HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-7-10, Page 2THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891 MLINE1Y. MILLINERY. MRS. R. B. SMITH IIA, .1I.I. DIE NOVELTIES ANO LATEST STYLES, 1\u A Cordial Invitation To the ladies of' Goderich and vicinity to examine her stock. Prices right. :ail tf. "4l MRS. R. B. SMITH. ••"ar'e a very nice w0lu111, my dee \IL-ko•Ierry, a very nice wawuta,1, indeed,' said 11r. l'artantriatie, sagely ; "lout you allow her to dictate too touch! For Instance lay wife Ahoulel lacier tell nle not to am:oke 11 the larlors .o :account of the cur tains ••It doe, tuns 'ant yelhow," ohm -re -est .Iutkkhcrry, tbought frilly. •'1:rauted but what Iee•on11s 41 your conjugal xul1er1onty ` Aua then you . i n t ,. buy that lxxuer Io*. bemire. ii e. she whined nqt to ! t% bat is a wolnan'a juelgt worth in a *.atter of Luaiwss like that. Mick !'• "Mary knows more than half the men going, 'parent het iea►ijy haat•r tee! Mr 11 to•k le berry ''. •'F:ycuw• 1114-, Mickl•Iterry, I.ut yew .1.n't khop her ua her place ! !amt. the scriptures r•.presaly lay that the woman u the weaker vessel ! 1 should like t0 a'*' lira. 1'art.'tu- hnage venture to °weir Int." Mr. Mtckledierte poked aulniriugly at Ma by meters. • ss "flow do you manage it. I'artauhri,bte '.' he 1luestmted, a little timidly. fact, my attar fellow tact, dignity, satretua.•y ! 1 wouldn't have mention..) It if circumstance -a haell t painted Jir#etl))- to the fast, but you are getting Iie•tgrecke.l, ]liakklarry. Everybody m,ti:ee it. You sumo gather up the reins of .1.Nnestie man- agement you must a..+sort y..ureelf.'. ll r. ir.klelwrn laughed. ••{tut what IS the ewe ofaaarrtingmyself:- he inktal. myac1f "hea.4t.l. ).e,514tly. "Everything „pts on 1k(• ,-hackwork at 1 • • Mary always mets ant• with a anode she sft•nda the mune., sa-ruILly, and neve. asks me for Au nnne.•esaary cent ! ' •' leas she tell you len she .penile it `. .. Not always, bolt Mr. 1'ar•tanbridge interruut.l his friend with agraxel. •• 1111, these• 11 tom( these unworn 1 I anemia like 10 lee lny wile buying a silk dress. a. glary .ha bat week, withtwt tirst consulting nor.'. '• phut alio lea acrd the Money out of her houaebepilg (untie." '• Theu, my dear fellow, it's a4 sign that you give her ten mnm-h I111Iey it hour, keeping. Cut her down area' the purse, *troops at little tighter." lir. lltckleberry ko.hal une-omfort- a11e. '• 1 I •Ldnl.l hardly like to do that. 1Lr !anhrl.Ige.' •''101111 never he minter in your own 1101184• until you-.ln." llou.et Macklclern- went 'Inane ala told his wife all about what 1'artlnlnage heed 481.1. llary laughed fetal colored. but she awe :a little angry wital. •• 1 truth Mr. I'artnLridge would mind Ins own Inlsinee., ' seta she. •' I'm urea .d Learing aleout • my wife.' She must i4. :t poor, spiritless concern. •• l'art4nbri.lgr to a loan of great abilita- ' Nod Nimes gravely. " F'idalest Mks wail Mrs. Miek!clerry. •'.% regular hen hinny a thorough going Mum Nancy! - "I'm sorry you feel s. about him, my .hear," maid Meows, ''for he door't like the dare where Ile is hoarding now, and 1 told mil he might (wimpy our spare room for a few days. "Oh, I've no oIgie'u'o8 to that," slid \Ira. lliekleI erry...mIp aw•Jly. "l'ml always glad te entertain your friends, ley. .hear, even if they are not ter nest Agreeable people in the world, and 1 dare say 1 rest, get along anti 11r. Par anbndge for a few rya. ' ,.1 "la'te . little jewel, m) dear,. Iai.l Mo.w•a, and hr forgot all l'artanle idgc'a 1.Iattina1 LN14 at ower. Mr. I'artanleiagc carne, swag and bagglage, :ilia took pwees8lon of the "spare noon in the Mirkkberra- mansion as ini ortantly ss if h•' 6:441 I.et the (:rand 'lurk. And Ih"u.rfM'Jnl'•llly wife • began. beret e.ely .peaking, to trample \Lary Mit.klclerry into .tat "My wife" spent no money : "Inv wife" went .i.,when.': •'my wifewon1,1 4nnner . in eel her hand than go to n w.51nan'1 rights .