The Signal, 1891-7-24, Page 5• THE THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRI DAY! JULY 21, 1891. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE l7TAa1NNSD sew. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. on,ra& (PAl1e NP) en NILL1ON DOLLARS OEM B. E. WALKER. OR/URAL MANAGER. $41.o00.oOO. 0900.000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. ()RAPID ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL wits IN THE UNITED STATE& GRRAT BRI IAIN. FRANCE, BERMUDA. ac $AVINSS SANK DEPARTMENT. of P081T8 OF 51.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CUR IENT RATED OF INTEREST LLLpwED. sNTStaST ADDED TO TMS PRINCIPAL AT THIS IND OP MAV AND pYEIOW IN SA011 rasa. epeeist AttsMten given to end fartmsq' halos Notes. the Ootl.ctlon of e`otnmerc:al paper. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. TIi IS 1S WORTH this week. Jae. /.Sabato, of Lnale.beru', erain town TO TOO �Yrs. ('hilts war vesting in Tonne., the 25 .\ E S CE ! past week. Mrs. Buswell left thio week fora visit to POINTE : 11111. i ; r«ud- /UT FIRST NOTE T11E$E 1:0o. Stewart returned frown his Buffalo - l FLAT D) NIAL top on Monday. I J. A. M,clhxtagh, I•• town last week It io being stated about town that I repair only my own good,. repeat' lit a any goods broughot to me for that pur'ppoae, no matter where Mine is the only establishment i M west of Toronto where you can pfet cK goods half -soled by hay- -jDg the [soles) properly stitched ee, which is far better than beir'g , roue -sly nailed, as is done else- where.•utd on half-sole na exta ra charge w for heLeg 1 WANT TO Special attention to my stook of ladies' kid high shoes and Ox- fords, which are not surpassed west of Toronto. 0611 and see yourself Now for that quarter ! 4,7 N Ill OR :-• ('EN'F On the purchase of one pair of shoes at my atom of $2 25 or upwards- JORNsTOi CAREY. Cut this out and bring it to me and you will make 26 cents on your purchaas- N B Thede pointe are all ori - mai with myaelt. but as they are not copyriehted others may try to imitate them They can tdoit. JOHNSTON CARRY, - Tn.. leading Moot Seel abbe man. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. • Prof. 1►e Pendry arrived in one from Hayti last week. Mrs. VI% Ian left for Detroit on a short vett en Mouday. 1Vu.. Little anal wife, ..f Leckie's', were itt'iown.et Monday. Mrs. U. E. I'aeneron, of Toronto, WAS in I ;.Meech this week. Oliver Rhyne. is visiting hos unck, Capt. R. Rhyies, in Detroit. Miss Qees Revelry, of Detroit, is t.tsymg at Mrs. rapt. McKay's. The .\sserieati (',instil, K. S. Chilton, was :77 Stratford last Saturday. Mise Clare Platt is %tatting her .inter, Mrs. Hayloft -sit, in Loudon. MI.,. Ando -tee of Loudon,isvisiting her email., Mn. A. J. Moore. . Mrs. T..Iervie, of Saltford, ass emit:n,( friend* in 1411141.0 this Week. of Toronto, WW1 In Mess t'rassweller is visiting her parruts, Mr. Anil Men. 11'ut. 1h•:ka.m. \lies %Talton. Weet•et., is One a vitt to her brother in the Forest I'it,. Miro Maggie %Va.ou, of Detroit, is the guest of Mew Fannie Lawretuo. .1. 11. Hain. formerly one of Tun: St.% ti. Istaff, left .,n Thurs•lAy ler Detroit. Sir. and Mrs. Henry Horton left Wednes- day memo's ...t a trip to the Wert. .In.. Ferguson, of lktr%ut, u visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs- I). Ferguson. I. 11'idder hes returned to the family re- r. --ti .aster /ample// %tatted I►etrort an 31„4.14)- 1.a•. !h- Parkes, of I)aelY, spent e(nmlay in r;•.k•rtch. Ft. 11. rris.ai. of Detroit, is viaitaeg at his knee to torn. S. Hay.. barrister, Seaforth, spent Sun - .lay in I:.wkrich. W. Payne, of Seafurtb. spent a few days in town this week. Mr*. deo. smith, of (Tinton, was visiting in town the week. R: 11 Ktdd, of St- Paul, Mina, was in teen the past week. )lire Sadie Ktdd, of Stratford, wars in t„.lerieh on Friday. It H. 1 oleins, barrister, of Exeter, VMS in town on Saturday. 