HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-17, Page 2MILLINERY. ML!N EIY. MRS. R. B. SMITH H.1- ' LI. 'tit:. NOVELTIES ANO LATEST STYLES, AND R TS:Nita A Cordial Invitation To the ladies of Goderich and vicinity to examine her stock Prices right. MRS. R. B. SMITH. SHtI;I\la THE KINDER. SILCHING FROM THE TREASURY. • Owes Morph''..Irwlgbl .tart o.rle.iarll• acrd h) N.eensertari I:vide•rr to to. ter..1184 faterblshe for Taapayrr. 1. Mord). ttweet, ,lune 25. The Tarte inveatiga- tion into the Iiingevin- MO:revy scandal was again rammed hefurr the privileges and elections committee, there being a large at- tetulans•e• of members of the committee anti spetetore prravIt. Th.• examination of Mr. 1lurphy by .I r. 4.eulrion was continued. 11'itness said that at the suggestion of his partners in the Eseuuuanit graving dock that is, Larkin and the Connolly&- he went t0 'ee Mr. Th as Metireevy at Que- bec, and told him that if he could a.n:ure for them with the 4 overnrneut a change of material in the graving dock from tutielstoue to granite they would give 25 outs per flat. Mr. 4:eotlrio-To whom would you give this 25 cents' %Vilna.. To 'Phos. 'leGreevy and his friends. ile ( Murphy I then showed that Thos. Ncl.reery procreated t. get tIlia change made at ()ttaww hut later on he got Iettcrs from his partners in British 4'ulunebe ask- ing &inn not 10 get 1 hes change, and if it haul been nettle to get it again changed to sand - atone, as granite would tenet them more than the))- tarot anticipated. Sir. t:eolfriuu - -Tle .•hangs then from aaidatotie t, ptratute dmf not take place . %Vitness• No. al r. 1:eofrinn -- Robert Mel.reevy was in- terested in this enutract' Kitner. les. Mr. Mtrphy then went on to say that Mr. The. McI re•ry was .vmpla ;;;; ref these vernier; demands for changes u hick wen• creating a tarda at the department In Ottawa. Mr. 4k'offroo 1)1(1 not 1,1r. Thomas Me t .re'vy endeavor to get the change for you' Wit Ilea Hr .lid. Mr. (:ev,tfrinn Were there any other changes naked" by your partners' Wilneas There were. They tusked that the second entrance head) be changed to t circular head. Mr. Ga.ti-,on This change wan utak ' Witness hes. The witneaa explained that he naw Mr. Tear. M.d;rcr1y to ubtan the change, and he believed that he secured it for them. He also had let ten front haw partners to get the dock that Ie, the Earful naultraving dock lengenth.l by 100 fret. Ile naw Mr. That. McGreevy also about this natter, and hal els. r unice- tions with alienia. Sbakc.pean• and (taker; menilw•rs of Parliament, rt•gardiug the sub- ject. Witlass'lmu explained that dA $73,000 . "atm ..f extras the) had against the 4:overlie nine for the Ilrity,h Columbia dock, all over $50,000 was en gn to Thecae. Met :recvy. Something over *71,000 wan paid by the Golernun•r.t, and tie entry in 1he books of $22,000 would he the 111m that went to Thomas. 51.•I:rnevy ane his frier le In re• gar.' t.. an item of $10,000 charged to the crass wall, witness said that when he first Sew It lie oleo discovered that th.• mapc tern nu the work were being laid. He said that $5,000 of the amount wan peed to Sir Hector Iange•vin and 85,000 to laforce iang.•vn,. The amount wan afterwards charged to the Brandi 4'Olumbin werk14. 1114 Wawa Mel:ropey ohjectel 4.. It le-ing charged to the craw wall tin obeli he fIL.I.•rt McGreevy, hail 30 per .int1m1 it waw erw1Mrlurntly charged to the insult graving dew•k, in which he hal only 20 per tent. This uatter,witneso continued. was discita.d by all the maniere of the firm. Mr. 4;eotfrinn--You pati your share of the amount • Mr. Murphy -Yea, it waw . hargesl to me. Mr. futon 11-0 Lewitt') there ' 51r. Murphy I believe he was, Ino it not he was retwase11te1 by his attorney. Mr. 4cnffriot: On ,age 116 t here is an Item .d *10.000; to whom was this paid! Mr. Murphy 1 gave it to Sir ilector Leine, 1111 myself• Sawa ton. air....rdfn•m 11 as the entry trade by your ..r.l: ret' Mr. \lurphy I went and ga.e him two fives, that to 111 all $10,000, and mid that It Admit] Ise• chargee t.. the Levi14 dock. .athat Robert N,•t:reeyy would know not hung aloft at. 51.4.1r'vy hal n.. interest in that work, Larkin knew ase much aloof it as I did. 11 waw charged t. Nicholas Connelly, Larkin And myself. 