HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-7, Page 4THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1891 '
?lie Signal,
Tb. te�ra.1
newspaper 0M Mersa tisanes.
is r. Suw/su
Be t. lertleILLerilerfel.
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empowered to receive sub.criptions to Tile
:flits Al, -'--
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It, He .l'DDY,
THE Hleaa
retephone ('all :I0. tiodelich. OnL
1 00
H t• anybody heard anything abets a
protest in West Huron lately .
., RC4Tkl,Tlnx in Thiess and Reciprocity
in Trade" solid Ir a good latus -cry for
the Liberal party at future ekelione.
Tin. rennin Wity prohibition clorsot't
prosper in because prohibitionists are
politictalsfirst anal prohiloit104410' • mighty
hal ,Wood.
Ir lir. '• Hit,clan4T is ever sighted
through !nape -toil Mit ee'' field glues the
guvernnient pomeut.r should erg the brace
of bronze dogs owned by ll r. .....el.1.1
upon him.
11,T tale and tetiela,', the original 1'au-
ad', gave a nlajonty of neteu in favor of
unrestrietel reel pnoeity. The pmrchased&
tag -ends of the Ilnnumion, i1114r11er, out
..ted the older 1'ro. ince•'.
Mix erree of Finance F.•-r4k styli the
r.tcahties now being undrthal at Ottawa
are " mere trifles. We an now understand
how Ins come -wirer became no seared that
he could not see the moral obliquity in-
volved tit the .tealtieg of i8. H. ('HI-Hlt.w .
Otte. _
\Vitt t' not ADM!. better prevision nlale
for the ac..oenmenlation and awlven.enrc of
seviireionlat0 by the public .sores commit
tee of thin town. :\t present thing. at the
Harbor Park are in a diegraeful .tate, and
the town council 'hound he ashamed of
IT wits III anl1b'. "In,ment of a eak tress
that Mr. Foe,TI:k called the shameful wean
dela unearthed we Ottawa •' trifling irregul-
arities.Mr. I ...Trli ami Mr. Ac\ot Vit
area pair ed dangenru fc11oea to time own
fneneia when they .open their n•.pretive
U•' 1.1. rHuw.' M.t:.mmt 1- is 1t'timely
" something of a liar himself -- to uec the
chaste and ornate language of the an
ciente If his recent examination before the
parliamentary comment*. ir • fair sample of
what he .an do when he gets down to mord
L sees on cookst contemn" amount mg In
ell to several millions of dollars are detente
.d by Hon. (1. K. 1:.4Trk *0 "trifling irreg-
uantiea." When the present Minister of
Finance was pulping his eloquent.. et ten
dollars a lecture he was not s, airy in his
references to dollars and cents. .
I, the ordinary novel the generous 01.1
uncle dole* out the dollars to the spendthrift
nephew : nut that Is fiction. it is fact at
Ottawa for the Uncles t'abinet Ministers
and members of Parliament, nark you to
get the donat,onw t'n.k AIw11.PHr," the
clapper Minister of Militia, to said by the
Med omit ectnn to have herr the greediest
nark' of them a11.
Tour Ste, 44. is telling its readers that
there is mere to be another ele•teen befewe
1 : uw fact. it wa.ta to make Wort that the
sstd election will onanwe off nestle of three
r.wretlr. Win I.m Advance
les : and T-.). Se..' ... told uta readers
three monde ,n advance that the last !tom
taste election wcwld .erne nit during the
Ids of March. whoa every Tory sheet in
I;anode form Thr !`spin to The Advance
denied that end .r event cool! pseu.lhly
..ear Twit SOO =L knows wh&t It
is talking akiiatgaA lave to 4441 iaw
editorial 'peons wink a O /1 ttciessws
RatIPtJK'I!Y Gd THE izzlifl78
11 us • mein[ 1. read The formate
Empire thews days. To see it stearin and
hear it spinal use would thick It was audits -
tag somewhat from the Aleuts of the dog
11* latest coaleuttuu is that reclp.wlty
is a deed issue and that the people still pine
for the beauties of protecuoa. It eye this
ui one breath, Will in the nett gloms over
the fact that clHap sugar has been establish
earl throughout the laud by the &bole100 of a
gw.11y portent of the former restriction :
and a• if that ling at the protected iudiu-
trHs was not re.ough, It In.taph.wtaally pate
1 1.%Ka►. %\ \LLA. t 1411 the hack for hisefforta
u• kn.•k daylight out of the salt cone
Now, 11 free tea, partially free sugar, and
her salt are gown things for the community
at large, why should wearing apparel, boots
and shoes. huts and cape, furniture, sewing
machines, agricultural implosive -nue binding
tow., barbed erre, book., and every other
necessary be taxed up to the hilt •
The argument that the N. 1' liar established
manufactories ris andgo, en eulployntent to large
tsunami's of artisans is now m aged and in
firm that there is no movement in it, and
the ...nous Manche' of industries which
previous to 1878 were doing a euccsaful
trade, and since that time hate langulahed
the 10llten-
• ya• C direct l+ 1
. .lel 1 the 11
rnl ,b
Um. of the restrictionist'.