11..1. D. ('.eke, et present of Seeferth, AAs In town 'un.lay. Elliot Traver. barrister, of Lucknow•, was in town no Friday. .laws row and soli, of Windsor. armed in •.alerich.m Saturday. .las. I:sham left last, week for • tour of F:urnpe, %ta New York. Moe Marion and Harry Parsons left this Week on a %tsot to Chicxago. F. Ilodgkiss Arrived from lketmit Wt weeL to make a visit to his family. Stn. T. Nano, and Mas A. Howson. of (linnet, were in town on Saturday. Mrs. steeples 41, 111 Lixa1on, was the guest of Mrs. E. R. Wake*, the past week. .1. Pecan. inspector of Inland Revenge, Stratford, was in Iorderich this week. Frank I:satins, of Kincardine, 77 -aa visit - in this tteighltorhond the parent week. Moe Ferguson, of Montreal. is the guest ,f her aunt .N1 n- Allan Buchanan, ('olhortae. Th,w. Allen ha* been engaged se princi- Ial of a public .cineol in the money of Hen - BEESLEY & CO. MILLINERY STOCK Fully awurted with new Sad stylish goods. r..ht oxen fubwn's centre, in Laces, Flower*, Ribbons and Straw Goods. Vont) the breezy lace and straw hat to Ilse largest sunshade. \EW SIMMER STYLES Are now ready and waiting the luck/ buyer. to FAIREST PR I ('ES. Full worth for your money is positively gu.u..uteed on even- pur.•haet'. Noth- tike t► his stook for stile, .►s,.ortuleut An•I pnp.tlarity. BEESLEY'S GREAT MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY G000S EMPORIUM, The Ladies' Favorite Eetablht.Funent, BEAVER BLOCK, - - CLINTON. 311.. Repletro and Visa Skelton, roam \ NII1 (iOODS. periled by \I sit..Hep'.urn's two daughters, of \ StrrttowI, are speeding • few weeks in - - town. %1'ot. Burrows, the .ee.lantan, has g.rnr to g:uelpoh to visit the experimental farm. 111. r,n, Thomas, will attend to frusiness ui his :timelier. • At the meet ingot thr1.rest four~ Knights Templar of ('Steeds at Toronto on Tuesday C. A. Hunnher•, of tialerich, was elected prior of the Loadon district. Mrs. cassia' isi Miss Miller, of Brandon, at one time reeitients 0f I:.Hiericli, are visit- ing the former's sister. Mrs. Lawson, Lake shore "tool, and other friends tit this vici- nity. Jas- Wiggins will, weather permitting, Jean tomorrow at £.9. for Stokes Bay -salt-enter porta-:4w Lira Bruce Peninsula with r party 01 t;oderiehites on a two week', holiday trip. Mrs. Jamieson, w idow of the laic Rev. .1ohu Jamieson, miwionary u. Forntosa, wets• to leu: St.,. vi. from Tatman, For- mosa, t'hina, stating that it is her intention to have shortly for a visit to /'armada. 4.co. E. \Vightutan, of Kuthven, Essex Master Frank Shannon,' with a small .runty, re.•.nnpanicd by his two, suns, ar- couptny ate in ainop at the river, rived in town per ser. City of Windsor on Missal 11'il.s.t, tickle. Ta/hot sad King, Friday last, and took the afternoon train of Detroit, are grants of Mrs. Pastnore. for the mirth to visit hu father in Fist time Venting and 11 ?t•eldart are visit 11'awaaosh. hug the former it parents at Port Huron. 11'. I'roudfoot, reeve of Godm'ich, and K. \1n. Al. N- strut, Lighthouse nt-, is S W'illtenia, nucttager of the /hank of K C'outm.•nx here, acted an empire for the visaing( relrina in Stratford this week. Stratford team An•1 referee respectively its I,- 11. FG.isnm, of I'rtndra, arrival In town the match between 1 ...rowan sial Stratford on Friday „1) a Short ural to old friends. •at the latter place on Saturday. Mrs- Wiltiant 1'. (ir,k, ,f Stestturd, is /:en. Stewart returned Monday last the guest of Mrs. T. H. Mah.mc•y,Fsat et. from the annual ,.'* veuti.D of the I'hoto- l'own clerk Mitchell will take a short rest grapher.' Association hell in Buffalo. N. 1-., nett week and intens to make .a %tat to last week, and while there picked up a (;asp(. Intmeeker of nee idea in hu line which his .1; 11. Swansosi arrive./ brae from hit customerware going te get the benefit of. Ie4alotudic at Ifeg..rdr Hall on Monday The following Foresters of Clinton,1.on- la•t. .kele.ro- anal 11 ingham were in town Snn- Wn,. Trainor rturle.l to ('hicage }-ester- lay- ..Isaac- Dodd, ,Jno.Senith, A. Md'rea, H. day after .. three weeks' visit to (;ud- 'Hunt. N. Fair, Wnt. Junes. T. L. Fortune, erich. H. Hill, J. P. Sheppard, 'K. Nunley, O. Mrs. and Moa 11'hiteIy, of Lucknow, Johnston, H. `ttanbury, b. Ihckeuso n, of were suiting their releti'es on town this Clinton, F. (.arbnt, Losclsb,ro', M. Beck - week. with. Kingham. \Iwo Aggie Nairn an.l Master ('has. --- -- - Hai ilk. of Detroit, are visiting at ('. 