HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-24, Page 44 T 8ItWAL : OODERTCH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1891 the $igna!, IUI MOPS H'MST II f'Uu .V. Mees $o fall tt sad gets Arlt{ h N boa own !Mg thaw who !saw he waft waved is There has bass a a the fault. Mr. ('astasto. N .-ti was i.• cleekade•se o t Imam suet, Own. 44 what sppsOr see 1.t tk. , iso pa m lbu se1300 of traded fur the 'Ibis CuwA/a M at of Um sort t� *owI r. ro- Th. Slairrl •ewapnprr M Mlar tUrwwlr. BUM darn this t throe reek. brit• 1101 mut for am 11/11`h wb tnis.l i5( pas Ogler, rbses�tAruugb thhe ewl:ovse'er blic aspect 10 r•. 01.1. 11111 - halo tha0 a month ahem. exert' termer vas their uwu hush... Donal draw thine aalnry elmploe mei psy, to put than as Use reek EVERY FRIDAY MORN 1 N(3•dews is the mouth us automat .d the effect 1egularly• on wluak Murphy was, amidst the ap'lii-- of the dr.uth, raid "over the Tull. t0 the The News-Ite'onl ought to publish what of the 3 urpata, tortured fur ger r. w.seLLN t rrT. phyena! eHangth of the Moe of I'ublivatlon s .ad 10 North arm Oudertch. Ontario. Term. of Mbaesl flea One month. on mins*, Three months, .. tllx •. i One )oar, •• I If credit is tamed. the peke p•1 roar I ail! b1. Adored./ns wales t Legal awl mater casual 1411r per line for Snl insertion, and 31,ents per Ifo for walk s,tltestuen insertion. 21ea.urr.1 b s nonpareil wale. Hu*uSra cants of six lines and under 1.5 pe year. A of Lost. romad, eltrsyed Sltuatlo0. Vacant, ':taatios. Wasted sod Inatome* ('!toner. %Vanled. sot exceeding linea n0spsriel. 11 per month. Holmes on Sale and Farms on Sale. not exceed s lines. 11 for first month. ik- per s0 sepuea n h. larger edit*, 155 proportion Any special notice, Iha oh)ei of which is promu,re the pecuniary b.•n,-lt oof 11553 ..a) vldual or rolupaay, to be considered an W rertim,•n.enl all chanted accordingly. Lout macre 1n noapariel type tine cent pe wood, no statism Wee than 314' Local notice% in ordinary ruling t.ra• tw rents per word. No nein., fur less men .LM otic, s for rhur. M•s and 1.1 her rabgiuus gen Lorne%°lent instil•i+ions hall rate. - 1 eres4rses Ad.eftls.elersla. A limited number of displayed advertise meats will be lowered rt the ,following rates 1'rr lac h, our n.o•rl ion . 40 le four insert on, ........ .. 100 " three months- ....... 3 W .• nit 11011101.411011101.43 00 °1.c year. ... .. No adtert:.rn.ee, 1.•re than !wa Inches u, .001* .lays motif for tbis lit I Mr. 1'aNaau. and, and lot what at says pr4 am must wart t ug .t upp•ru..st in mfrs' u I man .4 Yearly seveety gate out the Is ..f nowt, ei laws a shot%iug for be said. au.) Ise swooned outright. The fat that grorlh rpgNarel. The odea L.ws wire \\'1.t .toes mot the wateringcart sprinkleMurphy's mart' has proved true is the ease f Mr. teirky bw, lir. (taw will ave .hwht If pp1.wt hr kro t h haled In aeor0uat, Mlth.nt r th this g ulalrrwtaud, rttaastkesed the bbabababathat all of Fist n. wad 30 11,pe "i ST""11'• the 5(10155 war Iia hood 01"/ These streets are the 1.54101 tratells' streets hlr .*manor .154 other Mien is mot without W1.o ! ma almost rained for Inuit of rain, and � w rove u, awl Uta rpr*uklwg of them .lolly foundation, amt age Mr. I /ser failed to bring the root crepe 111 11541110 lout. Mere notoutle r lin teuItuco to o great number the part .'f the chole truth, he will, of eounlc,l ger an *tastable mewl al all. .mrrr, Irt u 1151410 to oetrLGeh anyother of those who walk .or drive on Summer 1 . the change !.a berth abeam uuraeu.a. younc4llun, wake lip,llmltnal 11'ituaas. I'liuc. the hey' 111 many sect lona aa light, but taken all 111 all the cattle upon 11uron'0 tbrou two... these duaatiaticri with the 1.ot CAME TO BLOWS. r .41011,111s will not hums any of the pangs of erument's .rigs pdiey 15 Mr. As.o• Bl1,w., staratu•l. The wheat crop will 4 a good lute mender fur Nautilt.waudc,nl5)5s, ,11cr for. t'arrwa now Ur. Tene Flash vett►.a4 s one. for urver kiwi it headed out in better to the %operate n held ree•ritl)' in Jamaica. s.lsres. form than this year. the Frain 1141 lig large, Mr. Ith,•u . would like the string lowered ►rrvwa,.luly 15. The talk of the lobbies ° num , awl time Paas, barley, este will ptsugaris a hsticufl ens ter wh.•h took lace this tis F 1 rail .core w far as the am otaaaui 0l p • n,mM Up 10 harp expectations : and routs ire„nerrapt 1,1 At riti51icn,rn'wrrrh. I afteriesn between Mr. Tarte, the member The niece' rains hat evhanged ell tku,and -nuc 1 truth. that au►) exist, unlene, Iwteetl, 'Ivy. \Vake up, Mr'.sIOYrr 141.) • hut., r a mrrrly , Dolan for th* defei*,r. -. ir I.id fare to hold thou own with th.r of hack up any attempt to extend the trine Aar ' and Mr. .1..5. ('1.r-,sa goof past year.. The fruit trop .1 1111 with the west ladies. tw*teb*r�i,t Sloutteal ('entre. 