The Signal, 1891-7-10, Page 6THE SIGNAL: GODERICH; ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891,
Dress Good m Short Pieces
Splendid value in Grenadines, and they are
selling fast
Our Mock of Prints and Sateens is still com
plete, and prices right.
A good assortment of Challies. Good Goods
at 10c. a yard.
IEMEW HER `we are the h•.dsii hoe =• fur ('.Acer..•I
lens 'u Mein
('ua1tk•r.Ms atteat.>n hoe recently bare
!rwwu 10 tLe culture of tine for its fiber for
nauufa. turiug lin..a g•.od*. .1t the present
dine not • ur nerd of line Linen goods is
inside in Ilii.. a„uutrysedan-eh tine linens ars
a+d by a vast uuutrer of our 1.01 !.•, and
large quaatltwe of them are imported every
year. Vise t. lrgely gno,n for seed wall
e .uw . eauaw, ;;...I tie mrd.. tn.m the iuferior
dt*r s, but tine fiber awl weld
of be grown together. (or the reset.
that *ben grown for vn•l the plant. r..luire
much awn to bradeh and make oral -.tote.,
whsle (•.r liar Ober .tralgLt, tall brenehlew.
sane: are n.tuir..1 Fur! L :•I:s .r.. in the rime -
..t .!the 1Last,the theeetft,.ilk. 1ber,whkb
is wledly copulae. •:f ttw you ., et.•.il t.: -duce
tach awl rima with a of
tot we Mitt matter. vi Welt irmier. it harnh
set hien ;••. TCi. u .Must: by fell.wbag
Ira.I'. IOC ..Yk! '$ n.TE •! . AN!) ►lata
rash per 'sat 11.. Per cent O :t
Law •• 13.3 0 't5
Phesphericaed 't 4.:1 •• 0 i
r •lea. .. at. 0.3
Magness. u 'l. S " ,...It.Y
. •.tai nutmeat.
matter .. a• 31.0 '• ,
Cor erepa ,11 der tarts with ne ia1.y all the
Greatest Dyspapaia Cora of the Age.
s - .
(;AI;ANTEI;1)I.curt- the aorat4am.of lobi.•
lnbllee ref ti n•b+?
te..l.i be Q FEAR,
14t1__. t;. I.itlt'H, 1•\T.
Inc, b.. - \ r' o.• sleet c
mineral matter e, t. ,ve'tientinui.l.lvi leh,b •iu
.,lUb:r. is gut rat a in the protects of rttthlx
anti itIben cal:ea.'1:. per centof cellules..
with ate per at. o: fat. wax. and other eat
- tete-tier natter. laid a' . pr rant. .4 nater,
wbleb;;i... strength and nettle,. to the titer,
nab .ally et.: per vent. of stele The ripened
Aa- ,..utain• only at per er'tt. of e.-Uuloee
••tt • 1it'41w 1.-. eel' - w•itich irroar,.and brittle from tier large
quantity of insoluble mineral natter amnia,
ed in it. t'•.meeegtlnttly, flax f,w ttberau.l deg
fur aetei are quite different instant and tlee
en.thtele of eultan•di,1'er all ,.:ether.
l irovatig, tlrx for filar- is an lapse-tautiudu.try. Tutt. require. Ir,•.h et an eel:
(-lover or grace -.ei. well turned eo as
!mutter 4 abarppokellad Awl wire. net 1. a
TMror. as ween to lag I.
This dean. test the fine dust and *tratt,•bt
the fiber It 1a nsasa.ary tet the *ma of
the .uwh .boukl ter bright and pots ctrl Two
tr three rows .1 tretb are .often used I. the
All the. nec,esltatre wue•b bead work
whk•b is for Kn+t .leis. k• t.. Ih Knew tug
tf flax wherever farutuig is carrion .t under
:be. most civilised .vmanatee V.* the rex
.w tea -growing i. strs.ItI, Ik.•rea.tng, evea
a Ireland, where, iu the nertheru part
1 used to be a kndtug iuduotry, awl
a gd..tly- earried on in true. 4..rtutt'ies.
