HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-31, Page 5ism IN1111 4 maims ,71 week.d .mthe•i `DTAW TABLE. '1a11•4.4 /Hv. t/ 4,4. fy_ monthlies hate beg* Aute sale, the new case. Cly core to .lay. S anuary-, it has he.e e.ls,. with almost every ta.es. le. :luyl anal thor•wgblb- patriot subscribers frau all .oar 1 orterles are short .o Khan writers or .ah t''-'ra)1m+a gag lfbe resit mlr 411d1.r hs a Y .ttkriy• i. sal.k. L slot. The A1tg..t Aar, retaining away Hans M utsurnrer f iahinwa, legal u.v.11rw or', sial yaw& 111.111„ 11v ,.ratpah, r U of lo.y .11sgasi• . 1 HIS SM( lee-ripttesa eoj u(g styles kr Intim, mina intake un the pea wsm s .kua riling in trimemings and r. ,f the latest ideas :u eel anal fancy work. Price, tow etre, tar $1.00 a year p., laws in Canada. ..ddr,e, r Publishing ('a I l.t.i. s, 1I Vest, 'Toronto. its•• Amt. -The minder+ et go for Jody 18th au.i Aspects oflmrrteen la\. sediment e,f I tIl fgt,4., \rx ihhtallapk(sger Bispaise Jemmy part Spam, piss 4eague. New 1Y weeks% Spain. illa.•kweed: Ptieeh Frontier, t'..rubiu: a of Letters. The Stir „r inn. is India, by Sir .11frd alb firma some l'nhubh.knl Waite Route, MOiv+ulna . Ass, and The Marro to . res, Temple liar : Backed van's ; The funs of come. 9s0M s0 of Europe • II : with instalmrotr d tw" ftRi" " i m'a Tour, ••' Iw 111 p.ilry. For tifty-tw., ty4s pages each or user m • yeast the subaenptl•w • while for t(10.50 the pith - lead any ..na' of the Amen Mise or weeklies with The n year, lath Feet paid. Lined lire the publishers. NT M ad. i/l% V. Soft AI .. t .T, _fitfully illustrated art ichsof rend the Forest." and "Over es," are continued. Serie ..bout England " is fully i! likes one through sone ell y in the Old Land Derby speare'a country, hieing the on group. The eacilletieg nwuge Eliot is grwtah,ca* lebe•az, Hart. Robert W. ntrilawtee a timely trucle es u Leagues," showing the he stsrompllehed in the HI intelka•tuel *iplud ding et e. Ike Mc•I.aan's article Is n Indian I'roblent " wi9 mn ordinary interest. 'ile ▪ " The Toa.th of Time, le sehell. A remarkal,'e liar uck In Rev. W. Harrts da tested Imo.ortalitis." 1hit nr, F. H. Strafford, M. D. a with • short .ketch ,.d e." .A nilnitter a daughter 1 puts in a pleasing manner r Joe Martin T,■,k up No on's'• All lie Knew"gn.st re editor gives a reit, a derick Ihm.tlass. the I.1 4111 Hish•p Newnan write. lance.. while Dr. Harr,ow excellent number with nanous conferences. 1'r n'. • tax Toombs: 20 cents per ;o • William Riggs. "Madame ha 1 *0P -MESVILLE. .w-.uKKt..n.SneyT.l r of %Ira louff,of Gooier .. days in the village. ey Is doing an extensive Iplement line. having .o4 lid mowers th1s season. t choir, which for some in • state of dprufw4.w, 40 n. Sabbath last to the t coogregat 1011. ler is appointed) to preach chur.h next Sabbath after • ee at 2.30. The people are to the envier with .k- w purchaae.l the rsuleroa lame Fnrl for the hum e1 ✓ i. about to remove to bought the hutcheriag and by A. Couch. 1i:1RKETS. S AND PROVISIONS. snit Pelee.. SODS/NCH. July 30. llM. • .... VtetoIO 3 010 310 10 0 rola 10 Ls 0 tory to MOWN It V ise.. 000 ton .... •• . 0 &Stella ......... 00toee oIltostl ecce••• IS N to13 0 1404.4 se tee 013to043 S) dale o IS tor 13 0Ntoell 10tol10 '04410 •0ttito0O O 13 toe 13 glitalagibeiss. Jo1f AIM. «0rot0 1 0101 t1 44tolr *Ate,* 101111.110 oi*eoell 104030 'Mime 1113•11:, •104.,qq 11 0 telt • 'Movie • III too 0 04.11 ......•....... 1 w to July 0 Del. $t 0 es t if ,.... fee to le . S•lII• S0atoe• jsleI0 M re !It p0 tee 11 •,400 10411• N an • • 'r vdariwsa +ir:•. THE SIGNALGODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 31, tK91. