HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-31, Page 4e
Iht Signal,
.lob. Unbend %r,,.psper iter tdlas.. yeasts.
1- do sumer
NT111. 1rANLwtMfr.
(Mee of I'uI4u.tiou t and IS. North street,
teoderteb. descant.
Tenor of batrrrt tura ,
Our month. is advance
i It
Thn•e towline,......>•
rflx ..
One year. 1
If credit is guard, the pore per fear
well a•, .. ..130
jtlnertl.ls'g Sallee t
Legal and tither owl advertisements. lac.
per IIiw for ant luw•rt oa. and i crate per tine
for rash •.ata..eyuep Inrerllua. Measured by
a nonpr, cal .govt.
Hisons .,.rdo of ail lints taiundet 03per
Advertiarments of last, Fouad, Strayed.
sit ua•tWee Vat -n,:t. `lhttmtlous %'sated and
Ituaiursa Chances %Vetoed. not exceeding t
Once n0.par rl. gl per tumult.
Howe. un Vale mud Farm. on reale. not to
exceed s floes, 1111 for ant mouth. Mc per awb-
aaaaenl month. Larger Ades*. 7n properties'.
Any ape cal not lee. the ul'Ir.•t of whieb to to
promo:, the pecuniary benefit of any usdi-
•Iduat "r oon.pu,y. to 1.- ronaldered r0 ad
rertis•roent and rhartrt••1 ao- ordlntrly•
lamal nulice.in ton(.ror1 typo nee cent per
word. no testicle Wee than Mr.
loyal none+ 111 ordinary reading 1 pe two
rests per word. No no1l00 for less Mere Soh:.
Not icra for churches rod eabe•r religions and
tenetolent instir..i.on, half rate.
toreseere•ht t'eatrart Ad l ertloesseMa.
A limited number .d diapia)ad advertiser
enema rill Ir• uu.•rtrel al the following noes :
Per Inch. taw i nee rt ion in le
" your inter lions .. 1 W
" three hr. 2 It
one year. . ... .... S P,
No ado ert'senu•nt 1..as than t wit niche* In
length will be rale ularrd on ab,tr basis
per mot. Me. mint allowel for east. payment.
on there moot ha' contract : 10 per cent. on ria
taunt lot'. and IS per cent. on a year's. These
conditions will be strictly Soforced.
these "The *Iaa►1" Yrl/res,,.
Sat.,•riberw who fail to reefer TNI 9inSt•t.
regularly. either by carrier or by resell. will
center a tat or by mesa natant hint use of the fact at
as earl) a date as tI.wsiule.
Look of Tor label.
Your label is a standing receipt of the dare
to which ybn nor paid up. :the that it it not
allowed to fall into arrear.
When n change of address 1.desired. both
the old and the new adderv..bnuid la• given.
!trivets -ft mann..• opts cannot beget
1 brrr,.pondenre now be written/none aide
or piper only.
PwMenkri. Netter,
.I. 1'. Le Tdntrrl. of (;odrrieb, has leen ap
roomed Loral Tetivelli ng Agent for 'i.r town-
shtpe of (Sndrrirh, Claiborne. Asharld and %'a
Local p onta•trn over the dissent are foist.
empowered 10 receive ruhs•riptions to lite
mule Al,
All c,mnmmicat4000 must he addreasd to
U. Me 1ILl.h'I:IyUY,
Tel Scarab.
Telephone ('all :N. (ioderirb. Ont.
UIIIF.;Ith'll, y'Rt:1A\'. JI LY
(ET: Vt11-1 .Y.f.tME f7\' T!IE LLST.
11'0 a ..old .ga1.1 urge 1011 Itef,1lo'r. the
duty std necessity t.f getting .111 available
mutts sen the voter hat by means of aleclnr
atim... The battle may he won or kat it
e.rding ,,r the work is properly done to on-
ly scantily lwokoel after. m rash pelting sub
dlvis/en. Ili all probability matters are ap
pnnsehtng a .noir, and the votersi list now
being prepare.! will Ir• the;ate le 4round.
Iw•t every- on.- Anvmum h.r ;tat
mem :eel no combine. sr that not .ely is
his'.wn uam.e on the bet. Intl those of his
neighle,r,. friends and acs1uamtaiees, and
especially names "1 si•we o11i•rs .411d young
men. d :et the •..carat ton* tilled rip at oreee.
re/:o%00 will tem: to take in the sign
whirl, was tire acnes with the l -gond.
' Toronto the 4:dexo."
I)t1. 11. It•.t:,4:oderich, at present has
the laugh •o. .len\ R.a.4:ns Ansinjo, IOU
taws. who 1a now the 1•hottk.:cw'k.
\ prolific .1inerwan author .nee remised
nn the native Kr.% l'.:,u.st P•nln. Since, the
name of the 4.ov.•rtlrnrnt chief e•ttgin.•rr has
(nen dragged into the T.Oltra. enquiry it's
Iwm per I',.kI...t..o far me he I, ..ee•.•rm.1.
'rev Lentloo I heme-le gives Ku.r%-
Poe el.. to understand that is diploma's
mouth .h"old to shard viler an oyster. and
net like m heir u1 the ,r. The ('hr.ntele
takes longer to any It, but that's what it
(' • tett a Lew law int :rnrgae w hen edea•
ter a oesviMel of drunkenne.. he .au no
longer praotiae mehriew mu that State This
idea is either to diminish the number "f
drnnkerd.. er t i1( nnmIrr of dc.•tora, or the
death rate. or snn1(thing of that art. and
the idea is not a had one. by any mean..
Toes act meat p.bslierly eeriest the lines
with loading pditie•.tt* A certain steno.'
