HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-31, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODKIRICH, ONT., 1VRIDAY, JULY 31, 18,1. 111. ACHESON lic SON. ANOTHER RADICAL CHANCE ! Dress Goods Sale 11 \1',• :In t Lwr lug rapidly art s rad hue, of 1:1 H II b I I I I F `t$ 1:1/4 H../8lat the following ridiculouaiy low prices 15 Pcs•25-inch All Wool 25c. Berges, To tear et Mc. I best shadire.i 10 Pcs• Stripe Tonle Cloth, All Wool, stir. • ford. Tie • big eduction. but 114.% rt. mind, well place whit the otter lits. at Id ccut•• 5 pcs. Double -width Serge, Now Ne. a lard• Regular tic. goods Send for sample of our I11.-1UK 1'-1S11 \I Lit ES. all wool, nt 10 and •.. kir any price. A SILK IIEN R 1 KTf.1 at $I.50 : they are not sur1►1. •tr.l iu the ti y trade - IS IT 1..1.TE FOR GRI:NAUINf et A fru pirt•t,., left. will sell at :ie. a nand. north dot;blr. Arad for ',ample. of any of the alloys-mertiow■I specials early. Inaptt-- Olio int dell. W. ACHESON & SON. FEAR'S STICKY Fr.= -'r P4Al2'ER_ i'AT('I1 EMALI \" F. 1 N i )LIULIYI•: \I I'' \ � I'• ,l- tr.:It and only :ic. n *beet. RUBBER RINGS FOR GEMS. sh.L80 CORKS .AL L SIZES. [111. I'Ii , I:,I:1('1•• GEO. A. FEAR Druggist RHY NAS Ohl Stand I'lIE i )11"g CORNER. tie %aught, Little WWI. ,nr rutting. *hs is tricky. I ,.0 °really drieVNl to tell. And her hand• are always sticky WA, chocolate ceratuel : _. plrr.rolly's bettered teat urea Tell of many • frantic hurl. %beetles terror of bier teachers. That o..gbty little girl • She dotes upon h•ninas• Aad she ,.torsos thorn oo my ktires. And *be peprera nay Havana.. And it,- laoglu to hew me sneeze Ana •lin .teals into my .Indy .t n.f •h.• turns my books& -whirl. ;.(-.,± L•- boot 4 are always muddy n.v naughty little girl ' N hra she looks as she were dreaming IN the smirch, .n the air. I know she's only to banning How to slyly pull ms. heir : why f .ant di.eorer- <-,+.• cry tangoed curl. - , darling and I love her ,• naughty little girl! for the table it will keep It from lumping. and the pr.•:ty httle shaker will not hate : efi(arl a moiling to damp weather. Xnnel plat away" i0.1 In Ito plates. In 'tusking c,istarl, pun pkat or Ietnnt pie., it in better to partly bake the crust before a.l.hng the- mixture, .. that it may not be absorbed by the paste. .t new and delicious .dainty is prepared II taking thi stone either from .late•, or prunes and substituting a Lit of the kernel of ail F:nRhth walnut. Spinach juice coloa white sauce pretti- ly, and when pouted over hand boiled eggs, sliced and laid eve€tly ,a1 r platter. is a tempting dish. If sheets or table clot Its are wrung by put - ttng the selvage through the wringer. the edges will not curl up an.l they will iron much easier. A little kerosine. oil Tubbed briskly eve: the spots on dark clothing will brighten the garments a1,41 reamer the .1441(4 abinat like a small Lox tilled with !Inwood plane.! on • shelf 1n a pantry or closet will absorb danspm.s.a an.l keep the air dry an.l sweet. If indelible ink gets spilled on a oument • saturate the spot with iodise and then wash out with ammonia. To have the crust of • jIotpte !Drown set the Iaet em a few c.r1n before the tire and turn it frequently. When meat is limning it will cook more 1 rte.. .t Neel, Adak - aw•l•g t.ndklae. 1 truggtnta tell us that people .all daily for the now .cure f4.* constipation and tisk-in-a'larhe discovered by Ili. Silas Lane It tl. a i.I to he Oregon grape root 14 great 4 uw•kly rf a frying -pan u turnef over It. h remedy' in the far West for ter t+nmplaintsl jr mug mav le hastened m the same way. •oed.,n• M with simple herb., ani in nude y becte,ivor for .eve l.y pouring on broiling water to draw •t Leto. Jsugar ga aibledor after4,conking n, ill m ,.411 the strength. It sells at 50c. anl*1 a peas. K package anti is called Lane's Fanuly Medi• prove them, particularly if poor. u1.'