HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-6-26, Page 6•
Dross Goods in Short Pieces
Splendid value in Grenadines, and they are
selling fast
Our stock of Prints and Sateens is still com-
plete, and prices right.
A good assortment of Challies. Good Goods
at lOc. a yard.
1:1: N11•:111;1:1:
sI. r , sir , • :0.!
aas4111rlr.:t-.:.v"1t.. --a •t ' - A1r:•6/•!ii _+- ...t . EL.•sflfi:.A
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mem. rsten ors,
elk eis
Moe Men
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The Seventh Parliament -First
Un.w ,, June 16, POI.
1'1:.1KE1t M HITB
took the chair at 3
)W ,. -isk. 11•.nag
...Wanted the requis-
ite I,rrutisrfow frau
Hia Excellency 1 de -
wee 10 make a state-
tat♦(tent of ,
after the death atf the
late Hight lion. Sir
J.,hu Ilatxl.uuk1. It
was felt by His Excellency that the state of
public affair. did not nsoe...ivate the forma-
tion .,f a new Cabbie( Until the `rave had
ekes,! over the late 1 ra niter std
the Last loner. had hem land how.
tit. the morning r..a re mg the funer-
ut• -a1 Ht. I:c.' ll-•ttry• ei.:'.'tang his coo-
•tdutlona! right. applh.l to the Ilan. Sir
Jobu Th.rut,,.0 for baa advice with respect
to tlr step wbk•lt ,.b ..:1.1 be taken for
trylratdat .1a new •;ovens:tient. Mer
the same .11V, by Sir J•.hu "'lawn♦«m'.
a Me. ! aa• uty,a•U rum'''. *mei he Hi. E
t, .:••rete and after nm. ..•-ration 1 ace.•pt
Oil the following day the dnty ,rt.i
lis. E:isrttsn,y desire! me t.. aon
Therefore eoninia nicatel witb etc c ilrazu
and returned their' . st.t•ut to recent.
thane reset -tire u;tt-+.s: and ,. itS their AVM"
allbmiatrd 1) 1!i, Fatrelle.cy toy r. :•u
nt.•sdati..* that 1:: -c should be continued
the po,altts, wane:: Ills F.xrell:Hey w
phared to nem (ce, e..d h.• al. • sataeii,et
111v neemtiu:t tbtdrl.t-tnt•utal.•tfle,,of Pier
the C upcil. The var•an.•y caned
the Iblitientell.1.•Ith •,! tri• Lit.. Itt,;bt Hou•
able r'ar ,; , -.di .1..' i Ie 1 .nal 1 ha• not been tot:4.
anti pealing ••t• •ir,iat.neut of a -n, -teres.,.:
qu•al.nnr..1 the• f•eprrt eat ..t Hallway. w
1,r a l:niniatere.l by a %tared, •r •,t the 1 bottle:
This was M -Abbott's u!9c.a1 st.ttt•a.Mn•
.,.creta which led to the• frtnxtaea t4 h
Minnetrc•. rad to -the. Het. • thl. aftern'i,
l.y Sur iiuetor lanpt•rin. The House w
well till..! awl the gaper..•, craw.Md in an
. gacioa of n b d debate over t •alrak t cha:tgt
anal partly ala, by the t• tithed). Meade:
\either subject vine of the �,aett.attt,unl run
act.r ext..t,rl. Tb.. (iptp.4,Itiu. revery.
their ,.marks r••,;:tr.U144 the new A,bni
i-::-attou for *en. future ear.a•i
Mr. 3lir1ael Connolly was stw,rmm.-I 1 , a
p err h. •f•.r• tote ler of the Ileum at 4 o i•hs
t ,explain why h.• rein -el to pr•it*."• for t
taMwrt*n rf the l;tmunetee ren Priv ileg ,ss.:
.••ntrac: um1 r investigation in e,.l.e<puen,
tJ' 'Ir. Tart's clamp's. H.• appears..
