HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-24, Page 29
A Cordial Invitation
To the ladies of' Goderich and vicinity to examine her stock.
Prices right.
A WELSH ADVENT (town, and h b.' 118,1 no auulK!r given
4. utterance to than, at 8 noel foam the gen -
crier, he was in the clutches of two of the
K.I w:orders.
Though a little taken by surprise, the
it prisoner was not placed at any dieacd-
r• cantag,•, for he struck out swiftly and
1 strongly. It was a fair up Lund down fight,
r which admitted of mo tlyld party wtrrfer
Engem Tug I.rrr 1t► A Iwow-.Tkeer orrice
Among my other experience of hfe,
has berm my Int to hold th.• position ..f ss
gent iii the inetrop,htan police leve.
was $tat lone 1 at Bow ..tryst, ad wait on
of a 'cry scall number of oilmen to w'he
was dele,,•ate•.1 the .duty of attending at th
Kimmel throughout the country where
was nonssary to re apprehend er nal
..brut 1.. be discharged, but *gaited who
1111 ing.
oer Now one ..r other of the warden was
down, now the petitioner, but neither party
it could least of any derisive advantage.
4 .%Iter an ineffectual struggle of some little
Ria duration, the two •_sistants fairly gave in,
warrants were hunted fr.un the home (Ith
on a•.•.unt of their being " wanted " to an
ewer for other misdeeds. The task, as nay
be raliy ..magma I, was 8Nue•tlmtal one of It
small danger ; caul a brisk and actin life w
hal mall tin'*, for there was work rnoug
t.. keep us pretty well always on the rnen•r
It was A life of excitement, and not with
out attractions for there• who were possess
eel of an .edverlt immix spirit, such as 1 fences
1 did peewees tM a very great degree at the
period of n.y' life.
. hie .lay 1 had a .nmlllen8 to the present.
of the chief magistrate, who put into m
had a warrant that would take Ire .10w
t.. the heart of a mining locality eomcwhere
in \Wales. 1 purpsw•ly avoid bring more
definite. Froin Mottoes that 1 moose
learned that the individual whom ,t would
11.• my duty to bring up to hHwlou w'a. s
rrimnial of eotis,derable notoriety, wlutse
presence w'rl meat prtleularly In re.1lie*t,
on ,a.•e'.uots of a. • tlagrant neialeals that
the authorities could on no :8c,o,lnt over-
look. I also a.w•ertame•.1 that he was a
powerful alit rather.le:4p•rate ehara.-ter,anel
that 1 nee,) nut count ani the capture being
a easy one. Reit 1 knew that to case of
n* -eel 1 could arrange w nth the prison author-
ities for a.mistatw•e, Nand flat If 1 •41ee got
the ' - dor lie* " t handcu lis t fairly on 1 might
count the wirst of the job over.
It Was the Sprig time of the year, mem,.
what raw and gusty, lett not by any intone
lad travelling weather on the whole. \With
in the hour ::Iter re.•cia mg 111y warrant nod
the needful .Iire.t1,114 for n*s route, I was
speeding away w..melted front F.usam :wad
early m the evening woo .Irgo..lted at' 14
small :•,11'n a few' tellies frets' 141y des-
l'teet*M', the railway going on farther. It
wm%.racy for 11e• to peroneus a courrvasnr,
..11 1.'y' .lowing who. 811.1 811,1* 1 w',41 : and I
drove in er to the .•aunty pnee.u, intending
to nee the crhi8Ie the next da) us conveying
hark in, self and capture. 'Phe drive was
Hatt a v• ry long one ; and 1 arrived to ample
tone to make Inv 1.v arrnu 1.•n e
{, m nix with the
governor, and t.. ae.ept an incitation which
!1e gave me h. 1ma-1 e'n1w• of the• leading
tra.b •.len of the pla.s• m the principal
later on *n the evening.
1 made a comfortable but somewhat late
dinner at the K're•kin Arms, and had
abundant l•lsure t.. smoke a quart pip.. '.r
two lwfor.• the 'varier .•.nnpan)• began to
assertible. My introduction brow duly
male, i must say that I met with a truly
her unable nreptioa. Vanity apart, 1 have
no doubt that to the trademmeu of the dull
place it w•an 110 Antall exettenlcnt to find
then, sel%eat .n neighborly terms with one of
the Ilow strut othes•rs, whose fame e'en
now extends all over the country, but who
were 8 good deal more looked upto 1n the
dm st t "peako
y la I f. Ihrkene hating then
riveted the attention of the reading 'subtle.
evcrywher.• on the de'*4e•taye and his doings.
