HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-10, Page 3TILE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY ill, 1891. lilaaline m is no Died for reroute s1•awal r .1 Os fest, but sserthlag may be pined by braiding to W diet much artk•iw. tie orb, elieme, .mitead r, . Aber. .t a like 8Mune In mine tesi with 11e dietetic Iraatulewt the feet she ukd the tailed I ter tine, a wank (ea ase imus in a •1-txla•t.ius shelve., to witieh ei•.1.•1 !aurel I..tres awl • little turpentine ntie have bens .uelel Iii addi- tion t..the Ieeaiul;; and evmune late, after lawn the feet Lave lawlls.l dry, rut. stab • powder c,mpissa of • drarbw ta4 aawpieur,/ two mien, of a i. perdue wet eight .uuces el Irene -eel earth. Aa appdu•ats w of oxide ' 40.11 rer tree Illsxmtan, ee d sine, 4-Pimlln; atilt. week solute* rel treat edit V se 11M•r't'ylug tee btnslge, 11 ne.),mar la mown- Tb'•.teviceaboww in the emigre. iu.; 4. din Irarra work. as tt b ntow awlhl Tbem is mended n. a Ilse aVre. *pied to ;amply lwetiew& Idr.l wgrr tekvl a, ,,,l no Kettles wort. The drroom; of the _ *pieds ______ ...... by all rhrtk• nen, scd which tsar I.. rat to tu,a.la i, the Wander' pert, but any .xr• wart *souse OeN•ta as to Cessdessee, appear to Ay. Fig. 1 shires the tont with its J„ it why 14JI earn•uw a little -ere Don't r urn 1e In •1r done if Yen can wlaigs spread, and Fig. 2 Ire l.ru�aa tui, view He ewe meet leave with Ilam.. they add Ire Y Ldp it, with the wince clewed. Each wing comets met t" the testate alf ill" aril' le An .dd 1(• ewu't.,.Ir•ak te arson true *L•.., b err you bat.. ..veal : ,!. atl.,ve 41.1 Ut elf a trot plate or strip anti a flexible vett- . e •vsek., per .swd wray that a u i 1. he a w.wli .d bar fret b w datura err c,seyrnatlw taw U. u secured tblvrW and to the bode "[ male a e ane sleet At1a•. :t nern.•a h.-:1 Iwo t id.rn.rluh r .Sir wbu trio lel" tat' 'eh,* r._ Stew hint. the Seethe. psetiun being usually • pe totems fool. LYww Mexican t tic i amI1Y i 4 III In +nil. t. 11 alw•,f Y•w, ate( wieee wade u( cl�.th, and crimped or c:ieilhel w p , it•:w tin; q a. ►:tole lateral ,Is p 1t.iLl Iaxleiebk• (rattier.. Thr plate a- vena.' ere,- Ir very c •u, a•uMut o1 rant alone ii in t re•ei..• a t•unfiteet.r wileu row know iuward:y 10443n1* its Dover rel, meed Ura axile, rear le )shini by ribber. woar o eat -'S dui;anal p.rteoi i, Ire.wsl f,s' rithIni WI by m•ar7ow ptrfr: of MR- a oo Lawn i.e.... rtwu;b, your nua•1 broad ripen by • erring t, heel tis.:wing eke 's' The } - e'nnlgh end )our gate suMeimely seedy to f . •.i, a 'eel' • keep it h':... ly. ; elate, are pit .Ite.l Dear their rawer encl., 1ui1 •' have ieeebep fwa:% wt lch ett..rl gn•n... in WHY COUGH, WLIEN *few deems of Ayer. ('berry I'eetor*l w111 1141.1 VC you 7 Try it. Keep 1t In the b•see. Yon are gable• to bare a rough at any Smile anal so other remedy le no efe.-I : a e as this world- tenon orld• renowned preps. a- (100. No h ousehlld, with young children, &heel.' be weds tat Scores of lyre are saved every year by its timely 4»e. Am•nda R. Jenner, N Map., w rites : •• l',.tumun gratitude inn ppir1. sus to acknowledge the great bcue- Mts 1 liner de•rivrd for my children hum the use of Ayer's tuoat excellent ('berry Peet..ral. I l,*d last too dear children from croup and cunaumptiuu• and had the greatest fear of lying my ocfy re- maining daughter aped seat. as they were delicate. Happily, I And that by giving them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the Arse symptoms of throat or lung trouble. they are relieved from danger, stud are be- coming robust, healthy childreu." 