HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-31, Page 3KNi1+ sttei yllaga�.violet dhow in the l iov aeOsat r•r.•�s-el Mean at N'ssiliageou satire 1 wren hPr- which were affected h1 s p argil lir sswlrr. The leaven. hanging bum amain taestaos, or noise rolled inward ward the midrib, fell at the slightest tough. fit, by giving the plant sallgbt drake, all Ib, foliagecould easily by removed t'pau .bas( elaeitiatiedr it was (.wird that the „Am ens fur the most part c.nfued t.. the woe rens also to tie utas just ab .r.• eat Wow tie enlace of the gruuud. ..t the beer pent there were frequently bowel irre- fyarlt ,I•:ool swellings whiels, upon ratting 3p,e were ween to eouaI i of WnaWI ponied; / g;teen healthy thew intermingled with swee doey'eel matter. the latter beiug fur tM sem fart .4 • brown oolw. The roes aims erre um Ute majority of caws. "why decayed. Ie Fie I e..h,wu a deemed plant engraved ,(err a photograph taken Un mediates. after i,k. g hftei (eon the bench. rig .1x,w. au - ow. posse plant with the eeellunpg at s. Fig. e, , portrays a healthy plant. Microscopic \,• 1 Fie. 1 Fru 9. Flo. 3. etanolutiats ell the affected roots and stern, .Insep t.,war0 the gnwnd the Ian :,• are apt to this-mt.{ tlot 'sr, rug way mei fall off to the, aed. and tbu. e7 ap„ the, ..dle•.•tiag 1•.x. •ni t ...I. also, requires t o,taut examiu- atbu and ,+ala• little would,. and it wi!! 1.• advisable, iotrol tastec.r-.. ,o have n.euree to.•lerof the ar.•rn,.al poison* -I.rod.wpur- • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH• ONNT, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1891. fbewa law paps seder any •baiter at ur near I. tees .4 the tree. The pups• tj) is of • Lrhgeter yellow odor taut the larva, vital es shape end drawly reeves deer ally • It r armed with arsderstety nutwrreas black hrlstlse. and it duratiuu as from wa W tae day. The perfect beetle is pale yellow, marked with taws. a. Wee at k la newly -batched individuals the black mark- ings have a grwvish out. The beetle a.►1.1a the larva• w Its destructive work, dant. however. comparatively little dam- age. la U.• Northern Stater this easel Is gene really but two- lru'-lab but to Waeltiugtue ten, are (nye three t.. four annual genera- tions, ar.wdiug bt the char :deter of the meson The adult insects hibernate to any Mackerel skuathw welt as hollow Imes, creeks in the ground, under old leaves, in the crevices of telegraph pal-.. and oipee illy in dmsrted barns and belie*, reetaining dormant until the following spring. The ..lir remedies for thioInse.•t .•.msi.trd hi trapping and eWstn.yiag the larvae and papa- by the use of oil rad tar gutters eur- rousding they teal or lady .4 the tree, ur other demma similar t, them use' awned the caul., weww. tilover ree.mum.wed plying alert the tree small. tight, square holm .er f ranee a fart or eighteen maws in height, sunk to the earth. the grew,' within the incluun• to be covered with mammal, and the top edge .d each frame t., b. eove•red with bread lroj.+•ting mem .4 tin like the roves of a 'muse. or minted with some adheres.• or repellent .•ahwtuaee, as tar, te prevent the escape .4 the larvae. The lar':.deemed frau the tree and. beteg uuabde to climb over the ienosun% clause into alpine lutes within the hoc, where they one be .Lily de.treyeel, 1n wy experience scalding water was found fleet ..mventeot for destroying Ow .m e.•!. that ae.•uwulated within Use unbeaten. Tbie remedy ie satisfactory only where the tis.•••, are trwmnxd up prole, Iv. be- came if the breathe.' are low mixt sealsi the plantain/of great uuutl.