-on vent : •'my wife" wan not literary, IBI. spent her dap, doing housework ane her evenings roe -name stn.-kengs. She held her fontanel m wantary awe, never spoke when she wear. t 4polrn to in short, knew her plate. „ end now •il you manage it, Tartan Irnllg`t ` • asked Mr. Mirk khrr•y, 'nor agate, in the ;Amine Ion of his soul. Mr. 1•artarebriags' w-ar,,I his hand loftily. Mi klelerry, ' said Ica, •' there are Nene Dung% that can't leexpressed to words. "Fortunately "' heal 1n Mr,. Merkle (carry, aim wan reeving away a. Vigurnu.ly 814 tf every atateh was an unuttered pro teat. "• \n.l went to Mr. I'art•rawidges, aa if he had not heard the interruption. " it is canine's dusty to listen, to submit. to keep w ••There rim t he door-heU' obeervea Mn Micklehwny : will yew lis, Mase: It Is Drill a es erne': ort. ttaket1 to perform se, mewed 1411 nava-'- 11e stopped short as 8 1..1141,nu , '..-uline wait, war 14raral its the entry below stairs. " hw., .Luh I'artatairiahe Irani here! Are ` 1)1., all right : tell 'ecu to bring the trunks. anal you, p.58 -khan, adollar'a enough fare. 1.011'11 get no more teIt of air. clear out, and Ir1'4 more hear no .re of your grumb- ling. Su he's here. as he .1 pretty as,' ri I've had after hien. • lir.. Mirklelerry l.oketl up at the blanc!e- iu;( e.,unnc te ar of Job I'artarbndge u, surprise' arta bewilderment. Who tan that loud -voiced woman ' pos- sible Ie' shysaid. " Surely there un ere in ramie mistake." "N no'"quote 11r. Part'ullriage with chattering, teeth, ,.1: u my wife. " lin.. 1'artaubrit•gr *.• (*an it des• praillr'" an.l henpttalde little Mary Mirkleberry dropped her work and hastened eel to green anti welt -ante her new aunt. the paragon among 48-...4",. , - ./.I ai w ife.4 the doughty ,ltd,. Nina I'artatibrtdge Male 14141, the room with the treat' of a raiment and the aspect of an .\nzo aan She was a tall. large w.ntall, real•faaed and resauet, watt, the feint stalk of a pmlAt.arhe (o her upper hp, anda .deep voice lilt. that of a grenadier. anal ahtswore her etokk as it it Lad turn a nlan'a 0%ereat, tthetwo .sleeves tied aroawl her ick. N hale her nail r hat would have been al&. centrit for her hushed. • She sat Juan, at Mn. Micklrlw•rr)'a mei. too L n. with force that maelr the their creak and Del/tide ul iia every joint, loll thrut .nut her feet. "Pull off thou, rubbers.- said she to .Loh, an.l the huafapromptlypr.ptly went 41,wu ml o p'hi3 kneel, trfortn the behest. •' Not so rough )•011'1. 414 l•lumsy as ever, I seer : and now - tell nie why you shan't send the money for 11H, to join you I a',•rt•'.' "1 1 c,mldn't spare it (1'.)111 my businera 1►rusille, 111y dear,- stamen( red .lob, grewnlg "Hang up lay climb to airy and get ole .a footstool for my feet cominlantled Mrs.l'arta11l•riage. "i.o.1k sharp about it, tor. %Veil, 1 borrowed *SO front ileac.,,. Untie -t- hin. awl I've went. over to my own honk. Tn. tired of being poked Away' in the 4 •r4ck- wwb while you're playing the tine city Kent, and 111 met stare! it any longer ; Ir . -cola., I wan(yd bald 10 et the Wonian s Suf- frage .laesetatou, and Int a uieniler of the tiiUe)vi114- Matruh Female Rights .1dvo .ser.. 1•uu'vt• got a 11114- house here, ma'am,- turning to ll r4, llleklelerr-. „ I neighs have had a house of my own if Joh Part had used C0011011 souse in Mtbusmen,Anent, area listened to iiia- ail 'ice a littl.