HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-31, Page 24
AND £X'rKxlhi
A Cordial Invitation
To the ladies of Goderich and vicinity to examine her stock
Prices right.
1 •I.\ 1'1'11 1: 11.1.
'0 LC.t'.UAK 11. a1;111.11.J
laoo•ph I'arren wits .1111 44 young man,
that is. he was about thirty, wilik• his wife
was a few years vouin,'rr. Both of them
were members of the Church of the Hole
'.-hunch has mtett...ted u.r. Suppose we gra
:o the Sacral Haat 1 hurch toitei roe• morn -
mg. What ,io you say
"(fit ! Joseph, 1 stu1a• happy tog. with
you,- itis 4-ita• said, joyfully, for his n1.11i-
tette ``Ienistenca• ..r 'criminally,/ away from
church had Teen welghtug hcrvi1) on her
their way -home from the nervier the
nest morning, he reliarkel : •'\\'+isn't that
1► Iti*I • in the city of Waterton, where a te,weifail tIetnlotl, Mary' 1 like Mr.
they hal been living only five months• at Flonn very rs well as Ili. Ifat
the time of the opening of our narratite. �Hugcr. lis .111,41.;...1411): pans I flunk hr has r
1 R wore ply -await regi very. 11i.) you not iae
.I.ateph Parren had ,. real, even and interne how graceful his gestures were' .\rad then
destine to work for the rhumb, although it what a mellow voter he has
meat lo• said that the p sexual element ea' Mrs. I'arrrn felt keenly t ht her hushami's
terra quite• largrlt III to his Ir. a. view of the• sermon was sup•rhewl, and that
Ile hadfailed .rc
...lamely to grasp iia trench -
HP was a man of mediocre talents, it is wit spirit use" truths ; but she said nothing,
true, but that fact did 11..1 preclude. hos hayfearing lir magi' resent a criticism of his
nig it very exalted opinion of himself. 1'11-' worldly way of e.pt'ssing his appreciation
ou.romsly, pwrhap, hr ere rain of ht.! of the die..nuse, 00.) so he continue)
"1h, you want to know what 1'.e slate
up my 1 111 J., He Mattel a moment
anal then said: "Tu unite with Mr. Floreiu's
church. Phe people seem to be very socielale.
Ihdn't you mutter hoe early of them
shook hands with us and int ite'l us back
''Me neter were treated era at the Holy or,
rather, t 1'nholy thltiatume.'
1 Ili '
Joseph,- she• began.
Now dam t ' (.1h ! .1..1eph' me, akar. ' he
interruptet ••Tontarrow 1 1h111 apply for
prmhbr gathering : .t even male his life .t letter ad disinters' from the 1)riflan,n a to
brighter to res. anal put a nonon, especially, the Sacre.1 I; at. My minus 111a4 Ir up on
1f the not non was carina). That was • that point.
sure ,rad.•% of his „wit penetration, the)f Anti 11. 0 was nettled : in a few weeks
thought of whrh was gratifying to his Mr. mood Mrs. Parfet: were received into
pride.the rend Krst 1'hur•h. All went well
'•het 11147 move','• he raid 10 his wife nits yeah. for :.Istat a year. Thr older members paid
lath morning, as they were returning hamue them a goal deal .4 attention, and this
tram' the 1t•rxt .•, ••1Ir. 'tett Inger luutouncrd flattered Joseph's vanity out �. little, and
arcual .•lection of edtcrrs for noir, .put Wm in a goat humor with himself and
Thursday two weeks, didn't hr '• 1 wonder everyI.oly. else. But human manure is %cry
who the nominee. for the vacant ufiieta will ' i the .ami the world over. and the
I.•. temper a 11:411 show* tel one Warr 1w talikely-
"•1'm sen. 1 haven't the faintest idea," his t" display 111 .uwther. Soon there erre
was- replied. ••Wc burs hardly I.el.ngel muttcrint'•• of di.conteit on.•r more in the
to the .church Ialg enough to know who are fate" """"Ll.
the must .1poa{dr. men. ' " glary, how long has a leen eine Mr.
