HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-31, Page 86 THE PEOPLE'S WANTT$, A NEW DEPARTURE IN SMALL AD - VE RTISE MEN Tb. '• Ta. reseal - IMP offers a very satrap mad edrartl•. Ila. Ile advertising V II pew- •tsrsa swede for tb. •' Lona Fele want. • ehaa.r for e• refs•, ee get ed• eratst.g al low rates mad 1a rased pe.M/oa. For seine tine past we htswy.111 et gtetw q th•t • cheap and effective datum public a•a.uncemeub in the erslel♦le Tut S19.•1. would be a boon to our mw011ltsr•. and we have decided to adopt such • MUru.t as sal atter May 1. Our Intrnu-ro is to eget. lab a " want bureau sal reeft•ter• whe re set Yerti•rmeal• will be Taken and a record keel wf curry want that advertisers wish to lay 1a fore tare public. The advertisements will appear 114 s .un deas,d form, no our right h page. and art -tin! luau rates will be charged. 1►O 1-0t' WANT 'He RI'1 .l 1101. 'SP:. TO SKI.L A 1I01's1r:. TO Ill'V A FARM. TO tlF:l.l, -1 FARM. TO ADVERTISE .\ 14*.T ,\RTICLK, TO ADVEItT'sp:.t FOUND ARTICLE TO Al)VKItT1O:S-1'I:AI'Ki) ANIMALS TO 1•ELL ANY KINI1 OF ARTICLE. TO HI'Y AN A R t1t'LE O Y ANY KISU TO KNlll'iftE FOR A RELATIVE. T1► KNGAUF. A TKACIIKR, • TO Alive;lyrist: Fr lit'1KNIne1t3. or any other of the t1 sand and one waste which erop up in the community - week be work 1 1f we you ran secure the brit servtee poerabh• in the columns 31 Toe So.\at. It the following taw not. Fort, word. for 3%'. All advertme meets under meet) Our words, tone rent pts word. Ten words the Mweat charged for. I'ItliFK'SIUV Al. 1 ARDS will I. in,ert,•d at sante rate for a perusal of one mmmL. L:t,'rnl beaming fur bete- pro ,s.1.. TII S1,.r,te,i.admit'.11s tn•• best wheelie Ing medium in ito. .e -.tion of Western Ont art., e'•.l, wast ler-comps?.) a!: tram.ont sdt et Beamer -to,. Marc** a.:. oaten anicat ion+ to Tor. !!taxis. (oderi.b. lint. Travelling; Outdo. UItAND TH1 !,K RAILWAY. y' Troia* arrive. said depart M lit0dm'ish as fob hors: Mail awl Ir aoneva xp,ui IA-. p.m. Mail tool Rxptesa ..... -sada p. u.. lifted ...... r,..:....tox, a.m. Mixed . . ,.. :•36 pan. Mae 1-.d Kxpro, ................... ma. .1Jo a . Situation Vacant. I'1 IN ER u 1 It1.\NT WAN rED. -- 7 A W �t s I0 - ;retp0I perMN1r $ a m OatL: Appy)toF:.y1..THINIU\•t 1st sena. Lost or Found. Fot'ND. -ON THl'R'DA1, A Ip.nlleelaa s oven -ant and carriage rug. The ewn•risn•o,tes:cd 11, A.K\F SHAW ! • I: RSWARL.-=U►.:IT, IIN TI ESDAC, between Sanford and lialeric h. a Wdy's said watch and eurin. The tinder all be soI*abij Icuardrd 1„ leering it weft Maria NET 1'IE LKKh;I; rata,.nl. ur at MA101: N : TI.1{It'S UIn..•, Ie Are, 'h. hitt Public Notices. Nt►1ti1ak AI'1•LI' ATIONS WILL he received for the pasiiion e*f kataer and bide iaspecrur for the oouutte, ut leanh . lead Hunan nes the b-.•nd erf examtnrra at sprat 'fort toteto Austin the 3,1. Ian. B• order of the b,ord. ALt X'.tNIEF:R SMITH. beery: wry. ntrairor.I. July 11. 1021. 1;-t: Articles Ibr Sale AL1. Atil►Altl►-GET A BOARD - art a side bard. -We bat, Thea In walnut, oak. cheers. Geld. elm. etc.. antique and murrain' vendor; death. ands the very WY make kept.. sand at price, that cannot bw beat in the ti .,, ,.l,e. at SS 1I r11'•. Hai ,..r and Formatter store, L. e. L�tuit BALE __-A KEN 1Nt: al.*CHINE V ' legend order Moran with four drawers and lea ,.!A '', . will reit for at:o. Adder"; K. Jt.. O1twoltler. IJ t CH1NOLE$, XX . kJ did thick whioutle. square. JUS K1111'. �1V1A)'rK K WATE of 2: inch pine_ amts ha. 111 teats a toot PINE. --A SPLEN lo inch. at $1.23 per 1:4tf 1'l l'E - °011 FEE acand nand. t. .111 riot 1 LIMB FOR SALE. ---01904) FRESH lime kept eminently on hand et the Falls Reamer lime kilo. X. RAEt'il1.Ik1:. OBem ('1 DAR R3H/NOLEN.--.1 ' HAVE NLJ Mill un tired • quantity of .t 1 sto. which 1 will sell at 411..0 at nail. W. 5.7e: I.OW. fort Alters. 07 -If 11 L141R SALE -- TWO art T. CAST .1 pulley. 1* in. face, 11I If in, bore or can be bom.t ,o int larger abaft. Gond u New. Will be sold at a re•amwhie Moire. Apply at TIP! ,u.. 1, ':.•Mn, 1'r,r.,,,, Ilun.r, NotiL e?„ Ooderirh. Ott f. Specific Articles. FRESH MILK II:\VIN1: UEI't..%('• rat ivy dairy wish achoice lot of CON., 1 rine in • po*tion to supply all orders intrueteel to eit4 Pure freeh intik. an4 will guarantee quant., q,tantlty and rra',lartty of delivery, Orden t.r met artrndnl 10 at onee. Adders* JOII\' t.1; %RAYL Dairyman, south street, (►nd••r,rh. O'-tf THE SIGNAL: OODERICH ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1891. APOwe. M Sal. or III. ASK 14XUR SALE -A MARKET 1AKDIiN twist) seeder 1 . . cos props rt) of the late 4* . ( WWII,. Apply 1 per�y,y1Y or by leery w Mitt. W. CMS IUs LM, Swhford. 