•. ' "1trunlla, my dee r inter aw'd Myl'artati tions•. Let ha wife darted a !canine glance at hent. •'.101. 5'artanlrlage, will you Loll your tongue. awl speak alien you're ap,liru tr, she Jemana,sl, tattle. •'('ertau,iy, my .Icer, certainly •.. • "Then Idea hat .• a 41teclatrn 01 it. .1, 1 was saying, Mrs. SIiekkl.•rry ..101.,er441 down-atomawl look in Leg hu4ndtel Laski 1 t m lap of aha• trunk m the hall, and get 1114- m) handkerchief and the eautphor bottle anti the little wicker-case-caseruaud at as 1 was saying. that :tort of thing In just '* about played oil, se far AA 1 ant weirenwd. .101. 111141uo 111001' wit than a yellow dog when hes Tett to himself you know you haven't .soh, an• yeti maymayjam am well leave off opening ata shutting your munch like a newly landed fist. and 1 In an 40 Ire loss myself, Yea, dew... Itriesg me the roe•king-,-lair now 11104Co4e ter s•neu au the fire wont shore 111 m)• ey-rs. .141.1 get a hack early tomorrow morning, and wee that 1 ani furnished : 1 want to .!0 a little •110111.11114(...•110111.11114(...Yes, my •fear," saes .lob Pattatihridge. Mr. "And le. ready to go atilt nee at 11 te. the suffrage ns 4al. 1 nn14t r.•nder the report of the Seilley)vdl(. branch.' "Yu "Yew, ar," aneenteal t h.• !widowed .11 tins stage NI ll mkt :perry interrupt - e.b the order* of the re,ttanding general of the I'wrta,dxulge• dial to a trey somas ins( tela, tont awl other h•Im,1in.• iefresh *tents. 11ra. I'artanb i•Ige ,l reeeiv.throe with a eon tenlptuale 411111. •• My ge..l 1 uly. ' mei she, -'• I dart.' Joey you tuwun we111n1 1 'bait ft el of mush *low Joh •• Yea. 1)r,.olla 1• 4:,, round to the mwr,•n1 restaurant AMI get m5• a leittl' of Ih,hlm stout and a dish of shown! tripe. 1 mill••t.•nw• me. ma'am," to Mn. Mi.kl.•18'rrt. but we all have our little way. awl chia ie mite.• Away went .cal. 1'artanbrt•lgc like an at row fleeing (raw the Iow.*n, Men return - el with the repined eiauetu, , off which "mywife " nnippedanenpl ly. •' Take m) *lunette cap-41aers, .let.'" said Mrs. Partenlriag.'. w hem ilk.' hal oau1Ooted her cravings of nature. •• 1 v.' hal • nt.trowel,lay of trowel, 14,1.1 1 gam.. 1'11 go 5o tied earl). 11 OVA? mortal Wren 1111.41"i,«we •; 1, wretch- ed and ,•oral Joh the next meriting when he made he. wppwwran,' , at t he breakfast .elute Met. Mirkklwrrvcould not tomI51e. 1A little miechirvmtn hut. 1 mngrwtuII4 you. Mr p'artanlydse," she said. " upon tMasser rti-ellent arnser in hick yon hate de‘ ele,psd your their". as to cewj disripohnr. Mr. ►ridge ,hnked ever his mateseer e' !" Ise cried ":ash i ter. f• slut•1 " Who lamenial l" • ) wlf•-, d,, Mr% 11184 s- .ri w"mid n4 -.'or m _. m.I1 I Aid ILII, IIA, iftit, *k ! bow •lif••rently kw pronoun the low, Mitt worth' from the way In wa he had tlpukea thea. 94 hours! Mr..*4 Mrs. Joh PartatbrAte left t Miek1berry roof that eery (lay fur a hole headier to the " Woman's Suffrage Itureau sad that wee the last Mary and her hull over heard of "pay wife" ur her ham elate, the devoted Joh. - - Helen Furca Graves, Si New v ock Weekly. s • Ca.ttptls e.NMI Mdnebe. I tr. Silas LAN. while u the Rocky Mout • tants, discovered • reel, that when smitten t■1 with other herbs, makes as my and .,stain cure for constlpatt.n. It 1. In the forum of dry non aid leaves, and 48 haws • ,one's baling Medicine. it will eare ala sick-hewehe anti is the but Spring )1di s- enne. For the blood, liver mid kidneys, mad for clearing up the t.oa.plteaion it doer won- der* I dekii gi.tr sell it at 60e. and tel ► package. (1 -sow) -- Slag mid diallers. paws, 'rhe.