artolnl.aut•d by 31r. _AI••zatld :• Te
6 m. O. C., hit c•m wl. Yr I
OotgdlAl ben ay 5----.. m AMM
the a+- duties to pw.tth t..r...e s
mrwre pn oad:e ts *seals by wholae_k Of
laws mounts liquors widths torr mag of M!
tsuuauirliq a whbh N• ouski D� uiYeeb
oats and Shoes.
tMm have parsed a reaulatfu$ tote mad
egret. Sir Joke Tbesereab reply was
in tits opinion al the U i m.. timer a
saasure might out to elm
regulations. Mer all Jolie 'I
request.,! that the pis Towed adjonraetljdtiste
to* the prohibition giw.tlon might he tardier
p stp.mei for a week, wheu th.. I ,
would asmou nw u polar•) oat the question
Mr. Wood's (BrueLvillas bill to amend tie,
Dominion K1.ctioa .Ars by providing that
Canadians who have become citizen, .1 the,
Pelted to atee or hart. filed rtnt ut.ry declare.
taxi .1 their tntruti,u.. to 1 .•oda' •u aka be
dssfrahhhaal, was read a se peal time and rv-
ferr4e't•t centaur two.
lt•rioWA, Jun. I rk -The Speaker took the
lair at * o'clock. t+ir H..•4.r langcviu
mink this 1: The Government
proper,. to carry out th, policy wbieh ha.'
hitherto ♦trawled the (.hetes.!-Cooseraativr
party The outliner of uw-a•uree wkl:•h will
come before the Howe,, this mewl. are *0..
cat..! on the Sp eseh f•. w the Throne Ton
trad.• and llualwial pul'ry will 1.. declared ill
Nw tut budget t moven. Mr. Locher oil the Gov-
ernment reeroiliwt a ♦:tap which war said
to be paved with p;.ri,1 iuteutiu•ta, 11e
had u• doubt they intended to (Aloe
..1 closely the. lw.lirr .1 the Let, Sir John
Mmdouad. but already allele ...•tetrad
oi frown, a he would .h.aw totterrr.w. �r
ax Laurier said nothing further, hot it is tw-
tkrst•.■1 that tt.ce-crow he will Drake a
general ••ntk•irutt of throes' AtJnini.tratio,.
l_ Mr. Amyot moved the •Greenan net.lot;; •4 hi.
in Lill to utak,. vo,Ing, at an rte:Loa. ,:uputlsry'-
a. In .upt ort of it be said 11 would reduce the
,1 coot •.1 iu1 els.•:ion and would teu-1 to putt
down corruption. Sir John Thou p.ouobjt•.•t-
LY • ed that the bill would 1..• a severe restriction.
)r not "tile on the liberty but also cost tbe tight
of choice .4 all ,.Moet .r. Alter ,gime further
dna•:u..iu:t the delete we. adjourned. Mr.
Tupper has Leven oath,: that be will inert(
!h t• it is exp ■Lieut to par au Act re-. -.. t-
ut in,; the- dapping of hoe ,.trek and to pr.. -
t. ,isle that Ails !l,averlwnin-l'•wnu•il Guy
,n appoint •usp.rtii nn.t determine the
o remu0.•ratiax. to b• paid th-m or,:
ti- of true fee. which tbt Governor -et -Como -C.
'nay e.ta*. i,h to be pout ,n lieu stork which
t, is ship ped. .1 return war permuted t • :D••
House today crntaini' '; roar.• .1 pit tl ons
-1 and otherd..ctlieente relatiu._ 1 • t1,. ab •11:15.:h
of spar!:u steped. and the •:peril nes of
n,_ French In Manitotw. A':::rz then. .'a• a
ktter front Hbbop I:a„eLe• .q Three Hives
to Blom J. -1. C'ba;•lenu. dated *lay
lir in which Le urged in atruu. tart, t1.. Preach
.d awl 1'atholit• nlrm)bers of the (lovern::trnt 4,
di.enllow tau, alK, and tttNxx,.d the
,e it th••pncat.ket wn, a graver •nue a. rreard..