•r, of a eutahele w.rnt which, me doubt, is tate eu.•' of the injury. The striking reseeta- ,L.m+. .f these wen's to those fund in c,a- x+tteo ettb the roe -knot .4 the peach led u,. t•' oelIeve that the ton. do..•awe- were aces. Further t plr•.w fare grim. From a very comsi.lr- -.sure' by the .aux• *P• 1L.. ex . with the use .4 these Foresee: yf .ore i'seonra.. fully ..anselment uw e. , tea t vert. 1 have (•nerd that it is y, d.rfu l -, of the, .'lee,, , I' was+ after •wh tiv.•1 ear.' this means wadi doth ••wnderatad by Prot (:. F. psrn T t1T ltktue•n, of Autur&, Ala. Thew worts, to eoutrol theta tienerslly tau be .•rant.& name of *Web w Hen -rodent •praTing' *iib the poison will b.- re .ate a lieu Matal and in. inked, the first about the 'set of May or the . ..eta hare 1 Il ha.greet .4 June. for the latitude of K a•.itington, oratelit. battery . t+•tt1• Ih rh s pexin are ar at the•.10.11 .1 lain This will dte- .wWutraven. of this partinmler .tbnen eggs %roe the larva• at the very outset. and also .boas n +u rig. a. at ban+ WOO tbrsr T m, ,art..,.,, stages of leveloi•m 11tt. a and to ...m extent the h sthee, and will teeeaeur- 1 rvpr'r•nt ►snmature weer., and e a ably prevent the injury true a wood brood. ens .•..spins; trot the •'g1 These worms A .'eon 1 application three or four wake v.. 1.00.1 rn tx,re .r Ica• bemo ane all later ail. probably 1.• u..cr..-$ry to. rnaelt 1 .u.h ti,.• aaToa•ted tiwamea. and it 1s owing tee ...toed 1.re.i, *bleb should) net to very :. their a.tio.n mem the latter that ter ewes aburwl.nt .f the first implication is properly :ug, and eventual d.atb and daisy remit. u/•1 thoroughly male. U is alwaye teen to Rs affected begonia. were td the variety nate the apple -stem before the injury , ..t.r.•u.. They trete planted to the bench. from the Isere. ha. 1s•e'xn, apparent' as I :..:,1. ur.nt ly bad received the very lend after the leave, have h....m•- reef orated and • ..t..a ,11 The f.wwt»al . the h..u* a was ! skeietoeir.•d the deleterious effect a •1 the poia.o -.., t: paraded at the way hie plant. were !on the[lied nt from its the twit e.la te ien issn nuteh te0 1v..e.: audl waualerting every elf- et et cheek greater tajurr, with little apparent .u,.'.ee lin. stint -to' Lindon purple. or Parte green ...re,•. however. in this tinseem.a can onset he applied at the rate of about one ...sly he as'emutel tar. a. raw., 01 hr pound t.. 1'n tenon, .4 water, this arv.lnb•a1 %leavers at treatment were ..ufioe'i to h•mg tint morel into • paste and th-u, added be vial which, ae be entre:eel .:. W the bulk .4 the water. I(e..eot experi- wee not eatable for the plante The truth m'ent. be Prof .1 R Smith hes iudieat.d if the rretl..r era.. the dinar had been in his that • small quantity .et kerosene emula•m seek for ie,.. year. add in propagating he mex.'d with. the wast ie of me in enabling sad, of ...srw• amply carries! the trouble t1." .pray to peewit ate the pab•sr.au., on the dong. 0.1 th:nkm.: that it was in the plant.. un't.•t' seer oaf the knee. and der awl unifune- 4., far a< is known. the dame- dee net at- ly over the -oder, instead of ..ale.eting in ackbrt' eiiasfdthe open air, nor dile. It anent drop+ lis. rr•eoumm.nde ter, a.hiiti•.a of a o trouble potted planta, providing the latter pint of krr.e.',..enwl.i•et t.. tw.•nty gallas ere free from 1t when potted. 1t i. ,olio in 4 water For spraying large rand0 trete a he I.dnrb that it t.. aide to apiwad and pee eatery powerful fore" pump will 1.t u r . lu,•. serious result,. Probably the trouble, and forty ntra fifty el . nn et....