1.14 )R(11'E}t'rl' Ft►It EXCHANGE. - Perwua a Echis to eachaaa., Iloderie•b proper) . or fart° land. ad)oia'ng, for Tomato ' Mower ur luta cote Tarn full particulars by entitling w A).kl't SAt'V!)ARtl, Oodericb. Oat. • 1•'-tf jPOR RENT. A NEAT AND COM- A sortable cottage on Mocks ea_ with half au acre of land . Menet bearing ora•kard of aF prk, p' and Isar trees, and ,shall buil a toes. Half a nide from rutin House. Tents ,eawoon We Apply at this &flee- 0;•lf L`lell '\LE ATA iIARUAIN.. THAT e, odious bolding un King s1.• Bravo ;1., .r present occupied a. a paint shop by W,,.. not it . is On este. Terms easy. Apply to F'. rt v rT"1'. Brame_ la 1' O. Oh.t!r ( 1111 :F: TO RENT A TWI'-)*TI IRV 11 alone *wwa•. animated on Gloucester Ter rat r, euuta.niug .earn mum., cellar and clan eta. (Yowl tunlrn and orchard O�O premire►. Apply to F:1.. 1'ASMI'AIGNK, Uudori-h. Ot-cf j.�Ol'SE To 1.111r. -ON PARK AS new. Tate occupied by Mrs. Trueman; night rebs, remanent cellar and water ; with garden and nimble. Cheap to a devirw►ie ten- aat. Apply a, ' I U V A L D ell I C F:. 01-1 f 110R :TALE. - THF. FOLLoWIN1; %aluaWc properties : Part ,of lot.; and e, e : •cewwlon 1. K.U. Ash 0.1.t. IYS acres. 'roe North 4i of lot 31, :'nl concession. Fast N .agnomen. 1011 a•t es. Katt .f block F'. Colborne, 50 sere.. known as the Arthur Rancher, feria. 'rho. above properties will he sold .s.1 fertile to suit Dort hoar-. Apply 1.. 1' tillLit,N. 11,Lr s t'AMtltl►X, �k1'l f Uoderich cuata,utug (• aorer, alnated wattle Lode Moak tit II I1 ' O. fsrtab brae, tumor and lead water ; the - _ - 1 TO ADVaRT15Eltd. 6813. SHANNON A SHAANUN, I Nodes' of cItaltgr« °lust la• left *t this M.1/Ind0) 1'klsla iaas, $urgeoss, Aocou:hen, tie. l wain' trot late r than llultt}ay 1s. s. J alar t 110011. The l' v for change' tsaol, lyadsrics. U. l', tlaaaae►1. J. R. Same � �. ite'a iMew at lirb sem s rwlde ha • VOR SALE. --MR WILLIAM Mc - II'' Lean. from comae Sed ill hcahh, utters for wale 4i, house and gliiund. in ole tom. of Guile nrli. cor..lotion of a lotr-un n bleb are sit atwl an elegem and neon comfortable duelling - bower built and lung occupied to Ilii Honer Judge sincair, of iIalldtuh. a I.-a,uifut war- den. atateket and all acre.. :try uu, Luu-cs Sad appurtrnanart1- the whole in goat repair mid fon.l ear our of thereon n drwi rable residences la the town of Goderwt. For particular! *Ile&1 to Messrs. GARIMS' 1Y 1'I:01.11I'04./T. bode- ricn, the i,ii,4or'° solicitor». 11.41 L"IR$T-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND I.1,5 YOR SALE ON tT. PATRICE ST. -About twominut.'m walk freaf,l tae S,i.ore. Two stories hII&h. Wkk addition in the rear' 1; stories irygle. building covered with *late. Main building Lar 3 tante rooms mi tirwt dal. upstairs three are 5 large room., In the rear attddlltorn Own err ketene,. pante), wyeartwm Lpat�aIra, girl's robot peel oat broom,. Atao gond o0ar. Apply to tate Ouder,r,gned, who will give all eonsssey iafornat-oa. DA1LL GORDON. llf1}u. Loans and Insllraas,. II ONLY '10 LENL,=ALARUE 11 amount of natal(' 'Al otter funds at 100 est rater on Preductive tu,sa *ad fat property. Spy.* tonus. yraemt t0 salt the bornewa;.-- NO •01111111 -(,•lei( ee write M. o. JOItNsTene, 1i.atrrwh, 33 01-11 IV It. RUIREB1'S()N,,. ACCUI NT - Y . ant. ,Fire. Life aad AedNeat laser Once Admit. Utlk:e (-patsies. Big - sal Haler North -0t., (Roderich. epsomite 1* (;. WARD, CUNVEYANugk, Cr• &v., and cotonusaoner far taking mad re - Vel MK ra•.ugu.ra10 ex of hail, stt4,avlta or *Htrnlattuaw, .reposition. or ..tenon declara- tion. in or concerting any set iop suit orlav reeling ug tie the 1111:111111:11CourtSura of Just goese.the Court of .tppeal for Uutar,o, or in any I (run:ty or Division t Sun. All tran.avliur carefully rad prompt;) rxereted. Rends/me sled P.O. ad,trc ee ; r,ivaaturua, Ohl.• UM- t f 1,`J. T. NAFTEL,' LIFE, FIRS AND ' l .ta-idcu, luearnn,'e Agear. Represent. Vg Xortt. ltritieh O 'Merewntu.•: Lirerpu&_ Io,nd.n A Ulube: Norwich t mon; ?meth Am. -roan lit.' and AOCI4fipai Imsuraave ut Nora. .tmence. Lowers Kates. Lewes set- tled pmarpto). Mosey to Loran on Yana sad Tutu Property- C'naveyasc.nu dose. Pro- perty valued. etc. Ulla. --Cor. \urth-st. sad W1uam leo erica. -_-- 71- *600,000 TO Ire ►A:1. APPLY Tib CAMKILUN, *Our & /'A31/hIWN, tied. rich. • 1►i°NEY Tt► LKND.-A LA 1t li k tri amount of Private Fund. for investment M lowest rates 00 nen-clams 1lortged er. Apply tiGARltOW k PRUt DF*UUT. RRADCLIFFE.. GENERAL IN• . suraaoe, Real Karate and Money lasing memo. Only [Yet -class companies. r0Presented• ]tone) to Lend on nennifh kaon, as el r lowed rate of tnIereet seeing in ant way t.. .tit .1, aorturyr. c -dee. and doe, frau, s 4,..e-. . Wert sirs. .0, /melt rich. itiCr 11 1 0 tlo ig •t 11 ht sF .h 1' e -el Meohanlos' Institute. •I 1' • U :t DF 1 ICH INS TI. .Ratti ' 1. T - 1 t U TUTS LIBRA R\' AND RF:AUlNib 1T(►p111, out. er Sas: Street and Square tap p stairs. a Open frogs 1 to a p. m, • and from ; tole p.m. ABIIIUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY. w �Ladim/ f►ri/u, ll'ceL/n and Ifbt.Srotnf ' e,f /'Aper'., lfaopcinra, rfc., ,n /F�ile,.sg�, o MBMNK1t)HII' TI/'KKT. ONLY Bead lar grtannag tree tow of Library ar/d Ite*ditgh Room. Aoplicalion for membership received by Libraran, is room. ED. SHARM.