HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-14, Page 1so ift01, WISH 1 11O WIT lila .01411111'111 D VEIT* N SPA PE R ts Minos waif! ir J, 611 'THE SIGNAL," GODERICH, ONT. e g•ILL•111 A 11*1 l. alsv•IitiL ._ • ,.•,- THE OFFICIAL/. ariErVITESP.A.PIELVI. FOR IST774,01•1* 00T_TIsTTY_ VOL. XLITT. Ito.MI. - - "BE SURE YOU A RE RIGHT, THEN GO A HEA D." „ L Ara sminiseu$ W4I sp "WANT Cifigatinifir THE SIGNAL It is the cheapest owl best way of getting the ear of the public. WWI 4111IT A Weiltle. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1$91. D. McGILLICUDDY. .., the weak- Aleck lifiusdlirs Pe 7 . a• tkere if the outustry stair home till" misailijkLekt DOINGS IN DUNGANNON. ale 'vehicle le tile ditell end threw °et the oemumnta We are pleased w he able to - --- HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OVER THE HURON TRACT 1. doubt, susue of them Awai W baste- W in B•9969ni- - • • • • •• • • 0 ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS. • return ticket to Kan Francisoo, l &Murtha. Mate that they were not hurt. The vehicle Spree*. also bit by dram -no train.' He took nest -Wirier esnithHe will go by the Cenadian Pacific Railway THE NEWS OF Tie WEEK IS HERE. and hara's a' ladlY used up. Thu rev- ealed gentleman, having secured &Bother .. oar A. Munro - -peak W. Melposigh . $ A iv..64 .....a .g4....0 a. a.......4 IP i.41 ;11:41uC011ittg. Ire Willude0U1Strip.home the other vehicle from a fernier near the place of st• $ Escurial's-C. P. ktallway .... 6 fli Sian gserlfbegf rile mid remit .'lie R. Mark, I kirrie, haw bought the Wee' la der miser la psi en nerd eseeTfaling accident, proceeded to the church and tilled Ire s _________ _ sa Apples W eted-Town & Manilla% - A pas sod dasideased greets tiers Netlike eter flour mills and will mule tothat village worth imessitag mimeo the witellrepellis hi. appointeneet. 1Ve have not learned the Ceauectors- folio Assiee . ... 8 8 The Creams ettlir Lostais lietio• is lever. bboctlY• The price Pi" 6 $7.000. iar 'dowel ••d we a 0 aawa , wer„ooiti 00010 al the +evident other thou the horse gait thiss Prof. de Peudrydid not feel disposed to go to church or was sajw•-•usja. it Helnies . . . 4 Another of Huron's honored • has sews also general niattere attended to. sot acquaiuted with the reverend [moos Mit EXCHANGIDI. t been gathered to his fathers. Ye mkt- to • essoletriao's mode of driving. As Mr. Pot• the death of Richard Hunter, of C. , ter's own driver was lent up from • hurt be ...onetime tor tiMe- J. Wilses .. . t Miss. M. Chambers, of st. (moo oue ows conessiet§eneer.; BORN. Paul, Min • borne, which took place on Satunry, 1st inst., A lam- consignment of WW1' iit.r.t. .11ntnr Tubed, eughweiwag.dwat,hbuia tpleirigfk"rn:y trisrurte,,IPerj, reLp.run.leing ..i. lw. ee July nth. the wwe nesota, is on a visit to her sister, in Morris, st the age of 73 years. Mr. Hunter was en iJonattlioaer,"e4 , s , !:"I',...n.ar' es A, ocroie• Brussels. of • son. • I Lr....ti_ Division Court will be 1§2eIS here Seagoisi: is rine l'Ana. - Those of our osly • few scratches. ,k ,:11.1 In it la for a few weeks. • Englishman by Isirth, but was one of the ' - ."" ••••-• ' -- "la. • g A. M. Tiatil. of The Scos Record. of • rjejri- jr ug muds ou the let ooression of years he has been extensively engaged inY oss Friday, 21st inst.. tit the usual proe, sir.: citizens and others in the vicinity who are 41,_je i'lioton. on Amnia Ind. the wife Mrs. Illunpbell, of Thomaston. .klgonis, iii earliest settler* in Uelmene. For man mia. Morns at present. fanning smi stock dealing, and succeeded in the new hall. owners of trotters, the weather being favor- MillWORTII le Kihel. on July nth, the Rev. .Mevv‘y, of Ilieneeot... i. et enuring a considerable fortune. He was PaItnir. Ai . Spetleee Cook, of Toronto, able, amuse themselves almost every even- a‘t,asse. iii Cincinnati, Ohio. On (tie Seth present visiting Ms brother John on the 1.1 formerly of