The Signal, 1891-7-10, Page 5l• • THE SIGNAL: GODERICLI, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 10, l$91. TH CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BEESLEY &Cal :173.*ANK OF MONTREAL. 0APITAI. MST. t ircitscisseso 1557. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. (PA. SP) SUI MILLION DOLLARS IL E. WALKER, Gaittim. MANAMA. $..000.000. 111900.0024 GODERICH BRANCH. A Ossfutat BANKING Busetras T . FARMERS* NOTES DISCOUNTIO. DRAFTS Nemo PATAINTE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, ANO THE notiNCIPAL CITIIS IN THE UNITED STATILE GREAT BM Atm FRANCE. 1311110u0a, a, DAM DICPARTIllettT. otrows 3V SHOO ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND COI TENT RATES OF INTEREST srao. INTEREST A00110 TO mg PIIINCIIPAL. AT Ties CND OW MAY AND NOVEMBER IN BACH TSAR. Attention gives to this Rotlnellon u" "ortsrvierelsi sod Fogobililfte Illitlots Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. S TO ( A' rutty serried with new etel so tem goods. nicht from fashion • . 01 r• , 40 Laces. Flowers. Rtbbons and Straw Goods. Yews the hrtiety tare awl arse hat to the largest Numbed,. N EW SUMMER STYLES Are nue ready sad waiting the lucky buyer, at it Esi. I, IR ( *F46. s W()RT 1 1 1.1 1 1 S Iweek. I*. Runs, .4 [00411141, Mall 111 town this .,. inn Worth for your money lb positively TO YOU .1.,.. iii....,... of stia,f...,1. ww, in i 4.1„..e.,:h 1‘11/11.4 weed on e.ery purchatie. Xoth 2:i (..rsTs! Ye"ler'Is•Y- mg like this stock bw styk, ...sort meta aterpop.darity. Mow Jane II nick s Lar it u rued hone. BUT FIRST Howl Timm POINTS : fr"" Tur`"'t"- --es.- Mrs T. J. Velem' %emelt frieutts' -nr - - -- -- i tiptoe 4111 stotafty. BEESLEY'S GREAT IIIIIINERY AND FAICV Egli G00)3 EIIPORIUII, __. % FI.AT IIENIAL. I A. I.ettv, of the organ faettwy, spent !Sunday in I. -Linton. The Ladies' Favorite Estatlishment, It to being stated about town I c. tt:es. barrister, of Toronto, WW1 Ul I repair only my own oods- 1.41.14rich on Monday. .k.Hurst,of sitiotforil 1). It• W as in tollin yestegloy. \Ile. tkI. to:t Kenna, e ill spend the Sum nier 11/011111111 111 1:41Jeflal- Mi1.11 41111011 kft 10011 4111 Wnliii-.1a) 045 her return to tVaskingtion. Nil UM Julia Jeffrey. of 1.aft, is visiting he" rimier. Mrs. A. Nairn. A. Kay, of atiatford. 1. spendingt t il'O week. helitlay in 4odcn.4i. Albert, Itobertaion 140/11.• from liallyeroy,sinene etitinty,wi Nlowlay fee the holidays. Mosier Jolts lughsh. of %Vorhees, is visaing at the reseletace Of Mr. Jim neer- art, Saliba -a. lien. Meyer, of New 1 ork, was prawn a1 the ottfement of his loonier. the late Mrs. Meyer, Jul Monday. 4.. Waildell left town Nlowiay last to emit mew hi. ruining prospoet trig in t he vicinity .4 !towline/ ). two. asd 31aem serionr, 44 New York, art visiting at *11, iesultik.e of - their refit! live, II. C. Strachati. R. .1. Hanihn. drie.mist, and wife. of the have been %ealing relativesto !DIM This is a. malicious th.lseh , as 1 repair any goods bit,ught to me for that purpose, no matter where made Mins is the only establishment west of Toronto where you can get McK goods half -soled by hay - tug the soles properly stitched on, which in far better than beirg roughly nailed, as is done else- where,and I make ex trhcharge for sewing on half -soles. I WANT Tl ( 1.I. Special attention to my stook of ladies' kid high stiose and Ox- fords, which 'are not ou1TZ west of Toronto. Call and see for yourself Now for that quarter! 