'i. LOCAL BREVITIES. Naini s. sew Moe Jordan and children left on Weil nrs,lay fe.e a rest at the Black Hole encnrnp• moot. Wm. Hepburn, furniture inane( ac - tune, of "tratfxd, was to town Tuesday Lot. Mr.. Ibddulph of 1letmit, a former reit dent of GotIerieh, is visiting friends in t. sn- \Ir.. Lowe. of Landon. was visiting her deo:liter, Mrs. E. K. Watson, this Pert. dedeteto., of The Meatorth Expose - '•w. made a lying visit to l:o.lerich an Saturday. Misa F. Steele, who had been visiting in town for sumo weeks, left on Monday for Heenan. Mae Sallee Tiles, who was in Toronto for a, • time put, retarget, to t..wn on Tues.lay. Mrs. Kobt. Park and children left on Men•Iay on a month'. %lilt to relatives at I hat hunt. tire .1. W. Graham and children left on 1Vcdue.+day to join Mr. 4:ralum in 'British /'ill:imLia. Mess \fay Hayhurst, of London, is visit- ing at the residence of her grandparent, Mr*. S. Platt. Mrs. 11'lston Salkeld and children. of West Tared., erre visiting its Ii drrich the put week. Mimeo Kate fuel May ('nigg are visiting at the residence of thetr Ade, Captain A. (Lambent. I ►etmit . 1'. D. 1).'. Joseph Reck lett town on Tues - .lay to attend the (:rand le.lge, A. F. end A. M., at Toronto. .I.IMcI►ernn.tt, of Tomato, was this week on ashort visit at the rwidenceof ,Jas. Wilk 1717101). Elgin street. Mn. (Rev 1 1. R. 1\'a1lw-en, of itluevale. et visiting at the n•salen.w of her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Wnt. McLean. H. Parsons. Runk :,i Commerce, at erceday t , fond, spent Saturday and Gently residence. West street. \Ir*. (pt. J. 4'. Mclean and children 1'11 'town \\'eritiewlay to visit her parents in Port Huron. Mrs. (4apt.l Keen//& Melktnald 1e11 on "..,ines.ley Da Be me. rnite.l Empire to col K ewoertNst, • 1•11+0. B. .1 earl wife. of Kansan, ow Mil town ea y• and are guests at the Park Roams, `eafwrth Expositor. dart Dickson, Ent.. rettoorar, Iioderjch, and Mrs. Nekton' ser, in town this week. Mt/. Sinclair, of Hamilton, arrived is n. AssOcatn,n, on •own „en Frills are left forsn the eamp the American Photograph :trent at the Hole. ylsturelay. e We have just op'e'ned the follow- ing near gno.hi, which we have marked, as usual, at exceedingly low prices : New .prig.. g004I4 in checks, stripes and plain goods. New prir.ts and e<ateen,L New tIannelettes in dark .tripes. New everfast stainless black cotton honi • ery, in ladies' and children's sizes. New white an•I grey cottons. New tweeds and coatings. tte claim to show the best value in all lines of dry goods of any store in town. You will tint! out if you kindly call and examine. We art;, ,just as glad t0 get your money and give yon the best value for it on Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday or Fri- day as IHl Saturday or ,'�Ion.isy, A low price' all the time. Inspec- tion respectfully solicited. J• A. REID & Jordan's Klock. Godertca. July 17th. ►SDI. .\ dime circus seemingly can make dimes. The electric lights did not light our ■toren on Friday. There was early csxnmIle Ileum at St. I .eorlte's chnr.