HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-17, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONT., FRIDAY JULY 17, 1891.
"The Mesta' - sew tare. • seer rhea, mad
0�re11.e IS. la ad, er(Mlae 1.11 oro'
• 4.1ea made 1., IM " Leas F0II Waal•,
• abase ter e• es -ram. a. grit ad. erll.lag
al 4... rule. rad 4. geed t o.**4.a.
Ear tonic time par we hare been et opinion
that a cheap and eeboh'e Imethe.d of !making
perk ensounce:neuts is the column ef Tug
HIrs•i. would be a boon to our advertisers.
sad we bate decided to adopt sueh a method
M earl after May 1. Our Ialeatl'rm is to moat,
lib • " want " bureau and reveler. who re rd
vont cornice t» will be taken mad s rtawd Lepi
of ever) want that edict -timers wish to ha) he
fore Il.e publtt,
The .dvgrtleem,mt • e ill •pne.r in a , 011
dammed form on our eighth page•, end special lee
ester wi:l be chanted.
!Hi Y&'t' WANT
A rF:l!v.t?T,
TI)111 \ e 11..1 e/...
'Ito 8E1.1. A *104 *F:
oYI.L A V.t1:31.
TO B1.71' AN Aft Il LE Or ANT KIND
T1> ADVKItTIS►: (holt TEal►F:11'.
ur an) other of tale thousand tool one want»
which crop up In the community week I.
week i Rao : uu cin secure the beta service
possible 111 the (VIuom4 of Tun SI..4*4. at the
follow dug len rate,
Forty words fo: 2.-o. All adsrn,r•nent»
tinder twenty fide 1.41441e, etc• rend per word.
T.n w 4,r4» lite lowest charged fur.
PkoFESSR)N AI, t .V 14).'
will he interim' at same rate for r period of
ono month. liberal dinpunt, for lomgm' Pm,
. Tut. Sn•sm. i' admit edly Ili. be it advert,.
lag helium in this section of Western lint
Cash must accompany all transient 0.141.
1 Memento.
Addn•s u11 communications to
(iaderich. tat.
Travelling Guide.
Trains arrive sod depart at (.1alereh •.-
Me- .
Wil and Kayr.•,. . l.%. p.m.
Mad am'! F: t Freya
Mixed . ... .. ... _ 10.4 ,11.111.
7.a5a 1'n.
Mail ae:d Retiree. ,. . .
Situations Vaoant.
`LT • ANTED __ A cc ,Nl I'1:TEXT GEN.
-rai seri mit
ra,sertent %entre'. Apply to Mlle. PAS
Lost or Found.
1 FN'eltl).--1.4LS1. 1i\ T1 ESI )AI
k bet we. n Sanford and I:mierirh. a lady
Root estet. rid chair.- The tinder a,11 to
urate) 14. larded h• having it with '.4ISe
NI'1111 a1zF.E1:. S
a►tfort. or at MAYOR 1':4).o•. (4ode-rel,. 16 if
Public Notices.
• to Ile Est.'s of rhe tate Geo. Ith*nes
not p.n.l by the 1s1 of Mime.' nest will be
placed in the hands of the 4Il> soon 1 nun ,lett
for.ollee'lign. F. r.LAN'ItEN('I:. Admini.•
Yalu.. - I:
NI)TICE--.\1'I'Lit'ATIt►:9s L\'11.1.
be receive! foo- /hr position of Mather
and 4,441e .n•te.•to: for the eountiew of Perth
and Huna, to the bnnrd of examine.. at S-IMl
ford up 1. Anew., the 3rd. ItSl. 11. order M
thr hoar.;. .\LF:S ANDER SMITH. Seco
lt/ratfoed..l,Iy 1I. ISSI. 1:1H
Articles lb,' dale -
ora t*rmS' to . \non ('olborne.
Mi",. A Mc\K11.. 4; It
plate.., hr.' quality not received ; no
chafe.- for cutting sad fitting : at SMITH'M
Kamer sad r,r.ltwre Store. 1:11
1' folding rue. eon ,an ,arty in one hand
fettling e*utpstool. •nd chain. Solid comfort,
and cheap. SMITH'S Itaraar stud runulun•
Hoare._ - - 17 -It
1loung,•S our ..we make cheap. ('phot
strong, repairing snit carpet laying promptly
Mte.diet to. at SMITH'S Itai.aar and Fume
taro Afore. 17-0
1 in good ,trier Moyne with four drawers
and leaf cost 1'l:2. wdl ..Il for et:. Address
K. M.. Ihis armee. 131f
QHiNULES, )1/4 N , i4I E. -. vdpIAN.
• did thick shingle Ili itw•h. at 111.'3 per
aq wmsw. JOS KIDD I31f
WASTE \\ \TER 1'1 PE lion FEF: r
of .4 inch Mos'. ,.'.anal heed. 1.4 to.
temp he In ,rote a foot. 'Ole. KIDD. 1311
J lime kept ,onsuatl on hand at the Fall.,
Reserve lime kiln. X. KAEI'HLEIt. 0 lou
• ' .dill on hind n gement! sit .\ 1 shingles.
when 1 will seal at shell u mill. W. T. PKI.
IA)W. Port Albin. le if
$ALE. -TWO 111 IN. ('AST
1' pulleys 111n. fem. 1 11 16 iQQ bore. or .an
be Mored to At larger shaft. Good as new.
Wit: 1a• mold at rea.o.nablr Notre. Apply el
Tae Hd: y AI. Solon Printing Hotta,•, North .t ,
Ood er,eh. 116.1f.
Speclflo Articles.
L'ltI'tiH MILK 11AVINI; kEI'Lil'-
e1 sty 'nary with a choir. lot of rows, 1
rot to • position to .aprply *1I orders intrusted
to me with pore fresh milk. and will enamor..
qusluv. quantity and rer'darity of delivery
Orden. by post :attended to at on.... Address '
JOHN NI:AHAN. Dairyman. South street.
(toderirh. o' *1
Muslo .1.
int/MAW 4* /!lpm1N to give music
Iran. on rhe p0si, _ i
uMrs nay t 'etQes, 7i41=
IAKF: SHt►ICE Ri►A1'fl0IT[j
I lime -own. lent. Penn parties
.shoeds can make specialarranlwmrnrs for w
of Mat. and large twtsdla4 on the Mach et
very reasonable terms. AUewtire and riper"
4.0erat Maalnoa always on Mad. Superintend
0d by (•AIT. \4'F(. HAHH. Lifeboat service.