4.114)1) FOR 271 l'ENTs On the purchase of one pair of ' shoes at my store of 25 or upwards JOHNt3TON CARRY Cut this out and bring it to me and you will make 26 cents on your numbest) N B These points are all ori- ginal with myself, but as they ere 6 not copyrighted others may try to imitate them They can t do it JOHNSTON CARHY, Fnrleading boot mot Nolo man PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. BEAVER BLOCK, - - CLINTON. tiguie. MO I summit home trade 7 Call on t wo. %V. Thomason awl be convinced. te , L., . . . 'lay it berg:nit (lay f•,r ti:.• barge nun/here of our householders Vie • r-•%erY . •intiplaining ef a plague of ants, for which I next six weeks for front now unit., 1„,1„. an,..re.,:r.tite'n.heretit. .itnittis,,lhe.r. ' .:tetr.riettnittarf; 1st .1 uly ). Si ial pr;ce, arid greitt Lleauktned attic le, cedar linuochea fron. the I reductions for c:1,11. Prints in lovely patterns and colftrings ,ereat Thin T.* at., booming at the t ...leek+ or - in price. All fair 15c. gan factory. T ormuse continue to hold ly reducet1 jeer t he high 1/4 hey hs.e woo in public fit , prin-,,, t for- 121.e. per yard .. 12'c. roe, 4 ;Iv * Mt order for oue of those : - beautiful piatio case six octaves and support i prints for Ile., met 10e. prints for home matetfae: are. 4We. %V. Thottoon is i se. pe- r ytl. A speciAl line of dress W. M.-1 hisk,.y. teacher at Porter's Hill, I g°°11'' in checks -wide widths-re- 14.:oftutnrysatitrolay. on a trip to Ole' Ohl 1 ,Itteed 1,0 I le. iier yd. Great value It Meldruni, of Evansvilk, Intl., j in table linen', towels, toweling, occupied Knot. church pulpit Sunday last I, ire. Twecils and eoatings at whole- 's a most satisfactory manner. i .,ale prices, cut out fret. of charge. Benevolent ' let v 011 Weineaday evening i RettlitIllber ours is the only store I• AI agent. ..tt the re.i.,,,,,ciLlair meeting of the S. O. F. i .1.,1,.. meesithv. of 1.11 4. ..00. 4, t f.I i dunnthe bast week. in thelerich where you can buy the five candidate* *ere initiated. Mrs. Wri„lit and cliikireti. of Kanisas4 borne"' . • us Ins he"' Wrglii"ohiY• .11111y 8. genuine Everfast Stainless 14Elek g arrived in town the prat week and will re, tsiccll to the earliest we have heard of inWiiitien's size only main till lig of 4 October, t hie section. jeotton ' lose. I. Price, who had be -,i laud up ilunng 1193e. Per pair I'l*I'ectiun ill‘"iti"1* *.1 - the poi iseek frown the etfeeni of an Ave i - J. A. REID & BRO. nig a feu . ,v! s ke pea . aril! by u haeh a nail e as an% en into his jsrd..„ 141,,,i. (;oder,,....b. reaulence. 4 lurch street. Ks -e. R..,to tin Howni.,1 ,,,.tiyea in tonn 15141 klf.... iti s agouaide to be around. Mal .5'.'. 10.11. nil. week iiii.1 hen up Ins appointment “A..tirate if* .tinients enteredthe emitted for non professional 211.1 ani * 31.1 •-lissa teachers' 1 of M. 4 ...neve A cluir, h. ci,r,,,,,.. NI,.15,0,,1,1, who hn„ h„ett cert, Moir. Ind. I 'Aliverslitl ii.a.,:rie.-Aulaftni.oni.)...30 . visiting in Ripley for the past month, tv. lir'tmg.'or `n". - for "".. ---." - !"- ---- 1 off this port ori F i la • I t. i task for Sand 1" 4 ) . Al t turned honie on .luly let. universities. . ' Beach, where .1".• anchoreti till Saturday -King- !lumber. of I tetrost . who Is %. nit - ' g ver'. %flcial W15 hell III $1 2,000,000. REST, 6,000,000. 