HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-7, Page 8si t 8 THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH ONT., FRIDAY. AUGUST 7, 1891. NB PEOPLE'S WANTS.t A NEW DEPART NK IN SMALL AO. GE Q T I8EMEN TS. "Tie dotal' now ern • very cheap sad ant rll,e Ilse la adtrr*•tag full pie• vaidee,made for the •• Leap pre Maal' A chaser few r • rry one to ort •d • er*Ming al Mw rate. and in Dead p.010.s. For some taste past we have bees of mentos that • cheap sad erectly, method of making public *0wousnemee10 in the columns of Tun Ilros=l would be a boos to our advertisers, and we have decided to adopt such • method ea sad atter May 1. Our 'steatite is to stab kWh • " wast " bureau and register. who re •d vertisemoats will be taken and • record kept of every wast the• advertisers wish to lay be fore the public. The advcnlsemeuts w"I appear in a coo - dowsed tor=t on our etgbt h page. asd specialism rates w1:1 be charged. DU YOU WANT A $KItVAJil, TO BUY ..I JSS. n, arum ■odgt TV HCI1- A "ARM. TO aKLL A EARN. TO ADVERTISE A LOST ARTICLIC. TO ADVEKTMIC A FOUND ARTICLE TO •DVERTHOC tITRAYEDANIMALS TO SELL ANY KLND OF ARTU'LE. TO BUY AN A KTVCLE O f ANY KIND TO KNQI IRF.FOR A HILLATIVL TO iENOAUE A TEACHER. TO ADVERTISE: FOR TENDERS. or any other of the thousand and one wants which crop up to the conununtty week by week? If so you ran recuts the ben service possible in the eulu.nru of TI/. SINAI. at the following hew rater forty words for. All advertisements under twenty Ilve words. onr cent per word. Ten words the lowest oharsed for. PROVE.'trtIONAL *:ARUM will be inserted at same rate for a period of one month. Liberal discounts for Wave peri at.. Tee SIGN Al. i.admittedlythe beet advertis- ing medium in this section of Weeder Oat aria. Cash must accompany al. toss:eat alvei ti.entents. Address all C0111naunicati0Ite 10 Teta Sl'.s 11.. Oederieb. Ont. Travelling Guido. GRAND TRUNK itAILWAY. Trains arrive and deport al Oodatieb as fol. leer: •RRten. Mail and Express 1 :i. p.m. lima and Express to ue p.m. saran!. Mt x- t t.W p.m. Artlekla Fop Hale QUIN(.LES. -XX. CND* it, AT $I.'b 1- per equate. XXX cedar. at $1.63 per , trete. X X X. cedar, at N.V. per square. Jut'. KIDD. 76th i;`Itld SALE -A :SEWING MACHINE I' in good order 'Royali with tour atawen and leaf : oast $32. will sett br J16. AiMreas K. 31. thisogle•e. ILt[ 4, HINGLE$, X- X . PiNE,-ASPEEN IC "did thick shingle. 10 inch. at $1.2.% per vinare. JO:- *:11)1- 1:111 1IME FOR SALE. -Gelid) FRESH J lime kept constantly on hand at the Falls Reserve Iltgse kiln. X. bA 1:CH LEE. Warn CSOAR SHINGLE". I HAVE NUI oa head a quantity of A 1 sy}igles. which 1 will sett at •1.'10 at soli. W. T. PRI. LUN'. Port Albert. It -el .L'QR !SALE. -TWO M IN. CAST 1.' pulleys- ti hi. face. 1 11-N lo.e. or can be Mired to ns lancer shaft. flood as new - Will he void at a rcasonaah:e Attune. AppI; at THP [II..AI. Stearn Printing House. North.*.. Ooderich. OLtf. Specific Articles. L'ttESH MILK. -HAVING ItEPLAC- 11' ed my dairy with ackuk-, lot of cows. 1 1111 in a position to supply all orders intrusted to me with pure fresh milk, and ell' ru•r.nt,e quality, quantity and reg,afhy of de:o.ery. Orders bd y post attracted to at once. Adnrges JOHN ORAHAM. Dairyman. :south beet. Oodericb. 07.1* Tenders WYtd rI%%NREM, WANTED. -THE DiREC. tor. of the Northwestern Exhibition will remit tenders up to August I.+th for the privilege of owe or more refreshment booths on their grounds during the fall Exhibition. kept. Ie to le. 1 rider the pros mime. of Sec. !a. Chap. 11. A. and A. Act. no other refresh mens stands w ill he allowed within Alli yards of the exhibition grou•0.. Hy order. J ANP:S MITCHELL. Secretary I todrrkh. Aug. 3. IJOI. 7/2t )EtIeiraL _ t BIO thiSONS.-WlS AOOIE • TNOMDON he ' M give music Is•e•as en tf• eek, for part' •010. w egoist . Tagnereses Music SAL Ilesttetr- AHE SNORE Bl.)AT He )1'8E, ▪ J (Solertett. Oat. Picnic parties and w heels con make special arrangement.. for ase of bona and latter building on the beach at •ern reasonable term*. Attent Ite and expert estvd batmen always no hand. Superintend ed by *'APT. Wert. HARM. lifeboat Serrlce. Olatf Per Mf71M. OLL felt SERVICE -THE UN - be (M service a ear buil ver eg Hoek. Terms $1 rash. 0 Dairyman. South street, 0 tf DS• . • M• NICHOLSON, LD.B.-DISTAL tue�t �ggp�� the sew Pat Ogles. NSA y (1R• S. RICHARDS()N, L. D. V steam dentist. Om and • esteem air admtniaterel for paloIeos ettrarting of leash. soy. til attention ghee to the prose~les *1 the natural teeth. Ih•c. t'p OrandO House Mock. entrance oICis: Hotel Aeon= ini . quiz mid HURON- HOT L. Haig well knows d popla =oho MOM p loser rebleed. ealaesed tied ��� faeently sad le mew ssco°d to nese fa gillE s( se- oemm0lalk,afer 1M {nlelling pwlllb atepeeensm Ise !mealiest goers. CRA1A, , the %Mara Aedeeteh. Oat. ERA Brad Vel as, Oo•reeh, ah la la a breathes ao !Property ear /INS er ear Mat,. resmBALE.