110. :.. I1MILLI.
u in Poland and Rueati, whine agriculture
to in a lee e.wdition. and where .omen are
hard-wore..d. But iu this happier laud.
when. mechanical tegenutty reservee from et
mach haul later, eimenutery any be era ley -
ed for all three prs.eV.ete.,and Ise dee may be
ed.1 Inml the stalk or .tank to th • moors•
turera Thu rotting; can be d.ew by .tram*,
awl Ile. ..ruing by e.ay simple nusehitw..
Thus there it it.. rra. et catty flax .•donut be
grime herr excepting wham user climate ie tax'
but anti .ivy: Flax lover .letup. •..e es...ether
and tbriter well uwkr irrtgatlou t.ut but,
dry weaUwr is advents' to the gnn*th .d a
Mae, edky, sarong etmer.. 4' •u,ryli.altly. .wt*
' knallth•. mart 1.e awtaet- l lei- .0 toast it a.
IN 411 .e•ure the neeeseeAry eondstiosie
(Canada, where the t:%i*teld i. u.' par a:td
the ww+ntpropitious- i• null mita' 1.-1- thin
Vase it arse ;Vale.
A'o •it weighing ::e; Iso and •taeitlin; 11
bawls aiid one itch Liget wite diel pest recent-
ly by o ,dell mare. not .ever IA i.a.,d • Legit.
owned ill Ittetelale, Kat. The sire f+ a Texas
pis:::: acrd the le a perfectly :vowel al,
lee shear sehese harms are ht! • twat of the
time tie 1haaout in the ravel..41.-r nuat: awe
iif it isis.t .1.arable tepoet utetn••nI. With ate
• [earth (..r a 11ae r Keel pure air ',leen teams
they, a ill be far tetter teff theft iu n .,tart.
Isry' weather 1s bat' fa- here feet.. A
1 ee.nd ..laking in • tub of wutet oecani a!ly
I! •
*jowl thing fur than. rubbtug tsetse dr.
witha lag :::K1 thee 1 uttering them with
e eaea10 •. Lt'it •-t to dt•v tie y• :rpt. t,rii.
!.roue .ort -Rent mak• t:.e herm lime ou
tetra:i:i; e.•.:•• olo.trt •;i.'u in th.• mall.
I It is .pate eutpri awe t , one who ha. ter
deal reek slut in hie hers,: nuitteirs. as.
retenuteautisl .,, fevqunttly by hr. Itkr, to.
note le ee much a box..t will eat. it stews
• plainly that vat is a nee, -.env aer 'stook. 1f
lit were kept rconial•• tor all ,Ititu a-. the
Ifariu pathe w•roll doubtless. 1.• larger.
1t ,we dere% not knew what aril. hl. bones'
rete• and snake his barge.,.e mace, let him
take up Co- ',Lemke unser the wt ll.. An
,tr•.lmillat•n of ,suet. nadure and urine six
usele-. to _ ft awes. 11 * 1.1tng 't4 ant:semis
• +r..•.eatu:It•. Clouted •wt and int: en ,tate
;anleu to:thing will uaka it grow better a:td
the .stable w i.i Lea lucre betltnful
At tie • r were, ,Shire .eh -,w is England goad
livor-.•. Kell well but poor ages went slow in
all 1::t1 were wedge at t1R:0 apiece oa an average.
\ that. 14, Neste was bought by a Mr. Foes
SUM -nor (:F:f►, \
bury all the , e,etable neater. or a clean
<• to HHS ft1
oev *tuL.•.,- er pu:at., ground ural W been
• Attie .1
'Sow Ci -cods SuitIble for the Selena. ilei,
tint yaot'• In i.. , or illak. 'i i.I,t%-ialt v of low .psi•, tl ;;;001.. 1
Mi$! At k*' ,.g snob us wil4 ;•fit;.• entire rutt.factioti. iurl tl.(a.o
tthn'nret nett glhtroun.i with • giant nod/ :sideshow method, t+•' 'jolts; i,u,i
ne will. 1 thin':. appreciate is atie4, ..loute on t•u,ifte,i linty.
