HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-17, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1891.
Weare offering 1 values in the following goods:
Victoria Lawns and Linens,
Nuns' Veilings, Brilliantines,
Ginghams, Fancy Muslins,
English Cambrics and Prints,
Flouncing Embroideries,
Challies, Sateen, Beiges.
,► nice line at Mac, a yard. (FLANNELS for blouses, tennis and boating
packets. Inspection invited. •
Greatest Dyspepsia Cure of the Age.
; l' •1 RANTEED
sold only by
to cure t1►i• worst case of Indigestion or Dyspepsia or
Money refunded.
91111iejwe_ b ORO. 'MYNAS.
rhggist, Gu»ERIt'EU, O.T.
Happily it does not fall to the lot of many
1 t.. Ilwmr Ile., Ta.k Nell rertlessed Is a 11111111e11 to be called neem to give proof of
table Saari 'great. courage and devotion such as that recently
are dotes when one wants to get off shown by Mrs. 4,rimw•,s"1, wife of the late
(:i oneself and think how tired this
British Resident at Manipur.
l.. I..ly is and how nice st is going to be Mrs. Gmw
riood had Icer twirnnl only
..anis day t„ ray it ,lawn nater the ,,'twos of three yeah, and it is an open secret that shy
he !rues, while the soul goes flying away
did not like being stationed at Mlartipur. ft
like a air -oil tint to the .tars. We are was ia.latel from the world. and tltvre Wert
aery. aro. tired, "The of w, of the long I few interests for her beyond exploring the
gruel .,f earning our bread or helping the
odd folks along, and we feel among ready to
she right now, and give up the unequal
ct,i►ntry, which she seems to have shine with
exceptional intelligence, and in sttenling to
her prettily turnuhe.l house, the wreck of
whitth she de luted with such womanly re
.tru 1e. It it all very well w call Ids a
end Bret. She lir arranged to realer 10 Eon .pc
garelen,. end all the girls, Loth young „i the course of last unonth, even as far as
odd..iuertia k but to some of us the garden trking,ber pastier, and as plans stood her
is inn -Irked. and every pen thing dying , husband was to have followed her in the
ore Brad, writes Amber. Now, jest wait a I •ulama.
minute while we talk the matter over. when clatters, however, began to be
Don't you know there never yet wall • thruateningraround Manipur she gave the
stmt' parade or • grand I'rc":essirm that first signs other courage by refusing to leasee
was not made up in groat measure of ; the pivot htld'Loy her husband anud hu don-
or onlookers : So in life, with genus surround' . Her own letters home
its liageants and its hoaorw, then, are
eonipar•ti''rly few who ysrry tanners or
wear gold lace. And umieutnea we, who
follow pleasure afar .find stand on the
amity runt while the p1aarade goes by, grow
riiscouragea sod are airout ready to oaf our anI hen she mittens life a failure hresuse it holds no gala time of the residency,
for us --nothing but drab tints and wound- them...tressed their wounds anti provided
les. and persistent duties. Everything is food without a thought for herself, though
different from what we plantte.l when we she ieretved a severe wound m. in her arIt
were young. Then we were eager for sooty
.ran.! destiny, and lordly imaginal • Laurer
:hat should leave our tame like a sweet
fragrance in the world. l' an you not take
s.nnfort in the thought that the homeliest for 129 miles without one remiss -mg her
task well perforniwl u a grawlachleventent` clothes for ten days, but inspirited always
Xol" .an oto better than hu Leet, and I with the hs ,which she kept up to the last
if you or I sweep • room. or tidy up a mnnent n eartnR
lits lis -n, or patch • pair of ragged trousers,
write a chattel, or finger • type -writing
er eut, with an enthusiasm end a pur-
p.u. do the work well Arta allow tan
1..1y to do it better, we are as surely .doing
genal work sad fnlfi'ling a noble destiny
AA though we wore the ermine of a judge.or wielded the scepter of • king. Ito what
you have to do, then, with the determin-
ation t tell • put the test of
No Room for Shams.