--THAT LARGE AND /esble frame house at the feet of mete im°.edtsrely opposite tar Park; s• ver/ bee kw=am sad would be spedsMy wNs is M Munster boarders. For timber parileuhrw apply to W. T. W KI.GH. s tf VOR BALE -A 11[ARKET GARDEN lL' °astaealas A aarws situated within twenty abuts' walk of Oodwlcb P. 0.; men foetal& brick 110 111111 aed goad wafer ; the p�rro�pawata7► of the late W. l'kiahoim Apply OH I,ll.SanfarOr d letter to mete. W. CMS l if I.)ROPEKTI" FOR EXCH A NOE. - Persoas einem* l0 'sebum Ooderlrk property. or farm las adjola!ag. for Tomato houses or lots cera leans full particulars by applying to ALRCK Sal:NORR8, Oedd e*014. I.LUR RENT. -A NEAT AND COM - 1 tenable mime, or Htackset_ with half a� sate of land . rood Leering orchard of my pt, plum and pear trees. and small fruit tllsem• Half a mule from Court House. Terms • esessakls. Apply at this office . 07 t FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN. --THAT commodious building or King -N.. Brea - eels. et at °scuttled ae a pais.-ebnp by W ae. Sankt is on m1.. Terns rosy. A/fRIM7g to 1' . S. teCtryi'. Wessels P. U. t HOL SE TO RENT -A TWO-STORY None hour. situated on Otouceater Ter- race, errare. °Detaining .even rooms. cellar zed clos- ets. lopets. flood garden and orchard on premiss. Apply to Mat. 1'AM1'AIONE. Ooderi •h. 0)-11 HOU- SE T(► LEY. PARK street. late!) occupied by Mrs. Trueman; eight roosts. excellent cellar and water : with garden and stable. l'beap to a desirable ten ant. Apply at SIGNAL O 'Y1(E. tri -11 VOR SALE. -THE FOLLOWING r valuable uropertks; Part of lots , and 0. cut vision 1 K.D. Ash- field. lilt acres. The Northof lot 3i. and concession. E '4awao °.h IOU at acres. Pan of block F. Colborne. 50 acres. known as the Arthur liaugttery farm. The above prover) we will be sold oe terms to suit pun herrn Auoly to CAMICKuN. HV.. t S: CAMERON. Mir t'10R SALE.- - MR WILLIAN M. 1' Lean. from continued ill health. otters for sale his house and grounds in the town of Gude- rich. cossetting of 6 lots.on which are situated an elegant and most comfortable dwelling louse built and tong oecupted by His Homer Judge Sinclair. of Hamilton. • beautiful gar- den. arden. stables and all necewary outhouses and 'appurtenances. the whole in good repair and forming one of the most desirable residences in the town of Uodench. For ppaarrtticulars apply to Mears. ()ARROW & PRO1-DYOOT. Oode• lien. the vendor's solicitor. 11-11 FIRST-CLAM.i BRICK HOl'SE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK MT. -About t wo minute• walk from the Square. Two Loris high, brick addition in the rear 14stories high. building covered with slate. ain building has 3 large rooms on first flat. upstairs there are 5laryre rooms. In the rear addition there are kit -hen. pant. y. washroom. Cpetairegirts rout'i rad bathroom. Also good cella. Apply to the und►nigned. who will gine all necessary information. DANIEL OOH 11UN.. 0-t!. Luanne and llasuranos. ' fOMIT TO LEND.-, LARGE amssat of private and other funds at lowest rates on prod tic toe town and (aim property. epeeist terms et repayment to suit the borrower. -No comet a. -Call or writ - M. 0. JOHNeYON.OWefl ffi 01-t1 . ROBERTSON. ACCOUNT - m• R • aut. Fire. Lite sed •.rt haw - wow(' Agent. Ofeae b' elte Sig- ral°Mee Nortb-et_. Ood 7t tf i O. WARD• CONVIIL'ANI;ER, el . 1te.. and commissioner for taking and re- ccesinig recognizant -es of bail. a01das iia or affirmations. deposition. or solemn declare - Near m or concerning any action. sun or pro ce,ling in the Hiatt Court of Justices. te I'oun of Appeal for Ontario. or in any , omit or Invasion Cutin. All transactions careful! and promptly cxect:;ad. Residence and P.O. address Dungannon. Oat. YYa3 tf J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND l • Accident Insurance Agent. Represent. fag Sona British t Mercantile ; Liverpool. London & Olobe; Norwich Union: North American Life ; and Accident insurance of North America. Lowest Rates. Loewe set- tled promptly. Money to Loan on Vann and Town property. Conveyancing dune. Pro- party valued. etc. O*ca--Cor. North -.t. and Square, Uodencb. - 71 CA000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO rich. CAMERON. Gode rich. m 730 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA RO II amount of Prom.. Funds for invee1mest ♦t lowest nos den "rot -clam ilortg•tfr•. Ap $) *OAKROW t PROC'UE'tOFr. R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN • saeaoe. Heat Estate and Money Imanimg Agent. only ens. lass companies ✓ eprsentedt Money to Lend on stralgh loans, at u c lowest rat.• of interest going. In any way- to sett tt• rs,rrower. Odle.