weight. Now
1. Snot unjust to the breeders of them hat
two breeds to make them take oor-thiel 1er
for their total egg product than the Leghorn
tweeters get :or thein, whin the total amount
of ;natter in each is nearly the same The
American ,estimate of thte table would proba-
bly place the number. of eggs laid by the Dark
Brahma • little higher. also the Hoiden high-
er and the Hamburg p,.ibly a little lower.
The Huuolans are e.rsfd'.red assort bee , rye's
to Leghorn and are tar superior table towh.
h•pli water. epaopp HOOT sod quint.
--• or, *be skis without imassecisrf
frit -tee U this t. impaaAl ,rot hostls'net hods,
the fret. Avoid mtndlng he • iambi
i ,nem. M
One 95c. package will presertr 32 lbs. of fruit or 15 gallon* of cider.
Full directions inside each psekage.
Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like it. You will find
it less than half the trouble and expense of any other method. More reliable
and accommodating than the Preserved Fruit, kc., even superior to the best
•• Canned or Preserved " fruit, die. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the
best known method of keeping it sweet.
Sole agents for Caned*,
q 9
Driving the Nays Og the farm,
In driving along a certain blgbway In roe
of our counties sat king .Ince, we observed a
lad of tender years with a spud in land in a
gnat ten -acre field battling with thistles,
which were numerous enough to
keep ten boys for many days before
they wo.Icl get aver that Heol. Our
thoughts wont book to the days of long ago,
when, upon another faros, we Irma set to
cut thistles with a butcher knife, where they
grew from two to it to the square foot. 71e
leek then appmtsd overwhelming, and be -
rause overwhelming It was irksome. The
very hopeissinces of getting ever it bred
dlsonotent, and many a time we wished the
thistle* far away, and the writer, too. We
pitied the bay' and depl.red the lack of
judgment wh1b pat him alone at a het,
whit*. like Ws story of the king and the locust,
was literally without any cad.—Casdlan
Live Stork Joanna.
Literature oldie Mve.101 ('ommatsdreat.
It is not rurprNhg tint one snort invol-
untarily rya that, 1t this le what the people
prefer t, teed, It were better had they sever
Warmed their Miura Sank a teals( ass be
only momentary, but it is aatnrsl
Tse literature et the seventh .erect .sent
bas not hitherto S•urired b oommnsitlss d
Regina blood either in the etre& or the de
WAiew dishy gown"• trlmwwd wftk ed7 w hitd fors it ce
of Schou: bat it rtainly
a,raltnp•d .dgr(e sew ehartob( for 101.55.. rssemti'ng oe the honk-+Wis .d It iswNy
(biwith woke odrkh tips bomsd eeamlpet" me road. ft b ■tot hog .go tat the pleaidwas
trlsasad nwade by ase of them who typal to limits -
1m.Y baby0sy°kadc•tInui *0•Wehethe eekto(Yhaurnve!eyit
same) gulmpesbsh machin. tenor author. and la their soot uhlltenory
Dahl est"( Kart I" taws d fawn fors. n wield be better b Yaw them by
ewe. are &Intl .wcl weer for laf.mh older masters of the 1a M. Freesia tame. This
• 1 le the rams error ea dist lambed la the sr -
Mw dweer gatbwred .kIrts cad sls.v5'• penalties that • better Amerlean art of
fabrics with Wirt wall. partaker !,ding will force out of the barba/
of wash alk.
Brews .Aeehed ehevinee for mime hove a
brows or bine 01 ;Mimeo, and trimeiMg of
brown gffillf.
Meek W straw flails should have •
•d be warm
the 16t(iiuk ..ares already referred to. The
peas 'hock demco& the inferior bbd will
mat tab the beam, V predated. An Alma r -
a= Gay de Nompasswet would set °••spots
teeth Ralson or soy other of Ohs °dome la
this - of the flea. Toms Webs aro eel -
Booksellers and Stationers, Go DWI 'H, ()NT.
Central Telephone Exchange. Court House Square.