\\'1.11 lindher List, you know h.• is oro.- 1'lo.nn called oil 11,' he said one da}-.
of the most influential members, has spoken 111,141 tics months, 1 think.
to 1m' About letting sty name 11• list.) for " It seems to me ass shrplwni night to look
de:a.au. \1 hat do you think ala.ut t , 1 after his fha•k a little more thoroughly. The
ought he able to do . • grail in that ,saps- uumanal. Lon to .b. 1...
city, ' he added, rawgnantmeusly. "Mr. Fiortu rs very busy. 1 suppose so
If 1 were lou I wouldn't Is• a audi.late marry people to care for, with sick to visit
a this time,' his wife said, kind)) ^You and tuucrll s•ervte.•ei to attami.1 '•
see, we are still new meml.era, anal the exon- " t [h, pilaw ' The ilea of a minister's
,1 -.'gabs .)'N'an t know y.ui very well. \'ao tate been; to occupied tlea he cannot look
night Ise defeated, and thee you know " after hen people. ' It's absurd : Mr. Florin
She hesitated to tell 1 - that his feelings
would be hurt, although that e1 what she
really wanted to say.
•'1 H1' 1 bare no teary of defeat.' he inter,
:opted. "1 bare Le.•u before the people or Oases- nu:ca 44,11,;,, th. last eek, anal,
several tednwL::c cadL tise line a clef. That
alt Levity well known. Besides, it may Ica shows boa' )n1y Ise is. 1 don't think 11
ea duty t0 run. Yes, 1 believe 1'11 let theta right for a minister to mite r difference in
111,• my marur. los menders : he ought to trait them all
As Ills decsin seemed to be final, she &hkr.`
knew it wa,uld 1.e useless to opp,a hint,
anal a. she natal iso more. Int her heart
tien,hlral for him. The evening of the elec-
tion earn.•. .\ few of Joseph Itarreu s friends
had spoken hopefully to hens of hs pros.
wet aur he felt quttc .wtiguine. He
thought he hal a "strong following, as he
phrase.) it, in his worldly way, and airier.
.e.1 to his wife that his "opponent" was not
. •a tery sting clan.
The elders hal I., n eie4.',), arta then the
balloting for the 41714474 71171 Ligan. In a short
time the teller ,-al.• to minuses the nr,ult.
Jewish 1'arren 1 heart thumped t olrnt ly in
lin Io,.,on. Ila ode, antis* Ly hie side,
noticed that 1111 han& and knees trembled.
He hent over toward her. and whllp•e.1
something t.l her that eau, entirely foreign
11ibe subject under eoaidu
praon, to dna
guise his etcitement : but his trembling
lipa betrayed his mal frame Of n I. l'esa
e•ntly the clear t„arc of the teller rang
i hroetgh the ram% ann,nu.•mg 4i■ retort :
• • 'trot her Rudolph Ica revel% ed one hue
.trod and tier %lake, Ifr.dher Parrett, thirty
t w, o.
•' Itrolher Rudolph is elected for the office
Of alea.'n, *nominees' the shatrman.
11 wa... terrible moment for Jaeph Pat-
ten The announcement fell on his ear lek.•
a clap o1 thunder. .1 seep flush .lyes) has
sheik., and an ,angry gleam shut frost' Ina
eye, all of wlei•h to1.1 •list he could not
gracefully ,cern t his defeat. When the
meeting was adjourned he took his wife's
ann and hurriedlypatted the nen,, with
.ant saying a woreven to his aetilll*intanees.
"1t was an insult,- he broke out. when they
had reached the street. " Thome people
'Ion t apre•Iate one's talents of efforts. 1
shall never darken the door of that ehun•h
*gam. \Gloat hair 1 .br.P that 1 71ho111 be
‘477-111 anal atelitie., an.I fnsiiently criticised
what he Balled the „ poor 'enemas manage-
ment of the cher.-h, ,•vete tunnel; that. If
he hail a chance, he would soon Kine affairs
a different turn.
Bessiol.'$. h.• hkel apt sound of ho own
voice before an audience. It made hint
happy to be tailed on for w speech at a
Sunday school meeting. or preside at a
.loess l siren. 14, Iw too hotly to call on lait-
y -el Peruse. In :. conversation wltle the
attorney ; his rnoruueg, 1 kernel uu i,1entally
trial the nuulster Irv• sera m lits Otho' two
snored under like that
•• Joseph, • plr*.1ed ha wife, •'dont he lie
angry alarm 11 it lent right. I feared for
you all the while ; you were It t sudictently
well knees, in eh.' ehureh
"tM' you mean 10 way, '1 Iola )oe .. do
you '" I1•' 0,ut tore d, half nr/erirlely.