•h last Sunday. Two a,ws were killed on the railway track by the 7:35 P. it. train on Wednesday. The ladies of St. George's met on Monty to make filial !arrangements for a banor and high ten. The Civic Holiday was duly olwerved by our citizens, and those of them that did not do Loudon, amose.l theutselt a by plenta•, fishing, berry-piking an! shooting. lir. M. Nicholson, the Kest -st. dent tet, makes the preservation of the natant teeth a specialty. Gas a.lministered from 9 v. M. for the painless extraction of teeth. The subjee•t of the discourse next Sab- bath evening in the North-st. Methodist. chun•h by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Howell,will be "Lowell' down from the union S. S. ex- 1 welco and hpeicr' to lecmdon. ' Strangers TROTT�G CHIC welcome. Ushers obliging. I. -n .fhe wife of .Ino. Story, of Brandon. for lent in ' Woo -st-, died in her northwest home on the Thos. Armstrong, of I:o.lerich township, left on Saturday for Middlesex county, where he will inside in future. Benton ('ex, of F. 3. IYi•Ihun's tailoring eatal.bsimient, in holidaying at 1w•anninl•ton, Niagara Falls and oMee poipta. Inspector of peddle . h .1. E. Toon returnee) on Saturday Garet the great meet- ing 0f ttachen in tile Queen Pity. Mrs. Hosted.. and two ehiMnen, of Toronto, em •m a six weeks' Fast the lady's father, (. F' Wm. peeper, formerly of Port Albert and I;oderich, who removed to Wesl�a about awe months ago, 11 now locate) at Clin- ton. Mrs. F. K. ('ry.ICrman and three ehil area, of fall -oil, are visiting in I:oderich, the Roast& of Mr. An.1 Mrs. H..lgkies, West street Robs. Park. W. M. of Maitland Lodge, N. 33, A. F. and A. M.. is attending the session of Grand Lodge now being hell in Toronto. R. Sallow, returned from Buffalo, where he hail been attending the coaventenn ' ( Vesta, dasetter of Prof W. .1. Kerr, foe -tared Std arm by falling en The p°"t- „(hc steps last Saturday Mrs. Iliac lime, of Ridgetown. spent • few days Ile past week at the rssedsnee of her mint, Mrs. Neo. Meek. WIngham TIMSU : Hiss hetie swags returner) front a w•ek'a visit le friss& is 1sit 11 r- .1. R. Fetter yd tl olth/er, d .ndseor, are ♦ the pelasr'eaaele sad Km. Seymour returned to his bone in Detroit ow Friday I.M. His family, hew veer, will remain in t:orlereoh during the heated terms. BRO• �'t- CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OP A POUND A DAY IN THE CASs OFA MAN WHO HAS BaCOMR "ALL RUN DOWN." AND HAS IIIGUN TO TANA THAT REMAREASLR PIASH PRODUCT'S, SCOTT'S ULSIOI OF HIRE COO LIVER OIL WITN Hypophosphites of Lime a Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. Tins FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED WIER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILE. EN - maxim IT PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION 1S PVT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD 11* ALL DRUG- GISTS T AND 1.0D SCO ST eon Aa+1 wills. BA NK OF -MONL. CAPITAL,. - - 4512,000,000. REST, - - - 6,0oo,00a A Saving Detarlmenl has been opened in con - ruction with this ranch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DR UMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. WHAT WE ) NT DO AND WI-3AT We DONT have every. day a special Bargain Day, nor •I0 wr sell TweeIIII at colt. But we DO hoki SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS SPECIAL BARGAIN DAYS, -ln.l +11 for Clash Goods less than some Merchants can buy them. Will quote prices next weed. GEO. ACSON & CO. May 213th. ISe1. I.c►=� HZT�O2 W. J. Kerr. of Salt lake ('ity, arrived in te1.wn from Toronto 0n Saturday, and jobwtl its family at the residence 0f his r.4ative. p, er (ampinefl. W. D. l dp srsa� rob tt���eerIo__week seder the k, Maraud tete his Imus by the Nr. City e1 '"`• ')r• tall Mw- tee ewe. •natis2ttn:l "`- Inane lean a regia he Blakeblock 10th inst. The deceased was well known In this vicinity, and suffered considerably while residing here from a aeriona internal i complaint. She was • highly esteemed lady, and was only in her thirty-eighth year. She leave- besides ,ler husband, four small chit dren to mourn their loam GODERICH MEETING. Tuesday, Aug ns plot a Put, OPEN mals wet 1sT Howl, They an a Ittaep Samoan. Orn Holier. Towacend Suomi. San Hoiut* 11•11P1711• • tor= the sabstassns say needed 1 twee - OM Bloc . curios roves loos sed rl ar esse at Ssocp, er temp Ymsnta Beano Is prison. and ales toismesM and Mum) the pmol and donewhew birehei by eek meatal pene Sega Theyieeillelectrell deI as Men Dares starit;Saha se meows his sett sells.. physksl sal nsMW EMT Wer*j y previsions and irreuls w NOM diner when midgets A- •��� Arnoldtake them Pima. !Lead eammithen teab.y will San the re a,ews mold fab thea }'11'R ('F' \T UFF FOR ('ASH, IONS worEw Thai >..