'la the winter of 1885 I took s bad cold which. In spite. of every known remedy, grew woes... we Hutt the fatally physielan u,uaidcred me fucurable, sup. peeing me to be in consumption. As a last resort I trir.t Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral. and, in a abort time, 11,, cure wall complete. Since then 1 Lave never been without tleb meilkine. i un Alty years of age, weigh over 180 lesuds. and at- tribute my gexsl health to th. use of A ver's Cherry Pectoral." -G. W.1'ouker, 8aleu, N. J. " Last winter i contracted a severs tale, whieel by repeated exposure. he - Came quite eliminate. I was muelt troubled with learm.nras and bronchial irritation. Atter trying various medi- cines, without relief, 1 at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On teeing tads u.,•licine, my cpugh craad gement imtueatiatelJ and i have been well ever•in.t,"-Rev. Thew. B. Russell, Secretary Holston Conference and 1'. E. of the (Ii'i.• iville District, M. E. C., Jonesboro, 'Tenn. • Mrs ti Don't b.. sezetp11IM1. ribs:. uptln; the whirl' tieeuding teedlehe.1 The inner charge ofyour frie:.d'sdw:nhntl•,rhet purse. e�l'w, whip h'aftatimg nut t, drab. Mut. of h r Wiwi•verde .fit , „yaw,•fee averred Lt r oats. which Mee tai r:. the wings anti th • r1n� ll/v. s.t • Ufr sboriY of her Privet, hi.try wLk1e weer which meant fir y..sr air needy all et ie your ave which pnw.:n,:'tijje'' teenier,'tw• ;eta:., ace ser,attw *M! awe and went .. I•»rbya wh:el. she •:.-l....Ulig. x11 paired. Teems - you eerie by mow. tee pemdlue d.,r1 1. 111.1161M iu the .entre 1 1 ail secured 10 an eIi'14. nr.1 ter- Iar.. for her: bolt don't f.r�r•t lh a you ser eltea!e•nine vetinelf a: the *one tint•. minatinl; to a Rimer loop or ring le. tee fete 1:. • .10 61 • '.1.!!:. • I ' b•rs• • . • r bid psianew d lei:.t.tae' tra,IKlat .. 1 .l . f - .�i'.c ataswdease ls. vee^ lh.• ids•: !:•.a+P.r; t 4J C.:2f. dee upright meal. -Iiirerlar'get that a betntrwl vet.11.1eeue i. $two•c eeeno•ni eu•.UDg Dolls way-. noun,' lag the Mart ta tit oas and Jayeig w bettor of Ns Clam 1," I4 eUre strxtx••, nr tbwp awl_ir . 4 ;..'t• eiesi ug (e who: ore sea - • r.n .t'.1 ender -tear. 1 very p: •toy horniest is made se fi1Ms: linne all the threats, preen e w els settee, et • "ire •41e It/ell in wraith_ li .. 1 • the r.:n•taing for al. in `naps ed s.re omen i , by her. eitee on 'at& Te Cook glee. Now, rice before trine eonk •1 has t , he washed in .add water at least twice, then drained, put in a ehila Vessel au.l ,.n.el l .1.,w it., ,f thew greens into one b. knot by peering .•v.•r it .sonar I.dlin4 water, iu tele n. a point tee• fifth. of dintawn•, trete which it i, le. remain ter abet fifteen min- i .Ie ech Mee: mitee kit et... rani, I Mem. tben drain again. T.. t01* It t:lrnw • ro - •ole together wit: thread t • t plight I it into !oilier watt r, .tee quart t.. •..i.-quar- ;r,r&:ini•.If u..tan,•.•fr.eu. mp-eele . ,eveliteb ter round of nee. sail two t.aepalfnls tat ..mgr•. a.11 Milo 'nun• .;neede and kyle- It `salt er thisq,antity. Allow it t" is iii rapid•' i.h: the pintrr, •arryIIg two groups, rad Iv for toasty teiuut.•-• tent drain tie wat-.. •oakethe taus Droll nLh first lust ; ed ar.9 n•mosc the raw. un.•ven,l. to the Mr w*Y.u; an. Iri.Jy pet it (r.wn ate Iww.l: .,f the .tore. ebrru it roust renew • --1e::. 