1nr.erybranch of trade formerly prosper
true lusinee.e* 11,1.•1 *earned and diel under
the w. -called fostering .are of the N. 1'.,
and hundreds of thousanbof delta» in.est-
e l in the ctiltoH, industry, the woollen bust
Vier, the making of (rots and shams, the
farming implement trade, the manufacture
of sewing machtnee, the publishing of books,
and the successful prosecution of other u.
dustns, pour to the adroit! of pro•
taction s enhave been satterel to the
four winds of heaven since the leeil Spirit
of restrict took pa•ss.ote of Canada's
That is not All. The population of the
country has 1101 progressed by normal
growth in many sections it has retrograd•
el. Here in Huron the most prosperous
section of rural Ontario there utas leen no
increase at all. but a dentin! falling off,
according tthe elssssnent rolls. Our
townships have dropped heavily during the
part ten years. and 0111 towns and villages
has e, with one solitary except iota, dwindled
fretln their former sire. Even the exceptional
lown has not male one third of tut natural
growth .luring the period named.
And the people up here know thee,
feet', even if the callow young man who
t'oitos the roseate trade articles for The
Empire . unaware ..f them. Not only
do they know the condition of things above
stated., but already they have set about
doing elute they can 10 change the ',tate of
*8.irs. and on March 501 the entire comity
of licit -44i made a soienn, unmistakable and
effective protest at the polls. 1n feet, No
deternmu.i were they that the trade ones
tion was of paramount importance that they
didn't allow even the waving of the old
flag to deter them from cluing their duty
to themselves and their country-.
Anil if. as we fully expect. the Present
hopelessly rotten Thieves' ( 114114 4.t at
Ottawa is overthrown within a few short
the or, it may be, weeks the people
of Huron county want no letter platform
upon which to tight the political battle
than one made faun the *mind planks of
n,aprotitS. rbc freest kind of free trade,
out only with the United nates, hut with
the world at large. 1s what 1s weeded, and
want(ea a. n 0.1 as possible.
//MI" .1,t,E1:1(',1.V.' Uet►K .1T IT.
There t* an plea over here m certain
super loyal quarters that the p.91. of
the d-uitel states are all yearning to
have I ;anal' annexed to their countrt•, and
art- tieing groat .fT,rt, to bring about the
const tem of the when,.. If the trend
Of p..pular op seat 111 the Stats rials %nice
in the utteral.ven of tier heat ,..fnrnttd
newspaper' such Is not the carr. Inn the
contrary our neighbors, although great
peep's. at a " trade,- always count the
cost lefore the •'trade " is effected, and
this ie how The l'hieago Herald, one of the
brightest and beet of .4ma•n.an journals,
figures it out
It is roar to understand why intelligent
I Median% should desire annexation to the
United ,tataw. It is also .easy to understand
w by Americans who regard a luternul dela
as a national bloesmg should wish
for that cnusummal.n. If we adroit
('anile into the union we must, of
course, shoulder the ('anadian debt, In-
clude.g such proem al and municipal Belota
as the 1 k minion government nay mistime
or guarantee 'whir, the union takes place.
Mr. Porter's ,eusus stats the Iknninion
debt in 1890 at 1237,533.212. This iso ex-
clusive of all provincial and heal debts, and
also of all engagements entered Into which
will ne.,erarily increase the Dominion debt
hereafter. As it stands the debt . 147.51
per .aorta, which is 17 more per capita more
than it was fen year, ago.
The Toronto (:tole gtvet some information
in regard to engagements which will in-
crease the Ironlen in the future It stats
that on the 30th et ,lune last year official
exhibits showed that up to that 1111141. the
general and p10vinu:nal governments and
municipalities had spent or premised torail
ways coniplti
ete.l or under ,Oatructinn the
sum of $189.720,000. This sum, the 1doh'
say., will very adwwl reach $200.000,000. in
ald,n1n to the there had leen spent 170.-
000.000 on canals ami minor public work■.
.lad the money has not been profitably in
vetted. Aker giving details, The I:lobe scum•
up by saying that !158,000 000 of b.emwed
nwoney lies sink in government roads"whish
n amely pay for axle grease, and I.y way d
,kwtroymng the last chane of obtaining • re-
turn from the main work we hate sulwdized
a more direct route through foreign soli
at a ,aptal.sed cord of M.000.000 nHwe-"
Kesids all this, other projects are either
under way or contemplated which .re of •
peraitiea! rakes than • Mein.' character,
and which well swallow sip more milliner.
The (Clube amino,. state what preprtion
of there obligations have been Incurred by
the 1►nemmenn gov.remeent. Kut that is not
an important point for the present purpose ;
for. osier rat it le umd,rwtmel that annexe
non is to take pace, and the pm,nMw and
menu -maltose will hareem to anima their
dells ne the Itonninina with • new to twat
us theta all on the enlarged union. is fact
their ,ww
of the •evatinn prep. -I will
osdoelotedly be oosditineed erne their
dipped le vimarle. imbed from their Mal della Thee we amp
gaiety went ea as 'whittles el 1300,000,000
to our tritium! debt as • uoasysewm of
seise with (herds. The aoyuwtt'si may
be worth the oust, but it would be well for
us to (101.1der the wet before enteru&g with
Woodier militiamen' Into the sausaatioa
scheme. _ _ _
Recently • frieed of TH• !Mittel., •
dweUer u what u known as the " back
township.," simile • suggestion which we
cemaids to be of moment at the present
time, end we t'onelneIMI it to the cerefulcon-
'Mention of the leaders of Reform all
along the line.
