The Signal, 1891-7-17, Page 1rDO YOU WISH ni:Stat TMs men, AND BUT. KWSYAPgS t% Tits itt etre IMAM? 1r aro tart THE SIGNAL, rr g;ODERICH, ONT. et, .Alta a tt:an is a>DTaltCt 1 Vl►I.. XLIII. No. 2317. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .u:.•. (•, 1uv.raelun- l'. r. 1'rastr .,r, w, It,•uovaror J. !•„ sale Mia. A. Melba"...... .o,.. • F. F. IawruMS .. w..... Visors WIA�IIfilhhh ..... . .•• .% 'liner 111111116 ....... a :.• u.dat INS-..... \ •d tllrltk g„ , ,:,.V ng out - RUmer •.., ,,. •t. J. A. Reid k tiro - BORN. to Gude/lek• on July Mb the yrife of Johns Kusa. of a se•• lo•i1:6 la tiny. ea Joule loth, the *de pf t on. U•r►. tat • daelh • OPPIOIAL as . ,SPA17)3E3P. FOR 7Pi*VP.0 "BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT, THEN GO AHEAD.,, GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1891. 10114 JO , 'OVER THE NCRON TRACT. I/ MSS OFINTEREST FOR READERS. a • a WeaklyI eu4els1eemly %e*•'weird up t be SOS Sven bed) ask and rend t 111.- 4 pe/ awl t.adrn.rd true Tarn serums s The 4 Naar et ib t.e*I) %ew• 1. Mere. ( „KINOSORtI - Bl; IS ol'e ow'x trtat!<ylay?pt•T.) The e In school �e trye�ds aft lbw d� ; F:T FROM BRUSSELS. keit>itt:arainsa1Kilt�tl,Jl. Mb' LIVE NOTES FROM A LIVE TOWN. a,l t� 'I'I�y •ftafwea�•few children The ta.l Moa wl alert, d' a Raiser, air persesal letere.l are all acres. .lupe 30th, • • tug present. Int • Quare r , their t.aclm•t. Mu. Tyrrell, eau about to I 4a• kgs a►r. epee .11 ihr !tate -Paas. *5 take her departure front thrtr midst. Mist ( ls1. ytrk-wps 1■and ears rd. 1 meld had taught the junior depsrtmeat and lea+! 'matured herself to botit parental (rhos, ova aress conn►. n 1 little showed the regret fell by all that Ir led bre hr w.n r., r.p.nd • els d the •ehoed for the part year amu :, half I ,.ul. T mgr* it is • uslea• article awl the- sooner it is deiadel the r. Iia seems to be very frank in his wittnikti n of our crew. 1►, t., McKerdia, w ho had his (ort crush - el at • barn raising rcIeutly, », wean• glad to state, n.w'eriug. \\'e• hope he will sown he Able to throw :way his crutches and make wee of the defective to,.•. Your . • had the privilege• of being presser at the hosting of the •'(1111 Flag" on the school -house at Westfield. We cul ruler.. !Jr. Reid. teau•hvr of the easel •\ • •undl the tee for school, u n hat iflg sue Pr (rime area LL'NA.e:aa. ) rhildrru by bels aalalwhty, kuwlaass taw ter hobs Ls •w the hest arty OH '''rhe iuduem.• of houuus S .*. house. .john oust, and Ju 1 the. tlrg on the school to \lana,giau` humeri)" of 4 blit w, hew x11.1 the faithful ,hseluargr of her donnas A •uutla .r; in >\'tu Iwen. to be not only a rucawwftel student last • Lour ) K '•war tut.• bwrnitas fn; Imtnself at Past Inl short program war rendered by t1.e pupils. ) and, (emel. after which Slums Tyrrell was presented by S. Ines . London, Sundayel us town. wr..rs*(ul teacher r* well. \\ a An pleased The; (lepton New Fra says : "\1'e tattler Lille- 4.ritlin and Johnnie Finn. on behalf Swertrt' than honey the sweet girl glad (o note also that ht. Inas hrru euKaga•.1 for the tam! that the price .4 salt has Leto reduced f the w ilk a tin. gold .lulu .o.l a uatr. ) opg Ilro.•1t k lousiness tap W t.ol. b,oa Jaaelard. theertfv et WO la Brussels, t„,.. barn, at r daughter, \I. I.LA\ In Tunersm it h. on the St assn., t,,. IIIb- of Julia Mel.. Itlrereid. Yarm. r 'laughter. MARRIE D .al4., are - IsItOWw- e's\fatt.er.. on at the rest Jul) xl1a, t. aiteen beers,bridsewn, rasatwl by Itra. t7 K.V.r. r..Theo. t.tlr,,,,u.of Kru..els, Itur.. U,A mess : church. 1,• ,yantero•••\ ty)tier.nM. )Ir. Sal, 0* June 7 lb.. I••raw•t• W. 110.1 to Mir Lila Maude .. t:o•aur. of Returns. .. KKLL -•Ar 1'rl. to I1ertWednesday. ` erians.la7 1h. Hier. N . Martin. ,w .. St 1.I. ,7•141. to Mr.. Mary Kr,•, till of ),aeA•r. ljrowa- ut N reaeter, DIED. • _Jat..d.•n.h, an teuoday. July we.. 091, mar) I'.abrrk. net.%ed wore .,t 1'111.. P..euson. age.! SO yeah. )bub tilt. In derria,eatla•:.:h mat.. Arthur 31.0:1.. anted Mt ears. -NKI,[. .a• Yorktum he►rthwest 1erritwy. on" ire&Ili ul . whin Rennie. only daunt. • r of '. * t8 and MP1111'1:.asd •may meat, of KnIM14 .used • 3111.4A% fu Cotta nie. en the 1st .wet • John, ylil.a..Asad :t years. Ll .tttX^ he Morns. on m ith ,.. •t , )loss b.wrua. stiedtil.