T11.ga *se etaskt N Blom IMM. •.Illmg
the •re.a alae.
There are no waiters &beard! ship. The
moi who serves you is called • steward.
It is wrong to go on the '•bridge" awl a
greater enure to talk to the men at the
Never trust to your feet in moving about
In • storm. Always maintain a firm hold
with your hand on the rails of the cont
passion ladder when ascending or descending,
or on the nearest rope when of deck.
l/Nrd'.4a/.seat Nr Sale everywhere.
give the caters and sailors a wide berth
when they are busy about the deck.
lb not confine yourself to the saloon or
your statement in tine weather. You wan
get the fresh air of the deck without extra
charge and then is ler danger of sea -sick-
Never go to the extreme end of the ves-
Burin fif you storm.
You may find yourself
Do not wait until the last moment to en-
gage. and select datervon,.
and shoes will be cleaned if left
outside the stateroom door.
All valuables should be landed to the
steward for safe keeping.
Cabin berths are not considered engaged
unless secured by • payment of 25 per Dent.
for each berth. Full amount must be paid
two weeks bt foi e departure.
• Servants accompanying first•clam passen-
stten pay second cabin fare and secure ac
contnwxlati.n in • second cabin stateroom ;
nurses and children are serval separately
at the table. if paseengen desire .erents
to travel het -claw full tare must be paid.
No charge is made for medical attendance
and medicines. Von can give the physician
a fee, however, it you wish to.
Pu.ports are at present rotuired by
American travellers visiting Berlin, Burnie
Turkey, Egypt, Spain or Portugal. A pas
port is useful, however, for getting letters
from post offices, claiming registered bag-
gage and for obtaining admfakn to certain
Oct a cable code from the steamship com-
patty from which you purchase transports
t ion.
The chief steward or purser will assign
you • ,eat at the table. Ib not worry
about it
Don't leave your goal breeding on shore.
'nue an intelligent schedule of the
places you intend to visit and the time to be
Do not forget your letters of introduction.
ltaerd's Linseeewt relieves tiewr.Igea.
Avoid overloading with unnecessary
packages anti baggage.
boo'', forget to purchase
anti • steamer chair.
Consult your physician before leaving and
get • preventive of sea -sickness.
Writing paper, envelopes, stamps and
telegraph forma can be had on application
to tjce saloon steward.
Make arrangement with your bedroom
steward about your bath as soon as possible
after leaving the pier.
Cablegrams and telegrams should be
handed to the purser an hour before arrival
A bag for letters will be placed in the
Tickets are personal and cannot he trans-
ferred. ohne-halt of the amount is re -
forded when a passenger doss not leave
ea steamer for which he has purchased •
Payment of a passage on board after *be
departure of • steamer will he subjected to
a premium of 20 per Dent. ---Mail and Ex-
The ••llraglaa Miters- fee Feeney.
Mo ern writers upon poultry diseases are
greatly in favor of iron in same formas a
tonic. The old method of putting reg nails
in the lrinking water had good sense at the
bottom of it, but • more active form of
iron is divinable. The English poultrymen
are much in favor of "1)007) 5 Mixture."
7bb is nude by putting eight ounces of
wilpbaten iron rim called copperas or
green vitreal,) into a jog Meyer um • me-
tallic vesesh. with two gallons of watll, and
adding one tunas of sulphuric acid, 1013 et
vitriol) Tide le to be put into the drinklmg
waiter in the proportion of • teaspoonful to a
pint sad is found to be • most oselnl tonic
whenever such is mesad. No soon as a dis-
l►ease books out among tee poultry, this
should be given to the well to enable team to
resist it, together with more nutritious and
easily digestible food.
e.41.111 'tlNggly.
Value 1a !Malay Days.
Me so often neeraary to work over hours
pre plsemat weather that when • rainy day
comes in summer the farmer mar profitably
devote it partly to intellectual improvement.
lie can at lomat then tabs time to intimate
carefully what needs to be dome, and plan as
to the best way or doing It. Tule will re-
quire duty, anti prove the bad pomade in-
tellertuol exeriveme. it at toast require. as
touch executive ability to keep everything os
• large fano in order and working wmootaly
as It does to manage &manufacturing or eom-
areebal bother.
a .bawl strap
prised bird is dragged) towards the machine.