611 -If
Pon• dwA1M.
Volt tiLMVWOi-THE ItN-
lseelSaes bar tire e.rvter a ase bum Nor
missal110444.. Terme SI sash.
NAM. De*ryt..*. ta\ street.
• R rt
I>P,opory Obr Salo or for.wets
L"Oa lochs- A MARKBAR
T D*
aTf .wean skewed wish&
I tllwli
s walk el d.rleb P. 0.:
I�mlqaq brick horns ..4 water
�eaLyor` y W.
04.M, lfaltaM. M-lt
1'ereons w idiom W
ty. or farm Lauda -raises
MMeerMsra or loot oar learn full particulars by
tramm sa ALA/.K 8At'NUEltr. Uodera-k•
mel. 1'• If
fortable cottage N ItliatilhmeL. with half
a. .c*. of load : i(uud wanes orchard of asp
Me. plum sad pear Itww. arA •small Mat
%mmeta Half • wile frost Closet news Terms
resaessble. Appy at Ma see. 07-1f
commodious building on K ingal., dew
sets, Y present occupied ar a paint b
Wm/Witt . Oil elle. Terme easy. App) -Ito
F'. Y. S('1►TI Kromer's I'. ll. If
Mone bowie. situated on Gloucester Tel
race. eostaiaing se%ea moms. cellar and clue
eta. (loud rardra aid Gerhard ma premise..
Apply k KD. t AMPAIUNK_ Uudtrl •b. ai 4l
HOt'rsE TO LET. ON i'AitK
street. later occupied by Mrs. Ti tames.:
eight rumor. excellent cellar and water . with
garden and stable. Cheat`. 14. a desirable ten-
ant. Apply al "IriNA(. OF VL('E. 414-41
xi/limbic puopet1*"
Part or lot, : ands, eoncraslun 1 LI*. Ash
geld- 1:1 serer.
The North i of lot 14, hal ranceswio1. Fast
Part of Work F. Colborne. :Al acres. knee,.
as the .\rtMir flsu4hrn tarns.
'1 ter *hove properties w ill be sold on lenity
to suit pun 4.,..... A1.p.y W
C.(314t:t)N. 11 it.t' J: CAMERON.
:slid *f 00.lertrh.
Leap, from 'alntlntied ill -health. offers ler
rile his house and amends in the Pawnor Ueda.
net. , OnsiMing of 6 hereof. which are .itiuted
an tkeggant and most .comfortable dwellnte•
house built awl lung .w.'.Vud by Ma Holler
Judge Suo•l.*r. of Ittou,,,on. a tteautitul gar -
d, -n. stables mid all neet-a.417 Outbuiles and
appurtenances. the whole i,. 114wpi ser{1•t� a,d
tern, ll i one -of Inc nest de•suable mei . caw in
the town of l.odrnrh. For particulars apply
to 3le•.ers. (:ARROW k l'ItUCDF001',U,de
ride. the s embr's solicitors. 14.11
---About two minute's walk from the tiquare.
Two stories hint, brick addition in the near
II stories high. building covered with elate.
Main huddling has 3lame rooms o0 tlrst fiat,
upstairs there are .5 large Homs. In the roar
addition there are kitchen, panty, washroom.
C"pstairs. gars room and batbroom. Also guo.1
cellar. Apply to the under.igaid, who will
give all btcxswry In(orn,aton. DANIEL
GORDON. att.
Motion to OttedltoPS•
`` LATE: .40115 COOK K.
Pursuant to annrdernf,he('hancer)' 1)ivi.400
of the High Conn of .1hatic,, dated eleventh
May. POI. and made n, the testier/ of the
Estate of Jola, C<wk,•, de•earsl, the eredit.•,n
of 111.• seal lat. John 400k.•, late of The tillrge
of Dungannon. in the county of Huron. Inv.
Wien('curt clerk. decesaed, who died on or
atom( the :.Iso ala3 .of J*ntury Ilett, arc. on .r
before the 1st day of August. lath, to send b
port. prepaid, to Nle.4rs. Darrow A' Proud
font. 01 the town ref ti.derich, in the count) of
Hur i, solicii,rs, their l'hris' Wonted surname•,
address -send descriptions. the lull particdari.
of their claims. ..tate roent of their a4ag44n
sad the mature osecurities f the surities 1d any) lice
by them : or in default thereof they will he
penq,.pt010)' excluded from the lenedt of the
said order. F:very , red11ur holding any
security in to pndnc0 the Sallie hour.- me at - -
m)chamben.antheCourt House. in the town Wright's Rheumatic 'Ornrede.
of llodench. oe :h,• 1514, ,iay of Aug11sr. 1481.
at ten .fcloe-k in rile forenoon. being the tine _..
app :wed to. aditdli.•:rt ion on the clams.
llatrd-the lithda)' of June IA"I. IS:*
.114, S. MAI.11111St►\.
Local Master et l4oderi'li
Axil. maws bypedl0 the wow %( s..
Weet.t.. theist...
,V ..Issas loth. aa. end vhd1 ate
es sewn
Amoss. TU 111x.
▪ lio.eM Med Valuator. Uud.r•tch,
O.I. Herb lad etm.tderslde experience in
tbeatseti Ostia. he is to a position W
dlsebutt. with satbfactlua N
wrtI cons -
mission* en to him. Orders left s1'
Marlin's 110446 meant by mull to his address;
tiodeh j'.0.. carefully attended to. JOHN
K NOX. ('51st4 A0clyuurr. Illiitf
Notal AoSommodation.
well-baso and populist hotel Ws 1..a
refitted. taloned and outareved raw.*Uy
and b now ee:oad to bone la quality of se
tuminlrtation cur the Iray.illag pubIlo. Oood
a-0omnuolruon ter
4 trwn.n•at peat.. WM.
14 A1ll, I'. opt irWN
r, the ogees*. e4erjeh,
4Out .