1.' II.
�.i• tiv it... lel.
111It'i!.Ilis- .1.4'. ' -
.•iia it/sis �esR 1 V aAa o/ durst/ sy
stress Flat tarda,.:.' '•'
arse •
,haw ter MO. Ira..' -:eft : brre.year-nl.l
freta ed 14:'i, let two-year-old tenet and 1:
re,.Tett':: - retsrting dila,. etael. A number ..t private
! . a,.'tred ides angaer the parp..0 extsel- i.*lr, *-err "a"le sass t{i.ainup ('lavpi..0 wax
!rutty. serer,.. gr•mad ie tle.irnl•i•: therefore
fall ple i.. i- the :.est preparation 1.'r ski.
erns. Tjue•k eao:::., v1 a. t.. fore a tall
gnnttli •.f se : 1•• .::eight ,fens i, nea..tettry
and tw.t '.met^,1- ..f sent is tb• lead
gerund acre. The seed is w. en as esti;
as p.;•.'ii'!- mads .-the, crop gee,.. , it .::etas
to he kepi clear ea weed. if the toil is nut
- cleea:' The plant.. .heuld grow until the
t.i.'atan 1. about to f.* -k awl !before the 'seal
W 11 1 'le. pletimel to '.tow- •,reel•, xtr i eo .•;:•' tt in la formers. The req. it. they }rotted by hand,
when the. ground tpi dry enough to part
'wily fn,ut the r.rers fr nn which the .sail
1..haken. The bit. -i ..lie are laud in +mall
bunchcs all's even 'lengths as Irarly as p.eni-
hle, and let t , dry on the ground for uite or
two d:tv-.. tut tele bun'Ue• .h.nukl be laid
s e Ibit the .craw is not .itt.e..lond or
kept ' 'lamp by for .,t1. After ter••.
.lars the bundles are gather. -1 int.. unall
sheaves 'd ten tee twenty pound, ..f Peru
l.•ugtits,.1 straw an,! are hound twbr with
bawd, of :straw et- twat. as .hnwn iu Fig. 1.
They must le even luta drat.
The Innen., ire then .et up in .tacks. lbs
twee t in a line in the front. and A-' shertar
t; 11
.. s•!
•� 1
• .- terrant. etc; est.•er:atl:.
/..:-.'•".C: Imoat '.'Marl•
\ 1.\11(lt. Ait+ORTM-ENT OF'
Of rent kinds.
(it( )441. ET.
la tour. eight halals. cheap.
.r EW I';I,i*EItY
In gout varlet,.
Ar.d !carr goat. ad dew prk.4.
MIA Weerw,•-hean.. Owe the threw
1 . 113.atiie awl, I.tiorapt
woe wkleh cern... Iy eMe,ed
r1 Make 11aa tar Mier Murk .e
iitST trarnt S IIs ITS :ICT:3 4.
.O: 7`.x7.717: ::i L! �, .^.�- •
DV 3.:' -"Fci,
8' 7:M.EC`' COVata
tet .••t- r eeaar' C bothers. end B' •. •.
r : a s of :oat 1.4 m:.l ....,.
i. cord. ..t a vary sheet tuna.