-,tv p n, it is well known, is often as nm.h a "ereeohorn " in the country as the c.wntry person is in the city. .1 girl who lead been accustomed to eettais city spuare1 and exclusive parks, whom high barrel gates were clased et a fixed hour 4e uy night, tuc'le her tint visit to the coun- try. SLc wee bring taken about through the Laura andtkl.le by her wither when the son set. "Say, 51.14114151*," said the little girl, '• haven't we tut to go m! What time do anyway they close the industry. away It war a city boy, too, whit. whets taken with him by las etl ontry cmutn while be dug sones potatoes, :Uvatc lael the pro... Hf unearthing the tubers for a moment. with great wonder ala thea remarked : •• Is that where you keep your potatoes 1 Attalla think It wuJ.1 18- more (enyenteat to keep thein in b►rr.- ., like we da" " T1c country greenhorn ' in .the city as.j hhia 1141vautai;r Deer the "city- green- horn " in the (mum ry, that he dues sot pet on airs of superiority one all aes.aiame. It was a city lo) its the country wen, being token to a peach tree full of rape and delictowl ns k oart, enol United t., help himself, re- marked somewhat '.(lily : •• No, 1 thank you. 1 never cat them until tht•y are canned 1 ---You' ho. ('ni- pa11u w. fNIf a rar•ble la sutfercd for three .laws very severely frau Suuniw•r l'otntplamt, sm.!ctin ...aid get .. relief, but kept gettg wnrae till tilt 10Neta a alm..,t uUlemrulde. and 1 was very weak-. After ever•? thing else hail failed 1 tried Ur. Fowler's Extract of %Vila Strawberry. The first sere gave relief.an,l it did not tail to cure uta. 1Fw. T. t:1 v\\, Wilfred, Ont. 2 rriaDOMINION IN BRIEF. he „ eight tli%My. ()sl,., ;Leel a :j3.4g►► flee on Tuesday ,Mandl Firs IJ an i:l-u,ru hallus walI did 111:3,0./.1 k lamge- (w Thin -day. The true...;, (he- I:elI farm at ludtau llrad are nlpui't•41 magullk•rut. Ire. )(e lab,.*, )1 1'p., has recovered fr, s hu 1 went *alum llama. *'.sur kaadred settler's trout Ontario arru'- r 1 au trisai •g ut FY: lay. : •:ttuky *Mine, a caste*-vrarr.kl bur. was d: e'wIAA ..t Kw;stw, d O fiatur.Lv. The :,nlsa:--.:u.• 4. be Mwnve.I from Sal:- I fleet .tune rood vomiter ante Hamilton. obwlia.. Meek of llomilt011 was killed us the railrwd track *1 Ilkdigate slit Flrilay. ! Wm. Kos r, Q.1'., LLD., La bode re- elected via.'hactel.vr of Vittoria Culyea- ref l ttmaok re: teat in use:uury of 441r Joel 4aAelolnei.t ea.. held in liuers.oe art F day. • Jet The following quaint ntatyimonial otter is takeu faun, a llauritius new apper : A stamp collector, the potpie -4.w of a collection of 12,644 stamp., 481.14.1* to marry a Lady w 1141 Is esu ardent. -wale rt,r and the p.seess..r of tip_ Liter peony •tarsi. of Mauritius, neural in 1847. - --- For the cure of denials weakness, sup- pn•»luus, nen eu%.taw, Ilearing moue pala,s 1aw1 all those peculiar ailments that make w•otman's life almmot unbearable, lir. 11'il- i1a1111' I'u Ik Ihlls are can unfailing care. They huikl up the lawrsi, restore the nerves. and l.nn o a gl..w.of health to ..allow: cheeks. All dealers. or by mail post-paid to receipt o1 price i5Or. a tris Ur. 11'illiatus lira. Co., llrw•kville, tett. Moron mwtbtrblld'. >rnals& -Ilse eller Baron Ilothaehild his the a;uiw of his bank plat•:te.lt+l with tae follutring 4-1444' •.11 111* 5148 : Carefully examine story detail of y'wr bustles, lir prompt in ever'.thufg. 