11,1 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, 11*00-
14. ter in Maritime ('sorts et Jwlsrta
Ofliw :moth l.lbueue as :r. i�
01. solicitor, osmeiteeionrr. &r. LOW.
collectloms mediae' estate 4rra.actions SSW
telly attemd.4 t0. Office Cor. Hamilton sal
Mt. dearer'st.. (io4lerlcb. trot. 111111-111
re daYeuer, Ospreisseer. fie ; Money to
load. Mee /wee )glue. Uodtrieb. e+-lf
Es selieiter, Notary C.
y' Public, 1
Moe -Over Jordan'. Drug Store. the rooms
formerly occupied W Judaic Doyle. Yi
Odor. comer of ?.quare and Wen
street, Oudericb, over telegraph rtllatx. Pri-
vate Year. to lend al 6 11er ,snit ?'2.U-
1 AKRON' 1't PRO(' [)FOOT, BAR -
• Asters. ,1t.,/rneys• solicitors. «c.. (luck.
rich. J. T. Uerruw. N. l'roudfoot.
lJ narraters, Solicitors in t'hancery, Etc,
l:.clench. M. C. l'aricren, 1.1.1..; 4'. Hutt :
1►ud4y 1101,*,..
Mc011anles' Insgtuta.
E10M,. our. or lyes: street sad Square lop
opus hone 1 to 6 p.m,. red froom 7 W 10 p.m.
480171 2UU0 V•
I1.4.1iny lkeilq, H•rrklp midi 111*.lruf.d
Payers,11,s•icJ_i►..., ch-., ox
JltiHj.itslill' Tit K.3T.ONI.Y •1.114
greeting tree u'* of Literary and Reading-
eading•Itove n.
Application for membership received by
Li sans.. 1 u room.
Pree.dent. Secretary.
Oodorich. starch lrtl. Itkxs.
1,1IRE s
ROOT Ii I? I: 1:.
A "'.r. Meik• entkes .gelwns of root leer, a
delicious rum.nertemp•ranee beverage.
Legal Notfoes.
Sea Salt, lir the bath.
A aompletc ice of torl.t goo's at
%Vii.*.. '1 Naas Ktl'rl... I)Nt.. "'SOM..
1 N THE. 111011 COI RT OF .1i STICE
! ('HANCKI:Y I,lvI IION. Summer Resort.
/s l hr nrnllrr ,, I"la awn -berm IMO kuw.lr, d nos
ei Jl% 410..1 re,' Awadre.l rind girt% there cad riT H E I'l)1NT F' x1{11.
.'e-.. A*,mfr, .1 find virtu -lore• :a If. ridb,.rr
o' /fog*. lel. in the. • neat„ of /fart,..
N0tee is hereby given that Joaepht'allewa)• . _
of the *Matte of Killarney)., in the Province of S E:1 "1f N 0 I' 1 h!'1.
Manitoba, g• ut'einan, J,whua l'allow.y. of the
ray of Winnipeg. in the said Province-. gentle -
1111111. and Jusepb Patna t'alluway. of the town
of I111eillrw-aet, in the district of West Root- Haciug *4.4-400! them -4-44'144d Iwo
enay. in the Province of British Columbia.
gentleman, have made an application to the FIIt$T-CLAS1 i•ittir :*YloNAL 1'006:;,
1'ham . r' 1)itm4.mn of 7h• liegh Court of
Jantaw tor- a certificate .f title to the above .0r44.4ed 4o • most f•Ilk•ient star, 1 •m in an ex
m•ea11044.d prom-ri ie» under chapter 113 of eba7 oellent pods;o., to attend to bu.inro•. Driving
msised mat utesuf Ontario. las7, and hate pro. panics will re.r.ve special attention. i may
dtu•ed e. aerie' tubb,rrni;Wd to altife estate
I add that no..ton• heautifnl piece can he found
Canoe ay mimeses
in *.e wed lands, and the said Joshna Cello I
sty anti Joseph Pittatii 44Ilow'ay toamint
ratite In fee drools. in remainder therein free I I. :f .1. J. \yl:l(1l*T.
(rem al! m' mmlowers; w herefore any other per -
woo hav4•Y.'.1 pretending to have. any title to 1
to spend a 'Inlet day with one'»
or interest 111111e Seel Iat.ds or any {art thereof
is remind on or before Saturday. flu first day
of August new 44.•44 rnau,ne, tomes statement
M his slain, in m* office in the Court Huu.e,
in r4.. town of O,derh4,• 1n the ronnty M
Huron and to terve . copy on the acid •'p4.
rants or on Messrs. narrow A Iruudfort. of
the .40.0 town of 'J,derich. Ineit solicitors.
and 4, default every such claim will bn burr si
and 4he t die of the said applicanir Will become
absolute anti indefensible at law sell is equity
Pulte,' only to the rtmervationa mentioned in
the Pah ail. nun of the said act and t hen :n
lettered a, to, c, 1. e. and f.
(tared Ih,r Tnd .Say of July. I041.
rode .4.11.lo.COUMUN.
1r.:lt \lacer and 1:.4.•r1-4• s1' Ilnderich.
Loans and Insurance.
amount of pr4ate and other fumes at
lowest rales en Imstu.•t4ve town .ad farm
property. rp,tr t. rut, of ream meat to wit
the 18,rruwrr Nocomm,islpn. -Call or write
Al. to. J t itt N S I'ON, (,oder*.-h. S 111 .0
. ant, Fire. LM and AasNeat 4..r.
aside Agent. Ira,.' 4petatv., 1.111110410
nal office North -.t.. Ooderit44. 74 *f
• 1'c.. and commie»ioner for takina�g sad re-
reving re,aggntrancee of lad. alndavits or
animations. depositions or wham declare -
oat In 1'r concerning any action. 1111111 or pro
mediae in tae Ilieh Court of Justice, floe
/'ours of Appeal for Ontario, or in any a county
or Dr loon 4'ourt. All transactions carefully
tied promptly ere•t::,'4. Residence sad P.O.
address liwngannon, ret. UM- *f
I• .xtrident Inaur.nre Agent.
1ngNorth Meek a Merca,oie; 4)44
LondonA Globe: Norwich Cees; K.R4
Nxn'enran Life ; sad Amides, lae.ragee *f
orth America. Lonnie hates. 4.rse. set -
tied promptly. Mosey se Loan on him gad
Town Property. C esnyanc•ina dome. PI►
pity colloid. etc. (awm... ('or. 504141.1. Mil
Square, l4odoriih. 71-
IhMrRON. MO.,f k ('AMd1WN Heide
MONEY TO LEND. A L A it 1i t
amount of Prison) Fond. for intimattanm4
IA biome esteem' arstelsos Mortaas•r. App.)