- 611. net.. 111'FAI 'FAIRIES Hastings. on )L •. Ilaas•s es. Huwpt.rles. '..meds of .% •..: .Ail, aged Y.' years sae) A u V,+,be u l:..,t^ In 11 tegaeeou. on Tuesday. Jul, e. net earner* Mrl'ocarti, rrl*.t of Itie air 11 Ili', daughter of 1). craw pear killing itself Tue*rlsy last w,*k. .1.bt, and :n the hope that at wane future twee I the • It ,•Im,lw.l up to the snleh.srd. took A snail time. thougi�h. distant* *1.ayrseparate 10*, you .,4 eating g' iw (*n 1 They fort,onr *Isn't .. u LEEBUIfN. Itnttle of earl relit, *cid tai 1 need will remember tis wily nil ) r'xow own ow..,.t wtlta.xtrr.T. ; drlukiu„ 't. \ very tittle of t ,wild have lir. lesa.a,• .A %irt1M awl wisdom, That The home resulted 2 to 0 in fa%•rr of y\ tug 1'. picnic at Kingsbridge 10.11 sea 1 ti f 1 Iib and hath Kath teams. Are fairly matched. A (�"„ r.'. Ylat K \\ tat ham pad ;..rt.dl touter; lead • l'uas•ut time. \\'m. Mi r.•. fur the past ,•awtak of Masts 'lI1M.tr w the esus. of c•luaaU•xt a [" rr visiting rami. were Blyth. g ants of \Itss I.utw Horton u enjoy In her school employe) with Peter 'Mass. \\'utgham, left• renin prayer o`f� your loving pupils gne.1 vistingl a the latter Icing the g liter. •awUoa t:...r the Massie deity, drag the for Itouglas. Mamo,b. on Turs.lay, duly on be Firmest -Is brass bane'. Each Lend modems' guest .4 her seater, Mrs. 1:. H. (bitten. 7th,wlitre he will join his fatta•r.dos.Miller, .I.i*Ltu' : Fres., FRi•a HAItR'• .11,I.. who want west • ..duple of months Ago .las. .dor:•tt pi... DAwa tti.tio •'t\. - 1111111e very tine place. : WIn`gham bo,•nd hell Tlt well • , N .. 1 ..(. -.►.ring .\tags. the 1 with rho• boys. 'rhe talhhr were delighted Au , \o. meetings s in W their Gospel temper. aa1Milh11 i, ts thought reatly pleased w will imemo e his family K,\iisslT'.rrellreplied in very feeling len- with t(.' '111..*.'Thea. risk r .1.11 was re nraeei in Iu tr bralt on uwbthanked the children for their kind � ) yuagr, going of div. Smith t \begat, wen isegoers at i r.lt. F'urtlarr particulars will fryer 14 4 iiuuo be f.th lung: going of adancingali'y. hall in the new oAmen- at. Is• ge.ra• 'rias. t:its,w, of thv tirni of Smith. Ma:- nye apo! rzpres.r'•1 the holo. alwny uo hear ata : utd thewire well t e new Truce Nectar » ear th. big moor, veral of y e mar J e to M: of a nh Itro wv umhter i? ,d the t � �' at1.i aftet�,.artekung fnhrly marls on they ere( elt pr. Thr *. enc. If (ell sraest anal tau s•aeral of the oar p 1l k ° !'nsl3" f the I,re'u.us sea*u (het s ,ten, rkaupl, rail " 1. the• fat aero tee ern e, - DUNLOP. \h•. k;, m. Louth* ret has bear• Ordedn'•1, •IM S. II A ,r{ brussels. \IAT*Iw.r\lal_ -.\t St. Thrana• chur.h, laidf,Nsonde heath., 0... 1111 noire*len ''1 rune orirow. coruat_•rum u):.T.] (ssY we -k. Her p,eo,ta.Y m oar talar s Mrs. C'wlenrrwool, w17r of F:.Iwanl lesser [ \\'alkrrtln. nn Tuesls), •lour 30th. Ernest lean• will tea• mucro mirottll I,y • large cirel wren.!, h►tr of the t.•wnshry .f Howick, \Ips. Ir l'umuun visitei n. I:orkri.h \W, Hunt was united: 111 marriage to Miss. .1 fTnen.ls _ Ba (* •v. Mi Mind eery Jour xly m aged tars luhip U.t wa*k. hilla Maida• I•-1'onnor, o1 lirussels, ,:,.usnn ylr *ml Mao l'arratherr, h,rnrerly of this Ba> i'Ity. \In.huraa, tat .lour thth, ager I:. 11. Morris has reiurnel hero frons hi* of H. P. O'l'wlnor. M- 1'1'.. of that plu*, Sb •1 -an awf 9,iict. • Shc• ww ihr mother tri , to ihr Northwest. ley the Rea. 11 r. Fa. Thr church was Lr tart hues of Goiter's+ towlt.Mp• •nth tat rite ,an4,, • seven daughters and awn Waw Wary F: Tonin is s}eeuding her M+•nufully okaor•te.l with but -lino« plunU ul .o enc and cul flowers Thr bustle was to.trhill} r thin! year iu the same school s b 1)ur reeve tow a nus ' freest $1.25 t.. $1 tier barrel handamite purse. The f owns • ad . BAYFIELO. 31r. nod MumPayne, ed 1:1a••r,w, Scot *as read by Mar" Flatugau rich laid week. �1 To \lt-- T* mow.. r Mrs. T. t:. Holmes. is away a• New York [ikon inert ow..'