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE E3TAOL/SNsD ANT, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. twit AL (PAle V Sa NILL•ION DOLLARS $T, Bl E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. . GODERICH BRANCH. $10.000.000. :1900.000. g GENERAL BANa1NO BU$1sttts Tnatisa TED. FARMERS' N0TFS DII COUNTED. ORAE 1 a 180UE0 PAYASL. AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE P,ENCIPAL cit mei in THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA. ac SAVINGS SAM DePARTM[NT. DEPORTS Or st.OD AND UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATER uF INTEREST •LLOwED• 1NT/t0ST A0060 TO TRIS Ple1114311PAL AT TME END or Mar AND .OVEMatt 1M SAON YEAR. Spooled Attention given lo the oollwction or ' ornrttarolal Pam. and Fernier,' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. THIS 111 WORTH TO 7011 •_'5 CENTS ! BUT FIRST NOTE THESE POINTS : .A F'L.AT DENIAL. It is being stated about town that I repair only my own goods. re a to a malicious falsehbroughttomP repair any (; for that purpose, no matter where IUA:le+ Mune is the only establishment west of Toronto where you can get M.K goods half -soled by hav- ing the soles property stitched on, which is far better than beteg roughly nailed, as is done else- where,And I make no extra charge fpr sowing on half -soles. 1 \VANT TO CAI.I.s Special att PUUon to my stock of lathes kid high shoes and Ox- fords. which are not surpassed west of Toronto. Call and see for yourself Now for that quartet 1 I:u H 11 Ft 11; '33 CE.NTbi On the purchase of ons psi, 01 shoes at my store of as 25 or u pwants J OH N eITON 0al1Y. Cut this out and bring it to me* and you will mace 25 cents on your purchases. N B These pointe etre all ori- ginal with myself, but as the -y are not copvriehted others may try to :uutate them They can t do it JOHNSTON CAREY, -roc leattfw boot and shoe man. Iv. Whitely, who was mai un hanal,dressed with a few stitches. Master Rob. Morton is visiting at .Ayr. Mn. D. McDonald is visitI g in Toro to. I,eo. I 'remotion is . iaiting friends at I :alt. Iles. Kola. Ihairgh is visiting at (than River Aleck sunders Nat III 7'..rol,o !*..t week. lk. Hawke, .1 Stratford, was in town this week. F..1 I'.1lear,I.I, of Ikyfiel.l, sea, in town this week. Nett Mortis, (.i Petrolea, is visiting Mrs. M. 1'. Swanson. ' Mime 4 .ertic McKnight, of Stratford, is spiting In town. Reveal W. l'ot rcturne.Pon the \v ein..r to Monday morning. W. \ iniac, of Ikin.it, is .pewltng a hoIi.lay term i• :son Public 'School Inspector Kobb, of Clinton, was in town this week. K. K. W :lied, of Stratton!, rpent r oouple of days In town this week. Mita Anderson. of 7•.n,uto, is viauing at the rrsi.len.r of \yet. Kay. Mist !Auto. Merry. of 1.uckaow, is the guest of the Mimes \1'ilkiusuu. .Ino. C. and \latter Martin were in lVipgham u few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. 1► st.al.lart are c-i1itu,g friends at 'helburnr and \lento. Sir.. Whit, of Photon: was the guest this week of Alm. A. F. I'ridhan,. The Miese'. E. and M. Frasier rettiniel last week fro:o a visit to Hanultoi, Miss Ilepinirn, teacher. of Norwich, is vlsisYtg friends in 4;o.lereth this week. Mn. l:e•rnar.l Lvont An.1 infant .laughter, . d Beffalo, are visiting friends in 1.,w11. Howard I'o'.. of ('hicago, ha hale fora j couple of weeks visiting his olt1 •hums. K. Steinbach, of Zurich. has Laren visit iag trine's iu town the past two weeks. i? H. t. Delon And Frank 1Lhner, .A 1 Stratford. were in town on \\'r,ln.'silay. ,_Mir. and Mrs. John Reid kit on