HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-26, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1891. W. ACHESON & SON. ALECK SAUNDERS, N, ,;;,: NEW HOUSEHOLD LINENS. $83t American Bheetings in all widths. New Pillow Casings, all widths to 48 inches wide. 42 inch commences at 14 cents a yard. lv r; w TABLE LINENS. Handsome designs, all widths. Drawn Tea Cloth, Table Runners, Tray Covers, Napkins and Towels. NEW EMBROIDERY LINENS AND DRAPERS W. ACHESON & SON. t�421.1RE 4N0IM tE w tAkIE;.0 BSCIUTELY ah 12:�av er�:.01111 In•*onset. t." IIEC' , }ihl: STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLA Vuit, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package. CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer. • SIR .U$HN'S RELIGION. THE, STORY OF His cONVERSION• t. T..il Sy LIangellet Ouster Thr aro is aI Sea fleas at Ottawa air Jelin nr..l la<N N arduuts! tt waste nt(N$* iterate nt. The foe at reitel•s east M lilt the Premier. .�• T. !iI Ht. I.tll l TIME.. 1 •. the Times Rev. J. E. Hunter has fur- ,. -i.„ 1, to an interview, stow pleasing •„t.•ulbeetlets of the sleep interest manifest - y Sir John and lady Macdonald to the, • • :legs held by himself and ytr.('rUsel•y is . • iNontn:ew square Mothodiet church, 1 r •:,wu, a Lltk-over tet years ago, and w ie. It .eo.tmwd for about seen weeks. ' tr ,I,.hn and lady Macdonald were present at the evening meeting on the tint Sunday, and to that ottsaNu stayed for the after meeting and remained to eta close. From that time their interest deepensvl and they attended frequently, Sir John being present on his seventy -thin{ birthday. Parliament w:u at session at the tone, and sir John lea of heaven. would hasten home and get ins dinn.r, and Kw telephone the wilier of the church to reserve .rats for Inn/self and Lad) Macdonald and .•oat ft -gentle who generally sA.Ynspanled MA,IJtJ cruRmu1R OH' HEAVY POLISHED TIWARE Plumbing, !eating and Sheet Metal Work. PLANING MILL ISTAILISNEu IISS. Buchanan &Son, V 'aA1tOrMTt'K►a. " 3ABS, DOOR and BLIND, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And hu .&:'s it..., -...1 •.• r.er) dretriptime School Furniture a Specialtj. ?NE hE'1 TO /91:1112- The 91:11!L^ The manufacturers have refused to Send any more Granite Tronwara to Canada at former prices, but I haTe secured a large stock at low figur:;s. NO MORE II IGH PRI( "1.:4, EVERYTHING SOLD CHEAP. l:.\1 is Ji :.t' REl'EIVED .l LOT OF (`t)AI.. • OIL l4T()V ES. REFRI1:ER-tT')R,.- LEMON i4Qt.EE:ZEItS. • 11 NI`(;ERS. very much in our meetings in ()haw's.. Iaaul,Llees for it you will have many stare your crown of repacurg. • '•Thr t..Uowiny, Tuesday night, vont inned Mr. Hunter. ••wan to have been the closing meeting, but when the night arrive.) we fraud the meetings had taken such a turn that it wr•un.1 impossible to bring them to an end. Rev. Mr. t az-son, the peter of the church. arttnwnct.l that .he la.l s• itethna,; imp•rtant to say, ani then nut r.1 that the evangelists 1e invited. to stay another week. In momeu: sir John was on hip feet anal seconded the motion, remarking that wr ought 10 remain another meek. at least. and the Ihoteei was carried by a nualuuwue• •atktrding vote, and we rrnmunetl. Sir John's ifftertst e.mtmut.l to deeen till the deer, and be was at the farewell meeting, M was also lady Macdonald. Whet' he tame le bid us meal bye there were team in his eyes wad ours, and we felt urn much dawn to law and that 1 e felt a fatherly interest in us. The last thing he did was to turn as he was going down the stair's free' the vestry attel kis his hi, ad to ue,'dhh+la hr neen.ed to 410 as tenderly as a neither would throw a kiss to her chi:d. This was the hest time I saw Nun. although we have had lettere anal tele - grants from him. in w he -h he manifested the deepest interest in our work, and I have no doubt 1 shall meet Sir John at the a, the 1 hum. 