Iningeonon, is visiting relatives ing in speeding anti coutzing on the beauti• t; J.HeInsworth of • d•Alghter. ' jell, the wile of I/. ./. Metasei. fornseelif oonversion of Nlorns. twas much WW1 deservedly respected in the snd turmer num"-lutelt ful trotting course in the park. Itstrictly honorable in all his dealings and a Weigher. of • disurbter. onimunity. The remains were interred in Smatos (isC(.1• si•ii. The municipal coup. flosetal value is teas and sensursatacsalyasoasa good stock of general left Ethel for the West . --John El ' t,.Ino. Land. K. R. HoLLIMID. =on- 51-M g is (Mato. oa ibe 1.1 tet.. the wile 1.""m6Y 6.1 week the hal"" o 'n Pernun• Exeter on Monday and the funeral was one 011 of the ut-niship of West Wairantleb will S R. Maek. of a SOH. of the largest ever seen here,therebeingover meet in the township hall rso Saturday, the of John Moore, of a eon.RIPLEY. Jno. 1...,...., of iroronto. ha. porchaeed 250 tar • es in the proceesion. Mr. Hunter 2211(1 inst. All concernel will goveill them 33401.fi • la issue. 00 tbe tab ult.. the wife Simon, Peter Lamont and James 4tubbs. MARRIED. the property opposite Jr. Perkins' from causal toy blood poiaming. the result of a Tele Citoot I: WI% INI.. - The weather here was ill on y a few days. His death was selves accordingly. [moo tics ore tiostamette DENT.] °ATM l'LAIZ'43 In Dmmemit'i- en the J86. /tier's. "writ- The price was terbuncle en his arm. Miss Hewitt is on a month's v tics to Ala ins? , at the reeidenos of the bride's e1,050„ is somewitat showery as a result of which T to. toiler. ti) 'be P.A. ti. W. Smith. tieacite ti i . ..• . While Mem Whiteford, who lives Spring crops, roota, vegetables, etc., are w. wide,. „„„, „( 110br.01 .-attaiso W Mimi, Morris. has a fine crop on the London Hoed rut!' of Hensel!, growing rapidly. and the prospects are ihat D. Henderson is relieving agent at W iar• •erte George Peonies. Nemerl) 01 /4e*- oat oar head arid found it ...untamed 86 last week lie met with a misfortuue. At Visreone. - Mr. and Mrs. %Vatter Stew- ton station this week. K. Compbell, grain dealer, of Lucknow, issue. of Ballot. 10 laisie. iielead (laugh of Mediterranean Fall whee. He shelled was busily engaged working a sulky rake thoNe tvill he AU abundance of each. -orb. SW Dow of Derierenuo. Ont. iiiim. the time it occurred he was driving through art, of Luckuow, formerly popular residents is '.siting here this week. :be residence ot tbe brides hither. by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 4 'olivall. of Iowa, who were • field wben the bolt which bolds the whiMe of Dungannon, pared through our village WilL Morgan and lady, of Kincardine, s, Lit lintilarti At Willow tirove Vertu. Itionsev on WednesdAY. i he Mb ler. visiting friends in McKillop for a month tree to the shafts, broke and allowed the on Monday to viait the fortners brother, Sundayed at the Fanners' hotel. it. W. Kelly to Aggie. eldeat daughter of pain, left for their home in the West on shafts to drop out of their pbace in the Robert Stewart, of West 1Vaeranosh• The money boodle it quite an attraction Greoof . . Joan !trona, Keti. , all of Hunett. Tuesday. harness. Thr horse made a rush for liberty, A Folussit Remove?. Harry Bickle, f for some the Ripley boys on ten side DIED. Last week Duman Mclancitlin, drawing the rake by the holdback strapsAuburn. $L tilt In ocaericb. on ember. August :ih. sold to Meant Scott & Jones. Listowel, if, S attto ached the shafte, and at the same time Auburn. at one time a resident of Dungan Load. non, is visiting relatives here. He looks John Martin, blacksmith, bought the neat to.had remained all this time on the seet,began hearty and states that he is doing • good twenty acres ou-ned by the late Thomas me iz.ber: Mate aged 73 year* sad 1 steers and OW MW, four yams old, for the increasing 114 *Pm& Mr. Wilitelarili who Green In Colborne. Qs fursdar. August , haad'ar 'am 01 11000 had in the harrier line. So