.eer•'sl'...pl,•T. j laud, •n• at present visiting thew uncle W. .1. Mormon, of Shet,ew, was here \\'m 1'aynr, of lsgttn..atdyilir. In tat .t.n Rh.r►a-rr.u. TEA, nth, -Nee. ' visiting put now. to at tilt, High `school last week. • s..rr to hear tlwt Suuu,• the w u mgr. . A number let cheese factory. It...tate'that the' .last to remove trona our ....heel tieing Miss Flu. Firmly-, \\iib i uetafn r \\ r tat ) 1 \\' I lilt f K 1 ti igr public echoed Forty Forty -wren w^' 1 •r of bk alirtr wheeled up trout Leml was recruit)" Inwood out At the lake- haat learned with 'ares that you are • e1Uauc,• herr dart heck.y ham spent » few- Exeter last Sunday. Irl f the 101111 111. shall a av y , hh frirudw Mrs. H,liard and *ran arrived et the were away at church when the her start... deeply s•ust r u day* m t•,wu Eighty-eight barrels of sugar were dr by being deprived of a. worthy a teacher, W. Itltrge.-n loos taken a p.•+tion with A. Hirer Hotel loot week. II%'rn11 at M.lrlat11 is roar •Lay n rntly', we avail ourselves. at (40 .ruse of this tern! tlaualaugh, l,tlot„grup,hrr, �tvaturth. Mn Bullard and son. of Detroit, are you 1144 ,r Port made .the tial the intelligent tE isau.nal ex As each barrel at et -ogee about 300 pounds to present you with A •light t..kru . 4 .w•r Trines .rl Sii»w ..peat a few day* with his mg her nephew-. J. F:. Swans. rrcilo at the I'►rk.'j„ [63,400 p,00.11 of sweetening Was thereby apprectuti w ..f pow °rent• in the duster 'e .111 i IIr.pJ. \\'. in Clinton tluo nark• al r. soil al n. Muairll, of allaunt 4 Icmrtu' (nor Maw. Willis, relict of the late r ..loved of your mint oms aw our trotter. 'rhe um k' rear 1w, aril jurrrie WOO home for A few .lays \t T 1 Mr-. .las. Hollunl, of Seaford., dart form 11 furtberiu the uttcrrstn .d etrry our this week. t, t* working voce found in a store m . a week war atterwani. learned that Rev. Petals. of pupil, Lave at :+ tune* orc� sur' .tat• t:o t„ H. F. Eduard:, for fret Jars of h.wtth for some mouth., an. lin y 1'.nok had het the unmet', aril it was prompt tlornlrehea tau our rreogw ill and this i wits ha brat' leo. a trey. t.. F. Salton• 1 succumbed as above stated. u,cu.IKa:•+•, war infra, will lung remain to■.rgc .ad IE•n1e »n< cutting .;uitr a �`arnt'e t:ew p.rurlaw and Prow° lm err- \\ I etlrs g w 1d.wAl colt. II,CIIe• \\' ),10,',.,.,. lacmg-reirtw a.w .r o. at t 11 l !t' rtivergrslpg pa r m I rays it •r a traveller. ,fay est Kilo and I►ullgapnun I•Algrs were f h hl .hoar asp,ea all) 1 MAKS YOUR MASTS !1 KNOWN 1. TISK "W AK 1' 1'OLUMNS" THE SIGNAL 1t is the cheapest lural brat tray of getting the eat of the ( pr to , • IL t r.%T 1 W►Mle. e • D. McG1LLICUI)DY. DOINGS IN Dt NG AN \i►N. THE NEWS OF THE WEEK IS HERE. looproiemenl• aka order .1 Ilse da) rer eaal referents. - r*..rd *w.) *range r.IekraI fa L.rka.w wee - anon 1. I M tar%. J. t are). (rents o1• A taw . e.,IU(E. roe 1,l:\ T. ; Miss Maggie \ea ins returned home last week trent a pleawul %wit to eaten% es 1u Mount Forest. �• l'nttl otherwise announced writer will is• held iu the F:pip opal:al church at 10.30 e. w. cern- Sunda). Iwrx..%',..r. Ir. /'ear has addled a new otihm and (wilt a kitchen t.. his rest - deuce. 4)utg•tmon is bowel to improve. Rev. .1. Fairbairn, pastor of Knkine church, is visiting relatives for three weeks. The pulpit will be occupied -by Rev. A. Mc- Millan oti Sunday. July 19, .t 7 r. w. Your . . last work referred t.. ainitotial exercises at the Port -mead tatich., have been als11ueg r. phi herr. Lehua Willis, departed) this 1i111 on Tuns- meek uas- f kit ba -sr the pausta'u.g care, } 1 . tat 1 melon. alis Carrie I:ngt,lh of Me phis ran-, ,la ulurni 4th tort.• ager 61 Meer. aw k f 1130 that teen. It real 1 tl 11 tare"' i e I tai I,oarking me H has been visiting hrr.aunt, errs. Synaau. 3 nontha. � hr Marl ta'en uo dehcau• atu.w 1 all 4ni.a..:t: (•t:l.rnitAnu.. At the treat •NI }Iw1 ty returned. fru w after t he, t l,n.•n u1 our nlru.erias. Y tfgwrc with them th et tory ller \lila .4.Brierh' Orale celebration a Luakw,w tularrty organ and \Ire. I'mothers, of ',pending their vacation • _ .