A pleasant evening was spent, and 1 had an
attentive audirn..e when toll one of my
IN'*t 'stories: the only. thing to complain
of - though nuh.oly del complain wan
t hat the nit t Ing was prolonged to
rather a late hour the work be•
fore ,,w for next morning.
In meet time 1 drove upto the ,•runty
fail, aid leaving my %chicle in charge• of a
warder who was on the look 41111 for me 1
was. quickly in the presence of the governor.
We were in the monition room of the
pwleon : and after a few IIIinutes. talk the
order was given for the pneluetmu of the
individual whom 1 had some t.. take charge
blow -u, ad quite out of breath.
More defiant than ever. Jones stood its I
rather proud of his victory : ad 1 must ma
the I,,,overno r looked a little noupluascd, i
not .lowurightly dismayed. I tun a man but
e little alone the middle height, an.l still
11 tough and wiry : but at the time ..f which
i now speak 1 had the advantage of being in
first rate training. .donee, as 1 hinted at the
o7tmet, w••s a I.ig1, anal powerful matt, who
- , had gone through many a rough .•neounter
I1 in the .surae• of his criminal career ; and it
t wan not. 1 cootie's, without tome.nall ms -
giving that 1 made up my' mind to ene.nwter
him single handed. to my demand that he
e ' should at once sulxnit before mora force was
)' ; called in. he promptly answered by imn,ed-
n ' lately grappling with me.
• By birth 1 am a I).•vonshire men, and
' from a part of the.+nntry closely bordering
l ; on Cornwall. In my younger .lays I had
.._ages In 1141131 a wrestling -match and
WY. 1.y 110 neat,s uu:i.•.lualata.l with the -
I ornislr "hug" and other dodges, of t hese who
follow the• :athletic sport. I seem found t hat
m, antagonist was powerful enough, but
that he was nn:killed : he had much the
I. greater amount of •treu.th ; but 1 had
endurance, and could wait 111)- oppnntoot y.
After several desperate attempts on h*.
part t.. get me down, a ehxu ., offered,
of whi'h I metantly availed myself
a .baxteems la.•k-4hr,wg, and over
h.' went Hat, :end with a shunning crash
/nee/aura-al his length ..n the door. ltefore
lie could recto er (roue the effects of the fall,
1 e a. five from his grasp and he was at our
Irl 8 111111111 t. or. leo he was all right, and,
holding up his hands, said : "1 give ie.
You're a something plucky fellow, or you
couldn't have .1.me it so. neatly."
The haseleutlm wen• adjusted, anal both
u.y*.•If and prisoner lade the go%'enuor good
bye • thanks Zein • a I I&.I .m n*y 1,art for
ins attentions. I% hen we retched the prion
entrance, I did not like the looks of things
at all. I here was a cashkr•ble crowd
gathered, mrd among them wrote very uggly.
Hooking ' ustomen who armee! ae if they
would 1 not mind m ' ...•1 imnage ' in the leas.
Seeing how things l i,kr,l end bent en mak.
ing awe of my man, I unlocked his right
hand, and mewed hon to my own left
wrist. 1 had not many yards to go to reach
my vehicle, and 1 meek a show of meeting
the saowliny and ' threatening
around me with as may n air a* passible ;
and this I (rind it all the less difficult to do
when I dis�overe.1 in the crowd some of my
entertainers the previous evening, whose
presence gave 1ne • certain sense of moiety.