Said Ire, what ought to be done at the
present junctura• should be to Lake up Into
pamphlet fora, ntel ein-ulats ea sous *0 pos-
sible the reports of the different examina-
tions now gutne meat Ottawa. The T'tell;
etpueuia would make one tot , the pub-
lic ae.,,uuta e1H11ulittee In..estigatiuus m-
other, and m on. The official reports
without cute sir cam/tete should be publish-
ed, and circulate) broadcast &muerte the
people m thee each could read. study and
inwardly digest for himself. The reports
in the rerwspapen ore colored to sone ex
tent to suit the constituency of tach,
but the otbeiel report. unabridged, would
stand on its own merits. The time for
such • dissemination of useful knowledge is
now, when the subject is engrossing p,blie
attention. awl no during an election cam-
paign when political feeling blinds the eye,
and every man has male up his sued how
he will %lite, reganlbra Of the moral con-
dition* involved. Such .t dutributiou of
ant heti literature would be a great
popular educator, and would prove a greet
inentive to intelligent and honest voting
twat elec•ltoIL Don't you think so!
\Ye must confer that the suggestion of
our friend is heartily endorsed by Tull SM:•
, vi.and we give it this publicity inthe hope
that it will meet the eye of some person or
persona who will be in a position to publish
and distribute the tracts for the people
which have been suggested by him.
1'41/PAR/MON KNVI?11).
-rut: Si..' ti. invites comparison between
It and anv other newspaper in the Huron
Tract, in the platter of nakr•up and con -
\Ye aun t., gi'e the most perfect county
newspaper in the Huron Tract, and pre-
sent weekly more cuwty correspmdence,
more local news, and a letter epitome of
foreign news than any of our 00I
Contrast Tor. 1'u., t1. ths week, or last
week, or any week with ser local coni
penton, and then sent tine IMllar for the
best paper w the section.
When you are getting any article al-
ways get the lest. The beet . the cheap-
est and Tin: "i•.•u. is the hem.
Ih\ M.o.u.l.r.1 nul,tMubleeditor of that
excellent grit journal, THE gohEkh 11 Sm. -
%I.. comes right out like the man he is anti
jumps on the corpse of the late premier in
the most fearless faahion. Knee Magill
cuddy ' Hamilton spectator.
\Ghat a queer gang these 'tory errors
are' A little elute ago. when a 1/.tniuion
election was on, every Reform editor who
objected to Sir .loo\'. methods was a
•• traitor. Now, when Sir .Ion,'-. friends
are endeavoring to cadge money from his
former opipou'nta to erect a statue to he
mwmory,every Reform editor who says point
blank that the fellow' who fattened at the
public crib under Sir Jt v., auspices floated
put up the memorial column is charged
with jumping upon Sir .non. 11 to leo, %LW.,
cold .corpse. If every one who fails to
'• put up. for the memorial t4 to he looked
ups as lumping on the .orpse of the ex -
Premier there will be a good many junipers.
11 ..1 -TT . Tari . hl FitEri., an aforetime
papsnc•ker under Sir .nem. , but now editor
of The Spectator, will be one of them, and
the brainy and brawny Jane KuK"..\ 4' tug.
the nutager of The Spectator, will be
'noise, for nn to date neither of them .
on record ea having ...one down with the
dust intim matter of the e lI elm' c 1 it memor-
emosial font!.
'rHI Toronto Mail cleverly summarises
Sir H►.Tlk l,%,..4' 11.. pstnn in the fol-
lowing sentence
The country can bice little faith in the
Admmietntion so long as It retains as one
of its members • Minister who, unless ras-
cality on his part he admitted. has been
%hewn t., be capable of no more vigour and
vigilance than dee of Mr. John R. Arnoldi's
hronxe clog possibly not as much. tor the
atter appear to have been smart enough to
pass the Customs harrier without detection.'
Ho\. t�) Jou', H..'.'..oT,the l'omtlnaster-
43enerel, and his pet female clerks are now
running the gauntlet of the l'uhIic Ac ouata
Cnmmlttee. I'p to the present Miss ('kal..
hal the "pull," but the other girls have yet
to le Merl from in the evidence.
THE Hamtlnn YpsOt6Mr will continue In
a state of mind about the government
majesty. 1t has now climbed up from
3^ to 19. and keeps climbing after the
fashion that the Irishman kept tavern.
Posit .wr.1T Klock, Ottawa, seems to
hat had • big moral cesspool near it.
Before Mayor !Kotler.
Ment., Aug. 3.
J.. stokes was charge) with ete•lmg
from the till of Wm Sharman the ens of
16. (lief rreetah)e link and robes wit-
neme. gave tertinrmy which was neeosider-
ed autfki.nt to commit the primmer fes
Wknitwit.cl, Aug. 5.