.4 the Rrpnhliean party is now trying to
kill 121..41%14 in the .wwepapent ,after the
convention the Rrpubbeenewill swear *II
*Lom the Lee that 11.1.0114:+ ether Janne et
••tow...., and the liett .rite will try 1.. .1.)
the killing.
Tit K1:1: was :Ire t han est. it 'every
.1o1n (romt the ;et eminent by I'ticlr
T1440114a, NICK. 111• * awl M. nuut, with the
oseefeat$e of 2 *s..i:t1, t'. 1ni11 the
itootee railway t..I:,eleri•h, the (..lrrieh
nod to 11 inghame aml to make a dear
.Iwimeotien with Hamilton hy a lila to
run in unarm with the New York 1'antral.
.% nil this rnd of the• tineyard hr to pay big
tate% to the N. P I:nvrrnment, tree.
Tut 11r. Aii'nt.n1 who wee lately
a -seed by Mr M. 1' 101111..1, NI 1', frit
•l..mo.itg oar townsman 1). M. Itee for
loot swing the Tory ticket 'the disinfested
nsan did net vole at all), has 'erne to grief.
The particular. will he foetid in *mother
column. The. (Mawr mereaprdent ..f The
Toronto Telegram i ledependeet 1'r -inserts
civet has the felkrwln* ,•..mmewt
"The evidence today pets Mr. .01rnn4.1,.
meshsnical esgi0... in a i ht pdsoe. Hr
hos ant • wide swath ,n . tt11 mere lee *ncroty
MM drit Ing the .cavy tandem in
NN eKy, orwietag with a .teemn yacht on the
°Maws and hearing hentself grvsdb with
a• asitlowNa- o. aiii e.pUr ate w '
whiskers Now Meek suspicion settle. on
and his high estate ie thrpstesed.
W/; _ii:N .Y'►T i.S iT
Ihlrulg the part week •1'n.: Soo*AL WIS
received a autrrlpttun list and petaled I.
eular frosts the Ionises inetnerlal tsrMMo
*keys for the udloisitee of citta juntN.l in
procuring subscriptions towanb the erection
of a memorial statue w Sir Juin llAc-
1a.% 01.1,.
1Ye regret to may we uaoot oblige e.ur
Targets. trine's. If they want to erect a
at elite to lite ulrnwry u1 Sir Jos". M.0 •
%ouch or
w anybody rlac, tbry .au .b s.,
lint %e .M out thunk OaLc rural districts
Monld be called upatl to contribute to the
The emus, t 111agts reed rural ar4.tir,4 01
(Ontario owe the memory- of Sir Jou,. N t. -
00,5 *1.0 nothing 111 the shape of gratitude.
so lung as the sitaeh.w .4 the rid parhl
hangs over the tar04 legislation of this
mortuary. If the n,bhrroes perpetrated mince
1 s% upon the people of 1'011440 by the X.
P. tariff could he eggresatr d there would
le a suis large Stough to budd r
monument CO Sir Jon • 01.telmoA1.1. a thou-
sand ,hurtr high, and unamental with gold,
silver ,.std previous grubs in profusion.
If the money thud alstractet by .%ct .4
I'atllon.ent at the behest of the et,• l'rri,,h-r
h.'1 lees left a4 the pockets of the people,
they would sou be ably to ail the memorial
s•hr,,.e largely. and could gladly give frons
grateful hearts. As it ii, unfortunately,
they have little .r Ii,thing to give for much
a purpose. and they have nothing to be
grateful for in the Irgirlat.te legacy left by
Sir .1..41. NI.• 10•%.11•.
44 'r'.t:Si.%it. trof Cie opiniruthat there
Is .mother way to p•rprnu,A• Sir •Ito%'.
memory. If a m.uuu.rut is rr,rtcd to the
nleutury of Sit Jon% 11 a ,acv tut at Toren -
le, or anywhere elm, it could le peel for
with the block .4 stock which the deceased
Premier hell in the C. P. R., awl which
was so taro fully covered up during his Lfe-
tiuie. Su,h a sl ppsltism of Sir Jou 1'. share
ip the 'dock of the greet railway company
which he brought into existence at an 0a-
petNlitore of millions ,.f teary 4 whack im-
agist- the ,,stodisu would best 1111141I rate to
.•.sang generstiems the mriIwolo by which
he gaited name and fame in 4'sande.
The truly loyal do-o-iple of Sir •1..111, if
any such- will exist in the bright days tester..
Mr this .onutrv. would then be aide to point
to the atonement end say proudly that It
Was. the .enne•t nog link between s0:ateswan•
ship of the odd seleol w1.1 public• enterprise
in the .peel 1,1.1 .lays wl:e'n Ikomile r.ta king.
.1. the Metter stands today there are few
til that section who 'rah ..etributc to the
termer. statue fund. and h m
sees from rite
which exists is Tor.uto flat the
enthu.iatmi there dealt not spread' like
wtldtire, In his life Sir bus visiting
Tomato could stir thij parry men rat the
yity to the core in their efforts to do hint
honer. After his death a t ery small turnout
attended the Bess meeting called to inaug-
urate the memorial (Ind.
The recon is plain: lht.'TN decals not in
bounties. on.' the men who worshipped Sir
.1,111 ,.n.1 lits method* during his lifetime
were largely seekers af(rr fat at his
baud.. 1
Tuk'i,YTeas Ttr('o;Il 1 jvyW7)
i1e•m was . tin... when 1'.trone. o•iul.e.k.
ed upset 16. a p•: feet pattern to other cities.
And nor.. Miotuonsly reformd to Al '•T„nnt(.
the 4 :war by 'entire( its residents. !'root
tit:.- report. In the daily press of that city of
the ranting and .fls,r lerly.c,utdud .4 a mob
in the 1/umn's ('ark a1 saner, sfterne.0
last w,• ..,.r tLe goody-gn...i patronymic
well Imre t.. es•.lnowrde.L•
For years semen's Park ..n smeloy agt,r.