Buchanan & Son,
ISA.t•vat 1 RIMS
Ikalera in all kinds of
And builder's materiel of t er) k... •V'ton.
School Furniture a Specialty.
AREACTION is taking place in the minds of the people in regard to cheap
Tinware. Especially is this the case among the farmers of Huron. The country
has been flooded with factory and home made slop -work, which has proved
unsatisfactory. Since starting business for myself in February last I have made
up a heavy class of Tinware, which I have sold at reasonable prices, and the re-
sult in increase of sales has convinced me that if the farmer, the artisan, or the retired
gentleman gets an article of merit he is satisfied to pay a trifle more to get it good. I
have, therefore, made a further move forward, and have just to hand a stock of what is
known to the trade as " Re -dipped " "Bradley Charcoal n," every sheet of which has
two coatings of Tin upon a soft steel plate, and each sheet is wrapped in tissue paper.
In future all my Tinware will be made from this grade of Tin plate, and of the prices
comparison will prove that they are right. There are very few tinsmiths in Canada
who use this Tin in ordinary Tinware, it being used for cheese factory and dairy work,
but I will use it in everything from the smallest Tin cup to the largest wash boiler.
In order to clear out my present stock of HEAVY HAND -MADE TINWARE ,
I will sell it at greatly reduced prices.
give the most (Sacis: suininary we have hal
of the events which oh led up to the terrible
disaster of the 84 t. Mrs. t)rimwod was
perfectly cool, even when the bullet)" were
falling all around hair.
The wcuude.l were brought into the cellar
was when the residency was evacuated that
her knowledge of the surrounding country
proud of such service. Shoeless, cut and
aching all crier, did this tirade wotran walk
f h of her husbtiind's safety.
It u • record of quiet heroism which deser-
ves °ttieia! recsignition. - Leaden Daily
t raphe.
Pleasant Sera OrielsA wt,ciag Medicine.
The druggists tell us that people call
daily for the new cure for crestip&ttou and
sick headache .iiecovered l'y i)r. Silas Lane
It is said to be 4)regon grape root fa great
rt ion tuntae i remedy in the far West forthoeecomplaints
enthusiasm and eager an,iut,on to excel in combined with simple herbs, and is math
to every stupid routine of the day and he- for use by pounsg on boiling water to draw
fore a know it the meanest work will at out the elelegtb. It sells at 50e. and it1
1•o King package
tam the dignitysl. a service w tile of ma dtl calicoes Lane's Family sled,
Sanitary Plumbing and $eating by
Warm Air, not Water or Steam.
I will always carry a full stock of KITCHEN FURNISHINGS, and procure the
latest novelties as they come out.
NEWS of THE dlVOl►:.I
T.--: Itsi deaux 'busmen'. striae d. 0.-"t
e l
TI.•..ttrn� ...ti f•-reiguet" la Chine cons
Usu.. •
The German v u tale• i• a ..wnp'eee t tilers
tl•e- yew.
The British trs.tin4 s'.,ip New Y •.r: by
been wrecked off Cup. Born.
Th. v 1.41 oat alrit• .t. in `•out hent i tdifotn' i
will ire very large itt , sea. n.
A repel :ican u,.eiing at 14.4m 'alas atia-
versed • n Tuesday by the Paton
Alis. Cahill woo the to itiia
ill, United Stab • oin Friday.
N ar ba. broiler out between the Aua.n'-,t
a1:1es of France and the Somme.
Spurious Am.riems times cistron, t • t.•
eireobittd in lien' •taloa in iatitiyt to Hansa.
Tf. • bishop of fires dole has pat.tsely ■'r•
n , utced his aul.,lit'ltS w tha Preach (1 wrist -
meat 1 50 -horse -polder u prig ht
ton. have ••r+goeil. Liabilities tti9D•►.nn 18 -horse -power upright boiler
Thera is s seri-.ms , uib.e.ak of Italians and engine.
threatened in the north caner prtist of 1 6 -horse -power engine,
Edward Linlet, of tit_ Peters. 1'.IC, says
"That his horse was badly torn by a
pitchfork. One bottle of MiNAR11'`t
i.INiMENT cured him,"
Livery stable men all over the Dominion
tell our agents that they would not he with-
-. NI\ a.i►'Y LINIMENT for twice the
ewe. (2 -sow)
e;esege was 1■ Mrd I..ek.