- Sec• tied door from S•tuare. %Vest Street. Ooda rich. 7u(S-tf Legal. leN. LEWiS, BARKISTER, PROC. tor in Maritime Court. of 'J.urio. e 4*0,1th Colborne bawl. •St13 M• Ie . Je IH N?:ToN, BARRISTER, solicitor. cynnni.Noner. Sic. Luaus, collections and real estate tnnsaetions care- fully *11.04ed to. enlace- t'or. Hamilton and St. Andrew's -t.. Iloderich.Ont. '•_'+.em: t) d JOHN DAVISON, BAKRISTER, Solicitor. ('onc-o•yaneer. dies . Mosey to lend. 0111..- over l'ut-4Mlce. Dodench. •:ref ' CAMPION, BARRISTER, /. Solicitor, Notary Public, e t e. Olsce- (Jeer Jordan. 1.rug More. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Boyle. • Sl C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, da a•. °t oe. coiner of Square mid West surest, Oederiob. os et telegraph once. M- ud. Fends to lead at 6 per cent. 2910 (V ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - .X risen, Mantels. Solicitors. ke.. Oode rich. J. T. ()arrow. W. Proudfoot. 0AMER:)N. HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers. !Solicitor. is Chancery, &c, O.derieh. Pt. C. Cameron. Q.('.. P. Holt ; ilvdley Holster. RUMNESS CHANGE IN DL NT- ▪ GANNON. Dema Nta, - l would be` to inform you that, ld haring drred to moire ram the men -simile busemos. 1 fare weld the w hole of my stork is trade sed merchandise to Mr It. H. Holland, who takes pdwe elan M the same at osier• sad confinees the business as (orn.rrly on the premiers formerly acne..d by In. 1 take this opportunity of fend.dnng 40 yon my moat sincere thank• tor ymir knoll lead gra slue. patronage In the past and etpresslag M you my .-o*4Ial °pprecialMn of the pleasant •selwrdm relations which have se lows ensued between we t alae take the liheety of eossmendlag m saennew to J ea. as 1 are meanest roe wen Med him worthy sad wen deserving of your patronage. Voters reassert fully. J. M. ICOR TN. i uatpwasa. July 0. Int Dasa Rtr. With re0sraaee to the abets a rev radar from Mr J. M. Roberta i take tis sure of Infamies yen th.t the whole M goods are new checked and retoarbed. stork M srtaial one ofth. roost that was eery isslian teem. that ie 11119 at es and approlallen of the t/ap7hael•g Me lnf r 1 • e meatless. that yew will fnr•rwd It to yoer -ant of as ta�taserw�afw.ipse lin••r e111. 0te s *4f R. B. HOLLAND. Dosimos. Jed" * on. ■/IML TARE. BtiANIIiOX • aur kalt O ei. fe der** R �►rtk. 000, 4 lh11 sletiatia .J uTt'T J 1[ HAR IOS' INST.10101 - TUTS ly'ti l`s AILD Mame- ROOM, car. e( ciente aid Square lop Opea few 1 to • p.m,. aid trews Ile N p.m. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Lsadia, LAlily, Weeldp and Illwakekd Niters, Megunises, de, um rile. MEMB*KBHIi' TICKET. ONLY •I.M, greasing /roe use of Literary and Kasdiese R.om. Alpllcatt°a for meuiberskip received by Lbrsrias. is roost. ED. SHARMAN. OKO. STIV EN. Premises. M°ormary. Osderlcb. Maras fAtk Iri. HIRES KOOT REEK. A Sc. bottle makes 3 gallons of root bar. a delicious summer tempera. a beverage. Wright.. Httru°attc Reined/. DoE We for the bath. A ••m/lete IMO NAM pods at W i.e. Pstere /lIFINS DaI 1. yTOE►:. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changer must lac left at this I /gheee not later than Monday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day noon. Callao' Advertisements accepted up to 110011 Thur*d•y of t',*d, week. THE TA LK OF THE TOWN. A (Aire -a among ye. fakirs' notes. .la faith hell yrrat 11. TrFear s St lc ky Ely Paper- Catch`enual,scaudhold'rmtast Uuly .i cents. A good man must minuet on bis dygnnt y w ben be hos notion., dor to stand on. but a roust photo can always be .ocure.l at Stewarts studio. Making:use is a game that two can play at. but ie. turning out Mae pictures and to doing Picture framug t=at cauuot be excelled R. It. Sallower *la aye calms that he can do it best himself. It takes a mighty good swimmer nowadays to Mat a loan. Hut k J. l'ndham never had .. bow-bg►p.-d man Cut=e back to haat claiming that the curled Kumpe were ' - given a way- "' by a pair of hoe celebrate) pants. In China poen buy their wives. and in this country the wire often dueocers that she has been sold. but everybody gets valor rece,ral at the great bargain sale of Summer good* at A. l:. Pr.dham's. Do and sec for yourself. It August to as hot as July wale001 you Witt want a ore *creel' dyurs and windows for your house. Aleck Saunders nes some left arae*, be w ill veil at roar. He has another lot of enc se peters -avec kettles which went sofas' last tame. The prose sell them. Lens's $vi_ A .i .01-4*1 will beheld 11). 