HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-24, Page 7THE SIGNAL : OODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 24, MIL W. ACHESON & SON. We age adierins exceptional values in the following geode ; ' Victoria Lawns and Linens, Nuns' Veilings, Brilliant,nes, Ginghams, Fancy Muslins, English Cambria and Prints, Flouncing Embroideries, Challies, Sateens, Beiges. BLACK GRENADINES, A awe line at tilc, a yawl. FLANNELS for hlou.•w,i, Willits and 'mating iac•ke4. Instruction invited. W. ACHESON & SON. •rF��: ANOTHER RADICAL CHANCE ! No Room for Shams. ALECK SAUNDERS, wEsrsrAEEr. AREACTION is taking place in the minds of the people in regard to cheap Tinware. Especially is this the case among the farmers of Huron. The country has been flooded with factory and home made slop -work, which has proved unsatisfactory. Since starting business for myself in February last I have made up a heavy class of Tinware, which I have sold at reasonable prices, and the re- sult in increase of sales has convinced me that if the farmer, the artisan, or the retired gentleman gets an article of merit he is satisfied to pay a trifle more to get it good. I have, therefore, made a further move forward, and haveust to hand a stock of what is known to the trade as Re -dipped ""Bradley Charcoal Tin," every sheet of which has two coatings of Tin upon a soft steel plate, and each sheet is wrapped in tissue paper. In future all my Tinware will be made from this grade of Tin plate, and of the prices 4110 comparison will prove that they are right. There are very few tinsmiths in Canada ' who use this Tin in ordinary Tinware, it being used for cheese factory and dairy work, but I will use it in everything from the smallest Tin cup to the largest wash boiler. In order to clear out my present stock of HEAVY HAND -MADE TINWARE I will sell it at greatly reduced prices. Greatest Dyspepsia Cure of the Age. G I RANTEED to cure tine wont o•a+ae of IniTia;,stiou or l)yap•psia or tupney ref nutlet!. rool,1 only by GEO. A. FEAR, 1)rug.;i,t (soDL&leli, ONT. uccc'tor to ORO. MYNAS. TEMPERANCE OPINION• AWONDEl1FUL ESCAPE. s,<arlttwea Ti' W arta. Onimor the Maples is a news 'raking in his head a Klan of water, J 1:. hem. t.. u;,;h said - " laid you ever feel the The following, u.. doubt, is .Nuc of the tongue dry, the h parched and the throat utast reutarkable .ase of running the Ls - chine Rapids that has rever Lett heard of. fevert.h, and them bringing a goblet filled with puce water to your 1pa, do you re- member -the sensation aa it trickled over ratr tongue gurgled down your throat' spnag water. Owned w p`o by the line w tial out from it wan strtrl that a ran named Robert Hamilton hal been found is via,via,boat opposite St. Helen's island. The nue was -I UO ALL MANNER OF - SHEET METAL WORK, Sanitary Elnmbiag' ana Heating by Warm Bir, Bot Water or Steam. it sande luualwbs iritic. All the asylums were tele SC/LE AGENT FOR THE E..t C. GURNEY ct S. anal , ysa STOVES, FURNACES AND HOT WATER B01Herr ua lergebreed for a Hhowever, had hit W tamale. Fest inset n esrraly rimier. brewed, too, in bewuhd "a.0,amid the amok) . the mg a irruer from Chateauguay named Jar will always carry a full stock of KITCHEN FURNISHINGS, and procure the Horrid match, the nit k earespet„ that Hamilton walled taw the central putt hetet ernaai the brewMo-se ox dietru„) nation and said he was the father of GI, latest novelties as they come out. RS. H Rua who heal beer found alt the tin.., Ht Our brews a drin k for s own then told the othcla a the ( • s chll dnae 1n lovely places, down In yon gnus of owuns t"ry': - -- __ ri .lel, where the red deer wanders and • h11d lives to play ; down there where s iu a,lidititrl lee bon' gent the br.sok- murmur and the nibs give out Yea: aff their none, }l.