mote it be. 1 for eff75. *.t.i. Isabella. relict of the late An ' S. A. Seaman, who has been station agent to feel uneasy aud tried to make his escape Slime. On Sabbath afterna0n, the heat We notice in lisyhelfi news that W. 0. drew Green. aged 25 years "Lod 9 1"ww911. et Gorrie Inc a number =4 years,lias Jew, into from his uncomfortable position. In trying having been excessive during the forenoon.a Jacksott, our bank clerk, is one. of • Pert)" toe witisentyr Inmates in Muratori atm __, to get out over the side of the rake he WY greet wind awl ram 'torn, resulted and rain camping near that place. -I itoNt; In Airfield. on Friday. August • Ilk .__ , , lel Jour. relict of Oar late John Means. thrown amongst the %sheet, and had two of naot a ',rat months ARA - dm ii his rib. broken, at the same time receiving desponded m torrents, being acoompanied we are itja,j tc, see the muffing fare of moved his family to that town. it i tN li.e -In W i floosie. On the 21*11 July. the Thos. .kgnee and runty, Winghani,Thek()! several other bruins's. He was with a very high wiod, an not (Ian- d lasted fiiiii about Mau. Geaminell onour streets again, he days. took with then) a cert. -sal of settler's effects. gerously hurt, however, and is recover- an hour. We bare not as yet heard of arty haring been laid up for some week.. Atari daughter of tem11. liaises. aged 11 foManitoba last week. C. per 11). K. jams, W uud mu,. 0,4 ic„. at They will settle in Portage la Prairiv for mg. Early 00 Thursday morning, the spirit of ally '11010. damage sustatued, which such storms genet- The Huron church Sunday school htheir first picnic in Rev. A. McQueen's eld WOODMAN At Limidesboro'. on the 2iiil Arthur % arras. aged St years. 11 meat ha the present. Semen- As retool commences on Mon- beautiful grove, and it was • grand Rec- luse J days. win. McLeod la leaving his position as Jane Welker,relict of the late John Walker, Mr NTER -Is Coarse. on the 1st last.. Rich- second miller in reeve Nliket mill, Ethel, tookk_i.its eight. The deceased resided with her our pubic schools are arriving at the can. day,17t h inst. , t lie dove kites and graduates of coo„. Hugh Rance returned from Pilot Harbor, sed Hunter, aged 73 sears. :i moat hs and 2 het ...tighter at Intervale at the tints of Asift. and will take a proton in the 4 :orrie mill. death and had attained to the age of 85 elusion that the school holidays of the Sum - Lake Superior, where he has been fishing TWENYYMAN In Peamelleg. Michigae. os Me has been a trident of Ethel for the past years. She was born At Ago, leered, in nier of 1891 are drawing toacluse.and there this Summer. Hugh report& • good catch se lira tot.. Matthew Twenty mail. aged tire or sax years. fore are hieing totheir respective positionsoso the peer 1806 and WW1 married in the year and all the Huron boys are well. C years. Mrs Allan McLean and Miss M. E. Mc- ine..1 Her maiden Maine wa• Taylor. Mr. as to commence work for another term at What we want in our town is • good e pee IS yeties and 4 days. year. ago. The family the proper,time. flax mill. Why don't the Patrons of In- cneef e -in Grey. on July Mat. Ada Coffyn, LOST arrived in Seaforth from Colorado on Walker dial 31 tjUANCIS - In I 'shortie. ea the Mt h nit_ Wit "'Mai"- Mr", McLean will 'Pend a clouts"' Lease to Canada in 1829 and settled in the FRIENI,1.1 1:ANII: or tivoirs. -- On Thurs. dustry take hold of some enterprise like mat b.art eta of Rwhard we're. aged 4 of mouths with friends in Ontario,when she village of Smith's Falls. afterward moving (lay of last week a friendly game of ouoits this and show the good they Len do. isootlie and 13 days. will return *0 40101040 &pm West In 1860 and locating in the merman",of of was played between the champion players . .1 Kay has fallen heir, by the tiNliLl.