11 ('ae•aday and Harry Turner, we ads
u nder fifteen yeah of see, were charged
with ..pain`` Wilkinson s heathem"end
tokiny th.refrnel • rano. They pleaded
ggumilty and were ordered to pay •11 creta. amid
l'e'gs, amounting to snout 1 0. The
hogs, I1 •pptaw, took the name dent into
the Lake, and the wind getting op they
wen unable to get a lark. ee dear keilg
swamped • couple of times by the heavy
sea they derided to abandon it sad left It
e a sbow•e sear 7.odner's fags The fie(
summing up the ease gavKamsssmid
advice and • .nines weren't, to the two
% see latex
Hamdtoo .'�j.s.� t'1'ory) The eaalwin
atom of Mr Arolaliwlsdaire the carmn.itiea
on public rtowats of the House til Commons
dos nut rad well. Mr. Arwoldi was the
owner of •'teat yacht. phettoally it was
given hos by • man for whom Arnold. got
mule emirates. It was registered a the
mane of a Mr. Allam, with who,n Armeli
heel a gold many private traawaettuos To
all intents and porpoises the Joe was .4
044115 private pleasure yacht Oise of the
duns of the g.ntlemon mooed was to in
'pact government dredge. He said he had
taken the .hoe on los tours of in.pec•teen.
He could riot remember *ay particular
occasion uu which he had taken It. He
could net swear distinctly that he had aay
recollection of dl g s. ; but he sent in
bills to the government for the use of the
yacht 4100 • month and they were p.M1.
He also charged for meals for the crow; and
the Joe was kept in rope at ggouveruu.e.t
charge. Mr. Arn ldi not only acknowledged
all these thing', but he ltd so in a flippant
anti offensive manner. He probably had
made up his mod that his usefulness ae a
public servant was gone, and that °denote
flippancy In •cknowlelgog his snag doing
was akin to the courage of the soldier who
leads a forlorn with a smile Ins bulge.
Rattier it resetuWed the courage of the
criminal who mutants the scaffold with •
profane jest. He sought to excuse his
wron ...mugs by citing the cams of Mr.
Mackenuie's relents. who received money
in an Indirect manner. That butt added to
his uffenae. Neither lir. llackeruie nor any
of his reletivea was under examination. The
question was whether John Roger Artsoldi
had received m101107 to which he was not
entitled : ..nd, hat mg acknowledged the
fact, be might have had the grace to exhibit
mune little 4onlpunction. Hut shame he hail
none. The -!molds have grown too ma.yln
the service at (Ottawa. When they an all
cleared out the sir around the public build-
ings will be purer than it . at present.
• \\ %I41 11..1 I11; -SCA n.
Hamilton Tines : Our titled governor
General, who costa the tax -payers more
than 4100,000 a year for salary and neon -
tenancy, could not leave his minion fishing
to come up to Ottawa to give the "royal'
assent to a batch of Bills that the Houses
had got ready for the final formality, so Sir
\\ ilium Ritchie acted as deputy and g gave the
assent. If the machine .an, rel' m well with
out the governor, why not save his salary `.
Airy other man could read the opening and
closing Beeches prepared by the Govern-
ment as well as Lord Stanley, or if the
speeches were nut real to the members at
all no harm would ensue, since printed
Hopis are placed upon the member' desks.
The I:overttor l:enenl's work would be
dearly paid for at 1100 a year, and the re -
'limning 199,900 would be very useful to the
people t'bom labor earns it.
rye nye 1.,'.1 1:11, Trn(1.
Toronto Telegram . Now It seems that
Deviancy builds henhouses and has his table
served at the country.e expellee. The evi-
dence brought before the public occonlnta
committee yesterday indiates that men are
kept on the public pay roll for the purpose
of doing odd jobs or acting as flunkies to
the family of the Minister of the interior.
The inquiry into the base uses to which
Mr. I)ewdney puts this lotion's servants
was stopped through the action of a par-
tition majority promptedby Hon. (:. E. Fos•
ter. His effewts to shield a colleague were
kindly but mistaken. If after all the warn-
ings and all the chances has had 1►ewdney
does not know enough ae quit h. !Hemmer;
he had better get nut. The sooner
he goes the hitter for the ...maitre
generally, anal the I'omereativ'e party
particularly. Ile does lag superfluous
on the stage at itttawa. It would not have
been a serious crime if he had leer, nus -
taken for Riel by the Regina hangman.
His incompetence did as notch as itxrs
v-ilhany to provoke that outbreak, and
certainly promotion to the Cabinet was s
strange way of pwl.hin'.g his errors.
\ . .TII,•I\1.1. Ter.11
Toronto Mail : It is urged on Itehalf of
the Minter i langevini that resignation of
11s office at the present time would be re-
garded as a confession of guilt with respect
to the charges of corruption brought against
him by Mr. Tarte. This dors not follow,
and, even if it did, Sir Herur has only
himself to blame foo ore p011ion in which
he is placed. Hut his resignation will not
stop the enquiry into the cn
ir pre-
vent vent hon frommaking hie de nce, nor will
it hinder him in any way from establishing
his innocence, if he can do m. Whether he
can or not, however, his usefulness as a
Cabinet Minister is gone. If found guilty
he will he dishonored and disgraced : if
found innocent the proof of his lnc'spacity
will be thereby established. In such •sitna
tion as the the interests of the Cnn,rrv•-
tire party lad of the country demand the
offender's removal. The party ammo* afford
to be let, even nominally, in the Hogue of
Commons by such a leader. The great Ile-
partment of Public Work• should not
remain for a moment longer in such hands.
