HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-8-7, Page 1Do YOU Wien
,o ..rT Tar.
Taa rat a.. TaAtT!
11 r,, toter
ose WILIA t • 1 t•s
la AfH'Alltn.
THE OFFIOI &I 14111rWaur.A.m poo HURON BOUNTY_
TOL. XLIII. No. 23to,
few Jus b
IMM tIr ti.i. W. T. Welsh. •
Pose CIO Onene _ kWlaw .l. •
g. welter• a
foto Ohms Johnston Coley .. •
�jab ter Taxes -Wm. Holes ... . 3
e„.dies Wasted Jo.aes Mltebsll .. •
' carted The 'leery hill PdlltNtt •
It is the cheapest and beet
way) of getting the ear of the
1 public.
( Otit 11tIIT • WOES.
W. l'. uealle 1 !
ed, when the latter taught n..n ob.trwc- BUDGET FROM BRUSSELS.' first �' mJhmr waning "'t'"t being the 17`4-1* IN DUNG £1 WON
• tion amsol teaks the r fortunately he
mettle laleo-W ops
• --
.ice .
urmu•g t in-
1t is stated that Messrs. Edgar and Mui
grove have secured the ural contract be-
tween !kneels and seaforth and Brussels
awl 1,orrie fur the next five years. The
ppaabhc appeared to lie of the opinion that T.
Thompson Wal[tLr most likely applic,.nt, as
he had the Hutt anti was giving general
satiefaetiou. The new contract commences
m Neven,ber, we understand.
retained his hold un the roro{�r above,
ei to secure a froth olrl without
Agg•NAM lis tclriem os. on the lata July.
.e elk u: Itob. Abraham. of a sou.
Ab. a( _Mtn fAgar, of • daughter. . the
g.tjflht In Morris. on the 116th July. tlr
sok er \I. Masters. of • doughtier.
INNigit` I,. .(•wood. o' • ulyy.Tlet, lbs will
of Re, 1•. 1:,yfr
C.tgptgl.L 1n Rr0wls o5 July VOL the
• til Anglo. l'an.pbell, of •es...
of. IOW AN - In Bruwl•. o. Jet, Ttth. the
ailed G. A. Uredos.. of • daughter.
flail In Mier. N • thesonf3th July. the wife
as AMIt•_le hone. as the rah July, the wlteof
Ito. Ate. at • dionrtkter.
Nlw�at John li •nasuaof • sea. the nth Jul) the
H1 %1tJ(-1 AebtlekI. mit coo.. on 2let
JW. the wife of James Hunter. of •
HUSTONditehof It oi. H17th
ea.unoi • daughter..y,
HARVEY HUTCH! \MON 117 tyre Itev.11.k.
wage. H. A. rector of rt. Gomm* cbareb.
flop West. Harvey de Mout.ntresei
Marco. anA(a+'k. VV11'exturrt. tor
it- rs u..ep'
tyn hr.rp}ilec. ricrac daughter of 11r. T.
11 -frisson d Loudon. (lea.
WOO HAItIIING--In Brussels. ■r tbare•b
,rise a the groom Willman fer. Edward J l HM* t.
.t het. It. taut.
Kruse•:IL to Mos Annie Harding. of
Lurie. in tt.ecouot% of Middlesex.
:!Iil'HItLL 1'llr)WteTIUN - IM Tuesday
.wing. July lob. at Kelvin Grove Yum.
Lanes:de. by the tier. Mr. ('mule. of
411:"• orate. Muoreto■•e Mlle -hen to
lis.,. e!dr•r daughter of James crewmen,
S d
Martli "at l of Nt:obt. Anaheim, iu. on raged outer
, 1ITH At the re.ideace of Peter Fouler.
Morn. us July •"eh. t'atitarlae T.. ,elk:
of Ile Late Jots. Smith, aired d years_
LITTLE Is it Ingham. 00 the Twit Jnly•
kohl. i.ittie. aged tee years.
6.(RUNtk--G Wiseman. on July 1.t1.. Amy
fir ed wife of N'm. Gardner. aged !!
.airs ar,.t • months.
ES:OWN It. Mullett. on July Tkh. J&•urs
F lir wr. aged y ears. 3 months aid Le day a.
tt I:11:87 1a Hrasw io. on July •lltb. Amy
lt.ss..enatt daughter of John wad Louisa
Wrs51d. Stied i months.
H' TI'H10UN In Il.kuta. as TAonday. July
1'd. Mary Iohenuibam. wife of U. FL
Hsi.hwee. weed a•) ears and a months.