-'IC csa- rutty RCMee" r ort
\3. L u1 Zr, SFRA:
• - '-.."leer of Ceezento L::ante`Ts -
.n damp•: l.:mpiy as a
er� C. ,:Idtranteeee(i;ve,faith'
tl ng, u1, : e'.• '.r, it sew tarn by '.zpt ••,...
tate else; nut rw!eb able,' you cane %et. n e. and
If yen de rut rind
It n 7 and eren more
thoa we claim Inc
but U perfectit sat •
i•feetory, pay the
/tierces Agent
Of .' take
tbn sac . .. ,eh a
ehanro to seri' re a
u eel lc t.mep.ece
s' ;ewe a rMlru-
lo..e.; 1..1t mire is
11 ever he-
• r•. .,hereat. This
1..t gtmnine
is�LD WATCM.m c
of plates of ging
Coo neer cote pan
tl•'n metal. It lies
*0..d bow. rap and
crown. htin tins
e ,..!wantOnllyyes-
m'wvewl and led.. .
treat The weeks
are Waltham .toe.
petit jaw 1s. with eisandon balance. le
ragn�at•d and w' aarrani 11 an accurate time.
kee/er. It la s 1lt.hie for cl.her • lady n.-
gratleoman. .\ Inramtee H sent with each
watt+ Addr•u CEO, W. WYATT d CO..
Watrhnuikrt I'e:••rhmwfR .(hot.
4 ,n/ra rad, ..lir of pater ilhl,e
U8 I.0Udxeofyner?lIn .need
wei will gen I you :wetpal4 th• elegant
Et001A00 01ANONA
ittln OHIO nun who
The,e runt.. ate erns
worn by Indlee Mel
gentlemen in die best
ittrletr, end tete the
nitro, ns.peagallee u a
Ong .'...I iseelletat We
guaronteer�ateelfset Ila
salt sat Weaken.
IN. N. riff & GI
Pet erix,re,tgb, Oat
rut.::, %rut:wean el.tsw.
neo gradually behind t liem a-..h.:wu in Fig. e.
Tid-w• .trek. reale K. I'nlg a. I:aI 1.• r(wi-
.••nirtt sire ..upaw.rt.d Ly .:ntl.i.nt .take.,
and prdreted from rain by a row of straws
she •1• are eover•d with rommou olrnw or
anything else that will died the rain. large
gr • use water -proof Amt.. f •r this pur-
p whi•-h ate tied down 1., the .lairs. t1'hen
• h • flax k quite dry it may be et* and
k •pt fur months. or even year., eitheut
tr.jurt•,llut it i. until to pr weed with the of the e•rop as fellows:
The straw 1. neat! te setatat" its "'brew.
part. "Melt exits in the leak, from the
we.gly matter of the mine. The tatting
14 this p.•ef•.rm.+t. A rhea .tream (a .lw•t-
e.l. or a pawl with a .loan leatorn. anti the
.Meares as.. laid down with the mot .•rel.
herded. :t plank weight. -I with %tte. is
Tail on the Iee.t row t., k .•p the whole maw
a link l.•Iow the water, ao oboists in Fig 3.
.afire a few ,lay. bubble. of go. will 1.. u1.
-'•ry..1 to nee fr on the flat, which .how
that the de.inrl ,l"onlprsiti'nt is proceeding.
rd, 4 t•ADOI.1.
When the .toter bark dips off town the sterns
i•. i •biny sedate nee, the operation Is finished,
nod the bundle. are taken •rot awl oprea,l
•m clean green, or boanetndry. 11"hen quite
Ars' the flax is ready for the first prewMw of
wbi•h comae' d '•Beaking
tie' dena t, itemett the Ober from th. weedy
-nb4,nre Thi. is there by seating it over a
frattw in prnq $.sly the sea ee cant*.': as broom
earn lo ekan•.1 fret tlae...otos. only that the
buntline e( flax area's tb(.w their entire
I i1,;th 1 laly the sot alters sire. Met. Ile. s
Immo. no earthe lewwl)e eel the edge. .,t a fate,.
wit`1 11r• end of thefts. pro,y ..itag and strikes
it e till s brad hlwel. 1 1'ad'lfs w ash ii hula%
11" .I ret onto rod. nae. *s in Fig 4.
r her leek... „Jnr• being thus removed, the
it er 1. thee mashed by dr.wi.g M through a
a .del for _:.tti and (*mason 1lag^1- (•harta
for ..',lust to tete Munk. Kirby *whey.