Friday last for Kwgs:nn to visit relatives in that PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. i sectuna stage, l:. T. R., was in torn Friday. F. Elliott,t, .of Reefer, •wan in town in sit nnday. BEESLEY & CO. lows MILLINERY SJ'OCK rill, &eructed sella new and soh* goals. right trout fashion's centre, V Laces, Flowers, Ribbons and Straw Goods, aro'. the homey lace sad straw hal 4 the Iarltre auma\edP, NEW s1'1111ER STYLES Are now' ready and waiting the lucky buyer. at FAIREST PRICES. F. worth fes your money is psitetely '::mteel .0 every purchase. Nosh like this stock for style, assortment and pap,Jarity. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, . 461 2,000,000. REST, 6,000,000. A Saving Department has been ()penal in con- nection with his branch. Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DR UMMCND, Manager Goderich Branch. NEW GOODS. We have just opened the follow- ing new goods, which we have marked, AS tsual, at exceedingly low prices : New dress goods in checks, Ntripes and pl tin goods. New prir.t.s and sateen'. New FIA'k PKRI'KNT. OFF FOR t Ay(H, flannelettes in dark strtpea New ea, everfaststainless black cotton hoNi n..kt.R11$a70deli.erect. G00]S EMPORIUM, ern, 111 ladies' fuel children's sizers. The only reliable real 1tr.1. ..eeoiw4 all kinds tel c.a1 in tuck al aU times. W. L New white and gray cottons. New tweeds and coatings. We claim to ls mi tt••t1+ei•VI 7 allow the best value in rill lines o1 ,Iry goods of any store in town. MO LD 0 D'S • You will find out if you kindly ('1 STI1 call and examine We are jet as \ RENOVATOR NAVIGATION NOTES. U FIRE! FIRE! Now is the 11014 1., .sours Year 00al c•bealk ra 1 run ofdlrtag t►e Rest Scranton oust in the. market at 16.00• BLSLEY'S GREAT MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY The Ladies Favorite Eatabliehment, BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON 11. Stewart, of Itrusdtela, was to 10013 up Thursday. Mrs. Morton. St. I'atri.•k's•at., has genes om • short visit to friends im Luckn,w. Sirs. 'Waitron. Lighthouse -.t., returned fr. Ata reit to Stratford) this week, accum- tanied by her sister -:n -law•, Mime Slinuie glad to get your Money and give, Th.. na hooter Pinafore. I'apt. klitchen. yOtl the best value' for it on Tues- reache.1 her dock ,m \\'edm.•aday ntornirn. day. Wednesday, Thur,tlay it Fri- , with 525 Carrels of salt from Port Frank. da • a`. on Saturday or alonday. rumorThere is a runr that the Tar BIMwith the fishing party on hoard was off this port \'ats.,n wh.. will Spend a while In (toile- on \l lay n.orntng and sailed north again. rich. The ntesiner M.amurch was in port on L. I.. Holt, formerly of the !Sank of Com- merce., t\ ,..alrtu. k. but now of Lamar, Ar- kansas, has been spending 11 few days with hu luother, Philip Holt, barrister, of this town. NIce a:olt is mow- largely engaged the cotton acorn Lousiness in the Wednstlay nuit em nursling and took on pas.engcts,a quantity of general freight and three car'eads of horwes. The steam yacht Scolia has 1a•eu under r"- pair the past week, her boiler heaving been In it nd taken amt. She was made ready for work south. i.ike every one else from a die- again yesterday, iter repairs being comple- tance he 1a•lietes I:oderich cannot la• sur- ted. .pause1 as a Suma14r resort. The schtamer .1. e.. Kolfage strived in harbor last week with a cargo of take! for 1'. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mel:wan. The Kolfage sailed on Sunday • -- night fore:ol.len Valley t.. 141.11.1 cedar for !tegtlhir meeling-,4 public school isanl on 1k'troe. Vers The t M y hire ear loads of hors"' shipped per 1t the last regular nes-ling of the S.O.K. the Mnualrh on Wednesday for Manitoba Benevolent society four candalates were' were owued by Roht. McLean, 1 tar. and initiated. Masers. Durniou, of Ihtag.nnomaul(:oven- 'I he Salvation Army barracks is now fin- ished, the painting heaving bee completed! This week the fishing has improved cat - this week. si.lershly.gill nets (showing a good .ateli,and The \lechanies' Institute is eloom at pre - of trap nets pulling up for the poor hauls snit, as extensive repairs are being made m of the paid few wanks. The .itch of the the rooms.hitter brought in on \tontlay was printvpaly of sturgeon anti picket el. 'The opening or the drain at the haat of A fishing party consisting of F. Pretty. Kinston street is very offensive anti needs Tory Hays, Ted Andrews and Harry Rut- a daily allowance of erotic strong nisinfec- son sailed on Saturday Bening- in the Tar tam. The new .trot watering cart was Abrxraeb Red for the Rruc' Peninsula. When nearly abreast of fine calked P the stunts • this week. It s a two -house atfilr and retuly hone. 'Che party left again on Sun - the water half -sea • across the widest Mr.. Velem and Miss McBride, .d Ik- street. the,r s y ,lay evening. tn.1. hate been eke gtRst. of 1. J•- Wheat cuttingcommenced Inst week in . idran of the river, causing the river water to dow .1 tar farmed last week across , he mouth ,un1 i t is all cut At the Chia Li/blies-hood,.along the alaMl and across the 'harbor en- tirtle. rerpmuts generally are that the a effect of this divpia. of the Alias ('lata IMrk was visiting In 17iaton fr.ui I►w-en second on Cues.la) to pea Mr. crop p a goo,l one. 1 river's course o. ap rentl •, tae drive perch lir past week. IC nlb:rll' t:eo..\chew", k 4'o... nt'W a,lrt. al" too ppoaa Jas. Hobert* kit for Montreal on vtmr and other fink that do not like river water J:,hn Ferguson returned to his home, 1►rate far this week, but he promisee a big out ii,t.r the tale, thus spoiling the sport of sou. .41 'C.ewlay. day to act u relieving agent for the ('ata surprise 'n neat issue. He is Making a our larch fishermen. Cana- dian Expreme (o- hear dash at Summer axis. I'..Artnstr.im►hgg of Chicago, returned too hut \Vanlen Joseph Beck t' at Kingston this Y b A fishing party son) ting of Ain addition tams on Saturday. P gs I,r. M. Nicholas', the West at. dentist, i to wiggits mud w,n) John Erste, Percy Miss Maul Martin left last w•ee. t+. cpit week attending the e.ru.l 'image Lo, of make. the preservation of the natural teeth i Shep , King Humber, H. A\'. hall, jr., Bntish .America+ a specialty. Isar wlmiuitaerel from 9 t. N. ' anal eb Cooke, boarded Wiggins' yaeht,the fur the patnlesr extraction of teeth. Speedy, on Saturday eVereng, but the Th. excursion of the season by 4:. T. R. ' w-e.ther being against the manners they to Niagara FA11s and (.rimeby Park on !slept on Iliad all night and did not start Biloma •, .Au 15th. t:sol program at ' till the following evening, when a start was Mtw Kilburn and three children 1"Hved trap e. Th Ielat lies in Detroit. Frank I 'raft, of tier;' l,. +item Sut. tula F'. Hick. of Tarp. spent Sunday' with :ain town. the 'elm( .4 \Ir. K. A. ;Hughes. relate.* to 1•(NIcria•h. 14'hatham Planet. DT 1 anw.ay hu left town anal 1s 0010 \Ir and Mrs. 11'..1. 1 hapuan, of Wing- br•teli at Isiagslrldge. hair. were in town can M.n1y, the guests Park. Ike. eIntyre and Van Alstyyne anal mule for fine rec with a fair wind. '.I. 1.. McDonald, of Str.tfor.l, WW1 le of Mr.. H. I.uest. Chan Aber Sims. Tickets. $2.00 19-2t. When tie. Speedy was about toatart with t.orier••h on Saturday. .lanes Ilickso0, jr-left town last week for Thiuga are buam,ing at the l:akrich or- I the ti.hlua1 party the lithe by which she had Akv. Medlock. of Mermen. (Prot a few Owen Sowed to r.