1 r 1'. . I I e(aw. h \ ' r ` on 1 h r dol you obtain thio •II0.000• Mr. Nnrphv In a juebee. )Ir. 1 oatiwo4th In y0nr ow -n "thee! Mr Murphy So. Mr. 4.at8,wih Where' Mr. Murphy .1t Sir ifr.,,.r'.0811 homier. A disausion took place ase 4.. the payment between the members of the firm. I may sty that 1 fell the moony on the order dd Nachman ('.nodi) In answer to %Ir. faits -earth, he 14aol he /null n•4 ren.rntber the Ilnr .1 the year the money- waw. p*o.l. V1'011001 '1141 1144 Make any entries of when them M11111 were gold, a* he wanted le keep the paywa••,t he money as .erret 414 pnISIllde, 1, t he dopes were shown him witness could tell. \Ir. Yuman- What .1.. you mean by keep - 'ng It secret' Jig. Murphy- Front the NItatr evys. air. Italy Did you intern] Michael ('un- nolly that you laid the money! Mr. Murphy ins. Mr. (*tatew..rth 11'as it paid in balls or gold' .Mr. alurphy - In lois. Mr. roams -alit What hank' afr. Murphy I think on the British North .\merlin. Mr. t',at«worth Were they stall bills' Mr 1lurethy -I think they were *100 bills. there were not encu Foh to make out the tall amount in +100, anti a part was in *50 :411.1 *20 bills. 11-itneas then explained that lie tried to make Robert Ma:reevy and -I houaa alel.reef)' friend, after they yiii rrelled. Robert Md:r'rvy had shown wither. his Ina,ks *here he (wad his brother Thomas *171,000. After alaei wit- ness saw Thoulas, ane the latter said that 1 Robert wain cheating ham out of money. Mr, 4.coltrioa cheating there any other moneys paid Sar Hector' 11'itnein. 11'hen Th.s. Met.reevy tame to ask for money it was, always for Sir f:ectr. Mr. Geofiriun For what purpose' Ali. Murphy He would say that Sir Hector's . , . were not paying. For instance 1.e Meade. Mc+ :reedy came to me and rushed for *3,000 for The Courier du Canada, of which Mr. (Impale, Sar Hector's son-in-law, was editor. Tho. McGreevy also rause to witness and asked for 1$5,000. It was charge." to the graving dock, but he (wit nem, never pad it. "Thus. Mel:reevv promoted taw, said witness, ' to give him .$1,000. as I could not give him *5,000 W- Itore Sir !lector left t juelec, he being there , that stay, :and I went to the lank sad .lrs•w it and ga.'s• tt to him. Th as 5I.i.reevy. Nicholas Connolly told sine that he after- wards toad the *4,030." Several letters were put in by Tarte'. counsel and rout b witness. seeming from members of the tirni in lint nth ('uluinbia to himself. They (ware t.1timony to the I.'Hurts Iwite• mauls to secure a change in the mate, lel :anal the lengthening of the tock. I t her of the letters from 51ie a eI 4 o holly t.. .1 1Murplay, wee that if the lock was 1••n,;t.henal and the 1.250,000voted I,y 1'arlu- 11meet, they would be willing to pay *50,000 for charitable purposes. 1 auvhter.. "4.oblen Medical I)saeovery" cures 118.wk- diwaaty, whieb coma- front Waal nnptintiea scrofula and skin dow-ase,.orrs and sw,-11- i ll'out docs it' It's put up by the thousands of gallons, and sold to hundreds of thou - .1111.1.. 4 'All it cure as well as though it hixd been compounded pis: for you' Its makers say that thousands of people w1m, hater hal Tetter and Salt -rheum, lEcreiaa :and Eryuplaa,('arlcnw•leia and Sore Eyes, '('hick Neck and F:nlarge. 14:lan.l14,are well today lrcauerthey used it. Supper that this is so. Sulgw..