'rake use to catnsider and then dt•t'idr quickly: ' Mare 1.. g.. forward. bear tro:ddrs patiently. Ilei brave 111 the struggle of life. • Maintaini your integrity .1s a sacred thing. Never' tell leismeas hes. Make no ns'•l.•aa a'•quat4a).eeel. Never appear something more than yon *r.•: NI. your .lett.: promptly. 1,..* 11 how to risk your :Honey at the right tn.nnent. shun strong liquor. Employ your time well. 114 not reckon upon thane. lee polite to eseryleshy. Never le dtstv,uraged. Thein work hand, and you will 1e certain t' sneered. "When your ,heart is 1,041, and your lLMI is ia.l. and you :ire had .lean thorough, what is nerelt,l'' asked ,. Sunday school teacher of her r1a8n. • I know Ayer'p Sarsapar- illa, - answered au wen 1 n little girl, who.' sick her had recently been restored to health Ica that uL,lirin.-. 1 Nhy falter The macaw thatPrwpte 108)8 me.n give for marrying 1dltle 1/11rne•1 are only to Ire ow- - pawed IT the reasws atone women give for marrying emote town. There wan the owe who narne+l his wile 11.4,14use she was left- handed. 14u.1 it 111111141041 him to see her maw with the off haul, as he said. There was the young woman who married her hualand }weans. 1,4- was (at, wail was "no dandy tot sit on her books of autumn leaves in the fall and pnr*thetn." Then there was another wnmlan, presumably not aro ynung,wh, finally maene.l a maul who had courted her faith- fully for eleven years, bemuse, arn she after. wall *eountea for it, "he had worn his Blair in their slain' room pinmlo out asittin' 141 it an many years, an' since the. heel to be a new ane gglat she thought t might as wrllle fnrlptTleatsehes, te on their own rtt•etwat. •• :1 little bny rtleed Melrose Townley was ism over by a MOM and %ntering .••rt in Toronto nn T1Yent/ay afterni1•n. *net wan instantly killed. The driver, Deo. H Robb,. Non cans Owed in rue.:..1y. At the annual rani -oration atio n of Trinity t'nl- ver.ity, Toronto. on Friday, Mr. R. T. waggon. Q. t'., kinestern: Mr. E Martin, Q. 4'. Hamilton: awl Rev. Prof. ('lark. Trinity 1-niverdty. obtained the drlrse 4.l, D C. 1.. eh,,orls rotas, N got1t sons hare begun het caw• ' the 5 ;run 1 Think and the Canadian ,,addle fra1lway It -Inking to n (,4n.11y running •rrangtwreet h*twew, thew great 4ansddan lines lord Nonni-mtg./then presided at n joint meeting of the revels' representatives en Fri,la,. A jtdsrnseit was entered In the Superior ('.arta Montreal, on Thunder ley Judge Jetta. declaring tint the Imperial Art •>t I'8 n abolishing nnflr,atin of pn,perty for the penalty .4 death r imprisonment for life'l:w 4art awe l,.1 e'smwls, snit that sorb eoon(ie- ratiou h • pn.vmetal prerogative Rev LeRoy honker. the well-known pastor of the Metropolitan ehur,L. kat* left town A-'-10 t and gone In Delimit, where he is in the employ .4 the *'snarl* Lifts Antonin,* Commun. Masai i.dneth en with the anafon of tie T.onwtel'.e(rrem a in nod app reatieg him to the London (Conference is meld la's the Sarno of the nha,g.. Mmainfra LIettsent n wood hr PhlrelN14ws, i • J. P. SRO w N, Carriage Maker and Blacksmit AUBURN, - ONT. \ nn of tlw• 'db.alster .4 Mi:itia was tier.a44 frau his lieu.• w Ottawa but meatiest u burl. James$',e14 of Calgary a:..1 Mrs. 1►.0 1:5 ras4 ut ,,'erner ; Ls%a el •p - :. :ve P., . a.,t. :Is ludo, ,. 1-att; ra, leather merchant htitror are er ditul's 53 c, . 