;00101 ha. (wets a great pulite Ire.itbmg
pea.• for tired th'.nsan.Is ..f work
mg people .otter lito labors of the week.
Thio her Mao ' hied a windier .4 orator.of
every erred im:tglnal.le, and many wltliect
any • reeds. 1" air their tlaluyme to the
steeple ea."mbld. I lie result 0.'0 a lwasy
and ..-rtatnk not edifying Illrg• n ..f selnrlds,
Moto belief, and • isb elief.. a Iicit us.
eagl-rly l.a.kr.I fur by an "pen mnut he.l
audience a. each week passel .reend.
Of lett. year. the gorwb natured luster
of the ri.al religious or irreligious orators,
ss the ease might be. has g.t•en place to
bitter sevranan snarls. one of the 1110a1
aggneeivc speakers being an ". ergnown
hla.kguard known am •' .(,unlet " 1' t c, eat 1.1_
Ties man .n ' 5 ery possible oee,s has
seen fit to deliver obscene :and ahusive
afdretuoee in, what hr alleges to be. the
deux of religion. and the moth ha* been
the organo ng of rival factum* in the
('ark terry sundae Afternoon. wee ap
imam); and ethers .hsrpproving of
Iumla,'* rrn.rrks.
latterly the conduct .4 -.hunk, and
his 'eros oal.ea Ias•auw AO ttagrant that a
,-Ivl,- ordipwn.v was pasted 'rebidding Park
oratory on Sunday afternoon, and Sunday
last 1t carne into force. Thousands of
riuren, turned out to see what would be
the result, of the clash between civic
authority and .1 boom.
To the• 'oat ehepp.tntanent of the
crowd, .lumlwt failed to appear, bet there
was a sweeten( mentor of toughs sod
hoodlums present to nuke it lively for the
pole -e. .1 series of rioting* took place.
in wh.ch the tough* threw stones and the
pole.• force mewl leto,u freely. The mayor
and several a•Idrnnen who had voted against
.p•akmg err• l., Inman'. hooted and
anathemat lred, and a perfect p rlem4n•
etre reigned for wines time.
Finally the nob was .mtwlued, a number
of arrears %err trade, and the law to sniffle
extent s indteatetd, but the Sunday after
now, . p100100 were lay no 1114.11111creditable 0o. the and fame of '• Tor
nate the (Sand-"
" I villnitiertn " invitee front Poral 11 math
to deny the *4aberrrnt orale by a ('lover
Valley writer that rate ' Interested " wee
the ('.nal Wreath c.rrespwwlent of TNr
Sw1N.41 . " Inleremee1 " ea eorreet in his
denial, (rut hos 4.immunises in IS too lengthy
to insert in full. as one apa•r is limited
And while on tits line we might state that
Tilt Sn:vA,. want. the new., all the news
and nnthing hest news. We done, glue a
rower fee the little hon Lent.r and guar
reeline het ween nrlgkl ro so. IM
tllw PIT 1Re1tR1, 'telt-'Ra. 'fie 1..M Kerry
nondrr.el. bet we do want news. Currie
posdents will please take nota of this.
There is quite a Air uver the twenty is
the sadder of the vaunt County Clerkship.
and from almost every umunn:lp lily rept'
ants for the pentium are Itakiug known
the fact dirt a clam bur othoe exists is that
particular quarter.
The fact that there are se weeny condi
slaters for a prltnw that it'll be worth mot
MUM than In,nt *500 to MOO per annum
is tether a art back to the ..Ionia peace for
[arty purposes tlIat the country was neer
in a more prosperous cwl.litiou. 'The ap-
plicator for the 4 Terkeh'p art ell men shove
the onhuare ttu ullrllig.•nee and ability.
sonic ''f them being of high cdueatiounl end
humans capacity. and eke f*ct that w uuauy
of them are making tth.rt to obtain 1hr
4.41fice shows teat uoraey is tight and
pewit Ions mance.
11'hat •s bothering the appbcyate caw is
to time out whet action Warden Ivor a wdl
take w, the question of tilling the appoint •
writ whether h.. will c.11 • rpeciel meet
Ing of the t'uunty 1'..um•ol to 441 the pr1e1
emu, or whetiwr he well nlatr001 thegwntk
mail who Inas tilled the ,Ikce atmt+ the be-
ginning of \1r. .ant w..\'+ Illness 000101-
*ioue to hold the peetti.at until the first
reguler meeting of the 1'u1lnci1. The War-
den has the option nl the ...or, and should
Mettle prrlty' was which step he'aball take.
THE Sne.% u. believes the hart course iu
the interest of the '-'obit', would be for
1Vanlem l2f k to iustrurl I►r. Holmes to
continue to d,i,•har),a• the ditties of the mice
until the next rrgular\meetingof the t bnl.dl.
when a penuanent otfier should be entreat-
ies. .1t present there is no necessity for
patting the eonnty to an expense "f at
levet /M00 by calling a *petal u,eetulg of the
4'(.0114.11 together omen-ly to select a Clerk
The work of the "Nice, since the late 1
Clerk's retiremrmt hy-illness has not +w-
frrol w :illy may. and hat inlf no ably' per
formed the 'litticuh p,rtlou of the year's
duties thin• is no reaol why lit. 'HMO!,
shel•I mot he:allowr,h to finish the year le -
fere surnesdeeing he !are.• to those Whit
temporarily eppant..l hint. lie bran thus
far .pour his work estisfa•terily reef nor
know of triso
• reason why the county should
be put re Mine ,0s try e•p•nse to rico low
the pwlsi0nn permanently or to put *nether
n,at ria hit plxe-e•. .