'rhe ori r kinds will ala, he .415 excellent average, auJ, of the quarrel was in today's seest.10 of th barring the %Ants•) Bi11, should prove a 'fuer;v. u every 100000 to believe that in. committee on pon(ileges and elections. w Irig .Durr of „rata, to the• farim.r. thw rade of the •1test three inteilrs another the order it as 11emg made for this production year. general election will take place over the "f TF rs fid.reevy's tank bo.,k. Mr I'rk,i, all i0 all, *a iii Hume IuN'r •II Ikatimi,NI, and such being the ease ever)' /'err... geoid i11 r %r1 offnanr way, to !e thankful for that the returns lave ex effort should b.* male to get all legal voters' hi.i afro Tarteshout . Tarteul topnmlr h a'!: Ills Irak Iwx'kr.•' Mr. Tarte arx,rc as length will to calculated on above taxis 11 pee rent..t,a•uuntallowed foo con pa) picots O e throe munihs'c0mract : Pi pier .rut. 0-4 six .soalhr', and IS pia cent. un a year's. These condition. will be strictly eufor.-el. About ••Tbe Masai" weISici . Subscriber. who f*5l tit melee 'the S10*at regularly. ail ler by carrier or by mail. will confer n favor by acquaintin,t IU of the feet at 0* early a date as possible. .Leet' el Tow Label. Your label 1Xa se,r,ding rv(sipt of the date to which %o�Y nee and up. Sec that it is not allow'tel Iu;Fa4 tato arrest. '. When •l:rnle of addn•n. is lesired, both the old and the new whines elsoeld he gives.. Ite.ierl d umo•urcriao cannot be returned. 'orrc-pn.denee roust be Writt••( on ene aid. - of Isis r only. rshlbls0Y' KMlre, J. 4'. Lr Too9-1, 01 l;o4"ri, b. has teen sp. posited 101. al Travelling Acton tor 'i0- town. elets of 0..4,.., h, t'adt.orne, Asettrtr. Trutt WI= wa.lah. Local p5,.trnu•trrs leer the disjrict are also empowered 10 receive sulau•riptiw„ to Tue. solar. A11 culnn1.,ni.-ations roust 5.e made lewd to lata ken 1ua • 0 Y• • cee14.1 pre. 14414 .-etlllmte* nada dunro' the "tames on the hat. Literals who ha%e lett turning t.. Mr. Curran said, "If the hinge pressen t tar. The gloom she -hi" au earlier vote( . n prey ions IP.t. in sections where gentleimut will Lake arty charges atoms perio•I hung over the husbandman has Igen they are slues rewiring ah4thl call upon me on the H.w,r oh the Moore 1 will rine, m4 lank ba1.rk? 1 don't thuik� tlmr hal ••ljfilel, to a great extent• on.' thechanars either Mr. lime or air. 1't.ul tosser, and rrotlrmk bold •ral105 Ata Ino k t k " ha%e their rare *ttewled to 441 oue'r- Okla1 t ae, . are plat during the eem'ing.mote h. of 1891 ) Mr. 1 urriui 11)m, 1 could. No more war maid, se%eral members call nig Mr. Curran to order. Mr. Curran h.,. reference to the allegelian made before the 1\ hrlcusl'acaud royal enruu1001011 at duel. 55*%e4 e•1:otiT. ox *mu,. that )Ir. Tarte had received 16,000 Iron 1Vhe•Inn. At 3.30, just after the sitting o the termer will net lie troubled somuch ei elangcrous. with thought. 1.l a )iJ.t . top ae hr will 1w• •nth the terrors of a nett toed market under CURRENT OPINION the present tariff. 11•IIEi:1] 10':.1".,1:.(.\T E i. 11Li,..v, Perhaps no man in l'au0.110 un.lcr•tuudr the .alt .tu.*t101 48, thoroughly as 11r. JOHN K.v.aoku, .4 Clinton, seerrtan' "1 the Canadian:teat Atom:haloes, nod w -hen he mita d..11 n ..n 1'1. teaac \V.ttJ.art:, this froths' I rii 5 tIa• r for' West York, . ,550 Call :11111..0 hear ,• duly thud. \\'trot.... I:, who on all .iltesti,lns is troubled with is 1111 .'f *surds awl a pancity of ideas, undertook to rep to the address. of Dr. NI a ..s ore. t w,•Il.km.wis,p pi,I, r and al,k representatl _of I'. 31 Ifun,n- and the resell wee*. _1. to tic capattcd 1'1 ut1.E \V v1.1.4.1: prom that -Ise as.. poest10.-I.4 real without kilos* el;•,, and insole Ilintolf the laughicit-ste .1 the, Heuer. \1.,I 1104 .Icor. R.t..eok although a *tante 14 1nser4aU%e, Pilo do o11 the tither -in-law of the combines or fol. t .w3,in the odium's of 1 he chief ('utsen-ati*e t .ly gg he lir*sion'anun.F'• the tit members was ?rl40,- t e�00, or 1148.000 each. It has already Leen -s1. d�18'kt0vdthat the treasury Walt touted to tine extent of -' 00.000 by the is of 1 • strilur: feature in this disclosures bis this Hotree had c.4uuw•ucwl, Mr. Tarte cane fore the M,1.reevy- Langton Tuve tIgatiou 1.j, to al r. l'unTaa, who wa st*mling i1. the countiitte•r is the enormous 1)n,tits, swoon r„rrld.r just .wta1dr She Speaker's vitr*0cr to by memlters of the firm, l,i:de out of the t.. this rlwmher talking It. Hoo. 1 I). Tail. 4:uvenuuemt dredging. 1u our p>h al ham, lender ofthe Iluehec (Opposition, and Howbeit, for which the 4:oterumetit•pouf +au,1, '-t'tllran, why d,o't y.w bring that *100.000, the profits divided were ;1)0.000. matter up in the Horse The F:e atinetult grating dock contract was .Ir. 4'int.zs repliel, -There's no need of award( ti to Connolly h Co. for 'mine ?Gist. that : it'. „tatter of revnl." 