\X, UF.O. STiVEN. President. Secretary. Ondorich, March Irih t, ,et 4n IM 0111 Auctioneering '. "''t lint Jl►HN kN.IX, I.F.XF;ItAL AI'e- 1.1* tiose•-r and Land Valuator, t:awl.xie 1.111 opt. 11aysng Lal considerable• exta'riene in two" thereat uou.ering(f trade, he Is it a position to fain dbchargewith thorough 'rtla.ctinn an tom. th,• n•*senium e•utruated to Llm. tinier* left ler Marto.'. Ilotrl, or wens hr mal to Ma aleirees t' m UOderwk P.O.. .ar•tully attended b. JOIi7 e%" K?0UX. County' ,% union. 1*I171f al.' the Hotel A000mmoaation. l In a PRI HURON HOTEL. - THIS t., 1 1 well-known *n1 popular Motel has iw'ea era! 1 un nesse enar,reA leo pnore.l 't'.'.'ntly -_ aril h1 now second to none in quality of lee - MU $SSL eeranl3leldation for the trarrihng pestle flood Err sec ommode'lon for tnoisier t girt., WM, gem CRAIG. Proprietor. the +quare. teoderlee, Mabe M l till' LESSONS. A( GIG tow. TiHOMSON is prepared to give music lesson. on Me piano or n. For part, - Mara *nq uire'at Geo. W. Thomann's Music BI SIN&NS (.'HANCE I. DUN - Store Sltt B GANNON. also Jew caw. this -- p tri 113oa Ilr.art rats f•wnnal 1 In infolwi C04 Inst. � nest ar ne decide! n 10 rein rem the mercantile mal hnvm-s, 1 Lawes •c,'d the whine rt no work in CKs BOOTIE BOAT 11411 sE trade and ranchers to Mr. It It. Hollaare ; "IIr (trader eli, (het. Meals penin and who takes pwrw,alon of s he toner a' once . mid I ale. school. ten make s.1*, *da•rsnvemm,s far Sas cool fhr bis. t coon f I, 00 the noon al premises h,rmrrl maimed to �^ ni bon"' and l11014411^44q I, ed craw r ,.ir on th. eery r. awnnablr term.. Attentive and expect 1 take MM• opponnnl,v of t.ntiring to yin, P^"r each bowmen always 011 MoIM. Sapertnlead my moat sincere thanks for )our kind and gen arum cd I. t Alrr. 1111. BARN. Lifeboat Sero).,. emu. patronage in the fast wnd'-.,'n•iafng. Isla. Sllf to von my nr.1,.l appreclat lar of the element warm Marmot renal inn. which Mot...o lens 'taste *op �_. between n• In I aloe take the !Mere, of enn.me•ndl - - ns mar Tune DULL F('R $ERViOj-THS L'N- t 1 1 Ai•rniner4 ha. for and hint worthy and well de*wra 1nz j. year. .la. aert'ie! flow 1111 e far patronage. Your4 reale sinal tae• {alproa'ment of *lank, �. 111 rah- J. NI ItUAF�ItTie amp jes11Neade1ctllnAHAM. Ilalrerama, Smith street. I)nngannon,.41117 St. .vont 11; tf ret lyase Ara With r_ferese•r to the■hove 1 sue•e•e•weor o on. as am wiener! yon will rang - calm from Mr J. al Robert. 1 take Ow plea I motet -.=_- sure of informing you that the whole work of arge M NICIIt)IANNI LD.K,- DENTAL ponds are :.ns. ) howee0(the heat that mantel. The have e vasa., h Pertalnl that was ear �. mew �t� wild en Mor h. the Pro. bee anti a. 1 am dryer ,,,iii, tA'em. saD•l�ro' mined to Aloe. the sante Yn the mark«, at hen,•. p(�lc► anA term* that wall meet with the • .al %e p r tit • g ......4.• .....1 and Msew 1)R. a RICH ARIDS( ►Y, L D. M., appmtalnn of the par 'Main, pnh Iem our ndcwrsm ear gr•• frena this month's Pnt. ' mnd7,.1 .bat yon will and it In fon,.adva , h Wel sunless 4.01,0*. OM and rltalleted air age' t".tarnite the gamin and prlev+ Tomsk" of alurgren will .hnrtlY h. tieklmy th. Pal I and sa n.owe d for prlak•s eves -ling of 100111 to M favored with a fair leaser of ,,,.,r patron ate ..f f e ep.•nre.n F'n•nchrnan or.unIaown 1 ■1ts•alMn rt en 10 the preservation , age, 1 aeaawhik haws the tremor no rams/w , the amt t titles- w ti YoeroM srrrrut, Ir t 'tattotaken to mmtintit&g with the article k. ik HOI LAIND. !taken fl„wt the depth* o,f the distant leas-' in M arEfflett DMtlMlj. nun, 1761 rich f prepave std.. Mt ,o Tal•.• retain t• ate A-1 H. LEWIS, BARRISTER, CC- . for In Maritime (.,urtw of 'MI.,Ie. OMce south t'ulbonw hart. Zia Ili0. JOHNSTt)N, BA ItRIsTBS, . schemer, ajs.mlusluarr, &,'. collections .n4rtsl estate transactions fully attended to Ufaeer Cur. Hasnllten St. Aadrew's-a„ (Federal). Ont. I.JIS-ly'1 NEW. *se 10 Mai JUHN DAVISON, BAltit1STER, Solicitor, tires eyais.ar,str oy lead. office otrr Fust-ufiee. Weierte s. GP cAhiPION. BARRISTER, J.J. solicitor. \Mary Public, r t 0. Ogles liver Jord•a'r bruit Mime, tan arena formerly oecuped by Judgal►u -le. ::tie C. HAYS, StiLICITUH. Aa Once, caner of Sgwro and Wen stirrer, Gotta -He -1h ORM. Iek'g..W1 ultla-e. Pri- vate guilds to lead at 8 per e.Iat, :'tf11 a 1 *BROW & t'Itl►UDFtxtr, VAIt- l-A esters, At.orneyJe, :solicitors. etc., Godr- rich. J. 'f. Garruw, N'. Panulnaot. (`TAMER:►\, 1101:1 .t CAMERON, V Berroteri, solicitors in 1'lWnr.