0*nQ jeewin" kat onto•., wb tasr • ab.ut tree n meates to get dry In this tie tbrMde interact. -'lie Researkeepar. way the seeds remain rutin.. anti Ao Ind iut- part to the water twit. newly ,.tl.tau• a aid Td's MUD PrIa tHILDRi t. ewertuem "f tart.. Ti old• a hrth..r ole rias each member of the e.rd being tel..-.( thnnt'h is sueleieutly done. take a w.-1 :ori pre, it a mooch .4 the a eve (date and areal a ,441 ---- -ase'twesw. v+esr 1111;;v . it Lt dots.•us easily ilia - ill "iee elle die thee. Ile eel, •d the t,Iri .WrrM IIYmb's MsutNs. ;rias aeur sd is autrien of the win • plat • e ewe oke It'lde b bad Whored far ashes- ntele 1. tot t, dam. Do Hutt :mfr it, H �tsi1T �' spnil the l...k of at: ewe wwi ..0 UI rib Groes nl (hwwdetObi. 11 b „flea said that few w,an•^.i know bow t :grow .ri aswo.-:..ids. There is eurtainle.a.. :nteittl way and art ungraa..•ht, way of taking all Ido r^.eeiaawl ills'.1 life, awl ,H,r' *e maid take *bat llfr.eeffl•rs us, it is well t•. r•eept who'.cash In a-..^rarrtul a meaner a. pied- Idr. Tbe ssgrsre.I:1 ray of r.e dying the advances al Father Tim • is i••rsis:eutly is :wore• b. sekn'.wldge him. ' 11.•0 Is a prs7 bur. and I w..aly twenty -floe pull it oda." 'tut it ,tri •. and seven mem Ipriog up in ifs :sr '•. large hat. or a turtau always .1x1 become nee and I'm sure I'm not 4. aid that 1 ns..l gtyr tbrmup yet" I'rhapsoat, ..tat all :1.• same a m•rle*t Boil. bonnet with strings ti.'1 Keeler your chin is rattly eve t.suminY 10 y..m now. '•1 ,IID:1 get that pate tae ant .towhee .4 rel. or pink. •r hep., for k always wassa'bee .mini 1r me" T... it .always was. lief it levet low, all the dune If you toil! o tm11' fere toe feet that the tint fre e:nese il• rob bas d.•par:.-.1 vent ran then find a •::r1•• n:orst Iwo ening w your present cow - 1 : vs* tLaet these particular one you are so wt on bA:Mg. This d the epint of for y.wnw int:ads of twenty :ler or thirty who. altb.eeeh .h.• may hes wif., and mother. still edge;; . t.e the trwdl- taus .1 girlhood. Rut the middle-aged wedeln. ami tbewoman in her fitter. awl .iv. 1 ties may be even more unyr w' tut It sloe s't i wont ...Rik that she east softs• Ir" Father Time . 0. Utt.•r:': at that nee, but she .mese. 'the bane, her hair: wean juv.13Jr bonnet... awl ee» I hats: fight A:Mng jacket.. fuel }terra I it is a bet lined with tie, for welted with n,pnnl fn,m bar dau:utrr'.,.:• yarsnger frimnl> toiler *viand Ill. th:• whole matted in cber- ile,.pinvlse.ber waist, and bar feet, awl her rr, ane( carni -toed. battle in the vain attempt to rite tale tee fact A bread leant for cutting the l.re•d .n is that icer l inn is net the ant, that it wass too, kept ire eie with the tread knife. *sal when lit"ty, thirty vtears at'. It almet t kills bar not in use. a white . it.' -,'' . • l been table- t. .r,. op to ter fart that bre waist measure - 1 y b e throw* ow k. It ta'7• .e8.. :A•• Iz e:. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tot-aril:Li. ay Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. peel Ly all Ur.sal„•. 1'r Ica ll; a.a boutr,I0. t.'4 ►1;N int{. main cep Drat• and intact. Thus proposal it 1.. really for use. in various. way.. 1f rib wish to Nerve the rax tb'la. cooed merely as a segeuble. sold t • th. water in wide! yon boil it a piece .4 • hatter i t site of blit Mt egg for for elentrqtiae1l� (tread /Ria. A geed 11 ur-fatlos - sot desertplllos et( • Wien' lox bees bees mat to as bras New Bruns.. eek. by nsmo: our etMoriber*, *b* in- vented 1t ber--If. r � .vim.