1b. d halo Fit:totl w lel; from • y bnk -.uy da M..utr sal cwt Sunday ami +i,4 .,deed. ':rialto Srsn,.arr. %rl..) is wanted by tis L' •.ton-p•1,::r:.r inllr*1St, I, wpi.sad :o u La 11 Dattel. I1. S. Mc4t,11ew, wan .d tk•ttat,)r Mejnaae L. first mant.f tis. y tar at the }Loyal lilutar (1411' car Ki:t;.wtoae. ,,lead. :13..f ,utter who fell 245 feet do tar ghat tf amine near Calgary two waw ago. Will,r'ea,.ver. Tit Ti mat *a:.: well of S..•denhara mac u+ Sukid un tln4s..,tt d l'eultrukr track a: KJ., n e s50at N canes•, a, : Ur. J. R. It. bins it of x:aic..lr is Montreal ou .iuOet '. 114.. la ,alio 1. "led to be insane. 14 .0 a'.YST Yt1It Tills ttasoratrn ap ur Biiggies, Viaggon,s Cati KTl'., L'fl', ossixa Pa° 11f;LLT errsai�am zoiums3oI0 a mown MASSEY MANUFACTURING CO,'s Binders, blowers, HORSERANES, DRILLS, +U. 1,1,:.1 .,5 ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 4MNke.grad. Ike 80.. y1 48" PRESCRIPTION WORK. a• Binding Twine. s. 1.V orld," "H.J t'ap' 'crow•,"and "elf Iver l'on•poa,I. • priers. ■!ways in stork at the ms est lr What week is easier than Mexl arson work, as it is stow e1I11 "t wilt no prelatior work. Tbrdrawn two& t. the' larded. pert • but any d„ it oho w ill .suede e a Iltti ,•:ere. Ne .u1•• awl Wane aide Mesa.the, nits, 1, t• the beauty ththat}* 11• 11'M -hoot fine. .1 narrow Mexican work iat ant Iwing worked ti e .u• enieut t„ carr eau 1.• pdttesl by rc be.. or by narrow '-r 3. P. BROWN, Auburn P ',! PERSONAL ATTEN 1O? P!.' T I)R 1 ' l .., Lf )\VEST CHART. , ... tr' n; 4w.t In h:•L.l:.,p Twee i., reported to t.',in a very 1'ow e,wdbuwt. a:e! :0 f..• 1nm•h wOetw than he L ss In tit. li..ui(ae+•. Tor little (Laughter .,: 11'. iL Brown. ltrant was v'r:o*Jy injared a in a rune+ay •er...lent and naar•eli', lteywekle the , dared porter. was w'ntenc.• 1 to font -teen •-.'ars da the pentosan try i 1 Mon- treal for n.wr.lau4bter. 0 The finest Porfuines. Soaps said Toilet Articles. PARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWD All of the best quality. e..,.r;,' 1S ith•a-t• n. Hamlitwt, wan buried • -a -faiirtr-wit ou -Weehteal� Y and' - uarr..wiy ramped drat.. .1 vendor of rrlansla ight,r wan retur::, .1 mala-,. Anthony hepta':1 by the coroner. jury in London cn Frn1at Premier Greenway dealt+ that heap•. are .1ertuin•si of rets-a1tt:4 the Manitoba :+.•Neel .1.•4 nes: session as rweertc.l. 1 lad named Edward .Armstrong was kirk.sl 1a the bead lay a hoc, at Ila:nrlton , n Thursday ltd severely injured. Mr. T. D. Boddie.. Haniltm's favorite tenor, bas rnwrl4ed a !tattering•,tlrr from the Merau1 (kern Co. kg New fork. Edwin Perk, aged 1'!, :an inmate of the Monir 1 Industrial /lame, wa4 ae ntseat in Et"bunko ('reek .on Thursds y afternoon. Th.• Public whoa. •,1 T..rnato were dossed on T5,ues.tay for the tnudsumnwr h ,lilays, awl ,.iii not be reopened until September lat. Prenrer o;r, •nwav 5.411* the Manitoba 'chord's carr sill ire further appealed if the tectu,nu of the Suprema Court is unfavor- able. trop prospects in Manitoba and the North - 11 -este io,ording to advice* receiviel in the Indian I1•ptrttne•nt, are of the brightest char- acter. 'Albert Mems of '4lortoe was arrested! on Tnc,.►av an a warrant charging him with 'hooting with haunt to kill Neil T,xls of the .sine Vil'.as(e. TT.