4 Saving Department has been opened in con- nection with this branch. Interest allowed al current rates. GEO. DR U.11.11OND, "tanager (:oderi(/1 Bralich. ornin till the sturni volvauled. on teliesion s on Tuesday evening laid. ni Tuesday the tug Nlyrtie had ahout toile 'ontts, .41Heisaa1l. sleet the 1st in. mg at 4i., -family residence, iettwus st is refmair, .nt, -ail. heartily %rebooted by Ins many ..1.1 friends. 4 sires]. And an interesting program was ren [told. McKayusa returned to his home. Mr*. Hobert Itcynelds, sr.. end her son &red „ the „„nuu„.1„4„, parlor of the 'Rah, the genial oirmity sheriff of dews-. The oetaston served as an intnelow- 'smith 444 must mid ol are on it•it 10 014t1411411 111 M44411.4711k. t ten of the iiew pastor,Rev. .1. I.:Hui-01,M. of -Itilv in Moe, 1111111011.44 pan NAVIGATION NOTES. Miss Itetzhall, of Nlemphis. who are 111 town in ,„,,m „ft matting •1•1 friends. aimed in ....tench on -- The fog whistle was &steam on Friths Satunia% . f„, yintt Iseor.*;te shantion 41 meter. 1.1.1Jiro afterrioun. of Memphis, Tenn_ see Ow guests of their The elude fishing fleet remained in hate. mother, Mr*. K. shannon, during the Sum- 416 ' • 1 ' Jas. Lindsay spent the lat tk•art t. of Luckwen. we* -mistday. Mei. C. M. Inve ha.. reit:noel I. I Ft holt. Mr.. T. N. Ibuicey has gone on a p •., 4 1110114(0. Miss Annie Melbruelt1 left mt Friday list l'a. A , lidos people. coma lel fart cousin, WHAT WE DON'T DO fifty sturgeon from the trap nets eitith of this touts. being the first parte% catch fur many weeks. The t 'it). 01 %V Utilise NAM Ill port on sun day. and again on Tuoulay, when she kiwi. ed freight for Knee Mines awl other 1 Worgian Bay ports. The steamer Monarch made her regular y W..duesday. tied' on a large •Inantity of freight, erne twenty horsem number tit r passenger.. ani,1 then left for Port .trtbut anti I hilitth. 0 our ocal tw: ISA* Fee am Axe. We will giVe to the first person telling its c before the alth of Septenther where in \ 777-1-3 =0_ We 1041N T have every. day a special Itaz-gain. Day, nor do We still Tweeds at cosi.- Hut we 109.41 mer Itulot ha. Ti first -*tell of cher* 11.m. John Hobson. Premier of British anglers nectirrel tni Setiinlay. SATURDAYS AND MONDAYS SPECIAL BARGAIN D Atel *ell for Cash Good:, less than some Merchants c.an buy them. Will quote prices: Ile“ *eel. 2Sth. GEO. ACHESON & CO. • B. MacCORMAC, FINE TAILORING, &c. 7 HE SQ(L4RE. liar eisiEjoiso ovriror sesesners.rmititradt iimErum. Ifli Mite anoTtellalei • neie new Is -am Bootli, Tinton alio recently sus. Oh/hag ..A.ST OQT...7 tamed the has of a thumb awl finger. is rapidly recovering from the phymieal effects of his accident. Y EARTH CLOAT ..: in town.. I he river was higher oil 't 1*- than at Omuta I A100.00 an mild. To the next, 1550.00. • %Iv...114w retenseol to het- home.t oats nil, 0031.1......1it.11:*fitm;u°k,aief.,:ii'ti:itane,"N'19.00,. liiiirr"ti:,ifttHak'f... any tins. 'ince it broke up in the sprier. To the third, :1125.00. To the fourth 00 r ...it urday. charge of P.. s. Hays' hie °Ake iluring the hlown from its tonaition by Friday's A101711. 4 hie of the trap nets iset 44 I 'olboree siu, To the fifth, *15.00. Tt• the sixth, *10 ; tti the next 2.5. okS each. To the next 26. S2 the put week. Loudon. ' The vehoriner Ontario, -Contain Bogie. each' T" the Presedt 4en‘ling ift the last landed lie„argo of hon. .;r .tare. ia., --et .-- we wi"Kire *1°0 in z"1.1" .1. 's. thereat ea* in 4 lintion a few ttays captain's alsoMer at the Military schoid in Mrs. T. NIalioney, of S11114101.41. WAS in Mr. awl Mrs. tone seaman) haie gime to le s Mood anti Liver Pills. the 'er Introit. 