I:te ,tabtu:v .4 Conrskratiso than the ILA
•ar• 1 OITAw.a. June t:t -The Speaker t sok th
chair ata .,3•1 ick. Mr. Ih.in',. ball to atnend
the Railway Aei nal read a first tints, Sir
e1•t.r !.tt:_,•vin a motion thud Il,rt-arnmeu
butane... ►a.•• p•rceden•,• os. Tunr,et.t: s wax
azred to Si•• John T'nomp...m's 1.111 r'elee r
icy the ...-tot teane-,t •t ort• amts ta•tw. en the
I)•. •,n of Cana.la and the 1'r,vinc i of
1 Intari , Gael k‘illebee wait road a yt•. •ml
la. -.sl thr.•n;th c,ltnmft .s. and r•tn•ive.1 its
th:nl r..•:,n;. Th • torr! 1 mead• G; was ziyeu
Mr. Tu ••s r'., bill t , farther am end th • n_ t
n•.:.• ••in_'se-titi.•aws.dtandem. and 'rat.*,
:on i i ora.lelrticily c-w•ld -red .is c eUirtitt••1•,.
:1 numb •r -4 titivate hill, wen. road a third
time. Mr. T,uyt •r.. 1.111 r,ap..tin the rate
tv .4 .L:;,. iso :n espksivew wt.
tbr_.ugh .-oh:witted. Sir John Th,mpio,i.
when the 11 new was in Nmmittero:• the bill
r•y.c-tia4 tate aluuur.:ration .4 J,.ta•e,
♦,...pool :ton Ytteutrri•nt making the
bill E tn4.e:iye• The' amendment was
adopted ar..1 the bill was ret.! a thin!
tine.. Mr. Tupper'. reelfutic 1 previdhlg
an annual :rant of 31•itl,ukt in ai.l of t1.• tie_
n -I j eat .4 ,tea fisheries, was rel,-wted. Sir
John Th. nl..•.,i s bill to further a•nend the
1•-t rr eemi4 Trolls Marks and Industrie"!
dc•.igtt wee real a thin! titter. After a short
discussion on lh.• 1; •remittent's polio. the
• Hoar adj• nmeri At Ill::,tot.
•, _ �J G.� `ens • gtfson resit n state n•rot fm is :'!- r-:l:1n •:i.: In
I n•L reitc•r•t:.•i t::•• renmw.a:nn.ly given
for rr(unng to Or .1,:.• • his heirs. Tobe• run•
t:shied acc;nt:.t, . t ciesetU tl clan!). and 'd the
finesittt h: •.. to.eners• th, dealings oT
tee ford with et . - , oatratt,orsando•la•rpri-
late matter . the magical ma of wl:i• `I w..uld
anjuri..erty eff..et tbafirm. Moreover t!t'•drnr
were u,tth.•nein/eel •me+. He ani;iiittai
!lath• :,s.•1 e aup:iwl with 11rr terror •,f the
whret'ta a,• tar as any camel ,.r ju.ti.n-
w•.od •!swat.l that he shrill no: be r.iuir.l
t•• rive up the .••t.tt.dv of the hanks and that
b• •north1 from r•ust..ly. Mr.
• Fer,:uo•u mill.,' that, tiotwitt:.tatt.ii-.•• the
tomiot.given for refusing to ',Heim,. the
!oaks 4r, Connelly was pre( a••••1 to give•
them torp if ..rheic! lfv tie. Hol to do a..
S:rJ•,huTh mtp...n nwerel that IIr 1'n013..11e
witl•drnw from the House, a. be lull aim •
ri.merk• 141 mak •. :.lore withdrew- but 1.50:r -
•;taiety went up to the S;.•aker'. Gallery.
nitre... he bear.! his peanut- .lue•u.. -f by Us•
Minister .•t JI:.ti:• •. Sir John gaya nwital
t .M• Howe of ilei .•year. Iwilin;: up to 1'.n.
„•Ie w i1i ,.rola•'. mous.!. 11.- •aid teat If Commllr
kept tbs tanks itl hi• own hand and refuesi
tnall..wa:toy one of t1_ rvomtuitt.-•• t•• ..• duces
he ora,. a .::)pth t•• ::,aster of th•• ' iMa.100.