The member.' of the 4Mvernment should net
longer tolerate such a colleague. The
1:overnor(:eneral should no longer have
such an advixer, and it is surprising that he
has not taken steps to set himself right in
this respect. Incapacity such as Sir Hee
ter !Angevin has, on the showing of his
own friends, diep layed in the diacharite of
the great trust rep.sed in him curves little story. "According to St John." The front
short of a crime. emote. • portrait of this celebrated pinny
authorise& Among the contents of the
number are : "The lineal Town of Coss, -
by Thomas A.-.hwvier : "Placer Mining,'.
by Jnneph F'. Reed : "llioected Emotions,"
by John it. Roberts : "The I)ukenea," by
1'. S. Pelham -(Tinton : "The Court .festers
of England," by Father Singleton : "Thr
Woman'' Piers flub el New York," by
Fannie A. Mathews : "The Johns Hopkins
I'nirenity•" by D. (' I adman ; " PietoruI
.1oumat ism , by V&lerian Gnlayednff
"The Rorwance of an Hour,- by .Inhn ilow
lea ; 'ilambling in High Life," by -Wain
Hadeau : "Prince Riamarck," by Murat
Halstead. Poems are contributed by K.tgar
Fawcett, Marion M. 11111er, Isabel guidon,
.1.1'.('heney and W. It Allen. The editorial
departments are, as nasal, iwtght and inter
Wink .l w'sens Gond thine, in A.,gust
1\ ids Awake: the t hree po'ma Lhe h&11ai by
Harriet Preenvtt Spofford, "l'op''s Mother at
Twwkenham,' the "Rain Song,' by Rh
rd, and "The Rergar Ree, by
Rickunl Horten ; the three at.rnes Peg s
Little ('hair," he /earth Orn' Jewett, "'line
Bridle's Hnoquet.- by I:race W Soper, ant!
"The Silent Lie" by Francis K. Leupp ; the
three artirke "How the ('nssack■ Flay
hy Madame de Meiwemer, " An 11dd
Set,. hy Eleanor Lewis, and "lir. Brew..
Payfelko r," be .1. [mirk • Rheas ; the
M Patty Letter, byre. William
('anis ; "An I nanim-me Ophidee," Iry Helms
Sweet ; the three serials by Marj r.t aid
may, Khaab'th Caminito and Marmite Am-
brnsi, and the lour uses of ori`iwal ease -
dotal in " Men earl The.g N nos Await,
u Ila HO s year. D. l.ethrep (iemmeg.
Twit Roe CaxAntao Mauawtoa--tjeaa•
dills literary weetilies have horn short
lived ; bet .Canada, the tri ons dollar rima
ilia., Ma evidently come to stay. since it
was Marled ia .1 d u nary, it has hems 1nl
and improved with almost every i.eue.
keg broadly national awl thoroughly paritit-
le, It draws its sultscrtbers from all titer the
Dominate. Ita articles are short and bright
and all by Csliadtarl writers os 011 l'nuadian
To those Ito remit one dollar be-
Sept.pt. 1st, the publisher will send ean
ala for eighteen months from July, 1191,
to hoc . 1892. Address. "1'eaa a, " Hen
tarn, New Rrou.wick.
l)o'.,areie Faun VA.,vn\r. \Gr
ase always glad to ehronl,k a Me/
idea, especially when it is pesees'ad ..f sob
great merit as that which is wow prewett0bil
to us in the August uumber of Demurest.*
Family Magatlee. ob I, has just armed.
One of the keeling articles is a gam's of
baseball all played out on paper by means
of finely executed illustrations with ex
plied descriptions of each mote. '1'h.,ee who
Irve •ttemptecl to explain the seine of
baseball to • sister, wife, .w wife-to-ire,ktew
what an almost hopeless task it was. Now
here is tlpe whole thing done fir you, and so
cleverly and clearly that after reading it a
woman will be as annotta as asy one of the
other sex to ase • match• and she will never
again say, " Well ! what is there in ha*.
bap., anyhow The article will sate you
hours of explenatlan, and shows the enter-
prise of this progressive Magazin., which
strives togt evs the public just what they
want. Thu August
is rtaml
very attracli.e. "A Happy day a Cairo,
with Its beautiful illustrations. gives a
■plenald ids of bogie lie in Egypt ; ' Sum
users Rird is our of Olive Thorne Miller's
charnuug papers : •• The Lour as lawn
Crooketta " describes the new pastime that
is almost es fascinating as Bennis : all the
numerous lepart4.ents are overflowing
w'lh good) and ssasw.0We things : and 1n
edditiai there are over two hundred lane
illustrations, including a beautiful water-
atero.ler of •• Swallows It is published by
W. Jennings Demonist. at 15 F:ast 14th et.,
New York. Price 20 vena : or $2 per year.
.lay of our local new•mle•lers will be glad to
pupp1Y 11-
' H.vstr►a'. M t.. v.1,►: for August opeus with
a remarkably interesting paper on " New
%e&and," by Professor (:surge 11. I:rant,
describing the wonderful scenery and unsur-
passed resorces of that remote country
which to, .Americans is almost a terra 'wog
nits. J. H. Ronny. one of the most twilit
ant of the new French vent. es, contributes to
the same cumber of the Magazine a timely
and striking article an the •• Nihilists in
Paris," wit., portraits wad graphic iliustn
tions by drtinguiahxd Parisian artists.