The work w-oll g., on findSS well !non. I
now until the nt•.t rrguL.rmeeting with lir. c
2-4"1..114`, acting temperately as he has leen h
doing : the county will Ie saved fully :sitY)
l.c mot .ailing a spate! meeting, and the;
camlid*te•. position the "sition will aw
ll have 4
1 �smam te lone aT)ewaa*rat .unlimbo
orison Ow wash, Ss .a.Mrbosd or
rwaaeameat slime. • Pteaaisee tweets ewe
Sr.,..,m.tes.I4 macs ser.
Ur. J. It. Arnuldi, tnimihseiccal earner'
of the l'uW1( 11'urks Itepstrteteot, wan the
. rutral figure in Friday's seasetienal revel
tone before the public acetum. committee.
It wet swore that be was the owner hof a
aurvetr Disaster t�istsral in the carne of J.
K. Wilms. of Montreal, fur which fuer years
no ta
he Idrawer e "'widget dollars a mouth
ed pulda1 money for services supposed to
hat r• beau perfurusal in come:olnn with the
uupawrtnm of drw.lglug plant in 40riw1s parte
of the coteetry : but as • nuttier of feet 1t u
helietel that the.to.utt•t was wool by Mr.
Ar-puldi as a pleasure yacht. Mr. %'Main u
is ioentber tit the iron hrin ..i Thus Robert
run d t'o.,e4 Ucntr•eal, whh•l. orppheeroods
to,Iwi.0rerumrut upn
s Ansili'sbare ur,ler
to the value of four or live thouaawl Dollars a
TI 11t iota 11111 TO WIT WT.
f.stw Tehtgrwam : 1f bpi, Hooter
. tan w hal was going r In tie
%'orwI)epartn•rat and pr�M1 by wtvne
JuUug be s are.this M
. W S eekedna
existed and Sir Keeler did mot know it, he
u • keel w • la either ease hs is mahe
chief of one of the two great •too hg tie.
partmeIts of our 4 ov.rfru..t.
... 1... Est'w t % rte 04 Fruit/ nue..
Inch t aimless' : V it eery weeder this
tome .4 n,an4uders Ina prowls nth roil were
abl. I,.. otter money r.e it like "guu.1 fel
lows • I It .or
us tlnrkni Omas lhek Tut pin
and .lack •l.elt�ad woes 000r lavish with
the pr,.-ca.l.. n• their Tebbe 4 ac
. Lk tit et
the list of their MON. uteriR.
Suces bail
here to .ate, and .Ry eters kegs decent, clout
man give • tarty sustained bleach wretches
another day s support.
*mom duty IO..00 crYT.t a 1.
Irish 1'aaa.li,, : In addition to the tel--
eirtioa. node before the public *mounts
cwnwittec of yobla•ry, starling and fursery.
prod mei be given aor4wtll be fu 4ka.ssiag
tf the Government lases loos entail -tis
year. Mr. Lister, wino is rp1ierhaps the elshot show that Moire than .0 or two 'amebas
cm*amensevauliner amens all the eminent law ecce' of the Cabinet have pVo.t► the names of
iu llarlianluut, elicited the.,. daulaging facts their mistresses oto t , politic pity -roll,
uuf'shuw-r.l also that :\rutd,ll hail used the though they never have one hoar's service
imus of a bank clerk to get pulite, n1oey w any of the departments Het tit plaits
for storage of dredging material in I. shed on language. these staled .hot ea were pinedhis pr ors" til l hfano. This oe all to dog• upon the staff in oiler that the touutry
rel; ..olattun of the• kw, which declares should pay for the tm:emelitter of the
Hutt permanent officers shall not receive chiefs .f Shoe.more than their statuary salanrs unless TIM!. TO 4111, •.Tel• T111140.
the r%tra alliranl s specifically voted by
Toronto1Y.rIJ •fury1, July 29 : Flefore
e:nem. nod whet maker It wont in the the 1'utumeue yul tax yesterday lir.
tysre t.f .Arueldi 1. that ► year ag.rhe app eer- Areol4t, the u.rt•ha i al engineer of the
.-.l before the ....tattooer ami with some .s- Htblic Werk. 2)rlartment,adsutte.l haviltg
tentatuu and motile 1144emr dente.! that Its reeeilaxf et various tunes from people with
hal any interest i1 the steamer which, the whom he wee Is/ought in tgntoet in the
malt in whose name it was registered ruur.e of hu °thew lwuinrsr
dee l:tree was then and for years belare his 1 Steam Yacht.
impiety. Ani.1d1 las been under suspicion I Ham_
4 the Literals fes many years, het 1 Pipe.
ip till now he lis.+ auceeeded in ...unmaking 1 I:o1.11 ltatn,
tis illegal pra. tiara andinerearing 1tie in /'Reek.
lad, t ,.,hoodoo of the .titins.
Enda 11r. Lest• is searching examina-
tion the witness made a cleat bratst of it.
Ile maid that only pars ago Mr. .1ru0Lb
asked hon. It he would allow a *tram yacht
to le regimens! w his name. He replied)
that het haul nu objection, provided the
'esp.! was doing proper services. Mr. .\r-
nnldi explained to him the nature of the mrr-
t,cero and he was satiditel. He could not n••
moiler whether )Ir. .1enoldi gave any
relent for this ree1+u,4t, Int was under the
mem-mien that Nir.-1renkdi axowld not be
paid .1irect l • for any services his'. el might
perhwei. He knew walnweof what services
be }mat _pet foretell He received the
heck*. $100 a month, endorse,! them end
ands -,t theta hack to Mr.-\rooldi. H.-
lieter on it the umucy. The -.IOC WWI put
in IIs name shout fuer years ago. He
thought it would Iva matter of advantage
11r. Arnold' to have the transactions go
hnmgh in his name. I)urin` these yrarm
h-Ib-Iar*mcnt of I'ublieWeeks bought pup
lies trent his firm to U1eexCent of 113,000 or
.000eyeer. A. a general thing the supplies
err sent Is special order, nut by tender.
letter would come from Mr.Arnoldior,le•r
rat certain supplies without asking for eue
tatl.ols. .