•ry, Ike, Oullertc.,, 31. I', Came -'un, Q.V. ; 1'. Hol► ; 1lu31e. 1lul e m s. 11fI.E'S RI►t►'I' 14Ei:I:. A :S.', better twilit* i itillud., of rout beer, a delicious reneguer tw.lpc ranee bei el gam. W'rigbto !the moat it Remedy. • ilea Salt, for the bath. I A orinplistir IAM vt toilet it els at I '1 LIMN 'rc lsltEWitt*'R0'. I)In'.. `roar:. THE BIG Si URGcON 1 srlIrf 4 aaperr ears Prat, lel. amid (tearoom l .at lar,-. Between 1'.,t l :lib; rt •1111 (far 1(, 1Clair1 River 11e hardy lishertlwn of this *crone have Leen capturing denlrets of the deep luring lite part month or two. 'kine toentw ei,;4,( nets are controlled !ante's ('lark it Co., aid Mr. W. Lee .mai three are int.. ,surge*) fishing oxer• arwller *ale. Four tutor are ti.hing .wt o4 t:odericl.. .'lark A 4'0. hate one with trap uet,ann.1 wo with gill net,atol Newey tiros. have one rich trap not. There ha• liet'u very good let fishing this reason. chiefly of lake trout. which me dainty Ash ant much prized he 'narked. several fishing boats have *tots inter this industry ate writ as the four .lame* Claris l Co. send diet .aturgeon o Itulalo,.whin' the ti•b are Mari lir Buttal. F'11111 CO.. repflepntea} in 1:o4410. by a genial t.ernian knewn-aa '::avian is..- whose apcal duty it 1s to r.'' the or or spawn of the sturgeon and of the eats•h for nhipnta•nt to the (trw•ey glee. take theirstut'gepli .,stn bet Huron, While the iisr, caught by ('rafg : Lang •Irecurie, to1krtroit. FmntAir. .laiie , Lin,iwty. • jr.„ of 11' iartal, he youthful but very o„uupPtent foreman f ('lark k ('o. and Inuit the jolly I'at-an:.Joe, a».1 also terse, that Nester f -the harbor, lar: 1V.. l.ee. the farts her,' leen weir got, Teta' sturgeon is a ierttalde fresh water '.'.atluu, WNuletimas turning the Moak the rigll scale, of course at 160 r-.. Which L0ye the average *right 01 a mol. !hue roti caught In the inland sews of Russia 1rr ranged from 20 10 25 feet in lenth id have neighed as !WWII as 3.000 n.. 'e'en ' twenty mita'. north .irono herr,. and .Bosse e lake to Blur Point. pond Or trap, nets are leen art it short distant from the ion•. hell in place b y stake. sec-nrely '1('e/l into the bon ,,i,). 'wit. nets leave GI of **goat 85 nal,, and when the sturgeon e inveigled within the meal.. It they can rim freely around and Is. as -tutted, alive- as 'er wlom the net 1s hauled top. 1: U.kea mit four clays to set A net, hu fgre tlalI chalked hen Igen aaeonoplph.•.4 there is w. great ar at .all for 4y,,f r prtle•n,e. Ti„. net.+ Ise liftellemptied and dropped in short of time .ay about half an hour. 1% hen the sturgeon Is brought unto the e4arinlg raven It I0 p1...'o'4 upon a I.en.'h lopeue,l to ser if buy spawn are it. it. Fnom 0 N, ten pounds of -r' .• are morally found. 1 this m carefully Mot.'.l forutt l the na kers 'caviare :a dials popular in IAa,sia ala other European .•ountries, portico ly in France and ►Sal j. 10 an unurw- ,ot palate the .disagreeable flower Of the '*are its sickening, Init to t4,... ale/hare .,gang the taste it 1. a thilecta4l, .duh- the 1 •aapwn ballet -tea more than 400,000 . of .•.Eur geoi r...' hair been prepared in a de year,. and in the Black Saw t he how• s has also wen industriously prosecuted, the stent .of the dealing in eturgc on rase pght us our great lakes has riot Leen MO. tot, nor do we know d the caviare mak ii e roe wu.'l.r.n1 packed de t p at 1erich Astrakhan K the way. the fag that the taste for caviare Int :t natural but a cultivated one, has 4'..I the pro.erl.'Y'aviare to the genet, or 111 • !h.•,- words, appeciatrl only by sheet. iter the r oral of the roe the sturgeon tinned Mel healer. and the fish vent ;offal. a res points. The Iwoiy' gen- ly is a alms, colored• but at certain is as deep red as beef steak, and it a mach esteemed for flavor. The saw, - is head in very large and heavy, and n domed and deemed the fish nets only It half the hie weight. or as "I 'avian eapros•r,h it, "the eturgeog like a . }orae* half in .dressing. -. 1 h. akin of Ash is thick and idrong,lnd peels in side s. It is said to make splendid thongs. ).not aces of i superior art have been e out of them As i. rule the skin m r waste. There in a great dal of fat d a et aren't and when rendered tt to rdnl as first -elan fi.h nil, but awing to fannies, and tine disagreeable calor ng from primitive melee of Iw.ihng the very little neurone -at nil is mace in this Rnwa ■ large quantity of l.tnglar is aired from the species of sturgeon there ht. The fish hail an enormous air ler, which, when washed, cut into • and tined, heroines the mingles of Menu argeowl fishing will continue for about a h revere. Sc, far the Patch ha. not Igen although some *pleewdel ,mere been caught F..w l:o.lench folk hair •hl that such Mg Ash are at present mg lode and-ooak around roar harbor. still an im , , 1 fi k•. I I late t • I r ley ' a' • 1 I gill e t. in 1 t 1 gl, h hy fa •! 