BILL- la Terkrrsmub. on steturd■y. July
NIt. Lillian hoar. Infant den 111, t. of Wm.
sad linty eel., aged 3 m0etbsseed t dole.
I0.nw ,.te owe ermal rasMyiDa!R.,3
ulg. Too., and wife were an tion last
Mrs. •hrptt•rd is visiting her son. II.
Mw ince' King mus returned from a %last
1.. Winl;han..
Haney Darr and Mos Annie Struthers.
s! filum**, were in town this week.
11t. Titibiion. wife and family, of I kilt,
seethe gnssls-.l Rev. Mr. Tliibioksu.
Mrartoha bison. Miss Rose Earn surd
11 .. Hester. of London. n. are holidayiag
Mitet.1. Wier!) returned to St. Thome&
tins week. after .penaln.g a pleasant vasa
ton here.
Mrs. Joint Ilsley and family arel Miss
lost. of- .ewfortb, have arrivod to take the
bent of Lake Heron's breeze+ •
A Weekly loin's. K I misty %res • ser. ed up
I. MN Livelihood; rich aim reset 4 lip-
ped.ad I .ade..ed seem Eery memos I
The 4 ream .r the I..en New. 1. tore.
trona e.t.a £Ct'1*A\oL.1
Tyndall Kev., I butets. Irate rented 900
aces twinging t.. 11 Shalahau, 'Lid con. of
\W. l'urrle,\lorrs,has left for lru'.%ppelle,
IV ut :tabula fur \lo o. own and W. Oakley
fur Iteloranw•.
H Hall and .luarph KiI., lMndv.le,ro
lett for Dakota last week, goat by legit
(non C.otknch.
Mc•I.inty Ito Leen located Lt last. His
tame appear+ on the voters list of the
tow whip .•f Ashfield.
Jos. Clerk, of Clinton. Inas le hi out
the Interest of Mr. Ingrain m the moss
of lugran: & ( lark. Seaforth.
S. \Wcoalrnan. i onde.burough, w... the
first in that section to cut Spring grain, he
having cut .aur .mats o, Monday, July 27.
Fred F'ollaud. 1 Iint.,n. sustained • severe
wrench .1 the ankle the other .lay, by step
ping •m1 a stone that rolled beneath his
.1 4•1111 \Wtlkiawa. Kru.sels, las o-
ntovel to /.rapid Rapid., Mich.. where her
husband ha. had a situation for seteral
U. N. \teItotald. salesman tor the lid
more Cheese and Butter I muttony, has edit
the cheese niauuf.0 turgid 111 May aid .lune
at 8;et.
Fred Ayer", Holmes%dk, returned from
the ('entral lftuutaeee 1'ullegr last week.
halloo( p55.•4l 511 his etanutatioms very.
.1. K. Paid, manager of the seafonh
Bax null started a gang .1 mea aril boys
pulling flax net week. He reports tl,t crop
lis I. excellent.
(.ro F. EInersoa, 1 linin, ha, taken the
agent} for thin• 4.orien, h Urge. Co. for
theterrui ry east ..1 Tur.uto, and has lett
tker•ef'e. he to All energetic rrpreeen to
The majority of the fanners arum
.lsi.on.' chum that this is the (test
reaped an.■nd there for 12 years.
vast ,hNetetate m the at -counts of
A 6011 of 4.er,. swallow, Clinton.
ft kicked in the fair by a burse :
y. lac got oil w ithout serious injury, sup
p,se.11y Inc to the fact that he was close to
1hv anunal.
Report says that through the death of her
father. Mr. Roger.. of Toronto. Mrs. D.
Mc.regor. jr.. of Mullett. tomes into
p.es len d a very comfortable legacy that
s repre+ruted M hat figures.
The Rrunar4 totem' list for 1891 is In
the clerks hands. There are 257 voters a
part 1.: lll,n part ll.: and 32 In part I11.