• rwprt of the Joint Committee .1 tiw (".minion Senate and Hnaw of Commons library r(c.1mtnemds that the library be light- ed by rFrtricitr. Five ihltch sailors on th' H*tavis, lying 'u M,ntn•nl damn•, mntioma on noonday and taught desperateir with the polies of& -ten tent 1,3 arre'e•t them. The annual int.ne timed regatta of the Minttewota and Winnipeg Rowing Associa- tions will take place in the latter city 051 July Ma and August 1st. People WolldrF WLIEN they Ord how rapidly I d lith is restored by takln',; Ayer's Sar- saparilla. The reason is that this contains only the parrs( and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a Veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Jos. Lake. Broekway ('entre, Mich.. writes : " Liver romplaint ,old indigestion mels 111y life a Inrdrn and came near ending ley existence. For .nor'• than four years 1 suffered un- told agony. I wan reduced almost to a 1)kel.•t"n, noel hardly hal strength to drag Inyw•If shout. All kinds of heal distressed err, and only tlw moat deli- cate '-0511,1 he digested at a11. Within the time mentioned 1rt•rral physicians treated me without kiting relief. Noth- ing that 1 took seemed to .10 any per- manent ••1191 until 1 begun 11e use of Ayer's fiareapar111n, which has pro - deiced w"ruserfal results. (kaon after to take the Sarsaparilla I could see an Improvement in my rnnelitlon, my appetite 'wean to return and with it rime the ability to digest all the foal taken, say strength Improved each day, and after a few menthe of faithful attention to your directions, I found mytoelf a well woman, able to attend to all household duties The medicine has gives me a new lease M lite, lad i cannot thank you too much." W., the 1, Athens .1 Brockway Centre, Mh'h., hereby certify - that the above etatenw'wt, .lade ley Mrs. Lake, le tress in every particular awl entitled to fun eredem'c."-D. P. Chamberlins, (1. W. Waring, C. A. Wells, Druggist. My brother, In England, wee, for • 101tft tfss,woobletoattendto hM cfon b memo of MAMA on 11b1 font. *eat Ayeahi Altnnnar aaI the. te._ thm.sls" It contained Induced him 1.1 • earAfter toting it a while, he was mewl, and is law it wNl seea, working fn A ,agar mill at Belahma*, Qwr,enwl*nd, Aunt retie.'• A. Attewell, Rharbot Lake, Ontario. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, W. C. GOODE, \demist and Oltenia.. ,s:!, on 11'.9)'. --- -� • LAWN MO W ESS Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices rig GARDEN TOOLS Just what you want. HOS=E, Best brands and lowest prices. R. P, WILKINSON & Co. NOW T8J►T nr int ebdu for },ic:un• /1111111P4, u• ,l :. tr;ltn,:ug (H• wti+.L .lr 1. -u. 1,4541 U0'l' r .4 a are .1 v, res pretty iU4ertttin is m atle Ili^res, ail tie' threads, pr.,a11 •1 w: /n,.wear taw ►w•u in width. I" , the ma:winingthreads its re tltr a l , by bac: tit. -ton world. .i .., .. • rf thea+• "cerium into on •.r:, ' :,p.int two-Wan.a dk.! . ,.u•rb edge: alts: kit n • „•,- together wit:. those! •t •:-.tante from 'eY..t e, a.l•I tan nate 1,701AID 1418.1 ••.k...tlw p�x,•"' r*rrylm$ two t; tin 14* kip.: leaked %. ph first • ire wus4,ug tem are weedy put :.:.ue same km* atitc: t :Aerate. --Tees Blear r:rat•efal t;rowlt 41 end it is often said that few wiart.. t 1., grog- ell go wo.w).iby. Thant ie graceful way and *11 ungrwct fm all the- gtesko and ills of life, azul ilii take *flat lift offer* us, it i+ wet what euros in a, ;metal a must 14...The at„t,•a(e•'l:l .say of n a ivanees of Father Tins, in per tram to acknowledge him. its hue. end) am .only twenty -fie' Out it Claws. and seven more ape plow. "A large hat, or a cur diel tenser 1111•. and I'm ware ro that ! noel give them up yet too all the worm. 14 toodeet 14(11 • .ino«n tial wt'l.