. snouts*. Real 1tstale and Moloy
Lemnos agent. (0017 6I..'4*gs rom pealea
represented. Money to Lead so cuing%
Naas. at the lowest rate of lateral' Uto4 la
was to sett (t% eorrewer, 0flre llao.
got Mer from Minors, West 64,.t, Hods
14. 1. WW1
DRS. 1141•111114)NN 1•BHA AN1 N,
04 � J.h
Notice to Contractors
Notice of changer Must In, left at this
(Slim not later than Woodsy
110011. The Copy for changes
must, be loft not later than Titer11
day 001. Casual Advertiarutnilta
accepted up to neon TI `urad*y of
emelt week.
chiefs •sway) 7r, frkii runs.,
.4a 1,411* hal ,ren/ K.
not Domaine the young duly Nam. "yes"
when de soda after mkla4ght , blot If 700
Weill to bare a sere th,.s sok ens If A. E.
I?idhani'. us. of wok wear raid w•r ham
le teat the bort mai elk.ap..t west of
The w.sthsr sad the .taps ars now upper
swot la many ..lads. The weather. 4m parti-
cular. Is writhe:, but r. J. Pridhw... the prro-
a vlut&ier. is able to saint, e,ery0se Is los
lme w 1.iiher Me thermometer drops to le or
r biro to 10 .
When • man wears an air of resignation
you can put btm down as • ctsil servant *nu
has been working half -elute at over -time rate..
*1.d been found out ; but If you wee, to get
the neatest and best pitlurr frwmes ,a the res. -
than go to It K. Sallowi
A mew departure train �te�lebnMc..I cutl-
ass h I.rkM epee with wakjiotos by a great
..ear pnapt....d thele oto others who coin.
mead a step toward improvea.eat. All par-
ties. whatever their ideas, ars rerulameaded
le -call um Aleck Saunders. the \Vcrt st. tiu-
Ngittn. and see the heavy polished re -dipped
tiro plates tram which al1 his tinware will be
made In future, atm be assuretoI t a'e things
that ion llry and price are right. nee his .d
rel'tlses ant on Pace :.
Perm vi. SLR.1' L.,. Ensign 11Agee. 4.1
London, will 'conduct spe u1 .mires in the
sew S.3vatims - Army larrwt•ka, 1:olerial,
from HIp 20th July to the 24th, .a,tun,rneing
at 8 o'clock each e' ening.
HuwT.t+rE lhrn:I2.. A philosopher tris
how a girl• taste .Gofers w•co r,lurg to her
arse : -At sixteen rhe want* a dude with
toothpick shoe. mud w mierus arptt- times-
tsche; at ;well!). a chief lustier with piles
of tin :..t twenty -liar, shell be atishell
With a 11,en,lw*r of parliament : at thirty, a
.ountry doctor or a preacher will du: :v1'
thirty-five, anything that wear. pants
from an e1114.r up.'
A F %at Boat. --The tar. J. H. ,tones, of
Wiarton, employed in bringing in fish for
Messes. ('lark A McKay, from serious eta
:ions up north, enjoys the reputation of le
mtg the fasts -et boat In this recti ti. She has
it:ul Iasi -rid runs with goal hosts this sea
rm, and lista not vet beam worsted. tette
dao' last week the Jones and the .4r. F. A,
Hodson. of 4'o11ingw,aal -ala., in the fish car
tying trade had s -heat" pf seteral miles
up north. the former . ,inlg out well
anneal. 1Viart„n Neat,
Pecs eT len. = He eh., (alb to collect his
dye. fr'inently fails in consequence to pas
dents, and thea a whole at•nt•l ..f unpavd
1Aorker» 41.47 truce LM'.k their .*riot«* *nu-
tter 1.. a lI14 $l* delinquent. Such people
wi11 say that In the ant they pay all they
one • loft thi. N nit so, for they owe
promptness. 1\'141.4141' this Metier Inas 1144
61,11 ren41ercd. Tardy patuent can unser
atone for the injury mind* may have leen
infiietrd. No regret, no ap.bgy. no .dales
interest ,oven, can eter undo what ha. leen
done, 4r restore what by their negligence
and tinliderm.a• has Isrn taken away.
\V %Kunst N'ku,.wLO. I.aet Sunda. Iter.
4.. I'. Salton preached his 1nauotril tier -
mops to the Methodist church in this plata.
In the meriting his sern4. was hosed on
I..trl, 4141t Chapterawl 17t11 and 19th ter
r+, and at alight has telt 044* take,, from
Phil.. 18th and 19th verse,.. The discourses
wen. thoroughly practical, nimpie in tnauy-
reapes-1s and have leen the subject of much
coarsen* donne the week. Mr. and Mrs.
Salton lay ,• received .. storm welcome to
(trowels mud their s* t will, arSrding to
indications. le a pleaaant anti profitable
one. Krnwels Ptot.
IT 11. %•\'T .4 PRuDL: U.'. K11T1'k. nl' 4CT
If >..t.•.. 4'ur old friend %V. Fred. Font,writ-
nig to a mutual friend in 4.oderich, thus
refers to the iter, w'hiel, Tut Si... u. ropuel
from 'I'li, Toronto 1Vur1.1 anent hs rreent
temporary abaeute: Tor. sl' tot., like
human mature, is liable to err ; Its am -taunt
of m)• holiday trip Showed. to use Henry
the Eighth's expressly phrase, that it h.
the earth: sow by the ear, and indeed 1 '<t
assure you the' n,y friends did not fie
theinaeh'rs impelled to nurtt4F4 ear upf
fatted veal On my return there was no
,A.Yae1I11 1'4.
$5,500 IN Pt K•'►.. For a year or two
peat Lite lovers of horseflesh in the upper
peninsula ha.been trying to arrangt• it
trotting circuit taking in the larger cities
from Ashland to *he Soo. The Driving Park
Association of the Soot is making a (,neat
start this '.ear and will offer 86.500' in
!purees for races which will oc, ur on .duly
28, 29. 30 and 31st This is the largest
emounr •• hung up" by any association in
the State outside of IJetrott. The dates for
the race, fallow close on ti. the close of the
Detroit, liinneapglis, Milwaukee, \Vest
Superior and other large meetings, and the
secretary is assured that there will he a
large number of entrees for all the events.
new gran.( stand and stable. for one
undr d horses are being erected anti every
hing placed in marlines. for the greatest
eating ever held in the upper peninsula.
by the success of his meeting will depend,
n a Targe measure, the formsti.m of an 1',
'. circuit.