99 persons are .luallfievl to serve as jurors,
No more highly esteemed per1o1 prided
its this county than ,sanies Brown, of
the Hurts Road. Hullrtt just .wt+ide of
Clinton, au.l the announcement of his death
us Wednesday evening, .duly 29th, was a
painful surprise. He bed apparently
been in hs usual health during the day,
having intro at his ordinary work, but in the
evening complained of being weak, and re-
tired early. He had not been in hat long
when the other members of the household
kea(°.i hint grout, and went to :nee him. bit
before any relief cottll he given be passed
away. Ht was a roan of hoe physique, and
for his yeti"-, 77, wonderfully active, having
hitt good health ural taken carr of hinseif
all les life. He was born not the north of
Ireland. and. after rescuing for • few yeas
in the Stats, took up his rentlencr on the
mut o1 which he .lied. in the year 1853. He
was a man of sterling integrity and houo r.
and enjoyed the highest esteem and con-
fidence of all. He was a member of
the Society of Brethren. Hiswife, two
daughters and four .ems survive hint. The
funeral took place at 230 r. a. ou Satur-
What might have been a serious accident
LIVE NOTES FROM ALIVE TOW • I J y Fadden were driving home
Janmestown. �.
" incurred Pooley night lest Lorne Hunter
[ Moll otk n%t. commits.'rI DENT.]
Mos Helen IJizuu. of Brumfield. was the
guest of her Collate. Miss Edith Horton. this
H..A.aud Hillary Horton were the gusts
of their costo. A. and J. R. Rapson. of
Kunburn. for several days this week.
A deep blank for a time in canoed here ly
the departure of our young and papular
fellow -townsman. Robert Foley. for • trip
of several months to the Northwest. A
large circle of friends here wish Robert a
st journey and a en) time during his
d Lon
With regret we chronicle the departure
of C. Stewart from oar nutlet last week to
iarvist reside tor a time in (:slashing, Dakota.This
'`,1v.eat Ledge No. 213, 1. 11. l.. T., loses use of its
ihr lart beet workers,rnda large circle of friends will
greatly anis him in their social gatherings
recently ea he was ixpular with all he met. He
singular- went by bort to Duluth and thence by rail
to ht. olesunation.
A. 4411. Farr. Matthew Bytes, •t use
tMO. a resident here on Butternut Row. and
ri,rl .,rat of our ann,t nial
during that pe ge
friends and UDC of the favorites among the
fair ones. was the guest of John 1'4k last
week. Matthew hag gnome over from the
single ranks and is now one of the up-
holders of matrimonial bliss 111 the town-
ship of Stanley, where hr now resides.
and no.c
from N unghaiu. coating by
permutes'tier. of permutes' Ilsan
ie5*M are all rheum- • \rriing .t Janmestown two the night betas
Pled herr Our wary carr rapead, et lluite dark) they turned the corner to conte
tea, 0*.eye.epes all the timer Asim, et over the bridge : aft of timber hid the 1
h4 ►Irk•Up+ Os asd seemed. bridge from view. [bey were coming at •
fait pace, when to their horror they found
the bridge had beets torn dow-ti. leaving
( room ut'x ow% CORMIZIPONDLNT. 1 ' nothing but • few planks. They stopped
August l lth will be our civic holiday. 1 the horse just a• he had one foot .town.
"o;reet, plea " excursiuss an the rage They sprang out, and with greet difficulty
succeeded an the hoer. They
afterwards found. The bridge should
have been guarded by a light or railing
Such neglect should not occur again while
the bridge is undergoing retain.
[rums ore ON c .oRRE.4N"oANT. 1
Arthur Mason. of Krucefiekf, \ with his
sister Ruby. were the gavots of their runt:
Mrs. Allen, this week.
Miss 1'. Vermont, of Sheppardton,enjoyed
a pleasant visit of several .days here this
week, the guest of her rnu•ut. `laud mud.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson. Porn ••f
I:oderich, mut now of Bay City, Mich., ere
the guest• of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Law'
Lorneside Fain, this week
Cowl i1 meeting wee held last Monday
Rove, are you un the voters' list ` 1f not,
get at.
WWm. Snaith is slightly under the weather
this week.
Adan Reid speaks of taking • western
trip soon.
The Brussels ilex mill will sour co'souaence
P. Malloy lass gone to Detroit t, take in
the celebration.
Mishit Annetr ng has gone to IwHsl, 0u
a visit to his brother. •
The editor of The Atwood Kee spent a
day in town last week.
1:. A. Deadman took a trip to Lutow•el
Tuesday on has new bicycle.
Ferguson k Halliday have use of the
prettiest gilt signs In town.
Miss Ternie Hunter and Miss Annie Row
are visiting in Detroit, Mich.
Rev. David I'errie and wife, of ('hesley,
are spending • few holidays here.
A large number wok advantage of the
cheap excursion out West Tuesday.
A large number of our townsfolk took in
Robinson's circus at \\'Ingham Friday.
Mrs. W. F. Stewart and Willie were
visiting friends at Woodstock last week.