- m rod or ...bleb is mi doubt widtwprwrL could ler wholly ! ioisld decent.," hr peopseenting only from healthy i from ten to twelve feel I - eat;;. and aeee'* .t -'•k. cud [ring • my roil iu which u•,di.e•ssd ! b the centre and top. ,.l tors near be gaited by the iu.. of a light ladder. F:- large tr•.-e ul•. far view. work. a. :he m.-: f lathe ream abbe everyrowu of�l o ape .la be r.tf.sttytii the tate Clever (awed diet K iat.rter•el *ti tie telling. au Ware* tae stem in any way. I am onreettl to pert els oaly a little at • time, a11(byaMeaYneM µafter every weakdurteg fie dish awdhlag. 1 so -a have 1t out or ib. stay Bate • week. lir %Menneetware eta m a ohm are removed. awl maxi with the what for use la the gar en. - meioses. awl Mae v atter. p There i. •'simiar nwtton to the egret twat a perwm is num likety to take a eentagum. - •�' -►' _ M...e• wirer the dtuel•th i. empty Tr. pea -reek Uluwruhrd a renvemient sed though Ibis fact mess to 1* well has wool been thed anent utel lie cvw.R welt a..wy of ruetior ey expsruwxth e, uevereles. it fur born.* w.rk It I. twee itsRdl.w. Cover established ae a .cisoUle fart until recently • with ple.h a piece •t b•.trd revel by alae experuuente which have lately been um& erger ite. dm or gild over • aloe pygcs ur, Inv tee. Italian May octan... h,rweboeand eel' ht antis. nein the horsehoe. ice i. n•trate b.y,..wtanyr.sasort•t,k'.ioutrt teat end. up, well duwu .o the plo eep%ered muster is favorable to W activity .>t th. to beanie T►n,.tgh .e• b nail bole taco •raft.tsetions v er It may tat have A .c el arved were rotted to he Yet-% ne.epublc t.. the •outags'w of anthrax. &- hough, when well fed. two were not. et abject to this dame It thee aptar meow in some war Wncn, this ability .l the Indy to defend itw,lt fear the attars of .die - ✓ ed genua Puerilely thio may be in part dor o the fae•t that whim a penile' ire hungry there n no gastric juice in the etousee•i1, w that the soteettn2R luluem.e of this digeetft.. fluid is est. Thea tau. the lowering et the vital ewers, as the result of he:liger, Meru. for mi sane of to calla of tbe bole in enteral. *save aweeples. The common and necessary .gmratian of waspiug the fluor Of a mama nein. factory r other large apartment ie ge.t.rally carried tut with great incouvenitwe to theeasseIwrs• tad with the result that a largo pr„potti..t id the duet removed f esu the ground m. t rans- ferred(orrery.•bj.'.tintheroom where it man find a resting place•. The air, toos is conttamni- rated for a long time afterward with drt- •ng ierte'Iee, which are very distre ring k1 bore who have to breathe w it. AU this can * avoided bye with the Commie Tort ver-xou.ueld ,read ef hold fart this hoe the door with Wats' rsnalaleee in ..rtuereh to Ie•mn onrth ben.I four nail . A keying aehue d wet sawdust right none,. one ere. teach re -tag • n the awl ..f two nail. A mud of the apartment. and by sweeping it foot by f..A t., the other end, it will in its pasage lick up every bit of dna wulout raisin;.; any iu the air. By sadism to tae wet sawdust n small proportion of any didnfxt- ant it is °beton. tb.t the cleaning *U1 be still more effectual. into the wend b„, hew'. in w a+ shoe. orerinas to the tins of the broom, nal be ape ale. laving tis• bowie of the nails out tar a ,j eneut way. By bracket teemed bulb. ibe ahold upright . further ornament of hand 'stinting repr.