• that a quick wttte.l rine Bas far seeing enough to know that to claa.sae the 1.1.ac1 was to cleanse the life. suppose that by many '•v permn'nt.a, and after many failures. he dis- covered this golden key to health and that hos faith in it for you IS ., strong that you Can go to your druggist, buy a bottle, and it it doesn't help you. you tan get your money returned cheerfully. %fiIIyou try it '. The remedy to have faith an is the remedy the makers themselves have fait": in. teases amid Saga .in,plc things are often of much benefit, and lemons and common table salt lave much Chet is useful about them. Lemon jui.e and water without auger will oftentimes relieve one of a ork headache in a short time, and a half gill of Irmo juice three times a day in a /title water is said to be g.wwl fur rheu- matism. Nothing is ., aeerptrlrle to a feverish psalm as lemonade, and fora .»sigh that refuses t.. 1., .,uiete.l l have tried the following preparation with autres : Take the white of an egg, beaten stiff : then sad the guar of a boon m whish tor" or thee. lumps o1 Sugar have ban dia.dvcl and keep it near at hod: take a tablespoonful of it at a time until relieved. A very goal way of papering lemons when they are plenty Is O. pet them to odd water. letting them `oil until they are .aft, then of11er7i' the juke teem them, gat mg mor- than in any other way, and aiding the sugar to the tante, 'r to *a ery half not of Pilaw pmt one pound of loaf sugar. aria inti{.•. Another comfortable use 5.r 1e oa to bind a than slier upon a corn that is troublesome, at night. awl r• pest .once or twice. It will greatly relieve the ./renes. Then if the hands ere maned from mreli.•ine or any other candor rubbing t heti w at It lemon Atte t he juice is ext radiad will remote them. Table' lna•n or any such articles that hammy. attuned ran he res.tnnd II) the apph.atiowl of hornet lour bid table .011, then pineal in the son, end ataina re moves! In nlhhing dry Meech 111 :at mese, re prating it. (ha■l iI"n.e-krcpng. The sufferers from catarrh are legion end the ntajenty of them hake the a-ri'ns gnu take of thinking they sMmld ditty nae ilea matt when of it. wor14t. Treatment during the Sommer months is almost certain M ppreveal a r.nrrendr 01 the tiara e. anal Xael Rain. to the only remedy that w11! erect a cdenplete care. All dealer., nr peat free 0n receipt of pewee (A..w ill w I.nttll. Address Fulford t Um, Brock edit, (S DRAWING THE LON0111OW. Mew a tLederYi Werner Ameekaid thv sueeMMe Mate!. A t a Ewrlaad Atosatly seat • eupy of au old loaf from l'Mmbere's Edin- burgh Journal to Tut Sni,4L, which oust - trussed the following dissertation am dis- section trine the pew of • torosr wel- kuowu and eccentric resubmit of lioderlah -the celebrated lk. WiUial Ihufup- '• Tiger " I)uulop. 'The letter is is keeping with the Doctor's well-known psmo&ant (or saying and doing eccentric things, sad, as was .I,innl I. the e.Iator ,41 l'hantben'r,waa a love al the dissection crate which then as Well as now pen oiled su-ua1Md scientific circ lo. " Barney," the rr•useilant, is not I by the oldest inhabitant, and was beyort•1 .louse a erratum of the fertile Wein of the acentric doctor: The follow tug ,,treat Irina a letter from Ik. 1) - , a Scottish medical practitioner m l peer C reads., to lila friend Mr. Janus Hogg, leas beau put into our hands for pyuula cation be the Shep h.rl himself, though, we Inn&l ,.ales., the "fret"" winch a.; men- tioned are perhaps tau strongly dnwu inert with perfect coot/ toe, and may be shrewdly suspected as a &sure on the ex- tra,egaut desire for dissection which atu- Ia1l.s the modern school sit surgery : (tutorial, U pia (.antt,ls, duly 14, 1tW,i. But why .IWuld y uu doubt my word about the tesuetatatluu to those corpses which 1 w note you about' i Uu have written and ',ublasha-I so many t.brh.acls yourscl, that, when one tells you a wuulertul story, ).,u Inlnse.lately inspect lout to im u,.,' til, yourself. 