• brews pare cold water bar "'Lulu. --.w a mother .it mut bear to saw tilting to • crowd of listeners. to ix reformed, it the object beet secured sway or, the no,untun top, whose granite bunt w as m htnn. .aril es be was not date- ••Last work. said hr. -1 ►ad an uni*w#lia i by sending him to pu►tI to herd with ccie- peal glitters like told in the sunlight. fere*" we kept him *1 bonne lie wan`states from the vestibule of the church. Oasis ` The resits have not thus far Asst .,;.u, "n the wide, wild sea, where mud of Iuw-iag, mal the night before last w is a l he got into an old iLt-hwottoeed, nckermty I It gift, and : the conditions do not g ung it very highly I been enc ouraging ' warrant the y that the will ever become host, worth about j2.60, and raid hr was; spent double its worth in rulveru.ing, out int so. 1 ca getog n for • little row. A. he did not )dar.. e not n verecl uta' Judge !fugues referred to the se of a iiiiii mss and n. murder . t gad •part)' aid gas I How did you muni the advrrusrnletit tarn up by midnight 1 boy in a neighboring county, whose school t1 to Il•' with in" mod try sol tical I. W e 'e Eight years ago my son had estimative., hl:h segued w impair ba mad. Emery Mow Se wool on ••Ad.' t stir the bench` If sornebodv must he punish- ed, man war deeaeiag sew epaper adrer- { ed, why not punch Inc 4 who neglect an the training of their chilfrenpareoIf the lad i• n the hor, ane how Is its mournful melody, sod the store. semis back thecherie, sweep- : flu• mar. -h .d God. Beautiful water ! Tht. a. tabard stun in its crystal depths. to foam it asked the .teteIran t. I teacher heal as a punishment for using te•'rr puke a mother'. bears ; it Dever rue rowed et/ tinct eight and visite. "WI"r "Here 11 ," said the can, pr.rlucing a most filthy and obscene language, n ..1 the reputation ; it never trent a pour other Floors st. Ams and 1'uute delve. , 1 t free a news r I his mouth out with soap and water. This pope sr. tch shrieking to the gallows. Ns pinion bottles out Its brink. Never did pale face l info, or starring chill. or broken-hearted neither weep into it a Utter tear. Never did drunkard howl back from his deathbed a fearful curse upon it. There is ru curse Y_ ugh street. No Sing sung, of ruby wine if you will, being foua l in Uuatnal. 1 torte to tows N„w..•esid the nisei luat,••I am s liberal I;sad round your goblet if you cbooee ; at once. L saw add sin that he had gone advertiser sad bare always fogad it pay um Int W sleep it the Ixiat gad bad akpt till he 1 w� ♦ �t :limeys epos tbe man - No one had sero hlut. W e searched till •it eervhait took n awl read ' puuslttnent his parents resented, and a htweit , afternoon, but without wooers 1 lest from the vestibule of the - - usgiunte found the teacher guilty of as- in•Ily, we Wren u. L..luar, when I wee church, last Sunday evening. a black um rule and hued her Oa "Fined $10,' said handed whinnied frit a (Head of haler !o t.ehla. Tbr gentlemen who took it will be Judge Hughes : "absurd '" 1)nuhtkw the Yumtrrai which stated tb•t h. had seen sa handsomely rewarded by leaving at No. - father of the lad feels elated at winning his .writ n The 1�'Itsaer of my •cn Etobert' time ; but how will it affect the boy ' - Would it not have been wiser to have quiet - ly told the teacher to inform him when his son so transgressed the rules of propriety and decency, and then. instead of standing by the boy against his menton, stt tplemien- ted the punishment as the ease merited'. Thoughtful people understand the danger of protecting their children against thedis- cipline of the schools, or of defending their wrong doing ; but. unfortunately. these are many people who are not thoughtful— even about the characters their children are forming. The son or daughter too often Ruffen the puarhinent that should be visit- ed upon the gglectful pewit, and In tetany canes this eompletos a criminal education. -Give water to me, bright water to Me, It Marti the brow, it cooleth the brain. It nieketb the weak rinse strong again. Yetlag women, in the glary of your too moody h. -au t y , .peak eat and tali air ; yNmg _tem, in the majesty of your intellectual power, stand up and tell u., have we not esmE t erne on our side when we would ire► hon the Lips d the young forever the 4 k coat .1,irres trod degrades, and give *a,n as their best and