11r. Lister asked whether be load ,•ver
given Mr..lneddi .r any nteluber of the
family any present
Mr. Wilson swore positively that he never
gay*. any prevent with the exception of a
couple of pictures t..Mrs. .0rw,ldi on-uuedx.•
[•aim and he never ;aimed any to be given.
Young Mr..\rnolJi was * traveler in his fine
until mix or eight 'meths ago. The firm
sold the 4:ov,rnm,•n( last year gas, steam
and water fitting, to the anoint of *5,700.
This was Ute antouut ,.f the (.ill leas the .l.
count. The discount went to the 4 :orern
merit, not to 11r. .\rmol,lt.
John Kennedy, harb•r engineer at dont
real, was called at the ropiest of 11r. Ar•
hold' for the purpose of showing that such a
vessel 0e the ".hoe " was necessary, and that
the charge of $100 prr month was not exces-
sive. Ile said that tuffs of that class are
generally rented at 88 to $10 a .ay. and the
rent .4 the ".hoe" was reasonable. He
thought such a steamer was 'memory t0
visit the dredge, but was rather puzzled t..
explain to Mr. Lister how the dredge' on
the lakes appeared to be visited by railway.
as shown by Mr. Arnoldi'■ amounts. He
said he wam 1144 au -are that the "J"l•" was
used as a pleasure yacht by Mr. Arwoldi
and his trine's. Nlr. Kennedy hall scarce
ly ever seen the yacht. end his testimony
was therefore of little value,
1.nuee��TTr%e: rtltrh eta¢
The relationsiretween John R. Arwddi,
mechanical engineer ..f the Public 11'orks
I)rp.rtmrnt, and that department were nett
inrestigate.l. The first a&runnt taken up
months more .4 hope before therm, t
Pitt: way the t'enserl•atives up here re- P
joke over -the 1 :"vernnlenl'e In jor:ty of 26 rel
blekng sa...tainnb hon the budget division. one
WO111.1 feel youn.traiued t.. believe that had ,
they hvcd when tear Ilut.h .opturud Hol
land there would 'hal t• breed an unpn,s•
dented hurrah. '
Tee O.overnnwut should reme inene.:.o1
Kes.tat. .-\k5o1.P1 to ln.perial,.nsiderati,s
amt a Iwr.netry• on rcee,unt of valuable PCT.
%I,e•. rendered. %it,..1.l.t has the bar atmos
ter now, and the renainder of the wretch
'reel e..11141 la- ma.lr up with to,. helical dogs
couclant, a11.1 the ;:eneral poldr ra'..pant.
tants erb'ost innate are not '.0 the bot .4
emery nodal loftier *boot It. The 4.ot•
eminent a .tapenty hes gone up to twenty.
•:a Hamilton spec -tette of In y 30th.
4 hl .Imo• 5th The Spa•tater hal a lung
editorial headed '• a t:mwing 11ajerity,"
and boasting that it had ria. he.h thirty-two.
Thr majority herr not rime "seine up." If
The Slrectat.r is of vintner, that a drop
from 32 1.. 35 is going up, it will not be
surprised when the I:oventn,rmt itself is
" gent' up...
ileteria will Clint the French
Mpualr n t F urtitnouth.
The ! ,rand Duke of Mecklenburg a dying.
Ili% limits are becoming paralyzed.
•facie. Kurr, of lemel n, ruptured • blond
trowel in his he.ub, and sodden death re•
The annual 1:raid
taro 1 )ddfellows was
Eacampnteut "f 4en-
coinmenoel 1'ueoay
at (:alt.
Mr. '►unman McIntyre left England for
t'entitle on Saturday, nal Sir Henry Tyler
followed on rieselay.
Mr, (aa.lston returnee' to lendon 'rums
day. He informed the mayor of Lowestoft
that he felt much better.
Fraacia W. Field, of ('olourq, is gazette.'
registrar for West Northumberland, in sue -
minion to D. H. Byre. de.eaee.l.
Rlloy, an ex -Manitoba hetelkrep•r, has
been eset.nced to fifteen months' iu.pnnort
mrnt in Missouri for train robbery.
Samuel Newell, a wealthy farmer Irving
near Homeywowwl, in the vicinity of ''l,el•
borne, committed sn,cile pry taking opium.
No reason is known.
A hailstorm in the 1'heyeun,. \'alley, .'2,
11., in ten minutes wholly ruin' a promis-
ing crop. A deotruetlt.• fall of hall a also
reported from Krnnela.• t entity, Maine.
('runt de Main•: ille has met with ,..raid.
entitle soccer. in his trip to t he Anew (h•een.
A letter, (late.' sit month* ago, has jugs
been received fr."n hent by \Ir. Keenest. of
The Intl rate of natation for all purposes
for Belleville las been tixnel at 204 mils 410
tl,e dollar. The rate for municipal purposes
is 164mils''
, for heeds 3 1 10 mils, and
for igh schools 9 10 of a mill.
St. Thomas city .ounell hat, in r eap,oer
to a petites (nem grocers, passel a bylaw
requiring all growers to close their shops at
7 e. w., excepting on Saturdays mop days
immediately preceding holidays
There ham been a large mileage in the
volume of immtgraton into the United
'(tatea during the past discal year. The total
numher arriving wee 565,496, es against
461,219 ,luring the fiscal year of 1890.
