HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-7, Page 7AIR 3ER4, les. fARIETY le best ld will :an get ggiven 4G. ►DS. ten. LENTS ped goods. 1 n, and thou it doing busi RES no one will absrdaghor s►oT. rs acn* .s. Cour. STEM. BUS, PLAINTS. .LCR. rel Be•.. d mts._•' t tam*. Icor roe SPRAINS. M. )TRACH& o • Norm" WOMAN • en THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1891. W. ACHESON & SON. Dress Goods Sale We are clearing rapidly several lines oi GOOD DRESS GOODt4 at 15 Pcs. 25 -inch All Wool 25c. Borges, To dear at No. lbest atiadeat the 10 Pcs. Stripe Fouls Cloth, All Wool, me, • yard. "TA • his reduction. but ue•er wind. well Mace with tbeothee lime at 16 mats. 5 pcs. Double -width Serge, Now be. • yard. iteguim i6c. goods. Send for sample of our BLACK CASH M ERES, all wool, at 40 and 50c., or any price. zombi tniik• IS IT LATE FOB GRENADINES ! A feu pieces left, will sell at 5c. A yap', worth double. Send for samplers Of any of the abo‘einentioneil specials early. Inspec- tion invited. W. ACHESON & SON. lA ways fresh and only 5c. sheet - RUBBER RINGS FOR GEMS. Open Sundays ftor Dispensing and 4,edicinee only. filE PHARMACY, GEO. A. FEAR, Druggist, /MYNAS' Old Stand THE POETS CORNER. sce°mPhah• Sok! by all dealers or sent attest! on mold of rite ifi0c. or 21 a Nee Lod troaree. Illuard's Liniment rums litares. tr. wises I married 'iv wife she had studied . steocgralibr. . Wall street A always in • hubbub. When 00, quo down solid. Ikea tab urn Ow" the brokers are quiet money talks. - Roch- ereOhi. ester Post. Mastered that mime* and started gob,* . The • off of the apple e. makes a All in tte course of a year. , Westfield Standard. Sbe presently teak iip • coarse of theology. Followed that up with • touch of mythology. The destentum of the stomach which Dot s dedree in the Ilse of soOlolCf • , many people feel after eating may be due .Still bet great naiad reamined clear., ' to improper mastication ot the food ; but, go she took in • course os the theory of writ . in most cases, it indtiotas a weakness of the imp. ; digestive organs, the beet remedy for which ballie immune 'Lod points cm the entilect of Aght . ts otie of Ayer s Pillil, to he taken after a Ions course ot house Waltham hustles tied ..,_ _ _ _,. _ _ _, _ num people aaa sista In • set oi notions. For over leer classmates she'd seetz. The truth we bear 681401:1448 to nothing So she entered the outdo* of steam midge i unless we resolve to live to it. Toot also instruction is church editorial). The prosperity oi • stylish dressmaker A mid mammee the meey et te.persomake.„. an example of the satrival of the fittest. — Baltimore American. Mad stiU she woe imaging ter INV& Nett ale tackled ths latest great tad. eleetric- 'Dress reform' larettutes taught her sinspikeity. Booed the oast way to esimerstre felicity. Oh' she's as smart as • bait - She at last ceded up with • course in Mut time • little atteatlus sad dale to athletic*. The :vet of bee time she gave to ntortetios. Anil Dow she is istartsism IN cook. 0008 AND ENDS Visaed's untamed tee tuft every wince. root Reston Conrier. Money talks probably in the language Freeman** Worm Powders destroy and remove wont* without injury to adult or The forlorn maiden who gazes at the moon 'Moen' marked symptoms of Luna see. - Westfield Standard. Regulate the liver and bowels by the ouli.mus use of National Pills, they am purely veretable.. The tinny tribes have so Summer vacs- uon. lltere ere schods of fish the year round. Rochester Ns& A Iwinnet morered with birds does not Nog, hut it rakes a era whistle when the comes in. - TIMMY fliftbega Wilburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine ie nactly superior to any other as an appetis- ing bank and fortifier. Tht Anarchist is against all royal degrees. hut he's particubirly set alpine. the Order of the Rath. -Ringkaoiten Republican_ healiag, soothing application for cats, wounds, bruises and sores, there is nothing better than Victoria Carbolic Salve. Almost e‘ery traveller is • devotes of to- N"'n. and every bone you sof in dm street ham • bit is his smooth. —Bastes Itch, mange and scratches at every Ids& no human or annuals, cured SO asinetee by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This sever The tramp may rie he as black as be is punted, hut his slow pees nevem 111161, not • fast color Besides thiabs woo %""'"" Kelton** Americsa. of miwitatammuship. —Washi.01. SOW' Ibie of the away draerhaelle el dos Me. kinky tariff is the rebate. --Pittsburg Peet. Puffs up moomovely about the body every n'ttbi so thet the delhas he wows is the daytime deal highs Se AS hist Ile is the swell eiriesing=e1 the seighlierietod.