A esrload of cattle was shipped from here
Tuesday last by drover Scott, of Listowel.
Noble (.erry has purchased the house late
ly vacated by W. F. Stewart. He is in a
nice loon ion.
Mr. Scoltield is away M Toronto enjoyiug
holidays. Mr. tiny, of Hartiaton. is ruliev
dog hint here.
, Polly " Ballantyne is a Toronto. He
went down to become a member of the
typographical union.
W. F: Stewart and family hate left for
Durham.. where Mr. Stewart is going into
the milling business.
One of our young misses w•5ti recently
noticed with a cigar in he mouth. I.irk
will sometimes he boys.
Moses McFadden, wlicitor,larrister, etc.,
of Sault Ste. Marie,is visiting among friends
and relatives this week.
The infant daughter of ,100. anal Louis
The nasus. .1 45 *lies appestat on the 1 • [clods or • DENT. ]
list. ('rope are looking very well in and about
Witt. Memo- ho hate served his apprentice- Ripley.
ship wrth I C. Kichanls, liras.els. as • .Alga tine requiring a 14001 slave try Ibon.
harness and collar maker. left out Tuesday mei l)I
.d last week for W. I'atharines,wherr he has A uumboer of our townspeople took in the
atirpte.l a animationwith \1'. H 4;04,444..0fcircus at \Vingham last week.
that city.
Our town was very busy Saturday on
Geo. Newton Ifwileals,ro,grew In his gar
ACMnnt of the rain in the inorning.
.len a stalk of S. s. corn which measured 8 V \lahe.nn was cern driving towards
feet 9 smiles high, and Si inches Annan.) the g
.talk st the bent. It being les than two Kincardine on the 2nd. inst. to 'sleet the
month. from the • •-ne the bead was sown till app& of his eye.
n,e.anrel. The A. 11. F. will parade to the \methodist
The many friends of Mise M. .1 Campbell, church on the 13th ins.., where Rev. J.
Cook will preach their annual sermon.
Mr. tad Mrs. A. P. McLean ami son, of of ttrussela• fanned"' of the N n harnm
t..den,h. who have been taking r rat toren plot will he i to
doting trip. teniamed in Barfield a few th51 she. eking with her nabsy and sister,
rials the week has fallen heir to some 123,000 by the sheath
\..Mel.een and C. Munro, d .,omleexh, of an un• k•.
Ifni :4salav here. Also M. \•. ashen, It Donovan. Ssforth, left recently for
flu Dr. smith, `eaforth. and Allen Mc- Springville. t'tah,wtih fifteen pure 'deeded,
Leek Nes York. �igreed.%'lydealale brood mares, weighing sides off the top, or people will be saying
1. 0. stringer, rho has been in B en'ie "''nn 1500 to 1900 pounds each. They were you aro tomo bashful.
ell Kieantrhne a short miens, returned last tics finest Mt ol tears that ever left that One of our young hop, got l on maahe on ole
town Inc the \Wet. of the Kincardine boys at Lucknow.the
13th of July. The same young lady visited
the town by the lake and frond out to her
surprise her mash was • married man. "Ah.
there, curly, keep your hat aft"
F. Shannon, chief of police. hal oar of
our J. P'.& up on a charge of gambling on
the 1■t inst. Enlarged for another week.
We notice a younv lad of the 6th conn.
driving one of our fair ones around very
often. \We would advise Matto to take the
salt, arrompsoied by hie sister, Min
'Ittftgo. -f Kincardine.
Rev. Mr Penton, of Stratford, and Rev•
Mr. Henderson, of hayfield, exob•ttg+d
pipits on •under)• Mr. Remletsoo n re
tris antsy for a few week: holidays.
Mho \Wymtua Mrwwhowtse has returned
hem an t•it)Oyalde visit at Hay City, Magi
mew ash l'enensning, amenpaaied by Mrs.
9.11. ,ddwell and son and Mrs. McKay
lad hnrny, of Itay I'ity.
Chas. Red, of the Hayfield road. Stanley,
Muted Wednesday last week on a trip tothe
Northern,. He intends remaining for some
time examining the country awl if it pleases
him he will probably in the near future
make it his permanent home
The 1.illion property in Tnruberry was
offered for sale at the (jteen's hotel, Wing.
ham. on Saturday. July 26, when Jolts
Marshall purchased parcel No. 2 (100 acres)
fee the sum of 02.400. Parcel No. 1 (100
Sat fair grounds have been lately much risers) was afterwards 5014 to Henry Mar-
Inpmtri by the addition of three Isere, of 4„,„for the sum of $3.800.
and The society porpoise makin a fine At mail time on Monday ereniag.July 27
racetrack. which rill P rove a graatttw.'