'These frena incincludederten. members f t shunt, nirmlwn of f'arliaue n t I,fru tenant. 1 .ov rrn.ns and othertlistinguished visitors to frarnet•laIe. The late Premiers son, Hugh Mamitetald. was in Ottawa at that time on inutnsal ,rel be frequently .. Sar John loud Lady Macdonald to the meetings. All who felt an interest in the meetings be - range very much uaterested in the dutin- . ulahe•i visitor to the meetings. "Ile was like a keg m Ottawa," Raid \Ir. Hueter : ••every'Ioely loved him,- in the" respect his testimony agreenlag with what has been so frequently said, uainely, that Sir .I•dtn matte no personal enemies. Its (erring again to the effect upon Sir John of the addresses, Mr. Hunter said : '•I have ,ren him rat with tears in his eyes, drinking In what was said, mind he sushi also testify his apprtrutien and sympathy by warmly ehakim:, our bunds. rho continued until h h desired to Imre the Ukr Paralytic. " For years 1 suth•rr.I with n.y heck which sometime., became as al paralyzed. I suffered awful agony for months ani Anil sock t your 1 iur•. thanks to b.now, * to It rt 1 a P• Mood Hitters, 1 am stung y;ain, 1'0 t• u 0 pain tut(' can work well, eat well. and sled. well... )Ira Balmnertun. 2.3 Uharkot.e St., Toronto. tlltiMTMMaj elrose& it ei a'\-ery curious fact that the English language ho. a separate wool to deeigtatr nearly every kind of beset or hire in grnnps. To be sure, amts• of these distinctive terms are toed hy' few except sportsmen or natur- alists, but the majority of them are more or less fareiliar in con mem apeech,eapecially where groups of the different animals are found. We suppose fiat the ,tar of each one of these different words was originally founded nn some reason, . J zoo' logical, or ornithological, hat it would take itch research to ascertain these reasons te•: . 170 • 46„ �IIttLoi t r el the le A • •r •. _ f :.-• the Yidaes :cd L#� e.r. aurying y rrlt,toat lyes...::: tit j•aw ' tens. c- 11 the is::Parson; .:1 :cul 1.f 1:ern edthe seereti • s; at .1'e ER:7Z 1''.',t Corm renting Acidity Of etho St; „-n .ch, curing Bilion..nes.,, r . , a. Hclwrzhes, Dizzir.esa, P -...r: r.rn, Constipation. Dry: ens o: t.on `:kin, l)r ply, Dlrines.: of J1'-:Jtt.....un- cica, Salt Rhcum. ErYr-i'1'-;a`;• St'O- lul:;. i iut_er:rr of Ci, ale: rt. a::L vOWBtnoeL', and General ir[.l: ill: :.:1 then.:::•Imanyottt-.rsfmi!.'( .i.'_ •, ggi 1.1 to tae he - T:t111ueavxcl�Cf_.rL'iK BLOOD illi 'c$S. ['4I Site : J all Ila: -neo BRI'r•HF ' AND OTHER SEASONABLE GOODS. SAUCEPANS IN GRANITE IRON, Copper, Tin --1..,t - :annulled Ware. Every housekeeper should see our novelties. ` L . A s'sre for s•..M1paII.a and neeideehe. lir. Silas lane. while to the Reeky Moun-' taint, discovered a root that when combin- i ed n ith other herb*, maks an easy and certain cure for conatipatir•n. It is in the form of dry roots and hales, and is k n ba lane's Family Medicate. it will cure ick -headache anti is the beet Spring Medi- ci h'ar the blood, liver mud kidneys, and fa>rlwrm>, up the comp ion it does won- 1 - -- w e asked i see who e 11, prayers of god's people for their sons to and this we have not time a, �tve the sub• .tan•I up. When Sir John awl Lady Mac jest. Rut we offer a table which shows in donald ere it Was like an electric shock 1n brief spctthc most of the different terra that vast audience to see that godly woman given to various classes of animate ; perhaps .nal her i hushanl stand up to- some of our readers can std to it : get her. 'Let uspray,'sid band as all bowed A covey of partridges. their heat in prayer there never seemed to ph have heels such Divine influence in a meet - 1ng. \\-hen we lifted up our hoots every to be bath eet in tears, Sir John s goisam • .... M Nota. swap by Jos. n ' set.d...r « . s.