— Philadelphia Tea are troubled with eater* 1" hi " "mns. dry weather de est stmegly. eqrne- tree its ern Wads awl__ yes mliPsis We" - =troublesome is the but Wes g• rid it, Ilerl SW Shp see Ism' ado will •• Oh, if hid only taken this medicine earlier In life, iihat years of au= it would have saved me !" was the exclamarsou of nee who had been curedmoi the:ruination by the nee of Ayer's Saresparilia Acores of such (uses are on record. Love never 4ets its growth. A Christian r one who obeys Christ - Some people. never look up as lenges they can stand up. Goodness nuikes all people beautifuL Tbe devil hates the life that shines out from a Christum character. F.nglish Sperm Liniment rernovi all hard, soft or otilloutied !mope and hie mhos front horses, blood spavin, curbe,splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and nrollen throat, coughs, etc. Save 360 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold *sada" Me iteellteas. The loaded dice top proves that tura about Wel ahrays fair piay. This is the season when the girl not at the soneade is beside herself. Fighting is a variety of fruit better nip- ped in the bud than picked after it is ripe. It isn't safe to estimate the quality of • maa's time by the size of his watch lt doesn't take • shipbuilder Meg to learn that it is the fleetest yacht which has the quickest sale. The bump of self-esteem of the mon who loves his neighbor aa himself most be some- thing procligtoes. Maim tistildhastirs Dan " have beau bothered with seuralgic parr in the hoed and facie mimes childhood and have tried all possible remedies. A frieocl persuaded me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, sad after imolai lined it I °Maimed instant relief, and titart4aryr.........d Uwe tar Mum Now afro do we hear a parent say of a saisettiereas boy "I would not mind so much if wield cely believe him." What- ever his other traits, truth is esemitially the touchstone of a boy's character. Follavring "I beset kaow that you will be able to do much with him,"said a father to • principal of • school. to whom he hail brought kis soa as pupil, "he is so full of mieshiel." "Does he toll the truth r inked the principal. "Om I always depend upon Ins word r Us will teU the walk 40." wham hiemeeli ; tea soy deposal upon "Thee WI sae smusige him," mid the Veer lisseewistg mark ow be easel W. know it bosom Easme's Damao wields Ike peat km pan hes eared so emu mid wilds is this onstunanity Its ANOTHER RADICAL CHANCE No Room for Shams. ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST —TREET. REACTION is taking place in the minds of the people in regard to cheap Tinware. Especially is this the cue among the farmers of Huron. The country has been flooded with factory and home made slop -work, which has proved unsatisfactory. Since starting business for myself in February last I have made up a heavy class of Tinware, which I have sold at reasonable prices, and the re- sult in increase of sales has convinced me that if the farmer, the artisan, or the retired gentleman gets an article of merit he is satisfied to pay a trifle more to get it good. I have, therefore, made a further move forward, and have just to hand a stock of what is known to the trade as " Re -dipped " " Bradley Charcoal Tin," every sheet of which has two coatings of Tin upon a soft steel plate, and each sheet is wrapped in tissue paper. In future all my Tinware will be made from this grade of Tin plate, and of the pnces comparison will prove that they are right. There are very few tinsmiths in Canada who use this Tin