Thr witu+.o had mot .•.• stplk.l Witt. 11e rod•
a a court ..f j.:.: on at nil Th • lr
.ere sealed it ..l-, to the• : onc.nit4•e
;is J•Attl, taeref•re. *0 •r..1 this Mr. 1'.81
5ulfy L:•..nl.•red 1.. pie slue,, tie. le•,k. an,
deliver then. • eler to the sotet..l}- of 11e
l'I eek of t1.. 11 ).•..•. He a.f..• d 14 a: he
ete.ulcl to time.• that air. 1 n:lolly le
.4)58.51 in the east. -al* •4 the .•sneer-at-arn,
until the I.. •k• w er- ,•, .I:trB•.1, Inst 1'1 Chew r
III•',.t4teine•nttllat *n.• h•.•ks w.,uld k• pr.
du. -.-4 it the }lo uw > ..r.lentl 1i• wtr,:ek th:t
clans; out of the r••,oIi*tion TM• n•..Auti.m
we. mi. nptdlnl w'It!oral .Ilv •II.i,.L s III41 rola•• In, -a
4h nt ••marl. In reply to Sir Itn•eanl ('art
w ri_ht, Sir .I lihu Thompw.0 •ai.I t tat euro
ail leen Iii,• n t • the• nr.shi•ti.e, f tie •n• •
Fit• p*p•rs •• •mkad•d with the t,,.l,. u.. ••
tin:ions at U'Wlinet..n. H.• ,coni 1 'teak.. a
tilh•r stater:wd nn the leant t•ein •raw• in-
dicating what the papers were 1.11.1 when
they w.,ld 1.• prodwwl. Th.• 11 •us• tli.•,
,cent 'site 1'onuuitt.w of Supply. 'fhe
a• -el tar 110115. 11 ls, :.:: for E. arse . n teen.
radars• Said R'::.8.. for the `•Inas:•Ar pent-
' -.Tilley. Before whamming Mr. F. wt. r .n..
.• if no extraordinary ,.,sunt •.t-urn.i tie
• '•!;,orb .posh would t.• d••liy.•r.•.l, n Turs.la}
I n-rA t, Jllll•• I:. - Mr.:11.1ettt mails th.
fik•ial nttuoau•,•ntent to the Senate 5. -tight
.f the cinv:u.tane•„ which 1..1 10 the 1, tem -
eroNletteral -einemeting lain to form a
I',h(m•t• Th- • . iitenu•nt ala. ml.;t*.t literally
the .nu.. as t1, rt whish Sir 11•s•uer i.,uu••rin
to the 1',wm,on, yeR••nlav -,
11,0. 1 .ranters., the Spsnk.•r tnnk the
,im*r at 17 .,'.•ioek Mr. Laurier sai.1 he w,and
•!row the ntt.•nti•u .1 the leader ..1 the
• o.•rnue•ut to the fact that no annatnc•.
.Lea:, e., jr, ;rtw..1
1 ! k 1 \t r L 1 7 ' i 1' i
U L L_I;•IE6 I ALL ?E -�..1 IENTS
• .1
...................1• . lit (.,.•ta5 :. :co 1. L ln.e
,L.. ::.. u.-.,1 . :l.vi.:•,•1 . 5
1.1 .i et -..t . •:tor., :I n••..
GC), DS i1f?,'•fit J l'�' �=;_.'t►.! �=;tater _.
e.. w. /.. ow.. wag .•.i•w,...e.l - t
e.w. .b... ea..- p. 1„./ . • a .... v •�...' I
JUST Fi O.`_ I V F ,
A 1.+:.••b: ::.1... t 1 •
L1 N.; i;Lt N'i..
I/f.:.h, trot kIn 1•.
('1:i ,►[ �.!•
.. ,.•.r, •.) att! r'rsht Ialt..(Li att.
...N::1V• ELLER).
11y.yt nal , arse.).
�11.V oil4 tI l Ibis
Aa•I faker gree! at 1.•w Prices,
,••f rats i . trha•!1••r
In Canadian Cholera and Homo!
Complaints its effect Is magical.
1t cures In a very short time.