000. "Extras" r'erc allowed all the est of Mr. Parte quickly- retorted, ••That's a the dock rats up to 5,582,000. After Ole duetmt; all the -donations- to the sharks Nir. ('urrao grew' white. and limning fm - and beutiler., the balance remaluln for ward asked, •'fl., you .ay 1 lir "l es,' replied Sir. Tarte prontptli, "you area liar. - Mr. 3'nrran then rot ruVai lflt.'llake,aad tlir agile ioc nl.er for Mo ntmo reney el lack, lust quickly put up his tilt' and toe Ars big opponent to cone on. Mr. 1' rrall was now white M'itll par.1NI and did ' 141 with a 11sli, but overreaching timer)! the flow- *eu'•ove'r Mr. Torte's sioupder. Mr. Tarte stool los gree nd and the big titan'. high hat went spinning along the corridor and lie rrar,ilrd from the shock. Recover- ing himself, he reached mit for Nlr. Parte at rating 0gatn.t the action mf the ihike of with his eft baud and with his right was *lent to strike. Ily this time Mr. Fairbairn. the Conservative men.par for South Victoria. had Mr. Tarte by tlw- lack 0 Tat E is -rivers .e, veli_ 1..%rk1Y.[L of the neck, inl the Quebec journalist cried Mr. Laurier proves:ul admirable leader, out, "'two against one is not fair.' Haf.tre able, tactful. v ttrte ns. full of resources es the Nlentreal 11.4'. could get in h1. blow Mr. amd rz(trding the fondest hopes ..f urce. .Uerk McKay, .,f Hamilton, Sprang between them who selected hint for the post. H.- cent and held them: off,rroe with each han.l extorts fn+luenl.tYon.pliments from his pub- 'n an him.- said way. ••You cant afford to tint! opponents, the more tatglkl of whom hit him," said Mr. NIct, (to Mr. Curren. nn• free to admit that he alresrart in t alluding;, no donle to Curran a large sur neateure many of the good qurt'.itir' .1 Sir rein to the slight -built man he was .John Macdonald without his weaknesses. assault 1 1 %1 C rran tit AM, however, wild His public revert in pure, his prix•*tis life to get at his opponent and it took four or 11. St, t;5IJ.It'C1s11y. - 111:�A4 Telephone rail an, 1Jdderoah. tint. (101)Y.I:aril, F'C11,.\\', JI'1.Y a, 1101. SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. Toil. 'Louise Ika1,4 affair will mut hold water. ... . 11 *.....1KT'. herein 1wxNn1ar'a to 154 Clic ibex! pwldir e*prure at fktawlt. st the errs. -wall contractors get the ".1ouldc-••r,.2 " firm. their 'writers. I. :80 Tut pinata lir the .luw.lut1.41 of the lora-sent N.eise of 1 ,,,oi..4s am' a new ('1111 i.e. at an early .13114-. :5.- the hire) ly.ut 11:411•! .•ut :.round 111e nturupad th* old fernier' a•n,ruoaged 111111 n1 1,11 \Inne1 lower 1.. jour,.:1).0n, too .o, rnlultry editor writing a postal cant just before visiting 1,1. sus..ethe•art ' started off ":155 w'r gnu to poems.- ' M. 1'.4.0441.0'.'1 nano. in print rather r:uzealuzzlas Filuor Niro 'tett_ 1':w►:k.'. moat 11:.45• locked at IT, I1E.11 real hard et tome. 1)0es, which were very loo•kward at the IegInnmg of the season. haet•'JNckel up wonderful)%, and promise a good crop of loth grain sad straw. it is a well-ks,,4 II fact that the :\t:nrTr n X1111.• of 11548*•* 1m low 111 sufferance. \Vine, I.4, 181134 mays the Word It w 111 go,anl go hk" thunder. (:mar sill lw the fall. IF there w:s. no lawwihng in the Public Works I1.-.ttmeilt then the planet acid spwccific:see. trot up by the I:overmm•nt engineers mast have been the work of in- otpalde0.Tin: Louise iouise Raisin was not originally in- temle.1 to ...ninon consomme, loin it hooks :as if it Isar dished the chance, of Sir Fico Tot. an.1 Ulacle Tnou.v.. M.1:0E1.4v . who ere now practkally in the damp). Toe. pets who rave o4er the sweettion of the new 111.'1011 hay never had the hired than pry' sturdy 4'anada 111111 144 out of this palms of their hands with a jack bunk. them art• t when It is easier to w rile ran rt' than s103%,11,1 profanity. IT was 'nighty lucky for Sir .Jolts NI tis o... 1..4 that he died and was burin) helme- t nfirm the rascal nrently discoveredl1.11lttawa Bann• to Will, else his ehan.- s .,f * public funeral would hilt c been as slight as would late been the .ase lad he diet immediately after the Nettie Scandal exposures. 'I'III: IlamiltIs Sprdat.r la lnlblislung .' tracts (non oil'.:i 0Th 4 F'I4s.►'..'. lying 54a1n- Ithlet against at. 1'. 1'owrko., land pahnmg 1t nffas editorial 11111111 ler ,11.41 11,1 Iw•nigbtet trailers during the d.1. days. It will j* -,,l, old) 11.• rt• pndnhsheel in The 1..slerich St*r to help the *h1. 1.11144 .'1 that pp.r t.' pal 4413. 11 WWII. of the batmen at preaent flutist( reapers 1...1 their own they' they wonakl haws :he whob• 4 Steen 1 *billet with the " pro - tried " Loo.Lng twine now rustiest thein so. .1.srl). This twine monopoly will br !hark- ed 141 the {.•mel lust as eon as the I.ehenim flet 1nt.. p..wer, and that will ire before next m. oliet for 5.1 amid ch▪ airman of the Nineteen! Harler(.'l1 minaret. Ina made a elem.. Lr.wt .f the Mee :ere%1 L1.oxtlis I'.sling and ger. tains lltr e*id.ere of Air I Iw ►. NI r tau 1n vel •k t', w'1. swindler*. Hues many 1 (reds of thou- sands more it is the duty .f Parliament t.. Nod oat 0f the nesefut lasts till January. 1'hatharn Kenner. • I. 4 wks. organ : ITo T111: 15,5 riot:. TIIE 3.811114.1. Sat. III the 1'arliameutary procecdin published in'1'.,t Kvrt;u: of Saturday. 