-.�•�.� �. SEM I�QW -TO INIES iii ?;IV POU!DS OR FItL1T, TOMATOES, FJc, 0; Two (2) Btrnls of Cider, F'OR ONE E)07--ii-AR.. OW $t* PACK Al;F: tiF THF: American Fruit Preserviva Powder & LiQuid WI lei. IJO ZT. 1 int.• '_' )e . package w ill pro..•rve Sq 11 *. ti fruit or I S �{uMs of ei.ier. • Full dilly nous lustily path luu•L4(4,•t•. Try the Prewery i.ig 'beerier awl Lie1uidl. You will like- it, You w ill :'eel it tette than half aha• tronhl. awl expense of any odder lu,tht..i. \I. m' retial.'.• Hari acetwrlu.xhtting that' the Yrurr• eiI Fruik"a4t'., 'leu 4Qperior to the •• Canned or l'n•-.•r'ewl., fruit, .\c. For l'itler it i.: cheep :u:.l .l.Y'l1la.Ily llu• twat k11om11 leieth.nl of keeping it rwert. Sols atpout - for C' tta.1:1, ERASER & PORTER, 1HM.k'. Ilcn and Stationer., lrt/uEitl' 11, 11\T. Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square SA M E -S �"�3.. T E S ANNOUNCES THIS WEEK That he has opened out a Grocery Department In rc::motion with 1.•s STOR�3,• '+bet{ will b► kept a f,1:1 stunk of ( 1101(E 1'.tkt11.1 GROCERIES. Tar11140 pulsar woe. in .a. hangs. Uig hardware 1a,a x ant as foster ly be eemplelc In a:i fts departments. _.r.. sm a -�` t o. • tis wing. teeing , p• ted to [Lode full 'earth iilRliile tail ` ivy putlin.4. arta' the .,lsI$•elint: teed. Thr •s tad bed ineeri ed the b!r•••.: 1l11'e tat Melte of r.iy* : 1�.. Hal I..rites! a mage daily over f14.11,3 .. i.*Ital wire. And l :,d l.. 14 Los tit::e cl.apel fee u( Units of 114,4. rel) Am. II.: kid relied a 1110 rice, feledT. •?[eight end rt arae ee be rou:d. An I Los 1 0, a ware a., consideree as unmet ur- ally ca0d ; And do. eve oar amen) • kept him t:11 w, 01 h,rth t 1.e p- l.tnsa, ion -- Si ill pay him uptl is wasr..Mn •L,:. a teed,', roes, leri.e dont len." Po ; he brought him ea: end barley. ant eerie Corn 114.10:111.4 ear. - &raw enoa,S to bed i.1i. per)' forrerr and a ye.:: Aa 3 t eey e. n err : n :m eal. politer.. o: mace. to ,,.enttal 411'7, Aul rear eo,..ne t•Ieverconip1ctcti •se drew tote mulattos. 110111 • • 0)te : And tutwW c.d. r mor l' I ' e wa!1'r. in en 1aya-o- tor) etre! And some appe •. tears and peaches that the au: erne lemic. Lad peeled A•d emir ►Knot.•* of drive eti -apple* - mum- mies of 111e fret. cnallun- Ca:... to smelt Ili.: dJie4ul cc -4311i of o:•1 idiom Lunt:i s Uoa.st Wu, Al.. rail reties red lurid ps presa"1 *be :seen - kites else -rife' nest:. L reties* gears eaou t. tJ furnish i. a ..• tum fee r 14,4414 : ' some buster thee top .01!.) :u !arse serum'. ter a faro. And 0 rue nee wuose mu. tea ore held the I.itrnd- "keine Age"; .end r. nu 100, t.- sr •r•. and creeert, ou hitnlweer-•els taste :. Fa :0 turio.h fire depsartawait wit:. the Ii.ont •tiluisutl:e: awe!. A11Ihu ms uneppreciete.e- foetal tits eight their tree %ue:atitw 1.. tlelfustunl ref Reiter. kl.ow't1 a. Elder l.amra I.•:..cu11. bind 1. properly balanced by tilling a !vile in ire 1'.sly eels le,a.l or •nine Mary sul.etnuoe suitable ter trallaat. By talme b..;1 of :ire filagrr loop are( rn.si.,f au II l•wertUg :he band. and giving it other meenti•-4t.. the bird way is. made 10 Hail tkn.u„h tin• air in cert good immitatio n el the fit,:i,: of a real bind. vim linear sort Telegraphy. Recently there t.as wen.. dls•-:to.l * On 11e advisability oil young nem learning t•l•ent'Ibs Ilelsm reenters tnaiataiunie that it was nen a desirable Calling. while et here- earnest