•,ept a position in the post g.ui f. -.tory. The organs continue to hold I le.'n tool to the clic-eke-Ater got caught. .1144 in town thta weak. Moi. Flo. Rall spent a fortnight at the J:otgalowr. Itlack Hole. .In... Robertson nail daughter. of Clinton. sere m tow m ou Monday. Mos. Aggie Ferguson left on .:aturday our Icugthy visit to l►etrnit. .1. R. steep, of Manitoba. was in town on Friday on his annual visit. Miss Lottie Ingle*, of Seaforth. is the to of of the Mises Evans. • Mass back left last Friday on *'visit to 1 hnxlgn sinal other prenta. Abs. Nelson, of St. Thomas, 1'181141g .-r Another, Mrs. '4. bates. .Sohn Coutts, of Henuall, .pent 0mniay town .siting his parents. I'rotcipl Park, of the Model 'k.hool, u • ;'sting relatives at (' atha0,. %Irt KolNom, of Petnlea, IS the guest of b. -r sister, Mrs. Tr. ('. Swanson. 4.,rn. ('oNokmaa, of Hensa1L .pent Sunday Among hp many fries& in I:axkt ich. Mrs. Hick, of Paris, ie the guest of her rebut%.•., Mr. and Mr*, .Las. Itobinru. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, of Seaforth, were the past week the guests of Mrs Batley. D..\-mstran$ was a paaarnge . pie the Pity of 1Vindaau. for AV in dent on Saturday. .Sohn White, of Detroit, spent the pant week in town. the gust of Iteniel Ferguson. Mus Kv. Ausebrook has returned from • t 0n weeks* sojourn at the Back Hole en• csmpmment. Stu.. Hamilton was the past week the guest of her brother, Dr. Hamilton, of e'•rnwall. Mrs. Rote. Rhyne and ern, of iletroit, are vlrlting at the residence a Mrs. W A. Rhyme Mr. and Mn. Joseph Sal\eld were the poet week visiting their tater, Burs. Miller, W. Heiman Mime Floris Doyle left on Monday to visit relatives at Ray City cad other pants arrows the line Wilmer Vides. returned to I)etroit on *b,irday after s two words' visit at the family residence. Town clerk Mitchell took in the meeting ..f the I:rand En.ms„mpsssnt, L U. U. F., at 4.alt .am Tuee ay. Mies and Carrell Chilton arrived at the family residence, 1(a.i street. trnn New \ irk sen Watnrdny. Mr and Mrs lame Salkeld spent Sunday Al the reatdeace of their daughter, Mn. Mnler,at St. Helene. to pin Nes. sea.* , of Klerk Rirer. Mich- l< is in town t p•thlg his mother, who is at illseeS of her husband. 11 a are plea.sd to Mich - leant that lir. Metgaw's con.fiti nwn d' ant screws. J. R. Bnan•my, an old 4:n.(erieh boy. for the prat Ahern years • resident et the olive ..f that town. he high Plate won in public fa. 1 Harry Ilall climbed alumg the dock and re- ('haa. t:rear. formerly of 'Cut. Su."AI. dor. 1:ITS etfEl order for one of those I limed it, rctunlyd to the verel aai,n.aking otter, now :d fort .Arthur, is visiting his beautiful piano awes six octaves and support a step on a rope that lay on the slippery relatives and friesels here. home manufacture. Geo. W. Thorson is' inclined surface of the tomato le, was Miss Libby Williams, a one tame resident the iota) agent. 