110 lust., Air. Clarke* Wallace is reported nave Niel 1.1 reply t.. 15r. Misehmald, East Huron. that "if there wits one..Nnbi anon etterly indefensible, it was the aa ring, w11111 4.w sr slr.mgly defendoei by th last speaker. The result of 3 he ....sultanate was that over $400,000 had lawn neelleisl taken out .1 the. packet. of the people." Permit me to claracteriz4 these remarks of Mr. Clarke \Vallaar All the .iutcome of wilful 1g.•Illus:tis•, 1r a total disregard of t rut h. 1\' I l fid ly ignorant I.e•wnur ht has before toalayleen e•rrer•tel 11* 1)511111.1 print. 1Vh0 1. more likely to know of the n'puirenn•nts of the salt track tk. Macdonald, from the salt-pr.slucitig dist riche, or Mr. 1'larke \\'allaer,wtowr statements proclaim itis utter i(n'•rauat' of this whole question • 11 hen :any member stab& mn the thew of the House to take part 151 a- discussion. the least the country expects of hint is that he ai11 a.xpnaint himself with the sul.joo•t 155 which lee is going to speak and keep himself within the limit .4 the statement of facts. Your., etc., .IuHN RANSFI►Kt►, 1 Unties, .huh• 13. •retary 1'. S. A. It is experte.l that NIr. Clarke 1Va1105Y, rand master of the 1/range /hder in alta.la. will -ask the House of 1'rn,:mons to fret an address to Her Majesty tenon - g' l autbr.tg. in forbidding the fornta ion of - h (hong- lodges in the Brit iaharmy. --4)ttew•a to Free I'ress. of It 'n TL1F,'0' nl-.YT)'I LE/1K'1111'. The death of \Ir.,%,4.49 '\ lea5rs the .rwnteclerkship of Huron vacant. anti care should 1.e taken m *l.,- selection of a sue- - ,•tsar. There are, we understand, navy' appli- cants for the position. but there :are not many-, if any. *111,4153111 the applicator who 0.0,1 till the 'emotion :as satisfactorily as the Late ine bent lou .I Perot A.%Mo.. WAS "a fig no)." where Lusnne*' Capacity WWI the et:indent 01 mea ury•nnent. and 11 hello mea the ...linty (05111' C11 when choosing a successor to endeavor to precurr one who will not le. at tin great a distence• In the near of the late clerk, w, far a worth and ability .are cm.-rrnel. The selection' of 5 new clerk means much to Huron county, and petty Wire-pwlline and intrigue should not be allowed to enter ItltO aenallerattln at the present juncture. The county has I,.t a faithful "tenant and of undoubted *61111)• 1w•t an endeavor lie nude to mecum a worthy sue'm..1r to hint. hotels for the patiU.wl and not the elide Pty to pull wire. Should he the criterion for jm.lging the new applicants, mill if that le. don. Ly th* rowntl• ,.omesI they ran look for n full euhreement .1 their *rti..n fnnn The 51...041. and fnnn the ptibin•. .\ray deviation front that hue will, ley.md I111510 aon, tiring 1.11610. ...nide-nine( up(4 then.. T11E1• Loa h Ts 3I104Yr1►TE. M. 1'. 1'onpor,n, i)unn, made a r.rrry r 1.e :u k f ht:o..•It m !h4. House ' H when w tl n hr 'lama that If his party got into power the% w•nuld dl.mies ever)' employer In the ser‘ we of the 4:0%'a•rtnn1ent who darn to *ay he w'a * 4 ,.,uu•r%aaee If his pert) .lid not .In w• they would not hate his support. ('linter New%Ree.r.d. air 4' 09Imo. never uttered en.h a *tate ' men!. Tor. Sn.t.tt lest week milli fel Mr. 1'.wrem'+ epreeh front Hanear,l, wnri5 for word, *rad nn such %•ntseatelt occurs in it. What Mr. 1.%velh,. said wm*: \m) 1 5.'I my limn fn1•n,1 before no. (Mr. .1. louring titer if. w'hrn he 4w0umes the nate , 015 o! . he dews nN .at off the hal of e4.ry Tory ••thiol wh.i has taken an M seat a ►.art m pbaes an offensive part In "tis politics against a Liberal randi.late,h.• shall t hr 1 not rceite my supper? for 24 hear. rh.t datnrh'a,. He is courteous to friend and fie : he• consults freely with his frietela,:ygd his knowledge of all' the details of public business is sutprinug , show -nig how closely he has apg,lieal himself to the duties of his rive members from r..'m 16 to pin hint against the wall. Nlr. Tarte was just 8* anxious to get at Mr. t'urran, inn air. Laurier cause along and Pudueel Mr. Tarte to withdraw. •• You should not o*I1 a talon high px.Iti:n. !t i* now this sol - 03 a liar, wad someone to Mr. 'forte as he generl remark that in all the qualities of walked °d'•Mr. Torte replied, I'm tett sncensful lead(rship Mr. Miner more afraid of him. He lines out eif the pub closely reeemble'-thr dead Premier Ikon treasury :.n,l ..n tcstimoniala." Mr. 4'ur any niaa move' in public life. The parallel is afterwards said he diel not like to strike M found even in .tsture, form and feature., Tarte because of•his size, but he wanted while ae an orator and as a mater obit him just onoY. There err many w lath the F:nghsh and French language*. in think that Mr. Tarte would hold his m his calm equip.... anti never-fuliig self- with the burly mender for Montreal 4'entr control, the Valance is largely on the air Tarte has undertaken a diaogreeah aide of the liberal leader. Bt. John Tele task in impeaching men in high mnilio gruels. and public aymloth. will le with him %I IL 1 1)13,140 4 .1E111Lk4. the annoyance to winch he 1' .daily seine: ed Se Murphy did not lie in the nese of the Dal}, 'Eon raLlaniaanr Ake fawn. t nrran claim that he presented valuable jewelry to engineer Perky in o0nsideratioo of his NAVIGATION NOTES. valuable mal friendly eerviet'S in making .10050. ---- "_tions. Iferc i* the bill The mch'arnerI'inafore'hea la*en Atte) ..0 of 5.aals exptrese4l to Perk)' an.! pe5d for mad am now on a trap to enrt Frank. 