-la 4 laveland. °boa on the With july. At the removal of the patoiticeat Brussels Morris. Huron county. The deceased was of the north and south ends of the villaMrs ge. death of her brother in Sidney, to the Ike Meal OM of A. J. raeli, formerly .14 Thelee of the south (-eine og victorious by iaMwr.niKaiu vita in 4 tat Algoma ,ie.i dal*. the floor of the drop box. having found Three of the sons became ministers of the about twenty 5.000 points. There were anum. ut of 125.0001m, • Iliegiume, aged I y ear, 3 nautili., and lb • number of postal cards were under the mother of seven sons and five daughters. their way there in some unexplainable man- Methodist church and three enteral the eaite • number of spectators. who seemed to 1'81710 sJter ser during the yearn 1886 and 1888. medical profession. and in this respect few share in the enjoyment created by the con- alitY• WINDHAM. S. Y. Taylor, who taught at Smith's families have such a record. Mrs. Walker kilt- PORT ALBERT. [Mom orn OW% ColliniDireekDILNT. j ecii,,I. 4 4,,,y, has born engara aa pn „i pa was comerted in her 16th year and was • A Itait-rieiL PLANT. --Our popular gro- (ROM Oro OWN COkitese0NtaltNT.1 in his possession a beautiful flowercelled hydrangea. which is Mrs. M . Murray, of lamtlon, is the guest Richard Coml. of Herat!, was in town S. Y. on his well deserved promotion. die admiration of all who gee it. We are 01 her porcine, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ben PARAMOUNT. informed that it keeps in bloom for the re Twenty. The voters' list for Morris township is in DMA fettle Nishaffy and Fred. Maffy ter part of the year, and is on that ac• Mies ;ka 11... 4441.1 Mrs. WilL Stewart spent Sunday clerk Clark's hands. There are 911 names Clown 451..11 OWN iloitaiois r4PxaNT.1 count ran' attractive. As it is placed m attended their brother's wedding in Ken- o Levin. iw. in the sit sub divisions. divided as follow : When it rains it pours. the trout of his residence 11 .411. greatly to cardine on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith, of Tomato. spent --Part 1. T73; Fut 11- 110; Fmrt III-• 28- R. H. Harnhy occupied Hope pulpit Salo the beauty ot the premises. Millin, operations are suspended here Swaim In town. 394 persons are qualified to serve as jurors. day. Orcosetos ..t A ItitniiiENT 557 WAWA- for the present, owing to some repairs in Mtn M. Heenan. of Toronto. is visiting The Exeter Meehanies' Institute will draw Miss Kate Bargees, of Lucknow, is visit- NOSH. We regret to have *orate that Robert connection with the side -dam. ingmfmriends44.0im itoithw,ertsecwation.and xtri. Dar.. steirae.„ wife hi, been ailing for aome time her parents in tO1.11. this year the suin of $226 from the Muerte Sem. son of Thos. 4:sininer, is recovering A. K. i anieron, after visiting fnends in ousel Department of Ontario. After the pay• itt peat end rex Friday of last week lira. Gunn, from a severe shaking no, haring been Ileaiemiii. returned to his duties in the menton a few outstanding account* this will Ammer spent • few (lays at Clinton thio of Clinton. and Case, of Dungannon, over- thrown from a eau Tie was riding re. growing „M cently. post -Obi t ilil Monday. leave • fair sum to li/C expended in new --e-- week ated on a cancer which has been J. 1"AHUSH.41b,, lima been in the eniploy of bc'nk. . The Misses Kate and Bella McDoneld. ot her breast - We underutand that °Mee tn. Our school house ix being improved by ',keno, i.rees A Co., left for Maaitolia me . 