1 tumbled feet fin -comet into the harbor. of 1:o,hertch, hes obtained a life certificate \Ally buy you piano, organ or sewing I Although caught ,nchn.l: h 1 with w heavythe over i aa a kindergarten teacher. mxhine awayor (inn .110.41 ! ICK rope over Laid week .toe. frit»i and leen. Fraser ere, when y the best in the side, and with the aid of his chums was r..wel to Kincardine. starting on Thursday', market here in your own town at the soon oil board. One peculiar feature ad the and returned home Dot Monday. k,wcst figure. an11 support home trade ` 1 whole affair was that the boat did not. stop Mie. Ilert Irndsay-. who has been visiting to town for the past month. row -tied to her home in \Warton on Wednesday. George .A .1. Fraser left town on the Sl..nareh Wt Wednesday for the Sault on a visit. to his brother, Ilr. S. John Fraser. Mrs. Ihmcan. of Amore, Illinois, who had been visiting at the residence of Mrs. D. Fraser. Rritannia %•ail. left this week. Mies Lily McLean left per the ser. Slonarvh o n Wednesday on • visit to Port- age la Prairie and other points in Mani tolls a Isaac and holt. Miller, of St. Helens, are visiting at the residence of their grand• parent.. M r. and \I rs. Isaac S•Ikel.l, Hayfield maul. Mn. John A. 1'•'v, accompanied by her son. of Chicago, is hem for a short time. staying with Mrs. leen. ('ox. Britannia Rom. Mr.' Elroy. merchant, and wife. of Forst. paid a visit to our town on M onlay and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. .dames Addison. Mrs. 11. \1cTevish, of Huron township, Brum onunty-, who had been visiting Mrs. R. }fennenttn, left eau her return home last Saturday. A friend of 4..nrge ('ox recently sent him three stens of ..,tion just ready to pick. It was grown near •lacksres,Mis.. and ,. realty beautiful. P. 4'. 1'. 4e... H. Nairn attemped the ses- sion of the wand Encampment. 1. Hata. at (:alt this week as representative Encampment. No. 2R Mr. and Maw. John Welsh, of Stratford, who were present at the intenneat of their relative, the km Mrs. W. T. Welah,left for horse on AVeslneolay Fred. R. Grey awl wife, of Iletroit, have heea ypeadiag • ewe w.•eks• holiday In what the gentleman p pleated to call "the prettiest torn he Ism men.- .1. aes.' ,1..V. Dares, recently of the Rig Mill, now of the milling flea of Peaces Bas., Rr.amptos. 1. • ing • short va atiml among his many frieiul. here. Mrs. A. Megaw hes mearwae' to 11'inmpeg, hauls hems oalk.t thither by the roporfed pmerott dwns.•rvnsaly flu. 3.. Carr. of Hamilton, who to on a few weeks' visit to this aeiShhorhw,rl, is • pan reshuffle* flMrwtNelt(esa Iart Pday Rosier Tosee while seated m • "MOri isa0esS dseirlatid (ell to the road, .trikirtg hie Ilial r N. abs.•ent against the .d.oasrniMt. aswm... New n has Ifsised Moises mid 1141H PHs A OW awe es fi been slaking regatiaio marl 04.1 familiar arena' during the past week. He will believe. 1:orlvek'h Isab ell rt.. towns he has sees for sutwral beauty. I'al1 on I:eo. W. Thomsen anal be eon+iwaedl. Au exchange says : Whale teachers. law- yers and business nest and others are away enjoying themselves e.liters are compelled to remain at their post, and he awake .t Light trying to devise ways of collecting outetamd Aug acr.•onuta. The devising is quite easy, but the collecting- well that's enotiler matter. a Dennis ( of Paterson, N..1., is said to have fitaW d0' day. as a cure for indigs- 000. and with 0114.40403 Sufferers by the .Iohnetown flood are mov- ing in the natter of prosecuting the South Forks club for damages :1 cloudburst at Council Bluffs, lr., on Tumilay night hooded cellars and otherwise dud -lamage to the extent of 026,000. French .xpitalpta, including Eiffel, the engineer, are talking of building • great tower on the summit ot Slount Blanc. Hog cholera is carrying off great numbers of (mine in the neighborhood of Waterloo, ia. One farmer has only seven left of a herd of 360. Right Hon. Henry Chaplin, president of the Rritph boar.l of agriculture, has with drawn his hill .Sealing with the Atlantic cat- tle trade. A New York 'World Washington despateh says an ,m ant reciprocity treaty has Chess axmcladeel between the ( nited States and San Domingo, to go into effect Septem- ber 1. Thirty Russian immigrant. who were I arrested at Bost.m on a steamer from Liver- pool have he+en refused permission to ted, as they are deemed likely to be • public charge. Austin, Nevada, wee visite! 