Montgomery Schuyler, in the opening pa
per of a serfs of •' Glimpe. of Western
Architecture, ` describes some of the monu-
mental buildtnga of Chicago and the pecu
liar features of their eonstruction. The um
our arid attractive series of papers on ' :Some
Americans Riders," icy it cannel T..\. !lodge,
Illustrated from paintings by Remington. 1•
iwought to a conclusion in this number.
Professor W. 1.. Rlaikte. of Edinburgh,
contributes some entirely new and tntereet-
tnngg matter about " Lor. Ryrrw's Early
School lays " I)r. Andrew Wilson, F. R.
S. F:., m a popular and entertaining manner,
discuses the troublesome biological ques-
n -
tidn, " What to Inheritance awl expws
aerate peculiar facts connected with the
preservation and variation of ancestral
traits. John \\'. Clampitt gives • stirring
account of the work a.f "'rhe Vigilantes in
t'alikwnia, Idaho, and \lantana." The
fiction of the number inductee the continua
tion of \\-. I1. Howells'. story, " .1n Im
person- laity.- and of george.lu Manner's
.. Peter Ihbetson ,the letter being fully
illustrated from characteristic drawings hy
Mr. du Maureen: • short sketch entitled
'• Luck,'. by Mark Twain : anal " Zan Zoo,"
a strangely interesting *tory of South
Africa, by l.o'.rge Heath.
Settle%Epee M v.. \/1•r. for August is a
Fiction Sunder,- and contains five cos
pieta short stones by Thenar Nelsen Page.
T. R. Sullivan. .1. A. Hayes, Annie Eliot,
and John .1. a liec•ket. Four of the stories
are illustrated, each by an artist chosen for
his skill in delineating the special chaac-
ter•s and incidents which are the features of
the tale. .\Inert Lynch, the famous French
illustrator, W. L. Metcalf, I'harks Brough
ton, and \Y. LTaylor, are the artists whose
work adorns their stories. pr..1wcti'wngg a
variety and delicacy of illustration seldoer
seen in a single issue of a magazine. The
number aim '101tains a long opening instal-
ment of the new sepal, •' The Wrecker: -
by Robert Lou. Stevenson and Lloyd Os -
bourne. In '.lion to the abundant rind
entertaining fiction, this number .omtaius
another artick in the l:r'eat .t reel serve
" Piccadilly." by Andrew tang, with many
charaetenstic illustrations ht• W. Douglas
\land. a very cap►hle English erten.
There 1t also a final article hy Professor
John H. %Vigne-ire, on '• Parliamentary
Days in Japan, with a view of the parlia-
ment luihlings nrcrntly) burned, aal •
modern .lapsnre politi.al carioatore.
Poems by .lrchllal.d lampnruni, Mrs. James
T. Fields, Louise Chandler Moulton, anti
Archibald 1 Conlon, with the " Point of
View," complete a 4herming midsummer
"Fiction Number..'
H► ,.'wn.sitles.4 1'011 .At,.t 'T. 'rhe
leading plans in the latest number of Th.
I'onnopolitaa . occupied by Amalie Rives'
[10.40 ut'e 1/11e\ ,ok 1114PO tnitST. j
Miss McMillan is visiting at Neil Mur-
Mr.. !lean and her son Herbert are visit-
ing at Mr. Rohertsnu's.
Ronald Clark and Richert' Martin left
last weeks fur Manitoba.
Mise. hate Munlorh, of Locknnw, spent •
week •tailing friends here.
Philip Tennyson and hie sol lllert have
returned from the Tend of "('nele Sam.
Mr. ono Mrs. Wm. Mnrehie n,of Torment,
paid our neighborhood • flying visit last
Mies IMKemia Murdoch, who has been
with friends in the vicinity of r..n.nt0, .
Peter McKenzie, who has Leen working
at Red Jacket, Michilran• for the put year,
has arrived horse.
Miss Flora Heaton and Mies Belle Reid
have returned to Detroit after spending a
few weeks with parents and frtenda.
1'.41 n Weal -eve. (kir esteemed milkman
was sewn Monday morning with mets an.
t'pnn Ming asked why he was wearing mats
on the 3rd of Angust he replica' that there
was half an Inch of hear freer oa the .ate nod
the fends were literoiy nested with white
feat ('cid, imbed,terse
1., thason.
Marone! one! Hann, twee estate operator at
Allston, Mass , hen assignee. 141 his father,
Louis Hann His liabilities are 1h00.000,
amid gross aaseta /1.300,000.
Captain James QofT0, srM.P., of est
Catharines, father d Mr. .lances R Norris.
of Herrin k (*n.there, Montreal and Ter-
ilitn, Idled ea flttnitiap aeenimg.