1 have 8.wa)11 notal, that ween you spoke you told tn. truth, sometu e... 4slue exaag.retetl, but whcuelrr yeti put your poll to paper there s uu mace 1....14.1 to Ise ha./ 0t you. %1 uh me It u.idle the re- verse. It you beheie all 111.41 1 .ay, 1 tattoo not advise everyiaotly to believe you ; but whew 1 write, 1 always Dilate the 414'451 forward tru111, AS you wall p.nro4Ae uet..te huahm,g the letter. Now, you 11.11sl 4I,W oat duce.,%er 1 left Fwlwburgu, .and may two glorious aasucatrs L and : --- (we three hatuig perturmad such taatat.oethar., 1 hart bran eery toad sit dtssactluu, etuar: l value herr, 118114 plied lice Wirt:1e ty sonic purpose, anal haVC made some cunnus disco%erwa lath 01 amitouy and patktlogy, tar the 11u11ats ate not forgot-! pike us ; but these things ale atw.e y..ur ea.pacuy ; so to return to my narrative. 1 sews it was eit11cr in the winter of 1825 or 1(fdb, that there ora* the body of a wan found ours.11n 15. &uuw', and freLen to death ; Alia as n,o 0111' knew who lee was. sir to who'll lie beluugad, so there weto 111,. 1.aluulaws bn,ua;lt luua to we, bid 1 gear them a guwca mar luau. The bely wee such a complete irlae, that I could not thetas guests weather 4,e was a white dad 0r a 1atay., timbale ; and 1 lad t• put Iwo be- fore a greet lb.. -our three .lays eel three nights asiore sir eat tit tar uoa:.a1Um. U.. the toutth, 1 iouwl hula lithe :a.,d timber, quite war..., ,and to capital condition ; su a put .w 111) yta Let Cud ap,ro,, lard 4u111 mom the antra, and began lay ma_Iug a game. 111tisiou .1,144 nay kcal..., what 1 was rattarr s.tuunhrd at emit'g, as 1 tha.uatht, the ale p1:'aa1K'a' oI nolle Hark rad WOW .404014 looni the wuuul Ilkesmall drop sit dew. Jimmie,: at with 0Iy pate, and am. Niro& 1 trot it w-arw ; but t,u,ku,i; It could only be true. Ow Leat .ot ole tare, I gate another .lash, when behold my subject began a-w'ritl11ug and muttrnug le a weak trewu:oua voice. 1 was tllUIa4lersliM.a , but haat se. wucit recol- hcuors Ott as to hold the mound brut with lay laud, and ring the bell. The moot up. -Llai 11n 1yea, a.1 luokuag the Ila the Lice a alio druu.Lly atare,c*llr.1, 'lki,,n.11uedrr' what is It that you'll be alter donee tome, mastlier : 114 it u.j Ialc that you waa.ta'. 1 at deice knew Lim trite au Ir;ahuan, though he was s„ .lark sit arrupl..xon : I had takeehimluratasiadisuralljiia,I.t&it*14 15.8 1111,-. "15 by, my dear 1C.s18, soot 1, "you were brouget into me the other .lay dean, and troreu to an aostle, ami 1 sone only trying a little op- eration to bring you to lifer agate, which I sem (appy to 1MNe rflrctawl. •, 11 a. 11 .aa.! that 1 was said he, to perfect g,:u•i humor. •• I thought I had bin only taking a asap to myself. .led true our sine so 1 was, 11. olumkuw the shooter will tett you; tor he was with ole When 1 lay Musa, in the dhow to take a slap,. btu1 at it the cutting np to the top of a titan s belly, and taking out of iia wuwpltca, that bral1yypCsa hula to lite ', That is cartlilloy lat..81 ae plea 1 then sewed up the w..uud i lad made, put a plaster o it, end Iemlagr.t it up; and my Uiend called for something to wink, and grew ,Imre-ommw.:aaU1tr. 1 asked 1 who be was, what he 148s, and how he was engaged when he float himself *In : tee 1411,44. " .1 111*11 4:40,11101 be said to be lost who is found Agin, said he. " Every luau as not atter being list who hes down to take a alaap. (kat 1 1111141 541c lawn walking an my slap, eke hew aaune I here' As 1.-r the 41st, lay statue t. Barney 1.1"1'uwl, commonly called Lala. k Bantry ; 01,1 was sunt by my usstl.er all tee way trona liar River with a litter to Mr. I'homsaul; but hater' Iothin' to drink, 1 tell down with fatigue std akop yewtersy, and here I am. '.1 lie prime 0t the .lay and sit health t,4 you, nattl,er : but I aagaa,t help Langton when 1 thank o1 your operation for rasing the-- IMamcy Deter ailed any thing more, for I trek very gaud tare of hru ; nail 1 ne. cr .ould peiauadle 1 that he vies at all d...I 'r 141 a torpid .tateHe cut open the fining 01 ha vest, and ahowesl tale the letter,wheu, t, my utter astonishment, I perceived that it .18* addremeol to a friend .4 nine, Mr. 1 hoaa.m, sun eyur. " 11 hy,dear !Sarney, .a .1 I, " Mr. 1 hontMu lett this country vary m. arly three 'ears ago. 1 oil lave slept ,n toot sow wreath three years. " And, uadeel, It 8.a a very fair refresh- ment et the sort, said nanny ; " I fear 1 shall scarcely be able to make up the la,Litice by three years waking. Rut you know, member, that ■ all blarney. 