'fhe wife of 4'apt..1. H. llrashaw, r pm
natteet citizen of ''crag, Ky., drowned her-
self in one foot of water Tuesday. She
tied a straw in her apron to held herself
.lows, Ihmneatir trtubb!e is the summer.'
A young marl mired Rheums. lay down
nn the 1' 1'. 1: track at St Snuvenr4 Our..
Tuesday afternoon to sleep off a debauch.
\ paring train caught him and ppte•hed him
nN, infli.tine serious wounds. Ht ,. ,n the
Hotel Item llespul.
A christen 1n favor of the (:ramp Trunk
Railway wee Rosen hy Judge t0nrtek At
hat week ter the Maple- between
the Ontario Express 1 nonparty and the rad
way. it ,s mai' that thewill
Itepartmenl pt Public Worts.
boy I.I.,400
prelgi.(p. rrssel repairs, dr to F. Merrett,
II, Vittoria *Ir•ett 1'o .iv month. ten' f6r
storage dredging plant. 310.
Receive! payment.
1014(4,1 t'. )Icnol1T.
This wee ,-ertitied w by John R. Arnold,
in these words : "Services performed :
prices fair and just."
Mr. Merrett said he was :t nephew of Nit.
Armddi. He never owned the lot on 11t
tee to street on %hic11 the plant was stred,
and never heti any claim on it. He did not
know in whose handwriting the account
waa. The woos "serenest performed :
juices fair and just, .!ohm. R..-lrenldi,- were
in Mr. .0ru,ldt s handwriting. Mr. Arnoldi
brought him the c'he'ek In emmectlen with
this acenunt. He endorsed it. got it caaheol,
and gave the money to 011r. 1r•nnoldi. He
never got any of the money. He wee then
shown a similar *centime for $40..ate.l Nov-
ember 1, 1n8a Mc.:lrwddt handed his, the
check for it, which l.e endorsed and return
ed to him. Thr resin Mr. Arnolli emigre
ell for this was that lir did not want to he
identified as the owner because the eve -stem
of the property was wit settled.
Thi. wrvTets"t's "Joe
. -
J. R. 11i1snn, Mont trod. was e%amines!
with reference to at, entry- in the auditor -
general's report.
J, 11 Wilson. hire of survey .trainer -Joe"
for Jwly A,gust.,a4ptrwibr-, fw tither. (leer, rad
May. INS. air m�•nths. err tiler. 5.t1*.
Ile Saud he was in the hen% y hardware
Mainers with his father. John 11'ilsen, Y.
1'...4I:le/epos% tent lan.l,tinder the name of
Thom*. Itolsertstm R 1'n Montreal. He
hal been en intimate ft lend of Mr. Arnoldi
for years He said he eras not the owner of
theatwmer'•',loe•,"end had never owned her.
He was shown an a mount in (-nnection
with that entry. made nut in his name and
codor+"1 w.rh the words, "Preen. fair
enol peat, a,-oom,t .vrrr,'t, .f. K. ArmJdi."
Fie .end the endorsement was in Mr. Ar-
ml,I, • hand%ntingg.
The Mr. .Arnold; &hove referre.l to is
the person who had error townsman, Mr
I I M,lror. dismiss'." from the government
dredge for not toting the Tory ticket.
Want : LOYpa.g TM t
Why should you u vim around when
Putaam's Paielr s ff oats .:tractor will re
meow year cora. in a few day. • It will give
duos instant relief and a gnaramtwl nee
fe the end. Re wire yen set the•
Pett�si**ors Extrartlw,m.,h boy' rs j
,KIopI s,t nr nary sobetht.Ms are het%
offered. awl k ie always hotter to get the
.-err wt h eP
pealed to the railway e'nmmitt.', at (Ottawa. 1 best. 8eRWRII ,,
AIM_ ./INl11111/
2 Rams lkogs worth *500,
1 Dining Table.
A quantity of jewelry.
.1 fairy godmother le. nothing like the
right kmd of a situation to the right kiml
of a department w the right kind of a
LET :112.1. AIA% 01112 ..w"kI. .
'reroute Telegr.uu 1 Lilt. 4'on. ): I nsert•a
tries rhombi tight the ras•*1* in their own
party rather than let.. that work to the
(rite.. There will be a war on political
scoumlrrttsm, and if the lemma members of
the Ikulinin,' t:evernnten' .1.. mot draw the
awonl the 4►pywsili* will, sir John
Thouupan, Hun. .1. .1. 1'. Ablrxt ant the
elyan•hamlyd Ministers .an trust the people.
If nees.rry throw every rascal linerboard
and apple! 2.1 4 an•.ia against the nattiest
who would take the party by the threat lie
cause it canoe I.ec•.ww an apologist for their
sins 1 t:uvernmenl is no afros er than its
weakest members. if Sir Hector lattgevin
and ministers like hitt are w be tolerated
the Iknninion Ministry is no better than the
sinners in whose offences at may 110 a paa*1ve
sharer. 1 ry' as It Will the t:overainent ea
Dot save Sir Hector Ianggrrria, It must sink
itself in an endeavor to keep hint adaat. If
the (:onservativea do not throw the renals
in their own party overboard the country
plight limas. the t:nits to hake ee-Aataways
of mini *nil lad alike.
%lt l ILr wt% ell'H Li) ..1-n 1.1 r1.t.
t'ana,la I'rewbvterian: The need for a
higher •taulard of ide puke.. Iabeing rmphaa
1.el by events now transpiring at Ottawa.