131 • cloud burst nn Tuesday, which caused $10,000 damageThe rush of water carred every- thing before It, even boulders of over a tan weigh t. The Patrons of Industry of the county of Haldimrnd held a sue•wsfnl piesiest Alvan. vile Tees,lry, at which stens 7,000 psspk attended. 4 toe of the feature was s ussater procss mm. The British Court of Appealable twseued the verdict of tete lower oast*1.600 damages to Mime Wiedemann a Tier snit seminal I apt. the Haw. Hewwee Walpole for breech of promise. ('apt ilaedsrw, of the whit ick host CbgrIns W. N attttore, did in kis hart\ on 110 weed sr Liverpool Wedrnd0y from best disease. The vessel sees meet to be - Os 1f Igibir■ telp WW • ammo( sesehis• ...t41.•4414411' nor did those on board get in the least ex- cited over the mishap. The war canoe i.uilt by .lac. Wilkinson w•as launcntd on 'Monday evening 111 prem once of a large number of our inl.ahitanta. although tI,e usual waste of wine diel not take place the Menesetung was regularly christened and taking the water did honor to het Indian name she dented as gracefully and more rapidly into the lake than her namesake usually does. She was propelled by 21 paddles, though she will use 25 when manned with her full t'ompletnent of warriors. Seemingly the Menesetung is of great carry- ing capclty and remarkable solidity. When we first hhean! 0d the war canoe we thwarted its utility, but seeing Ata easy movements in the water and admirable management by crew anti comnaader Wilkinson it seems to be • square peg in a square hole. if, as rumor smith, the Menesetnng goes to the Army gathering at Detroit she will not only create a seneatioa but be a big advertisement fort:teierfch. A low price all the time. Inver - tion respectfully 41 icite41. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Moen. Ooderlch. 1_ July 17th. 1414. .Sohn Analey, county conun:•sioner, is 4.1 up with eryaipelaa in hie right foot. Oliver talchrisl, of the- firm of Iakhnst, t.resin h Co., 1%ingbanl, shipped a beaut1 ul handmade dining table to 111.1141.-r inl'aith- ne*ahire, Scotland, lately. Will Ilinuey left Wingham on %Velne*- .lay morning for Lincoln, Nebraska, where Ike enters the employ of T. Roy 7'eruelell, e former .Vinghainite. NA3A1 BALM It It a ..rule sad =Iv awe far Colt or tae Harland d ts.rla,a saws SOOTHING, AL LEANSIOO, heetant Rehet. Perr4•te't Cure, Failure lrp;ssible. Nast essaIk4 ro attatay t 7 ore ms alCrum .0 bra 4.olarst.leataag roe of MY Tani 0,14417. rr d tier r aiewai qwM . ..rya. Islots. Ps tasrmsd s wsurtrtne sae In bra realm a Cessna. e lo...a I. a.,tar.,4ils •.e 4!,44,, Acca. 1••••s is w,d 1../4:11 . -iaq fila. r wU3M .si. artya, r...1rs -t pale. W sots sod P- as retemene MILFORD &LIN 'ort t cuqrc COLD EAO CATARRH 01140+0e Ver an Ewe. We will give to the fine person telling us before the 20th of September where in the New Testament the word "Axe" is first found $100.00 in gadd. To the next, $60.00. To the third, $ffi.00. 