All the leading lines of the best
I carry a larger stock and will
gide you better value than you can get
anywhere else in the County.
Ordered work and repairing given
special attention.
THE P »:T•s
Inhere da tan /Aye?
I emcee a man. and his tame wee Horner,
Who used to lire on Grumble ktrarr :
•south e +brn.•r In Croe.-Patrh Town.
Ail he never was seen without a frown :
lie gi emhied at this; 1.. gruel::rel at that ;
Ile growled at the duet: he scowled at the
ile grumbled at mtrIcng ; he grumbled at
night :
Aod tut grumble u;'.,i growl were his chief
I1e grumhled so '1•u• h at hie wife that she
:mean to grumb;t as wrtl as he ;
.led a.l their tbalrrn, where,er the, went.
l*e1..t.d their parents' disuntent.
It She .k) was Park and b tokrn.d rain.
Then a'r. Horn••: am mire to eomlp.laih;
And 11 tour• was pelY[a_a;jumtrexor'
grumble became of u ttlreateued droag\t
II w nn•alr were never to eu.t hi. teats.;
gruwYW..ai at I.A. mot to rat in ha.n• ;
�'1'be h -•ad was poor, or the bleat was tough.
tSr row he hada! 1a t hall enough.
Yu u.at!er hoer hard his wits might try
t h Tu plra.,e beer hu•tatnd w ith a•nrsrui rye
He'd Iu..k arout:d, a11.1 111.1., will, r scow'
maim -thing ur other. begin W growl.
The vtdt e- mmitte• appointed by the Priv'.
ha1 F•'•.. auld El.stinus 1'otain.tt., to examine
• the bordm•:tMiel.nel Connolly met A iia (-heed
• Mews. They will report the result .4 their
!aliens to 11..• full committee. 1t mar be Haid
✓ that Mr Tarte has-.8•t:n.l ph..trprig4t+ of
t ante of the nu.t iml..naht account., oe that
be will le• able t.• ?how if any alterations hare
bier made Marlin 1'. 1'•nrnolly. the book-
- keeper „L•, had disappeared for a time, was
,.tram:•ret: iu r.•nanl to the system of buulk-
ke-•pang headopted. There wen• also two ®_•
lets preseont.
At fiaturlai's sitting .4 the Committee on
Rankin:: and Tonne,..-. Ave hit. erne die.
,.awed and Leased, to be reps.rted le the
, ' Hoe.. 31r 1'. ckbnrnb bill to autlutriaethe
• L'n.:.n, and I:a'.a.lian luno and Agency Cone
AT 260. A •UTr66i
R iswen of Uaatlatklt• W Iw iellsoC ei
BENDIn Germ(. I�implp u •
�Oc. Kawrwnle•e 5,f,f,e.l l.lth,
b and we wit l
reel 1 ou by •xl•r,•w, 1 .0,».
Ude elegant catch wbtc4 you Dan exAnune,wne
if you do not find
it all wed ere„ more
than we claim for
but f perfect f eat.
kifaet a Arnett the
Ka gen/t�-
lEEcIAL CUT tak-
M 5441 and e
the woo,to. touch a
chance to aocure •
retie ble timepiece
At such a Mdieu-
helsly !..w pries. le
eeldem, of too•r be-
fore, tarred. This
is A FWD WA Ire
.. platen
tthm metal. It haft
solid how. cap and
crown, hunting
case, bean t lful l,,•• en.
graved and is dust -
proof The work•
'' are Waltham style.
I richly Jewelled. with expansion balanee, ia
gated and we warrant It an aerurate time
b imitable for either • lady or
I Semen. A guarantee le sent with each
h tddremCBI W. ATT a CO..
lrhmwkers, 1•rtrrlw,nnig}I. ih.t.
WALL i'.‘ 1'}ais
AM Mwterw . heaver than tie .-bcap.
eat. 1 ..4 r'.4I. • t y.•. • fell. pant
item •e. ap, «bleb saves. M swtllsi
*lake room for other st,trj IR .
REND 1191.41 ndnsliptf Mprrwnd
N+r of tree (rase.,.