'she ..enrolled the minder fist pr•oneptel
her to knower a tittle sharply, and they
walked hon. 1r, •finesse• Few t'faadaye
tisme.f. bel Joseph I'arren's face (nae vest
seem at ehareh lir. Fla %In w aneelle as
Interview/ with hum. bit be .tsainuely
avoided ht. pasta, or when they .fid chaster
to meet was ton M.sy to talk At length,
eau fieter4ay evening ea he wt at tea with
his wife he staid .
" ,71 total rat, t ,hall sen
w ease,
she okisili of the Holy 1111111111.111111
hat 14881 had tyke
..soften occur* ;nlahertently with the
moat conscientious • Iergymau, Mr. Florin
dial not find tut epprtunity to call on the
I'arn•me for the twit tau or three
mouths, although's, often Meant to
d.. .. ; anal yet, unfortunately, Mr.
Parrett sow him u, lawyer Fernie's
office at least three tiniest alunug that p er-
nal. Being ort the alert for slights, our
su)N•rsrtsrttrc churchman gut them. ilio
evening, in a large gathering, Mr. Florin
passel guile near hon without speaking to
hied, although he atoltl.rd to shake hands
with .•veral perw,us only a few feet farther
on. Nueh All '0crsight on the part of his
pastor ass not t.. he booked by his already
.isadectnl pnrisluoner. Joseph's anger
was .eo inflamed that when the next yeunday
morning .rine In, wife could not persuade
tun to go to church. In fact, he remained
away Sabbath after Sabbath, to see if his
pastor would 1111111 111171, and when, at
length, the clergyman dial crape to apologize
for his apparent neglect and offer eiplana-
tiois. It was t.N. late 10 male &encash' Mr.
Parrett hal revered to leave the:Sacral Kest
and matte with a new congregation flat hal
been organized 111 another par of the city.
11' hen raked for an explat.*tlom of his eon
duct, he eclat :
rhea. Is more r•..m, for nee m a stroll
Crrlgregattn than in a brave one, ince
chance for work and for doing goo..." Hut
he .lid not old *'ren in his own thought :
•• More. ,-bane,• to get recognition 'A my
talent•, -
The St. I'aul's ('hurch, a. the new eomgre.•
gat ion was e.tllel, hal nerd of members,
and se the pastor and pimple gave 71 011117p
and has ode • cordial wele.mx, without in
pairing too minutely into their ptexnoun
history. They aould not understand, hew
ever, why Mr. I'orten.,lieek. should burn
eo no she stood by her husband's alar at the
altar to receive the right hand of fellowship
Sal1ath morning. 11h, the shame she
felt ' For .he imagined all her friends say-
ing s.nrnhelly that Mr. 1'arlen :anal herself
acre " going the round of the churehea,"
anal emote nits where they would go asst.
In the new chain Mr Parrsn's gib
seliet.P.l 10 find rte.- nro.gnll, n, and he was
treated with rs•s .t .n every bawl It was
not long before h.•e•wee elected snp•nntcre
fent d the $mn.lay school, a plashes he
held her • year with some eters.. of sievae ,
Of hearse. he was happy It sernx.t ha
had as last fnun.f a church is wbt,•h
Ir�" .bel at bowie.- and ha
'a^kmately of t1 et "sur tliler tt;arch ..
Data111YAtta hair fit eahody
lie eat rewired joy'fully, being tended •s
a •• taluable aeuesauw," as Mr. llsrrea him-
self put it. But when the ties for the
elect/ at of officers In the timad sated
lisle some 141011111 later, the ' was
elected superintendent over Joseph PPrren
by a small ulaturity .4 the rotas oast.
tat, don't, Joseph. don't give way to
your sower au Io' ger Mrs. 1'•r'ren that
morning, wheat they nal reached bosom airier
the Sui.lry ulue,l fel he had beat too fur
tutu w *111Wo Inv the preaching eervive.
••\1'antawlule before you wtthdnw from the
church s) m •; the wuulul vel!) had • fru
w erka
•' hk» you think I would remail in a
ehureh that Inas treated ate like a Jog he
broke out fiercely, losing all seene of .te-
.vrunr. " xis indeed ' 'rite idea of being
defeated by that upstart young teacher ' It
siutply proves how little the people of `it.
1'au 's apprevate my lar. itxa. '1 hank how
much 1 hate alone for that yeunday school
within the last year
'• Thio 44111 lar the third church we bare
eft If we desert St. Paul's,- she avid, bunt-
iog into tears. ,• \That will tw..plc think
of us' 1 am ashamed to look u_ry j trn.6 to
the few.