in ordinary Tinware, it being used for cheese factory and dairy work, but I will use it in everything from the smallest Tin cup to the largest wash boiler. In order to clear out mv present stock of HEAVY HAND -MADE TINWARE I will sell it at greatly reduced prices. —I DO ALL MANNER OF— SHEET METAL WORK, Sanitary Pluinbin and Heating by Warm Air, Hot Water or Steam. SOLE AGENT FOR THE & a O. GURNEY 0014. STOVES, FURNACES AND HOT WATER BOILERS. I will always carry a full stock of KITCHEN FURNISHINGS, and procure the latest novelties as they come out. TIE KEY TO KALIL trnIncks all the Mooed avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying gracltuilly witut weakening the sys- tem all the impurities and foul humors still. secretions; at the same time Cori- reeting Acidity of the Stomata. curing Biliousness, Dyspepsik Headaches, MAIMS:4 Heartburn, ConsUpation. Dryness_of the Skis, DroPs/k.Dimnees of Vision. Am- ines. san Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of tbe Heart, Ner- vousness. and General DebIllitigall these and many other similar Corn te yield to tberrks.inibssossof BO BLOOD B WHY EVERY FARMER should set one ad Armstrong's Improved les— It al ows so foal mods to be blows into me Malt whirls is er great 4mporismos every homer who wishes to keep his term Mess a. tautrives sad deem iiseetke mod say kind of podia wits* domain Me male with as mussomary Peas and dareakesamlw friV4111 1641 termer the treater weight ter hie tola —It will =Ilesa= Zoom mid seed la. seal smelt removes tr* other eiriarias W•24411 brakes mill. MO Oval the teem It will separate the Weir Nam eserriea molt to • du* and seeds uni. or thus mis.-11 le a Sem dem erase mai Mealtime. blows ae see& sway. ists.—Itass be Steed late sbe ;Mat eisbiened =Mtnesa be amebae se a mew vitt'. WM Is laid "Ade as it do the wort et • aow • eat injuring It, mid eau be onatraratet 6111.4111 11M- ssirip as the se41.61/7 irreales 11111= seer stew at mew V yeus went II NM gellana It pm hoes set emu • Yachts*, ask • i1641141Se eget tee Imopentles. Alas yes it slat ke Woks et Kemp% llama Thar. muisTacato Lranli" 21%; (14•10 se aissikerstssr WHAT WE DON'T DO AND We DON'T have every day special Bargain Day, nor do we sell Tweeds at coil.. But we DO bold SATURDAY'S AND MONDAYS SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, And sell for Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. Will quote prices next week. GEO. ACHESON & CO. bay 110h. 11.I. B MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. 7 HE SQUARE Lal's RE DIAIMA DUNN'S BAKING POWDER T.FIE ND 2.4 itypobeipkftes of Liu aid Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoiL It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous General Debility, &c. Beware otall baits/ism Ask for "the D &L." Ensublema. sod refuse an others. PUMA 60C AND 51 PEN earrts. Bold by V_ Jordan. PATENTS ! CAVEATS. TRADE NARKS Mill CS/TRIGS TS Obtained. and all hosiery. in the V. it. Palest °dice at tended to at MODER:Inc IrEltS. Our odk* is opposite iltio U. S. Patent Of- flos, sad we car. obtain Patents in ism time ban those remote from WAN/i/AW ram Seed MODEL OR DRAWING. We sd vise as to taatantability free of charff__, aad we make .SO CHARGE UNLESS WIC OB- TAIN PA MN?. We refer, here, to t he Poet waster. the Supt. llioncy Order Div_ and to officials of tlite U. S. latent Office. POT eirrolar. advise. tense and referenc.A to actual clients ID your awn State or Comity. write to TEAS OD EARS ED. C EDE'S, Oer. Molar -et. mid Square. Telephone Connection. how to Nam hove Timmer. Dim • Noe Amide •• ••••buyru•-rnat 51144 pr-... am *limn NM amolaL fieditrich Steain Boiler Work: Katablished lab. Chrystal Black. SECOND IL(0111111BY In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power upright boiler, all complete. 1 8 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler. complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thoroug h- ly overhauled and warranted in first class oondition. Ready for humediste delivery and will be Oad cheap. nal order will receive prompt atteobss. IL Regain promptly attended to. P.O. BOX BBL 4 1