Mrs. Maturer. Hayfield went down street
hart for our annual fall show.
heaving her fowryear old child alone .n the
)"""a 01505 are ha' in`5 very home. 1M her return she found part of the
PI•wnt time .,..,[ping here : \\' 1 .lack
hour in Kamm and the little boy also. 1t
>•s, itkiard Wnrthingios, Tudor Jackson, was ealy
1 her timely return which saved the
Aliodarke n, Frank Jackman Thos. Jack child's tie and the luilditng. it appears that
smo Alfred Beattie and H. Cromwell. child's
• having got hold of the match fox set lire
Fred England and Miss Florence F:.g to ism. wood near by.
an. she have horn visiting their sister. One of the early settlers of Morris town
/1"1- H. Erwin, returned to Kincardine glop pasR,d away rerently, in the perRu of
kwt week Mr. R has but lately arrived him J. A. Mekwen. Deceased hal until
(rout Anon*. and lett this week for As- recently onjoyst gond health, hut a short
t' lisle asp rearlved a
paralytic stroke, fromet
44101., ■t the Ricer hotel - Mr Fisher The
ted four children, Mies McPherson. Mrs
on Mire Fidler. Stratford : Nn and Mie
Tuft Extol -nose no Tag 44n5*T14. -11 is
Thimpaon. sea/firth : Min McWhinney, y ym liber.
ls'Srlra 1t the (nese. • Moe Nettie Wil 11'trifthami sell.w.. that the extreme penalty d the low
• T. wrwRise. Mr. arid Mrs. y is netted out to olhmders on the Monday.
Tom Nilson and Mester 1 went to Toronto m11 TweRley ImlyeJs to re
but such was th. oar last Sabbath at
soden h; stir Oldh.sn, Fteam•v ilk: Heeler cadre a po.rtKm of tAe left Pore's Hill. Caught red Issmded. " 1■
Its South. Stratfronl. by t dellen.. " se oar barbed friends
Now sorts ago • metre rabbit was Inst. A •Mut tuny�+ ego The preslmt dirtemru wd
flagrant* say and follrw•d to their respective
'rep was set sad the rabbit ,aught. but it to ora Taylor anod her reletuves will homesthe hempen rope .epplied them
it f,mn.t that Be leg had Iw.a1 bwoken in with the means to span the _golf between
:M trap Now, Awe was a elrro•e Inc • he soother dtwhsiowm the (■tures Mra time and eternity Hangung far sheep
"Teal operettas. The wittering animal stealing was 1y wtw. thoseht to have long
em pat under the infirmity of ether and •Ae,p famer ria Australia, ems hs foortur.e been swept from .roe statnte books, bet
'i•• broken member narefully sot bet it was at from •a0(1000 to J. sturdy s sol A. Cook's inns, whit+ vivre
',•n found that pent R.nsy was as 4.41 u M00 000. omen at J. Oardower's �ois 8pn by
1w sold, all the labor was let. The �.r .day w ids K hidden •eststed .drwlig lent, hwrnd out that seas d
Mr. 1•,hn sent sad Tamil bit Clinton a delrwost as far they were ,.neeraa1 No
'ot w•vk, for Yhsdwe Manitoba Mews- he farnn d WW 11 dee, *0 N -sheep were killed,bet eight were badly kao-
tt red J Rrerw.{eeye� LMhli11(s P. W . Corr! t«ereeAip• 11r. l ihir hrlht6lt
(nun or II Ow. crotar.ra5055.0.)
Min McDougall, of Detroit, has been
visiting friends m Seaforth.
\W'e understand that Mr. s. Nettles hats
purchased the Colwell farm. Thehard times
don't seers to have any stere in them Inc a
good farmer.
Our new tnistee. Mr. 1). S. Melt-aort•11,
has been doing his heat for the future n( the
school section and our township. He is the
happy and prom) possessor of another
embryo scholar and councillor.
The Melanovall Rem. had • bee drawing
home their wheat from the lower farm on
Friday last and from the hearty good harrow
they all seamed in 1 judge the crop was not a
PRaiya•1.w'. ('HN KILN. Mies K. Mellor
gall has a chicken, whoes netirityr was
somewhere late in last opting, now laytas
eggs We wesld advise her to keep the
[nun; ore ow.. nkxL,Wi' De %Y..;
Kerry picking has nearly reached a finish
for this year.