11%• contractor Murphy : • The steamer City of \Vindo r wa 055 th 15514•r.JAwln11.7R10T. Mn.Tok.t_ 1 iaarl.,5 o1. Niacday au. 1Valn'sday mf th Jan. -1te 10s;, 1 week. Bought of Ilrnry Rirks & Jan. e. The s••how'ucrSephie saileiLllght,for Flin one nee silver frost knives and forks t lab) 0 ' Riper on 'Wednesday to load lumber 1. One dozen silver teaspoons 19 00 H 1: .!a 1 ourtnght. :SL .i0 The ...homier Batton. 4it11 o,,I fstn, >tt Si Toledo for Joseph Kidd and 11m. Lee, ar- t O0 rivet in pert on Friday. 10s The schls oer T«loan, Captain A. Law - Y cos, male'), light, for Thesseluc en Thur.- day 4-1ening of fat week. The I:oappNe•l steamer •• ;lad Tidings" I steamed to K1ncarii11. on Friday morning, ane will remain at that port for tier o r an ,days. The steamer United F:apire WY at 1.ee's dock on 1Vefneslay morning, and as usual loaded ..,osid'•rable freight for Port Art hur. The Beatty steamer Monarch was at Lie's dock on Saturday enrs11153. aid took gem a large quantity of freight and several pas- Ulaeeset .. pas- senger*. The steamer 1'anada arriveds in port on Tuesday morning with passengers and lighthouse empties,. After delivering ml at the light hon.. she left at 11 vow. f rKOn- (e*01nne. lie rut r. 44, NE W 1.0014:4T ME WEEK 114 MIE/. I HIGH SCHOOL ENTRAN.. , l'rsmwW 01111141 11u. linte4 H.4 .r 1.*reseap/ e' 1lSya al p14 lin^tps, tiro..► �Ot01 Itev. l's heaht31aOptsn-- ldlowiat to tisflit ofoaaatssf.lpllrteld to�itK•0�•aaa48ailsisbe1J al FNoarlyWerwppa�aatlet•0 fevesatad -. -neire .Knropew.1 at New Turk llstur-� Clay. Ns, M Whsrr 1, . Ky., entire bunnies* p015l411 ed 0I.aso, I1e'o�, Pub. School, L _Is_ton. icy K ., has. beau • troy'ed by fire. Lim over _ �o ie. Ida yn Es•\lrader Ik%1s,a, of Massey Mountain, 479-Myet'., Eunie 467-ftl4a.u11, L1ww .. Wit. dida0• at tk. • +MIO Mau., penit*ullary, aped u Ottawa Fridayboo _verity, 4:etrtl.. MmBus r. de us ealn, well known as the -Wena Fm ►tell.. k waitress of 5:rtl. lttwlanger, ha. 1034 Jird ill 4NT�- iiPickts' i, Kdwkrl Brussels. 4Q Kurs.II, Nara.... Hunker Allison, of Belmont,, (lel., it said gab Sanders, Harry... to have & eaxtailed hem fug UIUIWI rats drturT 4-C.seitt, Ansae m53 creditors 415--'1Lrner, Sarah GS N N w A ballast train was wre•kel near Moore- 430- Cook, Ida . - i. ...1\1. 8 ver jaw and E. Johnnie, brakeman, of Bran- 635 Made., Helena. .. ..Nu. 2, 1.'shw0, .1041, was itstautly kilk.l. 479-- Maud A practical "utoeur of the N. F. A. eon- 601-11un en. Lawrence %mason ran Toronto was the ur aairatioa of 4116. Monteith, I1Nu.I,I . a Dominion Teachers' Associative. +f1-Llenwatl, rhos Mr. Lightfoot, a ("brow printer, who 1815646-8ir visiting Meads in Kingston, says he wa0 robbed -of 4200 while in 'faN-a,lte latrl)•.1 The knee of Mrs, Shehlot, near \V melon, was destroyed by tire Friday uturuntg .45) a two -)'ear -old child was hunted to 4 death. \111.•rl Kobcrtsen has been *,rested at - 527 Stratford with a horse and rig i11 hisptsssm 4 awn, which Ise admits. he stole fr *Hanna 566 truer. 465 At NIonii.Yll., .1,rk., ,.0 'fhurselay of kat 475 week, Prof. F. K. Haynes. a school teacher, 44 was st.abl.ed and lolled by Flub, ifaker,,ne of 4 his pupal.. Fleury Smith, !tight I at506 pa•muun Bridge, 1. l., nam rut( urn and 478 iwteuitly killed at the Erre Itailw'ay tepee 499 fvt unlay. �0 4 Twenty-eight Russian Jews were refused - 516 �a•rnuseiofrom n to land frothe steamship 540 rhigal at liwt,n. They *Ill Le returned 518 3.. Europe. 541 kllr kphgy 72 `flavin (Maggie Ne, 10, U 452---Ifeullie, J,iilaie. ..Nu 1, Tucke,� 406- --Twitted!. Meats ...XO. a, Boy 4 Vlit 7- Jaskol!, Ko14011 Ido. 1, t'.Iwnne IS --Granula l hearse..... Nu 12, l'.i..r-i 430 - Sick., Nelson No. 1, 7tcpke. eek.. llyruu 70 Hunter, Alfred ..No, 4, Usl.ast Howard, l :e urge... ...... No. 1, Hay Hari(', Horsox NeMh. ,tt, Nelson N, 2, Hayly 4 Smith, David 76 Russell, Jobe..... . No6, embank rayls 4*5isoe. Ilaldrow, 1d► . . ......No. Nu 8, A.htirlj Sanderson, bred \\'hyard, Nathl l\'hyaril, Herbert.... 1'..ulig, Hattie Sin.'hur, Kate McLean, Frankie I/raf.ry, clay No. 4, W. Wawa0..,h. kutherf.ol, Forster, .1"etmie Willer. Isaac Hark, Jobs •• "lafold, Nellle..lee 5., \\'. \Van .s,h Air, e x.55,1 r ,k. It No. 3, W. Wan ,epi le•o_heiod, 1)041.1 NO. 13, Arniel•l. •o o*,-rcitle, John.... •• .10hn Runts fell 100 fret intra Niagara 414 440 River Irian the old 'suspension Fridge at 464 tlueet,ton heights. 1(e flees to tell of a 1 wood.[ ful (*50.11151*. "luring a severe elects.• storm at 1'lintun, 7 Wts., the house of Heny l'atiaof was 38,5 struck by bg1410 33 stn( forth !n• amt los 158 tt wife were killed. Two students are tinder 'tercet for s tinier of the Bulgarian Finance finis 'f'si bass. •.4Je1sed th.y were hind eolrlett the crime. ---A despatch from taw City aarilexroo eye that the yellow fever eases are umlautI) sun1erols in refit Cruz and Many iw hale fled to Jalapa. An obi peddler of medicines naume! Brun tol was run over in the 1'. 