\ ,1 w„e s: a.. u..o:r, y r n..L. as w•w•t.. t e. •.e Mart res sp,,'t. t.y..,w w• w a - ... ♦l. • '.J r•►. n..wer. re ..... r, •WN► • •...1w : -. 1 • my 1.0 ;1 e,wl. . r•'• •w. « w... a a....w, &It. 1 ell sow nes.•+ Mur w 14 Wes w,*4 Aa r wow. ..w.wt tar r.. ..wr .•a... w. .1.r. Moi ale a tills/Ali 114811 T. .PEl.141.Y w........ antimmm w.:ivairtssa�y raw..' rev seemed among the others. "He invited Rev. W. W. Carson, Mr. t 'rooky anti myaelf to his home, where we dined with him and lady Maak.nald. The air was that of a ('hrisuan home. As we came to the table, Sir John requested me to ask a blessing, and at the slur of the uaeel by his desire Mr. Croaky returned thanks, Though somewhat nervolu about it, 1 11a1 interviews with Sir John on the question of his personal slvation,one in the church and the other at his Insets. louring thew• interviews I said : '1 am glad to see cell base taken the stand you dirt: you never 'IA a Inure manly thing in your life Sir John said he had never hadan}p doubt as to the reality of these things he heti reser horn sceptical, though he had been .m- in!. Ile had never, he'•aid, forgotten the !,.•1or trinring and the godly influence of his patents. In his early days lie had aastda- 41.l nosh with the Ryetwtas, and lard otter beard them preach at camp meetings, and their ..Mil$ made a deep nmpresaion on his mind, which he had never forgot A nllr of eseants, A wisp of snipe, A bevy of quail, A flight of doves or swallows, :\ muster of peacocks, A siege of herons, A building of nmks, A hra"xl of grouse, A plmmp of wild fowl. A attend of plovers. A watch of nightingale, A clattering od ehoughs, A flock Aigrette, A cast of lawks, A trip of dot trell, .k einem of twee. A school of whale, A shoal of herring, A herd of swine. A pack 01 wolves, A troop of monkeys, A pride et lions. A sleuth of hears. Also; .t the risk •J repeating rtome of the the ab n -e oddities 01 language. following ,,cw,paper I,aregnsph, which fur ther dime rates the subjs.. "A number of sheep together is tailed • hock, but a Mock of pretty girls is called a bevy, snd a her • rat evolver t a pack, a iw•k of thieves a conn ex dere. 1Irmggiata sell it at 50c. and t11 a package. some Thing. nir Rel t. Learw. To .w-inl. To throw etraigh:. To make a fire. To be pianttual. To hang up hie hat. To help hie mot leer or his sister. To w ' • his bents In on : he mat. 7o ck,sea dnort Pe ,,uietly. To go up anal down stain quietly. o read aloud when re.inested. To:renewe his hat upon entering a 11011ee. To treat the girls is well that they will all wish lie was their brother. Housekeeper"' Week- ly. Goderrich Steam Boiler Works listablishrd l I. Chrystal & Black. SE 1'. 1'. Hien outs a 1 ..., For amend years I suffered so severely from Nee: -algia that my hair came out add left me entirely heli. 1 heed Mi\ARIeS LINIMENT freely on my heal, which en tirely cured my neuralgia. and to any aaton ishment 1 found my hair grower repidl- ot hair as and now I have as good a heal ever Lail. 1\'w. Devote. Springhill. 1m. CEJND HAND MACHINERY In Stick For Sale : 1V Y EVERY FA10.1ER should fret one of Arnistrong's Improved RR.lIB & SEED CLEANERS. 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler, all complete. 