1 then .e4ew.I the Liter to Mr. Thomson, an.l tonna it dated pr.,-i.•ly three years, all Safe three w,eka, pr -lonely to the day It um opened. !Ogilvy nicer believed word et ail this until he went Lorne. to Fair Raver, and found his n,aater's two ,lauglorn,whom I.e left girls, grown into nem wonen, and was obliged t., take their -words lair the time 1: his ale.enee. Fist that's nothing at ell. (One discovery in any art or P4411 1 44 818 14). le:'la t, greater anxiety anti r. stewreh. One day a metro of information tants to my ear that interested me ex.re.lingly. It was Ilat a it hole colony f the Strung -flow Indian,: 5.a at some former period been Overtaken by a terrible rnuwaturm, ape the very morthnset part of the Rdw•ky Mountune, and had every one, m 111 and w.sra0 of them, perir.hed ; that an at alanohc hal lately shot,t..wn fhwa a revise* which were Sawa. of bailee in a freers in state, anal the fated aemlent having happen- ed lung 4wddre the naem.•ry of any person living, po at b,eboved 10 Ix upwards of a century age. •Ilea was a chines. of an our vestigallon not to he lest, 1 pr" noel every thing for along jnurwey; plent�yy t.. eat and drink ; with a nwinleer M .800111.1 canner, tote of them not lees than sixty tet Wag 1 tad both shunt and w5als kw the porutg.s We waded the whale *.y, it Whig spring, but 18 a very I4f'm{ direc- tion, having duly one o.well medic 1.117jltg. plans, and smuttier smaller gee, =tie twee w Mekewsa • River, whin& we sailed down to eke Drama of a river celled tl5e Liar. "Ay, weed shamed, Uouter, wed ennead," you will Ir esyutg t., yourself wham you read th1. Well, we sailed up this with great ditliculty, until we torched the nearest possible point fur the object of oar search. '!'sera w• erected • temporary rad• demo., sad est out lir the meat ia.. Haying one of the liarduut Indiana lair a guile, we went straight to the spot, sad • .ingul•rwane was tberei presented to our 1 sew. There were ourpeas with their heads above the avaladche, ural Sunda colli their heads' du.1m.1aril , and their feet above ; others, again, with our hob stx•tutg up like a gnu a cvuivaeh peltwu ; fur all the parte that wet -e alsole the /410.1 were Tote bare of deck, oauuuw.l ley the Sunsuit I suns at.d Lewd.' of prey ; but the parte Irluw the 141404, bautg 141.11inIed among solid sir. Alla quite rigid, appeared to be perfectly (real.. %1'e brought horde threeaubjaa•tr.,.ippt• sitly the meet perfect, which we dtggnt deep out from amongst the 'ow ; anal the very tint that 1 thaw. d turned out to Lea young da-, short of stature, but well nlat1c, .1110, 41 want as the rigidity was fairly ovel.•.w.v, be- gan to Cott wine grnwlsn4 rauuds (ruin his throat, bid was uluauately complei.ly re covered. TL. .her two 1 did not venture to thaw, but hist cut them in pieces, awl thawed and duetted thrid alterwaee They ale a pigmy, iaeegudi.'..ut race, greatly interior t0 us in all n>p..cts, wwil 1 Ikutk, in that Inhospitable climate of thein, wind e.s.0 ,he out They regarded ore as ad rmurnona gotta, cane to int theme ell up, and kept al- ways ata der distanoe front tie. 1 think the word of ley ,laai, eons kid spread abroad 0.1110ug theta, which had put that ridiculous lava tutu their heals. (Inc of the Haretuot Indiana, who acted na our guide, proposal to me that we rhombi pmoaeed to the place where the colony had tint pet -Weal, where it is as probable I .hould find plenty ail whole Ia,.Ite.. 1 thought the srheue a plausible one, and we art out re- ronlangly, well provide.( with hands and mattocks, and want fuuu.i the ,!aero•, 1 the breach the shot 14110*•. had left, which was full twenty feet perpendicular. The India/as .Iira,-tcd 018 w hear to deg. They knew, from the: formation sit the tremendous wreath, from whence the storm had blown, anti where the lupless-vroup would natural- ly take shelter. !'hey wen right. 