'The first wheat of the season twought on . the 4th con., Kinloss, Sundayed at John operation, although of °puree feeling weak, the replacing of some new desks, instead of Werhirday hy C. I'. R. tne market at Fetter. was that of John , tick .. .e. s& is improving gradually in health, which the badly defaced ones which previously Will. stewart, of Toronto, formerly in I was porcho.of by 1,,-.11 and haen„..ey. Alex., contrary to expecations, put in his will be Ples.410 10 51 her "'a(ive.' friend. ornamented it. Hawkshaw, being something over 500 huiliele, '''' the eplOoy of A. W. Webster, of this town, a pearance on Friday evening, hut where, aaa well.wishers' Miss Ellen Lae, of New York, SSW her is :Avow hands in town. It was tested end weighed 63 lbe. to the VisrriNG rust/in Hone. --John Stothers, brother Thee., of St. Thomas, are visiting bushel. '. where, were I). and H.. of Woodstock, Ont., and David stothers, of their parenta and other relatives ...a A great many of our townspeople took in The Forest nigh oeheej Baud has en. John Hurray. mason, has colnplete.1 Mr. . eagage,t Kansas State. U. S., are visiting relatives re ex. ursion to I tederich on Tuesday, sed friends in this neighborhood. gaged J. C. Hutchison, of Fordwich, Huron Fria.* foundation.. and is now and former aoquaintonees. It is about Mrs. J. Whitely and children, anti Miss hail a §er§ pleasant day at the lake. count , as assistant teacher, in place of Mr. Pointing Peter Mchenne's wall. . seven years since David visited his relatives. Maggie Graham, all of Goderich, returned h. McCormick took poessanims of the Harm , who resigned a few weeks ago. The familiar roe of Alex. Murdoch is Roth of than were bred in diet vicinity enti, to their homes, having spent • few days latuoevk hotel on Saturday leek, aid Mr. The new teacher will get a salary of .600 'again in our midst. He has bees clerking we understand, are doing well in thew re. Marto. 1. taking the stock of heirlingshees here visiting relatives and friends. per year. lin Port Lambum for some time. sportive linen Of intaineWl, dOhn heing en• of Mr Mit Ormick. ,,-.d in hlacksmithing and [fetid in car- D. Mallaffif. of Kinardine, formerly of The new Sone boiler house at Rosa mill, i John Murray, cattle burr. gathered to- gage A foithall mat h was played in the park Brussels. 1* oomPleted• It in 13%30 feet I gether a carload of tine horses and left riagehnilding. They are loud in praise of this villege. and Mir Bowers, of Kilmer. en Monday evening between the Winghant ena will prove a valuable acquisition to the Goderich Saturday for Manitoba. the improvements in our beautiful village dine. were married in that town on Wed. utuors and Lower Winfihem innioes and la.11 h •itt the matter of room and comfort Quite a number took advanta.ge of the and vicinity since they left here. acerbity evening of Iluit week. We wish them 455 W"" l'Y the Lower tit 'new" dub bY • in doing work. It also lessens the danger cheap excursions to Manitoba, among whom Retiniteixii. --It will he pleasing to the much happiness. some (if 1 to 0.from tire. ' from our section were : Wm Hamilton, relatives, friends and well•wiehers of Hugh T. R. Havtkins, M.D., of Sneerer, and McM•th, sr., to know that, although for Wm. and Harry Hawkins, of Ishpeming. The ekating rink and brick dwelling on Waineeday last there were 160 bush- Donatil• Clarke, Richard Martin, Hank sense time past he has been very ill, he is are visiting their parents' and other relatives ',new 'whginto Wen. Ar ingArmour were *41 els of new wheat delivered at Ogilvie & ('os. e:riffin mad John'Hamiltoe. on Iftwoiny. Alex. Orr, of the park hotel, mill in Seaford'. It averaged from 63 lba. We read in dime novels of mad agents becoming convalescent. The venerable and friend', having been called hither to Puritiused the skating ritual. end Mr. MI- 10 64 lbs. to the bushel. and realized from to Western life who prove a terror to the gestleman, we understand, is one of the attend the wedding of their sister, Miss mt. of %Ammeter, the dwelling. 