dieted ole centrarv. A gee:I-marl *h.. be- eatee., istrnwtnd in the *.nbj..rt addreeeel \'a1) Horn-. preadrut .d the (•a - Italian I'aritle Railway t'e 411000t, and a Pea tteal,•perit.r, requesting hes .epiui ea epi the qu••etwu. The dlw•uesien emit' not be 1.1.1811 in • more tilting In unurr. ptrhap... than by the pubheet:e of Mr. Van ilorne'e reply. •bleb it given be1•lw: 141 reply w your letter of the 'lid. I take plays iu laving that I regard a Roe' working luuaieslge "f telegrydlt as the very odes -t girliAeatir,D for railway ser• •.e. Railway telegraph operator se a rule have much tatter opp-rtuuity for acquiring krtew- belge of the geue•ral bunny.. of a rail'. -ay than *boar employ -et in any other branch of the service, and if they pastoral the ..:her qual/tleationw necessary to w eetete-res-•n- able Intelligence and a disposition to nen taitufully obey are more certain than any -then .,f edvancesnent. Is Inrg,.r. awl that .h" ashes Al half -mar Ito da height twentynine 1 .° -- .uatekgraplopratnrnehrly ye„,e r and glove. than ee .neo,• .lid. t five nlebr width, thirty-8es years aa, g no' e... length. • tr m y n .trete all tine The 'hen.' .4 growing "1.1 tbr.a s a dark ince'''. nce'''. and .atshal( iia bead depth of box, year* I lath newer tonere a tineswhen a good *twee, ,,,..e. tar glo'rin; economy, or what awl trustworthy epee/sew ,sae( need to seek *heel" tothe beautiful, I saq afternoon re rsaf ( ral•t.ron metro.Wen closed awl covered with the table- lone ter emilfovntent 81 (setter wages her life. I'o,r woman. went a sad mental w md. it is an "nutrient for the dining- than odder, web epwl Intelligent'. Watt Ma- tadi. tlti.rl a ben: Can ale Dig strive t, s testi. r,, Mut without a knowk.ige of tele- renew el re n:.n• t!:.• jus of , aha larger. freer, mare 1 "'LI' gni try..•"W h"p, to gain. p -.i rt her that exp•nentx, rilrttess, fruition 1 Oriental WIa4 but to *1'10 ed. or wen 1n 13.IW a pia.. it 'nett to lying t" ever? "ase' Can she res is n.v,wir to 1)r thorn than a fair weather n' einem* in gatnering in the golktm her- Pm the rntuine pilaff you need dee and is nese r. The art is ears. but tu. weather s ...... melee, age to a w.mri of strong e(L'� mutton rr chicken. awl you 1,011 the r quiree.Kriel alt t is a far. in the railway eh-lrar•ter, and a cultivated mind. brings tie rice iD water only five minute,, in order' w errvlf e'aP 7, - may Istel is Ivies h In 1-f l intim I ttrt.1 it iu the juice rot the omit. There are the Mort Ther.• were hareem wti, e'meetiei was their owe era a'a• cc1enc,• Thc:e were .sacro .Suer ac41(DfM tare ilea .a 1 plup•rfr' t tees . Taros were *bee u.14 i.re1-1141. *4.0113 were r•steantw rrfnrpntgn,wlnnt,wn �.� .,� .,I f •r .wily. for tnought that eulerg s the mind � a Stet variety of rr,•ipse, to o hs,s• from. i A wide-awake and careful railway neer my►terY•lr, rn tic. : earl planta ma,. the . the an. I cf..pet Ar.t, hewtee, terry smpk.. the fel- T cep ens 1.l•ed llat 1....q :.rid wan:r.: for t1. lowing "t oriental Pilaff." Take two pounds Bator i sure W attract attention. lie will be odor■I t.0 •vied•. lr3. ,•f a beautifulme,pint. wa0tef as a stati.xl agent ..r Irwin desirateb- Th. re were ewers 'settee t leer y ot'he defer l neve ,hawed teeter pwhopo tuna to grow. ei ueresmuttthe breast sor et it in it into er and Ixefore lung u a*i*tant wperiutexe- and me t) pet : cats rover have s ilciter "IIP monmty ter gas Nlun•rra tae mire of walnuts; put it in •stew• ,lent or .00 ething of 11e kiwi. sal *lar first over • slew fire; cover it up tightly and There ren• doughnuts bat injustice 'ttwngn luhn•ss, in to mill b, win more rlmintlus pan steep upward is tee 'sly difficult one. Teen tee ale ate mitis I,e cies* .1 : fend, th,.w whom aD4.rrrvwl la worth winning aline it w stew in it, own [at until brown.1.4 le always a aaareit7 of the right kind of men There sere chicle ns. lees s*Laud our►r)• that tent m middle life, if she .may takes the light I winter fent time 40 ("II a tees del* of water for the higher piacet had lust Kerr on qula.f w nese d "f ening en. Increasing years ought to prevent iia seereeting. Add pepper and 1iantreal. W. C. ax Hnawts New 'erased In full cvta.cau. n at o:d (Wer I ' Lang a *Len, awl they will it they are not salt, a little throe, sed "0r 'morn. Mean- Lamb's lion alt. c. Hee road, a vain attempt w boi settle down where whoa ext Pow"' • IDH -pound el rice. and A Northwest tsJwrtry. we are on e rd• insteeda traveling glad- after being drained and ere away 14. dry, yna Teen they gate Isis wife a asral.•er made ler iv •;near! met upward Msuy w.leamen hay. ' rear.. the mutton. which meet be quite ten- Whet Promisee to be a valnahle ln.luatry eerie one n„ so tall. wee.. e1 their heat work in literature. ho art, oder, ny means of a skimmer. int.. another hes twee established in the far Nortbwekt. Aad they brn.illht h1m twc•Iy els is. every In hosim.a, in eelf-vulture, after tby were I tempi token. bot awl wsrtl-o0vrmd. Then rrneieting in tbo msnefae•ture Prem the se- t.rirof IA hail. top email; .htrty years .W, white nota few have Wren ' subatttuto the rine for the moat. and et it perelu•dast materiel the" et band "t Al.d they ceyeisel blur wit.. ata -k --:loth. u it up new Amities in whin they have found .taw slowly until done and /•tainted with the wooden prong for elr'in purposes as 'mlinar wen In vitriol.' bee, mu••n profit and ohhsur. or entered n a juice and fat of the mutton. terve on • hot fly revlalrr metal conduit.. the m.db.el per- And 11•ry cl teed hu lielpk•*. ch.:'ren in • raw Ir.• d enlarged rrspcasiblftfes at sone dish. the encs Ano and the meat .n tarp of it to uede being nsieu a en of green Mgs ted. it tolei ne And they trinene.l his hoose with •'ttekvm•e end some 1 ree-brims:eh trash. And - at..e.t-my.ded brother 4reu4111 five duller@ all in cash • tt'Web *1.e ttva d old tester tanelcd w eh • i hrUI of xaulrat lora. N'lehent Him in filthy lucre might have come his whole dont.' . uw•an et -toed nail, after that weever forty. The belt was to grow .44 gra•vofulh• is to grow in In.wl.dge and usefulnea.. and sue•:n women are sure to tee admired and primed to t!e said ;•f their days. P•repldng Fest. There is an attention of the feet that briery and Wt is aWalliing. 1f then 1e simply a tewioney to , , true rent bathing ani ..barges of foot -wear will b •,qt.•..- l-- ttax•aa.ar- in such twee the CMldrre'r Nerds. If your little .•bill has a ere head or an eruption of *be,**Ip. Mislead of rasping and •rrat.•bing the skin with m44mt and brush wash it daily with tepid water sad either lepanish or Italian snap, ming • soft swage .d a rag or towel. When mopped. Dot rnbbad, dry, anoint the owe plane with sweet oil or cold creme, alkow4ng 1t to .Hak into the skin. This simple treatsent repeated every day for • week or two will not (wily .lht1.w, of a small quantity of s nsww,Is 10 heal the s.wlp but stimulate lbe growth of t110 eater will be found beneficial, and H - hair by feeling the oil glands 1-ntll theehlid them r exceed?