She was a bride. Her drew showed it,and
file was a pretty one,ton.
Her light silk drew fitted her good
and her hat was the seine of
She snuggled up to him in the seat.
"I:eorge,dear, whispered she, "now that
we are married you won't ol.))'eecctt to auntie
and sister, cousin Flora and brother Jack's
family coming to see us once in a while,will
•n1 . pet ..•
,,,.p• '•Ana i may hare seven of your eight
dollars a week to shop with, mayn't 1,
"lee, love.
"And you won't smoke cigarctes, George,
nal lag Mer Gey. dear, any more:-
"\n sweet
1 think when •boy has become .n oil Ani 1'" 1
maleaM • roar l. 1M.e sway braes R.
a..awl..t..y.x.T. a w.,r• a..s. treat,
yrs Amy ••-t oak. r Amok. Mt .. r.e
slaty ll. eo r•.w few /t 1.
• •• 11•Ah ...r.. a .r.. 1 e
Mks. ,..r os «.w...•.. •• ., .
•w.1, roe Ih....r.,..e
d8. wMt. A11 a raw. d •.sl. 1 . •h 1 .
owy w okw w• .,..e )) . •
• yur.e F.Amlt.1'. arEkl-1 t
1.41111.1 LAVA ) SILL aso... •.
•111,.ea i t.., rsT•ata, ..I'..
Win EVEi:.Y FAA; `i 1';l
• should get (meet
Armstrong's Improved
-PAT.!). -
Goderich Steam Boiler Works � BEOAvSE
I;at•hli.bed 18tl0. tat -it allows no foul seeds to be blown into
the chaff. which is of great importance to
every farmer who wishes to keep his farm
saves and cleans all
mothy seed
�fromt any kind of strain while icleaning the
Chrystal & Black.
Mrd.- For Market cleaning it removes Cockle.
Chea and shrunken grain, and Biose the
In Stock For Sale : farmer thetreateet uossible weight for his
strain with no unnenesary loss.
tit. -It will sample grain for show and seed
Purposes equal to hand picking.
7Y. -Cleaning sent Wheat It removes all , 3wa State or ('onnty. write to
Cockle. Mustard seed. Wild Peas. Wild t• s *MOW it tit..
Flax and other foul and shrunken east
broken grain. airy gives the farther pure, Opposite Patent OtlIee.Washlattten.U.0
clean. seed grain. Rif
at1.--lt w111 clean (ata. Harley. kr , thor --
mighty without waste o grain.
EmilMarquest Ca, ieatbmr dealers, B -s- boiler, a complete.
won't stay out later than 7 0' -
nal loafer he is then ready foi something clock nights. will you, l:eorge
enese, and 1 was greatly worries' to find) my ••N", .Ian
)..ya route slipping in very quietly about the "Ansi w -e'11 hire • flat and boy a lovely
time the stores closet' for the night, so 1 piano, ain't we, George !'"
just resolver! to try to make a more pleaAnl the solemn looking man In the for
sant place to spend the evenings than the wan! sort tterel, 'l r"or 4 e.rge," and
.1oresaid dares. left the car.
it is reported that tont von IP.k(r seo 1 48 -horse -polder horizontal
will become (k,nnai, Ambsaa lar at Ht. boiler, complete.
reter-leirA. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve
Th. .t.am tollfo•r 1 :aie.tine sulk off Rea
Francon) on Friday ,horning. The. crew engine, all Complete.
won. a-hai. The above have bean tborottQh-
The loompe a rtteosntly ...tutted cLin- ly overhauled and warranted in
don and were allowed to inspect th^ err first class condition. Ready for
immediate delivery and will be
Thy t'hilfam in•nr.;.•ns aro enhlear.:ri i ; ' o
.-,•.,te the sympathy of the United States sold cheap
U• .veFnm't.t
J.d,ann Hueck Kral his wife, a mriete,l of Mall order will receive prompt attention.
aniwniUZ their 1'1y.ar-.okl son in n p •n•1 at weeks 1 Opp. G. T. O. MNN..
lAa hriMb `trustaelt. (iermartt, have beim R Repairs promptly attended to
,enteral. to .Leath
The rtUrv.rnent of Mr. Justin tie arthro P.O. BOX 3131.