1; ire -h to t to p a1 al di -1 NI to n.. tui is ,-t t,, al ,set to ti,, f in a 1 it 1 ii a, su n `t 1\' I S. ". )'e' K1 w, inn chi l'" '' +11' het R" 1 A da* de tha an sec nth re dal gni Ro 1' amt in Sep A chi "h chi was cion .mil tin rept Am Mrs ere Tor IOe Theo err fail nae Edi Mao Mies y efl and net ; snot and folk aide must lie left not later than Tura slay Soon. t'aeual Advertisements accepter( up to noon Thuralry of each wink. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. J .'Akre amine yr. 1ati.' nofn. Ani bit?, 4o'fl pert; it. 'fru Fear'• Sticky Fly Paper - Catch rmablrcaudbuld'rnttaat Only :1 cents. W. Acheson ,stun advertiser some rid*... scuds low priers for special good. this week. Thr ".o.'u*l round " must be the waltz, but the big camera at Geo Stewart', takes every • thing 0a. The hounded nun, usually goes to the dog.. and the tea* who dur.n'i get hie dolt re well made a* way.looks sit moat h° behind. Obv lata' ally tudt'uh, In ohm way by calling a Y• J. IRidham'., The endividmai woo entertainer thought wouldn t leeway la,r a ueiglbor to ere his guest, but It. R. SaUowr' work mil bear scrutiny at all times. 11 you wart to tae samples ea:I at hie rt ud io. N heal ditfrrw from Gab.r,s in !hitt it is nein- cradled until gtter it gets a beard, but that w u0 n•asu,, ion) you . wuld nut take advan- tage or the bit clearing sate in hat., cape and gent. furnishings al A. le. l'ri.lham's. Thai rlgbt goads at nicht prier. an. •pyre' Slated i. •huwS In ih:• tact that Piave alai -111%g tar hinewl( In retina 1'y the sates of %luck Hounder-. West street, Lave u•cn•aml 01w 1.11, and nen- rustum.-rs are Tartar added to nt. last dally. }le war in lerv.nu Oat week nodding arrin►:elner.. for Fall stoves, and picked on snow urn Bowls ening) are bow w1 .Low at rem•rk*My low prima. See his ad. on 1*.:e 7. . THE VOLUNTEER, P1141'kr*o- ..The 33rv1 'Huron) battalion hes been ordered ole, au111 at St. Thomas faun `eptentber 1st t.. 12th, [tall X... 1 crown?, I:talent•h, is mak rag (�'� pwations for the .weasietl. :\ few eteibggent Young men may . eurq =rod- ent to the company Lc appovuny to ('apt. I't.l t,. i:1 Ttn' .,. 'inc 4,bo- •1,1.. The tug I►neda took a Liege party of )'dung e' le .a.: 00 0.,' Take for a two lour.' trip xis Tuesday evening. '1'h.• e•xcuniou ons .tte, up sty the choir of ' Xorth-si. Meth. .hst ehareL, and a number of the mbem!a rs ,f the Clinton Meth..list choirs drove to 'leu tidy Wined the party. :1a F:l:., ENT I iui'.o. R:'r. A. Il.. leleitvm and family. of Evans', -ilk. Ind., sive returne.l to their home' after �epl�dding few- week. u. this scehom. Mr. Meldrum .re*.•herl a clever sermon in Knox chunfi n Sumo.)' e.-tn1Yg His stele *s ('igoruuu nd clear. and hashes of hmnor kamr.l Erre• and there in the vert forcible and imet Ica! .11s.onrse. Tip Fats ;r Ev,wowtron. 1\.• are phw .1 to loam that the trait evapor:•tor tinker he personal .opr_•rei-4 mi of i). F. lamliuk:.f Caavecc county., X. V., wil)he in full .opera ion m t:'akric}* again this Fall. Mr. Hamlink rat III town last Fn.lav and is satisfied that ken .will be a good lien fon' operation* ere in the eeapoeritilig live. He wants the sr cling aommwnity to knew that he intend* r*inag.bwaine•s etc the old stand. Mr -T Hitt. Reef ' Aerie), l.oT)ac -Rey, W. Roney. formerly of 4.oderielt, hos ft Blyth• trlere•he' haitbeen incumbent o4 *trinket Of England for it o upk of yenta, ,nate *u Belmtwlt. I'reviatuc to hs.•de• n;Ire he was noi,h, _the r tipirat of an nurses h.' the A. 11. 1-.. W. of that Tillage, ti Mss- harry sem rre.ented.Witltr an ad - nod neat net} beautiful reikrer e'up.and .** t,hy riuity 1'hur•h R remiss'. I.u0.1. Tufo). * ITH' l� t' tome ''apt. J. T. (Adam, of Windsor. repreouting I:iob- nberg t cons, of Itetn,it, iolea 1,11.1- s. t tot:olerich awl Kiucil.line firkin); e wee t with a consignment of fruits an.l getablits, anti was'highly sued.: in the out,. ''.. '• )'apt. Mae. '' is well known along the lake coast, and hats a journal - le •end p iitf.4tl erprrietct• in addition Ilia oth.'i-' qualifications for popular r,- em Tna R tare B.(.1,. The arrangt'nient* c.r getti,. the t'hiet barrel into full *.rk- 1 order a ifbuln .'ompletwl. •1..l under w tuition o Mr.lauck.tone promise* t,. tae a position to lav out before the Fall show. Kllteen pier. ' now comprise the outfit. d the intent "s to old tei that number nommen:Me a w t. Next week the Iwcriptions tows the• establi»king of tie es. bawl will be calle.t for hy' ('ant. wart. 1 morning last, after 'g lingering ill- . IIcceawef had been ailing for e ler- Letru Wx1 H. 4In,. %l. T. rash din) at her huab. '. resillencr In .tome Ye' bet miser last your had heron almost erly helpIt•ta- She iona a mo n4 r`x�r:.aplary 01,11, an *Th,ctiulite wife lad lot 0, they. She levos n hwlsol and four Idren 1.. mourn her loan- The funeral .k place on Tuesday Islet t•• Maitland eliletery-, tile following hstnp� pall hearer • s : (- !Meehan, T. B. i'erry, V. .I. I'rt' r . E. 1:. Watson. A. Nairn, Jai Inn.nn. t. tint'. I.Tki,..Tllr. (1. I.'Jtlntnoe. - rra1.gg;e to are in progress for holding a r - ann''sconvention at St. John, X. B. ring this etiolation, and it is expected t several experts will he prrrcnt and will e some lecture. do dairy interests. Ar. ngenmeta, are also being nook for showing ersl varieties of cream seperatorw and nth, dairy apparatus in operation. it oaf Primmed to.