•- m.01s spraye of flowers iseufnl frau the suds of the borarab e ,.wing 1a the renally. f41A- -1111P �WPspar �' Miley to b e --- "MI.', will not aauwer v. well, and sum- form 4 direct di'rlarge nozzle will C be foetid more .atisfaet .rc. The qday charge. and the, ebonld b..ufllnett le break the etrem up tato a moderately fine mist. at adi..tan'' of ten : r twelve feet from the soma- Th., strtkang against the Wives and 1 foliage el ill 4111 further break up the *pray, earl the lai-ge.t tree ,•aa be thoroughly wetted by the use of about fifteen gallons eel the mixture. Each r,.mntuni'r shall com- bat this pest. -Prof. C. V. Riley. The Travelling Date.. At a meeting held at Crown Hill. Sinnott Comte the other day. Pref limn. of the O. A. l' , on being introduced) spoke for some Uuw' .41 the nerr•taity for carefninon minxl eke ' ewe to .il the details of batter mak- leg advising th. farmers to try to make • Uniform article. to make it hto neat prints, and ship direct to the market, or if no mar- ks is conve*iiebt. 1*ek It in tube or webs, than abet the elm lea( theist 1-n lead" oftime_ Fee tin -lined A ins 10 iswre it keepmng for tuts it p,s- de wooden tub is need,, scald x out we with Lot water, then soak it in (wine for a temple of day and the e ioade wife ,alt bef•we tilling Pack the butter solidly In the re, Brock, mas en to exclude all air. thcover with a Mutter cloth or prepared paper. and a salt aster ole (uP tmer•e is e subjeet to it. raysgee, at ,1411- as perfectly as Poill ie. •est at let ash.ngt•wm. It arse an Ie, i'n.trd tit to abort let; In Europe it wet seamy been known an an sePy „< the elm, and has pr..ved sepeceinjurious lly injuris is IfPr- nany and France insect The general appearance of the in allMeant.tas, and asap the Meant of its work, are ,hewn in the accompanying Must ratl1b . The TIM • and e, are oblong -oval, obtusely bus druptly pninted at the top, sad of a draw dk.wdr* of color The garter* thgg e e1e '101.1.' and beautifully and finely no- .•-dater, each mob forming • mauler h,'ta- ton, tie shown at 1. The env are deposited n the under side of the leaves sa. and always ,: A gror.p'�•'wdtaiag generally of two, rarely -f three &errs or $0•01y !r1 irregular rows Th .r• tIrmIr attached to the Wit. and the nam- e! .n each reap varise from flee to twenty will then result 'tidy (nee 'he twee of the din - 4 in Tex• time wi11 come- las almost mane nos. -when ,awing .•hall be Josta. certainty elite - lusted from the hoov.•hol•i o.rupatinne as the old-time weaving. Nothing .an lee more do'• atru.tive and eulcidal in its effect on the tans•, will And o*. of the instruments iu the higher life .d theer U.wn family than for the mother of great service. With them • and misters .1 the leemehol•t to exhaust man nam carry two three-gall..0 mile with +aw w emery energy in a ...Milani atteuti.t.. ,ee• ease. and dpi passing through a Jeer the pail loge to theetrlusion ..f her reading, her walks, her personal .eupsniowsbip with her AndreaAndreaawl her friend.. There is now ahuoet noth- ing in the way of cl•••hing for men. women aril.• children tea' uwot ie, ourchaseel readymale. Not alway+, to 1.• *tee, to the beet adcantaire Milroy meet., ars actually of better quality and of lower prise than the same articles eoull Me If the material were Purchased and the making •roue : *1111.' again, on many others, the purchase of material and iodiveliest' manufacture would be cheaper and better In the end. 1t depend.. Also with hems linee of all kande, for table and ted. the furnishing houses offer a*tlutt every grade of quality and price.So far as sewing must he Jame in the eminentlybony.eminentlyy ie consulted toy having a relireliable.wmstree and her nen-bine come for n week or a month. as may be, two ur three t mees a year, and crowd the sewing that must Ire .lee in the boos., into that u ne. Hawthorne remarks that there ie re within„ more beautiful than to she" • woman sewing, and that *be is never morat at home with her own heart than when so ;occupied: but Hawthorn, * awthorata poet. and viewed life through a pleasing mist of tanry. The praetieal and Meath. truth is that there is nu possible ter .