90 to 91 cents. The nurket osopening well rasa drivers but never sew this statement pioneers of this vicinity and is well known Victoria Hawkins. verified until one Friday night recently. le military circles, having been one of those A quiet wedding took place at the resi- this season.theme of Thos. Hawkins on Thursday of John Bolger, Morris, left lirneseli on Th. male driver in question (female driver who in 1837 took part right loyally in the Tuesday for Cypress, Man.. wfiere his ohm wee driving a couple of one fairest defence of his country. He was also the last week. The contracting parties were es brother is residing. Geo. Kelly also went through Front street, when he waa suddenly first to carry Her Majesty's mail to and his daughter, MiVictoria. and D. 8. the mune resin to I ilantioro.. Mr. Kelly arcked by • couple of ungentlemanly, in from Docierich and ser ed as the first post• Blister. of London. Rev, Mr. Carrie per - has been west before and therefore knows a experienced road 'Lents, who attempted to master in this part Of the country. May j„,„es the efflinpsy. only wereethete reddest .bout cotry. drag him from his buggy, etc. Such am- lie enjoy good health for many yeart. relatives a the bride were present. After the un Fi-xxa ti. Swot. On Sabbath evening dinner the parties leek the evening train Ezpoeitor: Bert Howell, of Toronto, duct is deserving of punishment. ton of Rey J. K Howell, of Goderich, RWIHISHIS is suspended in oar city at pres- last Rev. A. Potter, asaisted by Ftev. R. for their IMMO int Lesidon. May happiness. and formerly of Seeforth, was in town • mit, 1110 0017 signs of activity in our P0111101115, conducted divine service in the arid pre**, Mead them. couple of days this week looking up old temperesee and patens bodgesbeler tem Methodist church here. Rev. ,A. Potter friends. Mr. Howell has a good sitturies as Savanee lodge ham hoax witabliiihed 'mine Preached the funeral sermon 4 iihn decenned bookkeeper in the large establishment of T. &teen years. and, we venture to Day, never be A. Harlow, taking e as41s. foundatina met with such • surprise as it did one Fri- of his disarmer the words contained in Expositor: Our old friend .1. G. :::x day iSt eteently, when an uncouth, nn- I. Theraionians IV.: 13 In his discourse 0114100kb% antral marched into the hall Ise expatiated on death, pointing out that, &Mon li Co. abefibe....futlfoullietanatimiswfzviniredpmerrus wited limma..• of while the lodge wren in wanton. prrimenaded although celled the king of terrors, it ra- re years growth. they are Wert hern round the stove and then retired without not effect the life of true Christians, cannot st..,... end .how that Mr. compboli hos oho inflictive( injuriem on any of the horrified destroy their final poseeseier cannot destroy i'storend th. art a heepin fruit (rink, wad 10 spectators. The (MIMI' IS respectfully re • the influence and character of the truly guested to come arid take the animal away, 'pod, and 11 1. necemary for their = Illavor for twelve month& . Wiles is • terror to the neighbors. lion and true and permanent -- --- ---- - thereh comforting the bereaved in thee; 4171111.01111/ IR as Axe. sada irtion• We will give to the first person telling es Foiresii- A yore iateresting genie of before the 10th of September whew. in football •.),M4R Off bus... Monday, the 10th the New Testemest tie* word "Axe is first inst , between the boys of Lucknow and fouled 000.00 in giM. To the gest, 00.00. Dungemon. There wan $ large erreed To the third, $26.00. To the fourth. asm. oo. remit. cif which quito a number were of To the fifth. glb.00. To the sixth, fill0 ; to the fair sea to witness the sport. The the nest Ms. IS each. To the aext 26, Oa Dungannon boys, we are informed, seemed each. To the person ratting in the rot to usi e the lead dewing most of the time oorreet spewed% we will give 8100 is gold. on. hour bet by rune omens the Leeknow Te the next 10 1111 last. NO. mid an ern same team gained on* goal. which decided the so tress the fiellt. With your armor red game in favor of the Seery boys. after ea eee in ether, or 27 eta, in stomp. for • which the Dungannon team anuertained the ben of Th. Corls Morel and Liver Pills, the Locknow Morn at supper at Mallough's Mood fiver mid Liiilie i'.eree8.-9^At++ r•Wstro.,,,Miann altel.M,tiVeAs nig itZ.- 4iir future, when we hope the 1 livingannon town Will bake the leurelit. 