* which b very I is gee ,w alt years old ft G cruel to sp- lit° le lea this easel -weak alum water ma) be 1 ply a emelt or brash to the wnrdtive little `po.l*'l. An applbwtkrl 01 eulogise, bay / beard. (ingot friction from •"orientaletris& rum nr diluted akol of M also helpful i'ow- will erten soothe a ernes child and lianas 'eyed *heli and starch are also rerewemand- I sieve. bet for the reenter toilet 111anet neer* ^I. emeeielly weer, 'bee* r a tendency es rare or advisable. Indeed then are atony ..hale anti blister. p1vsirlana wbn ennxller 4.1owo an.l rater let es "here pp...oration ntion 1. att dee wont an melee. for katees. remit 'ffem.ive .dor the probi*rn w mow, (4 all rtgss. if the hath is kept cut end it shed "'bitten In additionto tb• treatment atom. daily • towel or • toothbrush put 'renewed the use M a disinfectant met be lerP rote often resorted tn, and far this purpose s'us•r bewee!e acid or „f pot- D.sMeek lmpreved. ash dealt be Nord. An mien .4 the former 1f you *fah to improve• erne the sal 1" n 'inert '4 water wi11 give *ben tba right . imam of amot .ring he.fate ek with nnlnna. •' tart .4 e'new. in very dam ' and ed . n 1e� nt the Md. not over an inch long. and u thin .reins to the mean- e,f water ' H eeeoatse� ;•doer hole should be ween The fret of bine •s •lsarp knife will onto therm let Ibsen IM n457b'dlpn.dinthe wentienwed drf.dhokum IAe01.1 water with a gond srl..kling of alt s wring. e•Iangt ng dally or .ftsaer. ca tt♦e AS* N for hJf an &anedrain them well. and •.nndantws may require. lett, perapa a fry them in s deep fryfsg-pas, witha and d better war it to wear reef Menlo( W • aI of very foot lard In It. Tbey in has _••hamfitments* fitmwle the Need an 1•a 1fe eat be mem sad wee eyes' eiaagls,g as urian es eareltemrr. AMMO lab w.....r,tee 11 11 • e lent service in thin litre. Tau, r.xnpenv own- ing the patents far the different methods in- volved in the manufacture 1s sail to have proved s highly *iece. dud concern during the abort time it hes bean in elp* rwtkx,, mere t has six hundred miles a theprrduct rosining ut11 NW ha • cxnparetivel♦ short time bT wale? works, miners, etc , in the Nertbwewt. The logs are fine bored, the bark is then renew• ed. the leg turned down abort the the -knees of an Web, and the ,rids are then ehiwelel to receive. an iron miler. wbk•h 14 used for mak- Ing the joint.: after the ends of the now Newrle tetsnnfsrtun4l pipe have been trade ready, t1ei pipes new lint Intn a dry kilt for primer eminent; it is nest wrapped, whieb mnantr of a steel strap sfnont ten ine•bes with. ireing slowly ...mild In spiral fermi the eatery length, sseurrly fastene•1 at either end. After r.gelvfng a ..,at of aspbalwts, the pipe* ready for the 'market. tri.. 1rrtb «hien «111 (emit. A etetti-t .4 Mou..w is reported to base r'ee dlsenve1 a m.4h'•i of supplying the. *anode At a rma.; tar or the bleM..tr, eraate on mr.etl with 1wise teeth wbkrh *111 gmw n10. Fre -t y. It w. d•I.WM•l to ask Hey hr Tltwn- the w u gutefirmer as natural rete ili.n, .f the eiewt.ei Thrnteeiral Inslitntkra rev b.- Me rhwee•ilnr .4 the In,tltntlrt 1lornina ranee• at law, In splendor : b t tae eider. enema h1 Oudot. l: nese amid dna)leg pl.xtone and the ruins of 1.14 110etr Amt. 4.a peer, :.ad 1.e. en till teat swhrt.tet leen ea breht. • For he prayed for eine. who Iwo.gb: elm to that one t t ^•c. e.4 p.14( i • . Pat mine wurk.lr Ihnugl.ts Intruded : for he wondered o'er also tete 1! the)d ba) that coy at •ectiom what t1.ey gave Ihr nl;lht t-ef.e.. And les err, enl pra: er ecuelulyd w th the Itendrwl r..