•oeeivable oc- cupation which s' wean on a woman'. a t y... and marry as that of the a ntli es <mtching tr1 aof vbieh many women saerefle. .heir div's feel the life their family. 'lot.ney. indeed. in the neaearary and the tre ential. but also in the unnesanry noel ss Neeemeutial. in needle...tem whine. after all. are not decorative: in melte-esese, theirs and frills rued embroideries, which aro neither net useful nbeauUf moul. A deramount ate ant of bo mehold exercise a is healthful and agreeable: but the betiding ,awing is quite the reversere. itis tiro.- the ovelern warn. with thdemandstis unlet inspiring demands ••f the new life 'o her, eliminated berself from the old tra- dition of unceasing household service.- American Cultivator. 3 MOM HOW TO PRDBDR,Vf3 236 POUNDS OF FRUIT, TOMATOKS, Kb., 0; Two (2) Barrels of Cider, VCR OINTR 7=01.6.T..11.1%. ONE tR1.00 PACK AGE IIF TIII': AmencallFrail Preseriug Powder & Liquid - Thr... • Marlsof \eek lakes. Any one who bee to carry water for the base, milk, pig food, or other liquid any die b. 04:04uaggro AND LAIIVA$ et/ Ilia ggro tuna WORN. x ants have been grown. 1f it were Rot le b• fact that t(anderw ni when grown for l•.wee. does not do '.e well in pate as in 1h. .sorbni . the former might be renamt' rut • a WNW."( keeping emelt plant healthy. (*are- al releetxm of stork ane roll may check the tenth. -Prof lialbway. the Imported WLeaf eaf Beetle. I ialsru,e Nanth'nwl.rta i There ma few .- ie. 4 slr.ut which. at this sm esae dome dire use inquiries, especially! tem fr!(oeraw fee well ku•.wn I:.n,pdan panel of thetlm keAle to pork In. bet. if the ordinary. as1* ..me widely duMtetel t 11 th e \..rtheastern 'Staten, and is • [rad dolt' w. tar, her to the suece *f th ml growd SW.0pular shade tree. The beetle affeeinalpst'• r, ally the Rupean Penaeor n • some mw N She, the European LlamaswsFae- ri. weriong to he Ifo favorite rhik• the common American r f.*dd-/Mitt, p ,h, Bxclu. 1m lwt -ed inintonal We ! otier am. se. ela Q -In peeking wotiLl you add ray mon rah than one ounce per pound' t rt- A- No. that k sediment If though visabhe ono teaepsnfnl .4 saltpetre and ,ne tabee•p.'.nfu1 of best white sugar may be awl to every UM rat butte r, in addition to the salt Q _--Huppope it takee thew or four churn - lags to fill stub. bow would you keep each churning!A--Pent brine water On the top after each A - !downing t1 exelud.e the air, but rvmnve it before adding more butter. Q. Should you skim milk in dale,, tans before It bemuse sur I A. -Yee Immediately the milk Wickens the cram will ant rise, and ante fern ewes - idos or nutting rommeness. t11e t lay. • good Q -Lir, you think it pt.d aeleorm Mb of batter when it takes two or Perm churnings to A11 the nth% A.