1 BUDGET FROM BRUSSELS. UVE NOTES FROM A LIVE TOWN. Illarelres recreant islered are all ehron- icled here Oar oars rocs eeposide es ha. hi. eyes rem all Mom amino elf kis in and erased. (IRON Orli OWN AMMO:P.1.0N DaNT.1 hatRe.v. S. Josses hags been on the sick Mrs. Jas. Jones is visiting friends at Toronto. Our cricketers played the Clinton boys on Tuesday. Mrs. Jas. Stretton, sr., is sway visiting et 1. 'hat ham. .A new floor has been put on the queen's heel beli-ooy. ties Holmes, of Denver. Col., ia v letting friends in town. Geo. McLaren is spending his vacrion at his home at Alliston. Quite a number spent Tuesday in the pretty town of lioderich. A. Hunter and A. Henry spent • few days in Detroit this week. Miss Ella :Mulholland, of West 'Toronto, is visiting her parents hers. Mrs. Mex. Wilson hes been paying her parents a visit this past week at Harris - tors tizsie Campbell, of North Carolina, U. S., is visiting at Principal ithaw's this week. Brussels gun club had • friendly shoot with Clinton Tuesday. Perticulars next week. "'Seism" rya the ••Itarley " crops are very good in Michigan. Oh ! sure, oh sure shall the harvest be. The heavy rain Saturday night kept the usually leer crowd in doors. The streets looked deserted. Jim. Hewitt has put • nioe new oil -cloth on the floor of his shaving parlor. It is • grand _improvement " Ed." Pepper speaks lo glowing terms of the "distant West. Our wishes Inc his success are about. to be realized. Polly Itallantyne leaves Friday for the West --Victoria. He goes with .1. T. Pep Sound.pothe C. 1'. R. by boat from Owen There ie stone talk of appointing a night watchman. It would he a good move. We hare one young man who would just till the hill. Particulars later on. A baseball tournament on Aug. 27 at 4 :orrie is one of the ooming events. Brus- sels has en int itation. It is doubtful whether they will go or not. One of our young men seems rather down in the mouth. On inquiry it is found dist his " heart," which WWI formerly in one of our neighboring towns, is 'HOW out West. We believe the lady is lonesome and ell for - Lorne. Fieit. Saturday morning at 12.30 tire broke out in W. tt. Wilson's foundry. and at two o'clock it was burned to the ground together with the dwelling•house of Jas. Cooper. The building being frame and having got • good start. the engine was powerless except to save other property, which was done. 'The firemen worked hensioally. e Mr. Wilison's loss is very great ; insurance, (82,500. The Brussels readers of The Daily Glolbe were agreeably surprised to see the beaming and jovial profile of the worthy editor of TIM SIC N Al. in last Saturday's issue. It is • fine likeness. McLean of The Samford§ Ex- positor also made • good appearance, and it speaks well for Huron 4:county that out of the first five prominent newspaper men of ()marl° she ehould furnish two-- and two that can shvinceow.up alongside of the best in the Pro - MORRIS. (mita ova OWN rogiassistroserr.] Ilre Jonathan Duhnage had a sick spell 'e sinalsy morning, but is again nearly re- .1Verf41. ‘11n. Breckenridge has made another 'HI from home, this time Inc British Mr. Lloyd filled the pulpit at Johnseeses •Ity.,Intment last Sunday in the absence of lie pastor, Rey. I. H. Wallwin. • Roht Sperling started Inc the far West on the Sth inst. to rejoin her Midland. `ne has been at her father s for nessiy • ita Sunday erasing there was gaits a wen§ of wind and rain, which rid low 'env of the fences end levelled the Spring (Iola Henry Rohh did the first threshing of the On Friday, July Site. re. "Y, earn on Friday rat on this line The aim eeed year, and days She wee stun tested vary well. but .... r • v., 1 Tier of the hue John Bann" all'd reef yield leaves • ensall family behind W. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, Revlb sherloek officiating. The internment was made at Remised' oemetery. On Meerky, Asr 3, a young wan named Jas. Hassiltnn, %Ingham*114 engaged at hie work in the Melon factory. had the infit fortune to have a large whet.v run thmagle hi* hand 7%. -r was shout half an inch thick, and lrist twelve Mapes of it west through hie liana. He will be laid oil week for anew time timidReeeltearidrnr. robtawl of R.50 • abetsi time nce. said money was in ha rest prelim in the hoops. "That's sirsight, boys. - While Mr and Mrs Richard Joh:riles nitre coming horn* from %Ingham ewe day last week Mr Johmiton went into the pine office et Illnevale, leaving Mrs. Johnseee to bold the horse The horse got hnehtesad •I • raised parasol and warted to ems dews hr ammo the budge end. the hill. it-elie and let the Limn hem.* tii bean of ih, P41/4" .7"",hen' ,101nehnlig hart. Tha then were booted ler Delorsies. George 'ouch benlim dephsess, Reaferth, Inc Winnipeg • Themes oiYnerniosneiellei olrame sierrllin Dsenn, V..arnaad,-a.n.d.. d.a..irelav er •. Hele •t'n, d baedit pre 011 t' n. ..', wth annennWrond ngongmwo*1 s*' go thbew*Nogmewadytrighssed ' Weisiti‘Aof working 10 511. hareesLaitheegh, tes Ide heels. Re *ha &tem the Gni ogres* enner Reed at ones mei he first Aihkosoe, A. flierherel, Annan *Wei& OW. /11- B. -4488,, leg.g mime if • nnee Amor. vow 6 atklieA nithit eln▪ iveh hero, accompasdni bp thee rzrz,3 ever awed ileginee Pester, won geieg coteleset mike MI threeker. IMP a nnunifor10 gannet. Crewe, when &resat eerie two or ea ter needion tide year. D. Smelt had a WM now 00 owerne swer - straw noon resomering earinee011 gnat oterionseeeneee tereygnene seeable owed, as lame Sainer gels 116. spa sera Ile* IPS& he Itaidnia. SIILFAST. (neon one O&M c5nassenengee.1 Horace Mullis has gone to Gore Ray to speed his holidart. S..1. Boyd is expected to return same tirne this week, as the school starts on Mon- day. Our genial blacksmith cheeses horses about once • week. He will soon be as good • trader ae sheer. ASHFIELD. (mon gra OWN COSIIIIISPONDaNT.) Andrew of the 1 lth eon., threshed 600 bushels of wheat rot week -which grew on 20 acres. W. .1. Treleaven, of the 8th coo., has re- turned from Toronto, after having his le- ered eye removed successfully by Dr. Reeve. Messrs. I:. Webster, Jaw. Hackett, Robt. Omission and W. Criumton left Lucknow on Tuesday for Manitoba to see the big crop out there. GREY. [most Mit owx 001111tIOMO15DCier.1 Those who ware M Ooderich on the Sun day •echool excursion last Tuesday report having • good time and speak highly of Dederick as a Summer resort. Elias Dickson, con. 19, visited the Model Farm et enselph on his return from Orillia teat week. Mr. Dicksou is • keen olnerver and one of the mast sucoesedul harmers in the towuship. Mies Ellie Mciruchlin leaves on Saturday for the township of Tuckersmith, where she will take charge of • school Inc the balance of the year. Mho Melanchlin has • profs. 'tonal esootedeleas certificate and is • good and painstaking teacher. This week • number more of our young men go oto On cheap excursion to Manitoba. If this gees on mueh longer there will soon sot he • ere-pro:sr@ gnarl! 1011. I kits, beery °atrial when compiling your figures on the Exodus question. Thin M steeply a moo. igig from one part of our fair Dominion to another. A sad and fatal accident beet Daniel Rata, • highly respected resident of the 17th con., on Saturday morning lira It appears that he was leading a young horse to the pasture field with halter, and when bear the pie the animal became suddenly frightened and made a bound neer the te. ..4are.siliesseestaiMet, maul& them Nora He hark to the house, but ex after havi beer hurt EAST WAN/MOM. (room nea owe onetanorogronne.) Mr. and Man Monograms are vintkag friends at Staab. Mrs. W. Meissner& was visiting at the parental residence last week. Miss Cassia Dodds, of Myth, was the gent a her sister. Mrs. McGowan. on Sam Geneva Wightivion *.id anei haves retsroad to Remy atter as exteeided visit with friends here. Mies A R. Scott's ami boo be 15 ai•