N.d u sum tl,M ele.anr
- pretty d.imitrtl t.. mite debenture N. ck was
the first Lill !Greed. The .e.em.i hill pss.av,d
was .me anti..dured by Mr. Mackintosh to
.hart'.• the name of the "E. K. Body Manu -
acturing Company," to 1h.. ••E. N, Filly
1'.w.pamy.-- •nw'el the rnsut.•erll..1 and
uui.•ti d ,banes of the capital d.s•k, re-
. pr. -wilting the nominal calm .11Litt,,+1111). and
reducing the retnnioing .•apitnl to rcf►1,f%r,
,\onth.•r bill intr.dieei by Mr. Machu. -
tooth, to ineorp..•ra:.. William Nett. N Wien.
Nutcbinw.n, Thorne,. Mason McKay, and
.tr. irrr Rooth•, of 1 Ittawa. and %l'. M. Me-
kay, of Toronto, as the MelEay ,!Milling Com- 1
prey. with n ratite! stork of 11,410l,...1O. was
paused. Mr Aleedonad's 1.111 te. renew the t
charter of the Farta•rn Hnnk d Hinnies ,
Prins.. Edward Islamh which wail granted t
origitaty I.y■ pr,cincial .tetute panel In
14t., and which lapse. on July 1 next, and the
hill of Mr. Me1A.n,;ad .4 Pietas', 1.. ant.md
:Vela of the new Ilot.rnnw•nt • policy was. art
punk. .1ft.•r a brief rt,usullathier with Sir
3•.hn Tot natant. Sir Hector ,.Hegel,' imu:mol
foe• 1•(ikrshin by stating lie twofold make
-wM .tnn••tslle••t.-nt aro the pond tomorrow
Mr 1'.••kbnlrn waked:.! Have any a •ntraets
leen awanl.nl in a•m:..rh•.t, with the e.ne-
taen .1 the drill .bel an the eity ..f Tor ,mt.
'1 s,, fix what pert•. t( the work and who
are the r.•ltrnrtrrs• rr,. 1f any r'.nIrao•t.
'aye bees awarded wasp 1. the work to pro -
..141! •11 Ilan.. tender. been a.k,d for tat
ether p•art,d the w.•rk yet • 1f bot. when
•sill the Government advertise for truest
w ilvet.r long.•rin oohs! Ih.•e.entrart for ea-
'I.item ha. b.•n4eanted to Meter.. Davis
ns and w..o 11,...1111/1e1.1 .tug. 1. No
'.met+hat., lee•mn ask..! for the other parts
f the work yet but the Government
n Iverti.• for tender. ee ithln eight •r ten
da}-. Mr Mar.Imald Hun on a.ke,l wheth-
er the att.8ab•a of the rioye•re:meat had
hose' drawn to an ..nMr •...usi by the United
••Ie. lt•p.uinwnt ..f ,l^ri.vlture, dabs!
is P.'. Iwo!, rptarsnting 6.r 15 'inv. lama.
1.1 'mine tmgnrlwl fneen Cau•Ia. the
•n.m arwlgnni lei" the clown,.• 14
arnntln.• by the thovernm.•nt .ef 1',nmpa
tined the ;Impertatirnl of ..h•ep and ... me
sae IFtwst lkltwin Mr Il*�art Ni.l the
kw., Mot plower an .rite. In snare!! oft
ns M trstahllsdung * atnn sheep sed swig.
-w m Opt' laud/ Itiatllnr to that IIII1Mt Mel had +
Three rings ars noes
worn by ladlea and t'
gentlemen In the beat yr
melody, and hare the a_
Nine appaata,a(w r •
true .lay as 1 lodes ed aline the Greet,
31) uid s.yua.l.lautr r clune.ed to meet
1, bears (otos was 0,1n•sut tar Iwo of tare
Am'. Jur ugly tiuwu Lt• Wed lo wear:
1 1,.,•y ler m..ta.rn, perl,a(•.. 1 sold,
As, atter salu.lag, 1 ' urn..: aa) head :
" riot •: as, and at ..al, the *1r. 111.* urs
N- h h t ..t oil loom un tiru:nb:r t'orert I"
i met lain: 11011 .ray : Anal 1 met tum again,
lu n..lus4 W.atker, .l. pouring ram,
11 bra stat la wove 01. amt abets stuck• ware
!tut *smile Loon:Law had r•plart.1 the frown.