Sum% h'4 tow roamer. se. Ilex. 11'. A.
1 using, rector of fit. 1:0.r1,'s church, will
roach • seron to the ...mbar. 4 Claws.
(.xlerich, Nu•,3`41, t', (1. 4'., east
u ltt5 at 11 o'clock. Visiting beet
are µ o *billy tattled to attend.
H. Tito, 4.117 IT N'.M THU 11R(ws. --The
thunder aorta early um Tuesday a 010101
pertly snored owe of the each woes Sons
of Williams wb had jest gat tato the seuo.d
stage of a cotnl0(lias Asap. Turuisyt to kis
wife as a crashing peal bars upon the de-
voted 10wu awl ierarb.aslai with fauna,-
(ll a ec tors for- a ouissidiellille Space 4 Now,
the sleop.'i proudly iskard "'Ma
fifers h:. a given ea w girl
but the I. ys are at the IMMIN. yi1, 1'p ` oe
tiful as over
IhtgsgxT liTt4\a ASD AMIRwIMbt - Re-
cently Mrs. and Res. 41. R. Turk, of
I:urlph were the retipirnts,daMWre.stw a•t1
handsome pre.w,ta at the hands or the
Dubbin st. tala0t esatim of that town wt the
occasion of their removal to 1)wen Soule',
where Mr. Turk will be stat ioue.f for the am
suing norm. lira 'Turk received a hawirmnr
silver fruit and flower stand and Mr. Turk
w-ar old• recipient of an easy chair 4 111
latest theagn. The Mercuy devotes Oxer a
solum, le mourning the ayiegs and dump
its* the.oaashn.
11K*TI ..114. I.4111 wank Mnt Thos. 'tutees
remora a stroke of paralysis and Se serer.
was the edict that on *411401*)', the tiirl
day, death ensued. The deceased lady woe
apparently in her Ur11*1 health al the time
of the attack, apo! its .riven* was entirely
onespptr.•'•teal. The funeral took place .n
Tur.a.y from the family residence, Wool
street and w -as largely attended, M,•.sn. .I.
M. Shrpolarl, 11. 4'. Straelah. Ih'. \Icbol-
son, Jas. Tait, ltobt. .luhnstoo, awl Th....
l',•rry being the fill hearers. The e
lagrtitiAnc' a( the funeral Galatea to the i'-
sleet in which Niru. Hutson and her fatuity
lis,.• been hell L) their fricads and neigh-
' IAN,.
eigh-')A.,, two • I'KA' Th b-. -- Smoky rxru-
inK a couple of ruffianly buys ; we will with-
hold their ramex. began throwing stones at
soar I4.))al tie the over, making a target of
Mater Fratnk Shadnoa, owe of the morale*
striking hitt om the arise, and breaking it..
.\ similar ease nay Ire wawunn-.I hen.
ti Inch. Although not so sgriwn., shows what
wane toys will du for tuft. Anargaan grlu.l
er happened to gel down a lack street to
town ani '' fell arming thieves," .my it were.
Softie hays began t hrow rime.in rime. at Ina
hurdy-gurmid id then at the. operator, 4i
tli•ting some rather lad( bruises on the hat
lir, sunt lull not the gum' Sauiarit)an hap,
peatt,d along (t is hard to say silo le tbs. so -
railed "fun' would have Coded.
Iho.'T F.wr.LT lT. rhe Stratford la -
cross.. 1**u, wiU t Beit 4:ealerich next Tuesday
to play the scheduled tame with the Junior
Hut -one. 7'he natch will he p4y'• t at Um
\grK•ultural Park. carntnent•nlg at 1.30...'..
(hi ;o.,runr of the excursion to l.undrri un
*h.- sante slay, the Hurons w,ahel to hate
the latah played at smite other date, lilt
email not wake the necessary arrangements
sit h the Stratfnr4 team. The Hurons hat e
made a good showing tIns year in the Weal -
tern district »erica, and a largo• number
shield turn out to show their appreciation
of *44 work of the tram. Nest Tnrs,lay's
match 11111 be the big hour match of the
»ens.. The Stratford team are elm er aril
geatkinanly players and a coal gams will
(.c 4414* 4*p.
Ea,R-h.. To LasIa1., 1 grat1.1 111040
Su,,day school excursion to t In i; ueers's
Park. city of (.nu4on. will take place on
Tuesday next. July 21st. .t s)1n•,al train
will leave 1;aleri,•h at E.t.a. for the Queen-,
1'.trk, and returning the train will lea.. the
I'ark gate at 5..30 r. w. The t, on will slope'
the city statin lath going and returning
for 1444. e*.ii'*ni4.n,-.- '.1 the el, ursnnists. The
Queen's Park is fitted up specially to prt,-
4141e for the eoinfort Rud enjoyment of
visitors and has Men plated by the City
mimed at the disposal of the .a,nimtttee•.
This excursion is open to the general public
as well an to the Simla) rchrola. Tickets
stay be p,rehasel at the I:, F. R. station
4n or :after. Saturday. lel)' 18th, at 1'M
cents for alults and45cetits for children. See
Todo.1'' 4 ''.1.K. t . N1t -u . The ,'los-
,1 11•1 onsets mn June last en connect with
, sol i~''.l the underl�yingI P(ge tf in tpl''tt full
f tires reps.
m e• tient s.•hool of the 4)nme art. Thr-
work. together with the ensemble and dam
eerie playing. ctt'lem-e1 for elficieney of
the staff awl ps'rtrayrel the ,'ter present
sprint of )(4-nunu'ew, that characterize,. the
founder and [wormier), director of the 1
le;;e, VI*. F. H. Torrington. Affiliate' i.
1! is with the University of Toronto, the
Toronto college of 141n.i .weepier a tint
Dla.e among 'maalian owl it tit iota of learn -
dog and tine in wileh 1'enashans tray have the
fullest confidence iu men miring a rornplete and
highly art i.tle musical ed neat ion. Mr. Tor
ington, who in at present in Europe. will
return refreshed in all branches of the must
cal art before .sept. 311, at which date the
F.11 tern, of the 1'other begins. .\ hand
*timely printer' prospectus will be rent on
a.ppl,at int.