1'.. on Thursday...Auguat 13th. at 7.30 0., at the residence of I:torte I.ree•n,3.11111 lt.acl,ea.t of Hume Road. There will he an excellent supply of refresh=ments of venous kin.Is, with coffer. Music is expected from the 1'adrt land, the direr and other friends. Than• will be conveyance* rawly G, tak • friends out. All ore welcome. Ki •tits. rH►. F vq.l '4110u. John E. Tom and Aleck vlumkrs were around among our Merchants on Tuesday end Wednesday asking them to take •parr in the North Western Fair. and met with very gad mecca+. There will Im lively cdotpentio.n in nearly all litres. and all the space pn,- unsea to be tilled- Every- cibnen is expect- ed to nuke this the most successful fair which tuts been held since the ..petting. Ill►.r Ex. o.ap.s•. (..'I. Railwity harvest rtcursbots to Manitoba and North west. August 111h and 18th and eeptetnber 1st; very low rates. Tickets gond for forty day.. Remember excursion to Niagara Fall, and i:rimuby Park. August 15t1, fare cult 82.00: tickets good till August 17th 'Tran start. 7.05 a. Ye Ticket. and all particulars can be had froze H. Antstnog, town ticket agent, I:. T. K.. 1 ..wlenlh. Agent Allan. loon - an, Anchor and t swam ocean *tanners, superior a•- COIi,i,lIdo. IN T111 Stu►. Move. -PrintersAlbum : A preacher recently said that • newspaper tint told the truth. ai.l the whole truth, couldn't be a pecuniary success. The minis- ter who will at all tines and under any cireumata'lc•ea tell the whole truth abut his nee nhrrs, alive or demi. might not .weepy the pulpit pore than one Sunday, and in Somme cases might find it oonvenieut to leave town. The preta .mud the pulpit go hand in hand with the whatewash brush and pleasant worms, magnifying little ,ir ones into leg ones. The pnlpet, the press earl the gravestone are the great saint mak mg tninny trate. Vol.'. o► TH •c w•. l'he following letter of acknowledgment from 1_ 0. 1. No. 182 Teak' for itself: To Tilt Rpt. IhC. STlu,.,:tie,., Pastor of Victoria street Metholat church. Godeneh : theta Sea Ami. Kilo.. We, the =members of L. (1. L No. 182, desire to tender you our sincere thanks for the able discourse dein-erect to to of .Iuly 12th, and we earn- estly hope and pray that you may long he spared) to a.voate tble principles of Pre- teatentam in our bad We ala, request you to convey to the officials of the church our thank• for the ear of the church on that occasion, and to the choir for the valuable aesstan a rend.. a.l. signed on behalf of the lodge, Erma..' M. (bv, Sec'y. (:olerich..luh' 31. 1891. kers reran Sten*Tal W le.wm F:►,'noT. %V. N Hoene, of Brantford. president of the Ontario 1'myinrial Sabbath School A.netatko, will pay • yet to the =hook of this town on Sabbath, the 9th instant, and desires' to meet the supenntendenuand trchee. in the afternewwm, at 4 15. in the school moon of Knot ettnreh, East se.rver2 to confer cn the,nhjart of forming a Ioawl Sabbath School Association for the town of Itoderw•h,a.wi how to aid the I'aunty Assoc- iation we as to entitle it to the tanner rack. As • ,rash o0 the Iasi provincial enervation 1.e1d at Brantford • nlos-ement is in pr g►wse that premiere emnpkte nrpiniaatia r,i all Ow mantles in oil ()Etarin; halides many of thew are busily mi tgwd organising every town sad tmraskip1te4re the sett pmvin sial •em-ention tole held at Ottawa In the ori a1a0 TO Hu Fsort Lora -'rash,• town Tines. Town Morris ail wife arrival from «u .or on '11041' ntnfltfe• ear, leweviesa here ■ill opened eeiv lahmast in Wist Superior. He td a 4Mnms, bat the enera.we eg rerefer R rite tibia ate up etre pru1ta. and Ski ..ssrbl. man when ha fo*iad kis bsiases was sot ',eatable, he shut up shop. packed up but goods, and noosed bank to ( rwkatun. He et onus arrwlyled fur moos is the Combats= Farsiwre ('drupaly'. stairs as Sowed street and has already spe=ed upp sad co i,tine wed imams= He has • brant hese and carefully selected stuck of goal. witch he et tb.playing m the nett attractive soasaer, and medially ms ices hie old friends mad customers ago aid import Mopeds. Arrkornr*T0 Li IS. The lollbeasag hes beau handed to es as being t paring away of the Lee T ▪ y • (N me distemper. of nobles isa died. B ut fell like Animas fruit that arllowed Es en ere der4 at because he dope ass Fat. esed 1a tided hist up for towre esn: Yet froady ma be coo ten Winters loan Til liber clam worn oat with stet time. Tbe wheels of weary life at last stood stilt. ' Ilwr000. Toe e: sent rr (' aa. fore::to *:lobe Before Mr. Justice Nleredith on Tuesday, Mr. W.*.. Murdoch appealed against the caauattal of Richard l:arbt•tt, charged with extel✓14 e forgeries in Texas and elsewhere. An enlarg�msat ws merle for a week, *0 that the yluistar of Justice may be notified of the &mud. 11 is belies ed by the United States etificers that Garbutt is a =member of • gang of sharpen who, by bogus laying of land paid fie -drafts that were never honored, but which the sharpen got cashed through their retinals, have nut& a 4,t of money. ()u law other hand Garbutt has an alibi, which. if sustained, will show flat at the tune be was suppueed to be cwmnmitting forger' w Texas he was really in Ontario. Tette case is being watched with great in- terest. 