11 pitz^.:.d n,e uewe1 : and so nue clay.
I oris.• 11.,4 hand u, a tricr.dly way,
And Gaal : " Mr. 1101 t,rr, 1',1 like to kaow
N' hat rat• 1*. a hat:wee ci to o. haeme , oil su .^
He lau,he.t :n !Gana that was ;rood to hear ;
For 1: tt.h�1r1 .O...Gp:acr calve and char.
And ire .std. oil h 1•0111..( the 151A tar.- drawl : FRY
•' K lay. 1're changed 0.p resider tr. ll.at i• LLL
•' Changed your n:s;deice t' .. Yes,' Said
Ho. tier.
•• 6 rani.'* hes&hy on Grumble ('earner.
And as 1 mutat ; tea., a change eauspie•.c ;
And )uu'rl thud me stow Ulf 11ta11krgn,ag
S: neer.'
proof " • -•
Acme Clocki.,
hour d - xoo;ry
:,V 4011
Teton the, dew • mop .d amber in a banns/
Acta. hla.*wp and le - .a a tote.. tor • dor w a
MYA. Ti N wt and dry toad roman n ww-
Wake $ ,tees. .•b ream llsasaan
WOI f'ssCIAEBlacking
Makes mor idled ..5 I•stb•r
Waterproof, soft and Durable.
1u te.atdul, roe\ (11A/MMl' P01.1111 s, us-
A PMh$ hats. • Mewls far Women. and
A Week far 11en. .ad .w Harems I.uataer
w fear Mown,.abet r'-s••estsp
add •owr.h.�
A. L ANUa,t,u'. t •.u. parrot ►,tent•
for Canada,. 13r lima St W. 1a,-.1•.••- !rat
11e pia ea./handed wi11.,Ont above,
(('1,.. 1. s, kine aid W full u( lu, r.
1t chat,tc.t his lite tr.•k Ire gr ruble out.
And n,a.:o atm mull:e n. he walked about
As Got Mau tree in 'los wide world can.
For • on:Wny mohl.s anti unites. mal,,
And on the elan ,,'uwt .vt,a'nl) rucet
1, tone )vu 11,.• u1• 1'1WI•k,gi, is 4 +tor. 1.
Now, e..ry day as I mote atoap
11., ai reels so 1)115.1 will. Thr busy throng.
1 w Melt 0 -id, fa.. clad can always 1.•11
ll tare men and Auniru and chad'ren dwell;
and ma:.y a d.iruntrute.l mourner
le..p.•hdtl:g hos it.) If wt nem:* / brier.
S• o:ram* .ad. whom I tong 10 en'r•at
To take a home o5 inahLoga.inu Street.
.t snne/Iaa f"ay.Mte.
The mason of green fruit. awl Summer
drinks is the • when the aorta farms of
cholera morbus, ,laarrh., ,. earl hoax! •8nn-
pL.intx prevail. As a sale guar! 1), Fow-
l.-rs Extract of Wild Strawberry should lie
kept in the Lina•. Fur 36 years it has leen
the tn5.1t reliabh: remedy. 1
1 Leak et •dear.
A (hetingniah«I judge enc: addressed the
.r: -o• r A. follnw-a :
" I' menet at the lar, your conned thinks
yea itinewtd : the maned for the ♦neem.
ion thin. you innocent : 1 think you
un,.rebl. But the jury of your owe conn.