• *e ., oe N , C with the 1 l f 1 ( 1 t p l reel (eat spent St Thomas are Wilbur \lau11104 has IaYn I,n4Iwte 1 t tau ped r,•%'rn with lute t,• %ou *awl Ila pp)• a few •lay. in town. H factory, stile'' will a.njurr up yt*trru ,• t u a. "'LP" Thos. alu11ro, tau u. -Uwe , o r awl Ftei. \1c- here• well relge.efltrd, and a lar,. Ler of • lw,witun. •1.1'. I)oboity {w ab.,, entered the happy days tat tlnoltr your guidance. t'ru,ken .•ane I ere for, their holidays. \1 c understand the K. T. of T.'s purpose rraidnmte u t it nri s. oMcr of the f*etr,ry. I►•,ulahsr ear have often lamed your kind Poll .. waling fa... is seen mice more holding their annual picnic in Mr. .1ouett's the Maung people, also went to ace the big Thr usual lirueseb. Sunday school excur• hear: by our outward aveaoudu.•t. Int rrlwcr wt our [arta. He 111) s, "1'm with nu Ler oar .n 'I'huiw.lay, .duly 23n1. .lay at the Sepoy village. of KingThe glorious, ,1011 A1111e hv11 •u1 to 1.11.,'. August 11th, u. .etch :lit 111011 ern• *ardor owing to three w.rls ,silt,." \\"r trust hr maAtu, _ Nira.�. Nellie King and Lily Elliott pi.aaruwlnmartrlaltrtearo� 1 l In 1 Sunday- with MiAS ,same in for full honors- 'There were fifteen 1'41 u1.n.tnu ►u, ca stag ■ • ,d •orggnlzlug s Sp. aI tram will 1.• run ,1,rnalenw•telg at th,,.t4htks*11rss 1(2.111 pnauiptr. ,ym rn o - thrr. ytrrr. Hr dotal a nice Umo w' 11 e spent Baum y aw . np. ay l 1 callnig all *teras until R Lha truth w -t wall.* lea ufgnte- F' tlrua •bell lodge. present on the o:casiw1 awl Belfast 4'hnton 1• pAsel. Lu.•L-now red t\ htta'" fol naked if w•.• .lid not ,rake ware effort to way Landers at Spni•.I.rore arm. a i vaporer the prize for Inst dressed lodge. Tru: 13ni 1. hwI-Lb-. Th. ,vrlrhxatiwl Fndl Fr.g,lue i. ) �lt,uo\ T+ ahw,.h pre ahs ypiwitd- show that anus exertion. erre 1101 in ywm. A tittle chill about two years of age.' Hen.* we ask you to sec*pt this trifling here was a gnu.' success. A great O.1.number ald'.,niuck, \\'m h*m. press as 411 arknnwlr lgnorut u• our drip of lodges ing:ani an Brusseerr. A ls eaiutllnter- tie• a :.ember fast here• who all wa* ►ail 4, wroL but the p tat child p.,antho:cq . amt y.nl ung y rs o era the aollrt,. tappunss. Aml lin*lit, toward yon tar your slighex t l ...imes .one broken. t Thr riaagr T11 Mus 'else awn.. tug r o tree a. o de farewell i- 1 , - was the (aadxue dat tt to a Ke%. I:eoM a r.•wm, the now . - o - - gentl the ribbons of the rawer and borer R mg hall of the ,141.: the land haat it in .erre an heath Luwl.d ung worked by thv of h•err (wrenderTI:•• \\ccr rn'*l was iwrff orns.l G eta )' their lung holulayl to thee. homes ' g title Ia % 1 f ! t i awlstel l.'. Kt% ►ear r. The town atlontol very fair .a a tnm,,Latirn. -..o: err usltwg here this week. 11 a are a*nw. Five .4 the .Lughtrro err nurnel. echoer holnl.ys with friendsG h ph.w-'1 to see the former 1s mending needy She larll*.•n a sufferer from heart dtt*:asr for towtuhip. r ..w tnwusuh e.,.l. Clutton. . h• emu- at,• ; a brief illness. Although root In the iglu** test of health for snow• ani•, she was able sole farm. .:awes* as our r.( the directorsBefor the oew.u- arg� t'1, t As ► t. ,, ultr let, always twker to attunes t. household clunes until the prr- t juite a number fron. here t,.ok in the a ,1rep, intera111 nt lin agnamltural matttro, r ml %anus day alai 111 .oneretuence her death was traent 11. C. picnictathlesetlg b well llplewho ht.'sele:tso » a good ore. revel%et As a *ho k by the ..nonentity- went expressing e ..rttlsTt.rw, In oar Rema o[ last wet*k Tb.' haula*d an•l family bavo the sympathy' with ah. day's gouts and pleasure•. we stated flint t aptain .john t:rerna sale of th.• community in their Mears of trouble. Kt iert morn. The genial form of our wen• the winners •t the recent raising• The \ ,r.l sad (ail xri.i,mt /*carred at % K• fanner j •vial engin«era one Ume r.neof ihr 1,•:11...1. %resort, wrra wom by l'siven H. land do Thursalay f.rreulwnsay The \Wing- leadling notables of'tanlup. altar an absence 1 g1.,lresul salyawl we were giv.0 the itwm'4imes. by which ayrnu,6 sun narwdf .4 several years treads the streets awn s aril:_ l .i,k Ivy a ',m o, farm (ler tan 'elan Y. \\'•Iter*, son of Ilichanl \!'alters• A%emud. •rf owreoming eity' in theirs( health , .avh.