. (2•eosrj A pound of sulphur burnt in a tightly tame YsMslis►_a1M•ra eloped room will destroy every living thing in it, from moths and hed•bugs to peaihle .1404.1 lathing within two hours after a No Room for Shams. ALECK SAUNDERS, wEST STREET. REACTION is taking place in the minds of the people in regard to cheap Tinware. Especially is this the case among the farmers of Huron. The country has been flooded with factory and home made slop -work, which has proved unsatisfactory. Since starting business for myself in February last I have made ♦ 7 up a heavy class of Tinware, which I have sold at reasonable prices, and the re suit in increase of sales has convinced me that if the farmer, the artisan, or the retired gentleman gets an article of merit he is satisfied to pay a trifle more to get it good. I have, therefore, made a further move forward, and haveust to hand a stock of what is known to the trade as " Re -dipped " " Bradleyad eChach sl sheet is wrappedryeet of in tiswhichh has two coatings of Tin upon a soft steel plate, sue paper. In future all my Tinware will be made from this grade of Tin plate, and of the prices comparison will prove that they are right. There are very few tinsmiths in Canada who use this Tin in ordinary Tinware, it being used for cheese factory and dairy work, but I will use it in everything from the smallest Tin cup to the largest wash boiler. In order to clear out my present stock of HEAVY HANDMADE TINWARE I will sell it at greatly reduced prices. • 7 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND d.ANOI.T 5Al[ IN CANADA. �tl•.•e•. yew la Mks wait s ,�a I. . e•w u. 44•Iomoi. M\• ►N. L•...: ••• yes psi ►4 sew is ..m n. - ••• r ant t•rt..udu 'n•/ ▪ r♦♦1•.•11'•• :rt ea•a 1.1. : •.r ▪ M. e. vss .•✓tewet4a 4 Ywie.,.. ..g ei1 , w. 41ar,«. slow mow ser sal; t : .1w .w► as is w . Neal _Ny law , • ••. N . we t . }. eatr•w ibl.. .APO twrl.ai.itt loss.... Ya • PCI art IAIM ratla. MOW. An Irma•.&. Is Os, e.SItss•. s uxs. meal. tv4ud Walling when the holy is cooling .iter perspiration. %void bathing when exhausted by fatigue from any other cause. Bathe when the body is warns providing n.• tune is lost getting into the water. Avoid retraining ton long in the water leave the water immediately if there is the • ighcst feeling of chilliness. Avoid .chilling the body by sitting or .tsn.hnc undressed en the banks or in brats after having hien in the water. .weld bathing altogether in the open air it. after having been a short time in the wa ter. it muftis a sense of chilliness and numb - be•* of the hands and feet. The v igewous Anil strong may bathe early 'n the morning ern an empty stomach. The young sal those who are weak had better lathe 'no or three hours after a meal the heat Ione for such is from two to three hours after breakfast. Dime who are subject to attacks of gid ,loess or faintness, &ad those who suffer from palpitation sad other Nam of Iltssmm- ion at the heart, Ib.shA set blithe. ladies' Hone Journal • Til E HOUSEHOLD (*RN ER. 1 DO ALL MANNER OF SHEET METAL WORK, 4azitary Plumbing and Heating by Warm Bir, Hot Water or Steam. SOLE AGENT FOR THE E. k C. GURNEY OO'S'. STOVES, FURNACES AND HOT WATER BOILERS. itemise germs. 11adMa.11M 1Ylaa. A propose:. which would obtain favor with even the opponents of Natinalism, contemplates the placing of a supply suffici- ent for each family of natures great dyspep- sia uprrlfir and blood purifier, R. H. K., m every home in the . The benefits of such • bunt' ,.• the would be iuealCul- abk. 3 IN.(4.-.---- 1)4. Rev. John M'Neill, Isle `crotch preach- er, pias a good store of humorous anecdotes. but one of the best that he ever 10141 was of a little boy on this side of the "herring pond'. who wrote to the treasurer of a build- ing font in connective with some church. ('arefnlly enclosed was live cents to restage stamp, ,lolls with the request that"if you want any mere allSey, please be Secs to let me know.