7'o the fourth, 020.00. To the fifth, $16.00. To the sixth, $10 the neat 26, $6 each. To the next 26, $2 each. To the person sending in the last correct sneerer. we will give $100 in gold. To the next to the last. $60, and an 011 scan ale from the first. With your answer mei Ma in silver, or 27 ids. In stamp fur a km of Syr. d'ole's Morel and laver Pills, the best blood, liveet and stomach pill ever ,levee. Dan cure for seek headache. Don't Rppee Remember the p'ea.nta are .11.olote- l'res. being given away to advertise Dr. ( n1's Perfect Pills and Family Reme- dial. A valeabk watch given each weak to the first correct answer received. Said at once and be Aria. Address, A. llircdwvl, Home SpaiAe Co., Orilla, Ont., Canada. N. B. - Kindly give permanent to use native if a prize winner. 1391.. 71e tive.wiai 1160‘111 Open of the late en - Premier Neagsay will he unveiled at Win- nipeg On Saturday. Iightsiag Way damaged the houses of Jabs Dnnwoa d sad W Boyd et Graven hued Tomas night. .lope Retuned Reet Whirr elf Roland Reerl, the esenedi*I, died Wednesday at Ptilberldpbbi, aged fill J. Il. Erhart, collector 61.sstes a at New Perk, bee resigned bosom M ass asked 0s Eu hM oaf bps..-. .r..rw -' s ,.i • TESTI 1. R4NCUi4n. Specific and Antidote for Impure. weak and Imp., mistiest bl.a,.l, dys- pelrw, ateeplowenewa, palpitation ot the heerte liver complaint, nt•ura.g:a, Iow.', of memory, bronchitis, cum.+uuit,t101, gall .tons, jaundice, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus dam'.. female irrrg• ularities and general debility. LABORATORY. CODERiCH. ONTARIO. .1. N. 31e-I.Et)1), Proprietor cad Manufacturer. 31cL3.v. St#TEtt Rar04ATas can he had foam all druggists in town ar well as from all the druggtrte between ewes Sound and firaturth. Brussels. Durham and Tomato. 2317-1y. U1ESTERN FAIR LONDON PrsC'S THE BEST CONN ME MOLD IT :100313SE' CO NS UMPTIC°N beoofne listless. fretful, without snot- ty, thin and week. Forthfy and build them up, by Chs use of 8 18 VLSIO OF PURE COD Lillie NL AMP MYPOPHO$PHITES Of Lls.e rand Reda. Palmate' as - 1A A P127121HTt OS ctaa or COMM or mai, M mu T1s els All HIM M, IT Ili MI#AIIa. •ssbs emasa by gest a bwe.loeeaaaae.iu.a shopper at M 01..,5111, fee, 0541 pets L..•3EE 13T.TRO14' September 17th to 28th,1891. CANADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Industrial and Art Exhibition. kdablaArd • . L.O0111 IN•4ZAO4 ei 1B\r1WTtt Arte ATTL3DAN'L t3 EST lften. 110o was wool. bat 1"' trill d' better. $25.009 IN Pit i%E`! *tit •ctf _tw'a-;etc.,walah ate Variate arranger! for. Will swims. any yet p edu.•ed. apt -clot E\e01.4 0 tates on all toiIwaM Entries t:oee Septem.er 12:11. For Prize Lists and intorntat.un apply to e'Err. 1. N.re0TZ. Trees. 1. seem NL, I1331 PK)i.. SEA KFTAYY. THF: F':Al I.TLh r IIOT ¶ATER BEATER i-(:uarar►tewl to do the saline amount of heating with Tess fuel than Any other furnace yet grade. Manufactured by TROTH CIRCUIT. GODERICH MEETING. Tuesda, Au. Sth,'91. OPWI TROT. Purse 8225 liar Holm $110 03 24i n H. 75 00 Sen Hormae 00 00 2.86 TROT. Plus --ice ler Holum. 3100 00 Awn Howe 6b 00 San Homes 36 00 a-MINUT* TROT. Poems 8175 ler Home $ 90 00 9. n Hotel 60 00 3Ro Haler... 26 00 IIa0tell..lbDtw May irl. TIM . ha Ahem are Ailantus ..c.,...w_d- i.+ ..1arlat I0. D. K. STRACHAN. t3oderich, Ont. l lid -tame furnaces ran be taken out and replaced by this superior invent tion without alterations to the pipe - and radiators throughout the building in which it is placed. Estimates furnished on application for placing this improved furnace in buildings of any give. Send for circulars. Adrdr044 : D. E. STRACHAN, *aviator and Patentee. 1=°Ud-tf,► I:ODEIi1CH, ONT. EUJCEf11E U$F10E WED .. N i To take the pieta, of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it. and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. 1 vi 11 W A(,ALIII011 • SOX