1ke noon re o,v oral plenty of ladles ; and a woeful u�ln it woo. Some were lying to purs,clasp al in each other's arms; some in groups. ing above each °thea, apparently whole fanny leer lying together. 11'r bolsi sixteen sleighs with them, of the youngest and trex.heat we could wale, great part of their women, for there were no ,'hildreu, who must have been left et the settlement, and perished. I thawed them carefully :and gently rano, it great tire. and they mostly came to life, though nails' of them .1144.l shortly alter. 1 preserved ►II the young a ons u, and bought a tow of the 1.est !incur With age, and they have dome yen- wel:,and two nt then" are married. and have falh:lies. 11'hen you eotoe t0 Upper l'ata.io, my clear shepherd, which 1 understand from Mr. Ihcksou you are preparing to .10 -and the r..'tor you conic the better 1 shall intro. duce you to tonne of 4h...• w 11.. were thus singularly brought to life, nal who lira, of course, of au Munroe. age. 11' --1r- lei wrist rederwtlN- Wil1 present as oplr.rtussey to extend the fano' of Itr. Fowler a Ext tact of Wild Straw • berry, the unfailing renae.fy for cholera, cholera menden, cerin.,, (-ramps, darrhee*, dys+ntery, anal :d1 Summet complain'., to every part .•f the Empire. Wild Strawberry never fel. 3 It a not easy to win a wonaaw's Inge, but it is even ewer to teach a girl to love you than it u to teach her the intricate mysteries of LasebalL Somerville Journal. Destroy the worms or they may .h troy the children. Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms. lm A former teacher. 15'. 4). McTaggart, Ethel. passed hts third year.•.aminatt..uwud took hie class bnara ou 1.h) -'e'. I{'• *41,181- c4 Soaforth Collegiate Institute only one year leefore going to the University, and has been very suc.•easful at every examination since entering that institution. .1. C. Johnson, 'student, Wingham. in his fourth year in medicine in Relieve. Hospital, New 1 ork, is studying with Itr. Meldrum. Sufferers FROM Stomach and Inver derange. menta-Dyt.pepeia, Biliousness. Sit•k- Heeadache, and C -find a safe and ,,'Hain relief in Ayer's Pill. in all Casco where a ca- thartic is needed, thaw Pill. are recom- mended hy leading pby.ician., Dr. T. E. Hastings, of Italtimore, say.: "Ayer's Pills are the best cathartic and aperient within the reach of my profes- sion." Dr. John W. Brown, of Oceans, W. Va., writes " I have prescribed .5 ver'& P111. in my practice, and find them ex- cellent. I urge their general use in families." " For n number of years I was aAietel With bilhousne•sn which almost destroyed my health. I tried carious r n..'die., but nothing afforded me sn)_relief until I began to take Ayer's PUL." -- G. 8. Wando•rli -h, Scranton, Pa " i have rimed Ayer's Pills for the paint thirty years, and am satisfied 1 should not be alive today If it hail not been for them. They eurel me '1 ,Ica((/ s!a when all other remedies failed, a,1,l their occasional tier has kept me in a healthy condition ever since."- T. 1'. Brown, ('heater, 1'a. "!laving been .object, for yearn, to ronatitw.t4on, without bring able to find muds relief, 1 at last triol Ayer's rill., and deem it hath • ditty and a id.aaure to testify that i have derived great hen- ce? from their u.•. £04lv'r own ynata Not 1 1ayr talo' n o • 01 . t h•.' Pill • every night before it -tiring. i would not willingly ie without them."- 11. W. bowman, 3'; East Main .t., ('arlislr, P. "Ayer's Pills have been used in my family upwards .4 twenty years, and have completely 1.•ri1Msl all t1/•t M claimed) for them. In attacks' ofhiiee, from which 1 suffered many e�in, twje afforded toe greater relief rheumy him- 1 .-'.•r tried." - Thomas P. Adams. Boll)' Springs, Text.. IT.. Friel !Mater,1a nailing all kinds of /wrncnlre at the lowest peee;n.lW11111411•1111wa Iwen610 . b.tLst he S_ P_ BROWN, Carriage Maker and Blacksmit, AUBURN, - ONT. s 44100 SUINT 4011 7118 an UraOTVItIm W Bug}�gy�ie , is IIS Ds, CA Kit'.. ItTI'. 