- - 1 row rime wegeelLA_ iter Testas Wives. I he v item' from Th• Home queen are .1 totem' of our homes . 1' 1s just u necessary to keep salt from ..00long hail orders as cream. A sack of .est salt standing where there is • smell I. or any nhje•:tenahIe odor will absorb • fl*' -"r \II sorts of vessels and monads nay he 'oil from long retained shells of any by rinsing them out well with(haroma pw'ioler«l, after they have been scoured with sand slap lent camphor gum with your new silver - war and it will neeer tarnish as tang as Pte gum is there Nevar wash silver in Nipstni*, ss lima vires it • white appear- 'oe. silk handkerchiefs should he quite dry 1. f0rv. lensing. If doughnuts are cat not an hour before lkey are fried, to •Iknr • Iittk time for I will always carry a full stock of KITCHEN FURNISHINGS, and procure the latest novelties as they come out. MP.IiRRNk s Nlae, When Yrs. Maks goes to ride she ,rareiu 10146 wawa, te, Her horses. full of Reeked pride, go prancing front the gate : Hut all the beauties of the day she views with languid eye. Her arab 1. weasaess wastes away. her voice is but a MIA. For Mrs. Million is in an uleanced "doge of .catarrh, and all the luxuries that wealth an buy fat! to give her comfort. She envies her ray waiting -maid, ass' would give all her riches for that young woman . pure breath and blooming health. Now, if mole true and disinterested friend wo.ld &dvise Wes. Million of the wonderful merits of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, she would kern that her ease is not put help. 11500 reword is offered by the manufacturers for a case of catarrh in the head whish they cannot Cale. To abort • 4'014.1 N• Asa. N&tnre. It 1. said, .)metitllM attention to do this by a fit 0t .needing : the centres are aroused from their eollape I.y the explosive influence of the sneer". This is e1e„etimeslhnwght &hoist by a pinch of snuff: "the .massing suffices to recover the nerv- ous system quickly from its depremiers. ' A little brisk exercises will sometimes speedily motor, the emh$rrass•"1 eircwlstinn. Some have great faith in a fall dere of gninne, ten Arsine ; ethers advise salicin in pretty ler ge doses, tweet grouse every two hors. ring, the will lei much lighter. rry e+t- The heat thing to hone, in many more, - L►t emit and f its Ike mnrwittg. when following the ex.rrare, there are Ml.w jukes will color mo it aknsttr+ ea sp •.d fol to bed, Cup rested jrinel d .. see t d gamma , "k•.__ �' 1#jTiixa it MIA RRIf1ft • rtol# will coley tt tMot p•Y" a' ' W r ^ ! 4 Rcguttstss the Stomach. Liver endSowelt, unlocks theSccretions,Puriftesths Stood and removes all Im- puriile� from o pimple to thewor�t Scrofulous Sore. CURES •= DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHaUM. SCROFULA - HEART BURN. SOUR STOMAC DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATISM SKIN DISEASE BITTERS WHY EVERY FARMER should get meat Armstrong's Improved PAT.!). BRIO & SBED CLEARERS, WHAT WE DON'T DO WHAT WE LO. We iOINT have every slay a special Bargain I)ay, nor Ido we sell Tweeds at cost. But we DO holt) BECCALTf3E let -it al owe no foul seeds to be blown Into the chaff, which 1s of great importance to every far mer who wishes to keep his farm clean. tad,. It save* and oleans all Timothyseed from any kind of grain while cleanng the kraus. ord. For Market cleaning it removes Cockle. ('hew and shrunken grain and elves the farmer the greatestoo•dble weight for his grain with n0 tl.neem••n Iota Uk. It will sample gv•1s for show end seed purposes equal to aged plekisa. NIL Cleaning need WheatcesWIM It Pena i Cockle, Mustard seat Wild Flax and other foe/ and shrunken and broken wale. •w" gives the farmer pare. clean. seed grate. tN withoutwig lnw•�e of grain. be , thor- oughlyltk.