•o ,tile, We Hasten to en.rtnd ihr hat the fecease 1 and spirts meeting many sunny smiles f thelads that wpm los ► hemh.a•l mrd Iltvrty sFuk, its : 4,,, ret. nt *14*.... - ,I.a•Iy )ran' \IIs Naaf fn•rru•• of I'ry ('iia , Mich.. i, illi..deet I0 11 ,•( aha• late F:aruwI- ei-a •iw•lair wit, tat Peter Su,•lair, jr., yln•1 a lusrrl cult ora 11 lu.t,tutr hell st Iron Ana..n, ear m.ttc.• t.h•t t ..i• d1«I •n F .urea mnrnmK. .Italy 3. wt of her .utrr. arra. i1. haws", Lorna - mth the .... :r Tajo otrt Il t hs. life. it appears t ' • of the hand from his for- th, for the benefit u hark o0 Mcf)oaalo were (nae inR the contest.1.'1 hark .n the farm of Mr. \\ alters, and were. neer (mends and cronfea 01 the sweet long i u. n:o •i *4.', . During this week Nr- both working on the Sem, log, awl Mellon- ago. He still upholds single blt'isedne.* N. illy. who has (large of the chanh aril'• axe, which was kis• em the lumile, t.. his nutasrors irresila I. *i, * by sat from :o a 'c wheat knot, slipped - work- u ith a fellow -student. . r the fissile. striking e Or 11. ow\ ,.,aaL.e,SptST.]only who ham laird arliye from Austria. and clic* Florence England, of Kine*r.latt, are visiting their slater, Mrs. bl. \W. Erwin. Ili Tuesday, duly 21.1. the annual ono - coition .4 11... Stanley, •rucker*luit1* an.l Hayfield Sundae school ten•ler* w ill be held in the 1'nrbyterian church here. d u. \ . On Sunday lost the i /ran •.mem and 11.'. marched to Trinity church. where ate ex,xllent aeration was de•Ii%reel by Kr.. Mr. Stringer. 1)u M em.lay- they spent a pleasant tone at London. attired n a t ravelling dress s of grey hennet to cloth, with hat of grey' toile, and serried a bouquet of white rats. The bridesmaid. ,(Mess e ed, n Minnie pink)'Connor, of silk,, with twine of was pink roses. *04 ...aerie.' a 1e01 Ilei of pink flow- ers. Ker, Mr, Beemish, .4 Stratford, sup- ported the groom. The chimes were rung as the bridal arty' left the church for the residence of Mr. O'Connor, where a recep- tion was held. The young couple left by the evening train for Paisley. s. amidstTheir future en of rice and gone home will be tlowthwmpten. The present* were numerous and costly. The bride's many friends in Krnr•els wish rho happy couple much toy and prosperity. COLBORNE. (Piton OFR ow'. td,Rat.rl•.pE\T.] 1 l 411 n h to et -- The boys think they were used •Irbil), W the latter was • HOLMESVIL-LE GODERICM TOWNSHIP. Walters rs atthe .tumas a visiting tatrta the rlctmt oil William 11111 for (16.000 The hatter has (,.Rory 111-11 ow'S ovrnr+n,.pt it. J alk.p . effmg the.totrwah He level hap [rtu,w WI_ d;... The latter will preach here on Sun- about are minutes aatterwae a maenea tap. Cherries are being shopped fron this There was . lug. atendarv•r *t the l'nirrn ` • ^ .oil on the Sunday following in the mel• ells. minutes t a accident man. xi hhmba1e•d in elauldatre. Meows. Court- best brats in the county. It church host S hay' to hear the [mom "UR owl( :, . i at the Union titlg been *tame" to a ,laughter n( 1 off lar r uantities eve PARAMOUNT. sermon on Orangemen by the Her. A. \eill john Kerr, R en ...r `with; was Mown r n and n the afternoon ['III ic* and l nhh spm Ile 1 y • I., I..*ten.k township. At I,eebarn, Geo. 'fhontsm. of Zetland. only few ming. The Orangemen marched m a body to ihr. Wt week. •• 26th• he will h • neo. T ago. The friends of the deceased a The Methlsliat church eau lilatwlly prank I [raow ora ow v o oatttAlrosnar T• 1 chnreh and listened to an able and earnest m tot .0 1.0.1:. .. NO. 213. and the n John Reid is haying w fnunrlwtPn (milt showed care _-.i sand)' At U. Stewart shipped two osrlos.ls of Bat- e es a (lir Nile and have the sincere yrmpsthy f the whole nae Salrlath rut tr, best the Ker )1 of h. -ellen. oft •e sites' lodges neighborhood Ayers Port ,\lire, ate ret, An awfully y on the 1 t i from H \ 11 for the discourse. For the lulls factory Pert 1 number went tot fortnight Nr. ♦nilly sus to \\ salsa r, awe en Thursday, Jul)' 23n1. a gramd garden party is to be Held in Ni... Ferguson-, "'sh- ard, on the lake