1h, caching the rap, I *huge' ringly asked
the warder in charge of it if be could drive ; ,all
oud being anewere.1 in the atlirnative I mol! ; to
him to mount and take the reins. In a Ino- tie
went I haat my prisoner m, and off we went. i th
.t a rattling pace. (10r
11' hen- wh
fairly clear of the town, 1.d peat ,
all apparent risk of pursuit, 1 again soured 1 ti
loth hands of my involuntary travelling'eve
companion, and dismissing the warder , ,, my
took the reins mysel'. .fomes art perfectly', ski
quiet and .10ne res',pKd w his fate. Ilefeee_ + oma
however, we had gone far. he turned ='are'
ahnuelly to me and remarked : "You were '• r4
in a phaetons hank when we got outside
the prison ; and 1 fn. y you hal hall a i in t w
mows to .all upon the war.)ers to guard me sine
t.. the crap." ('4101
" No," 1 replied, "1 cannot admit that 1 ' awl
was In any bodily fear : lied, (besides, there.'
were ,untie ..f t lie townsmen in the crowd, V,
who would have come to my help, I have a:..h
doubt, had there leen any owraSIon." on
" I •an tell you you were m more danger • gene
be141) interrupted, l entered freely into eon HOUSEHOLD Miosolis
vereatu*n with the poet wretch. 1 frankly
a iy wit w him 14111, my SOty was set f Caramel (aka -- Mate 1j Iar f 181
any e use even to neyelio ;sadhake �YiM tamp
but that 1 weak) be glad te make thump
ylwaut as pretbie fair !um wkils we
Lsar aa.:h other s numsroy. 'Trirt
Mau, mud behave like a urn, you shall
• Luau • treatment. Act like 8 Joss,
you will have to be treated like a dug, was
the unwept -' n of my brief but empk•tic W
He Owed though is a surly sort
of way, 1 mot ounfam, with what 1 said w
him, but still he looked su tar softened as
encourage me w and. [het If he would pledge
nme hes wond to melte Imo attempt a; ,.sap•
1 would 1.1149*. him of the h8Odcuffs while
we were Riot under public and
would treat hies a• • friend u041 he passed
out of my custody. Ile .11d not et (mos tr-
ammel w my offer; tet after a minute or tau
of thought he. answered in a hearty tome
that had a truthful ring about It . ••I'll do
it. ' Prr.ently, he. addles : "1'uu daeerve the
pledge ; am! 111 keep Lt. I like a fL•Uuw
that shows pluck, and you have shown
plenty of it tu-day, both when you laid me
on my' hack and it's not witty could do
that -but alito whet, y*.0 narehed use
t?trough among my pals with such a boll
fret, ad they a florets to one apsuat
Off came the lin elves an a tw'iukling ;mid
a. there was leisure to sprn• 1 ordered a
plain but sulotautral .sinner, early as it w'as,
and took eery that there should be plenty
of good leer, (1luch I knew would lie the
greatest treat t.. nay .larks. After dinner
came • pipe or wee, w loch any than enjoyed
• prodigiously ; Mel 1 Leek care there should
be atuple store. of tobae•el, for the jurney,
with a molest dank '.1 spirits to cheer the
eat ; for 1 had Rio obj.ee•tu'*4 to the goal
thing* of life myself, ant 1 Meant w))' con.
panlou to have all the nmah,rt I cools afford
while he remained w ith uta•.
1 ha'1 .,f Oooursr to put .on the braerlets
again when we man -heel too the stat ;cud,
as I was known t.ryhe guard, a hint tree.
*1141 ala suttia•ieut to procure us a eemlpar:
meat all to ourselvu by, the supple press
of locking us 11. The .awvereatlm of my
trav riling companion was not without
melan.holy*ntrreet•lonce wtaaa mate hobo.)
wasted ultrly yeah, and .ante small amount
of energy and 811tlrt), *u an umava ling war
against $.Piety. 1 remember thinkinp•, at
the time what a rplendid soldier the fellow'
would have mak in a hot campaign, for he.
hal bran noted throughout his career for'
ppleuty- of dash awl enterprise. which Iut.1
f leltrr!v degenerated into wlucthing like a
y sul:eu -ferocity.
f 11'8 reached li.udon punctual to our time.
I handcuffed my Mall, called a ,a1., and
drove off front the station. As we .trove
along, it came into my head that 1 would i
like to give the ianorfe1108- one more taste of 1
freedom, however brief. I told the cabman
to pull up at a place where 1 knew we
could be private ; and on our getting out I
iutinatad to my ...Norge that 1 was going to
stretch patten a little in his favor by treat-
ing him to another drop .,f leer and a pipe.