14,udthitt, nee: in the 1u'• of horse !Lab bas
recently been bn,ught t this country 1.t the
,hair• of six Nr.y Zealand udtt bode.. I1ey
we far letter then Cut m.iaang, ae they are
lard in size and uniform iu color. They aro
seelife• It • '•' break. hat wb •n o :ee br,ught
under a uta •i the, :.t.:!:! Joie/aide rot road-
.era Thee can be bingttt cbt':tn, ate" an
.1 erne Itwr:day w00.1.1 fro; as geed a pair aa
tnyeue w. ,elle care to dove. •
When a men begin. to toile horse to you
snd tell. yaw wt:at tide greatunck• ..f a rout'
.,ueig. the gr:ni.talr, to a half ..i'teer W .-
ether b tree In the brat.:., and a lot of other
Wowtr ha, t..b,ue, you just ask hint what hit
hen:•• het. done tic what his sire .r dam have
tore :sits pin hat el .e tt to it. Never .te de-
orirel by the pedigree which a tau eta
tattle off. Take it down du patter and er...le
it out. and in many cases r•.0 will find it M
b.' .111*.? fa1*ter only parity green
1,0111•' Imre, ,fire to their prq;en4'. in a
market! degree, e.rtaiu ehmeartterierbst wheat
thtr p.wt: •. hitt.:er. 2- la was a (a.t and
game torr.• during hie eareer send it era. said
31 him that he knew 'but tree He
sone and 'late:Jiare inisr r this and was touch
Moors' evert' •11.01* i*.-auw• they. stay on
their fret. !t to stat- that out of 111 heat.
tnettnl by iris;, :.l*.. be n.-rer uta.fe a
brink and in :di ?natal by Margaret it.,
!.1. s. ate br•eke..rely once. ,
i e remove a her...a..hoes is sit:,»time,
arable. share dal en oily :ray tea' t: teitMntt
Mack with',+ toile i'uelincl. the nails with
'hammer, , .tell bit of mewl in five usual ntnuw r
tn1 then intrees of petting elf the sheast, an
ems..-siblIty without bin.hmittl's nipper..
drive ate the untie in the miaow manner .,11e
would drive 'nails ant of a board. nal the
feet aro tare Herei at pasture are meet
b.a•erite.l when I*ref•o,t, and t•..lothe spring
plowing with a barefoot team or running
tare in spring mud impreve.them.
Whatever is the quality .1 your brood
snare. •' ' not bre..l to it w•'rthl•.o her.i• be -
ante he elands at a emtall fee. 1'* a geud
mine, Hr.o.l n!•, net dean. it meta wnt,re
w, fwd a gn.l !:mer than a mean one, awl
eon. no Here 1.• raise a high bred eolt than a
ow bred .ow. users also t.. 1/1/ 411411 of goons
.i7:,.liepx,.iti•n and apg.'atanae .lel ,tang
Look elgxr•,nlly to their !ego
tat fleet. Add to the...- qualm'', the more
,Loot and speed the better Then- is always
1 demand for «took s.rrlaing these qualities.
(ie leer Yowl.,
The r;nine* f taI basalt received the attea-
eeo from farmers it ...marrow Considering
heir go •1 point. more tint. +101114 be glyre
ty breeders 10 their and make veneer. If you koro,,. a large (lock of
..u. a few penin of tiuinraa.r. elwayn roil and
every. A. long as the(iuinea. remain .rt tits
arm peen•Ming their renal power. the hewks
,refer to swoop down upon the define -elms
%.mitre yank sod Mrtmy and carry riff many
ralnable Met. A Guinea hen with a hawed of
;swung rag .measly linen known to at- after a
mak and chaste It away from the farm. pro.
sorting its vo11ng in a .adage ntannrr• The
imine* make. a great .hal of wets., tut it to
e4 armoring ami without them afterward
sill wink. roar plane very Inweetn.. They
k, not ar.ntineaply .e%eseh, a. *ley to when
1 , Int they bare an under.
o pro rx•tal eons.rratinn among themselves
wore or las all the time. To •ler
take • great dislike eel Mercer quote timid.