bulk. under the auspices owillthe b.e serve1a*iie,du.church. rn. 25 cents. Refreshments member the date. Last week the following visitor/. amara at the Commercial : 31 rs. 41.H. Palmer and children, St. Louis : Mint Mange ('hampers, Miss Sullivan, arise Nellie Sullivan, alis alert:cath, Hiss 1.r*.' Met :rat h. Mist' M. Austin, Miss Helene Austin. air. Crawley, 1►etr•..t. PORT ALOERT. ` (raow urs taw. • *14Rtwro. nt.T.l A. 1'. Hawkins represented fort \llw•rt i11 Lucknew on Monday. H. (tway refused an offer of 8150 for his twin colts. Maybird,and Billy' Muff. Lues A. Burrows. with her friend Mir. Thos- 4.1.4(241l on Tuesday last disposed of his 100 acre farm, lot. 9,c.*. 2, E. I).. to 'i now 2(!0 acres, which comprise one of the . /)KA\e•►.lit.. Re.. .1. fowls'. the Fpnsopalan laatur, delise•rwl An in- teresting and inatntctiac sermon to t /range - 111011 on Sunday last from 1.'.,',los vit.: 25. He dealt with the subject from troth a historical and ewl1U'mporary statalpoint, and advanced neatly argument s in favor of the an - nualcelebrauonofthraunuarrwry He claim • he party n1a- • du o, Order should ul ed that (1.01 n P chinr,but an inatilnti.11 t.. footer true ( jlriat malty- Every ix- •1isteutl bangenlanshould b e a true l'hristion. The trneobjects ofl'range - i*m were : The glory of tend : the welfare of mankind: honor to the sovereign:: the welfare of oar co:entry : and to defend the Protestant faith. The 110111 who could not ,..i.sc•wntiously endorse: that platform was Dot A true 4)rwngerltat. He .•ouclu.led F,y exhorting his he•aren to the prepared for all and quota.( from Paul, •'\\ atc11 ye •: stand fast 1 .10it you like meet ; be I BRUOEFiELD• [ vii. w of Ii 0034 CARRt:••Id 1. ir. T. 1 A. ldcl'hers,n, of London. was 111 town this week. Mimi (tell Mel*utuald, of Clinton, is spend- ing a few weeks at honer. Henry Anderson. of Chatham ('ollegiete Institute, is spending vacation here. Miss .she* HAMA, of Petrillo, u spending holidays at Mrs. IR.es's, "the Manse. A number of our villagers hell a picnic K. Hawkins, of t're.l,ton, r itc,l here re' ,►t Bayfield on the 12th Inst. A %ery pleas gently. :ant time was spear. A number of our citvxn1 took in the t time mors nt Kippers met defer at the recent picnic• a Kingsbridge. and report a lands of the " Vwton, - of tbu plsoe, good time. Friday ...ring 1 s'•re. 3 to 0. Mr. Mahafy spent A portion of the week I„lint Ka•ichen reaeicel s *04044rsnl on the dredging .01 a channel in the barter, with 91h Inst. from Echo liay, Alg.mta, stating his str. Spray. that his em .lamer, who was vntagel farn- Mrs. R. Johnson, of Dakota. u visiting i,ag, there was dear!. \lr. Kete'h*o and A. her sister, Mrs..laaljuaid, *nil other friend* Mustard left for the above place the name in this neighborhood. evening• Will Soule and A. 1:veru, of the scbr. F,srr$Au.t• N•rrr_•. The '• Rueers n•- ( h°Isrio, spent a few days at their respective .nice,' wont fro°. the Kippeo club last hrmeew the past week. week asking them to cane d.rwn and Mimes Vie. Hawkins, of London. Tena, Ala) a match with them o1 'rhurada • even - of Dungannon. and Alice, of I.oleri.h, are Ing. The, Rovers went •gown, lint on spewing their holi4ays under the p•rtntal reaching Kippen nose of the local players roof, could bre found. s, no tn•te+ was pl �I • . t.nri, at N'aubano, in the c sermon which • o Ile to Montreal last week. the chew of it •vote of thanks was moved 411 m their dis•ur.' to the t )rangrrnen. *°y ander his tern• to b present at sudden death occurred in the t. ts, . r.. of yc bawd took in the Or - 'boon ..t het lodges herr pnsefl Mrs. 1►. Murchison 111 returned , celebration .t linemen on Monday. la- service, which will be (ELT.), at 11 t. w. township of Morris 011 Sunday night, July tattooing day a large num e her trip in Toronto. next c 5th, between 11 and 12 o'clock. Arthur Mitchell to en in the exercises there. Nr. and lila. K. alunlo.ch,of Ihingannorb near Sarnia. -\ Nr. alaalnrnel will preach giro. round. of \1'Inte.hunh, eau in Har n farnlers,osrt you deet this, gluing alai:titre was in his ureal fS"od health •11 town .n Saturday on his way