� e them reviler ► •••*. i, •e.70.1eH.e•red. Pei ,' les/ b a "11 blade eah raM Meek et at II "E"Wr as of Fse k leda es Deal 11,seek et all UntAsa =M1 WILLIAMS' MSS. COOat hp #11."7.1":73-X,;',LEL B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. • 7 HE SQUARE. Jas. Somerville, of Roxboro, McKillop, G}A '.A OQt7 3111 has returned home from Ma trip to the t IW . l y his Mr.,Slemn tior was fronto , niedPerth, 11 U 1 cEO�ETI by his sunt, 3A. /vine arum Perth, Day Seo tam.i, who comes to this «,Dotty to reside. TUE FAULTLESS ROT ATER REATER' (:uarantert•.I to do the same amount di heating with leas fuel than any other furnace yet ntatle. Manufactured by D. K. STRACHAN. Goderioh, Ont. Old -time furnaces can be taken out and replaced by this superior invent tion without alterations to the pipe - and radiators throughout the blilcling in which it is place./. Eatinutea furnished on application ?5111:91. for placing this improved furnace in 1 buildings of any eitut- Send for circulars. Address : D. H. STRAOHAlt, Inventor and Patentee. I AI)tf,) (a)!)F.1tiCH, ONT. TROT. Purse $226. {110 00 75 00 40 00 2.85 TROT. Pur's.-$900 1+T HmiAR. 11100 00 2'* n Hames 66 00 31m HIMAE . 36 00 3-MINUTR TROT. Pura. -$175 1m Hosea. • 90 00 2x n Homs 60 00 3au Hosea ............... . ... 26 00 Hamm them May Ist- Thete lave been ,wade done s bedside d ,w eff IS. r hone* 11 'N. Ink ITH, Remete re. FIRE! FIRE! Now is the time to secure roue noel chew sIamAntiwar the Heat :s.:rantotn enal in the market at 116.00. alt 1 THE DRY BARTH CLOSET HAS Area Is nee and duly appreciated for yews. but ea hitherto presented was too large and cumbersome for sn Ins al id's 'Dom. and. though a rood thin* where a room can be aK apart Tor Its use Of the expenae.from IS to l* was not object(oasblet, still a want [mea felt fora small, cheep compact arrangement fora bedroom that will not occupy too moon room or show as unsightly appearance : slid the object ot the introduction of Min article. which can easily be moved from one room to &aotber in casco( sickness, U to d11 this want 1t le a ...Vary I.-.anlba. perfectly free frees sal odor, and. having a Fesrelel• Irene New neater, It prevents any noxious gasses in Nekoosa it 1y almost indispensable where there are ehlldreh exceedingly useful. its low PRICE -$5.00 Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones -for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your Brings it within the reach of all For tale et SORT FURNITURE STORE stole agent for Ooderich and vicinity. •x t •i• M (MI Yat1Dest..ut 1 recommend most highly the Oanaapque K. (least for nee in private homes aad la the sick room. Its principles are conducive both to health and convenience, and shouts he is use In every house- From my own MO aptns elation of the D. F:. ('. ealned by use, 1 mai mend most siroegly to all this metal house- hold article. Tours tnl= A. ALhTON, Rector Chris Church. Ge aaogwe, To the('oltee ('icer Co.. (laaanonee._ Il M MOLEOD'B SYSTEM RENOVATOR /Nn OTMO TRATRn RRx1RD1 pe, Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and imp,verish•7 Mood, dys- =ps�sfm dns eeplesane, palpitation of the liver coonbunt, neuralgia, los of usessoryr, !Ronehitie. csxnanmptinn, gal atones, Jaundice. kidney and urinary diseases, St. Viten dace. female irreg. alarm*. and general debility. LABORATORY. COOBRICH, ONTARIO. .1 %l. M'LF.i)1►, Proprietor and Manainet twee. p YtL�tJti y ��larwt Sat ha lad .... - all / le Isere. a. we Y all lM dr het wenn uwrn Wound money, horn ,�� J IMG e • t w v.x . - . . tiesforh, 14vtee•'.. Durham and ToroaM _.. 1 ...w1 • 1