Relieving him of the bracelets, I set • tank-
ard before hint awl bau.fed him 0ly tolacre
pouch. .He seemed :,eraiillo. of the attention
paid to hint, but looked somewhat bewilder-
ed, and was ver quiet. When the imer
wee finished, and the pipe smoked out, he
put out his hand, took num and Lunt into
tears. •'1 have been treated like a wild
beam for years," he exclaimed with bitter
ne.s : "hut you are a uta, ted have'ahuwn
the kindut*s of a brother. I will never
forget you "' The tierce outcast of society
was sul.elue.i. 1Withe,ut the p'eceding 411 -
pplay of force, there would probably have
i.•en no ground to work upon : but I think
1 may venture to say that de succeeding
*1108• of eo* tiden :e and kindness was 4:1114(1
Lg. to make the subjection eromplete.
He hell out both hands of his own aa•evord
for ure to put on the handcuffs, and we drove
off t.. liuw street. I way just add that 1
never saw Junes main. He plot some ser)j•
lengthened term of petal servitude, towards
the end of which, as I learned quite acct -
dentally, he die -.1 of heaart disease.
: � Carriage Makor a�-Blacksmit
have .81.41 cream • hespiaS
"LI d butter. 1P.i ell u • be p•a •ad est e•
tie stove M .l4ri.g ireyueutly te pre-
vent booming When wthearetly orae w
nlpe the heed.. if dr.,ypoJ le uukI water,
take it front the dee and boat a 'remedy fur
• few minutes Spread better*. the layers
d eats while the caramel is dill warns. the
cake having previously been allowed w get
cold. The cake may have 8 laver of the
caramel over the top, or be iced of preferred.
C'hotwiate ('ales - T lei. cake may be made
as the caramel oke, or 1e rade u the gyld
cake sal bakm1 au layers. The tilling u
made as that for the caramel cake, with the
addition of three fourths of • teacupful of
finely grate.) Rakers chocolate. Never use
sweet chowolate,as it a mulch inferior. The
.h.Mulate hlllug must lee carefully stirred,
IA 11 scrchrs eery e••ily'.
t .aw8001 t'.•e. -- 1 hs should be mhos the
emir a• fur white cake and laked layers.
For the tilling, take two and ....e half cu .
full of white sugar, Rin1• cupful of the mai
.vontatua•�l air a ,'oeu8nut, maid butter the -
of a 'walnut. Sweet milk 0a??• he 11
tuted for the con out milk. ('lace all w a
till pas and cook undo it begtw to rope,
Olen a .. in gradually enough glided cocoa-
nut make It of the of thick
latter. (,et It cook live a :uutee 1u.n .r,
then take it from the stove and brat rapidly
until nearly.old. Spresd between the layers
of cake, um.l with a sharp knife trim the
edges of the cake evenly all ar4end. Not'
spread a thin later of the tilling over the
w 11. ileo( the outeode enc l sprinkle grated cwtla-
rtut thickly over all. 'rite . ew'.anut will stick
and give the cake a b.'aut,fui frosted appear
Currant Jelly. - 11•&A and strip, the eur
rants from the sterns and put then. lel a pre•
ac•reang kettle ; mash then as they get but
and let then) toil half an hour ; then turn
them into, a carie hair sieve or jelly -bag
and let them .trip. Wien through dripping,
w Ithout squeezing any,uleasure and pour in-
to the kettle to cook. .lfter it has 18,ileaf
about ten 0uniltes put in the heated sugar,
allowing w and cat sugar to a pint of jelly,
and the jelly will set as soon 8s the sugar
iA dwoli'c.� al1ut three quarters of n
Rhubarb mei .\ppie Jelly'. - t'ut up your
rhubarb anal wash ir; pp,uut oa the tire. w'thout
ay water at all 'fake good e..ur apples
and pare and guar ter, and cook in eel
little water. Strain the Mier from Iw,t6
and put them on the stove to ousel( ferlffteen
minute's. Then add the heated sugar,thre•e
.1011 4 as much stager as juice. Boil hard
or twenty minutes : turn into glasses and
set in the sun, if possible, for hall a day
Vaal the next day.
e .1 clarnung outdoor costume, popular at
this season, is a very pale gray woollen stuff,
the collar, .suture, revers and skirt trim-
ming being i11 somewhat darker faille with
jet mule. The bonnet is trimmed with yellow
velvet ribbon and lilies of the valley upon a
pale gray silk foundation, and the glove,. are
.lark gray.