to Lindon. gave at R click r. w. he went to the gate Mr. Walter, of the Huron Road, has Lura visited here during the pleat reek. herr for him during that trrrierd. last April that ewe. of .lasalacMannn to •� .lames Mnrrhir,n. of Albert College, ETHIL. Messrs- Hutton h Carr 'millers) receive.' Moth htthere lambs. each and the whole .4 let ate n ko sorts dare n awl •hut the aliment ors' in Winghomuwho was atuiden j five Messrs. n( Manitoba wheat last week. to Belleville, is home on h» `summer vacation. fret.. mea ohs theeu haat grown well wd are thriving tar gate after him : he then went alert his Mrs. C. H. Flood and daughter, of Kir Ahead of nay st of 1•mb m ahs section. Peen marred only • few months. Mr- and Mn. W. G. Murdoch, of i.uck- M»• A Ross baa retinue! to the til WW1 dntin and retired bed ly killed by •blow from an axe. He had no spent ` 0sUbly at their father's gees ford, are visiting at the residence of John 11the fnretlrrn. rade of the tries of lamb aerktng o'clock. In less also i....ther without any tad by taw1 or giving h. was a 0,e..t•,.- Heartr tehle issuppe.eal CLINTON m n milk or • foster other Any day u, have too' the valise- Mr. )1d:mire seas resiled it-- (snow ora ow. wMrs. Wm.,rehiartp, of Tornio, with lace- '•. her Ino Harry, spent •few day .fasting Reeve Milne left for Muskoka on Satur Thr Kingham la.,rns•e dub Wert over to dwy last. Hensel* 011 Mosley and heat the club of you. eon see Ike nine. Iambs running with the a sea, re by trade. and lied Jackson is home again. friends hero. the 9•.k with their Mothers- ('an any 04 our moeeto tar nearly forty years,bwng amongst Agee Struthers is h rimae for aaeaunn. ends ('. Heid. teacher at 1\'esttiell, u 11.w' f'rgats lawman Tabards .veal to be held or, thwt by 2 final• to O. I:••,thers oaf the grid) re.:nnl three ewes of the first settings. His age » given at 70 \\'ill apemiing hie vacation under the parental Mr. Simpson y og. M Millard y2 ros the tire chief, nI h prnlit In thele .cetion Y11at .sin Issas(• Hr leave. • wife. irror rare end Mina H. Foshan is home for her hnhcwy'* ref am in the My fkld. duly 2Lt. rypr,. pan Tsars, tnmowshasudden.Irmisr.1'.ttaptc.* burtng resigned. air. Pet ty- • lura of neer fJ40 at an outside price for thr.•e,laughten Mrs. Wm. Murray has returned home from roof a school $ttendr,gH. 'Inflame, kcal four The held last. Friday in nple fry hu.l. m one spasm ' His Pennaaia• were interred in the \\laghun Detroit ) ps p nee intends leaving for Manitoba shortly. being follow«1 Is atlen'n the enlnrRte exam- gen btge I .lest- Hurtibeer and family left on Tuesday In, k,sn, of Jackson Bros., n away itaalieru held recently in Lnckraow. this vicieitT,an' Ire the of swngr,g.mrw. \\►.vT UP to A hayfork i eau at work to the on large cwrarnwrre of rids- TII"s this Vi v,) •hie ueaidof nt. users gaiting uta r load of hay n r stable loft to the grace by • large Inc life holidays. A number of a ed thtr,agh re" ;"y stye for N. W. he ghripng re. Comovedpany thwr.by the Joe has p��p� P•" Hamilton .n, ll.nlad,o,k, of Atwonel. •pp E. N. W. Telegraph l'nmparoy :o,l k•a( The Orangemen attended Ratlsmlmry at. nor vi orb etwate on theta way e. plied lemonade, ice cream, etc., tor the h 12th orf ire i,cen an empk,y.r ..f that ,d.mpany for w urglars gasta«d an wader mill. near the beacon'. of the hill, • ser Id! era barna a„d frien•IR Ike wrest rile sof the hall When 1)iert at her late residence, i nru• church bleat Sabbath afternoon, when Mr. on 1\'e.lnrsl•y. y 1891• Iatcknrw to crkb,rate the occasion. numlar of ran.. nearly off, the fork grabbed au the hay. the Catherine in lug fst. %,lliltrn Weer helf to them panel " y On \\' ran) reek, the Mss, Ji in ern Mal, amt wp watt / •wthenee Ten+•. te•Ma'«1 wife of Stephen ort irh was ts, dols do at the A large erose fano thin vi.imty sttenced largely .t The grrc party � Fanners are busily engaged hey' the Orange cekhratiam in Itnl.nels on Mon ewtr.Lar in Ing night 1. Inglis. A tens. tti titin diletawre n( reel fest 1n moray it; :::71..1,1 The funeral, earl own d a T teaday evening at mayor ibherty s was po nt time. The general nodnm ^ day tam. Thr " Juvrnlln 4.11 their arlr After h th 1 pee *TVA nn the n t r threw o,f h4 u v rain. wowll like. the mak tMy m r • tion on the safe ts.en earth •(tui sak The te,yy dna'1ng ahs by the perrple of the town .n h until Proay erweitrg do account that the hay aTnp»rot assts t •• they bration at home and u•1 i from the ltmsr trwm wri a taw li h te+•m multitude f h n rettkrs. who, to "haw 1 R nfwmi g with a drill they (mewl that it was not hot ihr loved showtts •ssat«I •t t t wk y asst have..,.. • enjnyhk locked. and they opened it and 'mattered thinking wathing •mise, their sympathy and respect. sate 1' the Hype church Sunday .ch•x,l, amended by tiete. Theynaerriaeol with eg,w()rwntgrsnwnalvei the hooks and papers arwwl the floors t the Mer drowned his out end yroerel r« grim high nes iry ireFBELFAST. the otter •shoal• of Ashfield rircuil, hell its It. 1 . Ft's to the atalino in the mmminv •1101 pmiwrately there seas no )' in the met them again in ihr wrwning. �h awl they hard to leave amply handed. well w i when • 1nnR prises in Km. Struthers' grope on tonghlxon Baring tlltj dilemma as in .g(..lames cltorrh, n. to ►reoa of w owx ] A ran earl accident occurred in Fiat hears ah,wts for .id,eerrM to the e�r"" 1a nj11n „t ear'ri•ps IolMwwol tM rw It�t I r :1i fs erw•ting • large echo thebit Jdy. The der heirtg Rin every - lura to plrvent the Mss (roma Rottter • 1rWetown cry `w' , a hie tion to his boner. thins pared nil le . `twittg• M ant ora kiwl•an,l e1tnUler la a awl they .,n Thursday. 9th fiat. ed. inmhk out of h» balloon. The letter is irnl llrw tw/rd k'vMekk�/ kis •r„ (aka off then hey, get!lle \Walton sort •1. 94* 40.14 when naw tie nap nrscapeaf cart hear atfill and thee. ,1atlghtot.e ro a y- y The farmer. taking mg wan indulged la. hilt abs obis(.antral of I1 R from •berry fall. .tun. •t the %IH7 tea^ pare wkirh to •light Drop. attraction was • hwafoot mats le betweenmoult- rep ei ad aims" lies Cted • rots. Mapping wAfui it that the are Sew newt kin narrow escape dupe Rh, i• the gm to is {yr. d. left lent wank nr. paramount end Zion a loitll townie rasalt- (urutwly it i11 the uttwz(oat•te.l that •lea•]• ohap�ping appears The stowing parties ly is grant anima awl four ., mow of tree prr,rr, ba "a r teacher, R"7 in in the defeat of the rentals. Then ie at jwast one article d eifl Owe h•n'le that Mr. Mcl)rro•k1 was the fair nix, with whom he»orae rIt the .allaol away of • bandy d a trip W% the OM Gill this R to amines that the "official tat %% merit abet nein. disappoints. teeing arc .truck Mr. Walters, musing death unix Sess. the alliid o'b. pall w►aat in this eschar iw • g. n 1 in an pleased was r *mashy ps.. W..00 irleela ,nom .rd ttridgwt. Ilatjads. who resaleas and smarty randy to he cwt. train.. rani h.twotsa Lwokttsa►.Irl ('mel Peasant's Painless 1'rrw Retractor to tada.ltf). H. ism • young )- 1 MINT Alt, ,e 11 !raked, orae ng llarantetut »•till on remove the worst rear in a (.w 'aye, and padre of age. The hrnl els) y d Kemal 's lea+rw Ike e"e�yis farm r. life fl thy We are placed to Mate that at the Or Wreath and throaghiteral ad. k•virg haver �• j� 'Mop iw ler *.. w Heriay , W. Hope that tbse+ it will slay M nn c1Yw i• head. that it will curve •ny} � T n17Ha was roe ia. w t4.. u•wt anti serried "m 11tra v tlwsnsrsaes in� n.a alit o°aiillW to fru as serviasrM• it tM alas. It es is r dissppdai If yew ulnad ebur ed tet) Mout three ••• has r The grxrM and Ixsra >rssate IIgrO. family mauling BnRwt• Lo.l.. N I re as it the= Tont mrruspimissit I hard It V. Beware wtC gra al'•nhrk'7 'itis wMast (kwaka1i •jam heweldeis unfits its trprera Ike age+•( nM1 0 49Y, saeris4 tai tlM pains - et salt stone just try rs __ d the ala r we M aeirla out d (rel. sister std Mar t 7 fans is the {tart ,bard. 71R were • w IitW (whore Is " Little the se• r r her mil beeeime est• . Ta thews, e•_.,.e ods. eRm��a. A. wzprr rretatara-^^ a ahs rrm� Pm. reee t J.. r s+ao Irl weld maks a iran 11tle t'.. r title "Isst. Koine!. a mine. Y. A. 1Keroedy • and Mort. ing ea , klaff a th wP.ian el H � tawnier y t t wets y .era w. w » ..,...: . W , -.' prods. ,,,ehying a i,,.. i. the want, K entail.