15. 1:. yard a l'scton one day last week. (fur foot was .0 offend he sustained other serious injuries. .l N'iartul despatch nays that the I of a well-dre'sel man, minus the head, been found in this lake near Toherna.n It hail evidently been 115 the water f..r s. taut,. In Lexington, a mull Siege near Fier .1.o -.,b Zachnrun was shot by on dcikno person 01. Thursday night, the gun 1 pointed through r w:ndow-whlch was awash el for the intrp.ee. I'tortes (' er, son .4 11r. ('eyelet-, Niagara Falls, t•ommittel suicide Ivy t side of his mother's gratis. 'fh•• young( m hoof been subject t.. ?titian :helm 551511,10 nothrr's death a year ago. The French senate has pleased a 1.111 regulate the working of wMw4-n and child in taconite*. The hill 1-m14bl1%4 er a 10 working.1*)•, forbids tight duly and scribes one day of rest in seven. :\n 'niftiest *ea held on Friday on ))-/rang woman lamer liaud.ea•k, living Fairlenk %allege, near Toronto. She d from a fractured skull supposed to la Iain resnel fnen falling down stain. Th.• wife of Hon. M. Stuart, a poennone lawyer and vflle-president of this Ohio sot liar Aw,uiason, .10e1 at Ravenna the oils Clue CENTRAL SCHOOL EXAMS. ter. to Abe of Prommitass t• lrsiww al the MS. nr a y Frust Miss 1. Sltar.wis'31 L to mentor e,plr - (,lass. - -1:. Strws5, N. 1M, McIvor, L Farrow, 11. Shantou, M. t)ohttua, M. Mcikrsa1d, A. muff, E truest, F. Stowe. t. )''roan Mi,. A Shuman's junior to armor chat. A. Kiweelaw, .5.. Htmley. H. Spence, T. Mc:veer, E. Vd,a, M. Dickson, .1. lhekaon, 1:. Recd..). Mt•lntaeh,1'. Swanson, aaly F.. Rates. h0 From Miss Campbell's junior t'. armor Y- class. 1). Reeanan, M. NIclk,nold, \t'. me McSwerru, S. Acheson, F ilarley, T. Stokes, 1_ Mclean, K A.:beeon, 5 Bridget. lin, From Niue fuok's junior to senior class. tan T. Morgan, N. Buchanan, 1'. Alken►xa.l, 1+iu,� 1, 4 :reen, A. CreelpM.1H. %Vilrn, .1. A. \b•. • Donald, K McLain, 1). Campbell, U. Briley, W. &leari, F. Nalco. 0f he A Chinaman leo has tarn contuctmg a an laundry' in Note was ,Ipwrovenrl t•, his hate bad leprosy for rtgltt months. The Waterloo Chronicle mays: "The art to 0)ass',Inductel by the Rex. 1:. F. Salon ren diming the post 1`'inter met at the pooh gnaw.' nu the of tern.mn of 1keinnun 'ley Vfe and present.el their teacher with an elegant gold -headed ,•ipso .nrtandy engra%el. P. H. Sims, secretary of the free library board at spoke 0n la•half of the cla*s while Miss M. irtj Anther 'Gd the caning. Mr. "Imo referrer( vie to the 10..dertul sue8Y.s of the class, a oeuhl ii' cern 1.t' referring 1.. the psMi.ked rat report, :w.l said that the ann1s..rf the oan- te o)i.latea from 1%*terla. wav largely due to er the ability of the teacher and the groat t�nthusiss►r1 he put into the work. Mr. Sal. ton in reply thankeI the member. of this class for the handsome gift and mei that the teaching of the eta.e lust m4 to Ion: teen a task but .1 M,ure1 of 4ap 44(15 d. light.- The same papa akin says, •• Thr Rev. 4.. F. Salton, for three years the pee mbar and elmtuenCpator of the Metlwtist church herr, heft for Kru.ael., his new 311.1.1 of 1al.or,last Thursday. Prior to ha deter turd he was made the recipient Of 0umrt%.ua presents whe•h shoo that the relahona exist tog between him a pastor and the different church workers were of the tno4 e.r,llal char'seter. In addition to :he presenia 510.11 tinned elsewhere he received from the Iia diem' Aid a puree of 120 and from the Fp worth le a gold pen awl holder. R • Mr. and . Sal 1011 son golden m 111: from the good people of Waterloo and while their departure will to much regretted by a numerous Orel. of friends they carry with them the prayer. and hest wishes 1d the menda•n of the chnreh /ger even more .31,555 dent'nevem In their Iles field d labor." 11. ' day from the etfe(•e�t• of corrosive sublimate 455 taken with ,uici,G1 intent. She was a pro- s. lament society le 1hvn1, the sell -known Toronto prlln..- ts, grapher, crowed the Niagara just yho%.• the in whirlpool npi.son Friday '1s a.veru eighth t- inch wire "able. 11%er 6.000 shuddering ix -creators witnesset'the exciting spectacle. iboon will shortly. walk again. The 1'a/up-liana competing in the rifle con• trete at Kisley are winning{ many money mita. They lace won *11 the prizes in the t Londen 14N-porwtiou match save one. David - sem won the ('.rp.ration 1'up and McMeck- ia lug nem the Prince ..f 11 -ales prize. it In the French 4'hamtser .'f 1lemitte' ..n Freta)' the Irons nnment was sustained 'n a t1 vote of .•.nti.leroce by 319 to 103. Al. ,r laur's motion regarding paprt regulo tint*, over which the ('11binrt was defeated on Thuralay, trail laid 011 the table. alfa dozen sHvrr dessert sta,na,.... Half a dozen +deer tabl.