purest beverage the Ory of good brewed is leaeliful plates for His children Became our prtaclplc is p.m', lawful and etpedient, reasonable sod aru4hl•. I say we s)tap sucYmed. I shall trot Inc to Are it, but when I die 1 pray God that 1t may be in harem, battling for the •'antra, with ' Excelsior' for my motto, is :he hope that • better day is coming and, "1 A humble, rsverwt faith, that trod will tpec.i the right." dear WORM' The folb+ing case is • fair sample a ,'lswia ," and the jury •exdttable specimen of the 19th century intelligence sassily srho-teal for that fair Yid impartial body - Frank Stockton tails it i."Rsdder(image." The ,_ase wax •bunt a mss mined Brown who tarried the balf-ai.ter of a man messed Adams, who afterwards married Hnew.'s mother, and staid Brown • bonne be bad IC cash wlthost s.y more lura f graadl trade /or * •ry half r grist miU,which the other 6.11 of was owned by Adams' half -mister's intLnabasd. h" kit all hs propertyto • soap society. 1n tout, till ba .os should ttisele el age which be sever did, but left • will which Mire his half et the mill to Brown, .ad the suit was between Brows .aid Adams sad Rrown again sed Adam's Wf-aister, who was divorced from Brows, mad • ars maned Ramsey, who hal pet up • sow overshot wheel to tie grist atilt. The coos west en rail) one to ussderst..nd, ea will Wagon, •.d after being argued over • fall weak it was Sues to the jsry. When the jurymen west .tit there wasn't sant of them who kart whet/sot it was I1.W.wa or Adams that was dead. or whether 1.0. skill was s er to he rra by - up bower. 0awus thee% •osW't •gas's Three of them washed to give • ratdid ter e le hny that died, pro ef than were for Rr•,wm'• gruedt•tbsr,.sd tie rest : tired, some is fee &a n ea n+cs. Who t to got something ler h•ru.K their characters ruined. After 'Runs the case tine days and four 'ilium. were dimda•rged with • vtr•Ih t of disagreement sad the cam. demist ctrl fid'. YeAraaet amemroma• r taw•. l.ach H thee ' takes care st my pour buy in that dreadful act try fur Yu" tut de sot acknowledge t ..nertising The )• 1 willpwircls.e yuu a new one.'. The pour father, to said is to u If his kw met cad wrote : - heart would break. The don is tat be seat •.1 the Issas wbu w•as seen to oke the w the Verdun Amylttm, u his constants' a dally growing wore. - Montreal %1 anew. tilt eN1 tissape. bad drifted !stow .e. •' tier a which s advcrtieeyueat is put. Let .ie•sde I to sus the (;oil mutat have moth, Iirr1L ., asid if yon "Tickets, pleads.. said the conductor of • train cue • hoe rumbaing east out of Detach as he entered the car. There was a very general re•POeee . the shape of pasteboard, says The Free Press, esti' be came to • farmer who, was very earnestly kaeseg net of the window. "Tickste, please," said the conductor. The imam paid use attenus. I'll take your ticket, if you please... The nee looked app at him. Nast got say,"he answered ge•�' jwd 1, the :nosey th...i. ttl.ere are you Nan a got any 1401147.. Well thea, what are you on lire fart 11t. Silas lase. while in the Ricky Mose- }}.� If 1 demi get either money or ticket 1 tai.. discovered • root flat when eaw.bin Eroderieh Steam Boiler TOLD must pet yes off tie train. ed with other herbs. makes an easy ..l Yoe wsW.'t s•op s expr ods fru"' jot oertaie cure for .ansa . It u it the to put one seas elf. sow wosd you " form id dry rusts sod hese s, and is known 1LUMiehe.I lain. "Wo.lda't I ! YsTI sees see whether 1 M lama's FaeJy medicine. It will tete will or act. Now 1 "14 vont ticket a the I sink bendac►e amide the beat tiering Medi- cine. For • it blood, liver and kidneys, sed for ,•l•ari.g op the completion it doss wen- �d.rR i,rugsiet• esll 1t at Mc. •aa (I a SECOND HARD IACHIIERI � �—hl•eow) umbrella from the vestibule ot tbe--- cburoh lost Sunday dens not wish to get into treble sad have a stain tad. upon the Christian chorarter which be .slue so high- ly, he will return it at once to No. -High dreet .