Amity Whedar, aged 110, want I•
M Lyme Valley, star %Nese, as
dMue . and was (tweed.
fawn the Wool r.ea0astlles bases. ars A
(Vault 04 0 ntalt•I.Aa 1x. w,,t►s
Wesulauyua, L.C., August d wig
beardor Gorman hos gens to
lout hie Preeidewti l hoses is hlliag�'
carefully tenoned by his friends, •ad tar
present prtgraw* is to push Inns to do, fns.
as • ooreprwests between Hill and t Te,yiant
who ere both, accordtnq to the t; ,
Bruns, already out of the rocs. The 0,
gesso as stated here . to straddle et
ea.mpt the tartff,a.d eves on that taws t►.,,
are many people who remember the tin„
when (Cremes w•a clamed .. a '• ��
t0C140n1n1 " l le n resat, but since the •l.;
of ex -Speaker Keu.all there scent to be
recognized .' protection " hsemerata,
though durusg the lest session of Cuter,
Itepresentetive Meer, of New l.,rk. s„
arterial times ...bagged with voting with n„
Republican colleagues Ins the House nen,
mutt". .W way* anti IMAMS ula,n Inc,/
Tl11..e sib er I.eopk are to II referrtd w
Mr. t:ornan' herculean efforts to pug Ile
free ..outage Mill in the senate lam %V,,,1,,.
anei the grill silver people to the m•aterh
manner ,n which he nulupulate,l thta6,
at the :rent Maryland 'keno -rate. c„s
velltladl Me as to pre•eat the plating of a
free ether plank ui its platform. In shoe,
too borrow the expreanve ph»wolugy ,i
to iebe iwa .k*t1ikon'
a. n1retioTb
t'• Jr
principle. There has Leen some quiet t...
aenawg the visitors to the Farmer s .\Ilan .
headgwrt.nhere about the part \I
Ind ort atook In keeping the free .
plank out of the Maryland pletf.ww. ,i..
unless they are mistaken eons swkee
questions are to lee asked when the arras,.,
is smile to start the bout a -booming w
South, where the sentiment for free
10 tuactically unapt/notes.
f all the reeignanons from the 1 else,
billed by the special •..rrratwp4Iden4 ,.,
Washingt.in during the last four days bel
really been handed in, Mr. Harr•t.un wield
find it difficult to get a quorum of his 1 ale.
net. .lmong the gentlmmen retired tree,
pub'', life without their oxwseut are 14.1)41
011.0 Noble and Tracy, Post/neater lease
Wonamaker and .Actor r-: general lWkr.
Ileum's direct from all the gentlemen ousel
except Seereter) \obk, whoa cwt of ro '
of the telegraph. were obtained, and In his
case the denial of his ateiatant secretary ail
of private secretary Halford, but the1xrlg•.
twos are still an : the *hie uorresa..
who are trying to earn their s&larise maul
than that they know more about it thea
the catenate themselves ,k., and one of titre
goes esu far as to state that no natter why
anyone may my to the contrary he he
41.0111'.'. knowledge that Secretary Noble.
resignat ion has been in 11r. Harriaoirs hands
for four months.
'Ube reetpr ocity record may fairly 44. sari
to have been broken whet official proclaim
tions of two treaties, that with Spun ter
Cuba end Porto Rico end thee with Was
Ik nuutgo,are .suet) within forty-eight horn
of each other, and it is hinted in ?tate .1.
part went circles that there are more to come
before long. September 1 is the date t1e
two mentioned will go inta.effect.
There le one au,usng feature of the an
mistakable Kleine boon, which the meetryg
of the Republican national executive comms:
tee herr last week precipitated on the orae
try. It ie known to Omer familiar with tie
undercurrents of politics that the men wt.
tirstitart„ d the (((sine hall to rolling did s•'
do of bemuse they wiithed 1.. see that gent:•
roan nom ted, but because they 'Merge
they sawil%it en opportunity to ud.traek
wreck the Harreon train for '92, and n.e
they are considerably cbagrtned to thaw
that the nutter has been taken out of the.:
hands, and that whit they have for the tin,
being blocked the Harriett' train they ha' e
aroused a sentiment in the great mus of tha
pelt y that islon.Uy demanding the mementoes
of Raine. .'hangew w pelitie*l feeling are i.,
nnany and .o sudden 1n this country that
would le, a reekle s man who would •40.09'
at this time to say it her woald bre nen.imste•L
but ever) truthful chronicler Is compeller!
to record the present Illamrlah aspect •
things Republican.
If the I:..\. R. Is not novel to .-mor
Waahingto n fur its 1892 encampment by t,^•
mammoth solid silver u.vitat11n in a seer
lined Russian leo they box, the key of who n
. of mild gold, which the citizens .inn r
tee haa taken to I)etrolt then lots of people
hereabouts will he very nisch dissp.pre
Secretary Faster is the only ('a4met ce•
cer in town today and he expecte to k*,.
for Ohio tomorrow ter next day. Mm
whisk the west• to are payw►agg at bong
haulm of the he, department', and, betting.
us, erne of them are exhibiting hoods that
are nearly aa big aa their dta
It is stated here that t he t reedy daps
ment has leen asked to investigate charges
of under valuation of imports against tit
collector of customs at F:1 Paso, Texas. bet
sir con8rtruton .an be had at the dept
[ritow urn WW1 , mkRQiroSDrr1T.I
John Coulter, *r., was in lliut°. rs
itain.rs kit week.
James and Miss .Annie Henry spent ,sir
day with friendis on the ninth.
Miss Linie Rowland Sunayad with \1 •
Wm. startehonwe, of H.lgrave.
Mime. Mary ac.l Amanda 1 11301ar e
visiting friends en the math kit week.
NI. H. Harrison, accompanied b)
Stier Arco, repent Sunday with friends
tjnit. • number from here took 1s tt`
circus is \Gingham on Friday last mid t d '•
porta bog tine.