7033fTO PSO]QTLT A (TEND=1 ZOsasfEOZITTG A SPECIALTY MASSEY MANUFACTURING (TOROUTt u Binders, Mow©rs, HORSERANES, DRILLS, AND ALL h1,1011/1. AcRISULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A large stork of repairs our the above machtw•a constantly us hand. Binding Twine. .'Massey t1' orld,- "Kra cap,' •rowsa-and "riitier l.014pusl1.-" [rands always 111 11(0114 at 11.• aow1'.t 1014.7.11. CO.'S We% ` a,,, few farmer. who have wet at t1 ora.'r isnot ase expesieuced a dilliculty x a screwed to tarn, that had ▪ u• us•,.ably engrafted W the wool by u,r at ruggleo away Uasucostr - .01, crew driver until the cat U the / tb. ,d•rew-dad is worn out, or else earl it -elf tweak- ,dt and leaves the opor- 14f,.•a lu s wino• pa*ltl.nt than he ser 110_ 'mac if it is woensary W replace J. P. BROWN, Auburn P. 0. I . PRESCRIPTION WORK. PERSONAL ATTENTION, " PUREST DRUGS, LOWEST CHAIN;E•. The finest Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet Articles. PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER, All of the best quality. W. C. GO DE, I h..'.:1 and ikWgist. Albeni It:ort JAwjTMOwjRS 1 Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right. CARDEN TOOLS Just what you want. FIOSF, Best brands and lowest prices. R. P, WILKINSON & Co. MOW THE WARM WEATHER THE_%R IS HERE REFRESH YOURSELF' BY DRINKING t� MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE The most cooling and healthful of all Summer elrinke. F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL, GODERICH- P u t3LIC NOTICE ! Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the [public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICt & SONS Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone prgmptly attended to. GE O_ B_AP.,RY Sells Cheap Por rash. R. Is also the wading Undertaker of the town. F.mlaltafn irinld always tM band. Ile• also n allow -a .pr. ,alt 0f Plelnre trsmi it l' cl Furniture el.rw here, and fon will Ned obit tart Ae. A res hae him • call teefpr. n•reh� w•- seer cheap Ayer's Pills, ! For Cash_ rti&raago as I In thenkiae one and all for their prices. It 0,'. J. C. Agar A Co., Lawrafl, Mad. NM by ail 1 Reales la 1. mr. GEO. BARRY, he hopes to receive a esattaaa..e Sf all • Hamilton-st rd an frisbee special and ei „Tr with 1 1,1 USN of ter trunk heat, may steady ;2 Au ▪ w the maw hole. A simple es, there Her loosening screw -trills that Have thaw .0 ,,,..1 was given us by • prwctrel dratt no: n .last time ago, which had free 1.r1 1 t•rwctunl by' him wh snt,cass. owta • , boat ap iron Taal ree•rl-bad awl 11*11 he ksa1 «1 15..erew-tail for (fuck .aures It to be„uw' 5ut awl year ..'1a *Intro.! off it : after for in M -.1, it out ueatally Ie tune.' past - .Wile A suuilar ditttrulty tapir ..1 with un,crawing the outs tinge ,none nettb.duur Wforinant Free ... •041 prdebiy he f.,Uvwell flr.t r,arlts, only in the case of le gr should b. applied at the hot wbi.rli tb nut r aAb14, bre. r the• lade ail nut an th woraghly at ti al oil .ta,ukl 1w' poured neral' ;(41- Ii'*d rim-. t.. thoeoughly . i,. • nut before attenapltug to un- of . I i,. soggetstion has the merit of bn••- •, Aiel •H, worthy of • trial. The b.•t .,: :,.,•telly ey,'nt in gelling off re- .d• n ould mat :.•,. of ad led � wt wthat pert. , lar: .e Ir ..,. th. Lu... -,t time of the rear.- et rl ::t ask Journal •'t, '- wh4 t,, to +arvr ('arra ba ?hist l... .11,4.445 wr 911d need effecUve wltl .•;u_ r'. 1 of thistles isput plenty of work )In titre•. We often( 1i;u Islet rt the proper f ...tar latent way 01 kdhi.g them. but Urn tn...11 for a',inanity, that the cleanest t' t . in . hitari„ are those 011 which th.. .m1- mei r. most thorough. In this particular wiper.. fall wheat is grown .ally to a who' -:•r1 extent, alley of our beat farm- an,, ,t,• in a large na-esu."% given l .wing, and rely mainly for • farms ellen and tree from . b fall working and growing • y Mem 1,4k,we l is to pfaugh . with a thin furrow- trdne ,!,L forest ploughs for the pwrpgve--aa . as )'...1lle after harvest, ,r even during . -•. At. a, esuu as Ow field t. ra.ly and time ,r •Sar'4. the object aloud at 1rin;; to �,c •.