116 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine, I 1 48 -horse -power horizontal ) boiler, complete. . i 1 50 -horse -power slide valve .I engine, all complete. The above Dave been thorough- .lyy overhauled and warranted in Bret class condition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold Cheap. Altai Iles Like Is Wooten. Mall order will reeeive prompt atten t►og, Men like, in the first place, amiability to a woman. They like a phes.ant They like the doing of little things that are pleasant t., them. They like the courtesy of the fireside. They like women whose lives and fates are always full of thesunenineuf w contented mina) and a cheerful disposition. They like an ability to talk well and a knowledge of the virtue of silence. They like &motherliness leig enough to un- derstand the "rants of the older as well no rhe younger boys. They like a disposition to speak good. rather than evil. of every human being. They like sympathy which mean* a willing ear for the to a of sorrow or glad of an ria a t, a host of ' M H •'I wild lite to ss„„,,.. gang g know 11efep Irving you, Sir I y a MINI NI•' children • 'roof), A troop of hear hale •srtpte.l (Ina u your pelwo.&I tis. asplaty. a gaiety of ruf man a horde, •rlr J 'tr Jahn Ilud, with tears to his cyan, ••1 a Norte.'( Indies • .Ir..e.. a .Irn'r of rnwdwee 'mate, Mr. Hunter." a snob, a mots of whale* a who'd, a school 0 a congregation Mr. athisHunter the if he had any objection engineers a corp.. ,. raps of nattier* t.. mate it J at Nie knee meeting. of erg Med of laa•lat■ a swarm, trod ,+awl tier Joke. "1 have nn a,hrj.ctwwt, lost 1,arnol, a crowd. .)ren. said . r. unto, "re JAM. t ors a Own!, a wheal of Iuffakaa a herd. von know there ars time wile will say .if 1 do swarm of peak n e m nes•. Weeks i Opp. C. T. t. Mattes. R Repairs promptly attended to. rine ae easily get n three eoalbiued. It 11, M. PiKIt('K. Neat Pay ('icy. aloes not In•erf.•e.• with the use u( the re - Or to J. W. CUTIS Whittemore. MI h P.O. BOX 381. e.alan sur"" of the Mill. p1.- Its ales all are nearly all perforated . l Eine.-KXTitA '. AL 'F.$ IN- A lass a eapaeit7 of silly bn-ben of A T E A R t i t a....1.►. as same BECAUSE 1.1- It allows no foul seeds In be blown into the ehntL w hi: n is of great importance to every farmer who wishes to keep his (arta clean. imotM acrd all T - t saves rtn.l cleans7 rN, i from any kin 1 sot frau. w Nile cleaning Ilse erste. ed. -Fur Llarkrt cleaning it removes ('male. chess. snot shrunken grain, and gives the farmer the greases• possible weight Inc his Wain with nu unnecessary lues. tilt. -It wilt aan.Dle• grain for *flow and seed purpose'. Matt to hand pi•.:kina. 4k,-l;Mwraio4 awed Wheat it remnvee all t'r.akla Mnelwrd seed. vyi:•a Peas. Wild Fist and other foil and .hruni:cn and %nage',,lr•,i r.. era g.vee the farmer purr Clean. geed grain. glia. -it will clean Oats. !barley. tr, char- otl.t::ly we 1.1•e:t ••:.tie of grain. ilk.- -Cleaning I'eaar : It will ecpsrwte the •end. gl,ertr•nol. Malec*. 1/ata and whale r."s front each other. tyre; lug each to a I T. M!LBURI & CO., PrC!'rt�'wi's, Tanta. Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. 1 No other Emulsion easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. , The most sensitive stomach can retain it. `CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D & L " Ermision, and refuse all others. PRICE 50C AND $1 PEa BOTTLE Sold by F_ Jordan. PATENTS CA'1:Ali, TdADE IAAi.IS E13 Cali (RIGHTS Obtained. and all bnsirert in the U. S. Paest Oftt, t• attended to at .UODRRATK b•t:h M. Oor ruler is oppevite the 1'.:'. patent or - r. sad we car. obtain Palmas a rag tit* i' �' N. t �J/f. UTO 1r .1 llama thuMe remittal from Sera .MODEL OR URAIr'IXU. We ad rise a. to patentability free of charge ' and we snake NO CHARGE (NLFvb ti'l. OB- TAIN 1'_' TENT. tee refer, here, to the Po•rma"r.r. tl:c supp[[.. of Money Order IJtv.. and to uflr.als ut the C. B. Patent 011ee. Fur On 'Aar. advice. terms •ail references to actual ClOen( e in your yen State or County. write to /• A *NOW it(O.. f)ppo.ite Patent Ot>lca Washington.1).0 r•tf MICHIGAN LANDS -FOR SALE- 41"--- eolupartnen . gth. - It tea Perfect ('Inver eeecd Marhlnc, x- 12,000 fl 000 A fires rood p] Melittin Land 1 '1 t ler brok.