111 rt.I' SCHOOL To. •Tr.►. M*►Tt%,.- The regular monthly meeting of the public o•hool hoard was held on Monday evening, S Malcounwu, chairman, and all members present. The minutes were read and cun- tinnr,l. The principals report. showing au average attendance for .lune of 517 270 boy* and 247 girls was received and fyled. Thr principal • half -yearly report showed an merest* un atterrlNNY over corresponding period of 1890. The Inspectors report on the schools for the year ruling .lune was re- ceived. its creditable showing being a pleas- ure to the board. Miss A. Campbell ten- dered her resignation as teacher in Cen tral *chivies(' Mies Ralph vow appointed in her place. Miss Addison was promoted to the seM r divine. of Sl. Demurs wand at a eatery of *•2.50, and Miss Hutton to the poo. Own vacate) by Mira Addiatm ea a salary of 1225. The secretary was instructed to ask the town council for 114,800 for the rear 1191. An account of Buchanan & Sea, ,157.51. was ordered t.. Ir pool. The boar) then adjourned. A 1'P' t 1.1.1.k 1 IT tI ITh . The following, from a Vancouver rew-.pper dated July 2# refers to the death of a fnrrser resident of t .okrich t•,wnship well and favorably known in this section * he den, n who here charge of the accidents that indict humanity is evident ly ingeni0us,androt raage- gely odd are some of the :Alcoorpl he im- p ose oil mankind. Colin Punts, a C. 1'. K. l,rakesttall, was riding on the cupola of a caboose Ihu morning. when near Abbotsford he was taught by * wire which bad been knocked acnes the track by a falling tree. and was terke.l thereby to:ha death. Hu 1.1.iy was brought on here, and an :mood will be held. Mr. l'urvie. who was vreatly liked by all who knew' hint, has been in the country about seven year*. He was single and shah 29 years of aaggee He was employ. of temporarily as a brakean en at the tuue he was killed, but had been • conductor. The remotes were taken charge def by the 11rder of Railway Conductors, and are now in state in the {'ytban 1 seek Hall. The funeral will take piece to morrow. 'Iles remains will be interred here. • THE Wait ('.iso.: Mr.'r_•rt•r"..--('hitt Wilkinson and Braves E.i. Campaigns J. S. Platt, T. Nairn, H. 3. D. Cooke. Yt' .•Imith, C. Price, A. Murdock, H. Hays, F. Brans and C. Hodge assemble) at the chief's wi- want .0 `aturd*y everting prepared for their attack on Detroit. At the harbor tbey captured the Pinafore and placing their war implements on board ailed to fort Frank. Before lacing the dock the chief numbered his hoses and a eoratonuot,* roll of war whoops went up as the Pinafore sailed tint of (he harbor. Near Rayfield the braves disembarked,and commenced paddling their own canoe. Almon as soot as the case started on her course lake Huron commenced to roll, necessitating man • .tops, and it was not 011 3.30 on Monday that chief Donald- son welcomed the members of his obi lodge. A stay was made to recuperate, some of the young brave* having received a heavy Mak • inv. Detroit was reached on Tuesday after- n oon, the passage down the river being witnessed by thousands Tie Mene.etnng took 1Mtroit, of that there is no doubt, for every Ilan. woman and child therein was a willing captive of her bass. The tribe were hay.ng a good time all along, old Americium and former Canadians contesting with each other as to whom the right of entertaining belonged. The braves started on the return jounwy last erening. Pat00.Tette nr Ht'kus, -A pro re mita meting of the Presbytery of Pluron was held let Tuesday at Clinton, when a dull from the Presbyterian eowgregation of Mount Forest to Rev. 1. M. Ramsay, B 1►., of hondeobtro', was dmspewed ef. Ray. M. ('. ('aneroa, B. D., of Asterism's. appeared on behalf of the Presbytery of Saugeen and 1)r. Meikle and Mr. Martin on -behalf of the congregation of Mount Forest to plead for the translation of Mr. Ramsay, while oommisi,ners from the congregations of ievulea) om' and Reline a to oppose the translation. After :reared were heard, Mr. Ramsay de clued, what he considered to he ha ditty, his acceptance of the tall. The stipend promised is 11.000 a year. with a free hour and four weeks' holidays. Mr. Raansey'. present charge will be declared vacant in the ibeh inst., .rel he will be inducted at Mount Forest on the 20th inst. Rer Ale.. Stewart. R. A., of (linnet, was appointed moderator of the assnfrs of iwrwleshnri end Hallett. At the same meeting the resigns. tion 4 Rev. Alex. McMillan, of Manchester and Smith's Hill, was presented it was egleldl In allow it to lie a the tabk tin t lar meeting of the Presbytery to be held at Rlyth nn September 44th, reit in the interval to cite Mr- McMillan'a con- grepatmemts to appear at that meeting for their Interests. At the Swiss relehretion in Berne last Sanday an fngli.htnan. who as.nmed in argument with • Swiss to ridicule the .tory of William Tell, was slapped in thetas= and healed shout aril he commented to apolo gime to the crowd and to Willia=m Tell. Ret-. William 5 Parry.paelotr of the Coated Presbyterian chore a Bowling (:non, Hy ,ars pr'rlung to • 1 ern - I ETHEL. (room tW0 Owl , *,Ito SAr0S HINT. Mus Magpie Jury a s Mistag friends L 1 illrri.