$et.nine special prizes for dull products, and that the competition yy Ile open to all the Provinces. Prof. Fwnaon, of the Dominion Experimental snu, who is new. visiting the cre*neri,a nerve faetarios t h reughout the Maritime Prra111100 . In taking .quite an ••tire interest this natter. The exhibition open* on t. 23o1. and continuous until (hat. 3rd. Myr v.v.? "Hoe.- lire of the roost .ming event* of the .,anon was the he " that took pace at the British Ka• age on Tuesday evening last, and which given by the ladies of 0t.lerich, who dont their prettiest gnwna and sweetst r* to meet their gue*ts, the larger enn- ui of whom was from Stratford, with raentatier from Mitchell and Seaforth. Artie the pretty gowns observed were Frank Naftel, m heliotroFa f*i11e ane} pa .de e•hine : Mn. Arthur Johnston. of Tore in pink silk and Meek net ; Mrs. Oen Ihoe on white smith and lace ; Miss eo Hawley, of Iletr.it, in pink faille mei eery Miss Anderson, of Toronto, Nile k and crepe : Miss Galt, of Memnon, k lace..earet trimmings: Nitta hell, of nbur`h, pink silk and lace : Mira de Wynn, )eller* s,Ik,orn•mente•pwarls: Anne Wynn, yellow silk with ns. net : Mir Drummond. i lee snrah Tare : Mir Carnet -on, enn, .•rimrnr faille and Mins Mahe! Cameron, yellow Nita silk tnlle : NI... Rita Naftel.pink 4'htna silk rope ; sod * numler of others. The wtwfg gentlemen were �r�ent from °ut- p.int• Stratford ite Hawke and t rs Hihh.r.l, F .1 Palmer, K. F'ardle)'- maot and :cordon ; Mitchell lb \\'right Ir Mr Kipp*n: Seaforth T. .1.IArmen. TIM EXPERIMENTAL FARM. * tow. arrow outtoss., tate work lei amipeetmiaeaeyenalieu Ma. Molal) List Tile Sni^ %I. awt N 4 Tllrrlow s, the wail•kuowu Ham,hon.sel_ M•danuw, rind naked fur stone particular. shim' his recent viol t.. the F:xpenn.rated birth w L'uIute.'ttws with the Agricultural College at 1: uolph. 1\'.1l, said he, 1 ha.la't beets down theta .Sue four )lits ago, urd during that tin,., I must °unfree, marvellous mlpn,ceuwate have been Slade. 1 owed logo duppts rages lady each year, but for the last four )ears my t • has Levu w taken up that eouWa't spare a day away until F'nday lot. In the old days there used to Le a greet deal of orppsiti.w, to the Model Farm, owing to politica or uheretor, anti 1 remember oats visaing the Fano lis wlo.pauy with Thr tale \1'm. W.L1,of The Farmers' Aelvotate,wh� he turners to me after we had run throng! net aim a.atm wr the Om,. and said. "Burrows, thin int O ILr ,decor cul eepreawitts the ut.e. cot taken by a Targe proportion 4)1 our reaera in Canada's favorite exhibition. Thu the directors deserve fur their untiring rtlorta to keep it at the front of lit.. nark and agri cultural fair.. Its grow.°,; popularity 1* cur greatly r 1 all the attention • v n log n e4 i .. u re i. k a• ung the peter cat,makiu` su.'h alterations ler are relented : to the iuornnemrat of lite mock : encouraging the better clatter of gnat. and reeds for cultivation, anal (ring Eng out and f.rtrriugpt urs inteuuuis of All kind.. .v Iarge number .1 0atrial prizra are offend for cheese and butter. its the mina - fact a these articles is Mttridrrr,l two ver) important tndutrie* ..f this l'n.t'incr- Sprcal prizes are also. of eretl for the .xow m:.kmg the Im.ot butter on the grouallol the tree t.. Ir unJrr the supers -kWh of Au c' - la-,' fes taw• Agrlcwltural l'nllrge. The ma.•huo•ry iii mot: fin in the Manu Holding Wad of tach lett untere,ting and instructive character that special r11.,r,, are being male tn.celi resister \-ears, 1:1 tl•. art depart 1.10111 t 1tr.' 1s a new depart ill anti - Nfta h alar already prorwl tole.'iilin /IV sue. ce.siuI : artiste are allowed the tar:. drape' nl di»paving .if Heir productions. 1.) prlvat.• .adv anti pablic ':auction : by .adopting tan, course and effort.; of •'.e•retary Iin.wn• they have ole,un,l •. Intiguificem 1Yllr.•t. rn .f w a,rk» of out by linnet.. Stat.:.ars, .' •geniis in ,• pl(nt01gs years, -,1 a1 t:100e) terlire;. ,1 right of these alone would well ;elate' to the' Waitern Fair, het whoa Ila v told +nl, •},rP'rTuttra'ttorls a« 11,.• \\ i:d \1'P.t ikota, trap^ze p•rf'ormanelrs. fau•'v riff* al.:*,bang, tine 4'• Zine etwiteit• cn..t.awt .owing matcher,' chi..late tire wink, dfy. hall..rn race. by lady and gent. muds of muss .