rymen, in the exen-Ise of such •nnl)tim
MAC as they lemmas, a lu.h doers wet seem
o be much. have towel you guilty, aneI it
remains that I should pass upon you the
xTarnce of the lass. That a'ntem•e• ,s that
oil he kept In ,mpr,aalment 1.•r oto day,
nd, ax that tiny was „•.l ere! y, you may go
lend ) our
the .act for the winding up of the I'i.•tnu
Bank, by providing for • mulimmhw of rho a
prow er• t • nk until its affairs
ere finally wound up, neer paned.M
also paned. .ekidivI remise - -
e.'rp.irate h be
--,. *11/.-
1.I.L1r)xr G,-
Latest and rest
row on ,dew,
Jl rinan,er
tbs. .l
•••• •..M N ow . re e•• Nwwa
i-wo*•y. 1. ONE1'...1...........r.'.... 4 oak sod lo *Ott
so ,.•`solar_., t.,o 5, .r ,.•r. A.?w• Mt.h ..w. s.,.. . . t•• ,1. 51.1 Soap s. t.sM.-
awl a.. Ile ARO. Iw.seae••w
Tsar •Fr' on wen.. a : ,1y two b e4. verb. 1Y. Irma
M•..'r ..w . -.,1.11.1 ,.eat• •.Gad -,..1 roe... e. •1..y ♦•Aad.
aur. 5.0 •e .••ripe race 00.,. Oa* I-. • •M W .,wmdl•
.. mops .e... Gat* sursolmoo. w. eau •wwi.a you Sheen.
t ... Mott row /1,1. .1. e,pMMw, tono
�i yin.. rasa. TuyEA.�.. .a.wn•,aura.
The Great Remedy
Spare ler 1.ean ('a(tle.
J. 54 Allan, It. A. P. Watt of the Allan
Fane. James Thorn .4 the Heaver pine, W.
1'. Mun.lerl.oh of the Hater, and Jelin T. -w-
hites. of the fl. icon Line waited ant tion.
11.•w.r•,. Atbnt, Carling and Tnppe.r .m Sn-
eed/4v afternoon to auk that th.• recent ..seller.,
desolating the proper .goat, for esti le on let•rret '
.lip he. be two tret eight inrb•. 1.• modified
to reopen. lean rattle.
la/ere•tlag flaa.lp.
Mortality return. Per May last I•..te.l *bon
M.utrMl 1'mlin4 "*th rot: Death. lot 2.13 per
rent: Toronto nett with 'tl'• .Math., or 1.a
pre cent. Vio•lec ha. -mor "14 .deaths but is
1 1:1 per evil TIM 1...ve.: rate is at Wood-
stock. 4 loath., .r 1; per vent
NW•'herbs INlkea man whose aseuranre.
Ili without parallel, he. 1•••n r
by KMpraisR tllgnOtori.0 spun lab return
to postale nee. The temattn, Terra. b „rover,
Mil. him plainly IOW hs b la prva•imdy the
au*. 15 0111"a lbs vwdtet Ina iNrem-
in the divrree eott, aril Nat �1
views th. be acceptable to Ilealdl/Rbik MI►
l, 1 III.1 11
Make an exception in favor of 1).. Vow
Ire's Fi tartrtuinc of N s ax a rare fir 11.1 Strawberry.Its Bras.. ANSIA
known diarrhea, dy-s
,•ntery, cholera morbus and all bowel stmt-nown ei!
plaints radar all who tree it to regard It as
the *most reliable and rR.vtnal remedy DI.
tainnble, 1 - pa--
The returns of the French IG.ar.l of l'....le
chew that in May the lmpnna !leveraged
73.128,000(.. and th, expertx de.'reaaerl
31 062,000(., as compared with the merest
rending month last year.
Pale and b-tie.e girls anti prenialnn It
aged women would soon gl* a place to hrt'g ht,
healthy, rosy females if Ile. {1'illeams 1'Ink
Pills were used for the illi to which women
tore peculiarly beide They enrich the
idr•el, bwdeb up the nerves., and restore tie
shattered system. re`ebste the 1periwin, rte.
fry them and he .•a(ti1Nerd. Sold by all
,leakre. or agar pet11ea receipt rot price
3O.. !er 1.d*, or ,•e base. for 1112 hlry
Dr. ifillests Med.
1..11u I 1.
IMMadA x1111101 isms Nph(hevla.
R. K. J. GORE.
Nets Pate*teee$4 M