Sealed tenders. old rowel to the undersigned, 'A
and redorree. - Tender for New Parliament h
Ho'l'ings N nrka- will be revelers(' at this 0. t
pertinent until twelve of the clock, n'on, et. m
Tumd's. the Pm 11TH 11.4', ..1 4*'e.* .T nett.
for the " grand stairs -are and ornamental grille
work for the interior woodwork and hard
ware : and for the painting. hardwood finish. 1
ing. cluing. rte . relmurel /or new Parlament
and Departmental Mulct1nga
Printed forme of (eerier can !r obtair..d at
this Department. and persons tenderin4 are
.pe.-ially nounsl that they will not toe entitled
to hair their tenders considered unarm. the
Rams *re made on and ,n compliance with
those printed forms, signed with the actual
.igttature of every person tendering Unclad
stag ea•h member of the firm.. followed by his
post "Meeaddres4 and with ■II Wanks In the
form. properly filled up.
Bach tender for " woodwork and hardware"
it tact he aeninpaniel by an art-eptrd Lank
druid ue for lour thousand dollars: a Cimilal
4.1etae few two rhonrn! dollars must *from
pour each tender for -grand stainer"... and or
namental grille wo-k. anti • similar ,-berme
for two Iho .and dollar. must accompany
each tender for ••palnli.' , hardwood na4shinlp[[
and gluing. leech choose post ne payable
to the order of the 1'on,nNtMioeer of Public
Works for temerity• and will he forfeited if (.r
party tendering declines or fails to enter Into *
can't -act based upos his tender. when ealbd
noon to do so W here the party's tender le
mot ageep1..1, the cheque will he morcel.
For the tine fulfilment of tn. f•ontraet, .alga
factory remedy fill he molted on rru1
estate. or by the deport, of money. auntie
M mans.tpal ..ermine w hank stoeke to
t\e amount of fifteen per rent. on the bulk
mom. to Lehe1nne payah a under the -morsel.
of which fifteen per t -end.. the amount of ole
tempted cheque aa•nmpanym4 the lewder
will he roneMrn•d s part.
To ra. h tender must he attarhwd the wtn•1
titre of at least two responsible and
persons, rrsldenta of letarlo, edifies
M be•onae .ontten ter the arty Mg eat el
Morn ron4nion.. and the due lnlnlnreet sad
p.eloniun.. of he rvm*r'a•t In apt particulars.
Plans ran he a en In the Clerk of N-orke
•floe at the new h.11ding. ; and printed eagles
of the m{w.•ierrt,onr ran he obtained then, or
M t tion at *M Depart memo.
TT; Denim mein will nor 4q hound to weep*
the lowers or any te..ler.
C Imlmiml..rr. eta.
Deparenceogis.ttlk Warta her (Iniad.
Nth Jul,. MN.
A StytRe Tut' shalt STIIKw The storm,
of Tuesday morning seemed to he located
immediately over the town, and, although
110 personal injury resulted, many cases of
severe fright undoubtedly occurred. On
Church terrace the house of 1'. Lynn was
struck twice. The first h4.w struck the
roof, at the ridge, twisting the shingle.
hardly, them paean! along the ridge and
apprrontly' pawed out in two weer* about
seven and 1wcl4-r feet from the point of
original (summation. Snow, fifteen minutes
afterwards the fluid struck the verandah
roof splitting the solid talents and entering
the hall through the plaster pawed away
moat probably, eking selene Inert. .lust as
the aerial attack coamrnvl Mr. Lynn was
doseending the stairs to the hall. an.' a1.
though not injured hy the intrusion eon.
foam* that he was vert much shaken up by
his short amr-istton with natural electric
sly. The flag 'staff on the Square also re
craved a stroke splitting it in several platy.
it is put by many that the wire rope re
gently attached drew the attention of the
.form. The house occupied by Nls
dames I'hans and Robs. l:ordnn was grattly
tterwl, the enrrent striking the chimney
es the main burbling, anal then appppaarently
separating into two columns travel ed east
and swot, tearing off the plaster and lath. in
the mums beneath. Thr west hrnnch almost
divided the rood; thence proceeded down
tie front of the Nodding. tearing off
the mottos to its mane. The east cur
rent also separate! the roof of the mods
structure, then struck the kitchen and
almost destroyed it : the doorshints tofu
,off, the .sd drit en out. and every jerist sea!
ratter M.aon.d. Mrs. I:MANI arse sleeping
in se WWI, reset insr.elPN1h .tutor the
eanst sod eeeiend the downfall of lathe
�.r•�R1 we aid ti to mot.
p�1s.. ;Fra w-eretlgd'1if'1gl„Lsbl�' t.l.grwplt
s ubakisg. he est et Mawwsw.risttt alit
/JM N *.rrr..ftel (raMldairs for 6:.tease
1e Mak
lic tote will he found a Int of the candi-
dates who were .mrea.ful at the High
Weh,ol entrance examinations held at 1:ode
rich on the 2nd, 3r1 and 4th 'July, 1891.
In order *o lam it was necessary to make
one-third of the marks in each subject and
one-lalf of the whole 1382 market. Of IM
101 candidates who wrote 67 Iarc panned.
I The fumes of three rerommenelel mill be
Madden, rivet •' 4611e6 '.a al , U,ajagj.t
Seibold, Hart)• as..1
K. I66 64
Mc(riaa4, T.'raM
Ibyle, Holes
Curry, Lar.1So.... , 401
Payne, Jamas .. i 414
1►'Neil, Thomas..
(Inas, May •-
l)s1tos, H.ss.k 4866'
(.easy, H .bice 4�pN(r. 6, Colton*.
Ellis. Carrie t 4h61Na 6, l'odla,ra,.
Mores, ('1.111,- 1 425
1:andner, Ede.. 467TN.'. b, 0oderick.
Elliott, Lase . 6141
Pickard, Fred . 39W
Torreon, Janis 604 ••
li•rddtler, Nina 447 No, 1, .Wltield
l:or ou, 4'hriatura 46YINu 11, Aslntiel.i.
Hayden, Y.maleliwe. 422;
Mae. Jams 384I ..
I :rant , saline ' 48XMNo. 15. A.hriel,l.
McDonald, Katie 619 "
Moseon, Edith 481150. 4, St*isle'
Montgomery, Nettie 633, "
Morrish, Tanis4335o. g, l'olfru•,r
Vanatos•. Ambrose, 393
Powell, Elim. . 488No.'12, Aahtiekl.