Mee- dry of • Hoek wheat ' ltw•kwheat '" .•aa
a beard wens limn.e before yea elle....r
heir whoreabe ute The moat (e dark, to
near objectionable, hank is la sy nom..
equal Me el lei learn-1lry
are gnarl layer. in '#+•s tut.., bat unary
dop after the astable( massa r nese. Try
'soots and Shoes.
All the leading lines of the best
carry a larger stock and will
give you better value than you can get
anywhere else in the County.
Ordered work and repairing given
special attention.
.11blrllt s mad oaade.le.
There ie a puny .teuunent ab,-uad that
the time that Is tartours 1a cellegte to the
etcugtheutng of the muscles relight It. ttiru-
e.l to Letter ac-o•rl.t in uhprw tug the
11.0. is we nth' puny seatin,eut lett 1t is
at rent itunomee. l here s always ape•:rent-
rgr e1 t ettug men in etery college oho
ate not alai silo never will be at Asa•
Ihocr n..t the d a real In-
stltut:sal of katuwy benefit el ell the. wit at
• 1 11,tee '.
1 Iter. are trine chant -es to sine tb0t itis
e. w ho guns wto.g w
collage tt mold ►t.' t•
g;••nr wrrt_4 AC Iloilo-, riot It Is 1r.ler to l•.
1,414 .:11* gentleneni than to be drwnkcn '
„ltll stable -boys. 'I'nu're I1 spat! ,•uraotattoa
1:. true, i.r be sure, :or 11*e p«.rents au.: '
triewl. of the buys. e.ospt 1u tie fact that
theirs :e a Lel ter prospect of Mtn mine, dual
petal youth with good surruut.•Itn a Innen
Ileac a h.. live 1n a *w ant: deprave.* atw.e
'I'hert are subtle rudders.s in entire.. life
a h,d adeeet every .relent, and • .,c of t b.
I.ret .,t three is exerted by the *11'4.1 i•
Weil. Athletiea hate dietiuctlt' detreareel .
t lteatn.rint .4 dank ing to American .adkgts.
The w.cnupatihjhty 'eta ern excessive in 1
:ularoletro w•alcohol • anti pertevt pbysiwil
Wattle leas uta.le usten.perance " hex
aldl .11) thing like strrtlrrt adieu eleee i.. the
cup that inebriate. 1. stetu'') tree'' l ups
by ....liege public op:nwu.
'Ilk bane., of s'trugth and *Lill halt
ra.ed the physeal tone rad Aeolic of the
race, they bay: attn:alatt•.I reales Wren to
think%gore of their i,u.liw, and the youth
n..w growing up will he taller, deeper •chest •
td and longer -lived than their fathers.
Even If athletitx du interfere with the chile
cork ret rneu uul .{rrtut..l to tntellcetlml
greatness, the price to . tutu.. 0..u• to pray for
their tine 'einem* en the ,•tmaous. New
York %% rrl.l.
l:.:a.u.l Irulcf, of St. Peers, 1 .11, says
- "That his burse war badly torn by a
pitelifork. late bottle .f \IiN.\Rlur
!.IN 1 N ENT cure,i Kiat, '
I.ioery stable then all "ter the Itoanmien
tell our agents that that would out be ail*
net \iIX_1111►',. LINT\tl:Xt for tutee the
I'..or ..pportnt.ttit are I*tier than
The noble.: art es that .1 raking ..t hero
It t. n1 woull he so Linty aa a t•lilhl,please
' ns..
happy child 1e likely to maks an honest
.en,ueenient to children 14 like rain to
11. os eta.