% et.., where nen we go that we will re-'nr ler 0,tielt *lot in»trn.tiorr and enjoyment at rieh tittle ,•.pens.• lee t., the Werten* Fair in 4.nn.4 n. nr.t Sepc0o het lith l0adlo• • DUNLOP. [rows ora nut .. ,.t::.F .n,. tits?.1 Miss strata N1 'Allis;: r vlsucd at Nile this week. Willie Maim, of Hrur.tk4t, to .pending his school holidays here. N" 4 1lkillmss, tit 11'iml•oS, was the Bunt of J. M. liVillitun' for se•yeual .aye last we.k- F*le,, ('ox, of I.o.krich, spent teenkrleh'a ottnc hldltl*y heew, tate gayest .f• .\.:like. Ft. 1►, JJ'xrir, will, bar. Potts, .l Salt - ford, lett by la/at last week nigh a ship. wont tit horxc to sell In the Nurthweat. Wrote 1. the Dale tl the nen driver width our Irishman haw recets-.1 in a•. Miaow. for hi'. wrel•kn. au Mock. Lows. Thr ue•w Mosel Ir of much tatter g:.1 end t., likely t.. l.. entered In the coming trotting raw.* 1u ,'tugu.t, And *1 so, prostates Ip leave all r.( -al steels Idoking are specks m the el:1tame out the rico truck. 1'111: 4;11-.1 RA.,. Last week white Cali%•• ,hoarse Illy g1pr) camping vruaall In Nightingale -at. faller, at the store nude the remark, •• 5.. the gipu.n are with us fora transient stay.- S.•me of then; were taken hen's by a little Ns. belonging 1.. the patty, which numhrrs 13, who was Ioydn, ..,!lilies at the store ;or the party. lilt. ,:rub• Isco•, star el) in her trens,mt•,rm .:,r :;. :., 1esuly that they were no views at ,11. .1 a,0unernal :reveller. however, thougi. differently 011 thus point Aima waw aw.m 111 ab .argument on the subject with her, and tcand who could clip the tics uerontiutg to the low land adage, she w tel Eng up the debate ley ^eking loin to bur tinware, which was of good talar. anel which they were selling 1n Efts brilfh- bo IME rh 1. The wpm** lid not trade hunts here and coal,' weld lace and tinware .curing their sojourn. CEDAR GROVE. (rine to 0 .,w% , nkna:,r...nrsT.1 Aaron Kennett wan the gtlmt of Mir. 1'. elowter .n Suuday. 4.liar Lexie 31n,tom war the gavot of 4.lies Aha'e Merriment on run,lay. 1V. E. Scott spent Sunday ant the 2nd. 1'.nderful what attraction Bill lane ere. !tell and 4V%ta ten have purchased from \\ . 4'o.entry i i. 1 hroxshing engine at a reasonable figure. George %V efts!nen. ac... npanted by his 1w0 11r1S. 10 rrlwwing Obi acquaintances on the sixth crus. East Wawaan.b. at prep eat- EAST WAWANOSH. [mow ova .w. cumkLMP..nxtT. ( • 11'. Bennett spent Sunday under the par- ental wolf. 1 .lam.'* hack spent Sunday under the par a eat nw,f. Mie. Ida Stewart was visiting on the sixth last week. The farmers are cutting their Fall wheat, I which is an excellent cep. he Miss Berne Fens'wk Nas the guest of T. H. Edwards on Sunday. .toe. SlooacMluae and his gang are painting ih 1►. ('cook « barn wall at present 1'hark. Wight man. who was recently yrs hurt, is improving a. Nell as can he expert ed. 1 t:norge W-ightnnan, who haa leen teaching ho oashen1 tit Fires, a spending his vanation at hu father's. 4, a replrtnt t hat • prominent young Mach. . is abut to enter the army of benatirta short- p.,, ly. Better wait till ll'inter,.lne. 1 glgentic humbug !" \fell, whate.er`+lfapys' there w'as for Mr. H'en's adverse enrnt, ; Own, 1 mist say there u none whatever ! now, arta 1 my it freely', althoagtt not a I i.literal upholder of the party In p.we, 1'h. ,'Ebert. that are being made t.. Imprut e the condition of the faruier by practical r. nine « nt a n Ill the right P'' direr . u u aun 1 err ' being conrt•ientia.usly and intellgentl)' ter recast t ed. 7111. u11JEer OF TH1. t ISIT. ' which 1 nark tut he Agricultural College oar t.e view the eaperinleolawith regard to40011i, especially 0 ht'at,Wnl 10 end,e.I.r t.. lin•l out what would la• the heat Canty few geDera! cultivation it. the. section. The progress. the farm has made in seven year. it scow thing wonderful to my mind. At that 1Jnu- the experimental work won hunted t„ twelve au.l one half acres: raw ninety Acre. are devoted to et;ertu:cntof cultitalnat. There are tt/) variegate of Fail wheal ..del tart. 5i) of Spring w i.e4, 112 of oats, •4i tit pearl, 66 of barley, lin of corn. anti 120 til root., toogethe with an mulles* vanety of causer send other grasser' There are titian, Sumner of foreign varieties of ;grain. trim an elitmt me being male to re•I•uatize•- nuticed partu't:larIS wane Getman varlet. len they .h.ln't appear to take ku..11)' le 1 .uraelioue 8.41 or vintage. anal I .v.uh*t t help trll:mg lhr Sup•natenelemt.4'. A.Zi.q-. who }wn..rw}!, escorted me over the ground. 1. and who is no: only a ctwill1'st trot rupenn teml.•nt but a perfect gentlen,an in every respect, that l'a bele wanted all the I tern.an petiole .he could get, Tut w.-- Iw.1 no use for Ieerluau grain fix practici t purpose.. a .Fs. nrr.