••,!s whits may be Heng .wi the •xe•. nth fae.rabk c•ardlti-rs for grnnin Urn agiol' if time can be sparred, • in ✓Mer thin ploughing. a little deeper the • at too, Where manure is apldh.l hi the •i is. r. edraen •111 after diodes) ploughing and In lightly, the 'object aimed nt always ... a. tine tuentionoI, to gel as teen} sods -,liri•- to germinate. and in tele' way n• aro• ••ods in tine manure pwr'n.:ng 1# •1 many of thorn d are ectrnet,1 By' ...tern s great .leaf is done in the way .4 in. latei, •ft•.r not only are may *els It • rad •4. but by no other mode 0f culture ran ti.• grossing wrens b. more effectively ei1 e+ymcully the 4'nevi* thi.Lk' R' beer 1•1 the .-ascan. the land is gm :h •i (- pit oral left in good slop' for . Then again, a. alrr.vty omit. • h led crops is relied no a f ..1 peeping down and getting • r51 l4' .( t.,. a,n very many of our Wit b' tea.• t : nq. illy' o., those where m' dla.. ,_ .r• dairying is made • spiel • 4. various hoot maps are n4,',l1 grown. (hie of the great to ie.:1:-. .,f el.anuu;^ the land in .b w :.::• orae is that. we'll• the weeds are being, R 'totr•-.•,l. the 'r''.• whatever it may be 4t tern. 4.' to..r nue. to beteg greatly l.•rrefltal s' 'S. Coe time by the extra euluwvati'w_ tl • v. r, 'orbs,. there io two way in which tM early every WKS. U4 weed Can b' more th,r..aghly git rid r of than by a judicious game.( partial soiling. and, next to drain- bsR. would at the sane time do, as much t..- r ward• raeing the arerege yield 0f the farm h d the- o omit rt 1 am lel to.p'•k in this way heal tire' .$44x414 '40ry results which I bare w m ! t , } „ll .w roy own practice•, and from b ' rrnm,,u whew **ging prone farms for h n.•• ratan 0r en 1> a in every tart nt Mia it tr .unci• -,b,bn 1 Hnhse fn ('*nudism Farm a na! . t A Illeael Weeder, y roe of the test towns 1 ever seed t. destroy In. wend, wuh tae garden. end . ,.cf- stir lvwaw'n fhr roseain tbnt are *,bin In dmfs e4..eic together, was made with a steel blade nae tat wide and from ds to Dight inch.. ► nit a Ire edge` dro4W b .,o.ourth Inc'S fkrk and the other, .lees. tea ab•rp -fedge. 1 wells a pee d Mae each end. turning in lap• 111,' the ester edge..4 s h.r with a racket at abe end for • bee 5.11411. or It may le panted and drivrt It, If a piece ..f steel handy it may all he eagle 0f steel and .ave •eldlar The blade *said lie that on the 'a and when in pantsai tar working Whim h•.1 it will lir • alallahtn ho. without a -icer i. - f sb•rp by Utica* .ser 'hr tipper -'1 1M• bbadre. Wbee is Ing work thew' dr t -sir row, *t tM 18404. flus', prwdng gnat nerd ,m' •ugh to work beneath the top crust • wail Make long draw. The soil Is Sn.ly p':lreraro•1, thoroughly r41.I1ing tb•e young .•«I- n. fla'blaip pa.we under them. leaving 1. •meter` o, ..44th *t'5 Iwa lbhall tea 1%1,er.' nw111 le. done with 11131113ordinary but. 44 .mare 4, l'arrnantl Hon..w 1. "Irwin heating, &lora, Th' a. a handy block for noting • team on Mee hills. 1t 1s made frown a piece of scantling 4 by 4 inch s: 5 hy 5 will answer tetter 11 the Nils are very .beep. and 12 inches hag. A holeholewail lin red tannish it near one end, In which a Irt•al.• era..cored, Meg e55411& to pia... the WMs•t behind ter warm when atandi ng by the freit of ter ten This alines the driver Innis,. and remove the block with inns hand, while h 'Wing the lines with th. other TM handl' tan he fitted 4w the socket of the beaks bv.r abaft ant t a ms. --Farm and Hass. Marrwwtag. tweaks) Umber taw prises and .takes mete A.nhle cut it when In owl Mel and remove lbs hark atter the leaves abrlvel Tin•' .a.toln.r of early pews la entecaleamal- ei with the early wawa. The abort penal they r•iwlr. for materbeg madam them vale - alp fee' lat. pleating atter other awe. Med them weft Neel 't neglect the plealderiark : precisetrait pleats dears iii ala earned neem