1". M"' IlDbg""• Mira' "fudge' The *loonier spray . of l'ort .thiert • need I -""r• '11111"."1.""1 Mr*-Ne,I.M'eb••were this port diming the storm MI Saturday. the New Teetament the word ".1'... ii tiret- Mi'k Mfl•relf".• of "`v-314. 1* "hit % istting (.1.1 friends in 4 .ollertch and vietnity. To the next to the laot. awl el on wine 441155, this week. Tonna.. for nicileal treatment. The former "'eel"' as from the tirst With your answer send atre„.„ion „f , „tine nn,i having been contielerahly damaged toy Fri- 251.,04,4e. ii,rws4r1:40-er; or 27 ete. in stamps, f..r a .%. emalall.of Hamilton, spent 141115 days is with catarrh of the st &eh and Sonw of tear tiehermen report thetr net. al% ;atown kst week. Mies Annie McLeod, of Lindsay, is visit. TI g friends in town. • Mina Mary Melnotialil, ..4 Ripley, in . ing friends in town. Wm. .Jun. of Clinton, *as • 'siting In 1...tierich last Saturday. Mrs, tOen. Porter left on a shert • isit tt. llsysviHe on Saturday. • %Inc .S. mad Mater Frol. shepherd on a trip up the hake& NIrs. Jos. Logan and den ghter, Lriel *ay. are visiting in town. 'Jim. Lloyd Jones. of Syracuse, N. NSA us 1 40461411(11 OP Saturday. W It. Chilton returned to his home %A ashington on Saturday. .1. and homily, of Ifensall, %were in town this wars visiting relatives Mies Marie Nissan. of Toronto. se visiting the family residence, Rosegarland Cot 1.4r. Him Vert 1.in.lsay, of Wiarton, ie spend ing a fen days in town. the 'pest of Mrs. of 14 con Morris Lieut. Creamer. gyeter : Bev. Mr. Totten at its hetfilif. . Albert Ilughes, the., , .unl Mr. Mayon, Witighani. The t ng W. B. 4 astle, of Port }lune), for who hat; been laid up for three or four weeks Next limn 1 will le in Buffalo attending Toledo, with two cribs of railroad nee. with a felon and blood posse:ling in hts ih,. annual convention of the American containing thirty thousand pieces. *ught linger. hail his finger taken dr last week. I Photographic .tenwiat ion for the purpnse of the shelter of this harbor from the storm 00 Three floetors performed the oesration. - latest ideas attar sweeeinries for Fnagy morning, 51*. 5151 ear. 1Ve hope to see them both lehetittel hest blood, laid% an. stools. the atter Th.- sehooner 4 intorio light. Ion made. 'tire cure for sick headaelie. Don't Among those pr.itent et the sen14.1N1 in '"1"'""laY tor 4 Golden V''lleY 1`""1 'urn- gripe. IZemenitoer t hr presents are abodute- by the treatmetit. ly free, beet% given away *to stli-ertise I tr. eonnection %tali the opening of the Salve. bet for non troy barracks hist week, besides the The IA. -howler i.reylioutel arrived in har- I'ole's Perfect l'ills awl Family Berne- Commisanoner and his staff., were Capt. hor on Tuesday morning, loaded salt at the ilies. .1 valunitie watch given each week to ever linetnigso. seaforth *pt. NIshon and mulystailed Tharelay for H. iar• the first eorrect answer received. Send at - - - - Lieut. I :regory. Stratford ; (apt. Hay anti ton. once and Ire tint. Address. A. Iiirchard, .1.11 F.A I. iffi.E.SS Mitchell : Into. l•Vieeman, Winghain : on Friday to bit or returnes1 wit6ut H. Kindly give permission 10 11m. wATER. 11.iest. Alorrie, 'linnet ; rapt. ThaekeraY. The finking togs and boat* that left wet Home Specie.. f Orillio, 001-, l'attada. Lieut. .syers, Bay -field : Capt. Fagan and attempting their work before the stonn was name if a prize sumer. 