- - Yes. dimmer r .dere is awed in managing the (-roam and making the butter. Q. -Is It possible for the farmer to make a ealf.w10 article without proper appliances! A --No: no person can make the seme qual- ity d better at. sorb rennin( sibs he has proper appliances Mr Drury Wen spoke far name tine eta glee butter miesU'wn He was very pis•md be sae that the travelling dairy war twswdng Wilk allere.s, sad M was wire that all atyatded the meetings woad M more The aureate of to Meg state .hint carne M week. Tgeneral thane r saloon AAOae Ort /meg ISIOTIA. ssIda. of the larvae WO fhe(sR 1e g. The ant flsdruetiVjljIIIIRIIIIIIrWO. Isivee an •o term ee Nay metre Amu* altil Maakttighen ie, mole ahuadaet • afdWM ag hos Te /.tool UA ravers •. • _. ._...,._ Whew fiall brows the larva dsamd lase Ns Nfwini1 ams mew T. WILDO IT: Oeye. ?k. package will preserve 3 lbs. of fruit or 17. gallons of cider. Full directions inside each package. Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like it. You sill tita.l it leers than I.alf the trouble and expetate of any other method. More reliable anti accommodating than the Preserved Fruit, dc., even superior to the best -Canned or Preserved " fruit, kc. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the beat known method of keeping it eweet. Sole agt'nti' for ('attach, FRASER & PORTER y Booksellers an.1 Stationers, (3ougelt'l1, ONT. House Central Telephone Exchange, Court Square. TIG. 1. 01.0 arTLZ <WI Tota. has hnot to 1* met down to open the door: the bands being only used to needy the pails and help the shoulders. Fig. 1 shows a neck th yoke of e old pattern which has been used for ages. It o.lndets of a stick of light soft wool fitted to the .houldeni. Fig. e is made al a woolen frame A, screw Which are fast - A ('ombleed Table and ('enanaede. The e.igemciee of life suoietimes make roomoet scary that Doe's sleeping room should be used as a sitting -room during the boort of daylight, thus contriving a •'double debt to pay." rudersuch circumstances, bath for g reatlythose lwelefitted wised the farmer mwant u. IMemla b Mem stares odor r the draft 511 MY SPONGE t ettima gemoboes w1M WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING art ,t;rti•K. i 1 w • ;�.• • s DO AS DID rLO. _. Main TTLI' tote. teed the leather straps. RR, et short plebe of w.bbh g. C. holds the •traps+ from spreading and dipping over the .hawkere when iu use. The buckets or other burdens are suspended frem hooks. at the en,' 01 ropey or straps fattened to the wo .kn frame at the points indicated by the black dots. Fig 3 shows (Yiww.lnt ores. enee esy aspics and to retain es eturb se the corium" of a sitting -morn if possible, it Is desirable to tar each furniture es ran be adapted to bath mimeses. A combination d cownmede, table, end brie -a -brae shelves shown In the Illustration, • Mem .1f furni- tare that may readily be made in almost any hoarse. ONCE A WEEK! Other days wash thorn ••w *loan with SPONGE AND WATER. EVERY houseewite EVERY+nt'n3 Rooea1 EVERY ic Carnage pager EVERYTBodyes vt nnholld a brush IK -IRON . P•riirrr.' • r T-4 Wm.. area ONO • aro reee,•vet elsd dna WM. S.•,e Alums seerm 00...w.a. 1 ins ile OM. am.. t.aw•et 1 ass..u mmtr era.. woe ate •00. 0SaVee W.',so. •5 00.50 • 5..0 A. - L ANDlLitilar'1 It VV7 general agents ter Canada. 13¢ K1ao 81. K , Toronto. let CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE BAST KT. ODDS AND ENDS. Ilanera'5 Mahscat rare+ M.Nmper. • It IS the crnmterfett bill that gets the Slip glance. Westfield Standard. A bunt ue Cut call heal quickly and have leas seer if Victoria Carbolic Tuve isapplied at Once. -- lin At this season of the year the fines paint er a apt to get up on his high horse. New Orleans Picayune. The fernier doesn't leach "the end 0t his row" when he goes into a pwditiytl Cetive0- tioa.