• Th.. duly appeared in the paper, and the following etrotog the nasi w •stoai•bedi A moi reacher a turning- ntin lifeevery (Jo I • b• the' leant o< br rrumbrel p• epsed time he gratia the Jmr-kttob. - Biagh•mtao On the .rob lay .t leant • doltse .inbred Re blican. las of aU shade/ and aisle that hal been P h thrown .,while the front yard was literally It u natural enough that when a man goes ted wink umbrellasmany d than bad yachting he should come home over the t,ay. D ates attached to them saying they hal been TheBtort Poet simmer s church choir has been taken by lift eke, gad begging the Meer to knows to make • hit that entitled her to keep aha little shlair quiet. --Trim Weekly oursaliet. the second Less for life.---Ringhan.ton Lead • .r. A Core aur pm..lat•••t mei �•admml.. soul brown's ether, in • "Nan' ' or. The machete- p•s.ed for • Intaeest or two awl thew celled tM brakeman "Now are yon goi.g to gent of witbost • fur or will we have te throw you Mir' The Elsa sighed sod said he world ge et yy Wien ti s they got out on e plat. form and the eseduoter bad hie load am tis bell -row the pswmaeg met ba ye ort. bite 'O(•edrapsaid : lying Mal there is way ere am Ax this sap •' "t urtakely. Ticket or mosey." After amothee look thew shook his heed "Let her go, .sptas.. The ,,dist palled the rep. The stir brakes scrunched sad the train twee to • stop The e a Napped al. sad thee,istd- i.g the ••osdectot • bit of pasteboard. dud "I don't obast me railway c.epaay, cap- tious Hero ye ton. - ..Whyis thwsdsr didn't yes girt me this Wen.. Weoss ram rid. Ire Enke f.rtkw s tbkt ticket. step aboard direly, sew. -Mover mead, mptaim. 1 would red to walk Ave mem hark d i did. 1 fits ever recast-. as hog, e•►• itch, scrip sad _$05 et every tried. ea beams or rid" mrd it a lobiddeld by W u if oed's SWAY, Ledge. Mb ewer fade field by Y. Jaren. 94-17 TIE LEY re 'O Mai•11 Unlocks an tho clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying di gradually without weakening the sys. I. all the impurities and foul humors dem secrotions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation. Dryuess_of the Skin, Dimness of Visitor, Jaun- Rheunt. Erysipelas, Scro- ing of the Heart. Ner- a. and General Debility ;10 Laset and many other similar Com taunts ��iieettii to the happy rn iuen000f BURDOCK �IO�D BITTERS. Far Rale ty all Dealers. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER m�caacgEEsrLE4o PLANING MILL ESTAIALISNED MISS Buchanan & Son, w *,e t• r at.Tt'rtious BASH, DOOR and BLIND, WHY EVERY FARMER should get nae of Armstrong's Improved Sap 8B111 SBBD CLEHERS1 Tir Instants alts Ilsolb. The Hamilton Times says : le discherg. In Stock For Sale : ing the grand jsry the other .4". Jsdgr 1 60-horde-po Wer upright ii.ghee, .f 81. Thoma., d.Iivetv.d aonte..m boiler, ail complete. aibt• has- s s the subject of y.wuthf,.l 1 6 -}.ores- Wer upright boiler .s/osdees- like s.ery adeiaietrator „f � and engine. p instil's, J.dg. %mime bas been punl.d ' .ocelots. how to dispme.1 jaysik crioro 1 6 -horse -power engine. aka oembaisteatly with tie ideas of 1 48 -horse -power horizontal duty to society mid le the youth who is to I boiler, complete. 6n restrained amid r,forar d. 1■ hares works 1 60 -horse -power slide valve to aha jury Its strongly animadverted en the I engine, all complete. parental .ardsyseE tint darts young buys to grow up ss weeds. to had their education I The above have been thorntl�h- is the strict. awl to herd with •11 kinds "( i'_ overhauled tlifd wt►rKntAd III company. It a • fart. palewt to any rind •Y iss..last..,-.r of "I. yasusttl polio. mart ret claws condition. Reedy for victim' of nor intim. that in unsay mess the immediate delivery and will be pulsate are 1bt awl criminals. and the fray I sold cheap of-.dEe but the s.lortsaste remits of eir ___ nutata t.ewhinh tie pwreate.eve.r troubled WII order will reoetve prompt attention. Shammies' 1. t.odlty amid of eSrireses.nt i 1e worebe c qa• iii. T. !. Slate"... whisk that sever a eetrttetdd a good o /ileus.. t• ilia telt oakum' hat I Ws. Regol,. protestly •tt..dd tom Dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description. School Furniture a Spocialtj. 