Stirling, Meta 431,5o. 8, I:olrrieh,
Elliott, William A "
Rorke. Albert 409 -
Netted. Lusa440 ••
Tewsky, Clara 437 No. 3, Colborne.
Howell, Thomas. 600 '• --
Beattie, 4.00rge 434 No. 6, 4.00lrrirh.
Sturdy, .Albert . 497 So. 2, Ikakrich.
Following is clue fiat of suocaaaful tan,lid•
atm at 4 h Clinton. Winghau,, Seaf,.tb,
Brume,. anti YVlweter exams.:
4.I . Tc.s.
Achasu., Thurtuaa Si Not 2 Tnckersnntb
Kell, 'Iboivas ..... . NO 10 Nay
(Swindon, David A . Clinton NI S,
Ail 3 1:uderich Tp.
Puberty. Louie 1. .. ... Clinton..M. S.
ail•. s, F:dust
I:rwbt. How-arl
Knox, James No 6 Hallett
tat lit, Fr. e1 Chasm NI...
Mason. Henry • •• ••
Middleton, ,lamer ..No 10 fiodericis Tp.
M..:ar.iu, Frr.l.lae No6
Mclean, .lank•. N1 . No 10 Tuck
11 ur,4a-h, N'ul .1 No 14 Stanley
Plummer, Stuart .(7dateo M. S.
K banns Ire No 3 4:ei1erich Tp.
Reid, !avid . No 14 Starlet
Keil. Jas H thio 3 Shoot)
Keug.r, IHto . No 6 F.W.wanrn
Tippet, N'illub, . No 6 Statile.
l'rou.. !.atria. .. - . _-_ - Private- Stud)
K lieutIey. Thomas .Clintorn M. *
\Millon, Mal -ultra hayfield
Yeo. 1Vllli*m No 34lddsieh Tp.
Ateler,,n, .lattet Blyth
Blurntett, Alin N1 No 1Ot:oderi:h i'p.
Kr*ckeinkn, Mi*u4e..... .. No 2 Mullett
1''.ipa•r, Nlrlrtala .. . No 2 Tucketsn,tth
1'o,lor, iwhella 4 1..2 'reekersnut4,
l)grr. Katie . No 5 Huller
14, ie. Hattie Clinton M. s.
Ferguson. Elisabeth • Ilafield
H•.1.4.110, Benne Nolo Ha.
1. Rory. Annie ... \..8 Hallett
Nlourrh..yge, Hilda iia •*dell
NlcMurr•y. Maggie Clit:.nu M.
Murray. 1:ma tis..
Mcl.o . Mary Jane. No 'rorkrrsinith
Mei :ergot, Minty A.. No 2 Tu'.•kennuti,
)turr.y, Annie • No 2 Tuckersmitl,
Marks. !Ague Rayfield
I'attwin. Flares.. Clinton M. c
Richardson. Mary Y.. - .. ...1{.3 !((malty
Slater, Lillian -Barth
Sterling, Sophia. No 9 Gr(rrioh p.
Sinclair, Sarah No 9 Tut -hermit I,
1Veir, Alice .. ..No 11 4 ,oierich Tp
Y e0, .Anna Annie. .... No 3 t,uderch Tp.
\1141 -rw,n, Addle. \\'utghaa
1(cnn.u, Maggie.. ..No 1 E. W•waerh
(Sell, Nellie... . .... 1Vinghen,
1'ummanjpo. I.iz,ci .... ..
('r*tlendrn, Rubin . No 2 How Lek
1►in.ley. Not iiia ,. \Cinghan,
limns, Ella.
Ihtlmagr. I:er4(. . No 2 Hasn't,
Fisher, Tarns \1'ugbant
Haines, Minnie .... No 19 W. M'aweweh
Houses, .\Herta . Na 7 W. % awam.ph
Jackson, Nimu. , . �Vimgluo,
Johnston, I:tta . •
.lohnton, Bella
Kerr, lila
Muir, Nettie. No 3 Turnherry
Mactlonall, \elite . Y%'ingham
Meyer, :ratchet'. ..
1'Iu11%p*, F:1u, . No 7 W. \.Vawanrsh
Patterson, Fannie.. - . Winship),
Rattan, Nellie. No 7 Morris
Snider, May. ... . \1Vnghaii
Taylor, Mag,;te 41.....508 NO F:. N'aw.mtwl.
Watson, Lucile , s. ,..... %V inghawl
Watson. Mary
11 ello.*wd, ?doggie .. No 12 11-. 1\ aleasos,,
('ampbell, Wilhelm / No 3 Tur.bern
Deo, Leda B . 10 4 Turnberry
Hanna, 4.sorge (' . Winshore
Ruins, Frank
Miller, K. H..
McTavish, Robert
Robortaon, Jas T No 8 E. Waanno.h
Scott, ('rte W . No 13 E. Wee -amok
Scott, Herbert 1' Win ham
Scott, .laa T' No 3 Tnreherr
Stratldle•, Harvey Wpal�h.m„
Wightman, Herbert 11 7l
w Not 447ML
Hamilton, .1 No 1 Tarsbarly & Hon,'
Ncl�uvhGn, Itlo 7 How,. -k
Neill, Ellie No 13 Howi-L
Perkins, Edith No 7 Howirk
*male, .\Isar** Wro1.tcr
Sharpie, Kn4na. No 16 Howirk A I:my
Torrance, Etta No 7 Howek
Hooper. Alfred. No 2 T4trobern'
Mc ac,sh, .lames. No 12 Turnherry
Stewart, William No 2 T.rnhwTry
•1 . ►•u*T►1.
491 (Urbino, F' . Seatonh 1'. S.
Nu !, Ash.e41.
published when en
hen the Depart has revised 412 I arlin..lw
387 the list 1 hia-lrnnt of the very Targe number i 452 Dooienmin, .10.o,
of candidatea writing, the results at Exeter 502 bouglaa, .1 ..
and Dungannon could bot he male ready 448 F:.Ier, AI
for this week's paper. The results at these 397 Kaltman, Lee '
Mateo will .•• puMishrd next week. 442 1'rv,sbyl AIM.....
rk's ten 4400 gnr,ATRn 442 lktcu, L
527 (:ea, S. 1 411 i)ouglas. 4. . . .
:oderith. 472 Yowler. M ....