•'p,,,r. .... Half adores silver defter, forks Half a doxrn nil.ger ethic torkr One silver butter knife One mustard spoon One sugar sprain One pair 011 enters % One sugar ladle I M One Cream ladle 3 75 tine n•e .-tram service 1' iS One fruit -peon.It ae .ix napkinnits. rin..... -- .....-... II ,m One from howl and4110011 - ,1p Ip Ih.r soup ladle 11 00 One brush and comb ......... :71 G3 Uo1• water sat .... ,. SA (0 1MC 41*111nnd her pia. 24S •0 One lair dlantoni earners As 50 (roe sapphire. and dlataoait bracelet 1:1t Ne 1 hie diamond ring..... . _ W: 3q line diamond ring st 50 1)ne diamond NOd.... 107 00 Toed • -. $!.110 55 235 :S Halaace 41.845 00 If lady Nlacdon5M as wifeoT the Premier accepted a dilemma ne•kla.r valued at a fortune from the 1'anadian Nestle It*Ilway em the 4.44. of "fir 4.1 its raids .n the pul,hc teras.. ry : if Mr 1 ''mit ig3n accepted . mansion front Tory ..otrarton ; 1 Sir John 01... Thr yacht Norma male a trial trip alxntt 10 roe. on the 16111 Inst. to test her doxlrld accepted a huge sum from the Nom aail.ng qualities, her builder, Wm. Marlton, thorn Railway : d Ministers *or4.ptel fun taking the helm. in *'Piton t.. her pearly, she hada large number, of ,o board. A soil of lire miles proving satis factory, *he returned to her dock and, having male .411 neessary prepantuos, the left shortly after midnight for the. North with a fair amu(. In the moniingg being riff of a►1}w►4.05 criminality is that Perky hat •Sowthiate1)t.n,the pat) h,ul Lremkfast m that ins,{g this nir.rr tender entwine* of the two iwrggh an.l jnyf1111y discussed the fine mailing Mf enders has eommittel in Tory eyea the gt• aliuew ,.f 5)5 N' f'ma, h* two of seventy i. arime.4.rnfrs.mg. Monetero mi mi. IN•tw.arn midnight and breakfast pan' Trmnmrnpt. ing her one of the WW1 briers on the 1485.15• .x11'0(. Ink r.. V. 51. ►x'54 .EICSe'(• _-_ he public are wahine to site Mr. Ogler. ('.hon 1blm,rns. who for n number of las berm em�)•w1 by the Govern. years ay has leen n 44 thr moot coNnpetent cw rat to tin' t t whole truth whrarer Met reliable wctiet a~MI on the 1.., 11 A R., guilt) parties nay he,- left for Montreal, where he nn'.Igo.r teed 'dnt1'Ilya mom he dol Murphy. The fact mal r'1mun*t0nn, the '"'"nranY the Connolly,' evidence is In favor ,f it Potential that he should do so. limiter of Nide. 'Workmand the mem Wain 3 \-.Nog, who tarried on a gen or verb., centre, will.. t ,genre., bare .,ray lemmas in Arabs -1h for a nsmher 01 flnene whatever neon Mr (5.ler, who years. have deord -el partnership, Mr Wil. y interested in " preventing the guilty em retiring. flat bneine.o will he carried *h,oser they may provi to he, from on to Mom, Many 1'oe , in the o1.1 "1The pll4tr 110 not for, as that ,1 "01,41: Aoaollis. a be.ki aayy ` A, .a 1.15 fruitst� of ng ra' room .rad a theater' ('o .'t�y MO ons 11EIw& ars the ekar.t assnetatee 0(M and other potation : how •-ould an engmeer h• ropctel to hold al.o,f fmmsimilar blend uhmrnts • Mr. Paley, it 10 reprte.l, has been suspended • but whfy. *.ep 51.5 1'orley an 1 mein his ehlef, Sir (lector !Angel a;o , The,•nly difference ietwe•n them in pent t h.• In nak,'g that Oat ,anrnt Mr. ('Ai►knx hear 1 %,Need t his %lows of .54.1 y honest Cesserva no In lave a well *a every hoeing Rellei11 er. No na "1,1 5.' ,'ernm.nt official his a right t4 take ,n t "n mere a) lads pont.. the oar la .%,r active and partisan part against any p,htton whsle sedpsigallo1 4.r.ir Twos** - . ---W( eni r%�Ii,Tr Gaaavv. IIhoisM 'tar nn the shelf, an.I if he tinder snllys Two hundred pnunlb of nitro-glyeerine, which .1. S. Bigley, a torpedo man, was taking to the Mount Morro oil field in a two -horse waggon, exploded near \\'ashiig ton, 1'a., blowing Higley to atotnt*, killing the horses and wrecking two dwellings A prominent ecclesiastic in the ("wnadan wheat growing belt of the Northwest writes .o inform his superior that the Alan holo crop will he double that of lot year. Manitoba's yield last year was 15,000.000 bushels of grain, but the most careful esti nates .oncede a total of 25,000,000 r1. is harvest. It it stater( that the tin stamping Aust and machinery of the .1. M. \hsllsams Menu factonng Company, of Hamilton, has !wen mania/veil by the syndicate of the other tin stamping works, and es to he shippers to Montreal, the object (geeing ., reduce the output in Canada. About ferry hetet. will he thrown out .4 - The patoffice at Entire, was burglarised Friday night, Int only a few dollars were melurel. They ntt.mpted to flow open the vault, Sul hilt did , , 1 i1 N slle•r•e ci. The fore of the explosion blew the window, of the office out o4 their casings. They an. hollered to he the Mme cmw.l who have operated in Pens,. St. Mary's, Stnthmy and other places. The reward for the return o.1 the I.w11y of the late I'. I'nri•ell, ex -M. 1'., ha been ramal te. 412,000 and his fri.rdw are of this opinion *he the will result in Pts recovery. 