The full moral watt only he fairly drawn
when the dark chapter .4 diactoderes Inas
come te. an end. Enentgh, however, has
mime to light to unprer all who la%e a re-
gard for upright *utast that affairs
•-aumrt eo On much longer as they have
leen. The degrading notion that selfish -
ends are what people in p11die anti private
lite ought to pursue It.a percolated toxo far,
ami to a cotsidkrable extent has wppr.l
osppert et "Jahn wade, alb'stt
areemssommu. 114101111 thoe ammo 1.2
Jowl* thltiwell Abbott Aso lug
00*000t inch{. • petiole le ol asthma/irk
Tint Naw 4'A'A141A% Htc.tota (jos
dire literary nwontbles hate harp
lived; but Canada, the new ons .1 ,12* -
rine ham evidently enema to stay ym-
was 'darted .t1 Jesuitry, It hos brl�ra M
roil improved with alined every ee e.
reg hro.dly mousse" rad chows i ►h�a d''
ic. It drake. ti. suh•cr,b.A �� lee to
lkuninton. 11. articles ata sheet as :
an,b ad1 by 4'anadirr, writers o r ea t'
timers. Tu those who remit elle .bober p.s
fon I(•pt. 1.1, the I,ubluker will *.,el 11;
ads ler . **Moats nmatis• - from July, Mk
to Deo., 1012. Address: " Canada,
4w, NOM Brunswick.
Tee I)t1.1%t:.twt... The August ws1p.,
ut The lM hnestoor, containing missy ,tress
tit aaterrwa ate Miisumeser fashions, lochs
h*M w artist lc ue'.dteeer:c and vaatjp,
• ewtiors u hems duceratiu, ass
-y. Keels issue of this mega cue cm.
WSW iUwtntioas and drs•rtp discos .4 co.
rent awl i mernigg stylee for la•L,%, mesa
and children : article. (u the et w oat dela
(abets.* and no%.•Ities in trimmings,. eel re
settees of the latest id... :u rs.l
horsy, inigerie and fancy aurk, pricy, par
single copy, 15 eta, ,or $1.00 a year pt,.
paid to any rddteese s 1'rnad., .1,idro•
Tbs. Delimitate Publishing Co. . i.t.}.',
Ifiele eine st. Nest, Toronto.
l.rrreolLot 15.; Alit. -1'h. miners .,p
The Irving Age for July 18th sal 260
contain Social Aspects of .\nsencse Lif,
and The iloe.Iarthtset of 1.tw.lur, Nise.
ahnth Century • Archbishop Magee, Fart
uightly : A 1)ilitlt}nae Jowrwey in apse.
Nati onel ; The Simian Tongue, New Rs.
view : Jewish 1'oldnia in Spam, Illackwn, .
tly the Swiss- French Front ter. Wand':
Meek.. as a !Ian .4 letters, The Rise et
Kntish Dominion iu Iwhia, by Sir .0tfrei
Lyall, aril Extracts from swine Unealtuhwl
Letters of Charlotte Fkonte, Maeultllr;
ltichald Jetted.., and Ti,. Marriage .f
F'raneee Cromwell, Temple Kar : ltoehard
Je(aurite., l.ougtni.n's ; The :ins .of Coen,
4:etu leman's : Statesmen of Emmet:
Austria'. Leisure Hour : with mstalmepu „f
" 1'wt. 4)1.1 Men,' • 3el1aa .. !'our,' •••Mae
Winter's Hero,'. and " teacher La 1 ,taro
nuunante," and pnrtry. For fifty -tee
numbers of sixty•feur pages each a"r morn
than 3,300 pastes a year, the subs:nem,.
'HMV 171181 is low ; while for $10.50 the pies
halters infer to seed env our of th0 .\tarn
calm 14.00 monthlies. or weeklies with The
Living Agr for* year, both p's•tp.id. l.:tte4!
k t'o hknttw, err the publishers.
Tear MA'TI...1.1.T 11 us t/1'ir. n,n AI .. 4 .t,
11391. The beautifully illustrated art wheel
"Tit*. (wml Replied the Forest.- awl -the,
the t Ott ian Alps," are continued. Stria
V. of •• Round .\hret Rnglmul ' i. fully 11.
Ilutrated, enol takes one thretgh some f
the finest scenery in the (►!d lead-- Deeij-
shirr anti Shakespeare's teunti7, giving the
Stratford on .1von group. The scine:ins
char -paler of Osier. Eliot ,s granh,.a
pressen. ted by Rebecca Hart. R.lwn {i
11 'hikes, Eel., contributes a timely- *r.1- le es
The Epee. th 'segues," showing the
grand work to be rwos.pliahr.l Ir, tit.
moral, .ox•ial, and intellectual upleol.bn;p ,x
nor young people. Irk. M.•laru', attack.- .s
" The Canadian Indian Problem " wi:1
create more then ordinary interest. Th.