Hut her entreaties availed nothing. At
tint he drteruuuel to ,beans *hutches
altogether, fur lee declared that they were
"all alike, and liselu't seater aaongh to
appreciate a genal mail when they f.wu.I
one. Ky-alxLby, however, the wuulul to
h111'444([4 hal healed somewhat, anal ..,
one Sunday ectemuig. he saltute'ral rather
111(114 dy into a church 111 which he had
never I17e41 Isidore, and was so iulpressed
with the preacher's stir: mg .discount' that
he tewutaily n•.,dvei to make :tpplieatius►
to unite unit that church. Hr was twat
given to deferring nutter. an •bitch his in -
terra hal become rmistr.l. 111 a ft -a. days
he called out the clergymen who hal de•
lighted hull so, anal sons hal u.a1r hie er•
rand know11. Now It chance:1 that this
minister was gifted with co m1 sense,
and aur also fearless enough to perform
what he assn. -els -al to I. his duty, rt en at
the ri.k of i,wing offence.
" My rani \Ir. Parrett, ' he said, after a
nu.n,rut's thought. is Litany *stile brighten-
ing Ito features, •'1 have leen watching
your Career mitis you canoe b. this city,
not out of mere curiaaity,but bemuse 1 have
beat inten•.ted m your welfare."
" 1 sit. Shia w.nie onr feels mute c.attenl
about me., ' put 111 Mr. Parieto
•' It fua grimed tie, however. [acranial
the clergyman, " to ser that you hate lo. -u
.o sensitive, morbid..,, 1 fear. You hate
gone from one o hureh, to another nlen'ly be-
cause- you felt you had been Mistreated.
\1'e. are .urs to get our feedings heart if we
are self engnased and .lo not seek the glory
of ('hist rather th,.n our ow -u. Human
nature in my church is the satiric rs it is to
other chuirhea to which you have ls.!u. geJ,
and 1 fear ao .•thmg might ..•rut t.,
alienate you from us, and then you 440111,1
desert us as yea have them.- •
'• Ilo )ort rowan 141 say you will not re-
•'eive me into your church':' sant J asep h,
team; angrily.
'• ('ray .10 i' .t It Offended. Ali. Parrett:
but under the circumstances 1 fear we CAW
MA do 10 1 should advise you [o retuain
with the St. Paul's Church : think lee 04
ynw.elf, and work In any place, however
1101,11,1(4, to winch 4;.N1 may call you. re-
member this is said in kindness.-
.I.sN•ph quitted the room feeling gutty
wgry, but still more humiliated. A joint
hal here found in his armor a1 last. He
began to rocs• himself as others saw !tint. The
more he ponderal the uiirester'1 wonls, the
more his .'heck. 1,urned with shame W. Ica
walked homeward In the starkness, and the
more penit,•ftt he became.
''Man-. 1 carr r-eolel to bo hack to Sl.
Paul's, and work whenever'Cod puts me, •
he said that night before he and his wife
kneeled for the evening prayer.
He had a hart .trug ile to the months
that followed. Int through much prayer and
self -crucifixion he at past gained the rectory.
1'hnstian lnlc•dlige•ncer. •
Livery stable men all over the Dominion
tell attar agents that they would not be with-
out LINIMENT for tenter the
are teed Tits dish may be eaten with water
biscuit er other delicate crackers, and will
prove eicesdiyfly uutritoua azul palatable as
(:et from the butcher's a powsil of frrahly -
c beef, aid over this pour DAV plat of
cultl water. Let it stead slaking for one
half hour, then, wetting it to a mauve pan on
the bask of the , lug.•, let it stunner for a
little while and ..alae to out goal dor., then
i rla0ie It prints the fire, .trail it od,and ,ca•
own to the taste with pepper au.I salt. A
17.411l of that may he .-rae.d with crackers,
and 1t will pn.tr loaf the 11011ale41 ROWS b•
meat ul hundreds of cars,
.1 glass of milk quite hot, to whid, a t cry
uuv lunch of salt has lamas adsld, nom a
particularly good rt tunes wba the throat
or cheat is tired. trod the UAeet et lot uuik
sipped ar but :is can ha harm, ape the arra
*yet. in, lots all _1�16�a.N_a.s.iy �a..a,i_l� rote ot 1 hr
et el effects of aloohohesliessioutts. Its action
upon the system is immediate. and re.% n ify
I'ut over the lire a frying -pan with a lump
..1 butter, which let melt and get quite lot.