- ![pk. Cotler hum •''.«1 bis kiewy htrutem.. David Spat left this week far the Pacific l'u.M. John Kurtotl spout Sunday easier taw parental rout )lir A. Imlay left on Friday kat tie • Visit to W attord. .1. McTaggart, o: 11.e•m11, spout • law days in the village 'moonily Jape 'foss intend• holding court at Ethel of Friday of this week at 9 v. u. Our hotel -keeper hes improved the •p - pimento 4 hie hotel Is:. the oddities of • age. Mir Florence Sherk.,k. eassetant town= 1u out school, is spading part of her huhllay• with trieslb at Arthur. Kerte Milne sold twesly head of rattle last week to cattle deader Scott, of Listowel. The total sutra realized was about 11'0. A number frust this tillage atteudel Rolnnawt's circus is SA inguen Inst Friday. They seemed to be highly pleased with it. The annual S. S. excursion will take place on Tudeday nect, to 1:odench. Quite a uumber from this %him ty are talkies of 45 wing. 85 cents is the return fare, children oeuta. The tram leaves here at 8.10 .t. tr. AUBURN. (IW.M 111-11foN ♦ c•uaa4`e,SpgNT.1 Owen ark! Arthur Mc+.illicuddy, of tiekl- ench. arr visit in rfbti V611 Irl this see• 11041. Mrs. Tu=ner, of ...clench. and her son Harry were visiting old friends herr during the past week. Nearly *11 the farmers in this mete= have finished harveattng their Fall wheat, which on the whsle has been a bountiful clop Our population continue* to inere•so. There were no It. than fair new arrivals last week. An inoorpkorate,n darter will lee in ..=ler soot. Re.. A. McMillan ami war are 'pritlie/ holulays in Toronto and Montreal. Colin Younpf, of McGill Faitersit} Montreal. olxuppled the pulpit for Mr. McMillan last Sunday morning to the satisfaction of all present. Lest Wednesday A. Fagin and .1•s. Rose left for Manitoba with • carload ..f class A bones. Roth of the gentlemen named are tint -class horsrnmet, and there s no reason why their venture should me he . success Mr.. Blair met with what mi t have been a serious accident last week. - falling town stain at her rswidence. No bones were broken, but she was no badly shaken up that medical aid had to be summoned. She 19 slow programing favorably. Auburn, although not of metropolitan di- ntense,ns, blasts amongst:its residents, sm. oral pushing and enterprniug business ,nen. Amongst the number. .las. Voung must be- yond doubt he awarded tint place. It is )met about a year move he purchased the large planing factory and steam sawmill at this point, and sue* that time the anlomnt of work turned out has been something of which Auburn has • right w feel proud. In Edition to the work shore mentioned • large h..tuel.uihiing Wanton, u tarried on, all of which is superintended by Mr. Young. .lust a few more hustlers built an the same lines as friend) \ oelug would raise Auburn up to such an extent that the noes of rival business places would be pt oompktely out of pint. Long meg he pamper. WINOHAM. [mom all -a ow ,',IkRatlt'sr..(Ug'rT. \1. Mel).) Fleming spent Stlnlay in town. .1. Metlrty. of Ottawa, a visiting at L. Mc Lain's. Jackson Wilma ix visiting friends and relatives in town. Thos. Leslie left on Tuesday of last week for a trip to Manitoba. W. K. Hutton and F. J. Carr wrote in Tor onto this week on lousiness. *'has. Itralwtn. of Harristdn, was tiaitiatt his parents in tows last week. Will Jenkins, after spending a day in Kincardine, returned hone on Sat unfay. Wm. Rowe*, who hae been m H• aged s Scott's lank, left for his horny in Shelling*% on Saturday last. Harry Scott. son of %Vatter Scott, of Tor- oato, formerly of t1 Ingham, was in town last week visiting friends. T. T. %Varna, who far been in Manitoba for the peat two or three n,onth.,returTied to town „n Thursday of la.t week. Posters are out announcing Monday. Aug ust 17th as civic holiday in Wingh•m. The mec•heni.