1'he racrid opina, however, is thatodeven this opinion.rge amount will not produce it,: not ire cause the hotly is Mat, but hrrnnaa the men who hat" made away with it and who are d,wbllese three in number want *5 least 41, 000 spier* a then share of this profit. it la generally believed that T).rnuchi,• knows exactly where the holy u, but will net pro - thine it until the price is pod. el The Salvation Army ramp meetings open (555 Thursday' evening in Jas Beattie'. grove, Sesfei th. The grove prorate a very nice appearance, there hongg no less than Ate large tents and four oms ler Imes nn the *visional f03aR einIfrantmasd. Theo, .li! wveettnes will chow on Sunday evening. 11131 lige• THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS - Fall 4r.drrMh rrMe.. (iougelcn, Jnly 21. 5355. Wheat.. 40 A% r° 0 W Spring Rhea' a Oil to ., St Flour •• •• ... l it; to : t ) flhon', Y ton IR00 481m 1 ) Bran. Y ton. IS 01°15 00 tecttrnlnt�s •res►►.. 10 A MM 00 rhol'P•"t !teed wheat • ton.. IS 0 h.tr la (rata.*bn.b .,. 0li4800 foam, wlasek" 01550010 HarMy. * bush,. ..... 031/(4011 Hay, Y p as Ix O t.t3 0 RAINAalt0or,0. • bMb 1 0 to 1 , 3 Rafrer, r D� u W e IS ICes., trent napsek.rl. * die. 15100 5.1 (•heese iso 0 all Mout " ""' 48/M iss 11onl M O >r HMes. 3511) 0,11 •.1(11011. *cwt 030 0 0 1• ri to . u Ma 1'lle0e+ ran U' brat, new lied 104 atrring wbe.4 Rana,... .. 411a 0 Oats ... M a SI Piss APot s1Rk 1•E MS ................ Its X to II top,0 Rutter ......... M- IS Rep... ..........a." .............. 5 Nan clef ('ludwsad ............ .. 3 40 484 4 •• 0403500 ............... . 0ISM01R 5AMIfa Jett LIN. 055 tt. w :4 Ufluaber Msetteta. Jet, f I. near, per 140 0, gratoI Wheat. per b!.bel. lab 0 0 a 5 011 tp.F.g. .. . 0 M M 0 Ir Peal• M re n r hair ler SO to 0 tR 1 e. 00te0/f Potatoes .... •0 N is I illtesfi par dos b .161.011 age• par tow "weird 'assist CANADIAN B/ HEAD M/ITAL (PAID PP)SZ 3111 INT.. B. E WAL GOO A rs(NERAL BANKING Sussseae DRAFTS ISSUED PATADIE Al CITIES IN TME UNITED STA SARUMfal Dteosi T9 OF 111.00 AND UPW uc4)w1U Iarrows? ADDa.D 1 00VEMeSR IM INCH IMAM. spsshal Atteetkin sive gag !oratett' Sea Meth. TNI IS WORTH 25 CE BUT FIRST NOTE THESE P .\ FI..\T D iAL. It is being stated, abou that I repair only IOW<fl This 04 It malicious 0 repair any goods brought for that purpose, no matt.,: made Mute is the only establi wept of Toronto where y get McK goods half -soled jag the tholes properly a on, which is far better tha roughly nailed, as is dol rey, .non half soles. I make n,3 re f s for ewtog 1 \\.\NT TO CAL1 Special attention tri my s ladies kid high shoes a fords, which are not s1. west cif Toronto. Oa11 an( yourself t (Now for that quartet 1'Iflti) VOR 25 ('F:\ On the purchase of one glues at my store of $2 Upwards. JOHNSTON C! Cut this nut and bring i and you will make 26 o your purchase. N B These points are ginal with myself, but se' not copy'riehted others i to imitate them They ca JGHNSTON CAR Tn.,. 10414310 soot and PERSONAL PARAORAP I 15 ',Met. has returned to the 1 . •'. 1, _01.r I'a1npA)r11 vatted 1 o..-•. h. Parkas. "1 I/umia, *p ,n' ••k•r,, L. R Morr,w.s,. of Detroit, is vial' Sow ,n tone. `B. Hay's. barrister, Seaford*, 1 day In 1V. Payne, of Seafurth, spent o iii town this week. Moe..Iito. Waith, of 4 hoton, v w .Orn Ibis week. R: 1) Kidd, .'f Bt. Paul, Mao 31. 1) th. pat week. Atirs 5asiie Ktd.l, of Strati.' I:eelench us Friday. R H. Collin', barrister, of F in town on Satunlsq'. if. ,I In. 4'ts.kc, al present o utas fn town Sund.y. Elliot 'I'ta%er. berrioter, "f use in town on Frldsy. .Its 1cow and rut, 0f Windsor .I.ederich on Saturday. .1... 1:rsham Iris Iasi. week 1. 1.1110514.. %a Ne* Y'rk. Mos Marto and Harry Parse week on a visit to ('huago. E IL dgkils d frow1 work t,• tnwke a visitarriveto hos fnermi lin 'p. Nance and A:l.ur (lu,too, wen 00 Urw•n osta S..txl Mrs. st.vena4t, of Logsdon. xis "t Mrs. F. R. 5.V.tswt the past A. 1'AN All. Inspector of lobo )tntfnrl, w". 1n l,onkrich this Frank [,caths, of Kincardine, @,310 this nelghlw,rhod the pia pts. F'ergn.on, rat Mnniresl, '�3 her aunt,Mn.. AIIan R,1•hati. Th.. Allen ha* been engage' pl i1f a public school in the arwi (sew Mrs. Jordan and children le neslay fof a rest at the Mack 11 Wm. Hepburn, furniture tunT, of StntG.nl, wa in tot kat. Mrs. Rlddulp.hof I►etmit, a •t.i t '.f boilerieks virion testi. lir.. Inver, of 1.nndos, . was daughter, Mrs. K. it. 11 seek. lert..lnhtatnn, of The Seta loc. made a flying event to ' purt `stn lltx (.*pt .1. C. McLain kM hinges Reieesl*y to ri.it 1 Mn. 1(la*0r1M nis 11 Melt) W,,nw,41ty M th0 tt0. Unit "5 K3ncan1he . 5:ee, R. ,loltrtwtew .tad wile r'w. Lel t..w (Na firtnrelay, 00 .t t h.- b'as'k Hoer. '•*Kxpraitor:---Jas 1 r•5l*tear,both 4;oderick lied 1 w•t•• 055 torn the west. Moa■ SineI, of Hiltes 10.055'1 Fri.LOir.11 eftarw(in' mront at the le Mak'. 1 rola, der of 1401. (ger. tnrel s„a.tht.rat Fry f011irtg • ewe step lel Saturday Mria Ice•. Inure, 0f Rrt• fw'lay. the port w.sk atul5ter bs r annt, Mn. Ile., H10ck. Wino/ham Times :- Mies 1 relented froom s a west'vimit - bra*. no1111,j, ,..r. Mr- -I F.. Hester�q'� V rnd.,r, are 'deities the fdlw 01*4.. 'We ltret Wet retie. Ow.