.1.1.1 a pin. -h ot salt and part of a cup of
hulling water. Stir rapidly cit.. this finely •
p,wtkred dry ',road .'rumba. This u a %wry
gratify lag and quickly prep,..a d : nuµ
Ibrtg. an egg unbroken into a tumbler,
cuter It wstb %larger, aid atruaic '..1111
)8•t.pe•r 1111,1 Will. Egg pretale.l aft. r this
Lomas Ia known as 'tomboy oyster. It t.
frejuant'-• takcu before Ireaklast 1,1 14uv-
Met11 ...sur such stimulate to a worn and
jaded ..p.pelite. E. \I. C, m Christian at
ran MT..
In mixing eak.• .lough use cups of eased)
for eanie aloe in u,swsarrng the different In.
gee 14(411ta.
If a cake c:arks open when bahi1nagg it is
either I'o aunt• the overt is,1w hot aril .mks
11tr.n.taldr Iarlt,re the inside is hewtea., or
ohm the cake was made too *tiff
Two or three nein �rrsnium peaces, put .n
when making et -alp -apple telly, w.H bice u a
de4ruws Itator. c U
\ VOA who enjoys all a'u.lablr reputation. 1'ER/4U A L t1 T1'1.: \ T1( ) N.
say's that she puts a tablespoonful of . utegar 111 1:EST :S'1 1)it 1 ( :
into her Ieut,n sell) wubthe other des ori
She c.n.idere it .. groat improvement.
When she adds pineapple t., lhcSch'tme she
Ilse* tar utter 111141 Is i11 the .•*n
the pent of water calla' for ratite recipe for I
the jelly. The finest Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet Articles.
To gi.e a delicious diner to roast Limb,
Carriage Maker and Black:mit b
11.0) x,•'.1 t 71. 1116
.1l Xtravel' intii er
Rll�rtrj���, Waaaons (1j(
11'4 ItTI'.
EOfsE5Hozn o A $PEdIA;.TT.
1T0Ifo\ TUI
Binders, Mowers,
.7.0 (II canna rat
A large stack of repair. 6.r ohe,abotc
rou•htars "e*Na1tl) on hand.
Binding Twine.
r•Massey World," "Ideal l'&p••
"Crown. -and "ether composite"
brand* *Iwe>, in stack at the .0441st
A kit+ 4Peol 161
111 pre I erre a
446 pes•ulier e1
IY-e e
,,,,,meet itis•
lis . i. 1.e. gi'
t1•f,du.:' '
t,mt .•xamlaat
gym, r" a., also
a,p .w IIl. midi
steer l^•111: 11.11
N„ a .t o ash ■
A,,,, acre wen
a,,ai .i, eayeal u
141.1.4 to for loaji
le Pig 1 is slier
• ter aIdts.14111:N>rfre
01,,,, j l Iron
irks- ,llrrersd 1.
Fyn ; I.dtnys
J. P. BROWN, Auburn P. 0.
1.( EST 'II It;
boll .. tablespoonful ..f .loves anal two ..r - - -
thrrr slicks of ctnnam,r, in wire, aur a.
the water to baste the Lent. with. PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER,
Malty ra•rsam an• fun.. .4 oblate 111lhe uu All of the best quality.
cooked rtate,au.l , ertatuly they are both ap
pettaing and healthful. But no cue wisher I
to lse leads Winona. in *oN-tety lay lasing!
the .dor of onions Ou tae• lutath. In order
to antidotal the odor, lean ea of parsley, 1
eaten with n ineg•r, will Lr frank' most use
What the !traria 7
Tlic causes 41 Sliainier complaint , that
..141.1ic heat, eating omen
h.., dysentery. cholera mairbosituente...owarere ' Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right.
exert ion,unpure water .47144 Midden idea Dr.
Poo ler.* 1% strati bet ry is an infallible and
prompt cure for all bowel c amplitude front
• abet fears Lire Ilade
of • tear, as nay reahly le.• opposed, is
Water. Tue other elements are salt, soda.
tear Peen through a inier.774.011e 41 good
once. The water, ...fter et•aporat eel, leaves
behind it the saline itigredienta, iiith amal-
gamate anti form 1 hemselt-es into tenet hefted
..rosslinee,and look like a numl,er of minute
fish bones. Tilt makerap 141 )11M the same
whethVr the bars are for joy or grief. The
discharge oi, tears from the lachrymal glands
is not ockassicnal and accidental. AA ill COM -
1110111y supposed.1,ut noninuous. It goes 4.a
hOt h (fay /41141 night though less abundant ly
at night through the -combusts,- am!
spreads egually over the Surface of the lids.