Nothing in the feminine wardrobe i. just
now more ting or interesting than the
skin. Fora tune the broiler has been
the central figure around which the meat
novel and seductive idea. have eluatere.l.
Now it u the skirt and its [melee innova-
tio.s in the way of flouncings,fan insertions,
festoons, frills and pniers. To give the
modern affair, with its sheet h-bkegores and
demttralu, an artistic effect is t0 proclaim
yourself an expert. It tit one of the most
iflicult uitree of work in dre.making. Thi.
the Teat .unhorse declare with emphasis
be a fact. Just let the ecur,r• take a
1.wgg turn and your skirt u ruined. Even
e slighte*t mistake s disaatrona to the
reet hang. There is an art, a knack,
ich tone* only from long practice in cut.
ng. For this rearm' we meet with gowns
ry day that are totally devoid of that
sterioue something we call "style." The
rt u at fault. It *howl at a single glance
tour dreee.makiag. `onetime* it is go
,w about the train that it hoops, again
wide that it wobbles
Preach are making leelteos
o extremaes, one alnlo.t primitive In eta
plielty, the other moat elaborate and
plicated. The former type is tailor-made
fitted with gent art ad perfection.
Pm and front the bodice is cut .owe con a
which eats just above the chest. The
erutsette worn hewed lo depend* entirely
the material eo mpuoing the gown. and ie
'rally gathered back ad front %%hp,
dress is of heavy material like cloth,the
er hombre s mule of *owe fabric that can
,raadeol, and there is then of curse no
ming. On art gowns 8 very rich tricot
1 brocade as camel.
Setae ribbon of Meek velvet arranged to
tight rew8, powals 1..l (;reek key prat
s s •8 very twat, beeennIng anal highly
alar trimming line ream. This rlldem
e narroww
est. .dth that s Maar
seasonhis season *he leading linen .I»alerts or
dupers, as our Engheh cousins wouldhair brought out linen lawns., which
once w, fashionable. There s nothing
1 makes r, eminfurt*bb' a News, ars
..an aM• made up *amply cin •+reasuly, 8e
m*aairm 08pUI►e.. Then new .hsutrls are
color -mini artistic and the colo. are all the
''L 1'resently he ent.•n'd the men*
with a lively step and :, jaunty air, which t
changed in an Instant t.. something very
like a )..,k '.1 .1*9nlav when he found 1.1•
with tllc go -orieor. 11 waft plainly I.' Atilt
that h'• h.,l gummed my character in an In n
Math, and that he as .l.•arly mele•rshod the
errand I had eon, evil 1
"Hes. .s yonr discharge, Jones. and worn. o
*hinge helarging to y(1., ' kindly ola••rved
the 1overne. "Ilut 1 stn starry for year a
eater that 1 ha'e 10 tell you this officer is
here with a warrant to. take you to London: 1
and as go you noted,1 would earnestly de 1
etre you t.. go .11104 1y. a* Iwtng twat for yin of
1•, the long run.
"1 '4 111 n•t givein," mid .1.a"•. Acne•.!' o
and hoarsely, while there waft a twinkle in
his eye that faehaited mischief. "The How a
'.toot I'oldrie, ' heseeti.wel, "know,' h'• has kw,
no right to grafi Nis kW 111• rosin ; let 1
hit 'Igoe o4et.ieledaridaridatry atake u..• t
"1%,. know there NMI lot .1 roughs out
81110, And •m.wtg theeft very likely no/10. of
y0411..1.1 peals, when ere •iejezet to Ie wail a,
d '
ilk low no rrespie ; AMI therekee, , re
rerrkal lite w e think we have ret.
s goemirs NR nus*. Ino; the law a hit t
/11mire 1 would '' 1 vol. 10 let the ',-
Miter pmt on the 11etr•lele, and spr•• us the
Nsmity "f la(owe
fn 11foe '
‘411.111..42110 a rr was an 40111 of defir • -gr
whisk it a4 not nwn
essery 1 .bokl
hart you m.yftap .'untev) ren," rejoined. the 1 theJeweler. " There were pals of mine in and no
hat crowd who. had m.' for the express i be 1
purist*. .4 r.'..ue• . ad had 1 only hat - she
gen the word you would have had .. ore.