•r your'ehin 1. b..,ultn t) y. •u 111w. "1 shell ; river stable d4 real. or pin:. "- a1 A 1 s'+a. s..)'iuv 'Otint Lorne"! w::.. •:at it Isn't tow, all the .141 .1! .'I L' (s." for fart that the t .4 • to has departed y,.0 can .: cel more browsing to your 1 •u ti,a't ilia' particular .H1e ta;t •. sig. 4'::- t the spins of the young :4.-1:4* Svc on- tJirty who. alth.• I.• s a i(,e a:.'1 mother. stilt (+re; teen. •1f girlhood. But the and ten wwnan n her ft 1., may be even more angriest • -.dole mat she ran ignore at that alit. last ah taair: wean jut -twin • tight ftttina jacket. -,11 iter dauluter'a ;. • yew -.err wait, and her t h.. Vain atrw,npt to dio •:.a•. ..r 1 .rn1 is not the .amt. U :8.:1'.. thirty y.•arw ago. It d up to the tinct that err 1' ktrt'er. and that •h" w•'s l u ,••t.l..r.ts And glove; than - The doled of growing aokl ik shadow Dyer the g14'11114 whoa SIP Add bo the beamuful, 1•,1141 her life, Por 1808811, what 1 t.11'iit1n11 m hers! Can she reinter the joy of the urger t.-rfret life that exp'nonce, rip, '81,-14* to bring 10 every new' a' i'kastlre is gathering in tl+ seat' Medals- ago to a w.41 character. area a cultivated ml bei chance in life for pr•sgrer f -'r study. for tn'alght that eul anal planta upxn the count, !mets .d a beautiful .pint. .1 true earnest woman who oat, serer have • better .1p,por fulness, oI be able to win m fr.n thole we're approval is thou in !Maine life, If she only *witted d4 .doing en. Ineresal t, ,bring ee ae1,en, and they mil wa4tal 111 re vain attempt to 8e we are 141 the road, insured al iy'uware, ata moven! )la, achieved their beat work 1111 11 in hatineem, in ..lf-culture, ■ ,hurty years aid, while not • up new wtlrllat d• which tl ninon profit and peemere, rn new life of enlarggsvl re981111 rine xteeted read, after they s I...t way to grow .old gra.rfu lnowtedge and met einem. a see sure to res admiral awl I .d their clays. • Perspiring Fe Tlwre is an affection of tlw 4 ravatmg. and that 1s is e .imply a telidescy to p 1)0.•nt Initiated and chasms Is. .'iquriaiiy necessary. la -.'Withal of a mall g48•stitl the water will be found t *erre m exa.mive bondsman apt to he the camas -weak at apple.!. An application 4 rum or dilutwt alcohol hal lerod chalk and .tar,!! ars "1...pwrlally where there "lisle and blister. Whore p em.tr'atl on la a 'ffM.ive 44lew else problem solution. In addition tote i nd11'ated the nee M • diad parr often retorted to, sod 'IU,,'r brewer acid or tura ash +14-1481i be steel Aa seer I. n gnarl of water will r dr'•nefth, and At lb. doled. to the ousted watt • d ten brae abs4M be wore may boo dippedM tido dattis w Aariwg, timnglaR curly ru nl4*nag 11 7 pe w IINSIPP May 11 is Weir bane boos 1mesereed ti. the .IMrpng ar dila OD as THE LINAR.If WI: A THE_ R IS HERE RLFR`eilt YOURSELF' FIT DRINKING MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE TSi'• u,o.t d,s,9u ati,i i".'irl,tl:l '•f .li stun,:1•r tlrulk, F. JORDAN, - MEDICAL HALL, (3, =ERICH- PUBLIC NOTICE! Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. atreronage. REES PRICE & ; SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. c O_ E &RRY The Parwitnn Dealer, 11 welling all kinds of furniture et the lowest mead* prleea 11 le e wolf -known tact :het be Sells Cheep F•rr ,'* h. He to also the hand. 114 atm it alma a Pwreltore elsewhere, and leading t'sde1taker of the town. R..lalml.g Raid always 14n • specialty of Pietism Pismire. Olve Mei a Ball bidets Parekr1 1 ,on will fled out that w does as be eyes --site ahem For Caes2Z to tha.king ase and all floe,.. ►.84843.81 81 sere Dr. .1. C. Ayer & (:o., Loweg, Mase, p,e..,,a,,,i1e,lt . ._ I Q EO BARRY ha boom to reedy. a eeselea lee of the