•s and e=mployees intend hold Mg a picnic on that .lay. The l.ucknow football team drove over on F oda))' last and were defeated in three strasghts hy the Wingham team. Score: Wingham, 3: Luckoow, 0. Nord was recdt ad back on Tuesday from the conductor on the C. P. R.' when the train passed through Arthur that he had punched 126 tickets for Manitoba. A number of vonnlp men left by C. 1'. R. on Tuesday for Manitoba in the persons of Wm. ('arr,Anlrew Wdomed ohn Met'reight, R. Lind, Porter and R Rutherford. The Brussels and Wingham'acrns.e teams crossed stir•ks here on Friday afternoon. The Rrwrels teem were defeated by two goals in 56 minutes. Score : Wingham, 2 ; Brussels, 0. The agent for the Cleveland 1'arhon ('o., (N1io, was in town last week taking orders for carbons for the electric light. He says Wingham has the best electric light in Am- erica with not one cxcepetrn. R..hinan's big cirrus showed here under canvas on Friday amI was • great sucrase. The mon attractive part of the prgrsm was King 4.Ifrsxri and the Queen 0( Sheb.. it was without a doubt the finest ever ex 14ibilei here. A great many I.ueknnwitee were in town on Friday attending the circus Among then we noticed Mr. and Mn. A. R Con grant. Mr. am! Mrs. McGarry. John Hoyd and datighter.kliss L Amory fleas s H. Mor rime', H. Pierre, F. (:reedy, 1). Moody, D. Lawrence and A. and C. (asmpb.11. TOWNSHIP OOUNCIL. HA1. The anneal stet pursuant to adjnmrnnttmt on August let, 1891 A11 the members present. The reeve mu ordered to dispute the claim of Geo. Greenslade re the kiliag of sheep : also the garnishee of Pickard ver Randall. The followiner rates went levied ('onnty rate, 1 9-10 mills : township rate. 2 mills : school grant, 4.6 milk tow.. mem reete into. a mall cine. trine. esrimg. Angell. Venetta, of ilestesegsay. Vey. !°epic wee• hejgl.d. 1 rase .. T' (lb hike ymu, , at 10 a. e. ii►n. J. Len* THE MARKETS. OREADSTUPP$ App PROVISION.. wittaa gr .."•••. .. 120141 .. .... .„.u• •ial.t.••.•.(.mlOatlMiM . •• • •13deQay . • tela.. Serosid • •Oeto6e secs* MSItots• •,mote •bar ••••••.....••••• ..... l Onto i a 6rwe► al•isan. S.1L •• I.! t° 13 ta • tot• bee... • b., Stir iw °la 1t W Hefs▪ . .h.. •e•.•.....•.N...•.r..•+.•...... •1•• .1I)Mb l0W 6 , t moan limehellemee Amen 1.1mi. neer .••••••• I• •toeM Fall Wimp• new antra w I « to 1 N •PriL�P�sa•wserg•.• •1 O1/stotO ▪ .• tto°OerB••,•vee. j003RApplesIwlreeekpr ..,,lq1 20 • • 131001• 6 ...... ••••• • 10 toe 12 Cored Moe weed �•. L.••.• :00 o • OD11 •tntoll • :: • Ie toe Ie Pork .. •.•. ....»................. 600 to J 1111.1.111. Anwar t Potatoes Butter .... ... ., 1901. 8pnair ... 4•0 se lB a; to oe1 p•e•-y *bWBaobau°sr.perR•vmebIMw►. 00101 otoWheat. per bootee. P0l..,....,•., • 10 7 too 01 • • pLttoo 0 15 34t Hides i. 1 Fray. per to•...... 0 6611 hof l '6 Ue[g•• per ds 0 11 0 0 11 Butter. per 1b , 0 *2 toe 11 31 O tto % 171j Wood. per cord .• . 1 SO I ?i Montreal ('.lt1e Market. The receipts of lice stork at the yards of the Montreal Stock Yards Comports. Point e. Charles. for the week ending Au:. 1 were - r it I Receipts of live stock at the Moatnwl Stork Yards. P',. St. ('harlot, for the week 2.4103111 MOS Left week over from prevlow 11110 f Taal for week !'010'1.1/* 1 1tl*jth: 0* land *41) 1731 Then were talc receipts of ecport cattle for the week. but no material change la rattles ter taw class. The butchers' market. with a shat supply. Improved considerably : aftertaste viers meetly of inferior cattle, for which best gums Wiens weds If cents. There were smaller sheep receipts. withlluir demand ; the market was 1 rent per Ib. better for hop. with a small sup p$s . 11'e quote the hollowing as being fair values Cattle. export.. Sc to :Io Cattle. butchers' good tic to Ile .. " medium....... s,c to Ic .. •' Dulls. .. - Ile t. flbeep ........... c to Sic Lambe ee to e Hogs. ...»...... .. '•to•i:: Calves NM to Nee HOLMESVILLE. (1-1u'4 oris ow 7. , onarnrel7 DENT. Mrs. Rose, Mister to Mrs. Elfori, is runt Mg here. She hails from Dakota. Mn. ('ole, from Michigan, is visiting her parents here. She will not return for some weeks. T. Murch and hu son Simeon leave this week for l'crrtlanl, N. l ., where the latter has secured a situation. Conductor 4*iyder held forth in the Meth odist church here ,o S.idath feat to a crowded cvwuregallou. He relate.( the to orients and circumstances of his conversion in a manner which deeply impressed his hearers. He will lir welene on soy future occasion. The quarterly services held in the Meth- odist church herr were largely attended On Monday the official b,sinem was con• ducted in a very satisfactory manner. *It was .Iecmfe.I to pay the pastor quarterly in full. At the close the hoard repaired to the parsonage. where Mr. ('brooks, the confer once representative, ttee•sd .11 to mot Meat [Pltr.w nen ow ••• dtitooillirOc MIXT.] Quite a comber of our people took in the evrttrsmoti to !tarns this week and saw the wondrous tunnel John Rrnnadol, of the Ph•rmix arrlag- works of this place, has ha.1 • handsome verandah added to his house, which is the lines* in the pia..