rough *line of .t leforc the tootle nam 1
ver. rot r
'They walls not, however, have gut you," tern
replied, "'without they h..1 tint wre.ch+l pop
df my erns to met you at liberty is th
-Why, they could have got the her and T
nI'sek1d the darbi.'. ..w1,1n't they lIn.v
"No.'. 1 said. "1 don't think they could rye
1411% 1, found out where 1 hid the key : and were
'm .suite man• they would not have got it wh„
t hey had gurear+1 where i 1181) it." they.
'141.)wheh• ors earth did yon have it the .
keel 31/1111 with .".,.len1 amazement. very
'•14011," I *II.wrrenl, "juin to let you iatd fa„
little ht of a ,.serer, I may mentrm that I .I
Ithe lie, u1 my mouth all the while : and at
would .v.rt.inly ha... swallowed It eensier In
lion lel any one of y -'oar chums get possess n
06 of it w.
\ly nr/ruler was evidently 1, an
d lied Iwl little mole to may dnriag the ,ear,
nialnder of the drive. In .Ire time we
ached the town where we were to take
e rail : Inst long before the Uwx for the
amu starting drove n.). to the inn where• ett
had hind the ...Mole, arwl,n.►IIIg the lams in
rd for a private rcwma,I .sherd Jams into ler
When we wen ahem and in no dative .f ewe
thefts Nes
Muting.•1)erts ante that •h010va never
8'k.thebwowels of the eary,lnt humanity
getters! had it eec•erisery- to um Or Few
.ft IIittr84., of Wild Strawherry for bowel
iplainta, dyenrtery,di•rrh..a, etc. 1t is a
480S. s
tunable shales. f A white ground with a
wile green 1 ow Lour, it. trade w 'Ili full
. has a full flounce of ohne 18.1. eanght
*.ons at the hoodoos with le48 k*ot...1
grain nblom* A full (rill of 118(10814.1'
is arranged In a pont in floe bopwe,aad
her about the hips. Nothing an signora
w 1.4'.1, •'r da10114r.
tat Time Moeda &beat 11.
Your distressing comek a.a be cured. R
know it because Kemp's askant within t
past few years iia* enters* many coug
and colds In this community. Itsrrnlarka1,
male has been wore entirely by Its genus
Merit. Ask .oma• friend who loss used
what he thinks of Ken,p'a Raba... The
is no medicine se pure, none .a, elle Miv
Large levities 50e. and ?1.00 at all drug
gla e'..1 -sow I
Propertiun. .t a rrrfeet eta..
The proportions of the human tigure aro
*tx tinges the length of the right foot.
Whether the font. is slender or plump, the
rule ho)•)4 go..) on an average. any devia-
tion trout the rule *s a deprrtute from the
beauty of proportion. It is claimed that
the 4treks mule all their :statue. according
to this rule The fool• fool the hichest point
of the for. haaol, ahere the hair begins, to
the ens re the whole stature : the hand,
from the wrist to the end it the middle tin -
ger, is also one-tenth of the total height.
Ervin the crown t , the nape of the neck u
owe -twelfth of the stature. if the Lase,
from the roots of the hair t.. the Olin be
divided into three ...vial parts,the first divi
slaw determines the place where the eye-
brows s( 1.1 meet, the .414onel the opening
of the Iwrtrt).. .\ *1wi11 of :mod
is AA tall as the .Itatame I'•tw'een the tips
of his lingers when beth arntx an• extended
to full length. The heat test of symmetry
is simply running u ran with his face to the
wall. if he le perfectly moulded anal sym-
metrically made,hse d1ut w'd1 touch the wall,
his woe will be 4 in. away, he. thighs 5 m.
and the end of his tome 3 m. The average
weight of a man should he 1.'411* , and his
height 5 ft. 9111.
4 iPbfr 441.#0gm
Mar UYAcTt'*a. or
Wage, WI,
:owe Z'2OMITLT A'1 DDD
j 1'I
Binders, MoWors,
AND ALL Kernel air
A large stock of repair. for the stove
mao►ivas oaaeta•t I) Ors hand.