(kr'xr is about too t4' made this year in the *roc of the special ballet in on the subject of the ,- - perintents now to pnigr se w,t!. rri;ar,l t.. all t arietis undrrtr. t Ile et.tc.n• the broil let los were not issue.,) .away enough to le. of pacti.al vale to ttw farming c,wtrmunity, but this year the Maranon 1a to have them. ready for public distribuN.,u Ivy Au,;tmit 15. 1 intend to get about 200 copies kwdiatribu tion in this section. for t believe they *I11 pn,.-e of valor to the progressive Emmen with whom 1 do bunnew. TH►. 110 10,41 Il",*f4 are to ix- congratulated on the smet•rsa Whit+ kat Atte-ailed their' efforts in regard 1.. the agricultural testa. `kerne )rare ago a .lea crepan,y tau fount to exist between the experiunerits mai•' at the Agricultural Col- lege F'arnl ,n. certain kinds of grain ant •lo.w made by private individuals on ranular kinds of grain. 'rhe diverse result. bothered tar Advisory Heard and they at one set itwwt seeking for the reason. n.-e*tIgtction showed that ton many .,ua}ttles of soil in the lana which vow }wing ,.a-.1 on the F./r111 for experimental purp,e•s, Anal it un::e the A,)ti•ory Ibrrd ehnnged the }tie* tion to one where a more uniform quality of sol was obtainable. Sine then the results et the experutteno.l growing hat, been highly satisfactory. TH1:1:4 1. •%IYrHL1; POINT. maul Mr. !termor., which to my mend sl.ouh1 attract the attention of all progress *Ire fartn•rti,and 'hake them take an interest in the work of the Experimental' Farm, and that u the idea which 1s I.eing detelopd of takiu4g two crime oft the one Land .Innnieth, yt'gr. new instance, last year they ww'ei }'all rye amt now the rye n all in the }aunt and the e - h win ground un.k a e..ws,t with refe- reed. 11e result t. • great amount of troll in the Fall, and the land has had the lenges of A thorough cleaning. The renlunrrattot from suets a system of donhk-coopping .s large. Yea. i enjoyed my vat, and i was plowed t.. learn that during the reason thus far 15,000 other pereme wt.. felt interested in agricultural des elopment hal also tufted the Eaperirnental Farm. The agneulural cep of the Mowat Adman:atnetl.n a all right. end i say it. Hnt I must Ie flawing, and 1 sup osc your time 1r of rage value, ton. Anti the Hamilton -at hustler shot off as rapidly as he had made her appearance, an.l Tnr. Stn.. 0. determined to go. the result of the Interview to its readers, a large number of whon, are of the prngresei.r agrieult lira} clime. •h w -'t MORRIS. f flirts so l; .0-N , .tnrnro.pCTT. j John M••l'ety hal a her on Friday kat o put the steepen. in his barn. Berry picking ha* been the oreupali..n• of the females and little people too a great xtent this peat .couple of weeks. T. H. hoses was out ant week petting up two of his So, 3 Brantford hinders, one t 1l'm. Frw•er's and the other at Alan Ramsay's. Haying is pretty well through and the armee* are now. at their Fall wheat and mirky harvesting, both of which asst to a very goad) sample. Hugh Mores has his home new!�� romplrleof o n the outside He now= tting a Mason 01 by own sono to pee that e work Is. horn well dove. At the service at Johnatnn•s chereh last inlay. the pastor, ker. L R. 1l'allwin. haptise.i Eleanor .lane, infant daughter of mseph and / ettre* Breckenridge of the emery. Mr Errington ha* I•tnght the Waterloo horse power thresher which was rim for • bort time hy Mr. Pocock last year, and is pared to .I0 work for the neiy4hnrhowtl that hoe. On the farm of 11'. Fraser one day Inst eek • timothy stalk wee pulled the head wh,o•h measured eight inches and a half length ; also s herd of wheat was found irh remained seventy three And clans OM of wheat. The engineer carte on Morula to survey "elm for Me water on A, l y's tot e elite+ n to be run all the way ,Prow Jnhneton's and a,aerw W. J. Johnstoa's stops at the litre b.twesta hum mid `thaw's, the water ,�ili ttMtMl1 fa}I that time, and Mr. al♦gw� to good Its piece. A are Tel fReatru the haat •sal pm0 w Il.aS,;.,t4> OMeejeldanint. Mat. rig Mrs- Shantz 1Miss Tema nib -heist), of Oregon, was in Clinton reorntly own a snit "' to her relatives. She ha* Phange.f consider M ahly�n sl twelve )tars alosrnoe. in TI.. troopship 1Ironies arrived in Ragland wh Tuesday with the 1;manlier' battalion re gra turning hem exile at llerent.la Their friend* intended giving them • receptiru at ..'t 1'orta0t,uth, let the War a 415Pe learning Th this altered the course of the atop to ikon-. ti Kate Isreentiekl, who it was recently al- ttmof ged was andocted at. the Turkish emisal \ ate at Snnjhoulsk. Persia, in detanos of the h7 English ausswl. has Wee crammed by the it Br.tash teasel at Teheran. She deelare4 aha wall a coarses to lafsmrwm newt, .,tl tw imert111f intn\al(it fYGwglj•. pipe of land owned hy noncan ?rein!, aalahi,1, township, F7gim county. hos ... ;:•. • e •.....•s.1.'. ' '°t:Yk.' • : r' ,a`i . • ..a' ' ^gAttisZeks *Woe lilt 480118111111 IayMAt ps"