-('oltinib s Post. National fills are sugar coated, mild, but thorough. and ore the best stomachitand liver patis in use. There a nothing lunch mote difficult to the obese than the act of obeisance. --.Boo- ton Boston ('ourier. L -- Lollies .lo not like to grow old. and vet they're the veru first t• adopt new wrinkles. Binghamton Republican. Malarial fever and chills are best broken up and prevented by using Milb urrn's Arolnatic Quinine Wine. lin "There," said the fanner aa he waved his fund over the corn -field, ••u my stalk in trade." --Waahinptott Star. FLOOR AND FEED STORE 11Att CHANGED IRANI*. The public are hereby notified that the flout sod feed business formerle carried un by A. L Puttee has been purchased by THOS. J. VIDEAN, who *ill carry it on in all its braoehes at the old stand. East -at. near the Square. Under the nanagement of former proprue- torsthis hn•inee• Me been the most euccess- ful in its line of any eye town. end as the new .roprietor has been identified wolf it for over eight yeara.tbere win be no falling off in for energy formerly exhibited In keret ng it in the rrwdt ranee (foods delivered to alt parrs of the town. The latest and beet llneaof flour and feed always nu hand and choice seeds in semen. THOtt. J. VIi3EAN, 1 take this opportunity of thanking my cuss tomers%for their liberal patronage duri.ng my pfePrtetnnMDD of the few -.t Fleur and Feed Adore. and •*5 !. '.t pleasure 3.oV Avow. who 1a/ m, encceaxr. *lube found to be a t horeagl0y reliable man L L CULL18. e le.s.0* .e w: yew 1.3 •fw•A. MOHE'Y'10:...y .l a.•_ -.,e t ll5 .. . , a•..• w .id, nee i5 stew +•••a• lea. err ••= yre .. •' .e.••1.•-. syn .ado . •« .t . - na ... 7.ar.r.er+. a ..+r Hew De c.. t 7 W IDA* .mawlr..+.. Mar.. I.rn•ei leeml.rfulaw.•.. .....e,. ••he,. ▪ . •re•i•e *aft •.*rra le Ns v r ...1 awe a`; ••rs•a•. vi e u • SOU yve YO 1* w. .0•..rbr►s....•w t tit rwer.ana Tait TjtMM AA �e •1 W ors. BYst ren. 3 IrrleRoT16D NECK TOLL so improved form, embracing the advantage of both the others. Two sticks, beat to the proper curve, and riveted together at the rel., and strata tautened to them se shown In the enggravlog, which is clear tooagb without detailed description. Mars the Serape. If pmehls, ermine everything that you tannest taw at ones Much era be dried In an aid pan 1n the Inner oven, sod will thin burn amity Orange and lemon peel dried 1b this way make Ane kindling material on amount at the d1 In them For some thie 1 hare mimed every Med of kitchen refuse ie, the maga, between the top et the owes tad the middle mews. Here, h ensues In sestacs w ith eke Sow or ties het air trete to ism, sad ieasast tank the Oro, as whoa pee &reedy /e Hint. to Hoaeekeep.r.. OM napkins and old tablecloths make the very hest of g1aseeloth. Asthma may be greltly rerlieval by soak- ing blotting or runup paper in strong salt- petre water: dry it, then burn tt at night in the seeping -rinse. • A nee way to serve stirred env is to beep them in the micelle of a platter, and gar- nish them all around with Win diree of smoked salmon, which have been dipped into malted ',utter and then allowed to franks slightly on a slow Are. Try soar eggs as to freedmen before you boil them: pet them into mkt water, and if they sink to the bottom they arm fresh An egg more than a week old will net sink. but swim m tap Wash and cera them Wore boiling. Til.. is very particular. A reek test for the ddtatfoo d Maser ia lard missions in melting it in • task tube. If frees from wal.r it her•.wnes p.rter•tly elver, while the presence of water cameos as opaque appser•aeo If the present ie large quanttUea it separator out on the ligeid Sands: bat weave the two have been wdl inn orp•waasd seperaden only elvers moat slowly What to M with ('dd B.efemale-Cep the bast mod mom tender portions, add et water moue% sn .