Binding Twins.
"Massey World," "8.4 ran.
"t'row•,'a.d "'Silver Composite'
Wanda always i11 stock at the emcee
..eL le 1f'alk.
� •.
• :49' `i035\
3. P. BROWN, a Auburn P. 0.
The finest Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet Articles.
All of the best quality.
W. C. G OO D E,
'1o•1101** and DrukirtiO, Albion Block
he Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
s the " ideal' Halydrees(ng. It re-
1adores the color to gray half ; promotes
• fresh and vigorous growth : prevents
the formation of
315 dandruff: makes the
hair soft anal silken;
ad imparts a deli-
cate hut pasting per.
"Several months
ago my hair com-
mence.) falling out,
and in a few weeks
my heel waa almost
held. I tried man
remedies, hut they did no goad. f anal-
ly bought a Mottle of Ayer a Hair Vigor,
and, after usi.g only a part of the con-
tents, my bead was revered with y
heavy growth of hair. i recommend
your as tate Meat ID the
Naatay, Sharon (*rove, Ky.
"1 have used Ayer's Hsdr Vigor for a
number of year*, and it hsa always given
me satisfaction. it is 8neexcelle.t dream-
ing, prevents the hair from turning
ray, insures its e' growth. and
kespa the scalp wI6 to and clean." -
1[ary A. Jackson, Salem, 54*.a.
I have mood Ayer's Hair Vigor for
promoting the growth of the hair, and
think it unegnaled. Fur restoring the
hair to ha original eolor, and for adresse
ing It cannot 1 1."-M. Gee.
is , 1.
Fever, Raton RapM., Mich.
'Ayer'. Hair Vigor (e • moot error -
teat preparation Inc the hair. I speak
W 1t from my own experience. it. tin
promotes the growth of new hair • id
makes it jitney and soft, The Vigor 1.
cure for da*droff."-J. W. Rowan,
"Enquirer,- McArthur. Ohio.
"1 lave used Ayer'* Hair Vigor for
the peat two 7tir•• sari Mend It all it is
tepaa.nted to be. it hetorca the nate.
Ial Dolor to gray hair, eaua.s the hair
to grow freely, sad keeps it soft and
pllsit.' -k1m. N. V. Day, Coboes, N. Y.
' M father• at shoat the age of fifty,
hist all the hair from the toppul his heath
After one month's trial of Ayer'. Hair
Vigo, the blur began corning. sad. la
three months, he had • fine growth of
lair of the natural rotor F. J. Cutlet.
Saratoga Spring*. N 1'
Ayer's Bair Vigor,
rsna.tr ar
Di. J. C. Arm k Co., Lowsw, Meet.
Salt by lteygmI. old Parfaswe.
Just what you want.
Best brands and lowest prices.
The tun,, , i' 111 .it;.i Le .4liful if 111 SUM Im•r .hulk.,
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
The Farn**arr iNwhr, s selling all kinde of rUrwltare at the lemma eemiete price• it
well-kaowe fact that b.
Sells Cheap
For rash. 1). i• also the Paging Undertaker of the town. Rmhalmlag mad alwye
iwazhand. efe sten n area • mortally of Pletnre Framing. (sive him a can 1Mltre
Flimiter* else ahem. and Jou will gad out that 15 dors as As aye-arll. uksy
I or Casiz._
le thanking one and .11 folr;their he hopee to reeelve • ereflensse. of 114
tp,pgkr HINTS OF VIM
wee, 0.1tms t. Qadf
ler_ANae Ilgweaa$ en
b se••P gatdsa-cart
114 pool�e'K .aye W
itelit1y ,hRe r■nl feel. whl
W s
81.41' ram iso if sham
rkasR" u, the wool 11 -
Ma, tpwae rrgiow. to 0515
pleasd 518181. which Ore a
wub0.l.r"•11y due50thel
,of\ew 11(
p,,,p u. the ►shit d b.yiag
tort' u' euatilRn 1 •
I,ga1tJ ties" up swarms
, � of the Malt of ills osis I
t„alrr b wyllt neo! d 10
e nd ls. lI a a mOl..01
Iasu• Meek, tut ,rum the
y .p- *8111) two 0r urea
wYeo 11' ab•P win r le
ret ,co. wbsu It was 1.a inti
Arc p A'. sl ' •f I:Ilm.as• 1
o ehr rule• dye, the same 1
lk.-*l'• ,Al, yet theme ins
at ill,• a ..{.