scientific paper u • • The 'r,a.tlt of Titer. lye
Prof'. Alex. 11'inehell. A rerrarkab'r brie
rat thought is struck in Rev. W. Hlarmons
paper (n '•l'twxlw.cte.f Imnortalitiaa" this
young contributor, E. H. Strafford, M. It,
C. M.. favors us with a short .ketch ,.4
Wooden Venice." A minister's daughter
of Newfoundland puts in n plowing manors
a story of - plow Jot Martin Took up His
('ms.'' Hal.tw•rtou'• " A11 He Knew " grit**
en Interest. The cetera gives a rye ice
art, Ie en • • Frederick I h.u, bars, the 1'0l
end 16awr; and Ktsh'p Newman writes
l'1 \llasi'narr F'iluanea while I2. Harks
medic virtue. It is herb time for a reviv
of perinea' and 'political integrity It is
hwlthfml sign of awakontng conscience the
on both sides of the p,litical dividing lin
there is much plain speaking. The las
element. in beth partes are .ick .u,
ashamed of the disaraurful doings of ib.e
in places of public trn.t. Men with .o.,It
aims and ignoble ambitions are rare to tarry,
to the front, but the chief fault to with 1h
people themselves. .Ah intelligent and more
electorate will not rev* satisfied with Nein
represented by dishonest schemes. It i
toot to the credit nor to the safety of tit
country that vile omen should he high i
"Tl.)(\ Tor. It
Montreal .01.r Tory; :The life -work o
Sir John Nlacti nnlel a threatened with de
street ton by the revelations that are being
mole day after day- in Ottawa, 1f the ch'
of the ('enervative party are not blind
the true' soggnrItasnte of the situation or hope
leanly bewildered by the tierce light an sod
denly thrown ;Ips the inner workings
the Administration they must see the loose
wily for prompt and decisive action to save
the party,aml with it the politic.lprinciples
it represents. The evidence now before the
public points not to a few isolated acts of
dish..mesty in the civil 'service, but rather to
the permeation of the whole service with
the spirit of keening and corruption. 1t is
as though • large preport, n ofthe.ubr
dinate official. of the Government hal
caught the infection of Ur. Murphy'.
"2'm•lea." If it were tight in principle fora
Cabinet Mini'stee to pocket a thousand dol-
lars out of a Government oontrac't, how
'-ould it be w'r00% in principle fur a poor
devil of a entiond -class clerk to pocket a
hundred in the name of his mother-in•kw er
sister-in-law! Never sime the lacificse..awlal
has the (:orl'rnment at Ottawa ap1earwl in
such • had light. Were* general election
held tomorrow the Liberals would sweep
the country w the cry of '•Turn the rascals
nut." There is now as there was in 1874 a
hirer, section of the Conservative party
which will refuse to condone hwwelling and
which will throw overboard every other
consideration rather than supprt • ovrrupt
Administration, which will sacrifice even the
National Policy rather thaft submit to "Nick"
and "Mick" rule. There is hitt rine way to
save the Party, awl that ishysreorgoniaition
of the Ministry and • sweeties; civil service
reform. To retain in the (.Moet any man
whose re o,-,1 is not *hoer Ittspi•inn will he
suiceW folly. The damage' of • few clerks
will tett satisfy public opinion. The big
hoo,llers a. well as oke little !lowlier, must
g0. The righte•otu wdignati i of the gentle.
man who engineered the great Pacific Med-
way bribe in 1873 at the tack of the
little 5100 or $200 jolts of the Deportment
1•, the Interior can easily her pictured His
o•netanpt ire such petty jnhFwy most be
ambito*. How many Ministers milky he
imp.iicated in the tweet mawkish is * matter
for ornjw'tnre, !nit the resignations of Mr.
Abbott and Kir Hector laegevin would put
the party Ina patter primes to deal with
the offea,rws in the eivtI service. The (:ns
.rrvativ.r, if de eate4 oat such an Mime se
nkat mow before the country, will not rweov 1
jot as reliiip attain to 'hey Ani after qts
Pacific ecassd01. Then they had the psennosJ
p'spuhrity and ability of Sir ,Joke Mae
o�a=laiai to aid them There are themes
of Canadians who would have rallied Ino t
Al ...U. U. tit,. excrlt,nt number with
a •ken -ht. of the various .nnfererl.•es, i tie.•
42 • year : til for sit months: 20 emits per
number. Toronto 101intent Knggs.
[riots ora "w'. , toucesn,rnevr.]
J, t'arter,fother of Niro. lyuff,.f I:,alenn,
is spooling* few day* in the village.
%'11ham Stanley is doing an eaten*,,;
Ieslness In the implement litre. having .nl,l
several bustlers ami mowers this .arson.
The Methodist choir. which for some
weeks has been in • state of disruption,
resumed operations 0n Sabbath last to the
satisfaction of the ooagreg*tun.
( onductor Snyder is appointed to preach
is the Methodist ,hureh next Sabbath after•
noon, to imminence at 2.30. The psopk.re
looking forward to the service with de-
H. R. Evans has purchased the residence
now occ iOerl by .fames Fond for *helium of
8600. The latter n about to remove to
Clinton, having bought the hatcheries
business now vacated by A. ('melt,
Oontnrcln, WE 30, t1R.
Fell Wheat, new 110ttlbe1N
wall Wheat, old .• .. .. Into 010
;riftWhen 1ID hoot
$koro., p boa is m Io1. w
Haan, • tot. 45 p toll l0
$0100..1 • ton. I0 40
('bopped What • w 80 ✓
Oat. a ... •14
t Os10
bark�pb k,, 040111*
• shock ........._1'01!:
0wto r0a
d nth uyrepi V ti0i , . '( i 3 ro 0 u
( .s • 01010011
Wool . 1 O•,01 M
B *500.2!
0 to to 0 MI
� � Otrt Onto ° N
fyeleo ........:... ......... 0 IS toll Ii
Moen Seeeseepee.
lay 11. um.
Ineer «Mte*A
ieu Wimp. wow seri elf .. 1 r to I OI
SP' Wine. I 0
at to..
Oat▪ s u Y tot.*
Pow 000Ina N
Seek" 1w1 1.t pr eld _ I AO 0 • to 3 t
....."• WW1 I!
Bfit telt •
Ftirat ..•........ . .....
.... e res e
Wilco Au- sondem.
July p Hers.
Mer. per 1M er�... q Ott tet ri
Wheal. if M to I Nt10�
perm ti •Ma101
JoOaats • _ 4M IsII0
IIsi perIlleen#MIiwIIi
por d
� ,.........•....• •Nto1111
. pot Ili IMM IM ••
israera eee •0110`•+ • •