Spring n is ripening very slowly on
amount ofthe cool weather.
Rev. W. McVety started Inc his home in
Minnesota last 'Tuesday. He had been
visiting his brother John in Morris.
As Rev. I. B. \Wallwin had to preach the
funeral sermon of Wm. Gardiner on Sunday
evening, Win. South conducted the meeting
at 1ohnaton'sappointment asd Wm. Stewart
at Jewitt's appointment.
[truce ((5 ow.. oeltEsr0.DENT.;
Mrs. Schneck, from near Fargo. Dakota,
is o a visit to friends in this vicinity.
Some of the farmers have started to
threah their Fall wheat. The yield will he
very good.
'There are rumors of starting a joint stock
company's store in connection with the
Patrons of Industry in Luckuow.
The Spring crops have n.ade rapid growth
since the beautiful weather of July has set
in. There is a prospect of a good yield of
Spring grain..
F. Jury, of 13th coo. of West Wawa.
nosh, happened with an accident while un-
loading hay a few days ago. He fell from
the mow o the side of the rack and hurt
his site very badly. which will lay him up
Wright dial at the age of 4 months. The for some time.
funeral on Sunday was in charge of the Sal- WAWANOSH.
lotion Army.
The driving park to approaching oomple- t71Gnu *Wit ow, CORRESPONDENT.)
tion. 1t is going to he a dandy. Our horses Hansting is going on very slowly, but
are preparing for the races o, the 21st inst. the crops arc looking very well. Fall
A big time s expected. wheat u a very goal sample.
1)r. Smoak is in our midst for • week or The school house in No. 14 rejoices in
so. He has been very sick and looks very various improvements • new root two
bad, but we trust that the country air Will
soon *mild him up again. He held a good
position in West Toronto and will return
again as soon as he is able.
which she never rw.,c iorelyd W ami sire them soma M
unhand ami family here last • kind wife lw•epri$te�name.
and mother, and the of the eon,
munit ■ pathise wit
Walter Taylor, ,
estate to Mr..
Taylor an meek who deed in Australia
amount to shoat •990,000, sad there will
Taylor's deowaied neck was an etteMhve
wa. estimated
A R. 1. _
by R loris, was cleaning net • 74 f h
well ent
Wm. Mose, who has served his appren-
ticeship with 1. C. Richards as harness
maker, has taken a position in St. l'athar
ibes. Will. was respected here and we are
sorry to km hint. He watt also • faithful
worker in St. John's Sunday school.
Tuesday aftenwxu about three e.0. the
fire hell rang and instantly the town was in
coommoion. The fire was in Smith &
Malcolm's planing mill. Willing hands,
with the assistance of the engine, soon had
the terror subdued. The lass was wool'.
Mr. Hambly. who is • partner with Mr.
F. Van.tone in the milling business, is here
and is prepared to run the lousiness in •
satisfactory manner. His (amity will soon
be here. We welcome them lack to our
town again. They were residents here some
sews years ago.
Reece u_ The past office has hem re-
moved to the south end of the town in the
store lately run by Hartley Bros. There
are • few low murmurings of dissent onmo.g
some of the people. The south enders seem
to think it • gad move: still it is • little
inconvenient, for it is at the end of the
Wednesday of last week Wm. Heist, of
this place was united in marriage to Miss
Annie Harding, or Lean, at the home of
ilavid Heist. Rev. Mr. Paul performed the
ceremony, ,Ino. Haist supported the gronom
and Min Ellen Fulton was bridesmaid. The
party drove to Listowel. May happiness
attend the happy couple.
l .
to this roasting Is pug es record eterytbl.a
worth knowing about Ihr neelr.p.tl.
er 1.h.eld and la assassad. rrr....l
sea •.■.d 1 master. assessed 1..
(►sus It 14 raw♦ curate:mos Da.T.",
Weather is delightful for harvest opera-
tions. Spriug crops are promising beyond
Wm. Hickle. who hoe been dallieass
relatives and friends here for sone time,left
for his home at Toronto on Monday.
Won. Shaver and wife, of Ancaster town
ship, fornterly residents of Ashfield, are
visiting relatives end oldauluwstuices.
feet higher than formerly. a new creat of
paint, etc.
A large number front here took in John
Robinsaw's great circus and wild beast ahnw
ou Friday last, in Winghann. By all reports
they seem to have been fairly well satisfied.
Peopk nee.( not go far to see wild animals,
as it is not so lug siswe • wild bear was
seen in this vicinity. Some of those who
went to the circus fell bra love with the
clowns, we have board.