•Iomatbs : .'Take me to Tee self in Deere y. L•eneLrferr m7 lest dot. a'fua'" -Will ten. ton. 1n tad lr' 11nme Jenrette 7trmnwlty has performed fevers' sisec•efoI nperatl.rna .m 'logs as well as human Iseirega. Tar teeth are made of gotta meeka• dew"` lain or metal. Hobs sr•s treadle at th....rot '•f the false tenth ani 1114, •peer,' tet., the yea The both 1A thea peeved Into the ea. m 1a • roast time • soft granulated gr.wth ti• ole Its any /run tb.spart •n*. jaw eon ties .r.• ••e is obs tootle TS•te rreertb gta1ri11y Lai4as toe holds the toned 1i I/ammn.. t'h•rles RIs•. alias R edttw•a, who ls said In be a drereeit elf llrenee•r111•, rant., was se - in ,'hies+ • not Th'irstay Meters! with "mime ing nedem from 1'ensile int*, the "Nate Irean,.emellt.have bone enroleeeel in the Inman t.ysrtment for the e.renlien of • lar.• elemerlsl farm at ilr 1wl.w,. Men , nen roar D* to to eases 4 by the Iletbadht ihs tee - l .e. tit t e CCc es . Fi=b a 'j int: wo eat W CO ti i i EVERY PEN GUARANTEED. 1 Y Y x 2 t Cr Y^ .•e. 3 e4 E c% e 1 1. 1_ • t a 'r Cie r 1 g . • ,:a c O Y4 - Eric .. ar, .� at Leet° E. _x L : r�.0 -�• it eC - fr '' ii'- .All . VII: f G p IQ `_?y !j'a rtE c foe _+ �yc a- C '� 7 te C C 1-G - 44 i J c:? C C �'-pp P iia �` '. .e_t:g V: *ilfif A a cr 0 e c a !iR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD• TRkWBsRRY CUREHOlERA holera Morbus O Lt I C 'a -' RAMPS G Me *r7 JH 1 8 CHANGE OF BUSINESS 1 THE OLD AND RELIABLE 1:', I' el FLOUR AICD FEED STORE IIAS l'HA\Uk11 111131-". The pnhlie are hereby Doti^.r.1 that the font and lewd lousiness formerly carried ou by A. h:. Hollis has been nuref•allett by THOS. J. VIDEAN, tone *111 carr, it on In all 1's tranches at the • uM stead, blit -M. near the Square. L'u.lrr ,he mower Ment of former propnr- 'nrwrho I,n-ins+. has been the 443,4.1 PUCA 11111.1 114 line of any in 4,11,1), anal s• the new d wsprr'nr has MY, fde n tI lied with It for mer e•f.tht Teere,tlwre• wilt I.1,0failing off In the energy former ly exhibited 1n k. twins' it In the front reek., Owls drill creel to •11 Mrrs of the town. The late•: and hest linen (4 Dour and feed always ma hand and choler meth In seamen. 111108. J. YIItCAN. 1 take *hi. nnt"•rt "nity of t . anklet: my tone te.tn.•n for their liberal pat rower.- deem( n.7 vreppnetorshf of *be Fear st il..nr and Fdr.l Pharr. awl 41e0 take plesrore 'n rrrn44tmrnd- Int my sn4a4w..r. Mr Thew J. VI'', "ft. who w.1Itp 4 .4 w 4* • lhonsgL' l reltahtr man A. K. CI'LLIa. IARRH(EA YSENT£RYI AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWEL;; IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE 1-0:1 CHILDREN OR ADULTS. NEW ARRIVAL -of - SPRING GOOIDS. LATEST STYL-i.S. R•mnsnts In he viewed nor• parte:t fib and showy ►hap►*. H. DUNLOP • The tt"efife& Tel . i- Money to Lend C. SEAGER, --Detre 1n elcLr•I •- NEW BLOCK -Opp4eite 4M a•lIei-• r.Ptt me rsisowtosole sa•►w I **an.1.k. aero r. en. set Jen. ►44. MA..�. AIM .0..14.41* .. NNW •• ..w • ...a. •i,w w4..0. moose •• �wmi . 11•••••••m-. •• . 044111_ ewe roam*. w ..*4:..•••11•4 ars ee re •e•uAM. *Uuse. w. Ares IMP ..a •awn. dome 0.0 • ze..saF .44e. 4... •1r Isrsr- reit 111 11llIII • -5t - Cheap Rates, Fairra dotes Cashed. II 11 11lilIIIIIIIII 111 11.1 I. 1 II.