13-9t. securing t e 4414' benefit ot my patrons. studio fe Th., tug (Male with lier tow left poi on !been in my employ for the last ten Yew', of threatening weather. and left bkr Toledo and ciistoniers can rely on having his per -in the evening. send attention to all sittings. Saturday of The schooner sephie. Captain' .1. AleLean, this week the studio will Ise upen until 9 made her dock during the storm On Friday o'clock for the delivery ot work. s %LION, night. with a cargo 01 lumbar tor H. Sword. Ilurist% ?,-idurday the .k:ephie hati a stormy ; tonal charge of Mr. T. Brophy. :V hae %many morning. rrt„r„,1 Kein 4 AL BREVITIES bo h the ion of the leas of a %wile. LOC . time, t wit eteept I Mrs. A. .1. Johnston, of Torrint.,„ is %het little lumber no damage occurred. Once?. .30,000 .4 lumber from Thermion fOr The Twimen, Ciiptaiin A. Lawson. vial ing at the family residence, Wellington There was holy com lllll mon at St ...eorge's '4,4*,, Sirynniur, wife and children, s4 1st- °'''.1.''hilten'IAP)r.es. hytery of 11.1roo will meet is I/I:talent. arrived at her .Iork on satorday. , iron. are on their annual visit to „.4*a li mos choral on 'I. itesaaiy. the 14111 Inst.. at She unloon M aded Monday and miler, ,i,trinn tit.* in 4:Merit:h. it 1 1 .i. it. the night for Thessaboti. The Tolman was • 111. *beeline and Mill• V- lawfaral len on 4 The oraugemen of 4 :o•lerieh "ill attend Monday for t *oirewsil and the lower '"'t• , ths Victoria street Methodist chureh on . Lawrence. 1 Sunday. ‘''''. W. T. whitely Awl aoa. of 4 lidt'". I The new oder system at the cemetery to Ale 4 al a two weeks' visit to Mrs. A. Smith. w ir, or.r.t,,,,,, and seemingly will agora 'south street. an ample supply for the owners of Iota in Mew Ruche, of Detroit. is speeding a few our city of the Jearl. 'la"k"rn Intil her "w9h•.r/4". 4.' In. NI. Siehnienn, the West -et. dentist, man McLeod. . makes the preaervat ion 41 the natural wet h NIrs. 115 l'ettdry fuel children returned • specisIty. :am Administered from 44 4. v Lou arc k from Ray ti, where 4114)1had spent .f.q the peke!~ estrum kon rif teeth. the ‘Vtliter• I 4)0 Mat 'Inlay His Homo dodge Tonna gave lb. ('1*.'.. Hamilton, of I 'ornmall, has derision wsitiitting .4. 4 .rceu. who was the misfortune to Imie one of his children chacgol viiih the larceny of seventy dollars at her sudtletil 1hy Bogie county attorney pro Thos. Elliott, of lienmiller, returned Lot semited and 1'. Holt defended. oesk fr"'"I trunrylite. where he had glees Tlie lodes' Aid Victoria -N. church in eziured in teaching. , tend'lobbing • Feel!(HMI party et 1)55 parson 11*111, Vales lett town on sisturflay fax ' age, Keays at_ Tuesday. duly 14s11. 7.30 1 limbo s sterling rung Mae 4.11.. ...fee mid strawberries'. lee cream .d 11. 4.444Upp1551 Amin , shoohl extra. 111Imismon. 1.5 ....tits. .VII are wel ‚erne. The se -rumen. 114 t dierneed in kilat nay morning. The 00011111011 will he at 7 46. when Rim .1 litS, ,r...11.r.esal* Whymy y4*? machine away when you can ket hers in '11.1.5*1 Mr and Mrs. T. H. Cooper. and halve. of I "ono.. are visiting the lady s pereittn. Mr "al Mrs. Hervey Kaneke. previous to their ' p lip ties lain Mrs r. Meyer, iernssrly Gnierieh. .•teil.oeNtirSet Poidre,--Slioe•- •ittine wore brewed in tows On interment legide ber hist is Maitimil cemetery. Its fonorol tinkles Ow trine the T. R. ,Atien at 2 r. 0. 