W ingh&m is two and Brussels nothing.
Soo the goals were on Friday afternoon at
Wingham. They played hand for as hour
and a half. prowls was playing under dif
ficulties, as eons of iia hest men failed to
erlpf.eet. .dao. Ferguson was field captain.
After the gamy was over they went in •
body to the circum, where they enjoyed
themselves immensely. Another match
will ems b played on the home grounds.
"I:ovr BrT Nor? F01a:.nt-rax '• _••Rd."
p.pp.r Ire gone to the land "away off in
the- `YWs.'." He went in company with F.
Vauelose. Fel. will he greatly missed hon,
e.peeiolly by the miele& We wish Nit
every e.00eea. He was a gored, jovial
and was • general favorite with all Hie
chem will he loosely now. FA. has been in
town abnat • year mal • half and was
• faithful intent. He was employed by
R. L Teylr. barrister. of this pies.
Rromel's lass will he Winnipeg's gain.
(.. Young and Il. Nevins. haviug moved
Worth Otte door on Southanpton-st., are
✓ ushing businers in the boot and shoe line.
Summit tothem.
syr. T. E. ('ase has removed into his new
office at his residence on Albert -.t., where
he will be at all times in readiness to con
suit with any desiring his services.
1)r. Mcleod, of (.tdrrch, pained through
our village to Tuesday on his way to the
Mepoy village. He looks vigorous. hearty
and well. Long tnayi he continue to he
w .
Vs. ruts_ Mir Kate Murchison, of Para
mount, who has been vetting her sister.
Mrs. Murdoch, here. left for home this
work much pleased with her vet, as all our
visitors are.
('0.'ti.i o r.'T. \We are please.( to be
able to state that Mrs. Samuel Sanderson.
of West \\'aw•noeh, near here. who has
been seriously ill for scone time, is becoming
convaiesc ent.
Wm. Nicholl, who tame home in poor
health some time ago from Brantford city,
where he had been employed. is, we are
pleased to state, getting tetter anti will
shortly be able to resume work.
Rev R. Fairbairn, pastor of Erskine
church,returnel hone from his holiday visit
to relatives and former acquaintances north
and east of here on Friday of last week.
much pleased with his visit, and on Sabbath
last rwcupiel his pulpit at the usual hour.
TKtr toe M t.rnisi. - (1n Tuesday motn-
ing, the 4th inst., quite a number of the
young men of this locality left herr for
Manitoba, to see the country and anis: in
the harvest, of course taking advantage of
the cheap excursion rotes. We wish then
a pleasant and profitable trip.
A ('1...•E ('.ALL_ --(1n Friday of last week
as T. Anderson. of Asktiell, was leading his
colt to pasture it by some means or other be
carne frightened and kicked him in the head.
thereby causing • bad wound. Had he beau
struck about two inches or so nearer ihr
eye, it wouhl probably have been more
serious. We are pleased to state that he
is thus far not believed to be dangerous-
ly hurt.
Ramo AL_ -Our popular merchant cloth-
ier and tailor, W. l . / Arvin, laving moved
one door month into • more commonious anti •
spacious building, and having on hand an
excellent stock of the hest tweeds to be
procure.!. of the latest manufacture, is now
its a better ptritioo than ever to supply the
wants of his numerous customers in the lat-
est and knot fashionable styles of gentle
Fr-.e,A;. 5t.Ka10.. On Sabbath. the 9th
inst.. the pulpit of Rev. A. Potter will be
occupied by .las. Murchison, a divinity
student. in the forenoon at the usual hour,
and in the evening the funeral sermon of the
late Miss Alberta Harlow. the decessel
having been a member of the Methodist
church here, will be preached by the pastor,
Rev. A. Potter, in the church at the usual
hour of evening service, and not in the
Presbyterian church. as we were led to un
TOKtc.K,.o. The toot. toot of the Meant
threshers may he heard in all points of the
compass IS. Westbrook ami staff are
busily engaged in separating the resin front
the straw and, as hitherto, are giving good
satisfaction in this line Mr. Westbrook
hops that by strict attention to business
anal doing good work Fe will be favored
with $ fair share of patronage. We are
credibly informed that Fall wheat is turn-
ing out well, averaging about 25 or 96
bushels to the acre.