33E0-A.-CT/BM : W --It dbwa no font newts to be blown Into the ok.R, whica, s of great leporaaoe to cevvsry termer who wishes to keep kis Ase ane/. -It saves and cleans all Timothyteed troe nay kind of grain while clea.g the si d.Pore Market closets. It restores Corer. Cess sad a►runkeegr�aj� •rd Ives the briaer this orale with aitsslblal ws(gat for his 1116.-It M-IIs will ma la lhor r show and seed M. ~mss ( itromnoves all osnty, enIo d Wild Pa... W I ld visa awl odor eden d broiler grata. awl gives tie de: r ai MM. elem. seed MIL -It will idem Oat. holey. Re., that- wekh without winced grain. ink -o - 1r.Meg Pease : It win ss parate the amts. quartered. Salva. oats and w hole twee trema each utter. tautyiats each to • dllrent eelsysrumwr. Mk. -It la• perfect clover seed Msrh:act, re- moving all dust. broken sed dead seeds .Mi miser maetia larger or swelter than the (:tsveroasd. cur.- it N • first dee Orme ow .1 Machin. Mown MO Mob ow•v. thiel. -..It les seed Mt seed Mechlin, /Nll.--h ti a int elect cbelbr. 11106-ltesa be fitted 'Moth's eldest fsoLlomed Paaalag MU1 that le hM sere se males, aid cake It de the wort old sew ]A111. Mk -it cob be annealed to a new min with- out lysrlrtg it. gad ea. be removed at aa�y rllaw es asoly7 as a tbrot eomblaed. I1 dose not isterfere with the see of the re- t Mia r[.kar sieves a the Mia •Is Neves are nearly all perforated tine. asm"_lIt Wboe.Mt>tty et sixty bushels of letllJmrMiwlj YF say Mean as the oedfesryl Feanleg sielrIi.-Leary Meekiise Is Ovaeaaysos, fktiN year ardor at srs V yen west 1t this t altos erlefyes have Itat Seen i son A0 Ia poorl s ad 'Au Tee take Ites ..agditi.ts It soils. In r :�Lbsi sMd lmelie width of ARMT1101110 BROI., MaS* a pow a Woe vas. by )•I. L •..dw,-,11fte.S Y1i ow& I.., w Sr odor. ,w try eel wN• w wow*. bel .• .Y Ow* ,t& veil, b... I. Y. 0.r 54 to .e • dor .t rho 5.1,...r...• wyw•. r. pork woos. all owe. l• soy loot Id y.. uw .•.,..iw N 4o... e`•.- .n tomb. AI le soor 6~1 pay Ir.. w••• ....r. cos.k. writ 1.rskuur,L.t.Mwt- I mosso , M7Y.e. SAM. ANO Tata Hypopiispidtes of Lime led Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cougg Loss of Ah Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility. &c. Beware of all imitations- Ask 61 "the D. & L." Emulsion, and re ale an others. PRICE 50C *MD $1 Part MOTTLE - Sold by F. Jordan. PATENTS! CAVEATS. TRADE LARKS AID CCPYIIENTS Obtained. and all bueineen in the U. H. Patent Office attended to at MODERATE FFRS. Our office is opposite ilei'. S. Patent Of. See. and we van. obtain Patents in less times ban those remove froom it 4SH121 GTON. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We ad rlae.s to patentability free of charK�ee and we make CHARGE UNLESS WE OB- TAIN PAricirr, We refer, hem. 'othe Pw•ma.ter, the sept. Di Money Order Dir,. and to officials of the U. t3. Patent 041.-e. For circular, advice. terms and references to actual clients in four Awa State or County. write to C A el.w l t... OppoMMte Patent Odoa.tti aahiogtos.D.0 dssae tadteflad eme of heiity sad its it 1� G}odarioh, O be ws.ired that pity ..r ti�nbsesitm ; P.U. BOX 861• nt. S3 . r...s r..• two w.11.. an. .••. lootroorkto.orlil .oa .wa.ltbrry, M.. to ..rw 'novo rear..• tike►.• - ro w.,lob *ow h...tltioo.h....r'boy a...l .Aa As Omani M. rtmaar ..►t•y.w. .a1 .4. hr. ru .ws I.Mw.rr. No ry we ..w.. ..-. .i. Wy ra.al01 t.w.w.i 1 M.1.. hat .+w.. •+tet ,...m Marl. AYkn. I .r..r1,- . 7 taw rnsbc.,;:a. ..:-. .l.d IM i•N.er1t�if, tru«r raw, . t. 1.. s.• rat .ratio. r.. F r el s. mitt.. .1= f- 5... -tea. Aw..aa. llf MICHIGAN LANDS —FOR SALE - 12,000 Acro Good Formai Lail TITLE PPESPLIT. Os Ilkbtpt■ t'estral M1se1t1 .1 •teems std deem Lake Sallread■. At prices ranging from 12 to I.5 per mere. These Lewis are close to Enterprising New Tower, Churches. Itchools, etc., avid will be Sold nn Most Favorable Terms.P aPLT TU R. M. PiER('E, West Bay City. Or to J. W. CU'RTiS Whittemore. Mich —KXTRA CAL 'F.4 TEAS AD SUGARS — For the next two weeLa au -- FD. CkIPAI&NE'S, ('or. Montreal -et. and Square. Tele hone Connection.