05 Mootiay. he Lord a supper will church nest (Aril's tee 10 1.5. (Fretavi ".'log . H.Mimeses. Brow- Dean at the Mewl the hest in ths war 14,1/ I . • E Children Enjoy R. SCOTT'S ION of mare Cod User 011 with Hypo - OT Lima and Soll• 1. al.TFOnt se 'palatable es 1,1115. NAVELLINIS USN PIPAINCER O in loonno, and the little lade •nd '5 _U "Me tans cold malty, mat 0. 0111,1101011111/00(nat • coos% that might rill..1maarfalett. 54 Wilms glecetr• 550 attar thole nese." amuse sfe 555554.. 111.eravv sullo I inneeseassia SCOTT 5 DOWNS. 111•1111114••• Ila NOT exiM 111111 • DRWILLIAMS .- AA vr000takso IliarldY IN • form INKweh tee 1 to FILFE. timed williTi meioses mill tines. They hays. a Seserno Aertos on root kir ILLs.... ne ter*TRIEININII dosm by EupleE . 7 1111111. /Croix's( of men and mums. Lore Tinos and correeting *11 4 inaillartanernts and Who ands Momenta] far 4 wrens SaggialcsneuM take 111111 eines or fiallnaz Pitts. ettsielleast his lost ..41s. both verified m DENY WOMAN shoolet take Mem The cure a0 preasion• irregiii•ritses. which inirribobly . tall sickness when weizircted. should Mks those Mad- oirt9Prionlitilfei Ighabits, mid streniteen the They will mire Pm up - • i Nem YOUNG ttfONEN Vb'ne: Pt/ thrli mean tbrvit rOVII ar. Tor sal. by &II itr000tete. err will be mot wpm receipt of pries OM per botA by sekirsodag TANI DI. WILLIAltr 111,0. Besekvilla. Ont :tutratiteell to sIn the amount of heating %%W, lean fuel than any other furnaee yet made. Maino.ct writ by D. K. STRACHAN. (tbderich, Ont. 0141-tinW 'N• t41:.ell out and replaced by this *ulterior inserts tion without altenttions to the 'app- end nuliatorit throughout the building I** which it is placed. Estithates furnished on application for placing this improved furnace in firings tt within the mach all For wile at hiihlings of any .nte. Sew! for eircubtre. :Waren : Ti "beet': yugeK e.A1.1.rdiully aiSp4)rts,c);st:Tedii.ft:r Few+. Mu as hitherto nresested was too large and . for an invalid's 'own. and. thrush a good thing where • room coin he mu apart tor its use fit the expenr.e. from ELI to PO. was not object ionablei. still a want has been felt for • sniall. cheap, compact • for a twAroom that will not occupy too much room or *how an unefightlt &Montrone': *fl'* theoluect of the introduction of this artile. whirl on es•ity he ntOved from One MOM 10 1451. V.; .1.0stataw•r, Int .14.18.k.116111..... prel. fro. any odor, and. having a Wereelain nor Mile snider. it prevents any noxious gym*. In eh -knees it la almost Indispensable ; where , there are children exceedingly useful. 11. 1015 PRICE --$5.00, SETH'S FURNITURE STORK D. IL STRIkOHAll Sete agent for tio.lerich and %idol'''. In v eik; or Ana ['siestas.' OAR Mr 01141 TITATIIIIMII ILO : WER ICH. ONT. 1 essantaitand most highly the nananottie Iii Woo itie use in Private hounis and in the mem. Its principles are condoMoth eive to 5.a1151 and eonvesiesice, and should be in Nis in eroni house. Frown my own high mime elope. 4 the D. V- C. seined hi' OSP. 1 own mend= strongly to .15 554. useful hoitiM bold . Yours truly. ,11. Al NTON. Rector cling Chnech, annameine. • l'iniallealllen Rear Co. tisaantio As 11 tf It covers the ground -the B. & C. corset It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it and get your money. FOR s ALE RV ACH h'iON 5 RON FIRE! FIRE! No la the ti1l1^ l()..N•tire •ow. 1014 .•11••)11%. •••• I am *intimthe Nett seratilot, veal in the costket st J.IVj 1'1011 11\ I, ''4*- FOR 10.11, inaLins it 1 A1 dein ere& The sell reliable teal )ard, keeping all boots 01."..l 14111.5 •4 rams. 1St* W. LES, a Aar Qesy •