The monthly meting of the directors of
the West Waw•aoosh Fire Insurance Co.
was held in the court room here o n Tues-
day, all the members being prewmot, except-
ing the presided, I'. l.irvm, Esii. His poli•
tion was filled by Vice-president John Baena •
ae a-
tyne. Although Mr. (linin wasnnot arrest
in hu oAidia spacity, Owisg to illrtes, bs
tnamfcateIia deep interest in the working
of the iostitutiort byt icinss
g aent asa spec-
tator Inc a skirt time. The amnpany is
7:41ratrogreassing. Quite a number of re
and new applications were present
ed to the board Inc consideration.
[maria ore OWN o Ylteinho. DENT.]
The root crop is making great progress of
Rev. I). Perry and wife, of ('hesley. are
visiting friends in this loca)ity.
Min Kate Johnston, nurse in tile Toronto
general hospital, is holidaying at home.
Elias Dickson, cotscessiort 12, spent last
Saturday and Saaday in the vicinity of
Joe. McIntosh, principal of ('ranlemok
public school, ia building an addition to his
Wm. Knight, science master of Strathro
High School, and wife are holidaying with
Mends here.
Cameron Bros., of the ('ranbrooti dax
mill, have • large gang aimed pollit■g
flat. They ray the crop is very satinfac
A number (meetly young mein in this
vicinity purpose taking in the cheap
excurteran to Manitoba. to work at the
herv.st and see the country.
Berry picking is about over Inc the es••
son. The berries were very plentiful
where beshee aro allowed to grow. more so
than they have been for years.
The Sunday school excursion to C:odericl
mutt Tosday promises to draw • large
crowd from this vicinity. From our own
ex (kwlerich is • beautiful place Inc
• y's outing.
Fall wheat harvest is about finished, and
threshing has onnesencod. The sant.p�le_. vis
tine w best and the yield good. R.r'•7
beeved1 lain romrrnentad : the crop is . auod
average. (hats promise a Nig yield. pens
are oboe, the average Everybody will be
op to the eyes in work for mous tear
The enters' Bate are being closely looked
atter by both parties here. The way the
t:evernmest majority is going up lately
from 39 to 22 is a tickler Inc mine. Premier
Abbott's randy* to clear out all the hood
len is a move that will he hacked up
tie people at large. The next move will be
to ,.take sp • strong snlotion of the nisch
nos, and give it in unable doses to the
minority on the other side of dos tome.
Ors (}•rt Six menIloen of our club had
• friendly .hoot with .ix of the Aeafrrth
club in Meaforth Tuesday attsrnrwe last.
The snore ,. as follows
Inerens. Itearsrth.
JJ T. sees . • .1. Tosser. ... . . n
A. ll.Hseghtes 1l F. Resale .' 7
♦. 1;. Dames. ma- . le J. 1leotd. . le
J. H> �� .mann 1 I A. J art 7
Il A. J r a
ft. Watt ...... .. ... A a HI.O� IS
'1'afmi - Resasd. 511: I4nsisn•th 67. he Rope
O. Meaday, July 17, while Neil
Hill, of Fpnnndvilk, was engaged pulling
down • frame building. one Ow timbers
fell ago, Aim breiesrins bol l arta 'end
dirieMiag his elbow. Mr. Rill had the
a „ r cress from what , b't 131o1ri1. -voles■ The= are .,ern ty well aetitlierl. irons alai 11a b}ured ssetabrr ethswies
,• .C&Isti beTr. , risis. • t. dye war ' ,..r,,... wrirtme pretty
- �M
,,.�• I: y■Ikrer esti
/. rwrfaen. es the coupe flat W the ktid I> Y I:�t•e 'raw* amour ren as«. •, riws■a ems s.willii�i r s. a..re►"■Isarryr u■a.
r'•19eN • aka bit 1w d1• IMO lb* 1 w
[num ora owe oowwmomiesy.
Horace Mullin is Nom. Inc his holidays.
Joseph slton has returned frown Ahronu.
Thos. Irwin left last week for Brandon,
Wheat is tontine oat from 90 to 30 bush-
els to the sue.
Mr and Mrs. T. H. Alton, of Klnloegh,
were visiting friends here last week.
Thos. Agar and T. Henryhave porehased
a threshing outfit and are most of the
work around here.
Goo. Agar and family left for Manitoba
last Tuesday George took • new threah
ing machine outfit with him es well aa some
Ease yew Seen
To cure cramps take Nen ilius. To break
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If Ismhago, maestro, or rheumatism
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MOP to the bottom and speedily dislodges
In pea- }ftutmn. Is bettor. sdra ger, sod
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remedy is 1MMl'1A Pi ie hl'
onetkpelwbi wily"��W