-Cle•a(mg Neste • it w111 separate the .end. quartered. halves, /lets and whole Peas frees each other. emeritus/ each to a dltRrest .oupartme•t. Mk. --It sac perfect ('lover seed Mecblse. re - movie( 1 don, betaken mid dot .reds e ( seed. R larwer or smaller than the Nk.--it 1. • Oast clews Grass seed Machine. bbv.. so ..eds away. Ilei. --It Is a goal Flax seed Machine. I alb. -It la • int clam rhea *. Raab. -1t can be fitted Ism the eldest faskteesd Awning 31111 that Is laid aside ea s.eisat a.d mak. It de the work w • new MPU. Igen. --It nen he attacked t. • sew YIU with. Ont interim it. .ad nae be removed atNU time se easily ae • three .11k4. it dam not inierfore with this nee at the re- gular .,eves et the Min. INk. it. sieves are •early all perforated dee. 'get -11 bap a eap•clty et drty boatels of grain per hoar. Mb,ItM as Miter as the ordlesey haulms DIM .Meek ITh. -Leery 1111aehl..1. HeaRAwTm.• (lend year seder at wee if les wgdt 11 tide ssgeas. ii yo. beet set sew • w ask N WWII ~seat fee 1e•peetias, sad that you take IttseeareeengdNton It setts. iris /rte•7nf 1 by s ll wad load* slily .1 willywhftas frestiag. dose chilly �p sultana liana I,�e SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS AS SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, And sell for Cash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. .prtie._ C-oderioh, Ont. ailklk nrwn .tareb N pot is the silo Me erre LMtsn4.ee Lesal,sesee s Freee.d- i1 -et Will quote priors next week. GEO. ACHESON & CO. May 28th. 1N1. mulsion Or ad LiTerOi1 AND Tal Hypopbosphltes of Lime and Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is mays sweet as cream. The st sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostrat ion. General Debility, &c. Bewares( all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L." Emulsion, and refuse all others. PRICt SOC AND Si PAN SOTTLI Sold by F_ Jordan. PATENTS! CAVEATS. ;•'.A3E DARKS AR0 C0FIRiiKTS Obtained. and all business in thTl. Patent Office at•c&ded to a1 .vODf:Kd..- PP*_r-. Our office 1. oppaaite the V. A. roam& Of- fice. ami we car obta p Patents in law time hats those remote from H'ASH INGTON. Pend YODEL OR +UR:! !1f \'R, We ad rise as to patentability free at rtoarpte : and we make \O C1y ARDS r.%'LFs. 11 -: Oft - TA IN P.tTENT. We refer, here. to the Poelmaster. the stmt. )i ]Ivey Orffier l).c•• amt to otliciels of t be L. S. leases (Mace. For circular. &dries. terns and referee. . to actual clients in )o.r )w0 tit ate ur County, write t . C A sites Are.. evver.ite Pam (m, lee 't -*,k,. wtue.D.I: B. MacCORMAC, • FINE TAILORING, &c. -1-.XTitA VA!, 'Es IS -- TEAS AND MRS 7 HE SQ UARE. FOR -v4 . , 11. - `'.`.v La l's OIRE MD!AgTEA fdlASAKEEDANUITUTPSE fiver& A ninst r4 -For the neat two weeks at -- EU. CAIPAIIINE'S, 1 or. Mentors:-st.and Square. Te/t7sI o.'rc Connectzon. 300Or *rat':• t,oe.e.b....M,.� t»y. •.s Ma es.a in....a ter, t n ,'conte t1w..ni sae►....a._y a.•, .,• e... Ta... trs.....1.. awe••• . Tar b iadrra. 4.n.. ►ww e,, -.o 4417 oo. 1 w 414 •I* Latta• tar .4W......, t..a•.... -...t . 14414 ,....* ••••• don ...r.. h.,a.e..aawl,.•....'• NY.. ... ..H.eM ey.ary 1• -rota I• 4leoaeon. tale •e.. -y .. ...kr •.'ml .a d41 ,. oto .i sur. l t... .a 4 .. ay *sir .. '. aa 4 .W...n cost..-.arl4!{g twomb..5. . ..ab* am, essee. ea.*. n • C� LiXp.I LRA.tAI•.w.e.• 8oderich Steam Boiler Works Established poli. Chrystal & Black. SECOND HAND MACHINERY in Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power upright boiler, all complete. 16 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above Dave been thorough- ly overhauled and warranted in first class oondition. Ready fbr immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THR MARKET. - T►v a **minis. makes_ CRAB. A. NAIRN, Grocer. Matt order will receive primer Stt atlas. Weskits M. a. I. M. SWlew. t1\ Repairs promptly &tteeded to P.O. BOX 381.