P., town the leitake
hi" as soon aser4dp tithe Mr. John
dm etpet'te,l W take {
Dillon is rei.w.rd from gaol.
Ihlr (west mown had hitherto been krptt
111gCs the •came. t
sacred to the use of visitors and for )la' The ceases of hammer complaint. diner I d est"iyirgp the rnMal■1 gnertktn mntk•r
Lech ;hot after thinking the matter over hoes, ,lyecttls rya cholera mortis, etc., are a{ ssHvs sthe a tads hof the ttie*tu • .r the
very aereg■al 1 started a fire, elooarranged g gtIT of c•wnpsle fig
40 . Rio thom n"
the excretive heat, rutin seen fruit, merar
`• ytyryt comp nicely l ten lett I were look. et,urtio.n.im arae water ant .widen chill Ile.
ing ie. company, runt then let the 1".y. have Fowler's 'Wild Strawberry lain infallible and Mr. (31ad.4wie's Mends are 'trriousty eo
.t. }fa tar the never has been o grant to them moot core for all bowel r.enplamte from charmed at the date of N. health. Mir tn- sed
for, t it,t eh 1 ole rright • word them Pr` 1 3 drew Clarks, his physician. fee. that hilt
!. h
steam theiry took up with it and now whiCet•rr'•ia°.r. vvteran,tateaman may not roc •c••r from 'he
.pend their they
are at three reading and Mn. W. A. ('slack (daughter in law of effects of the attAct: or mina•.,.. ahl,' . be
assaying (bur they are all thee. ys is is boom. and Mr. John (*albeit. (nettle), has received suffered this spring.
1"wines tieing hettwr ter the My. it is Poetise the ti2,500 Mimes/we out the life of her late
It turns .sit that the Fronk Ingram who
Mr. Oiaddane has forwarded a p•-resoal
ropiest to Mr. l'.,bb, M. P., leo give up lib
proposition W renew the subject (if tacoust
in the Howie, but without 1T2(l.
Despatches' received in Madrid from Ma-
nilla, the capital of the Phi!ippine Islands,
.ay England has stnczed the i.Land of Bab. -
tan. which is rlaim"l by (itpaln.
0 s rumoured that the miners at Tnesier.
Wsh-, stisp.tar.t hr m$osw.I work:tom• ala
.trilling daily in the woods. They are armed
with rifle... and will resist any attempted rt-
gumpion of work by the mtne�twners.
in the Portnoy.. Chamber of Commerce - on Thursday rtes' Pr••ntfer urged the nemsity
Rtault__a the Stomach.
Liver cr. 3 well. ur.'ocK$
the Secrattoi 3,P :riflcathe
t:loa� -r:d r.r:�oyt: - all im-
puriticr. fro t'N 9maple to
the worct�Sero`utc u a Sore.
Aa0 TN1<
Hypophospliltes of Lime and Soda.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware of all imitations. Ask for
the D & L " Emulsion, and refuse
ell others.
rotas SOC. LCD PEA earns.
Sold by F. Jordan.
Obta.nnl and .11 hwirtss in the 1'. S. ''stoat
Office attended to at Al 1)F HA TF.' FEES.
Our oilkr .e opposite the U. M. Patent (N-
eer. and we ,.at: obtain Patents in 'ess time
hap those re e from N'AstilstJTON'.
Send .i(d)yl 1. OR Uit.I It'I NO. We *d-
reie as 10101.••n'nh41i1,' Irp.• of charge and
we,iuke At) , 1141iti ? C VLF;k.S WE UH•
TA/Y I'.'T1•:xr.