A. great many from here intaad tektite
the c eh ip top}t S•rnfa ow Thursday sad
gnderirh on Tosday
to meta*:
1). S. Scott . very frond of ssreesdiw( lM
road in frost of the brick knees en IM
fourth, lett Snnd•y night he got the iesl
Mimes Annie and Bela Scott paid • fey
trig visit to friends in Morris kat week sod
the little -fair fellow gave them • drive ewe
with h. Ay hose, but it made very paw
time that erasing.
The other day as I:orclon Wightmas. ter
Bre year old wen of Jaime* \Gi rasa. ear
string in the barn he missed his halm'
•end fell thirnu
gh • trap door to tow Aly'
Amor, w diwlant. d twelve feet H. teerit+d
mope had bruises, het otherw.e nus 'r
mach the worse for h. fall.
The good people orf the sixth have sin
been thrown into greet eietteesw/ over er
appearance of • Took. This time dim
made its residence, In the sttdiwd the in
linea pher. Those w bane live
it caannt tel wheths it . the wan• ens dM
1 uent.d t he viigfty el fir Wawaseeb.elft
ins the sprang, hes in hope_ tin photer'+-
will get a sheet �e6 ell j M tem
Nath.. H a seas . �r
•t H4.•r,I.nville, " a bibs
_ . • J
end fraetard arm him arfa Isis
.aetafning ether arise
gja►ITAL (PAM RP) ill M
A Grpita 1. BAMInNO 8UMN1I
Dears, Issiaa PAYA*LE
0EPOSITI lye 5I.00 awn UP
a1t0wao. ,MT0R T Amoco
wovasesew Iso (wart VICAR.
spleelel Atteettee sit
sad Farmers' isles Notes
"11.1I) .1S HAT'I'I
II the dry goais met
to011 claim that Johnator
t Ixf,Ir.1 shoes spoil the wale
in.`. Why, Hays one
Carey ., shoes neverslip on
uu.l one pair of stockings
louses, as three pair:'` worn
.11..•.. Try a pair an.l
\1'.• carry the largest
L..ut. and shoes in the co
We give the ',Argent lila
•\\'e snake the finest IZ
;,rents' shoes to order.
W.. make hall slipper,
,.i t.i,tume goods, silk, et
11•,• r•pair goods }long
or • Iwrwhere.
We sew all rips free O
Heit.I.Iuartertt for boon
trunk. and \anise•,,
)quare, Godericl
Harr) 1'1..1as was in town om
1. . art has returned to his h
It K.' &Ilnck visited Helmest
t .lordale left on llnoay for
• d.
51 ow Halley es vetting rel&
\1n. Harry 1). ,Arnold left to
1 tr.'1to.
In•.. K. \Ado's, of Balt, wa
:ht. week.
.1.. Clark arnved in town fr
n Fridge.
.law. Chalmers, tit Stn•ithroy,
the 'east week.
Moe Erume Holmes, of 1.111.
•,.min thus week.
garroter Nickerson, of Wim
bane on Monday.
\ire RealiweU spirit a few d
',rid the pat week.
FCL 'Canoe has returned fru
the 4...orgies Fay.
Ise. Mcliernott returned 1
'Gwent.. last week.
ills Mollie t'hritian has he
. l:nt.n and Kincardine.
\ 1'. ant Mrs. McLean hi
from a week's visit ter Lucian.
.1 no. Wynn returned last o -
t i q, 144 t "sick Sam's dominion.
Miss Madge Ibherty, of
.:.sting in town the past week
.1. M. Roberta, of lh 1.40tin
-o:mty torn a visit kart Yenta'
Fulton Holmes, of the Hank
Pans, spent Snndsy to goderi
\Int..1. (:ibloins and eon. Hs
don, are the guests of Mr. Kon
Mies Emma Campbell left e
414st Mamie -ea m the city of 111
Mi.. Mary Elwvsoal has ret.
'sit to I liken and other pas
Our old townsman, Jno. F
Tornnto, arrived in tows on ti
\Ire..Ionden and children r
the hack Hoke encampment es
\let Maeuroet and children
'a the somata of Miss Davis,
14 brace, of Stretford, epee
he old home. Mrs. Brett
Mr. and Mn. McKendrick,
„inlay at the family rem
lin. Hayhurst and children
are 'i.iting the lady's mel
Mr*. Heaton and daughter
ore the guests of Mrs. Rohs
,t reel.
Mrs. Robertaon, Mrs. La
b•egmillerare :t the family ram
lee, street.
\Ir. and Mrs.
.lilting their
,at u slay.
Mrs. Me'nrdy of Tea
101411 the pant week was the
.las. Yates.
Herbert Rew1. of London,
the residence of hie granell
Reel, Wolfe -at.
.less. Meeks was in town 1
mg his hrotb.r, K r. Jam.
Oahe! mnaician.
Nine Yi,elair has rearmed
after a few weeks' visit to
Reek Hole aeoa.pine sit
1' C. Reest barrister. n1 T
bans this week. C. C was
.. k71Et6aiela min the Marna.
Vets Yiirtle (1w.ke kis te
ea • two weeks' visit to the
J+nte1 at (; heel, Okra
Jan. Reid
sou in