4 p -uta• lush of la41u 0.)
.toll uoe *!tuts* pre.'1•rl�
S•• hr.lself had attrwpt..
thew with the pure a 'd
w ant 111 •.1.a. Lehr,,. u he
0r. and fall'•). Ther. u s
(8400• tD the . sty of w
different .•stn tett t..
:Rept, 41 r.'.•tly..1' indieectld
is pie"•l w tha5 shwa(
are ,tare 11ay' br O Dart*'
tgc. lesabd ud*1 *ma
n 51 4y nuptorem.
II:: rrt•.ow.nwl,ie ai.hm.p
.tuaAnd thaht .a n w8,ha1)t 8w0ill
148 giv
i1axk„Qb-*^•wi4nyteta-1e1rm ohersfrm
We thslr poet t . t,rsfRice e
caber -else. j1I'* . xae1Iy
living tit •':.r n11100 may 1
to I40.1 111 81.'.thar
'.ore (Mall t
Lowe a n: lair a 11:l8,
Ghent • reua.l* for lace.
of the \rgl.ultanal Calle
tb.. (41. Wang immense me
to all keels .l - lies 'e pi
tea quarts e
.d -Jt .nap ,w ewe 'hear
root, 1.9 heating to the I
lid ..no p rot of kerosene u
for trete Ihr••• to live mit
ton moat he violist .• 8*
tun psemnent but tend
Icing time i elute this ml
part •1 water w Den apple
.'f•a the 1e•+•, scrub th
41011..1 a. 411111te with
eater. Wo use a brunt) a
The cost t.r a full -grow
than Ave A tats atld five n
kill, Mit, t well as 111- as
the hair 1 think th- s
elate .V1,I11'.n is 0:retire
thus we 4. more than kis
we dip the anivale in 1
raft our half its bulk of
.t 11,nt ign.r•aa
The re ,mn»rlattam ■
of flat tur:upn u hod fie•
.18)8 ran 1.e grown m 8
he talon with salt. Kos
oast t,.at hosts will do
sal cl•,ver hay Probed
t wayI
In ha
dtinesaltk or mine other
he dad not ....um. This
a par with 110ra1e li
making bread from w
tint t., he untied with
the wool
philosopher •
a, rv0 m* be drawled c
ern mewl you pat in
will le.' 1t is scarcely
whether tags raiz he 11M
nota.. \n good farmer it
.4 starving hoop to ser I
he Sept, , r, for that
w.1 The leg is of n
so -I fat, and 1114 better
n .
pence -ma one, the ■
ducts will he rade.
Retry Vs. Cr..
To our notion good d
totes that waa ever s
rung. as good a prid
the reawml tint ft el
made. It is often said
'nee tetwe.eu ers.msr,
butter to that one i
aid Ibe "tier is the d
the difference. ,'ream
I:w public gond g.rRti
goo. inferior quality.
}MUM. In this Wisp
doubt o f that. Bet it
1seilluie a 1. r m.kiag 4
hes it'.rila always. he j
matter of fact ouch e
1'•raatnwy betM, (a
11er 01 miss ssiSTOat it
-'( *ha creamery is mei
operated. the trotter w
tete. x141
15).dylith fast -w&
.\1.y tea. cam towel 1
how 4, feted 11 jw't r)g
The earth almwme
.Jap range.. vWbir
1. (rows to wane est
with the epee market
on tang (bnap pr
prices h the point to I
grow the tent wool al
.ver be is, he le the
m'mev at wnol-grewl
heiontlae n
What is .rt.etler ti
• writer. nothing mo
reties of strong ens
esperiee4e to the em
the floret This is t
matter in a notebook
w hwYpay to tall kin
get ton womb .el reel
lacing to agr•toelgfe
mai ti. proper MOM
things vrtilb ALAeast,
ft* yeritlimonrir
thereby. The.. who
.h...eettea aged ea
who era a1A.M d
irrt elMI1 1Y