•n anA dra•1 areola i 2f 1)I IID ll 1'01101111 Land ant :Ater te a. . . and nth r steam, setter or smaller than TITLE reeren T. the (Ibsen seed. th.--It i* a flr.t etas, Grass seed Mar -nine. 1 *a til lebaaa■ lrnlral. aelr4N ,A a'pea. blows no mode awn)•,I and Lasa Lake hatless ls. lab.- It is s goo.' Pax steed Machine. At prim ranging tram 12 to Iia per acre. /tk.-It is a tint clasaehaffer. Ilib.- flintier.; Ir ItrtedMinhie oldest fsahioned Thew Lands -are cla.we to Enterprising New Fanning )11id o t la add wide as useless* Towns, l'hurches, Schools, etc., and will and mak" it du the work of • new Mall. lr sold am Mast Favorable Tense. 01110. -It min M attached to a new Mill w ith- u1N Injuring h. and ea.. be removed at any arrl.Y To $3000 gratin per boor. NNW moo ASO, t.ottls... prw,w.fWeber Ian.- -ft is at cheap as the ordinary Fanning e.e. •• M ,.w ,...1 trawl* mall.ayy, ►.. ».• -..tlT'w.nts.r 6�tr•-i )I til *i. vr+ti 1511.- kveff Mar hints i. QCa1UXTFwp. Mho .wwat„t,..wr1••r«r,ew1"tarot eon ,mt.rw,�rkrwssat tiro.....nr ,outer al amus if yn'I want it thin • ss..l.i 4t••�' (•ear.,. • f a on I v e not rear N owner. Iar.a.h..•••e,rr Noy MN .r well ah•llaw l • � vow.... a awwl.w..,..e.ret..Nowt eM .ren n Mae Niue ask ....t i N.«,. low.... wart.. ,w,.. wroth .risesry. Ito ,os c�•m.•e.e•n•ofor a ... elm atwl that yew For 'he 1a vt into sae ie nr-- e width al E,15 A1D SUGARS •.. Casser ...eM 1 Ia.e wills ..We 4n p•RRR ser it ••n •n •d lion it •na.. .�w�skrr� r«+ ,tdOe��MeM Ili .n••1••rnaY l.r •..w41 orad Ina$ i p� =aim. MM. Aapasge. S/Ma�s. A•k Time Meads Aber 0. Your distressing roach can 1...meal. We know it I.crnuse Kemp•" halsem within the past few year* hes curd so many twilight and colds in this community itsrenarkable sale has been won entirely by its genuine naent. Ask ,• me friend who has need ie what be thinks of Keger's lalasm. There is asi •pso effective. larr to„," tlptE az at all sing gin • 1n,w1 1t is hM 111,000 mill Operatives at Fall iter ere to he asked to submit to a redUHion of stages arsonuting to :en per cery. akar of la roti'.{ 11,1. ARMSTRONG BROS 1.a4161. popnatien, &acceding to the ., seems' returns, is 31.210. - C3-oderioh, Ont. What it Witt R la trunk a1 ti confidence. tt tr ayspM ea. This dim sic may be owed V. a variety of eaconstipation,ses, such as constipation, liver troubles, roper food, rir. There is hole cure ckek Blood Butters which may he If there woe! • troth on the one FD. CAMPAIGNE'S, /'or. Montreal -•t. and square. head runt whe.ihute confidence on the Miter, Telephone "one Connection. it .,..1.1n.,►,e necessary for the makers of POTATOES ! IIT. Sages Catarrh Remedy to lack np a plain statement of fact by a 0600 guarantee. They sat " if we can't cure you (make it personal, plea&..) a$ ,starrh in the head• in 'i any form or stage. we'll pay ymi Rb00 for . your trouble is making the trial." " .\n - -• - alvertWag oak., you may. Funny. tent it, how .rite purple perfre 'Schnee,. to health NEW YORK RURAL, No. 2,1 POTATOES ! POTATOES ! when the rensedy is positive and the guar utter absolute. Wias mew don't put money BADGER STATE, hack et "fakes." And "faking" doeenft EARLY PURITAN, Pay M ht tie grassiest theme tiny,.agar rwliest anal hurt grown, at en&t«1 Pellets of 11/ri i.,a. .naively leer?t active mustard 1.11,1 i yet ester . to rare B U R R O W S active yet Isi1J in firm. The heat www r The 4.aaM"s, Hamilton at. Olid 1t, that it la Irene Sias slim, list 1 Low•• Snlph.r Soap is an elegant toilet jr cpeLives Pi vents.l (' Sites :ed obstieM/etrgee d25 �ehgt r ' r3 b!te..,..wilt".(a.:w�wwlrkiSltWttlti;:4atYta'.h'u'!'lt5t eierOlt`1Art RAWe.,..