1t'1.• rrrrt.stion tcrlqtier* et ill
1 uoughta.
%% bat is learning, beauty, ..r talent with-
out 1 irttie 1
frnr virtue ratan.'.+ upward through
1•I:e author of :landless mirth u • public
beneis,tur. -
Innxcnt amngement tranaiirp toots into
rlunh.w a
A bee stings but once : • bad habit every
taste yen in.lulge 1t.
\t'leatrtrr happens to anybody, it may (ac
turned t.. ta'sutunl restate.
there always es (tope for the future a hen
there is .nrrgy anti movement. and truth are the neat eac-
te.1 escelltncea an.I I rel Mee
the last time to determine whether
the geed is gown ..r bail 14 you vow
It is easier not to begin to go wrong than
It 1* to turn lack and on letter after Irgu,
lateral ure is nue of the for
fmnang,eIe,. for glru.n; Its man and
women armed wit1, retest, braced by kneel
edge, clothed with itcadtaattit•sa and .ares.
aeu soil tnspirel Ly flat rah,. sprit and
p -.Mlle virtue o1 w he'll 11 IW lean well Y1.1
that they are the brightest ornaments of the
mind of 111,H.
The Shoe Brush Cone.
I wee%sun a A bottle of
sad ■ War) t, k.-•7 ay •h•s - ..sdx•d rasa, ewe
. deal ni and, .ed .•• .e lea'..
Change a Ane fable to Walnut.
A Poplar (ashen Pros: to Antique Oak.
A Cane Rorkerto Mohngany
see wow CSO b. Mae II /3 s bats -4
siiA'itrriww lite V1 r ,'f!
hold ..we s's
A. L AX1r1Cttet,'i a ..ue gewen.l t seat•
for Card.. Ito bird et. K-. Tomato. N.•
Tt11 - -
Latest and Best
SPRINC coons!
roN• 141 1..•a.,
m O IV ■ •
,e M sera a •.,•..-row *i Mort.
-n » M 4 ► r•,, w. user .,
w. hrele. •• •t.. w...,.► ►:.w are*.
s..e.. 1•••• .9110
row Y". awe '.. , •ae MOM 1. '.... go 1►F e.1.
...h.., "-• 4 . •r.,.e.1'g.64Owl-. -.404
s-r'.a.... 4,' .�aa..e..aa. este ....go veers.•
wJ sere *., ..r., •..s.,wN • ., r raw ,...M Ir.;
4', 1.. ...l. r/er 1..s..-. ►r.1
iww*ra lis., 'ratl-Rr•-rvs,,,.agsu.asst
e Great Remedy
There a real dial of guarantee la►linesa
111 the ',tore keeping of today. It's an et •
eaell e. Or too reetetant. Half the time
1► means nothing. 1\',rcb only went..
Thu offer to refund the money, or to pay
a reward, to male under Os. hope that you
*mast ant hack, and that eau
Chinn he
won't cm trewarl. (N mune
S,, w hn•yer n honest in making it, and A suRE CURE !
*take ewe hu ownrepwtat&km., hut
ihreugh the nodal dealer, wbnm yna know,
oust have trnething tie has faith in hack M
the gaarantee. The h tetmet.t werok1M't .*anti
a year without it.
%\'hat is lacking is.•,ililenee. Berko( that,
what is lacking is that clear honesty which � SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS•
is shore the ",arenas.. praettee."
Ile. Pierre medicines are guaranteed to
nvoinph.h what they are intended to do,
mad tier wallas.i gtvw Kt* lmthey Reel if that
droop neat apparent.
Ilwlntst it 'tike you that a median.% R. J. K. (ulRR,
which the rakers ha, • en much ....Alen,.
anis 1'.tee..e•...A N.--..e.wrr
0O1121 iCl1. ONT.