*. rightly, haat quickly rad w+e at mice ea seas se hot. Add buns, mat hal popper. The lee* pared stash sr et Feast heel are mash snare pdstahb It belled Mt ht wow r come wajwthjk. add asmaim Thin Mili,+a- Ohm oar i oupoolk poodles SO* lll*di, Woos wta4 amts eMR*s ! b ktanw le how to preserve their baser 1M i b �� In mesa ddftly relayed to beat a rtpiudcoindittioo til. lope woo gin IS •W arm e,4. Prot. Doo woes m hey tufa Ag0001.111.h eras wait twamiahn rinds. 11, dm 'MMus .1111119Mer well and that Ms meeting. aaww 1b - M M reale •way flat those nil M Inv thonaaelvew hew goad Muer Y tide � �newwa w% ire/ rho tare "S mew. SS Hayti is a black Republic in more ways than one. 1t would he impossible to paint it blacker than it is. Rochester Poet. Destroy the worms or they may destroy the children. Freeman's N orm Powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms. lin Slang wax not common in the days of eros'. W ilium i'enn,else the boys would have called Penn hie nibs." New Orleans Pi• ayune. Itch, mange and stretches 0t every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes AND SUMMER COMPLAINTS by \Woolforel'sSwnitary Lotion. This drover AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS fouls Sold by F. Jordan. %-lq IT IS SAFE ANO RELIABLE FOR A house dealing in blies' ganrteata lyuul 7:HiLDREN OR ADULTS. agannetitre het c hal" Well,is n ugh. Low The Groat Remedy arc fearfully cut half -prise u enough. Low .'l1 1'oarier. The phenomenal .ucces. of Ay er's Sarsapa- rilla started into existence • boot of competi- tors. This, of course, wee to be expected: lint the effect Ie, been to demonstrate the superior merits of I1r.Ayer's preparation by CATARRH. a constantly increasing demand fur it. NEW ARRIVAL �( SUMMER G-OODS. LATEST STY Li:S. Remnants to be Cleared out. Pretest fits and showy .bapee. H. DUNLOP, Te West -p. Taller. IN FOWLERS •EXT: OF • -WILD • TRJWBERRY CURES HOLERA olera Morbus 1._r 1 C RAMPS D IARRH(EA YSENTERY ALL this announeeenen t: "Fearfu cut : Spring te preen* r _._....t tt.W merhst• 1 *atria itt= Mit The yrwing husband with his exalted idea .1f parental authority geta his tint rude awakening when he finds he has to mind the tabu. r:00ra (:vette. BRUGMANSIA ! English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, .oft or collnao.l Iwnps and blemishes from harem, blond apav in, curie, splints, ring hone, sweeney, ntifles, sprites, were WO swollen throat, coughs, etc. Sae a 1E0 1.'. use of Ilse bottle. Warranted the m..•'. wonderful blemish cure ever known. (Sold by F. Jordan. - - 96 I y it u • mistake about it being unhealthy to sleep in feather& Look et the Spring eh.Ck en, and she how twgk a is. Richrn ud Iteenctlar. Men and *renew - 7550( and old will Anil health anew by the duh ref 1)r. Willi assn' Pink Pills. an unfailing Mood builder and nerve tower. Pure .apptvh elese. Haring down prim. wierooams.es, general debility, and all forme of weakness. No other reuse• dy equals than. +11 dealers. or prat pom pearl on remits of price gfi(lc a brie e. tis. Williams Ilei. ('o.. Brockville, (Mt. h&btmalsessamara hi• swill N pewee'sshtroan mak sMrenal �wild Ma woo on swift. �swi.N0 ..ew...w;•do ..c,..l,•..:.'. ".,:u... L'.'.a:;•w.w.•�:v;ia�,r-.>..`".c;.e, • Warranted A SURE CURE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -11Z't. L WS IU. Su to Pliloolowood Moms* Name. MOM R/Cn. ors,.