We refer. ;,ere. to the ibsieau.: er, the Mum.
if Mosey Order Div.. and to otllciale of the
I.J. M. Patent Office. For circular. advice.
terms attd references to actual clients in your
Tth.-Cleaning Pease : It will separate the MICHIGAN LANDS
mind• quartered. halves, tats and whole
ppi.�a. from each other. carrying each to a -FOR SALE-
diffinent •
sth.- 1t is a perfect Plover seed Machine, re- 12 o0o A
morini all dust• broken and dead s-,eds
the ('lover seed.
ata -It is • (Int claw Gram seed Machine. w■ MMhlep,a Central. MCMI t AiPe■a
Mows et�/sads away. and tame Lake Railroad..
lath. - It s a good Plat seed Machine.
1101.-- its a first clam ehaflbr. At prices nnetng from Its to 0 per acro.
1 be fitted I h old fashioned
1nth. it can be attached to • new lull with he Mold on Most Favorable Terms.
out Insuring it. and m be removed at any
and oto er seeds, larger or smaller than t
cies Good Farm Land
A T RA IT t t . ,/.•we.. t• t»fsr
Us•..y dN, .w'0, .i,• pips WAWA
.w, elle ors ow/ and -. 5•4 elm.
�athr baro ra.a. wan w.A twaseftrwar.
Mew was..•we flawmad m.r... .
we 1."•aaw elmserw char e.••.1 wa1 Nae 8.dt•
warloorwora.., aka res ..e wok taw worm*
me sires.....n.. w Oro- tasty ..A ,seals
1we .w. wrote• ... web AMA" ...+tr. 7I
jay►e w/ c .'4.4 .56 •••N••d••ean
tau a».rtLRTw■.dMr i.1M.
„i- itean ntot a est
Fanaleegg Mibb that I. laid aside ss uw-its" Tbcme Lmr(s are lens 1t. Enterpris ng New
and maka it du the work of a new Mill. Towns, ('hurdles, i shuns, etc., anti will
for us
Now, eaters, just between earesh'ss, of
.-.wire they'll spoil the carpet, and rts a killed by light.ning in Manitoba
real /pMretty one inn an �, was. well titnnwn rest �I
csMinl of it Kat 1 nne+rn, r^Og to be for years He was a'trwo
ti liter hues with
1ewon 1 pretty pcarpet.
t. t to earth hire. Ingram diel saearal
d 1 have L.dn w• dent n/ arras town
th h 1 •in law to W. Ioort
Mlp to have n. hl i all grew P enol his, now orphan. da r
rave mon. 1 i . her
t rrwn .n
11, , i .,n very glad E have them, t 's
Tle sinned Trask ay.40.n. •
S. B. B.
The I:rand Trunk system differs from the
human 'tritium m
that the WNW trouble* do
not aaffectIt and the .are remedies urn not
( he h An
ctrl etrregthoo•r as i grad as Burdock OM
years stet.
1111111111r100.119011.1111111111r100.119011.r Nass W �d1�ai
needed. For all disease n t um
system there is no tonic purifier, renovator
Bitters. A weak system east be built up M
time as easily As a three combined 1t ArPLT TO
dors not late ere with the use of the re- It. M. PIERCE. W..t BAY Pity.
Kuhr sieves of the Mill. Or to J. W. CURTiS Whittemore. Mich
1tth. Its sieves are nearly all perforated
UM. -1t has a capacity of sixty bushels of -EXTRA AL -6.•i 1\ -
grain per hour.
lath. - It is as cheap as the ordlnaryt Fanning
MIll sieves.
I7tb.--Even Machine s Gt•A
Send your order at once if you want 11 *ht.
season. If you bare not teen • Machine ask
to have one sent for inspection. sad that you -Fur the next two woke at --
take it on condition n snits.
in ordering by trail seal Mande width of
shoe of Fanning
G orlerioh, lint.
'1 -if
rJO • �i 1r.��1 a. B.
kitrliest and heat grown, at
('or. Montreal -St. and :+quare.
Tt'ltyshouc Connection.
The Seedsnan, Hamilton -K. iiTtl.