After serving its purpose the tlow is earned
away hy• two little draies, culled the "lach-
rymal points agitated in that ...rotor I
47014t. each eye nearest the Loge, into aloe). they
Edward Lutlef, of St. Peters, says Ilesard. Liatemeat raves unreel mei
-That his horse
LIN I NIENT cured him,- an " inseetarian in addition to the nu-
/..ollection of win;rel insects th..' hal leen
killed at one eloetrie light. ata one night.
and foiled it to enil,r tee allow .losen .lif-
. ft re-nt varieties.
.1 good story is tett on one of the weather
observers, a gentleman who understands his
business' thoroughly and mess a great deal ot
practical sena in making los cab:elation&
He was making up a forecast one et ening,
when all the reporta indicated rain the fol.
the correctness of this foreaast owing to an
incident he hal olimereed the sante s•vening
at his residence. In hie yard there is
grape arbor, and as he wa• leaving home he
observed a spider energet wally at work spin
ning his web. This observer knew that the
spider would rwver spin in the face of ap-
proaching foul weather, anal whether to
follow him reports or the spider wail the
question that purrled hint. The reports,
however, indicated that the spider del not
knew his Waxiness, and the footrest was
made out sus the reports suggested, •
modifying and moving a•lause thrown in.
The nest dav ahoweel dearly that the epider
MA* right and the gueesing apparatus of t,,e
forecaster wrong. -Witeinngton Post.
Se Wee Wongh
best cough sure. It will titre coughs and
colds. ft wall cure sore throat or a tickling
an the throat. It will cure paints in the
chest. It will cure IfillUet)71 and bronchitis
and all diseases pertaining to the lungs, be-
cause it is a pure balsam. Hold it to the
light and see leas clear and thick it is. Von
see tite excellent effect after taking the tint
doer. Large bottles 50e. and #1.
There are tours when from over•fativis
the strongret digestion may be • little be.
tow par de activity ; anal at such bones
littk light nourishing food as all that east be
taken An.1 assimilates' with ease. The fol. ,
hming half 41.."011 dishes we have found par.
ttcularly good in such instances. arid elteee.
fully reeommensi them 1.. timer who need a I
hastily gotten tap refreshmentaimpleaorlyet ;
Thick or doulde cream whipped to • froth 1
with the egg beater. ewenteneti anti flavorist' (
as beat liked. with either spices, intro. -tit AT
12srurishiag. The whites of egg CY ba
VVHEN a few doses or Ager's Cherry
Pectoral will relieve you ? Try it.
Keep it in the house. YOU are liable to
have a cough at any
time, and ito other
remedy is ao effective
as thi• world-
renowned prepara-
tion. No howls:hold.
with young children.
should he without it.
Heoree of lives are
saved every year by
its tim-tly um.
Amanda A. denner, Northampton*
Masa.. writes : " Common gratitude im-
pels me to acknowledge the bents
1 hare derived for my clat= from
tbe nee of A er's most excellent Cherry
Pert.wal. I ad lost two dear children
from croup and coneumption, and had
the greatest fear of losing my only re-
maining daughter and son. as they were
delicate. Happily, I find that by giving
them A reel' Cherry Pertoral on the first
symptoms of throat or lung trouble. titer
erg relieved from danger, and are lta.
coining robust, healthy children."
"In the winter of 1143 I took a had
cold which, In apite of every knows
reuway. grew worse, so that the family
physician considered me incurable, sup.
riling me to he in comiumption. As
Mat resort I bled Ayer's Cherry Peels-
, an in a short, time, the cure wan
complete. Slues them I have 110•01 bow
without Mk mhdielne. I am flfty yeses
of age. weigh over 180 pounds. alma sis.
tribute my good health to the see et
with hoarsenese and
i /Uhler trying Tadao mull.
eines, relief, 1 at last
tesusellately. and
of the Greenville DINdel.
Ayer's Chen/ &lora!,
/11•1111114210 IV
OW 17 Diglitibla anelibrAli
Just what you want.
Best brands and lowest prices.
24;10W 7`13
The iticset cooling and healthful of all Suututer tlrinkA.
IAnother large consignment o
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended tn.
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