•e. Thos. 1 ['Hrien. our barber and tailor, has purchaaal the driving =tare of t:en. ltAd- lord, and • h•ml.ome buggy from John Rrnwdan. He got in for the beat even time. hared Kurkes preached in the Methodist church morning and evening last Sabbath. He will take the appointnaots of Rev. .1r. Ferguson until his return frau. the Old t ountry. %%-e believe Rev. 1►. Kamsay,of the Noe, is shortly to leave no on a all to Mount Forest. We heartily wish him sewer in he new fel.:, although we regret his departure from ue. We understand that the butcher Waimea of H. Kelly i. cursed. Now is the time for any nee who has the intention of starting Waimea in that line, for surely we feed a butcher shop in our village. S. Pollock, of Hri,celeld, upset Sunday with friends in this vicinity aad while here oosductel the review of the lama in the Methodist Sabbath school, of which M to so active worker in Rrueetield. Joseph Lyons, near the place, a rery low et present with In8amnatioa in different parte of his body. As 1 write i believe slight hopes are entertained of his r000rery %ge hope he may soon recover. lite member. of Court Pride of Wert, No 31, C. 0. E., are making the necessary arrangements to have a sermon to the member. no the fourth !Mtn yin An• oat. We expect there will he • grand tere- not, as they intends t0 invite other d.Wrta This week we have to record the (loath of este of ouryei*g men in his thirty e•*n•d r, in the p.r.no of .lames R anehemin. year, had been of late warthog in the United States sea • earpeater until aboat • yew age, when he was stricken with that dreary disease,-oessumpthm, with which he lingered until the time of his death. H. w as • 1001-11reirpeetad oang maw amaa� 14i• away bundle mei ell who Ind the priyiMge of hr aaquaintanae. Ht. remains awe in tarred is the ins lesho otngh snored• beside the of his mother, w ie), wee W wish before his death. A eery largo mm' thew Met remiss Jima The the falai have the t MAI* a. WeMutt ere!' 011imsv Jlra...le MeaAar ilgM tetsteM11,1Mt with former friend* Not Menet wee 1(Im Aftemear n -t i,.i .aW*1.Yt; ranee 7aartt•1 .. J*.. *41141V W IIMMt1aA "AIM b' •1,119ells�glNsttst�l.t pelplbe ea tie r m work. He nose ek to Victan. rift.* .Mr'. off.... .. ... .. DO YOU WTI eu oar Tr0 ,pitit6St AND Ni W SPAPKR 40 *rap 010110:. TEA II set U0T ,THE SIONI OOOERICH, ON ell petal*. • t i7 ADY♦1tlti vol.. \LIiI. r NEW ADVERTISE Lt kraal Aleck 14a,..da A. Mann' H• Sew • fmBast _ Wilmer Smith sl• a• UM -Fran• k N'. Mcl C 1,4 t s I.fslftstracf� John Auk To preys gte•ursions C. P.ono k Wanted Town L lit IIwkC1•N Prot. de I'eudi Yoke- OWL 11 Holmes etr.Case ter Mab- J. Wlb BORN. C•h�la In J )IitcheD. ou set A. k:'•-°11'• Itrurels. c Ito -in Conlon, un Auw d A. 31. Todd. of The I wu. it usteoItTll 1n Ethel, wife of J. Ilernawur t h. t £4l4; \1 t'1 inose Jal the wifeot Its J. „f ",btbr'W, of • dsug It ark. a a ,oa th In Elea,. on (6e • • John 7410011, of a sou a. tuATh YE.\It!ON In 'A.h tM' . a' the resldr giber. by IL•• 1'.v. D. 1C. t'u+trs. prbter. (•rtes 01 Hulls t.10 Li :sear Oeurge lornor. 1.1114. but new of loser I;*LL Klt$"AN At R' IM rrnywlrnee of the Itr4 Jar. Ramsar. ow N'edru 1I. ** Keely to Aggw. Johnllrown. 13w1 , all 0 DIED• rn rrUod .4Mgee14.1rle*bd ,10.,orpaHiLdi*AIMw• 1:„ba. Hair. ag 1h1•vl. ,e l rTlloi Jn. rrruccl of d t hs 'sten! nt ,lIsd.ughtreoW too9tl0at .r.r-Kew% haa,mage(, WO1a\\ At Londes yu,r James Weed awl : 1•!.. 91'811:1. In t'sborre, a a,4H:seer.aged7J,. bads. TWENTY MAN --in Peal Ire 17414 .R.. 010116... g yea.. tVFFTN-la Grey. on Js iged l6 year* Ord 5 da yC 18( 14 - Is 1'oborne. o yam sari. ase of Ravin moray sad li day.. ,8KL -*o Clievelsud.01 tk irbal sees of A. J. a'1*gbr,05*4 1 yea days. ININFIA (,14.•0 uI oWn Coe 4.rntour, of Clint Tneita Richard ( "mrd. of Her on Tuesday . M7. and Mrs. Will. Std to Les knee . Mr. and Mrs. S. Smit' mads) tit t,Wn. Mew \I. Herman. of T rr par.nts 1n town. 1. F: I ameron, after liestertoo.. returned to post sutler . Monday. .1. irmcan,ebe baa be f.11chnrt, trees & Co., Walne.day by C. 1'. R. %Veli. •tewart, of Tr the er'l' ") of .Y. W. W t• :iai:,ug ft ends in toe A great many of our 1 the excursion to I:.deri had a very pleasant .la) I). Mcr'..rnuck tool l:nuuwl-k hotel on Sat Martin is taking the .tc of Mr. Mel'ormick. A football mat it was ern Monday evening het union and Lower '1' wes men by the Lower sore of 1 to 0. The skating risk home belonging to Wu .set Tuesday. Alex. tar larehasel the skating sem, of %Yeo:Mer, the M001 limos ora mous n Mrs. Jonathan I)ulm can sundry morning. 1w tswerel n, lireekesndgs .tart from horse, th Columbia. Mr. Uoy,l filled the app..intment last Seal the pastor, Rev. 1. K. Mn. Robe Sperling West .n the 6th int. '•he ha* been at her year. On `hlnday tresEE t staent of wind and n en= of the fences a crop. Henry Rooth did the warm on Friday last rain tatted very welt peel yielcl. Ira*,4 Rrsckenriclgu • elicit time since. "1 hu vert m is itratght • boys. 1gh,le Mr awl M we're coring home fn an week Mr .lohrrb Ace at Rlneyale, les ,,011 the horse The at a raiwl parasol err the .tr.•. d, across the and tat tis. bwf •aiis4e s4 a 8114: .. 1A a• 0•rar an nssnm hrart, end me wm