515 " 417 11illespe, M
. 681 " " 437 4:neve, .1
509 t. 447 4:emmell, it .
604 " 460 Ireland, 1. .No 7 Tttckeewith
.1 � " ..
6184 ., ..
616 b42
476 . 1't
441 „
No3 McKillop
No 7 Tuckenm,ith
.. No 3 McKillop
. No 9 *tanlet
No 9 Steaky'
S.aforth I' S.
No6 Hallett
No 4 HiM.rrt
No 9 Stanley'
No 1 Hallett
Seaford. P.S.
No 6 7'nekeramith
No 8 TockMwnith
:e A will.
Rate.. Florence.
Re11, .leash
Craigia, %lour..
1'raigie, Telt a
('amiatine, Kate.
Farrow, Bertha
1'.mpiel!. Millie.
Dickson. Jennie..
Fisher. Della
I:.trrion, Lucy.
Grahsrn, Y.mma
1.r Toned, 4'onni,•
Mitchell, Brock:,
Miller. Louie
McKean., Mabel
Neftel, Rorn. . 470
Nielergall, Ka*. . 473 "
Rail, Jennie 606
Wynn, Pearl 4>34 •'
11 ilann, Kdit4.. - 479 "
Vats, ikr/M... 414
Mark . Rip'andi,. 478
Flats, 11e ey ' 434
(;nest, ROM. i 6441
Holme.•, Prod 111..-- 461
M 4-1'h'rwnn, Janina.
M,t'raath W iUim ,
306 Kemp, M .S.•torth P. S.
No 6 Tusikersm,th
511 Keating, A
432 -Motley. 44 8.•fortk P. S.
627 Melhm ll..1
Melanin, Mated
489 McMillan N....
639 McMichael, M
467 Row, M . . .
413 Sullivan, A
496 N'eir, Flossie
639 Armstrns, Wm F: Bremen P. S.
498 Pattern, Jams" ••
S12 Nortne, Thou
497 Smith, Oliver life E Orey
506 McNeill, The..,.. ...... Ne 3
. No 13 McKillep
No 1 Hulka
Ado 3 Taekertmith
No 3 McKillop
Seaford' P. 14.
. Ills • il
Ttremele P. fL
A Me Ifs • Mae
T,i::•T TSS
s' Tea at boa TM UM
." wa t t t t A 1'(
so, OLT
F*gahboo-MWKay• • ••••
ant N.as ted -Mit► Astlw
gsjlkrah Turf M•.414111 -we
ggw••'it N a tad Wilmer M
1a\1t�o(ro.Fr J
�glTil la Dunlop. cit
1't: rite of Rea. salts.
lU.l>I`!J\ lis A.1►e••r. NM
un Jun,- e, tote wife of
Neb. el a era.
y,•(ueGICUUKwifr d 11.�
9A111T l0 ('lintoo, og 1
r4 of H. l,.41stoa Hart
1{p:u\\ \ In Hu11rt1, on t
h. .,! �. 14raew, of .'..
lSURI;\\•'t-'1a (7mton. nn
Kan• r.:,. J. 4l.•in•ws, 1
flood\': InClliton, o•
)IIT; 111.1.1. Ic \\'inYloalll
th,•'x !,' of \\'m. 1),teL.
nil *0)" I t. 4.W ltaluSt,'IN
,nil of N'a)•
CCKKIF:-1 Morris
wile N Nelr►n l'
%61 LIIIAH-Al tit.-_ �M
Tt,urwsy. *b. Mesa....sglt
Urn. \redksnt 1i..4...
(44(1:1 In \I1►i11ap seal
Uosrar .4, Uroy. of a X11
gultn.0 In Hotted.
191 Lieu:, the wile 11f�
dawi4)7 t.
t , ('.tN(PItRAR
M- ('mrutrt*'
Ia-f . bd 11.1L-, wale
the Iter. P1
d„ of 4rkton, to MI
daughter W Mr, 1'*lafO
h.ry-4.. ) rthawtW 95
111,• 4314' ir1N., 1,7 Bar.
IA»rtl* Hlawslarl, 34'..41
,,,,t'sea. both of Toa
Ht 1,9►1'4)4:, Jo1'hn -rnh,iarodets), ri,ageb,
Ah\44.15- 111 Gotench,
r.•„ Tbur..ta). Jul
ages Ili yeah. 1 monis
lmlK'1 :er4U*„7TOd-e..-ra
,shn **.of*ulu1t,aowr
,.va.,til)ad:diray1f.lottho•see1e, tag
TUM)'• At Ititeoe., 4w '
Mar): relict slat=
aunt r.olher
.‚r!,1*' t
cAHP.t ILL- Is
MarM 1t41/VO4
4:141 AO) eats. 1 tread
ofR 4W!( 01
1Vc ars to *WW1
iwrlee. w to was take
Pettish Columbia, ,* 11e
Mew. McKay, who w
rots IML. Anil Mn. lit
1•' ler 1100e in fort W
Mrs. and Mw 140wet
mil Mrs. 14x4, of Fort
'rands in Coral Wrest
t;hutc a number of 1
..rel Wreath book in t
Kifigd.ndgc in Nir. 1►e
liming hal w et.elleu
• The farmers amts
through limiting. whit
- crop. i MOW a- you. S
to Start (si cut their wl
'a yen' fair crop. The
ginning to •4,,,w signs
we.1144 ctrl through ■
tkf horn* shower*.
The /'oral 13'reath
the Lm:know team a 1
ui the Caledonian I
11ru4gle for forty -five
team Suet -tenet' in dela
won for them the taut
now teats clew
way In which they Ir
44*111I- ',K'.. At 1
psa.rsl from our mode
.pa ;e.1 remideata in
NI.1i'n, ..f the 12th '
McLean leaves a wife
tether with his mot.
Mr.. Nlcl.ean and fa
• sympathy of this cur
left his residence for
10 30 4. w. Tuerlay.
1M the evening of
\1 math leas la •
prised at seeing so
..prolte directions
1 oral Wreath OM
enquiry we (the ('ort
ohm the Lochalsh dr
10 play n match W 1*1
our ground. After fit
hones and putting m
nan•h down to the
tlic necessary arrant'
a dresing for the
lases. rte.,etc. ,lthe
her . berme struggle
plying five inning.
In favor of thestoosd
said that they had n
football mates, pre%
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