Just as it teaches the edge a needle is thrust
out, the bind's jugular is pierced and death
ensue. The chicken's budp is drawn into contri-
• machine and is suspended in a very much as a ,whip would be prop-
ped in a shipyard. Then • dozen little nip-
pers, all working together and with ligbt-
ning like speed, begin two tear the feathers
out in clouds. The nippers seem to have
almost human intelligeti e, for they go
Around that chicken like • cooper around
• barrel, and in 10 seconds the pour bird
is ready for market, and another
victim is being plucked. - Philadelphia
Mane was Mira.
My baby was very sick with di.rrhoa
and after everything else had failed 1 triad
1)r. Fowler's 'extract of Wild Strawberry ;
the first dose gave relief, and • perfect cure
soon resulted. -Mrs. John ('lark, Bloom-
field, Ont. 2
J Thuell, Mrris,lo.t a valuable horse on
Wednesday evening in rather a peculiar
way. The animal stoped on a stick oo the
road anti it i.w up and piereedi its body,
oxwing it to Weed to death. The horse was
worth $125.
A Sorest 1n Harley (hewing.
One of the secrete of barley growing is to
cut It before the straw turns white A little
white at the upper part is enough. All the
sup that wlf ever conte to the berry le them
is the plant, and separating It from the root
appears to ron'eitrate 1t there where magi
resoled gaily tot herby Is also hes likely
to daln than that allowed to become dead
ripe, as well as being generally heavier. Am
even shed of barley is therefore very l sopor -
mot. Parts of the field manumit more heavi-
ly rlpsa earlier and uma+entwes to ripsolag
makes N hand to gat • uniform sesple of
les*M.les nal Metes.
The apple is the eland -by, but ether trait
retold be grows.
Nu the radii cod, aim ea early, me-
Ybae. sad We 4Q0)lb , r miler to Yup up
a secema s.
ltew /+'n, Web was
redeem a tutgSgil.g faOr 01 !nod boll 1h.
teasah Tear aelgkher.
Amy one tray find out just what Ranlsek
Blood Hitters is end doss by asking a
neighbor who has tried it. It randy fails
in nuking • com euro of d rnp•p•imt, urea
stipation, sick and
diseases of the atcmach, liver, bowels and
blood. 2
Remnants to he cleared out. Perfe:t fite
and showy shapes.
it Clacton. kill. sad Plebe Atekefe ti
Mart •Mar,
Probably the moat remarkable invention
of the age is the predaot of the brain of •
('barter county poultry nicer. The amehiae
is scything awe okra • contrivance tocatch,
kill and pick ohickeus. It works like a
Marro, wad, eingnk.r as it ,may stns, is mot
at all complicated. The dl*cbise is cam -
rand in an old locket, for the avenge
barnyard fowl is away above the aver.
age bird in point of suspicion and gems.
The farn,ur'r wile, or the fanner `i'naceU,
55 the ease limy he, enter* est In the barn-
yard .ad calk .slily : "G1irk, ehick,elack,
Meek, J.r►, sleek t" Atter peoples dyly
fres Mihail the harm and swift 'nothing
mere ewe them • boast et sera, the
e{i 'd dish Esek to their fate. A few
grains eat ellen aero tktwm satemd the chick
IMO m phk them Onset the . e
The W.seat. Tailor. NW
•EXT: OF •
olera Mo,rbus
OLr1 C-
The Great Remedy
What a Aitken swallows M ' smehM'n
la tMeeti cad Iso ism Ih'na qm stmaatls
•n fin. e..:
R. J.
Sete P•teube.ad lil.nat Omer.
or Ary
a.aow rare owlaw WOW.
~miss w. www `r.�+a. 1e..sb. To.... er.aa
er a 58 .51. T*0 5
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